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Three Caribbean ascidians were sampled from April, 1972 until June, 1973 and the breeding season determined by the presence of larvae in the colonies. In Eudistoma sp. A, larvae occurred from early June until mid-November, in Trididemnum solidum from mid-June until the end of December, and in Didemnum sp. C, throughout the year with occasional interruptions.  相似文献   

Health issues induced by mosquito illnesses highlight the need for effective control. Here, we developed an efficient carbon-dot-silver nanohybrid to control Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito species. The nanohybrid was synthesized using a thermal method without addition of any toxic-reducing agent. Monohybrids are found within the ranges of 2–6 nm for carbon-dot and 10–35 nm for silver nanoparticles with uniform distribution. The uniformly dispersed nanohybrid solutions show excellent larvicidal activity within the concentration range of 0.5–1.0 ppm. Morphological studies evidence the presence of strong bonds between nanohybrid and sulphur- or phosphorus-containing compounds such as proteins and DNA present in the larval body. This explains tissue damage at very low concentrations of nanohybrid. Therefore, this nanoweapon has high potential for field applications.  相似文献   

海南省畜禽养殖污染及其治理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周祖光 《生态环境》2006,15(4):885-888
畜禽粪便中含有大量畜禽食粮后没有被完全转化的有机质和氮、磷、钾等营养元素,也含有可作为饲料营养物质,流失进入水体环境后会造成水质富营养化,降低河流水质功能。通过实测和估算,研究海南省畜禽养殖粪便产生的主要污染物及其对河流水体的影响情况,同时研究海南省处置畜禽粪便污染的效果。2002年海南省畜禽养殖粪便主要污染物产生量分别为:COD量50.35万t、无机氮8.87万t、磷酸盐2.26万t;主要污染物入河量分别为:COD量19861t、无机氮1953t、磷酸盐365t。目前采用的好氧与厌氧沼气化处理处置畜禽粪便与污水效果较好,COD平均去除率为89%,氨氮平均去除率为88%,总磷平均去除率为75%。国内对畜禽养殖粪便的处理处置和污染问题也有不少研究,但像此文较系统性地研究畜禽养殖粪便污染及其治理问题却为鲜见,计算与估算的方法也与其它研究有所不同。  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted in the winter of 2003–2004 to assess the effect of varying photoperiod regime on consumption rate, assimilation rate, absorption efficiency, and gonad development of the green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Adult individuals were collected from the wild after they had been exposed to the ambient autumn photoperiod cue (which is the extraneous trigger thought to elicit gametogenesis in this species) and placed at ambient temperature for 12 weeks under five different photoperiod regimes: (1) 24 h light:0 h dark=“0D”, (2) 16 h light:8 h dark=“8D”, (3) 8 h light:16 h dark=“16D”, (4) 0 h light:24 h dark=“24D”, and (5) ambient photoperiod (range: 10.50–15.25 h dark). Urchins in these five treatments were fed ad libitum with bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana. A sixth treatment consisted of starved individuals held under 0D conditions. Various gonad factors including gonad index, percent gonad water, gonad colour (CIE lightness or L*, CIE hue or a*, and CIE chroma or b*), percent area occupation of the gonad by various cell types (nutritive phagocytes, spermatozoa, and secondary oocytes/ova), and stage of development were assessed at the beginning of the experiment and at weeks 4, 8, and 12 of the study. Consumption and assimilation rates were assessed at weeks 4 and 12 and absorption efficiency at week 12 of the experiment. Urchins were predominantly in the growing and premature stages at the beginning of the experiment, but by week 4 at least 20% of individuals in all treatments receiving food were classified as mature. Spawning occurred during all these treatments between weeks 4 and 8, as evidenced by significant decreases in spermatozoa and secondary oocytes/ova and a significant decrease in percent gonad water, but was not accompanied by major declines in gonad indices. Greater than 90% of individuals in all five of the fed treatments were in the recovering and growing stages at the end of the experiment. The 16D treatment had by far the greatest percentage of urchins in the growing stage. In contrast, individuals that were starved were predominantly in the mature stage at weeks 4, 8, and 12, with only ~30% reaching the spawning stage by the end of the experiment. Photoperiod significantly affected gonad indices at the termination of the experiment with gonad index being the highest in the 16D treatment; this was significantly greater than in the 8D and ambient treatments. Photoperiod did not significantly affect gonad percent water, gonad lightness, or gonad hue. Gonad chroma was significantly affected by photoperiod, urchins held under ambient conditions having significantly lower b* readings than individuals in any other treatment. Photoperiod had little or no affect on consumption rate, assimilation rate, or absorption efficiency. Thus, differences among treatments in regards to gonad index, gonad chroma, and stage of development cannot be attributed to variations in feeding, absorption, or assimilation. The results of this experiment indicate that once gametogenesis is initiated, photoperiod manipulation cannot prevent ultimate spawning. However, photoperiod regime can affect the rate at which urchins move through the various stages of the gametogenic cycle. Urchins placed on short days under artificial lighting (16D) moved through the spawning stage into recovering and growing stages the fastest. This photoperiod regime also produced the highest gonad index at the end of the experiment. Since the commercial urchin market prefers large gonads in the growing and premature stages (i.e. before the mature stage is reached and gonads start leaking sperm and eggs), short day-lengths under artificial lighting (16D) appear to be the best photoperiod conditions for optimizing marketability.  相似文献   

