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On 15 dates, 5000 measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) were made in downtown commercial settings in four California towns and cities (San Francisco, Palo Alto, Mountain View, and Los Angeles), using personal exposure monitoring (PEM) instruments. Altogether, 588 different commercial settings were visited, and indoor and outdoor locations were sampled at each setting. On 11 surveys, two CO PEM's were carried about 0.15–6 m apart, giving 1706 pairs of observations that showed good agreement: the correlation coefficient was r = 0.97 or greater, and the average difference was less than 1 ppm (μL/L) by volume. Of 210 indoor settings (excluding parking garages), 204 (97.1%) had average CO concentrations less than 9 ppm (μL/L); of 368 outdoor settings, 356 (96.7%) had average CO concentrations less than 9 ppm (μL/L). For a given date and commercial setting, CO concentrations were found to be relatively stable over time, permitting levels to be characterized by making only brief visits to each setting. The data indicate that most commercial settings experience CO concentrations above zero indoors, because CO tends to seep into buildings from vehicular emissions outside. Levels in these locations usually are not above 5 ppm (μL/L) and seldom are higher than the U.S. health-related ambient air quality standards for CO. However, indoor garages and buildings with attached indoor parking areas are exceptions and can experience relatively high CO concentrations.  相似文献   

Four models for human exposure to air pollution are discussed and compared. The simple microenvironment monitoring model measures pollutant concentrations at fixed locations, regarded as proxies for similar locations or microenvironments. Since this model does not require pollutant measurements on the individual level, it is easy to implement. However, the model can only be used to estimate the average exposure in a population, and it does not provide any estimate of the variability and distribution of individual exposures. The replicated microenvironment monitoring model provides some estimates of the variability and distribution. However, because of the possible discrepancy between the microenvironment concentration distribution and the individual concentration distribution, some adjustment might be necessary. Integrated personal monitoring allows direct estimation of the average exposure as well as the variability and distribution of individual exposures. Coupled with the appropriate time budget data, a regression analysis can be applied to estimate the contribution from each microenvironment type. However, possible collinearity problems might result in low precision in those estimates. Moreover, it might be difficult to adjust for a possible Hawthorne effect. Continuous personal monitoring has the advantage of recording exposure in each microenvironment type separately, allowing direct estimation of the average exposure as well as the variability and distribution of exposures in each microenvironment type. Moreover, it can also be conducted in conjunction with a two-stage sampling scheme, using information from a large data base on activity patterns, thereby making more efficient use of the monitoring data. It is also easier to adjust for a possible Hawthorne effect in this design.  相似文献   

In recent years, considerable attention has focused on the concept of “human exposure” to environmental pollutants, but different investigators seem to have developed different definitions of this concept and used different approaches for estimating it. This paper reviews a number of “exposure” studies in a single environmental medium—air pollution—to see how others have defined this concept in the literature. Many previous investigators unfortunately calculate “exposures” by relying on data from fixed air monitoring stations, and they assume that people are located in the same place, usually their residential address, throughout a 24-h period. However, a second body of literature shows that fixed air monitoring stations do not necessarily reflect human exposures, because concentrations observed indoors—in homes, offices, factories, and motor vehicles—differ from those observed at fixed stations, and people usually spend considerable time in these locations. In an effort to standardize the nomenclature dealing with exposures, a definition is proposed in which the pollutant must come into contact with the physical boundary of the person. Then, exposure of person i to pollutant concentration c is viewed as two events occurring jointly: person i is present at a particular location, and concentration c is present at the same location. Mathematical definitions for “integrated exposure,” “average exposure,” and “standardized exposure” with various averaging periods also are introduced. Finally, two different yet compatible research approaches are suggested for determining human exposures to air pollution.  相似文献   

