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杭州西湖水体光学状况及影响因子分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2004年10月8日在杭州西湖6个不同湖区共布设10个采样点进行水下光场的测定,并采集水样分析悬浮物、叶绿素a、有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)浓度。结果表明,3类主要光衰减物质总悬浮物、叶绿素a和DOC的浓度分别为3.68~42.76 mg/L、4.64~85.95 μg/L、5.19~9.22 mg/L;CDOM在440 nm波长处吸收系数为0.30~1.46 m-1;PAR衰减系数在1.13~6.04 m-1间变化,均值为4.00±1.69 m-1;对应的真光层深度为0.76~4.08 m,均值为1.54±1.11 m;仅南湖和茅家埠两个湖区真光层深度大于水深,其他湖区由于水深远大于真光层深度,在现有的光照条件和水位下要恢复沉水植物困难较大。对PAR衰减系数、真光层深度、透明度等表观光学参数与主要水色因子进行相关分析发现,水体中浮游藻类和有机颗粒物对西湖水体光学性质影响最大。  相似文献   

太湖水体中悬浮物研究   总被引:68,自引:2,他引:68  
为了全面了解太湖水中悬浮物的物质组成、变化规律,选取了太湖站近10年来各测点的连续观测资料及2次定点观测资料,分析了太湖水体中悬浮物的无机和有机颗粒成份、时空分布、垂直变化、与风速、风向的关系以及与重要光 学参数的关系。研究结果表明:太湖悬浮物中有机物大概占30%;浓度大小的湖区分布大致是:湖心区>河口区、梅梁湖、贡湖、五里湖>东太湖;悬浮物浓度的季节变化是:湖心区冬季、春季>秋季>夏季,东太湖冬季>春季、夏季、秋季,其他湖区则没有明显季节变化;垂直分布是:深层>表层并且底泥悬浮的临界风速在5~6.5 m/s之间;悬浮物浓度的增加是引起湖水透明度降低和光学衰减系数增大的主要原因。  相似文献   

The present study aims to analyse the influences of five meteorological parameters (temperature, wind speed, barometric pressure, rainfall, and solar radiations) on ground-level ozone (GLO) concentrations over the region of Ranchi Municipal Corporation (Jharkhand, India). The diurnal variation of GLO concentration and the meteorological parameters were analysed in each month to understand the associations. The results indicated that the correlation coefficients of GLO concentration with SR, AT, and DPT are found to be positive in each month and also statistically significant. But, the association between WS and GLO concentration was not uniform between the study days. Furthermore, the study also demonstrates an approach for identifying the hot spots that are having the higher level of GLO concentration. The hot spot maps were produced for each month to understand the shifting of the locations of hot spot locations. The results reveal that the hot spot locations are changes frequently in each case. Since the hot spot analysis was conducted with limited data, the presented hot spots are indicative and dependent on the meteorological conditions of the specific period and cannot be considered as a robust epidemiological study.  相似文献   

The paint industry in India is broadly classified into two categories: organized sector and unorganized sector. Multinational and big Indian companies form the organized sector, whereas the small- and medium-scale industries which produce paints for the local market form the unorganized sector. The present study was undertaken to determine the level of lead in decorative paints in India. A total of 148 paint samples sourced from four organized sector companies and six unorganized sector companies were analyzed for the total lead content. Results of this study reveal that 39 % of the total paints tested (n = 148) contain lead more than 300 ppm, the voluntary limit prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards, BIS (IS 15489:2011), and 45 % of the tested paints contain lead more than 90 ppm, the US limit. Further analysis of the data indicates that only 5 % of the tested paints manufactured by organized sector companies contain lead more than 300 ppm (n = 91), whereas 93 % of the tested paints manufactured by unorganized sector companies contain lead more than 300 ppm (n = 57). Comparison with earlier reported data suggests that while organized sector companies are gradually abandoning the use of lead-based compounds in their paints, the unorganized sector companies are still adding lead-based compounds intentionally in their paints despite the potential health hazards associated with it. The maximum concentration of lead obtained was 80,350 ppm in one of the paints manufactured by an unorganized sector company. The presence of high concentration of lead in yellow and green color paints indicates that color can be a predictor of lead content in decorative paints.  相似文献   

