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Density stratification and respiration lead to vertical gradients in dissolved oxygen in many aquatic habitats. The behavioral responses of fish larvae to low dissolved oxygen in a stratified water column were examined during 1990–1991 with the goal of understanding how vertical gradients in dissolved oxygen may directly affect the distribution and survival of fish larvae in Chesapeake Bay, USA. In addition, the effects of low oxygen on 24-h survival rates were tested so that results of behavior experiments could be interpreted in the context of risk to the larve. Naked goby [Gobiosoma bosc (Lacépède)] and bay anchovy [Anchoa mitchilli (Valenciennes)] larvae strongly avoided dissolved oxygen concentrations <1 mg 1-1, which were lethal within 24 h at 25 to 27°C. In addition, naked goby larvae, whose behavior was tested at a wider range of dissolved oxygen concentrations, also showed a reduced preference for an oxygen concentration of 2 mg 1-1, which leads to reduced survival during long-term exposures and to reduced feeding rates. There were no major differences in behavior or survival between the two species, or between the two age classes of naked gobies tested. Results suggest that behavioral responses to oxygen gradients will play a large role in producing marked vertical changes in abundance of feeding-stage larvae in Chesapeake Bay; mortality from direct exposure to low oxygen will likely be much less important in producing vertical patterns of larval abundance.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to provide a database of the incipient lethal concentrations for reduced dissolved oxygen (DO) for selected marine and estuarine species including 12 species of fish, 9 crustaceans, and 1 bivalve. All species occur in the Virginian Province, USA, which is a cold temperate region. The study period was August 1987 to September 1995. Standard bioassay procedures were employed, with most tests being of 4-day duration. Up to eight lethal concentrations (LCs) between LC05 and LC95 were estimated. The study provides four general conclusions about determining lethal thresholds of low DO for these organisms. First, the concentration response curve of most species did not change greatly beyond day 1 of the exposure with the exception of crustacean larvae, which were usually more sensitive on day 4, possibly due to molting. Second, acute LC50 values (1- to 4-day) for low DO were influenced by life-stage and habitat, with pelagic larvae generally being the most sensitive and benthic juveniles the least. Species mean LC50 values ranged from 1.4 to 3.3 mg l-1 for larvae, 1.0 to 2.2 mg l-1 for postlarvae, and 0.5 to 1.6 mg l-1 for juveniles. No intraspecific differences in LC50 were detected between larval stages in crustaceans or with age in larval fishes. The response range between LC05 and LC95 was narrowest for the least sensitive organisms (0.6 mg l-1), and broadened with sensitivity. The mean LC10:LC50 ratio for all species was 1.32 for larvae and juveniles, and 1.36 for postlarvae. The ratio for postlarvae represents only four species, and hence is not considered different from the other life stages. Third, variability increased with increased species and life stage sensitivity to low DO, and with endpoints of LC15 and below, which reduces the certainty of some of these results. Lastly, no influence of temperatures between 20°C and 30°C was detected in a small set of tests with thermally acclimated crustacean larvae. This data set has been used to describe protection limits for juvenile and adult survival, and for larval recruitment for the case of persistent (₄ h) low DO for estuarine and coastal waters of the Virginian Province, USA.  相似文献   

Eggs of meso- and bathypelagic decapod crustaceans were removed from gravid females and allowed to develop in vitro. The time course of embryonic development, as indicated by the appearance of certain morphological and physiological features, was determined for most species at a constant temperature of 12°C. The embryonic period, and the time between the appearance of certain key features such as naupliar and compound eyes and heartbeats, showed little variation in any one species. Significant differences were observed in the development times of different species. In general, species with large eggs have a longer embryonic period than those with small eggs, but there also variations between species with eggs of similar size. During the development of Acanthephyra eggs there is an approximate doubling of the egg volume, correlated with a decrease in egg density and an increase in the water content. The increase in the water content and egg volume is similar to that of other decapod eggs. It is concluded that those species with small eggs could have several broods in 1 year, whereas those species with large eggs are likely to be restricted to one, or in some cases possibly two, broods.  相似文献   

Natural variation in the concentrations of haemocyanin ([Hc]) is examined for three decapod species collected from two different locations (Gullmarsfjord and Kattegat) off the west coast of Sweden (August to September 1998). Only one of the frequency distributions for [Hc] is normally distributed, and median values differ both between and within species. Differences in [Hc] cannot be attributed to sex, reproductive condition or moulting condition (over the limited range of moult stages examined) for any of the species. While body size did not scale with [Hc] for the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus or the swimming crab Liocarcinus depurator, it did for the spider crab Hyas araneus. To our knowledge this is the first time a negative relationship between body size and [Hc] has been reported for any crustacean. Thus the right-skewed frequency distribution of spider crab [Hc] could be accounted for by the right-skewed body size distribution recorded. The shape of the frequency distributions for [Hc] from the other two species could not be accounted for through differences in the factors examined here, although it is suggested that the amount of food consumed (or not) may be important. Received: 19 July 1999 / Accepted: 4 October 1999  相似文献   