Daily intake of lead, cadmium, aluminium, radiocaesium, DDT and metabolites, and lindane in the whole-day food rations collected in hospital canteens in Kraków, ?ód?, Olsztyn and Poznań in winters of 1993-1994, 1995 and 1996 were determined. The diets contained almost 40 microg of cadmium, corresponding to 70% of PTWI, and compared to the levels recognised as safe (ADI or PTWI) small amounts of the other contaminants. The highest content of Pb, Cd, Al and lindane was determined in the diets collected in Kraków, that of radiocaesium in ?ód?, and DDT level was the highest in Poznań. The whole-day food rations from Olsztyn, situated in a region called "green lungs of Poland", were not statistically less contaminated than the diets from the other towns. The Pb and radiocaesium levels decreased significantly with time.  相似文献   

A badge-type personal sampler was developed for measuring personal exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2). An absorbent sheet containing triethanolamine (TEA) solution absorbed NO2 which diffused through five layers of hydrophobic fiber filter. Wind effects on absorption rate were suppressed by these filter layers. NO2 was measured by the sampler with a sensitivity of 124.8 μg h/m3 (66 ppb h) and an accuracy of within ± 20%. It could be used for measuring personal exposure to NO2 without interfering with the wearer's daily activities. Nitric oxide (NO) could be measured after a small modification to the sampler provided oxidation ability to the layers of diffusion filter. Three layers of hydrophobic fiber filter were replaced by 12 layers of glass fiber filter containing chromium trioxide solution. NO was oxidized to NO2 in the oxidation layers and absorbed by the absorbent sheet together with the coexisting NO2. Sensitivity and accuracy of the sampler for NO were nearly equal to that for NO2.  相似文献   

Given that Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated cities in the world, the exposure of the Hong Kong people is one of the interesting research areas. In this study, an indirect approach was used to estimate the exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), respiratory dust (PM10) and carbon monoxide (CO) pollutants experienced by different age groups of people in Hong Kong. The average concentrations of the 20 major microenvironments obtained from our measurement survey data, together with the people activity pattern data obtained from 7-day recall questionnaires, were used to predict frequency distributions to exposure assessment. Our results showed that Hong Kong people spent more than 86% of their time indoors. Homes were shown to be the one of the major exposure sites to NO2, CO and PM10 for all age groups. Our results also indicate that the 24-h NO2 exposure for individuals, irrespective of age, spending more than 2 h in commuting daily, was observed to be exceeding the 24-h NO2 exposure standards. This study was one of the pioneering studies with valuable contribution for modeling the estimates of exposures to NO2, PM10 and CO of different age groups in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Exposure assessment studies in the developing world are important. Although recent years have seen an increasing number of traffic-related pollution exposure studies, exposure assessment data on this topic are still limited. Differences among measuring methods and a lack of strict quality control in carrying out exposure assessment make it difficult to generalize and compare findings between studies. In this article, exposure assessment studies carried out in the developing world on several traffic-related air pollutants are reviewed. These pollutants include particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In addition, it discusses advantages and disadvantages of various monitoring methods (ambient fixed-site monitoring, microenvironment monitoring, and personal exposure assessment using portable samplers) for these pollutants in exposure assessment studies. Also included in this paper is a brief introduction of standards for these pollutants in ambient air or in occupational settings established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The review ends with a summary of the limitations and gaps in recent studies and suggestions for future research in the developing world.  相似文献   

Background exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), lipophilic xenobiotics that accumulate mainly in adipose tissue, has recently emerged as a new risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. This prospective study was performed to evaluate if plasma concentrations of selected POPs predict incident stroke among the elderly. Twenty‐one POPs (including 16 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, 3 organochlorine (OC) pesticides, 1 brominated diphenyl ether (BDE), and 1 dioxin) were measured in plasma collected at baseline in 898 participants aged 70 years of the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS). Stroke diagnosis was validated by hospital records. During the five year follow-up, 35 subjects developed hospital-treated stroke. After adjusting for known stroke risk factors, most PCBs with 4, 5, or 6 chlorine atoms, p,p′-DDE, trans-nonachlor, and octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin significantly predicted the risk of stroke. Across quartiles of summary measures of PCBs and OC pesticides, the adjusted ORs were 1.0, 0.8 (95% confidence interval: 0.2–2.5), 1.2 (0.4–3.4), and 2.1 (0.7–6.2) for PCBs and 1.0, 1.2 (0.3–4.2), 2.3 (0.7–6.9), and 3.0 (1.0–9.4) for OC pesticides (P for trend = 0.11 and 0.03, respectively). The adjusted ORs among participants ≥ 90th percentile of the summary measures were 5.5 (1.7–18.1) for PCBs and 4.0 (1.1–14.6) for OC pesticides; corresponding ORs for those ≥ 95th percentile were 7.8 (2.1–29.6) and 9.5 (2.3–38.9). Background exposure to POPs may play an important role in development or progression of stroke in the elderly.  相似文献   