借助于现代产权经济学派的产权残缺理论。揭示陕北黄土高原生态环境治理困境的产权残缺及其根源。进而从产权配置的有效性视角,指出理顺国有公共资源产权配置的责权利关系与效率以及对此公共产权资源增值的分享,对于促进该地区生态治理的深入进行与改善是非常必要的。文章还针对该地区生态环境治理中的产权残缺及其低效性进行深刻剖析,并在此基础上提出了该地区生态环境综合治理的政策建议与措施:要明晰陕北黄土高原生态环境治理中的资源产权,建立资源产权明晰的产权有效保护规则,并以水权为例简要分析了其治理效果。  相似文献   

宝钢股份是我国钢铁行业首家发布环境报告的企业。为了提高我国企业环境报告的水平.采用德勤会计公司(DTT)制定的计分卡,以Tata钢铁公司为对照.对宝钢股份2004年度环境报告进行评价.表明最突出的问题在第二部分“识别相关性”.主要有:未识别和指明目标读者;未反映其参与的报告编制过程;未反映报告编制的参考依据;来确定报告事项的边界。报告的其他部分也相应地存在一定问题。提出的对策:一是加强环境管理;二是充实和完瞢报告。同时,为加强报告的可信性。还应考虑对报告进行第三方审核验证。  相似文献   

本研究采用文献回顾法、归纳法,从农地城市流转外部性的分析与测度及政策工具在农地城市流转调控中的运用两个方面,对国内外相关研究进行了归纳与总结。结果表明,现有研究从内容和方法上都有待进一步的丰富和深入:在农地城市流转外部性的理论分析和定量测算方面,其外部性的内涵、分类与边界等尚未得到严格的界定与划分,评估技术的选择和应用尚存亟待回答的问题;在基于外部性内化的农地政策流转调控政策工具的运用方面,尚需在分析思路、政策工具的系统化和细节设计方面有所深入;在实证研究方面,亟需结合我国国情结合具体事例探讨政策工具运用的预期效果及不同政策工具可能的交互作用;此外,应考虑不确定与信息不对称对调控政策工具运行效率的影响。因此,我国学者应借鉴国内外已有的研究成果和经验,从外部性内化的角度设计适于我国国情的政策工具,从而为农地城市流转调控提供可靠的理论依据,以达到合理规制农地转用秩序的目的。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is merely to review the current situation in the designing and implementation of the emission trading programs in Europe. Historical data show that although there is a series of shortcomings in their current functioning, employing such instruments for GHG reduction policy making is strongly expected to be efficient and effective. The European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) are just a few examples of the ambitious EU initiative that heavily relies on such instruments. We dwell on their operations and achievements by far and all the content in this article is expected to convince the Chinese government and regional public authorities to take positive actions and attitudes in promoting these instruments.  相似文献   

How to choose among the dozen policy instruments available to environmental management agencies has been a matter of concern and debate among environmental economists for the entire life of the profession – nearly four decades. The ability, or lack of it, to measure the quantities or observe the actions made "enforceable" by particular policy instruments ought clearly to be central to this choice. However, all too often the monitoring problem has been assumed away. When it is reintroduced in realistic forms, we find, not surprisingly, that some favorite policy instruments, such as pollution charges, are not applicable to some important problems, such as runoff pollution from farms; that marginal subsidies, by changing the burden of proof, may no longer be symmetric with charges; and that the apparent freedom from monitoring requirements of the newly fashionable instrument involving the public provision of information about firms or products is "paid for" by our inability to say anything about its performance on other dimensions that are also of interest. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Instruments for the measurements of radon and its decay products in earthquake research are based mostly on the detection of alpha particles. The devices and methods used, depend on whether the techniques measure radon or radon decay products, and the duration of the measurements, of which there are three types: (i) grab or instantaneous; (ii) integrating; and (iii) continuous. Other criteria used in the design of these instruments are field measurements applicability. portability. convenience and reliability. With the recent increased demand for radon and radon decay products measurements, instruments development has focused on the design of appropriate devices for short-term measurements, as well as on more complex and sophisticated instruments for long-term measurements used in radon research for geophysical, geochemical and hydrological studies.  相似文献   

