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For immobilization technologies to be successful, the use of readily available and cost advantageous amendment is important when the remediation targets vast amounts of contaminated soils. The objectives of this study were to investigate whether the byproduct-synthesized hydroxyapatite can be used as an immobilizing amendment for dissolved Pb from a shooting range soil, and to model the kinetic data collected from dissolution experiments. A soil–solution kinetic experiment was conducted under fixed pH conditions as a function of time. A Pb-contaminated soil was reacted with various hydroxyapatite amendments to determine the dissolution rate and mineral products of soil Pb. Three types of amendments used were pure hydroxyapatite (HA), and poorly crystalline hydroxyapatites synthesized from gypsum waste (CHA), and synthesized from incinerated poultry litter (PHA). The dissolved Pb concentration decreased with the addition of amendments at pH 3–7. Both CHA and PHA were more effective than HA for attenuating Pb dissolution at pH 6 and above. According to the thermodynamic calculation at pH 6, the dissolved Pb concentration for CHA and PHA treatments was predicted to be 66% and 50% lower than that of HA treatment, respectively. A better Pb immobilization effect demonstrated by CHA and PHA resulted in their greater solubility at higher pH, which may promote the formation of chloropyromorphite precipitates. Dissolution kinetics of soil Pb was adequately explained by pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order equations in acid pH ranges. According to the ion exchange model, an adequate agreement between the experimental data and regression curves was shown in the initial 40 min of the reaction process, but the accuracy of model predictability decreased thereafter. According to kinetic models and dissolution phenomena, CHA and PHA amendments had better Pb sorption capacity with rapid kinetics than pure hydroxyapatite at weak acid to neutral pH.  相似文献   

Due to variations in soil physicochemical properties, species physiology, and contaminant speciation, Pb toxicity is difficult to evaluate without conducting in vivo dose-response studies. Such tests, however, are expensive and time consuming, making them impractical to use in assessment and management of contaminated environments. One possible alternative is to develop a physiologically based extraction test (PBET) that can be used to measure relative bioaccessibility. We developed and correlated a PBET designed to measure the bioaccessibility of Pb to waterfowl (W-PBET) in mine-impacted soils located in the Coeur d'Alene River Basin, Idaho. The W-PBET was also used to evaluate the impact of P amendments on Pb bioavailability. The W-PBET results were correlated to waterfowl-tissue Pb levels from a mallard duck [Anas platyrhynchos (L.)] feeding study. The W-PBET Pb concentrations were significantly less in the P-amended soils than in the unamended soils. Results from this study show that the W-PBET can be used to assess relative changes in Pb bioaccessibility to waterfowl in these mine-impacted soils, and therefore will be a valuable test to help manage and remediate contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Sample drying effects on lead bioaccessibility in reduced soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Risk-assessment tests of contaminated wetland soils often use experimental protocols that artificially oxidize the soils. Oxidation may impact bioavailability of contaminants from the soils, creating erroneous results and leading to improper management and remediation. The goal of this study was to determine if oxygenation of reduced sediments and soils influences Pb bioaccessibility measurements. The study site is located on the Coeur d'Alene River floodplain, downstream from the Silver Valley Mining District in Idaho. A physiologically based extraction test designed to simulate the gastrointestinal tract of waterfowl (W-PBET) was used to measure relative Pb bioavailability (bioaccessibility) from the soils. The soils were collected from a submerged wetland. One set of samples was allowed to air-dry, another set was freeze-dried, and a third set was analyzed wet. The wet soil showed decreased Pb bioaccessibility compared with the air- and freeze-dried soils. The changes in extractability of Fe and Mn on air-drying were opposite from each other: Fe extractability decreased while Mn increased. The results from this study show that redox changes may have significant impacts on Pb bioavailability, and should be considered when assessing Pb contamination risks in reduced soils.  相似文献   

