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居民为改善北京市大气环境质量的支付意愿研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
用意愿调查价值评估法分析了北京市居民为改善大气环境质量的支付意愿 ,评估大气质量改善的价值 ,并对这一方法在我国的应用进行探讨。结果显示 ,研究范围内的居民为 5年内降低目前大气污染物质浓度的 5 0 %而支付费用的平均支付意愿是 143元 /户·年 (1999年元 ) ,该区域内居民总的支付意愿是 3 .36亿元 /年 (1999年元 ) ,被调查者的家庭收入、教育水平、家庭人口数和年龄等社会经济变量对支付意愿有显著影响。最后 ,对意愿调查价值评估法在我国应用时存在的问题进行了初步探讨  相似文献   

基于利益相关方意愿调查的东江流域生态补偿机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
流域生态补偿已经成为解决流域生态环境保护问题、协调流域上下游利益冲突的重要手段之一。以东江流域为例,通过实地问卷调查和条件价值评估法评估流域上下游利益相关方生态补偿意愿,并探讨构建东江流域生态补偿机制。流域生态补偿意愿调查结果表明,流域内居民对东江流域生态环境保护有很高的积极性,对建立流域生态补偿机制有较高的认同度;下游地区城市居民平均支付意愿为332.7-364.5元/(年·户),上游农民对于林地保护的平均受偿意愿为360.75元/(年·hm^2);通过回归分析发现,受教育水平、收入、自来水水质对支付意愿影响显著,而受偿意愿受性别和受教育水平影响明显;充分考虑并协调好流域上下游利益相关方的诉求对东江流域生态环境保护和生态补偿机制的建立有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

鹞落坪自然保护区非使用价值的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择鹞落坪自然保护区所在省份安徽省及其相邻省份江苏省,采用支付意愿法进行了支付意愿的问卷调查,对该保护区的非使用价值作定量评估。评估结果表明,鹞落坪自然保护区的非使用价值为198039.4万元·a-1,其中存在价值为106941.3万元·a-1,遗产价值为59411.8万元·a-1,选择价值为31686.3万元·a-1;江苏省和安徽省样本的平均支付意愿值(WTP)分别为42.0和14 4元·a-1;社会经济各因素与样本的支付意愿率及WTP之间的相关性在不同地区调查的结果有较大差异;对评估结果的敏感性分析显示,本次调查存在年龄和收入敏感性,存在教育程度不敏感性。  相似文献   

都市型农业土地利用面源污染环保意识和支付意愿研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究针对北京郊区农业集约化水平较高的顺义区蔬菜化肥和农药超量使用及大型养殖场废弃物排放给生态环境带来严重的不良影响问题,在大量农业面源污染研究的基础上,采用CVM方法,评估了顺义区公众对以上农业活动造成的地下水环境污染问题的环境意识和支付意愿,研究结果表明:首都郊区农民的环保意识在增强;家庭人均纯收入、受访者的受教育程度与支付意愿呈显著正相关;受访者的年龄与支付意愿则呈显著负相关。该研究还计算了顺义区2002年全区农民的平均支付意愿是49.18元/人,该年全区人民总支付意愿为2680.861万元人民币。该研究可为有关部门对农业面源污染进行治理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

应用假设市场价值评估法(CVM)调查了华北高产农业区桓台县公众对防治农业面源污染地下水所需费用的支付意愿;评价了公众对技术、经济、政策等解决手段的期望和行为选择。调查表明,有60%以上的公众表现出能够为后代人着想而保护农业环境的可持续发展意识,有76%的人对污染现状的改善和治理持积极态度,人均支付意愿为22.8元·a-1,但公众对农业面源污染的环境保护意识不足。影响农民公众支付意愿的因素主要有家庭收入、受教育程度和职业。经推算,该县公众1a总支付意愿大约是1114.8~1320.2万元。可采取的环境保护技术措施以改良耕作习惯、控制化肥施用量为主,法制化的环保手段需要与公众环保意识相适应。  相似文献   

生态补偿是应对生物多样性保护问题的有效环境政策。作为主要利益相关者的农户,其参与意愿直接影响生态补偿项目实施的绩效与可持续性。在调查盐城潮滩湿地生态环境基础上,以支付卡方式设计调查问卷,采取面对面方式对保护区周边125个农户进行调查,基于条件估值法(contingent valuation method,CVM)估算其生态补偿的受偿意愿,选择农户的性别、年龄、家庭年收入等基本社会经济特征,以农户对生态补偿了解程度和生态补偿态度为自变量,以农户受偿意愿为因变量,运用二项Logistic模型分析影响当地农户受偿意愿的相关因素。结果表明,保护区周边农户具有一定的湿地生态环境保护认知和意识;有88%的农户选择非零补偿意愿,平均受偿意愿为7 727. 7元·hm-2·a-1。Logistic模型分析结果表明农户的年龄、拥有的耕地面积和对生态补偿了解程度是影响其受偿意愿的主要因素。农户年龄越大,其受偿意愿相对降低;农户拥有的耕地面积越小,受偿意愿就越大;对生态补偿了解程度越高,生态补偿意愿就越强。研究结果可为保护区生态补偿政策的有效落实提供科学支持,也可为其他保护区生态补偿的实施提供借鉴。  相似文献   

