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Speciation of some heavy metals in River Nile sediments,Cairo, Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
River sediments are basic components of our environment. It also constitutes a major source of persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemicals which may pose threats to ecological and human health even after contaminants are no longer released from point and non-point sources. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the mobility and the availability of metals in sediments from different sites along the Nile River in Cairo district using sequential chemical extraction technique. The speciation data showed that most metals were associated with organic/sulfide and residual fractions. The order of total metal concentrations in sediment samples was found to be Fe > Mn > Zn > Ni > Cu ≥ Cr > Pb > Cd.  相似文献   

It is common to use the results of various solid-phase and aqueous-fraction toxicity tests as part of the decision-making process for selecting disposal options for dredged sediments. The mere presence of toxicity, however, does not provide a logical basis for selecting economical, environmentally protective disposal techniques. To achieve this, it is necessary to be able to identify specific compounds responsible for sediment toxicity. Toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) procedures, originally developed for complex effluents, represent a useful approach for identifying acutely toxic compounds in dredged materials. Herein we present a conceptual overview for TIE use in part of the decision-making framework for selecting dredged material disposal options; included are discussions concerning appropriate test fractions and species for TIE analyses, and specific TIE manipulations useful for ascertaining whether toxicity is due to any of a number of common sediment contaminants including ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, metals, or nonpolar organics.  相似文献   

In this study, river bed sediments were submitted to a BCR sequential extraction, together with three bioavailability tests: a weak acid elutriate (HCl), a physiologically based extraction test (PBET) and a toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). The most remarkable features of the BCR procedure were: i) Mn and Zn showed the highest proportion of the F1 exchangeable fraction; ii) in addition to Fe, Pb and Zn were the metals with the higher percentages in the F2 reducible fraction; iii) Fe and Cu were the elements with the highest proportion of the F3 oxidizable fraction; iv) the application of Principal Component Analysis to the metals in each of the three fractions did not show clear associations between metals and sediment components considered as metal scavengers, v) considering the sum of the three BCR fractions, the elements showed a decreasing availability of: Fe > Pb > Zn > Cu > Mn > Ni > Cr. The single extractions followed a decreasing extractability order of: HCl > PBET > TCLP and they were far from the extractability deduced from the sum of fractions in the BCR extraction.  相似文献   

Chemical fractionation of seven heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) was studied using a modified three-step sequential procedure to assess their impacts in the sediments of the Seyhan River, Turkey. Samples were collected from six representative stations in two campaigns in October 2009 and June 2010, which correspond to the wet and dry seasons, respectively. The total metal concentrations in the sediments demonstrated different distribution patterns at the various stations. Cadmium was the only metal that was below detection at all stations during both sampling periods. Metal fractionation showed that, except for Mn and Pb, the majority of metals were found in the residual fraction regardless of sampling time, indicating that these metals were strongly bound to the sediments. The potential mobility of the metals (non-residual fractions) is reflected in the following ranking: Pb > Mn > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr in October 2009 and Mn > Pb > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr in June 2010. The second highest proportion of metals was bound to organic matter/sulfides, originating primarily from anthropogenic activities. Non-residual metal fractions for all stations were highest in June 2010, which may be linked to higher organic matter concentrations in the sediment samples with 1.40% and 15.1% in October 2009 and June 2010, respectively. Potential sediment toxicity was evaluated using the Risk Assessment Code (RAC). Based on RAC classification, Cd and Cr pose no risk, Cu and Ni pose low risk, Pb and Zn were classified as medium risk metals, while the environmental risk from Mn was high. In addition, based on the sediment quality guidelines (SQG), the Seyhan River can be classified as a river with no, to moderate, toxicological risks, based on total metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Contaminated sediments are receiving increasing recognition around the world, leading to the development of various sediment quality indicators for assessment, management, remediation, and restoration efforts. Sediment chemistry represents an important indicator of ecosystem health, with the concentrations of contaminants of potential concern (COPCs) providing measurable characteristics for this indicator. The St. Louis River Area of Concern (AOC), located in the western arm of Lake Superior, provides a case study for how numerical sediment quality targets (SQTs) for the protection of sediment-dwelling organisms can be used to support the interpretation of sediment chemistry data. Two types of SQTs have been established for 33 COPCs in the St. Louis River AOC. The Level I SQTs define the concentrations of contaminants below which sediment toxicity is unlikely to occur, whereas the Level II SQTs represent the concentrations that, if exceeded, are likely to be associated with sediment toxicity. The numerical SQTs provide useful tools for making sediment management decisions, especially when considered as part of a weight-of-evidence approach that includes other sediment quality indicators, such as sediment contaminant chemistry and geochemical characteristics, sediment toxicity, and benthic macroinvertebrate community structure. The recommended applications of using the numerical SQTs in the St. Louis River AOC include: designing monitoring programs, interpreting sediment chemistry data, conducting ecological risk assessments, and developing site-specific sediment quality remediation targets for small, simple sites where adverse biological effects are likely. Other jurisdictions may benefit from using these recommended applications in their own sediment quality programs.  相似文献   