伴随着新能源汽车产业的发展,中国政府有关新能源汽车产业政策也在不断地跟进。梳理相关产业政策变迁之中的内在逻辑,分析政策工具的选择是一项极为重要的任务。本文基于政策框架理论及其分析方法,对有关新能源汽车研究文献进行了分析,将关注重点从政策的评价转到从历史的角度关注新能源政策变迁的推动力上。政策变迁是与其动力因素密切相关的,这些动力因素又总是体现为政策变迁的主导力量。在中国新能源汽车产业的政策变迁历程中,其主导力量或政策制定的主要影响因素不断变化,中国新能源汽车的发展政策也可以分为政府主导、汽车厂商主导和消费者主导的三个阶段。政策变迁体现了政策本身的社会价值。基于中国新能源汽车发展的各种不同政策要素及其相关性,本文发现,在中国新能源汽车产业的组织性政策工具、管制性政策工具、经济诱因性政策工具、信息性政策工具和资源性政策工具这五个方面,经济诱因性工具和信息性工具应该是推动新能源汽车产业的关键工具,组织性和管制性工具只适用于产业化初期,后期应逐渐减少,而自愿性工具在新能源汽车产业市场完善前不提倡使用,在该产业市场得到完善后可以成为政府的选择之一。经过研究发现,在新能源汽车产业发展过程中,政府应注意自身的作用范围,适当处理市场与政府规制的便捷,降低交易成本,提高规制效率,是未来产业化政策工具选择应重点关注的环节。同时,政府必须在政策上致力于技术创新,把通过技术创新推动新能源汽车产业发展作为重要的政策目标。  相似文献   

A new automated version of the piezoelectric microbalance measures the mass concentration of airborne particles smaller than a preselected aerodynamic cutoff diameter. It is designed for near-real-time, unattended, round-the-clock measurements of nearly any aerosol environment inhabited by humans. The instrument uses an electrostatic precipitator to deposit particles with greater than 95% efficiency onto a piezoelectric quartz crystal sensor which is able to detect a deposit of 0.005 μg. The precipitator and sensor are nearly identical to those in the portable instrument reported previously. Measurements comparing within ± 15% with gravimetrically measured filter samples are documented for a wide variety of aerosols in the 50 μg/m3 to 5.5 mg/m3 range. The instrument measures particles from 10 μm down to 0.01 μm in diameter, including submicron combustion smokes and metallic fumes. The piezoelectric microbalance technique senses the mass concentration of the aerosol, rather than light scattering properties as is done by photometers and nephelometers. The piezobalance, with 1 L/min sample flow, is more sensitive than any other mass-sensing instrument, making it especially suited for low concentration indoor measurements, even below 50 μg/m3. An automatic piezobalance recently measured respirable aerosol mass concentrations in several offices. Each measurement was the average concentration during a 30-min period. The 24-h/day measurements continued for several days. Especially interesting is the diurnal pattern, both for offices with and without smokers. The effect of a single nearby smoker was clearly illustrated when the smoker was absent one day in the middle of a week. Normal daytime peak concentrations in that office reached 80–110 μg/m3 with a smoker present, but only 50–60 μg/m3 when the smoker was absent. Curious smokers who briefly stopped byt o see the instrument caused single half-hour averages to triple, to values as high as 294 μg/m3 in one office.  相似文献   

