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This report briefly presents the aims and the fields of interest of the Environmental and Cultural Heritage Division (Italian Chemical Society) and the issues addressed during its national congress, held in Rimini in June 2013. The broad range of topics raised by different speakers, the variety of affiliations and institutions participating at the conference, the scientific organisations and private companies co-sponsoring the different sessions give a clear picture of the interdisciplinarity which is a hallmark of this division.  相似文献   

Online crowdfunding can help address the perennial financial shortfalls in environmental conservation and management. Although many online crowdfunding campaigns fail to collect any funds due to not achieving their targets, little is known about what drives success. To address this knowledge gap, we applied a mixed-methods approach to data from 473 successful and failed campaigns hosted on the online crowdfunding platform Readyfor. We found that fundraising performance varied by topic, with campaigns on pet animal management outperforming those focussed on landscape management and sustainable use. We also found that marketing strategies associated with online findability and increased reach through social networks, increased fundraising success. However, the existence of other environmental campaigns running simultaneously, reduced the chance of success, which implies that the selecting popular topics does not always increase the likelihood of success due to increased competition. Wider applications of marketing could enhance the ability of environmental crowdfunding campaigns to raise funds.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01522-0.  相似文献   

Hughes M  Weiler B  Curtis J 《Ambio》2012,41(7):709-719
This paper invokes the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as a diagnostic tool to explain an existing public education program's limited success at improving river water quality in the City of Perth, Western Australia. A reflective, client-driven research approach was used. A facilitated expert workshop defined an environmental problem (excess nutrients leaving gardens and entering waterways) and a desired behavior (residents purchasing environmentally sensitive fertilizer) to address the problem. A TPB-based belief elicitation survey captured respondents' beliefs regarding the desired behavior. The findings suggest respondents were aware of the links between purchasing environmentally sensitive fertilizer and river water quality. However, this behavior is compromised by the challenges in identifying appropriate products, product quality concerns, and cost. Viewing the content of a public education program through the lens of the TPB reveals insights into how and why the program fell short in achieving one of its key behavioral change goals.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates statistical methods that estimate measurement error from available industrial hygiene data. Errors in measuring a continuous exposure variable may arise when all individuals in a work area are assigned the same exposure. An example is when the mean of exposure measurements obtained on a sample of individuals is assigned to all workers with similar jobs. This may lead to inaccurate point and interval estimates in exposure-response modeling. A method of simulating the distribution of true (i.e., unobserved) individual exposures is described in order to estimate the mean and variance of measurement error. The minimum variance unbiased estimator approximates the mean of lognormally distributed exposure measurements. The distribution of true individual exposures is approximated by the distribution of simulated estimates of mean exposure. The methodology is illustrated by exposure data from work areas manufacturing refractory ceramic fiber (RCF) and RCF products. Results show that exposure is slightly underestimated in work areas with between 25 and 113 exposure measurements; measurement error variance averages about 1.3% of the total variance.  相似文献   

It is proposed that peroxyacetyl nitrate and its homologues are formed in polluted air via hydrogen abstraction from the corresponding aldehyde by nitrogen trioxide, followed by (a relatively fast) combination of the resulting acyl radical with oxygen and NO2. This mechanism provides a simple explanation for the formation of nitric acid, HNO3, as well. Nitrogen trioxide should be able to abstract hydrogen atoms from hydrocarbons, since the H-ONO2 bond strength is about 100 kcal/mole.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing discussion whether in the environmental risk assessment for chemicals the so called 'deterministic' approach using point estimates of exposure and effect concentrations is still appropriate. Instead, the more detailed and scientifically sounder probabilistic methods that have been developed over the last years are widely recommended. Here, we present the results of a probabilistic effect assessment for the aquatic environment performed for the pesticide methyl parathion and compare them with the results obtained with the common deterministic approach as described in the EU Technical Guidance Document. Methyl parathion was chosen because a sufficient data set (acute toxicity data for about 70 species) was available. The assumptions underlying the probabilistic effect assessment are discussed in the light of the results obtained for methyl parathion. Two important assumptions made by many studies are: (i) a sufficient number of ecologically relevant toxicity data is available, (ii) the toxicity data follow a certain distribution such as log-normal. Considering the scarcity of data for many industrial chemicals, we conclude that these assumptions would not be fulfilled in many cases if the probabilistic assessment was applied to the majority of industrial chemicals. Therefore, despite the well-known limitations of the deterministic approach, it should not be replaced by probabilistic methods unless the assumptions of these methods are carefully checked in each individual case, which would significantly increase the effort for the assessment procedure.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Good surface water quality is critical to human health and ecology. Land use determines the surface water heat and material balance, which cause...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Addressing the geographical relocation of the pollution-intensive gray side of low-carbon green production, our study analyzes potential determinants...  相似文献   

