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Ammonia (NH3) volatilization is an undesirable mechanism for the removal of nitrogen (N) from wastewater treatment wetlands. To minimize the potential for NH3 volatilization, it is important to determine how wetland design affects NH3 volatilization. The objective of this research was to determine how the presence of a pond section affects NH3 volatilization from constructed wetlands treating wastewater from a confined swine operation. Wastewater was added at different N loads to six constructed wetlands of the marsh-pond-marsh design that were located in Greensboro, North Carolina, USA. A large enclosure was used to measure NH3 volatilization from the marsh and pond sections of each wetland in July and August of 2001. Ammonia volatilized from marsh and pond sections at rates ranging from 5 to 102 mg NH3-N m(-2) h(-1). Pond sections exhibited a significantly greater increase in the rate of NH3 volatilization (p < 0.0001) than did either marsh section as N load increased. At N loads greater than 15 kg ha(-1) d(-1), NH3 volatilization accounted for 23 to 36% of the N load. Furthermore, NH3 volatilization was the dominant (54-79%) N removal mechanism at N loads greater than 15 kg ha(-1) d(-1). Without the pond sections, NH3 volatilization would have been a minor contributor (less than 12%) to the N balance of these wetlands. To minimize NH3 volatilization, continuous marsh systems should be preferred over marsh-pond-marsh systems for the treatment of wastewater from confined animal operations.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the influence of batch versus continuous flow on the removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen (N) and total phosphorus (TP) in tropical subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SSF CW). The quantitative role of the higher aquatic plants in nutrient removal in these two operational modes was also investigated. Results indicated no significant difference (p > 0.05) in COD removal between batch and continuous flow modes for either the planted or unplanted treatments. Furthermore, the batch-loaded planted wetlands showed significantly (p < 0.05) higher ammonium removal efficiencies (95.2%) compared with the continuously fed systems (80.4%), most probably because the drain and fill batch mode presented systematically more oxidized environmental conditions. With respect to TP removal, for both planted and unplanted beds, there was significant enhancement (p < 0.05) in batch flow operation (69.6% for planted beds; 39.1% for unplanted beds) as compared to continuous flow operation (46.8% for planted beds; 25.5% for unplanted beds). In addition, at a 4-day hydraulic retention time (HRT), the presence of plants significantly enhanced both ammonia oxidation and TP removal in both batch and continuous modes of operation as compared to that for unplanted beds. An estimation of the quantitative role of aeration from drain and fill operation at a 4-day HRT, as compared to rhizosphere aeration by the higher aquatic plant, indicated that drain and fill operation might account for only less than half of the higher aquatic plant's quantitative contribution of oxygen (1.55 g O2 per m2 per day for batch flow versus 1.13 g O2 per m2 per day for continuous flow).  相似文献   

In Ireland, no database detailing the design, influent loading rates or performance of constructed wetlands (CWs) exists. On account of this, they are designed without any protocol based on empirical data. The aim of this paper was to provide the first published data on the performance of free-water surface flow (FWSF) CWs treating primary and secondary-treated municipal wastewater, and agricultural dairy soiled water (DSW) in Ireland. In total, the performance of thirty-four FWSF CWs, comprising fourteen CWs treating primary-treated municipal wastewater, thirteen CWs treating secondary-treated municipal wastewater, and seven CWs treating DSW, were examined. In most CWs, good organic, suspended solids (SS) and nutrient removal was measured. At an average organic loading rate (OLR) of 10 and 9 g biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) m(-2) d(-1), CWs treating primary and secondary wastewater removed 95 and 84% of influent BOD. Constructed wetlands treating DSW had an average BOD removal of 98%. At average SS loading rates of 6 and 14 g m(-2) d(-1), CWs treating primary and secondary wastewater had a 96 and an 82% reduction, and produced a final effluent with a concentration of 14 and 13 mg L(-1). Constructed wetlands treating DSW produced a final effluent of 34 mg L(-1) (94% reduction). Similar to other studies, all CWs examined had variable performance in ammonium-N (NH(4)(+)-N) removal, with average removals varying between 37% (for CWs treating secondary wastewater) and 88% (for CWs treating DSW). Variable ortho-phosphorus (PO(4)(3-)-P) removal was attributable to different durations of operation, media types and loading rates.  相似文献   