Children's neuropsychological abilities are in a developmental stage. Recent air pollution exposure and neurobehavioral performance are scarcely studied. In a panel study, we repeatedly administered to each child the following neurobehavioral tests: Stroop Test (selective attention) and Continuous Performance Test (sustained attention), Digit Span Forward and Backward Tests (short-term memory), and Digit-Symbol and Pattern Comparison Tests (visual information processing speed). At school, recent inside classroom particulate matter ≤ 2.5 or 10 μm exposure (PM2.5, PM10) was monitored on each examination day. At the child's residence, recent (same day up to 2 days before) and chronic (365 days before examination) exposures to PM2.5, PM10 and black carbon (BC) were modeled. Repeated neurobehavioral test performances (n = 894) of the children (n = 310) reflected slower Stroop Test (p = 0.05) and Digit-Symbol Test (p = 0.01) performances with increasing recent inside classroom PM2.5 exposure. An interquartile range (IQR) increment in recent residential outdoor PM2.5 exposure was associated with an increase in average latency of 0.087 s (SE: ± 0.034; p = 0.01) in the Pattern Comparison Test. Regarding chronic exposure at residence, an IQR increment of PM2.5 exposure was associated with slower performances in the Continuous Performance (9.45 ± 3.47 msec; p = 0.007) and Stroop Tests (59.9 ± 26.5 msec; p = 0.02). Similar results were obtained for PM10 exposure. In essence, we showed differential neurobehavioral changes robustly and adversely associated with recent or chronic ambient exposure to PM air pollution at residence, i.e., with recent exposure for visual information processing speed (Pattern Comparison Test) and with chronic exposure for sustained and selective attention.  相似文献   

In the present study Tradescantia micronucleus (Trad-MCN) bioassay was performed to assess the genotoxicity of air pollutants in Varanasi City. The experiment was performed during October 2006 to April 2007. For Tradescantia micronucleus (Trad-MCN) bioassay four sites were selected, three in the city having different traffic characteristics and one control site virtually free from traffic intervention. Twenty young Tradescantia pallida inflorescences were collected from each sampling site during the study period and micronuclei frequencies were determined in early tetrads of pollen mother cells and expressed as MCN/100 tetrads. During the same period the concentration of different air pollutants were also measured. Tradescantia micronucleus (Trad-MCN) bioassay showed that the plants kept in areas having higher traffic emissions evidence higher micronuclei frequencies than samples kept at control site. The study indicates that in situ biomonitoring using higher plants may be useful for characterizing genotoxic air pollutants in areas even without any sophisticated instrument.  相似文献   

Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are large production volume chemicals used in a wide variety of commercial applications. They are ubiquitous in the environment and humans. Human exposure via the indoor environment has, however, been barely investigated. In the present study 44 indoor air and six dust samples from apartments in Stockholm, Sweden, were analyzed for CPs, and indoor air concentrations are reported for the first time. The sumCP concentration (short chain CPs (SCCPs) and medium chain CPs (MCCPs)) in air ranged from <5-210 ng m(-3) as quantified by gas chromatography coupled to electron ionization tandem mass spectrometry (GC/EI-MS/MS). Congener group patterns were studied using GC with electron capture negative ionization MS (GC/ECNI-MS). The air samples were dominated by the more volatile SCCPs compared to MCCPs. SumCPs were quantified by GC/EI-MS/MS in the dust samples at low μg g(-1) levels, with a chromatographic pattern suggesting the prevalence of longer chain CPs compared to air. The median exposure to sumCPs via the indoor environment was estimated to be ~1 μg day(-1) for both adults and toddlers. Adult exposure was dominated by inhalation, while dust ingestion was suggested to be more important for toddlers. Comparing these results to literature data on dietary intake indicates that human exposure to CPs from the indoor environment is not negligible.  相似文献   