To formulate successful phytostabilization strategies in a shooting range soil, understanding how heavy metals are immobilized at the molecular level in the rhizosphere soil is critical. Lead (Pb) speciation and solubility in rhizosphere soils of five different plant species were investigated using extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and chemical extraction. The EXAFS analysis indicated that Pb occurred as PbCO (37%), Pb sorbed to organic matter (Pb-org: 15%), and Pb sorbed to pedogenic birnessite and/or ferrihydrite (Pb-ox: 36%) in the bulk soil. Comparison of the EXAFS spectra between bulk and rhizosphere soils demonstrated notable differences in fine structure, indicating that Pb species had been modified by rhizosphere processes. The estimated proportion of PbCO (25%) in the buckwheat soil was smaller than the other rhizosphere soils (35-39%). The addition of P significantly reduced Pb solubility in the bulk and rhizosphere soil except in the rhizosphere of buckwheat, for which the Pb solubility was 10-fold greater than in the other P-amended soils. This larger solubility in the buckwheat rhizosphere could not be explained by the total Pb speciation in the soil but was presumably related to the acidifying effect of buckwheat, resulting in a decrease of the soil pH by 0.4 units. The reduced Pb solubility by P amendment resulted from the transformation of preexisting PbCO (37%) into Pb(PO)Cl (26-32%) in the bulk and rhizosphere soils. In the P-amended rhizosphere soils, Pb-org species were no longer detected, and the Pb-ox pool increased (51-57%). The present study demonstrated that rhizosphere processes modify Pb solubility and speciation in P-amended soils and that some plant species, like buckwheat, may impair the efficiency of Pb immobilization by P amendments.  相似文献   

The hazard imposed by trace element contaminants within soils is dependent on their ability to migrate into water systems and their availability for biological uptake. The degree to which a contaminant may dissociate from soil solids and become available to a target organism (i.e., bioaccessibility) is therefore a determining risk factor. We used a physiologically based extraction test (PBET) to estimate the bioaccessible fraction of arsenic-, chromium-, and lead-amended soil. We investigated soils from the A and B horizons of the Melton Valley series, obtained from Oak Ridge National Laboratory site, to address temporal changes in bioaccessibility. Additionally, common extractions that seek to define reactive pools of metals were employed and their correlation to PBET levels evaluated. With the exception of Pb amended to the A horizon, all other treatments exhibited an exponential decrease in bioaccessibility with incubation time. The bioaccessible fraction was less than 0.2 mg kg(-1) within 30 d of incubation for As and Cr in the A horizon and for As and Pb within the B horizon; Cr in the B horizon declined to nearly 0.3 mg kg(-1) within 100 d of aging. The exchangeable fraction declined with incubation period and, with the exception of Pb, was highly correlated with the decline in bioaccessibility. Our results demonstrate limited bioaccessibility in all but one case and the need to address both short-term temporal changes and, most importantly, the soil physiochemical properties. They further reveal the importance of incubation time on the reactivity of such trace elements.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) dissolving gradually from spent pellets constitutes a serious environmental risk in and near shooting ranges, and remediation measures are necessary to prevent its movement to deeper soil layers and ground water. In this study, the effectiveness of organic amendment and plant roots in stabilizing Pb was assessed in a microcosm experiment. Planted (Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L.) and unplanted microcosms consisting of coarse-textured mineral soil covered with Pb-contaminated humic topsoil were coated with uncontaminated peat layers of 1 to 3 cm and incubated for 77 d. In a percolation test, the microcosms were washed with ultra pure water to simulate heavy rain so as to rinse water-soluble lead (Pbw) from the topsoil layer. Although Pbw remained below detection limits in the mineral soils in all test units, acid-soluble lead (Pba) increased. Peat amendment diminished Pba in the mineral soil layer, this effect being more pronounced in planted soils, indicating that Pb was taken up by the plants. The percolation test showed that the effect of Scots pine seedlings on Pb movement was minor when peat was added. A long-term dissolution test revealed that considerably more Pb was released from old pellets into soil extracts than from new ones, whereas only traces of Pb, if any, were dissolved in sterilized pure water.  相似文献   

Bioaccessibility is one of the most relevant aspects to be considered in the restoration of soils using biological technologies. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) usually have residual fractions that are resistant to biodegradation at the end of the biological treatment. In some situations, these residual concentrations could still be above legal standards. Here, we propose that the available knowledge about electroremediation technologies could be applied to enhance bioremediation of soils polluted with PAH. The main objective of this study was to show that a previous electrokinetic treatment could reduce the PAH residual fractions when the soil is subsequently treated by means of a bioremediation process. The approach involved the electrokinetic treatment of PAH-polluted soils at a potential drop of 0.9 to 1.1 V/cm and the subsequent estimations of bioaccessibility of residual PAHs after slurry-phase biodegradation. Bioaccessibility of PAH in two creosote-polluted soils (clay and loamy sand, total PAH content averaging 300 mg/kg) previously treated with an electric field in the presence of nonionic surfactant Brij 35 was often higher than in untreated controls. For example, total PAH content remaining in clay soil after bioremediation was only 62.65 +/- 4.26 mg/kg, whereas a 7-d electrokinetic pretreatment had, under the same conditions, a residual concentration of 29.24 +/- 1.88 mg/kg after bioremediation. Control treatments without surfactant indicated that the electrokinetic treatment increased bioaccessibility of PAHs. A different manner of electric field implementation (continuous current vs. current reversals) did not induce changes in PAH bioaccessibility. We suggest that this hybrid technology may be useful in certain bioremediation scenarios, such as soils rich in clay and black carbon, which show limited success due to bioavailability restrictions, as well as in highly heterogeneous soils.  相似文献   