Constructed wetland treatment of swine wastewater probably involves substantial denitrification. Our objective was to assess denitrification and denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) in such wetlands in relation to plant communities, N loading, carbon or nitrogen limitations, and water depth. Two wetland cells each 3.6 m wide and 33.5 m long were connected in series. One set of cells was planted with rushes and bulrushes, including soft rush (Juncus effusus L.), softstem bulrush [Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (K.C. Gmel.) Pallal, American bulrush [Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller], and woolgrass bulrush [Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth]. Another set was planted with bur-reeds and cattails, including American bur-reed (Sparganium americanum Nutt.), broadleaf cattail (Typha latifolia L.), and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia L.). The sets will be referred to herein as bulrush and cattail wetlands, respectively. Denitrification and DEA were measured via the acetylene inhibition method in intact soil cores and disturbed soil samples that were taken during four years (1994-1997). Although DEA in the disturbed samples was greater than denitrification in the core samples, the measurements were highly correlated (r2 > or = 0.82). The DEA was greater in the bulrush wetlands than the cattail wetlands, 0.516 and 0.210 mg N kg(-1) soil h(-1), respectively; and it increased with the cumulative applied N. The DEA mean was equivalent to 9.55 kg N ha(-1) d(-1) in the bulrush wetlands. We hypothesized and confirmed that DEA was generally limited by nitrate rather than carbon. Moreover, we determined that one of the most influential factors in DEA was wetland water depth. In bulrush wetlands, the slope and r2 values of the control treatment were -0.013 mg N kg(-1) soil h(-1) mm(-1) depth and r2 = 0.89, respectively. Results of this investigation indicate that DEA can be very significant in constructed wetlands used to treat swine wastewater.  相似文献   

The construction of artificial wetlands has become a measure increasingly applied to reduce nonpoint-source (NPS) pollution and to contribute to the restoration of eutrophic lakes and coastal waters. In a 2-yr study monitoring fluxes of particulate and dissolved phosphorus (P) in a small artificial wetland for the treatment of agricultural drainage water in Central Switzerland, water residence time was identified as the main factor controlling P retention in the system. Since most of the annual P load (62% as dissolved reactive phosphorus, DRP) was related to high discharge events, it was not average but minimum water residence time during flood events that determined the wetland's P retention. In agreement with a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) model, our investigations suggest a minimum water residence time of 7 d to retain at least 50% of the bioavailable P. The investigated wetland retained only 2% of the bioavailable P, since the water residence time was shorter than 7 d during 61% of time in both years. Settling of phytoplankton rather than DRP uptake into phytoplankton limited the retention of bioavailable P. The overall retention efficiency of 23% total phosphorus (TP), corresponding to a surface related retention of 1.1 g P m(-2) yr(-1), was due to the efficient trapping of pedogenic particles.  相似文献   

The emission of methane from two constructed wetlands [a free water surface flow system (FWS) and a subsurface flow system (SF)], constructed for the treatment of waste water, was evaluated at different sites inhabited by reeds (Phragmites communis), to test the effects of plant harvest. High methane emission was recorded immediately after harvesting in both wetlands. Several days after harvesting, the emission decreased in the FWS but remained high in the SF. The variation was significantly influenced by temperature, with lower emission and higher dissolved CH(4) in water occurring at lower temperatures. Both the emission and concentration of dissolved CH(4) were also influenced significantly by water quality, wetland design, level of stalk butt left above the water level, etc. The methane flux was explained on the basis of rizhospheric methanogenic and methanotrophic microbial populations. FISH analysis indicated the presence of Type A and Type B methanotrophs in both wetlands, and the methane flux was directly influenced by the quantitative variation in methanogenic and methanotrophic bacteria in both wetlands.  相似文献   

Atmospheric ammonia (NH(3)) is a concern because of its environmental impact. The greatest contribution to atmospheric NH(3) comes from agricultural sources. This study quantified NH(3) volatilization from cattle defecation and urination on pasture under field conditions in Auburn, Alabama. Treatments consisted of beef feces, dairy feces, dairy urine, and a control. The experiment was conducted during four seasons from June 2003 to April 2004. Fresh feces or urine was applied onto grass swards, and NH(3) volatilization was measured up to 14 d after application using an inverted chamber method. Dairy urine was the only significant source of NH(3). Ammonia nitrogen (N) loss differed among seasons, ranging from 1.8% in winter to 20.9% during the warmer summer months. Cumulative volatilization was best described in this experiment by the equation % NH(3)-N loss = N(max) (1 - e(-ct))(i). The highest rate of NH(3) volatilization generally occurred within 24 h. This study suggests that NH(3) volatilization from cattle urine on pasture is significant and varies with season, whereas NH(3) volatilization from cattle feces is negligible.  相似文献   

