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根据有关文献报道,我国的野生蔬菜植物资源约有213科815属1800余种,其中云南野生蔬菜资源就有106科,272属,375种已发现并得以鉴定。云南因其复杂多样的地理和气候条件,野生蔬菜种质资源不仅数量大而且遗传多样性丰富,具有悠久的野生蔬菜研究开发利用历史,但多数还集中在初级的资源研究应用,缺乏系统的评价利用,故其利用率不高。以实地和市场调查为主,查阅资料为辅,在对云南省野生蔬菜资源的分布、研究利用情况以及分布的生态环境进行调查的基础上,阐述了云南野生蔬菜分布特点、研究利用现状、存在问题,指出合理开发利用云南省野生蔬菜具有良好的前景,并提出了资源保护和进一步开发利用的若干对策。  相似文献   

江西省城市化进程中资源消耗特征及响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取能源消费总量、总用水量和城市建成区面积作为江西省资源消耗的指示性指标,在对其城市化进程中资源消耗特征分析的基础上,采用计量经济学的方法。对城市化作用的资源消耗响应情景进行了模拟。研究显示:①随着城市化进程的推进,江西省资源消耗特征表现并不一致。其人均能源消耗、人均建成区面积扩张有着与全国类似的逐步增长的态势,但其人均值都低于全国人均水平;而人均用水量则与全国一样呈现下降趋势,但江西省人均用水量一直都高于全国平均水平。②格兰杰因果分析发现,江西省城市化水平变化是人均能源消费增长和人均建成区面积扩张的格兰杰因果原因,人均建成区面积扩张也是城市化水平提高的格兰杰因果原因;而城市化水平变化与人均用水量下降互不为格兰杰因果原因。进一步的脉冲响应函数模拟表明:在江西省城市化进程中,城市化水平的提高对人均能源消费具有正的冲击效果;而人均建成区面积扩张对城市化具有先正后负的响应情景。  相似文献   

我国红豆杉资源现状和紫杉醇产业化对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
红豆杉资源匮乏是制约我国紫杉醇产业化发展的关键问题,野生资源的合理利用,红豆杉的人工种植和细胞培养技术是目前主要的解决途径,在分析我国红豆杉植物的野生资源的分布和资源蕴藏量,总结我国红豆杉人工扦插技术研究的主要成果和综述了国内红豆杉细胞培养的研究进展的基础上,通过对上述主要资源提供途径的现状和可操作性的比较分析,明确指出大规模,规范化人工种植红豆杉是当前解决红豆杉产业化过程中的资源匮乏的主要途径;建议在切实保护野生红豆杉资源的同时,有计划地合理利用野生红豆杉植株的小枝和针叶。  相似文献   

神农架风景资源特色研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神农架山势雄伟,亚热带与温带叠置的气候条件孕育了丰富多姿的自然景观,其风景资源具有神、奇、珍、幽四大特色。其中以神秘的原始森林和珍稀的野生动植物资源最具魅力。  相似文献   

西藏珍稀野生动植物资源将在未来5年得到更强有力的保护。根据有关规划,到2010年,西藏将建立国家级湿地自然保护区5个,建设陆生野生支植物国家级自然保护区5个,国家级森林公园5个。这是西藏自治区林芝地区召开的第三次全国林业对口援藏工作会议上确定的。  相似文献   

张家界国家级大鲵自然保护区的核心区域位于湖南省桑植县境内。为了科学地掌握该县大鲵〖WTBX〗(Andrias davidianus)〖WTBZ〗资源状况,对大鲵资源的分布区域和数量进行了调查。结果表明:近年该县野生大鲵分布区域不断缩小,呈不连续点状分布,主要存在于澧水北源流经的五道水镇川洞峡,澧水南源流经的院子及酉水流经的芙蓉桥乡泉河等14处;野生资源量仍在衰退,目前仅约976尾。人工养殖大鲵资源主要分布五道水镇和芙蓉桥乡;人工养殖资源量增加较大,约2.64万尾。基于以上现状,认为需要加强大鲵资源保护管理,重视野生大鲵栖息地生态环境保护与基础研究,增加人工养殖大鲵的野外放流数量,以逐步恢复野生大鲵资源;同时继续发展大鲵人工养殖,不断增加人工养殖大鲵的资源量.  相似文献   

汉江流域秦巴山区中药材资源优势与持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉江流域秦巴山区生态环境复杂,生物多样性突出,中药材资源丰富,具有很大优势,主要表现在:种类多;产量大;多名优特种类。中药材生产对山区经济发展起重要作用。中药材生产持 拟采取下列措施或途径;建设专门化生产基地;进行综合性经营;加强对野生资源保护性利用;加强科研工作。  相似文献   