Pollutants which are capable of being extracted into nonpolar solvent such as hexane have received the greatest attention in environmental monitoring. However, the polar fraction, inherently more difficult to analyze, is currently undergoing closer scrutiny. Sampling methods specifically designed to entrap polar particles and vapors are compared. Ion-exchange and reversed-phase liquid chromatography columns are examples of such specific sampling techniques. Various extraction schemes are presented with their individual problems and capabilities. Although there are numerous papers on the analysis of polar organic pollutants, few report actual measurements of ambient air samples. Current reports on polar organic pollutants measured in air samples are summarized. Polar organics are generally divided into three categories: acidic, basic, and neutral. Analytical methods relating to the following categories of polar organic compounds are reviewed: (1) phenols, mono- and dicarboxylic acids, and sulfonic acids, (2) aliphatic and aromatic amines, and (3) alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, phthalate esters, isocyanates and N-nitrosamines. Derivatization techniques, such as ester formation, are compared to the analysis of the unsubstituted compound. The formation of such derivatives is often the best way to trace specific compounds at very low levels.  相似文献   

In May 2016, a fire occurred in one of the largest landfills in Europe (Seseña, Toledo, Spain), where 70,000–90,000 tons of tires had been illegally accumulated for > 15 years. Because of the proximity of population nuclei and the duration of the episode (> 20 days), we conducted a preliminary human health risk assessment study just after the tire fire. Samples of air and soil were collected in 3 areas surrounding the landfill (El Quiñón, at only 500 m, and Seseña Nuevo and Seseña Viejo, both at 4 km), as well as in background sites. In addition, samples of crops (barley, wheat, cabbage and lettuce) were also obtained from local farmers. The concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and a number of trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Tl, and V) were analyzed in all the samples. The concentrations of all the target pollutants, excepting PAHs, were relatively similar at the different sampling zones, irrespective of the distance to the landfill. In turn, a significant increase of PAHs was noted near the tire landfill, with air levels up to 6-times higher than those found at 4 km (134 vs. 19.5–22.7 ng/m3). Similarly, PAH concentrations in lettuce were relatively higher than those typically found in monitoring programs of food safety. Because of the increase of airborne PAHs, cancer risks due to exposure to environmental pollutants for the population living at El Quiñón, near the landfill, were between 3- and 5-times higher than those estimated for the inhabitants of Seseña. After this preliminary study, further investigations, focused only on PAHs, but more extensive in terms of number of samples, should be conducted to assure that PAHs have been progressively degraded through time.  相似文献   