Bin Kang 《Ambio》2013,42(7):877-880
This paper examines the recent appearance of four migratory species in the Upper Mekong: Dasyatis laosensis, Anguilla bicolor, Anguilla marmorata, and Chitala ornata. Since 2006 these species have been continually sampled in an area below Jinghong Dam in Xishuangbanna, China. This region is far beyond their historical upstream distribution, and the reasons for these appearances and their subsequent impact on river ecosystem are considered.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The main goal of this research is to evaluate the contributions of Green Chemistry as a potential tool to drive the transition to circularity. For...  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variations in copepod communities were investigated during four oceanographic cruises conducted between July 2005 and March 2007 aboard the R/V Hannibal. A close relationship was observed between the temperature, salinity, hydrographic properties and water masses characterising the Gulf of Gabes. Indeed, water thermal stratification began in May–June, and a thermocline was established at a 20-m depth, but ranged from 25 m in July to more than 30 m in September. The zooplankton community is dominated by copepods representing 69 % to 83 % of total zooplankton. Spatial and temporal variation of copepods in relation to environmental factors shows their close relationship with the hydrodynamic features of the water column. Thermal stratification in the column, established in summer, supports copepod development. In fact, copepod abundance increases gradually with rising water temperature and salinity, starting from the beginning of thermal stratification (May–June 2006) and lasting until its completion (July 2005 and September 2006). When the water column is well mixed (March 2007), copepod abundance decreased. Our finding shows that temperature and salinity seem to be the most important physical factors and thus strongly influence the taxonomic diversity and distribution of the copepod population. They are characterised by the dominance of Oithona nana, representing 75–86 % of total cyclopoid abundance. The most abundant species during the stratification period were O. nana, Acartia clausi and Stephos marsalensis in July 2005 and September 2006. However, during the mixing period, Euterpina acutifrons was more abundant, representing 21 % of the total. Unlike the copepod community, which is more abundant during the period of high stratification, phytoplankton proliferates during semi-mixed conditions.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-13479-4  相似文献   

In-situ bio-remediation is a viable cleanup alternative for aquifers contaminated by hydrocarbons such as BTEX. Transport models of varying complexity and capabilities are used to quantify their degradation. A model that has gained wide acceptance in applications is BIOPLUME II, which assumes that oxygen-limited biodegradation takes place as an instantaneous reaction. In this work we have employed theoretical analysis, using non-dimensional variables, and numerical modelling to establish a quantitative criterion demarcating the range of validity of the instantaneous reaction approximation against biodegradation kinetics. Oxygen was the limiting species and sorption was ignored. This criterion relates (o), the Dahmk?hler number at oxygen depletion, to O(o)*, the ratio of initial to input oxygen concentration, (o) > or = 0.7(O(o)*)(2) + 0.1O(o)* + 1.8. The derived (o) reflects the intrinsic characteristics of the physical transport and of the biochemical reaction, including the effect of biomass density. Relative availability of oxygen and hydrocarbons exerts a small influence on results. Theory, verified and refined via numerical simulations, showed that significant deviations of instantaneous reactions from kinetics are to be expected in the space-time region s相似文献   