贵州岩下自然保护区的野生大鲵资源现状及历史动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解野生大鲵在喀斯特区域的分布规律与种群历史动态,于2006年6月份、2007年8、10月份对长江支系沅江水域的贵州省贵定县岩下省级自然保护区野生大鲵(〖WTBX〗Andrias davidianus〖WTBZ〗)种群资源状况与捕获量进行了调查,并对繁殖洞穴涌苗现象进行了分析。初步查明岩下野生大鲵种群集中分布在一个以地下水域为依托,地面水网与地下河流相连的集中区域,栖息地由地下(洞穴)与地面水域广布缩小到以地下水域为主;根据繁殖洞穴的鲵苗涌出量与大鲵繁殖特征,推算岩下野生大鲵种群密度约为0085 kg/m2,总资源量约为1 700 kg;捕获量表明,种群数量在20世纪80年代末后急剧减少,90年代中期至2000年后,数量变化趋于缓和。岩下保护区野生大鲵分布的集中性、生境自然条件的优越性以及繁殖洞穴的大规模涌苗现象在全国均属少见。由于受到外在致危因素影响,大鲵的生境遭到破坏、种群生存受胁,亟待加强资源的保护与管理。  相似文献   

不同生态经济类型区生态农业模式与技术研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
开展区域生态农业建设,是推进农业结构战略性调整,加速农业由资源数量型向技术效益型转化,实现农业可持续发展的必然选择。根据湖南省近10年生态农业研究成果与实践经验,针对全省不同生态经济类型区的自然资源特点和社会经济发展水平,系统研究阐明了山地“林-药-果”、丘陵“草-粮-牧”、岗地“果-粮-猪”、平湖“粮-经-牧-渔”、水域“水生经济作物-水禽-水产”共生、蓄洪垸“林-草-牧-渔”、庭园“猪-沼-果”、城郊(或旅游区)“农业观光园”等区域生态农业实用模式的建设重点与技术要点,并实例分析了推广应用上述高效生态农业模式所产生的经济、生态与社会效益。  相似文献   

猫跳河流域开发与环境质量变异   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
猫跳河流域经过30多年以水能为先导的开发,已成为贵州经济最发达的区域,但是。由于区内工业集中、人口膨胀等多种因素的影响,也导致环境及生态系统发生变化,出现资源—经济—环境的较大矛盾。本文通过众多的调查研究资料,对猫跳河流域开发所引起的环境问题:人口变化、水利水电引起环境变异、水环境变异、大气环境质量变异、野生生物衰亡及生境变异、土地环境变异作了闸述,并对流域开发的综合效应进行了全面分析。  相似文献   

Data on the production and consumption of fruit are reviewed in the context of modelling the transfer of radionuclides to fruit, and the assessment of the consequent risks to the consumers. Mean consumption rates vary widely from country to country, from 150 g per day fresh weight to about 500 g per day. Consumption also varies with age, socio-economic class, and climate. In some countries there is a trend towards increased consumption of fruit, associated with a growing interest in a healthy diet, and these trends have been associated with changes in the incidence of cardio-vascular diseases and some forms of cancer. Assessment of the effects of radionuclides in fruit needs to take into account the use of wild growing fruits, the increasing trade in fruit between countries, and the contribution from natural radionuclides in fruit.  相似文献   

After harvesting, the activity content of fruits may still be affected by the manner in which they are treated. Long storage times will reduce the activity contents of short-lived radionuclides; preparation and/or processing may cause activity to be physically removed. This paper presents the results of a review of the available literature on these effects. Data are scarce for both storage and processing, the majority of information on the latter being for 137Cs and 90Sr. For cautious general assessments, it should be assumed that there is no delay and that no activity is lost on processing, especially if the fruits can be eaten raw. However, individual cases may require specific data if available. The use of storage of processing as specific counter-measures to reduce activity concentrations in fruits may not be acceptable to the consumer, especially where alternative, non-contaminated, foodstuffs are readily available.  相似文献   

The contentration of lead, cadmium, and mercury in 134 samples of imported fruits and vegetables marketed in Kuwait were determined using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer with a graphite furnace and the cold vapor technique. Results obtained showed that the concentration of these metal ions in most cases did not exceed the maximum permissible concentration of metals in fresh fruits and vegetables as restricted by some countries. Only a few samples of fruits and vegetables contained levels of mercury, cadmium, and lead which exceeded these maximum permissible levels.  相似文献   

Information on the transfer of radionuclides to fruits was almost absent in the former TRS 364 “Handbook of parameter values for the prediction of radionuclide transfer in temperate environments”. The revision of the Handbook, carried out under the IAEA Programme on Environmental Modelling for RAdiation Safety (EMRAS), takes into account the information generated in the years following the Chernobyl accident and the knowledge produced under the IAEA BIOMASS (Biosphere Modelling and Assessment) Programme in the years 1997–2000. This paper describes the most important processes concerning the behaviour of radionuclides in fruits reported in the IAEA TRS 364 Revision and provides recommendations for research and modelling.  相似文献   