The immobilization of Pb in contaminated soils as pyromorphite [Pb(5)(PO(4))(3)Cl, OH, F] through the addition of various phosphate amendments has gained much attention in the remediation community. However, it is difficult to fully determine the speciation and amount of soil Pb converted to pyromorphite by previously employed methods, such as selective sequential extraction procedures and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, which often lead to erroneous results in these non-equilibrated and heterogeneous systems. Statistical analysis by linear combination fitting (LCF) applied to X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopic data of Pb-contaminated soil samples relative to known Pb reference material provides direct, in situ evidence of dominate Pb species in the amended soils without chemical or physical disruption to the Pb species as well as a weighted quantification output. The LCF-XAFS approach illustrated that pyromorphite concentration ranged from 0% (control soil) to 45% (1% phosphoric acid amendment, residence time of 32 mo) relative to the total Pb concentration. The Pb speciation in the nonamended control soil included Pb-sulfur species (galena + angelsite = 53%), adsorbed Pb (inner-sphere + outer-sphere + organic-bound = 45%), and Pb-carbonate phases (cerussite + hydrocerussite = 2%). The addition of P promoted pyromorphite formation and the rate of formation increased with increasing P concentration (up to 45%). The supplemental addition of an iron amendment as an iron-rich byproduct with triple superphosphate (TSP) enhanced pyromorphite formation relative to independent TSP amendment of like concentrations (41 versus 29%). However, the amendment of biosolids and biosolids plus TSP observed little pyromorphite formation (1-16% of total Pb), but a significant increase of sorbed Pb was determined by LCF-XAFS.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution of soil has been recognized as a major factor impeding soil microbial processes. From this perspective, we studied responses of the soil biological activities to metal stress simulated by soil amendment with Zn, Pb, and Cd chlorides. The amounts of heavy metal salts added to five metal-polluted soils and four nonpolluted soils were selected to match the total metal concentrations typically found in polluted soils of the Silesia region of Poland. From the perspective of soil quality, metal mobility in amended soils could not be described by simple functions of pH or organic matter. Reaction of Pb with the soil caused strong immobilization with less than 1% of the Pb amendment recovered by 0.01 M CaCl2 extractions. Immobilization of Cd was also significant, whereas immobilization of the Zn amendment was much weaker than that of Cd or Pb. The Zn amendment had substantial inhibitory effect on soil dehydrogenase, acid and alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, urease, and nitrification potential. Generally, Cd and Pb had limited or stimulatory effect on most of these biological activities, with an exception of Pb strongly inhibiting soil urease. The effect of the metal amendments on biological activities could not be satisfactorily accounted for by metal toxicity because no strong relationship was observed between extractable metal content and the degree of inhibition. The Zn amendment had a significant effect on soil pH, resulting in confounding effects of pH and Zn toxicity on activities. Metal amendment experiments seem to be of limited utility for meaningful assessment of metal contamination effects on soil quality.  相似文献   

Increasing land applications of biosolid wastes as soil amendments have raised concerns about potential toxic effects of associated metals on the environment. This study investigated the ability of biosolid colloids to transport metals associated with organic waste amendments through subsurface soil environments with leaching experiments involving undisturbed soil monoliths. Biosolid colloids were fractionated from a lime-stabilized, an aerobically digested, and a poultry manure organic waste and applied onto the monoliths at a rate of 0.7 cm/h. Eluents were monitored for Cu, Zn, Pb, and colloid concentrations over 16 to 24 pore volumes of leaching. Mass-balance calculations indicated significantly higher (up to 77 times) metal elutions in association with the biosolid colloids in both total and soluble fractions over the control treatments. Eluted metal loads varied with metal, colloid, and soil type, following the sequences Zn = Cu > Pb, and ADB > PMB > LSB colloids. Colloid and metal elution was enhanced by decreasing pH and colloid size, and increasing soil macroporosity and organic matter content. Breakthrough curves were mostly irregular, showing several maxima and minima as a result of preferential macropore flow and multiple clogging and flushing cycles. Soil- and colloid-metal sorption affinities were not reliable predictors of metal attenuation/elution loads, underscoring the dynamic nature of transport processes. The findings demonstrate the important role of biosolid colloids as contaminant carriers and the significant risk they pose, if unaccounted, for soil and ground water contamination in areas receiving heavy applications of biosolid waste amendments.  相似文献   