Three species of the marine wood-boring genus Limnoria were subjected to low dissolved oxygen concentrations at different temperatures under laboratory conditions. 28-day median tolerance limits (TLm) were 1.0 mg/l of dissolved oxygen at 15° to 16°C and 19° to 20°C for L. lignorum, 0.75 and 0.60 mg/l at 15° to 16°C and 22° to 25°C, respectively, for L. quadripunctata, and 1.0 and 1.18 mg/l at 15° to 16°C and 22° to 25°C, respectively, for L. tripunctata. The amount of burrowing activity, as measured by the egestion rate, was directly related to the amount of dissolved oxygen. A daily egestion rate of 0.116 mg per day in L. tripunctata at 22° to 25°C was the highest figure measured. The daily egestion rate was sharply reduced at dissolved oxygen concentrations below 3.0 mg/l.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin compensation in the polychaete Neanthes arenaceodentata was induced experimentally by lowered dissolved oxygen concentrations under laboratory and field conditions. Hemoglobin concentrations were measured colorimetrically and compared to the C57BL/6 strain of the house mouse. Compensation was initiated at about 4.2 mg/l dissolved oxygen, significantly increased at 3.0 mg/l, and continued to increase down to lethal levels.  相似文献   

The effect of additional organic carbon sources on the production of nitrous oxide (N2O) in anaerobic-aerobic (low dissolved oxygen) real wastewater treatment system was investigated. In this paper, three laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) (SBR-1, SBR-2 and SBR-3) were operating under an anaerobic-aerobic (low dissolved oxygen, 0.15–0.45 mg·L-1) configuration. The SBRs were ‘long-term cultured’ respectively with a single municipal wastewater sample, sodium acetate, and a waste-activated sludge alkaline fermentation liquid as the additional carbon sources of real wastewater. Off-gas analysis showed that N2O was emitted into the atmosphere during the aerobic (low dissolved oxygen) period in the three SBRs, and the order of N2O emission rate was SBR-2>SBR-1>SBR-3. It was observed that the higher poly-β-hydroxyvalerate fraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates, the lower glycogen transformation and less nitrite accumulation was in SBR-3, while the opposite behavior was observed in SBR-2. Further research indicated that the interaction of the factors above potentially affected the N2O emission in the anaerobic-aerobic (low dissolved oxygen) system.  相似文献   

S. M. Haq 《Marine Biology》1972,15(3):221-235
The breeding of Euterpina acutifrons, a marine harpacticid copepod, was studied both in the laboratory and in the natural population round Anglesey, England, with special reference to dimorphic males. As a result of successful rearing of the species under laboratory conditions, rates of development at different temperatures, and survival and maturation of all types of adults were studied. The dimorphic males developed faster than the females, and the small males had a shorter development time than the larger individuals. Laboratory observations clearly indicated that the males differ markedly in sexual behaviour, the small male being more potent, readily copulating with females, and always very active in breeding. In natural populations, temperature was found to have a limiting influence on the breeding period. Breeding began when the temperature reached 15° to 16°C, and ceased when it fell to 8°C. The most significant feature was the production of small males in nature; they increased in number with the onset of breeding, and always formed a high proportion of the actively breeding population. Both laboratory and field investigations have shown that the small male is a breeding form, and is apparently an adaptation of the species for carrying out successful breeding in the colder areas of its distribution.  相似文献   

J. D. Dodge 《Marine Biology》1977,40(4):327-336
The south-western quarter of the North Sea (between the Wash and the River Tyne) has been investigated for the presence of dinoflagellates. Extensive net surveys were carried out in March, May and June 1971 and a number of other collections were made in the area. North of Flamborough Head, the spring bloom of diatoms was succeeded by a considerable growth of dinoflagellates, of which Dinophysis norvegica was the most abundant organism. Maximum counts of over 28 million dinoflagellates per m3 were recorded. Distribution charts are given for the most common species. A total of 61 species was found during the course of the survey.  相似文献   

Hatching of the eggs of four species of copepods, Acartia tonsa, Labidocera aestiva, Tortanus discaudatus, and Centropages hamatus was suppressed at oxygen concentrations less than 0.02 ml O2/l. When such eggs were subsequently exposed to normal oxygen concentrations, hatching varied among the species, indicating variability in the capacity of eggs to survive exposure to low oxygen. Incubation of eggs at low oxygen concentrations resulted in an increase in the duration of embryonic development. Experiments were conducted in closed systems and oxygen concentration was determined by thermal conductivity using gas chromatography.  相似文献   