Livestock slurry storages are sources of methane (CH?), nitrous oxide (NO?), and ammonia (NH?) emissions. Total solids (TS) content is an indicator of substrate availability for CH? and N?O production and NH? emissions and is related to crust formation, which can affect these gas emissions. The effect of TS on these emissions from pilot-scale slurry storages was quantified from 20 May through 16 Nov. 2010 in Nova Scotia, Canada. Emissions from six dairy slurries with TS ranging from 0.3 to 9.5% were continuously measured using flow-through steady-state chambers. Methane emissions modeled using the USEPA methodology were compared with measured data focusing on emissions when empty storages were filled, and retention times were >30 d with undegraded volatile solids (VS) remaining in the system considered available for CH? production (VS carry-over). Surface crusts formed on all the slurries. Only the slurries with TS of 3.2 and 5.8% were covered completely for ~3 mo. Nitrous oxide contributed <5% of total greenhouse gas emissions for all TS levels. Ammonia and CH? emissions increased linearly with TS despite variable crusting, suggesting substrate availability for gas production was more important than crust formation in regulating emissions over long-term storage. Modeled CH? emissions were substantially higher than measured data in the first month, and accounting for this could improve overall model performance. Carried-over VS were a CH? source in months 2 through 6. The results of this study suggest that substrate availability regulates emissions over long-term storage and that modifying the USEPA model to better describe carbon cycling is warranted.  相似文献   

Riparian wetlands containing springs are thought to be ineffective at removing nitrate because contact times between the upwelled ground water and the underlying microbially active soils are short. Tracer experiments using lithium bromide (LiBr) and nitrate (NO3-N) injected at the surface were used to quantify residence times and NO3-N removal in a riparian swale characteristic of New Zealand hill-country pasture. An experimental enclosure was used with collecting trays at the downstream end to measure flow and concentration, shallow wells to measure subsurface concentrations, and an array of logging conductivity probes to monitor tracer continuously. The majority of added tracer reached the outlet more slowly than could be explained by surface flow, but more quickly than could be explained by Darcy seepage flow. There was evidence from the wells of tracer diffusing vertically to a depth of at least 5 cm into the surface soil layer, which was permanently saturated and highly porous. During dry weather 24 +/- 9% of added NO3-N was removed over a distance of 1.5 m largely by denitrification. The net uptake length coefficient for this wetland (K = 0.08 +/- 0.03 m(-1)) is slightly higher than the range (K = 0.01-0.07 m(-1)) measured in a small stream channel infested with macrophytes. Nitrate removal is expected to decrease with increasing flow. Seepage flow is estimated to have removed only 7 +/- 4% of the added NO3-N and we hypothesize that vertical diffusion substantially increases NO3-N removal in this type of wetland. Riparian wetlands with springs and surface flows should not be dismissed as having low NO3-N removal potential without checking whether there is significant vertical mixing.  相似文献   

The potential atmospheric impact of constructed wetlands (CWs) should be examined as there is a worldwide increase in the development of these systems. Fluxes of N(2)O, CH(4), and CO(2) have been measured from CWs in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Poland during winter and summer in horizontal and vertical subsurface flow (HSSF and VSSF), free surface water (FSW), and overland and groundwater flow (OGF) wetlands. The fluxes of N(2)O-N, CH(4)-C, and CO(2)-C ranged from -2.1 to 1000, -32 to 38 000, and -840 to 93 000 mg m(-2) d(-1), respectively. Emissions of N(2)O and CH(4) were significantly higher during summer than during winter. The VSSF wetlands had the highest fluxes of N(2)O during both summer and winter. Methane emissions were highest from the FSW wetlands during wintertime. In the HSSF wetlands, the emissions of N(2)O and CH(4) were in general highest in the inlet section. The vegetated ponds in the FSW wetlands released more N(2)O than the nonvegetated ponds. The global warming potential (GWP), summarizing the mean N(2)O and CH(4) emissions, ranged from 5700 to 26000 and 830 to 5100 mg CO(2) equivalents m(-2) d(-1) for the four CW types in summer and winter, respectively. The wintertime GWP was 8.5 to 89.5% of the corresponding summertime GWP, which highlights the importance of the cold season in the annual greenhouse gas release from north temperate and boreal CWs. However, due to their generally small area North European CWs were suggested to represent only a minor source for atmospheric N(2)O and CH(4).  相似文献   