BackgroundLong-term exposure to fine particulate matter has been linked to cardiovascular disease and systemic inflammatory responses; however, evidence is limited regarding the effects of long-term exposure to ultrafine particulate matter (UFP, < 100 nm). We used a cross-sectional study design to examine the association of long-term exposure to near-highway UFP with measures of systemic inflammation and coagulation.MethodsWe analyzed blood samples from 408 individuals aged 40–91 years living in three near-highway and three urban background areas in and near Boston, Massachusetts. We conducted mobile monitoring of particle number concentration (PNC) in each area, and used the data to develop and validate highly resolved spatiotemporal (hourly, 20 m) PNC regression models. These models were linked with participant time-activity data to determine individual time-activity adjusted (TAA) annual average PNC exposures. Multivariable regression modeling and stratification were used to assess the association between TAA-PNC and single peripheral blood measures of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor-necrosis factor alpha receptor II (TNFRII) and fibrinogen.ResultsAfter adjusting for age, sex, education, body mass index, smoking and race/ethnicity, an interquartile-range (10,000 particles/cm3) increase in TAA-PNC had a positive non-significant association with a 14.0% (95% CI: − 4.6%, 36.2%) positive difference in hsCRP, an 8.9% (95% CI: − 0.4%, 10.9%) positive difference in IL-6, and a 5.1% (95% CI: − 0.4%, 10.9%) positive difference in TNFRII. Stratification by race/ethnicity revealed that TAA-PNC had larger effect estimates for all three inflammatory markers and was significantly associated with hsCRP and TNFRII in white non-Hispanic, but not East Asian participants. Fibrinogen had a negative non-significant association with TAA-PNC.ConclusionsOur findings suggest an association between annual average near-highway TAA-PNC and subclinical inflammatory markers of CVD risk.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMSs) are widely employed as emollients and carrier solvents in personal care formulations in order to acquire desired performance benefits owing to their distinctive physicochemical properties. Under current European legislation cosmetic ingredients such as cVMSs are required to be labeled on the product package only qualitatively, while for the assessment of environmental and consumer exposure quantitative information is needed. The aim of this study was therefore to measure concentrations of three cVMSs, namely octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) and dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6) in 51 cosmetics and personal care products (C&PCPs) that are currently available on the European market. The list of selected articles comprised a variety of hair and sun care products, skin creams and lotions, deodorants including antiperspirants, liquid foundations and a toothpaste. The target compounds were extracted from the products with different organic solvents dependent on the product matrix, followed by gas chromatography analysis with flame ionization detection (GC–FID). D5 was the predominant cVMS with the highest mean and median concentrations in all the C&PCP categories. The median concentrations of D5, D6 and D4 were 142, 2.3 and 0.053 mg/g in deodorants/antiperspirants (n = 11); 44.6, 30.0 mg/g and below the limit of quantification (< LOQ; LOQ for D4 = 0.00071 mg/g) in cosmetics (n = 5); 8.4, 0.32 mg/g and < LOQ in skin care (n = 16); 9.6, 0.18 and 0.0055 mg/g in hair care (n = 10); and, 34.8, 0.53 and 0.0085 mg/g in sun care (n = 8) products, respectively. The calculated median aggregate daily dermal exposure to D4 and D5 from multiple C&PCPs was approximately 100 times lower than the current NOAEL derived from chronic inhalation rat studies.  相似文献   

Consumers who use personal care products (PCPs) are internally exposed to some of the organic components present of which some may be detected in exhaled air when eliminated. The aim of this study was the quantitative determination of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) in end-exhaled air to study dermal absorption of substances in PCPs. We exposed the forearm of fifteen healthy volunteers for 60 min to pure D4 or D5 and to commercial products containing D4 and D5. Inhalation uptake was kept to a minimum by keeping the forearm in a flow cabinet during dermal exposure and supplying filtered air to the breathing zone of the volunteer during the post-exposure period. End-exhaled air was collected using a breath sampler (Bio-VOC), transferred to carbograph multi-bed adsorbent tubes and analyzed by thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS). In the end-exhaled air of non-exposed volunteers background concentrations of D4 (0.8–3.5 ng/L) and D5 (0.8–4.0 ng/L) were observed. After exposing the volunteers, the level of D4 and D5 in end-exhaled air did not or barely exceed background concentrations. At t = 90 min, a sharp increase of the D4/D5 concentration in end-exhaled air was observed, which we attributed to the inhalation of the substances during a toilet visit without using inhalation protection devices. When this visit was taken out of the protocol, the sharp increase disappeared. Overall, the results of our study indicate that dermal absorption of D4 and D5 contributes only marginally to internal exposure following dermal applications. As in our study inhalation is the primary route of entry for these compounds, we conclude that its risk assessment should focus on this particular exposure route.  相似文献   