The shell composition of 5 species of barnacles [Balanus balanoides (L.), B. crenatus Bruguière, B. hameri Ascanius, Elminius modestus Darwin and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli)] collected from four different sites on the coast of North Wales and one site in the Irish Sea were studied using chemical, X-ray diffraction and electron-microprobe analyses. All the shells consisted of calcite. The trace substances studied were Mg, Sr, Na, Mn, PO4, and SO4. Other trace elements detected included Si, Li, Ba, Zn, Cl, and Al. For each species, Mn was the only element in the shell which varied significantly from one locality to another. Variation of concentration of Mn in the shells may be related to the variations of the concentration of Mn in the water, since concentrations in the shells were highest in (estuarine) waters containing high concentrations of Mn. In Balanus balanoides L. and Elminius modestus Darwin, the Mn:Ca and Mg:Ca ratios decreased with decreasing shore level and Sr:Ca varied in the opposite direction. When B. crenatus Bruguière, a subtidal and lower littoral species, and B. hameri Ascanius, a Continental-Shelf species, were compared with the intertidal, species B. balanoides and E. modestus, the Mn:Ca and Mg:Ca ratios followed the same decreasing trend, and the Sr:Ca ratios the same increasing trend with increasing depth. These variations may be related either to increased growth rate of the shells of each species or maxium temperature to which the species is exposed, or both. The differences between species are more consistently reflected, in the concentration of Mn. However, since the concentration, of Mn is correlated with the amount of organic matter in the shell, the specific variations may reflect only the variations in the amount of organic material in the shell of each species.  相似文献   

我国新兴污染物环境风险评价与控制研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王斌  邓述波  黄俊  余刚 《环境化学》2013,(7):1129-1136
目前环境化学研究热点逐渐从传统污染物转向新兴污染物,如持久性有机污染物(POPs)、环境内分泌干扰物(EDCs)、药品和个人护理品(PPCPs)等.环境中痕量新兴污染物往往会造成较高的危害和风险,日益引起广泛关注.应对新兴污染物环境问题,首先要了解其环境风险,然后进行风险控制和防范.我国新兴污染物的研究正在逐渐兴起.近年来,研究人员在我国新兴污染物环境风险评价和控制方面积极开展工作,本文综述我国这方面的研究进展,以期为进一步开展其风险防范研究提供参考.  相似文献   