Environmental dispersion and transformation of mercury discharged from gold mining operations has been investigated in field and laboratory studies in order to provide better understanding of the degree of mercury (Hg) pollution and bioavailability in the Lake Victoria goldfields (LVGF) ecosystems. This paper reviews results already published elsewhere and presents additional data on Hg dynamics in the LVGF. Studies conducted at the Mugusu and Rwamagaza artisanal mines indicated different degrees of Hg contamination and dispersion in environmental matrices. Mercury concentration in contaminated river sediments near the Mugusu mine varied from 6.0 to 0.5 mg/kg on a dry weight basis. The highest Hg contamination levels (165-232 mg/kg) were associated with mine tailings at the Rwamagaza mine. Mercury concentrations in fish representing different dietary habits on the southwestern shore of Lake Victoria at the Nungwe Bay were very low (2-35 microg/kg) and thought to represent background levels. These and other results suggested that the use of Hg in gold extraction in the LVGF has not caused high Hg levels in lake fish. The study of Hg in lichens showed Parmelia lichen to be an effective bioindicator for atmospheric Hg contamination due to Hg emissions from gold-amalgam firing and purification operations. The Hg levels in the lichens around the Mugusu mine ranged from 3.1 to 0.1 microg/g; the highest levels were recorded in the lichens sampled close to gold-amalgam processing sites. The regional background level in the Parmelia lichen was 0.05-0.10 microg/g, with a mean level of 0.07 microg/g. Studies of Hg transformation in the mine tailings revealed unexpectedly high methylmercury (MeHg) levels in the tailings (629-710 ng/g), which indicated that oxidation and methylation of metallic Hg in the tailings occurred at significant levels under tropical conditions. Re-equilibration of the tailings with freshwater (FW) indicated the MeHg was firmly bound in the tailings and therefore very little MeHg was released to the water column (0.2-1.5 ng/L). The methylation of Hg in tropical loamy clay soil contaminated with HgCl(2) (5 mg Hg/kg) yielded MeHg concentrations of 11 and 14 ng/g when inundated with seawater and FW, respectively, for 4 weeks. Little MeHg was transferred from the soil to the equilibrated water (< or = 0.4 ng/L). Atmospheric exposure of the soil pre-inundated with FW resulted in net degradation of MeHg during the 1st week of exposure, followed by net production and accumulation of MeHg in the soil (up to 15.5 ng/g) during atmospheric desiccation. Mercury uptake by fish from the Hg(0)-contaminated aquatic sediment-tailings system in the aquarium experiment was found to be low, suggesting the low availability of MeHg for bioaccumulation in the system. These and other results provide useful insights into Hg transformation, mobility and bioavailability in tropical aquatic systems affected by Hg pollution from gold mining operations.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the evolution of metal levels in surface sediments from the Guadalquivir estuary between 1997 and 2002 and assessed the impact of the April 1998 Aznalcollar tailings dam failure and subsequent cleanup on metal concentrations in surface sediments. We also analyzed metal distribution with time in five chemical fractions of the surface sediments: exchangable, carbonate, reducible, oxidizable, and residual. This work showed that the April 1998 Aznalcollar tailings dam failure caused a considerable increase in the concentrations of Cd, Zn, Cu, and Pb in the surface sediments of the Guadalquivir estuary. It was also found there was a change in the distribution of Cd, Zn, Cu, and Pb between the chemical fractions of the sediment after the failure of the dam. There were increases in the percentages of Cd in the carbonate fraction, of Zn and Pb in the reducible fraction, and of Cu in the oxidizable fraction, whereas the percentages of these elements associated with the residual fraction decreased. In 1999, there was a decrease in the metal concentrations in the surface sediments from the Guadalquivir estuary, and by 2000 the chemical distribution and metal levels had returned to levels similar those before the dam failure.  相似文献   