Support for the use of treated gray water as an alternative water resource in the Middle East and North Africa is high, especially given the lack of religious restrictions against its use, but several obstacles have kept application of treated gray water near 1 % in some areas. The largest of obstacles include the cost of treatment and the ambiguity surrounding the health safety of gray water and treated gray water. This paper aims to provide an overview of current gray water practices globally, with specific focus on household-level gray water practices in the Middle East and North Africa region, and highlight the need for cost reduction strategies and epidemiological evidence on the use of household-level gray water and treated gray water. Such actions are likely to increase the application of treated gray water in water-deprived areas of the Middle East and North Africa.  相似文献   

van Gils HA  Ugon AV 《Ambio》2006,35(2):81-85
The conversion of closed forest (CCF) in Carrasco Province, Bolivia, was monitored using a series of four midresolution satellite images from 1986 to 2002. The conversion of forests into nonforests from 1986 to 2002 was 1.5% annually. Inclusion of conversions into open forest doubles the annual CCF rate to 3.1%. Five predictors of CCF were tested in a spatial model: land tenure regime, distance from roads, distance from settlements, topography, and soil suitability for farming. Only three out of the five predictors tested were found to be reliable predictors of CCF: land tenure regime, distance from roads, and distance from settlements. University reserve and indigenous land show substantially less CCF than national park and untitled land. In addition the spatial model shows that the greater the distance of forest from roads or settlements, the less CCF. Topography and soil suitability for farming lack predictive power for CCF and are therefore excluded from the spatial model.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The collapse of the Fundão dam in Mariana, MG, in 2015 resulted in the overflow of more than 50 million m3 of mud containing mine tailings,...  相似文献   

In Burkina Faso where cooking with biomass is very common, little information exists regarding kitchen characteristics and their impact on air pollutant levels. The measurement of air pollutants such as respirable particulate matter (PM10), an important component of biomass smoke that has been linked to adverse health outcomes, can also pose challenges in terms of cost and the type of equipment needed. Carbon monoxide could potentially be a more economical and simpler measure of air pollution. The focus of this study was to first assess the association of kitchen characteristics with measured PM10 and CO levels and second, the relationship of PM10 with CO concentrations, across these different kitchen characteristics in households in Nouna, Burkina Faso. Twenty-four-hour concentrations of PM10 (area) were measured with portable monitors and CO (area and personal) estimated using color dosimeter tubes. Data on kitchen characteristics were collected through surveys. Most households used both wood and charcoal burned in three-stone and charcoal stoves. Mean outdoor kitchen PM10 levels were relatively high (774 μg/m3, 95 % CI 329–1,218 μg/m3), but lower than indoor concentrations (Satterthwaite t value, ?6.14; p?<?0.0001). In multivariable analyses, outdoor kitchens were negatively associated with PM10 (OR?=?0.06, 95 % CI 0.02–0.16, p value <0.0001) and CO (OR?=?0.03, 95 % CI 0.01–0.11, p value <0.0001) concentrations. Strong area PM10 and area CO correlations were found with indoor kitchens (Spearman’s r?=?0.82, p?<?0.0001), indoor stove use (Spearman’s r?=?0.82, p?<?0.0001), and the presence of a smoker in the household (Spearman’s r?=?0.83, p?<?0.0001). Weak correlations between area PM10 and personal CO levels were observed with three-stone (Spearman’s r?=?0.23, p?=?0.008) and improved stoves (Spearman’s r?=?0.34, p?=?0.003). This indicates that the extensive use of biomass fuels and multiple stove types for cooking still produce relatively high levels of exposure, even outdoors, suggesting that both fuel subsidies and stove improvement programs are likely necessary to address this problem. These findings also indicate that area CO color dosimeter tubes could be a useful measure of area PM10 concentrations when levels are influenced by strong emission sources or when used in indoors. The weaker correlation observed between area PM10 and personal CO levels suggests that area exposures are not as useful as proxies for personal exposures, which can vary widely from those recorded by stationary monitors.  相似文献   

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