Ammonia (NH3) from confined animal feeding operations is emitted from several sources including lagoons, field applications, and houses. This paper presents studies that were conducted to evaluate NH3 emissions from swine finisher and sow animal houses in the southeastern USA. Management and climate variables including animal weight, feed consumption, housing gutter water temperature, total time fans operated per day, house air temperature, house ambient NH3 concentration, and animal numbers were measured to determine their individual and combined effect on NH3 emissions. Ammonia emissions varied on daily and seasonal bases with higher emissions during warmer periods. For finishers, the summertime housing emissions on a per-animal basis were 2.4 times higher than wintertime (7.0 vs. 3.3 g NH3 animal(-1) d(-1)) or 3.2 times higher when compared on an animal unit (AU) basis (1 AU = 500 kg) because of climate and animal size differences between measurement periods. For summertime, the emission factor for the finishing pigs was 7.8 times higher than for sows on an animal basis and 25.6 times higher on an AU basis. Simple models were developed for housing emissions based on (i) all measured factors that were independent of each other and (ii) on three commonly measured management factors. The two models explained 97 and 64%, respectively, of variations in emissions. Ammonia emissions were found to be somewhat less than other studies on the same type housing due to more representative housing concentration measurements and calibration of exhaust fans; thus, emission factors for these type houses will be less than previously thought.  相似文献   

Federal and state regulations are being promulgated under the Clean Air Act to reduce hazardous air emissions from livestock operations. Few data are available on emissions from livestock facilities in the USA and the management practices that may minimize emissions. The objective of this study was to measure seasonal and bedding impacts on ammonia emissions from tie-stall dairy barns located in central Wisconsin. Four chambers each housed four Holstein dairy heifers (approximately 17 mo of age; body weights, 427-522 kg) for three 28-d trial periods corresponding to winter, summer, and fall. A 4x4 Latin Square statistical design was used to evaluate four bedding types (manure solids, chopped newspaper, pine shavings, and chopped wheat straw) in each chamber for a 4-d ammonia monitoring period. Average ammonia-N emissions (g heifer(-1) d(-1)) during summer (20.4) and fall (21.0) were similar and twice the emissions recorded during winter (10.1). Ammonia-N emissions accounted for approximately 4 to 7% of consumed feed N, 4 to 10% of excreted N, and 9 to 20% of manure ammonical N. Cooler nighttime temperatures did not result in lower ammonia emissions than daytime temperatures. Ammonia emissions (g heifer(-1) d(-1)) from chambers that contained manure solids (20.0), newspaper (18.9), and straw (18.9) were similar and significantly greater than emissions using pine shavings (15.2). Chamber N balances, or percent difference between the inputs feed N and bedding N, and the outputs manure N, body weight N, and ammonia N were 105, 90, and 89% for the winter, summer, and fall trials, respectively. Relatively high chamber N balances and favorable comparisons of study data with published values of ammonia emissions, feed N intake, and manure N excretion provided confidence in the accuracy of the study results.  相似文献   

In animal production systems (poultry, beef, and swine), current production, storage, and disposal techniques present a challenge to manage wastes to minimize the emissions of trace gases within relatively small geographical areas. Physical and chemical parameters were measured on primary and secondary lagoons on three different swine farming systems, three replicates each, in the Central Great Basin of the United States to determine ammonia (NH3) emissions. Nutrient concentrations, lagoon water temperature, and micrometeorological data from these measurements were used with a published process model to calculate emissions. Annual cycling of emissions was determined in relation to climatic factors and wind speed was found the predominating factor when the lagoon temperatures were above about 3 degrees C. Total NH3 emissions increased in the order of smallest to largest: nursery, sow, and finisher farms. However, emissions on an animal basis increased from nursery animals being lowest to sow animals being highest. When emissions were compared to the amount of nitrogen (N) fed to the animals, NH3 emissions from sows were lowest with emissions from finisher animals highest. Ammonia emissions were compared to similar farm production systems in the humid East of the United States and found to be similar for finisher animals but had much lower emissions than comparable humid East sow production. Published estimates of NH3 emissions from lagoons ranged from 36 to 70% of feed input (no error range) compared to our emissions determined from a process model of 9.8% with an estimated range of +/-4%.  相似文献   