Weathering of bedrock and pedogenic processes can result in elevated heavy metal concentrations in the soil. Small-scale variations in bedrock composition can therefore cause local variations in the metal content of the soil. Such a case was found in the remote alpine area of the Swiss National Park. Soil profiles were sampled at an altitude of about 2,400 m, representing soils developed above different bedrocks. The concentration of lead in the profiles was found to be strongly dependent on the metal content in the bedrock underlying the soil and was strongly enriched in the top 10 cm. The dolomitic bedrock in the study area contains elevated lead concentrations compared with other dolomites. Dissolution of dolomite and accumulation of weathering residues during soil formation resulted in high lead concentrations throughout the soil profile. The enrichment of lead in the topsoil, however, is largely attributed to atmospheric input. The isotopic signature of the lead clearly indicates that it is mainly of natural origin and that atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic lead contributed to about 20 to 40% to the lead concentration in the topsoil on the bedrock with elevated lead concentrations. In the soils on bedrock with normal lead concentrations, the anthropogenic contribution is estimated to be about 75%. Also, zinc was very strongly enriched in the topsoil. This enrichment was closely correlated with the organic matter distribution in the profiles, suggesting that recycling through plant uptake and litter deposition was a dominant process in the long-term retention of this metal in the soil.  相似文献   

To investigate the forms of Zn and Pb and their plant availability in mine spoil long after its abandonment, we studied seven sites in the Mines of Spain, near Dubuque, IA. Ores of Zn and Pb were mined from dolomitic limestone primarily during the 19th century, and there had been no subsequent remediation of metals-contaminated spoil. From both mine spoil and undisturbed areas, we collected root-zone soil samples as well as samples of the dominant ground-level, native plants, aniseroot [Osmorhiza longistylis (Torr.) DC.] and black snakeroot (Sanicular marilandica L.). We determined Zn and Pb concentrations in both the plant tissue and in the soil samples after strong-acid digestion, and we fractionated the solid-phase forms of Zn, Pb, and P in the soil samples by using sequential extraction. Concentrations of total Zn and Pb were 10- to 20-fold greater in the spoil than in the undisturbed soils. Plants growing in the mine spoil had Zn concentrations two to four times greater and Pb concentrations more than 26 times greater than did plants growing in the undisturbed soils. The highest concentrations of Zn and Pb were in the CBD-extractable and the residual fractions in both undisturbed and mine spoil samples. Although the mine spoil contained large amounts of P, Zn, and Pb were available for uptake by the two plant species in amounts proportional to Zn and Pb concentrations in the rooting zone.  相似文献   

The pH-dependent release of cadmium, copper, and lead from soil materials was studied by use of a stirred flow cell to quantify their release and release rates, and to evaluate the method as a test for the bonding strength and potential mobility of heavy metals in soils. Soil materials from sludge-amended and nonamended A horizons from a Thai coarse-textured Kandiustult and a Danish loamy Hapludalf were characterized and tested. For each soil sample, release experiments with steady state pH values in the range 2.9 to 7.1 and duration of 7 d were performed. The effluent was continuously collected and analyzed. Release rates and total releases were higher for the Hapludalf than the Kandiustult and higher for the sludge-amended soils than the nonamended soils. With two exceptions the relative release rates (release rate/total content of metal in soil) plotted vs. steady state pH followed the same curves for each metal, indicating similar bonding strengths. These curves could be described by a rate expression of the form: relative release rate = k[H+]a, with specific a (empirical constant) and k (rate constant) parameters for each metal demonstrating that metal release in these systems can be explained by proton-induced desorption and dissolution reactions. With decreasing pH, pronounced increases in release rates were observed in the sequence cadmium > lead > copper, which express the order of metal lability in the soils. The flow cell system is useful for comparison of metal releases as a function of soil properties, and can be used as a test to rank soils with respect to heavy metal leaching.  相似文献   