This paper presents results on the calibration and validation of a model (Ventomod) for leaf to fruit transfer of (134)Cs, (85)Sr and (65)Zn in processing tomato plants after leaf contamination. Several models (e.g. FARMLAND) that deal specifically with the transfer of radionuclides to fruits are adaptations of models that were developed for agricultural crops such as leafy green vegetables. "Ventomod" represents a dynamic evaluation model exclusively built for the short-term behaviour of radionuclide depositions. It forecasts the level of radionuclide contamination in ripe processing tomato fruits following an accidental radionuclide release into the atmosphere. A validation of the developed model by data sets from an independent experiment showed that the model successfully reproduced the observed radionuclide distribution and dynamics in tomato fruits. The level of uncertainty was within the normal range of similar assessment models. For a more general use of this model further testing with independent data sets from experiments obtained under different environmental conditions and data from other horticulturally important plant species would be desirable.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情的发生暴露了我国野生动物保护立法在禁止食用野生动物源头制度设计上的不足,引发了社会舆论对“全面禁止食用野生动物”的强烈呼吁。审视我国《野生动物保护法》,立法目的理念中并没有体现保障公众健康的内容;对捕食野生动物没有采取完全禁止的态度,而是根据野生动物的珍稀、濒危程度,生态、科学、社会价值,以及是否为人工繁育等多重标准,分别采取了禁止食用、限制食用、特别许可、支持利用等不同的措施,存在失之过宽的问题;野生动物保护范围不周延,一些可能引发疫病传播的野生动物没有纳入保护范围。回应社会关切,对立法中存在的问题进行理性分析,应当尽快修改《野生动物保护法》,矫正立法目的理念,体现对公众健康安全的保障;扩大野生动物的保护范围,并制定相应的管制规范;实现相关立法的衔接,建立以“全面禁止食用为原则,分类限制禁止食用为补充”的野生动物风险防范制度。从源头上防范野生动物病毒传播引发重大公共卫生风险,实现保护野生动物与保障公众健康安全的有机统一。  相似文献   

三峡库区荔枝,龙眼的适宜性评价与开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荔枝、龙眼等南亚热带水果是三峡库区的特色水果,不论从栽培历史和当地的气候条件看都适宜在库区的川江河谷地段种植;恢复和发展荔枝、龙眼生产的主要技术措施有:加速品种更新改造、搞好种植区划和发展规划以及合理增加投入和加强储藏保鲜技术研究与应用等。  相似文献   

The available literature on the transfer of radionuclides from soil to fruit has been reviewed with the aim of identifying the main variables and processes affecting the behaviour of radionuclides in fruit plants. Where available, data for transfer of radionuclides from soil to other components of fruit plant have also been collected, to help in understanding the processes of translocation and storage in perennial plants. Soil-to-fruit transfer factors were derived from agricultural ecosystems, both from temperate and subtropical or tropical zones. Aggregated transfer factors have also been collected from natural or semi-natural ecosystems. The data concern numerous fruits and various radionuclides. Soil-to-fruit transfer is nuclide specific. The variability for a given radionuclide is first of all ascribable to the different properties of soils. Fruit plant species are very heterogeneous, varying from woody trees and shrubs to herbaceous plants. In temperate areas the soil-to-fruit transfer is higher in woody trees for caesium and in shrubs for strontium. Significant differences between the values obtained in temperate and subtropical and tropical regions do not necessarily imply that they are ascribable to climate. Transfer factors for caesium are higher in subtropical and tropical fruits, while those for strontium, as well as for plutonium and americium, in the same fruits, are lower; these results can be interpreted taking into account different soil characteristics.  相似文献   

Gamma-spectrometric measurements of 137Cs activities in meat of wild boars collected in Croatia at several locations with different levels of 137Cs contamination are presented. Samples were collected during the period between 2000 and 2002, about 15 years after the Chernobyl accident. 137Cs concentrations ranged over three orders of magnitude: 0.4-611.5 Bq kg(-1). On the basis of these results, 137Cs concentrations at researched areas could be categorized into three groups: (i) the area of Slavonski Brod, Lipik and Slunj with 137Cs concentrations in meat of only a few Bq kg(-1); (ii) the area of Vrbovsko and Sirac with 137Cs concentrations of a few tens of Bq kg(-1); and (iii) the Fuzine area with 137Cs values in wild boar meat of a few hundreds of Bq kg(-1). In areas with approximately equal contamination level, 137Cs concentrations in wild boar meat varied over two orders of magnitude. This fact suggests that the main reason for high 137Cs values in wild boar meat could be due to food consumed by wild boars, and only secondarily in contamination level of area where they live. Intensive mushroom consumption during autumn months could be one of the factors responsible for high 137Cs values in wild boar meat. An average dose arising from 137Cs due to ingestion of wild boar meat in Croatia is below radiological health concern except in the area of Fuzine, and only in cases of high annual wild boar meat intake, probably by hunters or members of their families.  相似文献   

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