Feeding more tannin and less crude protein (CP) to dairy cows may have synergistic impacts on reducing NH emissions from dairy barns. Three trials using lab-scale ventilated chambers with concrete floors were conducted to determine the impacts on NH emission of tannin and CP feeding, tannin feeding on urease activity in feces, and tannin application directly to the barn floor. For Trial 1, mixtures of feces and urine from lactating Holstein dairy cows () fed four levels (g kg) of dietary tannin extract [a mixture from red quebracho () and chestnut () trees]: 0 tannin (0T), 4.5 (low tannin [LT]), 9.0 (medium tannin [MT]), and 18.0 (high tannin [HT]); each fed at two levels (g kg) of dietary CP: 155 low CP (LCP) and 168 high CP (HCP) were applied to chambers. For Trial 2, urea solution was added to feces obtained from cows fed 0T, MT, and HT at HCP. For Trial 3, tannin amounts equivalent to those fed at 0T, MT, and HT were applied directly to feces-urine mixtures from 0T-HCP. For all trials, NH emissions were measured 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 h after treatment application. For Trial 1, reductions in NH emission due to tannin feeding were greatest when fed at LCP: The LCP-LT and LCP-HT treatments emitted 30.6% less NH than LCP-0T, and the HCP-LT and HCP-HT treatments emitted 16.3% less NH than HCP-0T. For Trial 2, feeding tannin decreased urease activity in feces, resulting in an 11.5% reduction in cumulative NH loss. For Trial 3, the application of tannin directly to simulated barn floors also apparently decreased urease activity, resulting in an average reduction in cumulative NH emissions of 19.0%. Larger-scale trails are required to ascertain the effectiveness of tannin extracts in abating NH loss from dairy barn floors.  相似文献   

The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) constructed a wetland south of Lake Okeechobee to begin the process of removing nutrients (especially phosphorus) from agricultural stormwater runoff entering the Everglades. The project, called the Everglades Nutrient Removal (ENR) project, is a prototype for larger, similarly constructed wetlands that the SFWMD will build as part of the Everglades restoration program. This innovative project is believed to be one of the largest agricultural stormwater cleanup projects in the United States, if not in the world. This publication describes the ENR project's design, construction, and proposed operation, as well as the proposed research program to be implemented over the next few years.  相似文献   

Phosphorus application in excess of crop needs has increased the concentration of P in surface soil and runoff and led many states to develop P-based nutrient management strategies. However, insufficient data are available relating P in surface soil, surface runoff, and subsurface drainage to develop sound guidelines. Thus, we investigated P release from the surface (0-5 cm depth) of a Denbigh silt loam from Devon, U.K. (30-160 mg kg-1 Olsen P) and Alvin, Berks, Calvin, and Watson soils from Pennsylvania (10-763 mg kg-1 Mehlich-3 P) in relation to the concentration of P in surface runoff and subsurface drainage. A change point, where the slopes of two linear relationships between water- or CaCl2-extractable soil P and soil test phosphorus (STP) (Olsen or Mehlich-3) meet, was evident for the Denbigh at 33 to 36 mg kg-1 Olsen P, and the Alvin and Berks soils at 185 to 190 mg Mehlich-3 P kg-1. Similar change points were also observed when STP was related to the P concentration of surface runoff (185 mg kg-1) and subsurface drainage (193 mg kg-1). The use of water and CaCl2 extraction of surface soil is suggested to estimate surface runoff P (r2 of 0.92 for UK and 0.86 for PA soils) and subsurface drainage P (r2 of 0.82 for UK and 0.88 for PA soils), and to determine a change point in STP, which may be used in support of agricultural and environmental P management.  相似文献   