Chemical immobilization, an in situ remediation method where inexpensive chemicals are used to reduce contaminant solubility in contaminated soil, has gained attention. We investigated the effectiveness of lime-stabilized biosolid (LSB), N-Viro Soil (NV), rock phosphate (RP), and anaerobic biosolid (AB) to reduce extractability and plant and gastrointestinal (GI) bioavailability in three Cd-, Pb-, and Zn-contaminated soils from smelter sites. Treated (100 g kg(-1) soil) and control soils were incubated at 27 degrees C and -0.033 MPa (0.33 bar) water content for 90 d. The effect of soil treatment on metal extractability was evaluated by sequential extraction, on phytoavailability by a lettuce bioassay (Lactuca sativa L.), on human GI availability of Pb from soil ingestion by the Physiologically Based Extraction Test. The largest reductions in metal extractability and phytoavailability were from alkaline organic treatments (LSB and NV). Phytotoxic Zn [1188 mg Zn kg(-1) extracted with 0.5 M Ca(NO3)2] in Blackwell soil (disturbed soil) was reduced by LSB, NV, and RP to 166, 25, and 784 mg Zn kg(-1), respectively. Rock phosphate was the only treatment that reduced GI-available Pb in both gastric and intestinal solutions, 23 and 92%, respectively. Alkaline organic treatments (LSB, NV) decreases Cd transmission through the food chain pathway, whereas rock phosphate decreases risk from exposure to Pb via the soil ingestion pathway. Alkaline organic treatments can reduce human exposure to Cd and Pb by reducing Zn phytotoxicity and revegetation of contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Phosphate and micronutrient fertilizers contain potentially harmful trace elements, such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb). We investigated if application of these fertilizer increases the As, Cd, and Pb concentrations of the receiving soils. More than 1000 soil samples were collected in seven major vegetable production regions across California. Benchmark soils (no or low fertilizer input) sampled in 1967 and re-sampled in 2001 served as a baseline. Soils were analyzed for total concentrations of As, Cd, Pb, P, and Zn. The P and Zn concentrations of the soils were indicators of P fertilizer and micronutrient inputs, respectively. Results showed that the concentrations of these elements in the vegetable production fields in some production areas of California had been shifted upward. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis showed that the seven production areas could be sorted into three categories: (i) enrichment of As, Cd, and Pb, which was associated with the enrichment of P and Zn in one of the seven areas surveyed; (ii) enrichment of As, which was associated with enrichment of Zn in two of the seven areas surveyed; and (iii) no remarkable correlation between enrichment of As, Cd, and Pb and enrichment of P and Zn in the other four areas surveyed.  相似文献   

Reactions of heavy metals with soil are important in determining metal fates in the environment. Sorption characteristics of two heavy metals, Cd and Pb, in three tropical soils (Mollisol, Oxisol, and Ultisol) from Puerto Rico were assessed at varying metal concentrations (0 to 1.2 mM) and pH values (approximately 2 to 7). All soils sorbed more Pb than Cd. Sorption maxima were obtained for each metal for the Oxisol and Ultisol soils, but not the Mollisol. Sorption appeared to depend more on soil mineralogy than organic matter content. Sorption isotherms were linear within the sorption envelope with similar slopes for each soil-metal curve, when plotting metal sorption as a function of pH. Cadmium and Pb isotherms yielded average slopes of approximately 36+/-1 and 28+/-1 units (percent increase in metal sorption per 1-unit increase in pH), respectively. Metal sorption depended more on metal type than soil composition. Cadmium sorption displayed a greater pH dependence than Pb. Cadmium sorption was less than or equal to the amount of negative surface charge except at pH values greater than the point of zero net charge (PZNC). This suggests that Cd was probably sorbed via electrostatic surface reactions and/or possible inner-sphere complexation at pH > 3.7. However, the amount of Pb sorbed by the Oxisol was greater than the amount of negative surface charge, suggesting that Pb participates in inner-sphere surface reactions. Lead was sorbed more strongly than Cd in our soils and poses less of a threat to underlying ground water systems due to its lower mobility and availability.  相似文献   