To quantify the effectiveness of Sub-Slab Depressurisation, widely used in the United Kingdom (U.K.) to mitigate indoor radon gas levels in residential properties, a study was made of radon concentration data collected from a set of 170 homes situated in Radon Affected Areas in Northamptonshire and neighbouring counties, remediated using conventional sump/pump technology. A high incidence of satisfactory remediation outcomes was achieved, with 100% of the houses remediated demonstrating post-remediation radon concentrations below the U.K. domestic Action Level of 200 Bq m(-3), while more than 75% of the sample exhibited radon mitigation factors (defined as the ratio of radon concentrations following and prior to remediation) <0.2. Two systematic trends are identified. Firstly, absolute radon concentration reduction following remediation is directly proportional to initial radon concentration, with a mean reduction factor of 0.96 and a residual component of around 75 Bq m(-3). Secondly, houses with lower initial radon concentrations demonstrate poorer (higher) mitigation factors. These observations support a model in which the total indoor radon concentration within a dwelling can be represented by two principal components, one susceptible to mitigation by sub-slab depressurisation, the other remaining essentially unaffected. The first component can be identified with radon emanating from the subsoil and bedrock geologies, percolating through the foundations of the dwelling as a component of the soil-gas, and potentially capable of being attenuated by sub-slab depressurisation or radon-barrier remediation technologies. The second contribution can be identified with radon emanating from materials used in the construction of the dwelling with a further contribution from the natural background level, and is essentially unaffected by ground-level remediation strategies. Modelling of a multi-component radon dependency using ground-radon attenuation factors derived from the experimental data, in conjunction with typical background and structural-radon levels, yields behaviour in good agreement with the observed dependence of mitigation factor on initial radon concentration.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes are an important environmental and economic resource for Canada and the United States. The ecological integrity of the Great Lakes, however, is becoming increasingly threatened by a number of persistent, bio-accumulative and harmful chemicals that enter the Great Lakes ecosystem through fluvial and atmospheric deposition. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a class of brominated flame retardant, are among such chemicals, whose concentration in the Great Lakes has greatly increased in recent years. Despite growing concern over the possible health and environmental effects of these compounds, only four of the eight Great Lakes states have enacted regulations to ban/restrict the use of PBDE while the two Canadian Great Lakes provinces are yet to endorse any regulation. Of the three main commercial PBDE mixtures (pentaBDE, octaBDE and decaBDE), penta- and octaBDE are no longer manufactured or imported into the United States and Canada. DecaBDE, however, still finds use in a variety of products. In the present paper, the authors review the current regulations and policies for managing PBDEs in the Great Lakes jurisdictions and briefly review commercially available non-bromine chemical alternatives to PBDE. As these alternatives are comparatively more expensive than PBDE, future adoption of more eco-friendly flame retardants by the polymer industry will likely depend on stricter legislation regulating the use of PBDE and/or an increased public demand for PBDE-free products.  相似文献   

现阶段中国大力开展新能源汽车示范推广工作,中央及各地方政府已相继出台一系列补贴政策。在严厉打击新能源汽车"骗补"及补贴政策重新调整等背景下,分析梳理现有政策从而对其进行整体把握与正确判断显得尤为重要,从而为政策改进与优化做准备。本文选取了截至2016年底国家和北京市颁布的涉及新能源汽车补贴的相关政策。首先,从采用文本挖掘的方法整理出的政策文本的高频有效关键词从中提炼出的政策工具,可分为供给型、需求型、环境型三类,分别从技术推动、市场拉动和环境支撑三个方面促进和规范新能源汽车市场。发现现有政策工具仍存在一些问题,如缺乏支持新能源汽车技术提升和产品开发的供给型政策工具;环境型政策工具的作用重点欠科学,对充电基础设施建设的重视程度不够;补贴过于聚焦新能源汽车购买环节等。其次,结合政策特点运用PMC指数模型构建了新能源汽车补贴政策的量化评价框架,通过变量分类、参数识别建立了多投入产出表,并通过PMC指数的测量、PMC曲面的生成综合反映政策各维度的情况。再次,采用实证分析的方法,选取3项新能源汽车补贴政策(P1、P2、P3)为研究对象,对政策进行量化评价。结果得出3项政策的PMC指数分别为7.52、6.95、6.21,均在良好的等级之内,P1政策的量化结果为优秀,P2、P3政策结果为良好,且具有较大的提升空间,可考虑在激励措施等方面予以加强。最后,根据新能源汽车补贴政策无法取得预期效果的原因,提出三点政策优化意见:(1)重视供给型政策工具的使用,加大新能源汽车科研资金投入;(2)环境型政策工具的作用重点应放在充电等基础设施的建设上;(3)需求型可考虑采取以公共交通带动私人交通的策略。  相似文献   