Sediments in the Port Jackson estuary are polluted by a wide range of toxicants and concentrations are among the highest reported for any major harbor in the world. Sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), developed by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the United States are used to estimate possible adverse biological effects of sedimentary contaminants in Port Jackson to benthic animals. The NOAA guidelines indicate that Pb, Zn, DDD, and DDE are the most likely contaminants to cause adverse biological effects in Port Jackson. On an individual chemical basis, the detrimental effects due to these toxicants may occur over extensive areas of the harbor, i.e., about 40%, 30%, 15% and 50%, respectively. The NOAA SQGs can also be used to estimate the probability of sediment toxicity for contaminant mixtures by determining the number of contaminants exceeding an upper guideline value (effects range medium, or ERM), which predicts probable adverse biological effects. The exceedence approach is used in the current study to estimate the probability of sediment toxicity and to prioritize the harbour in terms of possible adverse effects on sediment-dwelling animals. Approximately 1% of the harbor is mantled with sediment containing more than ten contaminants exceeding their respective ERM concentrations and, based on NOAA data, these sediments have an 80% probability of being toxic. Sediment with six to ten contaminants exceeding their respective ERM guidelines extend over approximately 4% of the harbor and have a 57% probability of toxicity. These areas are located in the landward reaches of embayments in the upper and central harbor in proximity to the most industrialised and urbanized part of the catchment. Sediment in a further 17% of the harbor has between one and five exceedences and has a 32% probability of being toxic. The application of SQGs developed by NOAA has not been tested outside North America, and the validity of using them in Port Jackson has yet to be demonstrated. The screening approach adopted here is to use SQGs to identify contaminants of concern and to determine areas of environmental risk. The practical application and management implications of the results of this investigation are discussed.  相似文献   

Research related to the ecological risk management of sediment stress in watersheds is placed under a common conceptual framework in order to help promote the timely advance of decision support methods for aquatic resource managers and watershed-level planning. The proposed risk management research program relies heavily on model development and verification, and should be applied under an adaptive management approach. The framework is centered on using best management practices (BMPs), including eco-restoration. It is designed to encourage the development of numerical representations of the performance of these management options, the integration of this information into sediment transport simulation models that account for uncertainty in both input and output, and would use strategic environmental monitoring to guide sediment-related risk management decisions for mixed land use watersheds. The goal of this project was to provide a sound scientific framework based on recent state of the practice in sediment-related risk assessment and management for research and regulatory activities. As a result, shortcomings in the extant data and measurement and modeling tools were identified that can help determine future research direction. The compilation of information is beneficial to the coordination of related work being conducted within and across entities responsible for managing watershed-scale risks to aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Projected increases in demand and thus increasing metal prices have brought the exploration and exploitation of marine mineral resources back into focus. The Atlantis II Deep, located in the central Red Sea between Saudi Arabia and Sudan, is one of the largest marine sulfide deposits known, with high concentrations of metals such as zinc, copper, silver and gold. However, little is known about the economic potential of marine minerals as well as the legal constraints. Our geological assessment shows that the deep is similar in grades and scale to large land-based deposits. Its economic potential is far from negligible. The total present value of possible gross revenues for the four metals zinc, copper, silver and gold ranges from 3.03 to 5.29 billion US$, depending on the assumptions made concerning future price development, mass calculation and discount rate. From a legal perspective, a general duty to cooperate in the exploration and exploitation of non-living resources located in disputed maritime areas is identified in both customary international law and in UNCLOS. It is submitted that a joint development agreement is one means of ensuring compliance with this duty in general and in the case of the Atlantis II Deep in particular.  相似文献   