J. Widdows 《Marine Biology》1973,20(4):269-276
The heart beat, ventilation rate and oxygen uptake of Mytilus edulis L. were measured simultaneously, in response to changes in temperature and food level. There was no thermal acclimation of heart-beat frequency or amplitude to temperatures from 5° to 25°C. Oxygen consumption and ventilation rate acclimated to 10°, 15° and 20°C, but not to 25°C. Starvation reduced the rate of oxygen uptake and heart-beat frequency to a standard level and, in response to food, the ventilation rate and oxygen consumption immediately increased to an active level. Feeding was maintained after the initiation of active metabolism, and during the following 10 days the heart-beat frequency gradually increased to the level characteristic of fed individuals. There was no direct correlation between the rate of oxygen consumption and heart rate, and an apparent absence of a close nervous coupling between ventilation rate and heart rate in M. edulis.  相似文献   

This study evaluated models of species relationships among sinistral whelks in the genus Busycon in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Gene frequencies at eight polymorphic allozyme loci, shell morphology, anatomy, and partial DNA sequences for the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial gene were examined in eight populations, ranging from New Jersey to the Yucatan peninsula, and from the dextrally coiled sister taxon Busycon carica (Gmelin, 1791). Whelks were collected in 1997 and 1998. The maximum COI sequence divergence recorded among 32 sinistral individuals was 1.96%, which together with the absence of any gross or qualitative morphological differences, suggested all eight populations should be considered conspecific. High levels of divergence between the allopatric western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico populations, as revealed by fixed or nearly fixed differences at several allozyme-encoding loci were interpreted as evidence that the east Florida ecotone constitutes a significant barrier to gene flow. Size trimming also revealed several significant quantitative differences in shell and radular morphology between the three pooled Atlantic populations and five pooled Gulf populations. The Yucatan sample was the most distinctive conchologically, with heavy spines and tumid ridges, possibly related to stone crab predation. Based on the evidence all left-handed whelks of North America should be referred to the oldest available nomen, Busycon perversum (Linné, 1758), with three subspecies, B. perversum perversum along the Yucatan peninsula, B. perversum sinistrum (Hollister, 1958) in the northern and eastern Gulf of Mexico, and B. perversum laeostomum (Kent, 1982) in the Atlantic.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Role of habitat-structure and climatic factors in the population dynamics of the small green bee-eater Merops orientalis was evaluated in three habitats viz., agricultural lands, river banks and human habitations during 1991-1993. The river banks supported relatively high population of bee-eaters (157/Km2) followed by the agricultural lands (101/Km2) and human habitations (58/Km2). Bee-eater populations showed year-wise variations in river banks and human habitations having high values during 1992 (123/Km2) and 1993 (43/Km2) respectively. Agricultural lands showed a significantly low mean density in 1991 than other years. Seasonal variations in the bee-eater densities among the habitats were also recorded. Vegetation structure, food (insects) availability, climatic conditions and human disturbance were the casual factors for variations in bee-eater populations.  相似文献   

A shift in outcomes of predator-prey interactions in plankton community may occur at sublethal dissolved oxygen concentrations that commonly occur in coastal waters. Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate how a decline in dissolved oxygen concentration alters the predation rate on fish larvae by two estuarine predators. Behavior and consumption of larval fish by moon jellyfish Aurelia aurita (103.1±12.4 mm in bell diameter) and by a juvenile piscivore, Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius (30.1±2.1 mm in standard length: SL), were observed under four oxygen concentration treatments (1, 2 and 4 mg l–1 and air-saturated: 5.8 mg l–1). Larvae of a coastal marine fish species, red sea bream Pagrus major (7.21±0.52 mm SL), were used as prey for the experiment. Bell contraction rate of the jellyfish did not vary among the oxygen concentrations tested, indicating a tolerance to low oxygen concentration. Gill ventilation rate of the Spanish mackerel increased and swimming speed decreased as the oxygen concentration decreased, indicating that oxygen concentrations 4 mg l–1 are physiologically stressful for this species. The number of larvae consumed in 15 min. by jellyfish increased whereas those consumed by Spanish mackerel decreased with the decrease in oxygen concentration. Low oxygen concentrations that are commonly observed in coastal waters of Japan during summer have the potential to increase the relative importance of jellyfish as predator of fish larvae and to change the importance of alternative trophic pathways in estuarine ecosystems.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