Natural attenuation of contaminated soils   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Natural attenuation is increasing in use as a low cost means of remediating contaminated soil and groundwater. Modelling of contaminant migration plays a key role in evaluating natural attenuation as a remediation option and in ensuring that there will be no adverse impact on humans and the environment. During natural attenuation, the contamination must be characterized thoroughly and monitored through the process. In this paper, attenuation mechanisms for both organic and inorganic contaminants, use of models and protocols, role of monitoring and field case studies will be reviewed.  相似文献   

生态系统服务市场化工具作为一种与命令控制型进路相对的环境政策工具,最初与污染问题相联系而出现,之后扩展至生物多样性和生态系统服务的保护,被认为能够更有效地应对市场失灵,为自然资源管理提供正向激励,有助于优化资源配置以及填补生态保护资金缺口。通过对生态系统服务市场化工具概念、类型和适用的考察,可以发现生态系统服务市场化工具的概念虽频繁出现,但界定过于宽泛模糊,几乎泛指所有带有价格成分的工具;生态系统服务市场化工具的类型划分并不一致,基于归纳的类型划分将现行市场化工具归纳为基于价格的机制、基于数量的机制和市场摩擦机制三类,而基于演绎的类型划分,则将市场化工具分为直接市场交易、许可证交易、反向拍卖、科斯类型协议、调控价格变化和自愿性价格信号六类;生态系统服务市场化工具的适用需要以生态系统服务的货币化为前提,受制于制度背景,并且应当针对市场的弊端予以法律规制,确保交易能够真正提供环境效益;市场化工具的选择不仅有赖于数字运算,还应当考虑多种因素并予以权衡,同时综合运用各种市场化或非市场化工具。中国在建立健全生态保护市场体系的过程中,应当把握生态系统服务市场化工具通过生态系统服务货币化和商品化解决环境外部性问题这一实质,理解缓解银行、生态系统服务付费、反向拍卖、生态标签和生态认证等典型市场化工具的运行机理,明确生态系统服务市场化工具适用的前提和规则,更好地发挥市场化工具的积极功效,从而实现特定的环境政策目标。  相似文献   

河口海岸带盐沼植被的消浪护岸功能一直备受国内外学者关注。以长江河口地区海岸带盐沼植被为研究对象,在长江口崇明岛东滩、北八滧和东南部区域设置6条样带,每条样带布设3个测点,测点位置依据“光滩与盐沼交界-盐沼-盐沼”的模式布设,利用波潮仪、Trimble R8卫星接收机等仪器开展野外波浪数据、地形坡度、植被生长状况等综合测量,分析不同盐沼植被的消浪功能。研究结果表明:(1)自然状态下,典型盐沼植被,距海同等距离下的消浪强弱关系为互花米草>芦苇>海三棱藨草。波浪经过30 m宽的互花米草时,有效波高衰减80%,波能衰减90%;同样衰减80%的有效波高,则需要经过40 m宽的芦苇,或185 m的海三棱藨草区域。(2)植被消浪护岸功能受植被生长特征、空间分布、植被密度、坡度、土壤特性等多重要素影响,但植被密度是影响植被消浪护岸功能的主要因素,波浪在海三棱藨草区的衰减规律为多项式函数关系,在互花米草区域呈现为指数函数关系,在芦苇区呈现对数函数趋势。 关键词: 盐沼植被;生态功能;消浪护岸;波浪衰减;长江口  相似文献   

The capabilities of some building materials used in Jordan to attenuate gamma radiation were tested. Measurements of the attenuation coefficients of limestone, bricks and concrete have been carried out using a HPGe-spectrometer. Narrow beam technique was used, with a multiple gamma radiation source of different energy lines. Results indicate that variations in the attenuation coefficient for all limestone samples, at the same energy line, are within the experimental uncertainties. On the basis of the results achieved, an empirical formula mu(m)=AE(-0.44) was proposed to calculate attenuation at various incident energies. Limestone of average thickness 7cm was found to stop 75% of a gamma beam of energy 662keV. Meanwhile a brick of effective thickness 7cm was found to stop 60% of the same beam. The total attenuation coefficient of concrete calculated at 1333keV was 11.2m(-1), which is less than that of limestone and bricks.  相似文献   

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