Agricultural runoff affects many streams in North Carolina. However, there is is little information about either its effect on stream biota or any potential mitigation by erosion control practices. In this study, benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled in three different geographic areas of North Carolina, comparing control watersheds with well-managed and poorly managed watersheds. Agricultural streams were characterized by lower taxa richness (especially for intolerant groups) and low stability. These effects were most evident at the poorly managed sites. Sedimentation was the apparent major problem, but some changes at agricultural sites implied water quality problems. The groups most intolerant of agricultural runoff were Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera. Tolerant species were usually filter-feeders or algal grazers, suggesting a modification of the food web by addition of particulate organic matter and nutrients. This study clearly indicates that agricultural runoff can severely impact stream biota. However, this impact can be greatly mitigated by currently recommended erosion control practices.  相似文献   

This is a study of the scientific component of an effort to restore an urban river by removing a low-head dam. The Secor Dam is owned by a local government entity near Toledo, Ohio. The proposed removal of the last structure impeding flow on the Ottawa River has broad appeal, but the owner is concerned about liability issues, particularly potential changes to the flood regime, the presence of contaminated sediments behind the dam, and possible downstream transport of reservoir sediments. Assessing sediment contamination involved sediment sampling and analysis of trace metals and organic contaminants. Forecasting sediment transport involved field methods to determine the volume and textural properties of reservoir and upstream sediment and calculations to determine the fate of reservoir sediments. Forecasting changes in the flood regime involved HEC-RAS hydrological models to determine before and after dam removal flood scenarios using LiDAR data imported into an ArcGIS database. The resulting assessment found potential sediment contamination to be minor, and modeling showed that the removal of the dam would have minimal impacts on sediment transport and flood hazards. Based on the assessment, the removal of the dam has been approved by its owners.  相似文献   

Loss of Louisiana's coastal wetlands has reached catastrophic proportions. The loss rate is approximately 150 km2/yr (100 acres/day) and is increasing exponentially. Total wetland loss since the turn of the century has been almost 0.5 million ha (1.1 million acres) and represents an area larger than Rhode Island. The physical cause of the problem lies in man's attempts to control the Mississippi River's flooding, while enhancing navigation and extracting minerals. Levee systems and control structures confine sediments that once nourished the wetlands to the river channel. As a consequence, the ultimate sediment deposition is in deep Gulf waters off the Louisiana coast. The lack of sediment input to the interdistributary wetlands results in an accretion deficit. Natural and human-induced subsidence exceeds accretion so that the wetlands sink below sea level and convert to water. The solution is to provide a thin veneer of sediment (approximately 0.6 cm/yr; an average of 1450 g m?2 yr?1) over the coastal marshes and swamps and thus prevent the submergence of vegetation. The sediment source is the Mississippi River system. Calculations show that 9.2% of the river's annual suspended sediment load would be required to sustain the deltaic plain wetlands. It should be distributed during the six high-water months (December–June) through as disaggregated a network as possible. The problem is one of distribution: how can the maximum acres of marsh be nourished with the least cost? At present, the river is managed through federal policy for the benefit of navigation and flood control. A new policy structure, recognizing the new role for the river-sediment distribution, is recommended.  相似文献   

介绍国外公司新开发的多种新型采出水处理设备的结构、性能和特点。这些新型的水处理设备投入生产后,使采出水水质得到提高并达到水质标准,其中有的设备已在国内油田引进,用于采出水处理,已经取得良好效果。  相似文献   

The recovery of ferrous and non ferrous metals from the bottom ashes is a common practice in the most part of Europe, both for the environmental advantages of their recycle and to avoid problems of swelling and expansion that metals can cause when bottom ashes are reused in concrete production or in road construction. This paper focuses on metal recovery from bottom ashes produced in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incinerators, with a particular focus on aluminium. A forecasting model was developed in order to evaluate the quantity of aluminium scraps recoverable from the bottom ashes. The model was applied to the Italian situation but its validity can be extended to other countries. Focusing on Italy, by applying conventional technologies for the separation of non-ferrous metals, the amount of aluminium potentially recoverable from bottom ashes is estimated in the range from 16,500 to 21,000 tonnes at the year 2015, and from 19,000 to 28,500 tonnes at 2020.  相似文献   