The diets of fish from the tropical Embley Estuary in the eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, were analysed with particular reference to piscivory and predation on juveniles of commercially important penaeid prawns from October 1986 until July 1988. Of the 77 species caught, 52 were piscivorous, and of these 37 ate penaeid prawns. The most numerous piscivores wereScomberoides commersonianus, Arius proximus, Lates calcarifer, Polydactylus sheridani andRhizoprionodon acutus, the first four of which accounted for over 90% of all prawns eaten. Twenty species are commercially important species of prawns. The proportions of penaeids in the diets varied seasonally, according to the density of penaeids in the estuary. The proportion was highest during the pre-wet period (November) and lowest during the dry period (July–August). Predation on prawns was highest in the lower and middle reaches of the river. Estimates of the rates of predation on the two most common juvenile commercial prawns,Penaeus merguiensis andP. semisulcatus, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

A method for measuring volatile fatty acids using ion-exclusion chromatography is presented. The system was found to be applicable to samples with high salt concentrations (e.g. seawater and marine pore water) when coupled with a vacuum distillation procedure. The method is straightforward, with no sample preconcentration and no introduction of external contamination. Calibration was found to be linear, with good reproducibility (coefficient of variation normally less than 5%) and the system was sufficiently sensitive to operate at the sub-ppm level (minimum detection limit for acetate and propionate was approximately 0.02 and 0.05 ppm, respectively). This technique was used to investigate the distribution of volatile fatty acids with sediment depth at Station E70 in Loch Eil, Scotland (sample was collected in March, 1983) and the results were in good agreement with recent publications. Although the system, at present, is limited in marine pore water to acetate and propionate, it has certain advantages over alternative systems and these are described.  相似文献   

O. Giere 《Marine Biology》1975,31(2):139-156
Data on abundance, biomass and biovolume demonstrate the significant ecological role of oligochaetes in the littoral marine benthos. Their numerical and productive importance is comparable to that of many other common meio-and macrofauna groups from various littoral areas. Oligochaetes often exhibit nutritional specialization (e.g. bacteria or diatoms attached to detritus or sand grains). Consequently, food supply can control their population structure and distribution. Few oligochaetes are, apparently, consumed by predators. Hence, only a small portion of their biomass is transferred to higher trophic levels, while the main part is decomposed directly. Most oligochaetes seem to represent final links of rather short food chains. Ecologically, marine oligochaetes attain major importance only in littoral areas.This investigation was supported by the Sonderforschungsbereich 94 (Meeresforschung) at the University of Hamburg.  相似文献   

Newly molted (0-d-old) cyprids of the barnacleBalanus amphitrite Darwin were prevented from settling for 0 to 14 d at four different temperatures (25, 20, 15 and 5°C treatments). The effect on settlement success of prolonging the cyprid lifetime was evaluated using a nitrilocellulose membrane assay. In addition, protein extract prepared from these cyprids was analyzed using gel electrophoresis to characterize the effect of age on protein content and composition. Settlement success was significantly affected for larvae aged at 25 (P < 0.001), 20 (P < 0.001) and 15°C (P < 0.05), while differences in settlement success between age groups was negligible at 5°C (P = 0.09). Settlement success of cyprids increased with time for up to 3 d (P < 0.001, Phase 1), following which settlement success significantly declined (P < 0.001, Phase 11). Temperature had no significant effect on settlement in Phase I (P = 0.17), but did enhance the decline in settlement success with age during Phase II (P < 0.001). Gel electrophoresis revealed a significant decline in the quantity of the cyprid storage protein CMP (Cyprid Major Protein) with increasing age at 25, 20 and 15°C, but CMP levels remained constant at 5°C. These results suggest that, upon molting to the cyprid stage, larvae may still require a settlement-competence attainment period. This may be achieved by CMP utilization during Phase I, depletion of which during Phase II may be responsible for reduction in settlement success with cyprid age such that remaining CMP stores can no longer support the production of adult structures following settlement.  相似文献   

Calcification in Corallina pilulifera Postels et Ruprecht displayed diurnal variations in aerated (350 ppm CO2) culture media, with faster rates during the light than during the dark period. Addition of CO2 (air+1250 ppm) inhibited calcification. This was attributable to the decreased pH resulting from CO2 addition. Both photosynthesis and calcification were enhanced in seawater, with elevated dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations at a constant pH of 8.2.  相似文献   

Metabolites viz. phenol, hippuric acid and total trichloro compounds of benzene, toluene and trichloroethylene respectively were estimated in the urine samples of male and female rats after exposure for a period of 30 days. The results exhibited higher metabolism in female rats than the male rats. Their metabolism might be regulated by cytochrome P450 isozymes in a gender specific manner. However, sex differences in the activity of glutathione-S-transferases of the liver have also been found to determine their toxicity. Results have been discussed with quantitative profiles of other enzymes established in the liver of male and female rats.  相似文献   

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