旅游地居民的感知和态度被认为是评价旅游发展状况最直接的因素。为充分了解武夷山文化和自然遗产地内当地居民对旅游开发的感知情况,进而为管理决策提供依据,通过问卷调查与访谈方式调查了武夷山双遗产地核心旅游区武夷山风景名胜区内居民对旅游开发的感知及其发展需求,运用因子分析和方差分析方法分析了居民对旅游开发影响的感知及其与人口社会特征的关系。结果表明,建立的指标体系能从基础建设、环境体验、经济观念、收入就业、原始文化、美誉传承和商机分配7个维度(公因子)揭示当地居民对旅游开发的感知状况。居民普遍认为旅游已成为当地经济支柱产业,旅游开发改变居民经济意识的同时,居民观念也更加积极与开放;居民已对文化习俗的改变有所认知。但居民旅游参与程度相对较低,受到外来人口对自身旅游收益分配的冲击,承受着因环境和居住体验改变导致的负面影响。人口特征不同的居民对经济观念的感知差异程度最突出,对原生文化与基础建设的感知差异次之,对收入就业、商机分配的感知差异较小,对环境体验、美誉传承的感知无差异。性别、年龄和家庭年收入不同的居民对7个公因子感知均无显著差异;文化程度、职业、家庭规模、家庭年旅游收入和家庭旅游收入比例不同的居民对公因子的感知均有不同程度差异。不同村庄居民对基础建设、经济观念、收入就业和商机分配感知有显著差异(P0.05);政策制定应关注各村庄居民对基础建设、经济观念、收入就业和商机分配感知等方面的不同需求。  相似文献   

以吉(林)长(春)高速公路为例,论述了高速公路施工期、营运期对沿线生态环境、大气环境、声学环境、水环境可能产生的影响程度及范围。  相似文献   

绿色消费是解决当前中国环境污染的重要战略组成部分,本文研究了对上海市开展的关于绿色消费1200余份调查问卷。研究结果显示:1)人们环境意识和绿色消费意愿普遍提高,98%的受访者愿意为保护环境做出自身行为的改变。2)绿色消费认知参差不齐。对绿色产品的认知渠道不多,绿色产品的标签知晓率低于30%。3)绿色消费意愿强烈但支付能力还有限,82%的消费者愿意购买绿色产品,但支付不能超过同类普通商品10%的额外费用。研究结果还表明:绿色消费与性别、年龄、职业以及学历等具有相关关系。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地区高速公路沿线景观格局变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据1995年和2005年土地利用数据,借助地理信息系统软件和景观生态学方法研究珠江三角洲区域发展轴线——广深高速公路和广珠高速公路运营前后沿线区域的土地利用和景观格局变化,并进一步对比分析相同功能等级道路的生态效应差异。结果表明:(1)高速公路运营后,沿线区域建设用地增加迅速,耕地大量流失且迅速向建设用地转化;(2)公路的建设运营使得沿线区域人工干扰强度加大,景观斑块密度增加、面积减少、斑块形状趋向复杂,景观破碎化加剧;(3)道路途径区域的社会经济条件以及原有的景观格局特征是导致道路生态破碎效应差异的重要原因;(4)公路对自然景观的影响效应远大于其对人工景观的影响效应。  相似文献   

The English derive a wide range of values from allotments, but nearly 35% of allotments have disappeared in the last 20 years. The real value of allotments has probably been underestimated. The contingent valuation method (CVM) was used to give a monetary value to benefits derived from allotments by allotment holders and local residents. The study was conducted in southeast England (Wye and Ashford, Kent and Greater London). A postal survey with open-ended questions was filled in by 124 allotment holders and 74 residents. Respondents were asked to express their maximum willingness to pay for allotments (WTP) and the minimum willingness to accept (WTA) compensation for loss of allotments. The mean annual WTP for keeping allotments of allotment holders were £78.93, £35.64 and £79.43, and for local residents were £41.66, £46.14 and £283.57, in Wye, Ashford and London, respectively. The allotment holders' WTP was strategically more than WTA compensation and they were only willing to pay rent for using allotments, not for retaining them.  相似文献   

系统地介绍了西方国家常用的1种评价环境物品(公共物品)的方法——条件价值法。在大量文献和作者已有研究的基础上,解释了环境物品的特征和价值含义,综述了条件价值法的概念、特点和总体框架内容,分析了该方法中出现的偏差类型,总结了该方法在国际国内的已有应用,提出其应用潜力和应用前景  相似文献   