The harbour of Ceuta, North Africa, differs substantially from conventional harbours with only one entrance since it has two opposing entrances and a channel which increases water renewal and local currents, with implications for sedimentary processes, levels of pollution and oxygen concentration. The distribution of heavy metals, nutrients and total hydrocarbons was investigated in sediment samples from this particular harbour. The grain size effect, a normalization technique using Fe concentrations and different sediment quality guidelines are discussed, and the data from the harbour of Ceuta are compared with other harbours worldwide. In spite of the water renewal, sediments inside the harbour of Ceuta were characterised by moderate levels of pollution, mainly hydrocarbons (496--6972 microg/g), P (282--1350 microg/g), N (100--2600 microg/g) and heavy metals Cu (5--865 microg/g), Pb (10--516 microg/g), Zn (296--695 microg/g), Cr (13--381 microg/g) and Ni (8--671 microg/g). Taking into account that there is no industrial activity around the harbour of Ceuta, the major sources of contamination are the sewage effluents of urban influence, anti-fouling paints and accidental oil spills during loading and dumping involved in shipping operations. The design of Ceuta harbour should be taken into consideration in the design, construction and management of future harbours.  相似文献   

A three-tiered structure of land-use and environmental management is here proposed for Australia. The structure is based on the idea that environment means the environment of people, and that environmental problems arise when a change in the interaction between people and their environment leads to conflicts about the use of land and resources. The heterogeneity of society means that a range of human aspirations and value systems must be satisfied by environmental managers. Existing methods of environmental management fail to achieve these objectives, due to inadequate perception of environmental problems by decision-makers, and the inability of currently available impact assessment techniques to resolve human conflicts associated with the use of land and resources. The main work of planning and managing land use and the environment would be carried out by regional authorities, supported by federal and state policy. Examples are given of moves towards regional administration in England and Wales, Western Australia, Australia and New Zealand. Community participation in the decision-making process is essential and can be achieved by electoral representation to the authoritative bodies and through procedures that ensure informed public comment on planning proposals.  相似文献   

Characteristic levels of metal ions in post dredged sediment and dredged sediments materials of a municipal creek in the Niger Delta show that significant concentrations of heavy metals are found to be accumulated more on the surface (0–15cm depth) of the dredged material as compared to the sub surface (15–30cm) and post dredged sediments. The distribution patterns were in the following order Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu > Pb > Ni > Cd and Fe > Mn > Zn > Pb > Cu > Ni > Cd for the post dredged sediment and dredged sediment materials respectively. The levels of the various metals were far below the EPA screening levels for open water disposal, consequently total levels of heavy metal found in these sediments pose no problem by open-water or upland disposal  相似文献   

Calculations of the annual input of heavy metals to Jamaica Bay, New York, USA, reveal that sewage effluent carries the largest quantities of Ni, Zn, Cu, and Cd to the bay. Storm sewers and atmospheric fallout are the main sources of Pb. Atmospheric fallout of Zn, Cu, and Cd, although smaller than the combined input from sewers, contributes a significant fraction of these metals. The metal input from landfill leachate is far smaller than that from other sources. Analysis of available data shows that metal concentrations in the sediment of the bay correlate with each other and with percent total organic carbon (%TOC). This is consistent with the observation that the input of metals is predominantly associated with sewage. It is demonstrated that metal-TOC ratios, rather than metal concentrations, must be used in efforts to detect local intensive sources of metals in solution; metal-TOC ratios in intertidal sediment adjacent to these landfills are elevated by the adsorption of leachate metals, while metal concentrations are not. Subtidal sediment within a few hundred meters from two landfills shows no evidence of the addition of metals from that source, which is consistent with the small input of metals estimated for these landfills. The evidence cited in this study sharply contradicts the implication made in a widely publicized report issued by an environmental advocacy group that a significant link exists between metals found in subtidal sediment of Jamaica Bay and landfill leachate.  相似文献   

Twelve sediment cores were collected in July 2007 in open waters of western Bohai Bay, the Port of Tianjin, and the adjacent estuaries of the Haihe and Yongding Rivers. While overall concentrations of trace metals at incremental depths in these cores met the Marine Sediment Quality (GB18668-2002) criteria of China, the magnitude of both metal enrichment factors (EF) and geoaccumulation indices (I(geo)) suggested that pollution with Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn was occurring in the estuaries and Port. Risk analysis also suggested that Ag and Ni concentrations were sufficiently elevated as to cause adverse biological effects in the study area. Although metal concentrations in western Bohai Bay were of less concern, a positive relationship between EF values and excess (210)Pb activity for several metals suggested that their concentrations were increasing over time.  相似文献   

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