Recent models of the evolution and dynamics of family structure in cooperatively breeding vertebrates predict that the opening of breeding vacancies in cooperatively breeding groups will result in (1) dispersal movements to fill the reproductive position, and (2) within-group conflict over access to reproduction. We describe the behavioral and demographic changes that followed the creation of breeding vacancies in three wild groups of cooperatively breeding common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Replacement of the breeding female was rapid when no adult females remained in the group, but did not occur for several months when other adult females were present. Aggression of adult animals towards same-sex potential immigrants was associated with a period of reduced affiliation, increased intragroup agonism, no intragroup sexual behavior, and frequent extragroup copulations. This ended with the fissioning of groups along sexual lines. After replacement, multiple males copulated with multiple females and vice versa, with no increases in sexually related aggression. Female-female conflict was resolved through infanticide. The lack of direct conflict between males is consistent with cooperative polyandry. After a breeding vacancy appeared, marmoset groups showed conflict of interests among group members similar to those shown by cooperatively breeding birds, but they used different behavioral mechanisms to resolve those conflicts. Our data provide important evidence from a cooperatively breeding mammal to support Emlen’s model for the evolution of vertebrate families, but they suggest that species-specific inter- and intrasexual competitive strategies should be considered before the model can be applied to other cooperatively breeding vertebrates. Received: 23 November 1999 / Received in revised form: 28 March 2000 / Accepted: 1 April 2000  相似文献   

Experimental studies provide evidence that, in spatially and temporally heterogeneous environments, individuals track variation in breeding habitat quality to adjust breeding decisions to local conditions. However, most experiments consider environmental variation at one spatial scale only, while the ability to detect the influence of a factor depends on the scale of analysis. We show that different breeding decisions by adults are based on information about habitat quality at different spatial scales. We manipulated (increased or decreased) local breeding habitat quality through food availability and parasite prevalence at a small (territory) and a large (patch) scale simultaneously in a wild population of Great Tits (Parus major). Females laid earlier in high-quality large-scale patches, but laying date did not depend on small-scale territory quality. Conversely, offspring sex ratio was higher (i.e., biased toward males) in high-quality, small-scale territories but did not depend on large-scale patch quality. Clutch size and territory occupancy probability did not depend on our experimental manipulation of habitat quality, but territories located at the edge of patches were more likely to be occupied than central territories. These results suggest that integrating different decisions taken by breeders according to environmental variation at different spatial scales is required to understand patterns of breeding strategy adjustment.  相似文献   

Many populations of animals are fluid in both space and time, making estimation of numbers difficult. Much attention has been devoted to estimation of bias in detection of animals that are present at the time of survey. However, an equally important problem is estimation of population size when all animals are not present on all survey occasions. Here, we showcase use of the superpopulation approach to capture-recapture modeling for estimating populations where group membership is asynchronous, and where considerable overlap in group membership among sampling occasions may occur. We estimate total population size of long-legged wading bird (Great Egret and White Ibis) breeding colonies from aerial observations of individually identifiable nests at various times in the nesting season. Initiation and termination of nests were analogous to entry and departure from a population. Estimates using the superpopulation approach were 47-382% larger than peak aerial counts of the same colonies. Our results indicate that the use of the superpopulation approach to model nesting asynchrony provides a considerably less biased and more efficient estimate of nesting activity than traditional methods. We suggest that this approach may also be used to derive population estimates in a variety of situations where group membership is fluid.  相似文献   

To determine whether fundamental differences exist in the reproductive physiology of breeder and nonbreeder Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens), we compared plasma levels of testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in males, and estradiol (E2) and LH in females. Although male breeders had higher overall T and larger testes, nonbreeders’ T paralleled that of breeders, and their testes were more than an order of magnitude larger than regressed testes. Breeder and nonbreeder males had equivalent baseline LH, and equivalent changes in LH following a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (cGnRH-I) challenge. The T, LH and GnRH challenge data indicate that nonbreeder males have functional hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axes. We found no hormonal evidence of inbreeding suppression in males: nonbreeders that did not live with their mothers and those that did had similar T. Male nonbreeders that were exposed to E2-implanted females had higher T than did controls, suggesting that the lack of within-pair stimulation is a key factor in whether an individual delays breeding. Female nonbreeders had E2 titres equal to or higher than breeders and neither basal LH nor LH following GnRH challenge differed by breeding status. Nonbreeders’ ovarian follicles were smaller than breeders’, but were larger than they would be during the non-breeding season. These data suggest that nonbreeders were primed for breeding and were simply waiting for an opportunity or a required stimulus. Female nonbreeders that lived in a territory with an unrelated male breeder had significantly higher E2 than those that remained with their fathers. Similarly, nonbreeders that were captured away from their home territories had elevated E2. However, nonbreeders that lived with their fathers had E2 that was equivalent to breeding females, suggesting that inbreeding avoidance may not be the primary factor leading to delayed breeding in females. Received: 13 June 1995 /Accepted after revision: 27 April 1996  相似文献   