Subsurface tile drain flows can be a major s ource of nurient loss from agricultural landscapes. This study quantifies flows and nitrogen and phosphorus yields from tile drains at three intensively grazed dairy pasture sites over 3- to 5-yr periods and evaluates the capacity of constructed wetlands occupying 0.66 to 1.6% of the drained catchments too reduce nutrient loads. Continuous flow records are combined with automated flow-proportional sampling of nutrient concentrations to calculate tile drain nutrient yields and wetland mass removal rates. Annual drainage water yields rangedfrom 193 to 564 mm (16-51% of rainfall) at two rain-fed sites and from 827 to 853 mm (43-51% of rainfall + irrigation) at an irrigated site. Annually, the tile drains exported 14 to 109 kg ha(-1) of total N (TN), of which 58 to 90% was nitrate-N. Constructed wetlands intercepting these flows removed 30 to 369 gTN m(-2) (7-63%) of influent loadings annually. Seasonal percentage nitrate-N and TN removal were negatively associated with wetland N mass loadings. Wetland P removal was poor in all wetlands, with 12 to 115% more total P exported annually overall than received. Annually, the tile drains exported 0.12 to 1.38 kg ha of total P, of which 15 to 93% was dissolved reactive P. Additional measures are required to reduce these losses or provide supplementary P removal. Wetland N removal performance could be improved by modifying drainage systems to release flows more gradually and improving irrigation practices to reduce drainage losses.  相似文献   

Manure can provide valuable nutrients, especially N, for grass forage, but high NH, volatilization losses from standard surface-broadcast application limits N availability and raises environmental concerns. Eight field trials were conducted to evaluate the emission of NH, from liquid dairy manure, either surface broadcast or applied in narrow surface bands with a trailing-foot implement. Manure was applied using both techniques at rates of approximately 25 and 50 m3 ha(-1) on either orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) on a well-drained silt loam or reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) on a somewhat poorly drained clay soil. Ammonia emission was measured with a dynamic chamber/equilibrium concentration technique. High NH3 emission rates in broadcast treatments, especially at the high rate (2 to 13 kg ha(-1) h(-1)), occurred during the first few hours after spreading, followed by a rapid reduction to low levels (<0.5 kg ha(-1) h(-1) in most cases) by 24 h after spreading and in subsequent days. Band treatments often followed the same pattern but with initial rates substantially lower and with a less dramatic decrease over time. Total estimated NH3 losses from broadcast application, as a percent of total ammoniacal N (TAN) applied, averaged 39% (range of 20 to 59%) from the high manure rate and 25% (range of 9 to 52%) from the low rate. Band spreading reduced total NH3 losses by an average of 52 and 29% for the high and low manure rates, respectively. Results show that the trailing-foot band application method can reduce NH3 losses and conserve N for perennial forage production.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N?O) is a long-lived and potent greenhouse gas produced during microbial nitrification and denitrification. In developed countries, centralized water reclamation plants often use these processes for N removal before effluent is used for irrigation or discharged to surface water, thus making this treatment a potentially large source of N?O in urban areas. In the arid but densely populated southwestern United States, water reclamation for irrigation is an important alternative to long-distance water importation. We measured N?O concentrations and fluxes from several wastewater treatment processes in urban southern California. We found that N removal during water reclamation may lead to in situ N?O emission rates that are three or more times greater than traditional treatment processes (C oxidation only). In the water reclamation plants tested, N?O production was a greater percentage of total N removed (1.2%) than traditional treatment processes (C oxidation only) (0.4%). We also measured stable isotope ratios (δN and δO) of emitted N?O and found distinct δN signatures of N?O from denitrification (0.0 ± 4.0 ‰) and nitrification reactors (-24.5 ± 2.2 ‰), respectively. These isotope data confirm that both nitrification and denitrification contribute to N?O emissions within the same treatment plant. Our estimates indicate that N?O emissions from biological N removal for water reclamation may be several orders of magnitude greater than N?O emissions from agricultural activities in highly urbanized southern California. Our results suggest that wastewater treatment that includes biological nitrogen removal can significantly increase urban N?O emissions.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of a continuous free surface flow wetland for removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewater, in Gadoon Amazai Industrial Estate (GAIE), Swabi, Pakistan. Industrial wastewater samples were collected from the in-let, out-let and all cells of the constructed wetland (CW) and analyzed for heavy metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr) and copper (Cu) using standard methods. Similarly, samples of aquatic macrophytes and sediments were also analyzed for selected heavy metals. Results indicate that the removal efficiencies of the CW for Pb, Cd, Fe, Ni, Cr, and Cu were 50%, 91.9%, 74.1%, 40.9%, 89%, and 48.3%, respectively. Furthermore, the performance of the CW was efficient enough to remove the heavy metals, particularly Cd, Fe, and Cu, from the industrial wastewater fed to it. However, it is suggested that the metal removal efficiency of the CW can be further enhanced by using proper management of vegetation and area expansion of the present CW.  相似文献   

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