Lead arsenate was a commonly used insecticide during the first half of the 20th century, particularly in deciduous tree fruit orchards. Antimony is cotransported with As during the ore refining process and could occur as an impurity in commercial lead arsenate products. The total concentrations of As and Sb in eight soil samples collected from eight orchards located throughout central Washington State were analyzed by neutron activation analysis. Total soil Sb concentrations ranged between 0.4 and 1.5 mg kg(-1), while total soil As concentration ranged from 1 to 170 mg kg(-1). Total soil Sb and As concentrations were positively related. Total Pb and As concentrations in four of the soils were substantially higher than natural background, while the Sb to As concentration ratios in these soils were consistent with values measured in three lead arsenate insecticide products. These results confirm that Sb impurity is present in lead arsenate insecticide and has contributed to Sb enrichment of soils on which lead arsenate-treated plants were grown. Although higher than in uncontaminated soils from the same region, the Sb concentrations in the affected soils fall within the normal range observed worldwide and are substantially lower than values associated with impaired human or environmental health.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are possible contaminants in some former industrial sites, representing a potential risk to human health if these sites are converted to residential areas. This work was conducted to determine whether PAHs present in contaminated soils are transferred to edible parts of selected vegetables. Soils were sampled from a former gasworks and a private garden, exhibiting a range of PAH concentrations (4 to 53 to 172 to 1263 and 2526 mg PAHs kg-1 of dry soil), and pot experiments were conducted in a greenhouse with lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. Reine de Mai), potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Belle de Fontenay), and carrot (Daucus carota L. var. Nantaise). At harvest, above- and below ground biomass were determined and the PAH concentrations in soil were measured. In parallel, plates were placed in the greenhouse to estimate the average PAH-dust deposition. Results showed that the presence of PAHs in soils had no detrimental effect on plant growth. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were detected in all plants grown in contaminated soils. However, their concentration was low compared with the initial soil concentration, and the bioconcentration factors were low (i.e., ranging from 13.4 x 10(-4) in potato and carrot pulp to 2 x 10(-2) in potato and carrot leaves). Except in peeled potatoes, the PAH concentration in vegetables increased with the PAH concentration in soils. The PAH distribution profiles in plant tissues and in soils suggested that root uptake was the main pathway for high molecular weight PAHs. On the opposite, lower molecular weight PAHs were probably taken up from the atmosphere through the leaves as well as by roots.  相似文献   

The Summitville Mine was a high-elevation (3500 m) gold mine in southwestern Colorado. The mine was abandoned in 1992, leaving approximately 200 ha of disturbance comprised partially of an open pit, a cyanide heap leach pad, and two large waste rock piles. Reclamation of these mine facilities is challenging due to extreme climatic conditions in conjunction with high acid-production potential and low organic matter content of waste materials on site. In addition, stockpiled topsoil at the site is acidic and biologically inactive due to long-term storage, and may not be suitable for plant growth. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of organic amendments (mushroom compost vs. biosolids) and topsoil (stockpiled vs. nonstockpiled) on aboveground biomass and plant trace element uptake. An on-site field study was established in 1995 to identify the most effective combination of treatments for successful reclamation of on-site waste rock materials. Incorporation of organic matter significantly increased aboveground biomass, with mushroom compost being more effective than biosolids, but did not significantly influence trace element uptake. Conversely, the use of topsoil did not affect aboveground biomass, but did influence trace element uptake. Treatments that received topsoil supported plant growth with significantly higher trace element tissue concentrations than treatments that did not receive topsoil. In general, it was found that waste rock could be directly revegetated when properly neutralized, fertilized, and amended with organic matter. Additionally, stockpiled topsoil, when neutralized with lime, supported plant growth equivalent to that on nonstockpiled topsoil.  相似文献   

Microbial biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the process of bioremediation can be constrained by lack of nutrients, low bioavailability of the contaminants, or scarcity of PAH-biodegrading microorganisms. This study focused on addressing the limitation of nutrient availability for PAH biodegradation in oil-contaminated beach sediments. In our previous study, three nutrient sources including inorganic soluble nutrients, the slow-release fertilizer Osmocote (Os; Scotts, Marysville, OH) and Inipol EAP-22 (Ip; ATOFINA Chemicals, Philadelphia, PA), as well as their combinations, were applied to beach sediments contaminated with an Arabian light crude oil. Osmocote was the most effective nutrient source for aliphatic biodegradation. This study presents data on PAH biodegradation in the oil-spiked beach sediments amended with the three nutrients. Biodegradation of total target PAHs (two- to six-ring) in all treatments followed a first-order biodegradation model. The biodegradation rates of total target PAHs in the sediments treated with Os were significantly higher than those without. On Day 45, approximately 9.3% of total target PAHs remained in the sediments amended with Os alone, significantly lower than the 54.2 to 58.0% remaining in sediment treatments without Os. Amendment with Inipol or soluble nutrients alone, or in combination, did not stimulate biodegradation rates of PAHs with a ring number higher than 2. The slow-release fertilizer (Os) is therefore recommended as an effective nutrient amendment for intrinsic biodegradation of PAHs in oil-contaminated beach sediments.  相似文献   

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