Subordinates in communally breeding groups of birds usually help to provision nestlings, but in some species helping-at-the-nest is facultative. In species in which groups usually contain relatives, subordinates either always feed young or are more likely to do so when breeding dominants are close relatives, suggesting that benefits of helping collateral kin are important. In other species, adult group members are unrelated to each other and males may only feed young if they have gained paternity, showing that cooperation is related to the mating system. The white-browed scrubwren, Sericornis frontalis, is a communally breeding species in which most groups consist of a simple pair or a dominant pair with a subordinate male. Subordinate males either fed nestlings in a given nest at a rate comparable to the dominants, or did not feed them at all. Breeding groups usually formed through natal philopatry of males, so that about 80% of subordinates were closely related to one or both members of the dominant pair. However, because of death and dispersal, 54% of subordinates were unrelated to the resident female. Although subordinates with their mother fed nestlings in 48% of cases, they fed offspring in 75% of cases if their mother had been replaced by an unrelated female, suggesting that their decision to help is influenced by the opportunity to mate with the female. Supporting this conclusion, relatedness to the dominant male did not affect subordinate behaviour, and genetic studies showed that subordinates often gained paternity if unrelated to the female. Thus, paradoxically, provisioning nestlings is related to the opportunity for mating in a society in which there is natal philopatry and subordinates are usually related to one or both members of the dominant pair. Received: 25 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 1 May 1997  相似文献   

Summary Mortality of wild radio-tagged pheasants was analysed over six breeding seasons (1984–1987 and 1989–1990) in the Revinge area in southernmost Sweden. The aim of the study was to compare morphology and behaviour of birds found dead with those that survived the breeding season (from the first week of April to 30 June). The pheasants were kept over winter in an outdoor enclosure, equipped with radio transmitters, and released during the first week of April. In all, 49 females and 43 males were found dead and the average breeding-season mortality was 25% in males and 26% in females (not including birds that disappeared). The main predators were goshawk Accipiter gentilis and red fox Vulpes vulpes. Mortality among males peaked in late April whereas female mortality was highest in late May. Measurements of morphology included: length of tail, tarsus and wing, body mass and for males, spur length. The only morphological trait that differed between survivors and non-survivors was spur length in males; survivors had longer spurs. This difference was only found when allometric effects of age and body size on spur length were controlled for. Attractiveness and spacing behaviour of non-surviving males were recorded by telemetry from release until the last day of life, and compared with the average performance of survivors in that year. Non-surviving males moved shorter distances between days but did not differ from survivors in calling activity and attractiveness. Calling activity was higher in males that died early in the season compared to those dying late in the season. No differences were found between surviving and non-surviving females.  相似文献   

A territorial male can shift the location of its territory from year to year in order to increase its quality. The male can base its decision on environmental cues or else on its breeding experiences (when territory shift is caused by breeding failure in previous seasons). We tested these possible mechanisms of territory choice in the sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus), a territorial migrating passerine that occupies wetlands. This species bases its territory choices on an environmental cue: tall wetland vegetation cover. We found that the magnitude of territory quality improvement between seasons (measured as the area of tall wetland vegetation) increased throughout the early stages of a male's breeding career as a result of territory shifts dependent on the earliness of arrival. The distance the territory was shifted between seasons depended negatively on the previous year's territory quality and, less clearly, on the previous year's mating success. On the other hand, previous mating or nesting success had no influence on territory quality improvement between seasons as measured in terms of vegetation. The results imply that tall wetland vegetation is a long-term, effective environmental cue and that a preference for territories in which this type of landcover prevails has evolved into a rigid behavioral mechanism, supplemented by short-term individual experiences of breeding failure.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity uncommon in the cooperatively breeding bicolored wren   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We investigated parentage using multilocus DNA fingerprinting for 222 juveniles produced during 99 group-years in the bicolored wren Campylorhynchus griseus, a cooperatively breeding bird of the Venezuelan savanna. Young adult bicolored wrens (auxiliaries) remain in their natal territories and substantially enhance the production of young there. We have previously used behavioral indicators of dominance by a single male/female pair (principals) to infer breeding status, resulting in the commonly applied model of helping in which current fitness accrues to auxiliaries only indirectly, in proportion to their relatedness to the principals and the effect of their assistance on breeding success. Our parentage analysis has demonstrated that 8.6% of the juveniles found on territories were not produced by the principal pair. Parentage of 4.1% of the juveniles was completely outside the social group; these appear to result from early dispersal of juveniles rather than from brood parasitism, most likely resulting from breakup of nearby groups. Principal females mated outside of their group (2.3%), or with an auxiliary male (2.3%), in the remaining cases of parentage outside the principal pair. No matings were detected between close relatives (e.g. mother-son); matings detected between the principal female and an auxiliary male followed a typical replacement of the principal female by an unrelated immigrant female. Our finger-printing results indicate that: (1) current fitness benefits accruing to most auxiliaries do not exceed their likely reproductive success had they dispersed successfully to a breeding position; (2) nearly all wren mating is monogamous and (3) behavioral dominants (especially females) can monopolize breeding. Received: 23 September 1994/Accepted after revision: 10 June 1995  相似文献   