To optimise the use and management of Hong Kong's country parks, ecotourism has recently been promoted by the government and echoed by the leisure sector. Visitors' valuation of ecotourism development hitherto remains scant and could add a new dimension to the knowledge and management base. This study estimated the potential value of ecotourism development using the contingent valuation method (CVM). A total of 613 visitors in three country parks were interviewed. The results showed that the bid amounts and the motives to experience and learn more about nature were significant predictors of willingness-to-pay (WTP). The mean and median WTP were, respectively, HK$101.1 and HK$85.0 annually, varying slightly between parks. The differences were associated with the special ecological and accessibility characteristics of individual parks. The results could justify financial support from the government for ecotourism development and associated nature conservation endeavours and promote the incorporation of natural resource valuation in formulation of public policies in Hong Kong and other developing regions.  相似文献   

To explore the factors that influence respondents’ willingness to pay (WTP) for the risk reduction of chemical industry accidents, a questionnaire survey combined with contingent valuation and psychometric paradigm methods were conducted in the city of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, China. Both traditional socioeconomic variables and perceived characteristics of the hazards were considered in this study, and a Tobit model was used to find the factors influencing WTP under three risk reduction scenarios. The results showed that three demographic characteristics, age, gender, and income, significantly affected the WTP for chemical risk reduction. In addition, three extracted public risk perception factors, effect, knowledge, and trust, also strongly affected the WTP. The mean WTP value increased as the magnitude of the risk reduction increased. The number of factors influencing the WTP decreased as the reduction level improved, and only the effect factor had a significant influence on the WTP for a higher level (80%) of risk reduction. The cost for chemical safety management of Yancheng was calculated, and the optimized risk reduction level was determined. These findings can assist governments and policy makers to formulate suitable strategies for risk control, to reach target groups of people to develop effective communication, and to provide specific references for the best investment for the security of local residents.  相似文献   

确定居民对生态措施实施的受偿意愿,对目前迫切需要的生态补偿政策制定以及生态恢复和保护的有效性具有重要的现实意义。选用锡林郭勒草原为案例区域,通过入户调查及在那达慕大会集中调查相结合的方式,调查锡林郭勒草原地区牧民对禁牧措施的态度和受偿意愿。分析结果显示:53%的牧民愿意参加禁牧,而不愿意参加禁牧主要是由于补偿标准不合理引起的。计量经济学模型分析表明,牧民对禁牧的支持态度与牧民的收入和草地面积呈正相关,与养羊数量呈负相关。牧民的受偿意愿由牧民养羊数量、受教育年限、草地现状以及对禁牧政策的支持程度决定。根据意愿调查法初步估算锡林郭勒草原地区禁牧措施实施后牧民的补偿意愿,牧民家庭对禁牧政策的平均受偿意愿为每年每户2.7717万元,人均受偿意愿为8399元,平均每1hm2草地受偿意愿为85.95元。  相似文献   

Monte Carlo evidence has shown that simple, misspecified referendum contingent valuation (CV) models sometimes lead to good estimates of mean willingness to pay (WTP). Empirical studies have found that estimates of mean WTP derived from simple parametric models often differ little from those derived from nonparametric methods. This indicates that simple models can potentially yield WTP estimators that are relatively unbiased. This note shows that very simple logit referendum CV models will estimate mean WTP consistently if the survey bids are drawn randomly from a uniform distribution.  相似文献   

We study how the distribution of income among members of society, and income inequality in particular, affects social willingness to pay (WTP) for environmental public goods. We find that social WTP for environmental goods decreases (increases) with income inequality if and only if environmental goods and manufactured goods are substitutes (complements). We derive adjustment factors for benefit transfer to control for differences in income distributions between a study site and a policy site. For illustration, we quantify how social WTP for environmental public goods depends on the respective income distributions for empirical case studies in Sweden and the World at large. We find that the adjustment for income inequality can be substantial.  相似文献   

Low willingness to pay (WTP) for environmental quality in developing countries is a key research question in environmental economics. One explanation is that missing credit markets may suppress WTP for environmental improvements that require large up-front investments. We test the impact of microloans on WTP for hygienic latrines via a randomized controlled trial in 30 villages in rural Cambodia. We find that microcredit dramatically raises WTP for improved latrines, with 60% of households in the Financing arm willing to purchase at an unsubsidized price, relative to 25% in the Non-financing arm. Effects on latrine installation are positive but muted by several factors, including a negative peer effect: randomly induced purchases by neighbors reduce a household's probability of installing its own latrine. On methodological grounds, this paper shows that a “decision-focused evaluation” can be integrated into academic analysis to provide insight into questions of general interest.  相似文献   

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