《Environment international》1999,25(6-7):887-898
This paper develops a practical probabilistic method for assessing aggregate population health risks from different types of population exposures. The method consists of calculating the product of two functions: a population-weighted distribution of concentrations and a concentration-response distribution. This operation yields the corresponding aggregated health-risk distribution function. The method can use alternative exposure-response distributions and populations-specific exposure patterns, depending on the context of the assessment. A deterministic sensitivity analysis is included in the methodological aspects of this research. The distributions of concentrations are generated by combining area-specific population densities with atmospheric concentrations for each of the areas where exposure to air pollutants occurs. The exposure-response functions are developed from the literature. The method is exemplified using alternative exposure probabilities to carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (PM10), and exposure-response models developed specifically for these pollutants for assessing health risks, and applied to data from a number of Australian cities. The results, which hold when the functions are monotonic, show single maximum per pollutant, regardless of the choice of exposure and exposure-response distribution. Although those maxima are often below the Australian Air Pollution Standards, there are instances when this is not the case.  相似文献   

Data on polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) concentrations from Stockholm, Sweden, indoor microenvironments were combined with information from detailed questionnaires regarding the sampling location characteristics, including furnishing and equipment present. These were used to elucidate relationships between possible flame-retarded sources and the contaminant concentrations found in air and dust. Median concentration ranges of ΣPenta-, ΣOcta-, ΣDecaBDE and HBCD from all microenvironments were 19-570, 1.7-280, 29-3200 and < 1.6-2 pg/m3 in air and 22-240, 6.1-80, 330-1400 and 45-340 ng/g in dust, respectively. Significant correlations were found between concentrations of some PBDEs and HBCD in air and/or dust and the presence of electronic/electrical devices, foam furniture, PUF mattresses and synthetic bed pillows in, as well as floor area and construction year of the microenvironment. Car interiors were a source to indoor air in dealership halls. Using median and maximum concentrations of ΣPenta-, ΣOcta-, ΣDecaBDE and HBCD in air and dust, adult and toddler (12-24 months) intakes from inhalation and dust ingestion were estimated. Toddlers had higher estimated intakes of ΣPenta-, ΣDecaBDE and HBCD (7.8, 43, 7.6 ng/d, respectively) from dust ingestion than adults (5.8, 38, 6.0 ng/d, respectively). Air inhalation in offices was also an important exposure pathway for ΣPenta-, ΣOcta- and ΣDecaBDE in adults. For ΣPentaBDE and HBCD, air inhalation and dust ingestion play minor roles when compared to previously published Swedish dietary intakes (median exposures). However, in worst case scenarios using maximum concentrations, dust ingestion may represent 77 and 95% of toddler intake for ΣPentaBDE and HBCD, respectively.  相似文献   

Top predators in northern ecosystems may suffer from exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as this exposure may synergistically interact with already elevated natural stress in these ecosystems. In the present study, we aimed at identifying biological (sex, body condition), ecological (dietary carbon source, trophic level) and spatial factors (local habitat, regional nest location) that may influence intra- and interspecific variation in exposure of subarctic predatory bird nestlings to polychlorinated biphenyl 153 (CB 153), polybrominated diphenyl ether 47 (BDE 47), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p′-DDE) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB). During three breeding seasons (2008–2010), we sampled body feathers from fully-grown nestlings of three ecologically distinct predatory bird species in subarctic Norway: Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) and Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). The present study analysed, for the first time, body feathers for both POPs and carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes, thus integrating the dietary carbon source, trophic level and POP exposure for the larger part of the nestling stage.Intraspecific variation in exposure was driven by a combination of ecological and spatial factors, often different for individual compounds. In addition, combinations for individual compounds differed among species. Trophic level and local habitat were the predominant predictors for CB 153, p,p′-DDE and BDE 47, indicating their biomagnification and decreasing levels according to coast > fjord > inland. Variation in exposure may also have been driven by inter-annual variation arisen from primary sources (e.g. p,p′-DDE) and/or possible revolatilisation from secondary sources (e.g. HCB). Interspecific differences in POP exposure were best explained by a combination of trophic level (biomagnification), dietary carbon source (food chain discrimination) and regional nest location (historical POP contamination).In conclusion, the combined analysis of POPs and stable isotopes in body feathers from fully-grown nestlings has identified ecological and spatial factors that may drive POP exposure over the larger part of the nestling stage. This methodological approach further promotes the promising use of nestling predatory bird body feathers as a non-destructive sampling strategy to integrate various toxicological and ecological proxies.  相似文献   

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