• ARGs were detected in livestock manure, sludge, food waste and fermentation dregs. • The succession of microbial community is an important factor affecting ARGs. • Horizontal transfer mechanism of ARGs during composting should be further studied. Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have been diffusely detected in several kinds of organic solid waste, such as livestock manure, sludge, antibiotic fermentation residues, and food waste, thus attracting great attention. Aerobic composting, which is an effective, harmless treatment method for organic solid waste to promote recycling, has been identified to also aid in ARG reduction. However, the effect of composting in removing ARGs from organic solid waste has recently become controversial. Thus, this article summarizes and reviews the research on ARGs in relation to composting in the past 5 years. ARGs in organic solid waste could spread in different environmental media, including soil and the atmosphere, which could widen environmental risks. However, the conventional composting technology had limited effect on ARGs removal from organic solid waste. Improved composting processes, such as hyperthermophilic temperature composting, could effectively remove ARGs, and the HGT of ARGs and the microbial communities are identified as vital influencing factors. Currently, during the composting process, ARGs were mainly affected by three response pathways, (I) “Microenvironment-ARGs”; (II) “Microenvironment-microorganisms-ARGs”; (III) “Microorganisms-horizontal gene transfer-ARGs”, respectively. Response pathway II had been studied the most which was believed that microbial community was an important factor affecting ARGs. In response pathway III, mainly believed that MGEs played an important role and paid less attention to eARGs. Further research on the role and impact of eARGs in ARGs may be considered in the future. It aims to provide support for further research on environmental risk control of ARGs in organic solid waste.  相似文献   

Social dominance confers potential advantages in terms of access to superior resources, habitats, and breeding opportunities. In the cooperatively breeding acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus), within-brood dominance among juveniles is correlated with relative body size as nestlings. Capitalizing on this relationship, we investigated the fitness consequences of dominance by means of paired comparisons of broodmates. We found that (1) larger fledglings retained at least some of their size advantage as adults; (2) overwinter survival of larger, dominant fledglings was significantly greater than subordinates, but was not relatively greater when resources were poor than when they were good; (3) among birds surviving their first winter, there were no differences vis-à-vis dominance in terms of the proportion of birds acting as helpers or inheriting their natal territory. However, larger, dominant males were present in the study area longer than subordinates, suggesting that they either survived better or were more successful at gaining reproductive opportunities; (4) if only one male broodmate became a helper instead of dispersing, he was significantly more likely to be the smaller subordinate, consistent with the view that helping is a best-of-a-bad-job strategy; and (5) there were no significant differences in reproductive success among pairs of male broodmates that cobred together as adults, consistent with prior work failing to detect a phenotypic correlation of reproductive skew. Our results indicate that within-brood dominance relationships established as juveniles have significant effects on first-year survivorship and at least some aspects of adult fitness.  相似文献   

Since eutrophication has become increasingly severe in China, nitrogen and phosphorous have been the concern of wastewater treatment, especially nitrogen removal. The stabilization of the intelligent control system and nitrogen removal efficiency were investigated in a pilot-scale aerobic-anoxic sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with a treatment capacity of 60 m3/d. Characteristic points on the profiles of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) could exactly reflect the process of nitrification and denitrification. Using the intelligent control system not only could save energy, but also could achieve advanced nitrogen removal. Applying the control strategy water quality of the effluent could stably meet the national first discharge standard during experiment of 10 months. Even at low temperature (t = 13°C), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total nitrogen (TN) in the effluent were under 50 and 5 mg/L, respectively.  相似文献   

To aid in the management and conservation of Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus, hereafter “Flycatcher”), we developed numerous models of flycatcher breeding habitat at Roosevelt Lake, AZ. For model development and testing, we compiled 10 years of flycatcher territory data that were obtained from intensive fieldwork between 1996 and 2005. We identified riparian vegetation annually in the project area from Landsat Thematic Mapper images, and extracted floodplain features from a digital elevation model. We created a novel class of temporal (i.e., multiyear) variables by characterizing the stability and variability in breeding habitat over a 6-year time interval. We used logistic regression to determine associations between environmental variables and flycatcher territory occurrence, and to test specific hypotheses. We mapped the probability of territory occurrence with a GIS and determined model accuracies with a classification table and a 10-year population database. Environmental features that were associated with breeding flycatchers included floodplain size, proximity to water, and the density, heterogeneity, age and stability of riparian vegetation. Our best model explained 79% of the variability in the flycatcher breeding population at Roosevelt Lake. The majority of predicted flycatcher habitat formed between 1996 and 2004 on an exposed lakebed ~3 years after water levels receded during a prolonged drought. A high correlation between annual reservoir levels and predicted breeding habitat (r = ?0.82) indicates that we can create and manage habitat for conservation purposes. Our predictive models quantify and assess the relative quality of flycatcher breeding habitat remotely, and can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of habitat restoration activities. Numerous techniques we developed can be used to characterize riparian vegetation and patch dynamics directly off of satellite imagery, thereby increasing its utility for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

In mammals, when females are clumped in space, male access to receptive females is usually determined by a dominance hierarchy based on fighting ability. In polygynandrous primates, as opposed to most mammalian species, the strength of the relationship between male social status and reproductive success varies greatly. It has been proposed that the degree to which paternity is determined by male rank decreases with increasing female reproductive synchrony. The priority-of-access model (PoA) predicts male reproductive success based on female synchrony and male dominance rank. To date, most tests of the PoA using paternity data involved nonseasonally breeding species. Here, we examine whether the PoA explains the relatively low reproductive skew in relation to dominance rank reported in the rhesus macaque, a strictly seasonal species. We collected behavioral, genetic, and hormonal data on one group of the free-ranging population on Cayo Santiago (Puerto Rico) for 2 years. The PoA correctly predicted the steepness of male reproductive skew, but not its relationship to male dominance: the most successful sire, fathering one third of the infants, was high but not top ranking. In contrast, mating success was not significantly skewed, suggesting that other mechanisms than social status contributed to male reproductive success. Dominance may be less important for paternity in rhesus macaques than in other primate species because it is reached through queuing rather than contest, leading to alpha males not necessarily being the strongest or most attractive male. More work is needed to fully elucidate the mechanisms determining paternity in rhesus macaques.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic relationship among putative parents, offspring, and helpers in 224 red-cock-aded woodpeckers (Picoides borealis) from the Sandhills of North Carolina. Comparison of DNA similarity with a pedigree constructed from 3,823 individually-marked birds observed from 1979 to 1992 provided verification of observed relatedness in the sampled population (R 2 = 0.87, df = 14, P < 0.001). In this population, breeding pairs may or may not have helpers, most of which are males that remain on their natal territory. Our sample included helpers assisting their parents, helpers assisting a related male and an unrelated female, and helpers assisting an unrelated pair. Band by band comparison and examination of similarity among DNA profiles indicated that all offspring from non-helped nests were sired by their putative parents (n = 28 families). Similarly, all but one offspring in helped nests were also sired by their putative parents (n = 16 families). In the exceptional case, the offspring evidently was sired by a male external to the group. Analysis of similarity values supported the conclusion that matings by helpers or extra-group males are rare or non-existent. Our results indicate that in this species advantages gained by individuals remaining on their natal territories as helpers do not generally include siring offspring. Correspondence to: S. Haig  相似文献   

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