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As part of a large study on assessing the impact of environmental contaminants in Indian avifauna, the presence of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in liver tissues of 16 species of birds collected from Ahmedabad, India during 2005–2007 was quantified. The higher concentrations of total organochlorine pesticides were detected in livers of shikra Accipiter badius (3.43?±?0.99 μg/g wet wt) and the lower levels in white ibis Pseudibis papillosa (0.02?±?0.01 μg/g wet wt). Marked differences in the concentrations of total OCPs occurred among species (p?<?0.05). Concentrations of DDT and its metabolites, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and isomers, dieldrin, and heptachlor epoxide were lower than the concentrations reported for various species of birds in India. Accumulation pattern of organochlorine pesticides in birds was, in general, in the order HCH > DDT > heptachlor epoxide > dieldrin. Among various pesticides analyzed, p,p′-DDE and β-HCH contributed maximum towards the total OCPs and study indicates the continuous use of lindane and DDT for agriculture and public health purpose, respectively. Although no serious threat is posed by any of the organochlorine pesticides detected in the present study species, continued monitoring is recommended.  相似文献   

Concentrations of organochlorine contaminants including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), chlordane compounds (CHLs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were determined in the resident and migratory birds, which were collected from India, Japan, Philippines, Russia (Lake Baikal) and Vietnam. Accumulation patterns of organochlorine concentrations in resident birds suggested that the predominant contaminants of each country were as follows: Japan--PCBs Philippines--PCBs and CHLs, India--HCHs and DDTs, Vietnam--DDTs, and Lake Baikal--PCBs and DDTs. The migratory birds from Philippines and Vietnam retained mostly the highest concentrations of DDTs among the organochlorines analyzed, indicating the presence of stopover and breeding grounds of those birds in China and Russia. On the other hand, migratory birds from India and Lake Baikal showed different patterns of organochlorine residues, reflecting that each species has inherent migratory routes and thus has exposure to different contaminants. Species which have breeding grounds around the Red Sea and Persian Gulf showed high levels of PCBs, indicating the presence of areas heavily polluted by PCBs in the Middle East.  相似文献   

Current status of contamination by persistent organochlorines (OCs) such as polychlorinated biphenyles (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCHs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and chlordane compounds (CHLs) were examined in 61 individuals belonging to eight albatross species collected from the North Pacific and the Southern Ocean. Generally high OC concentrations were found in albatrosses from the North Pacific than those from the Southern Oceans. Black-footed albatrosses had noticeably high PCBs and DDTs concentrations with mean values of 92 and 33 micrograms/g wet weight in subcutaneous fat, respectively. Among the other OCs, concentration of CHLs was higher than that of HCB in North Pacific albatrosses. HCHs accumulation was the lowest among all the OCs analyzed. Species-specific differences were observed for HCB, CHLs and DDTs in some species in the Southern Ocean. No significant difference of gender and age-related accumulation was observed in total OCs. However, PCB concentrations were higher in mature birds than those from immature ones in the Southern Ocean. Species-specific accumulation patterns of OCs in albatrosses were closely related with their feeding, migration, age and geographical ranges.  相似文献   

Concentrations of persistent organochlorines (OCs) such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), biphenyls, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and their metabolites (DDTs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers, hexachlorobenzene, and chlordane compounds were determined in genital organs of pet dogs and cats and pet foods from Japan. Levels of OCs in dogs were relatively lower than those in cats, while residue levels in their diets were almost similar, implying that accumulation and elimination mechanisms of these contaminants are different between dogs and cats. When bioconcentration factors (BCFs) were estimated from concentrations of OCs in dogs, cats, and their diets, BCFs of all the OCs except PCDD/DFs exceeded 1.0 in cats. On the other hand, in all the dogs, BCFs of DDTs were below 1.0, suggesting that dogs do not bioconcentrate DDTs. Furthermore, BCFs of all the OCs except PCDD/DFs in dogs were notably lower than those in cats, suggesting that dogs have higher metabolic and elimination capacity for these contaminants than cats. When residue levels of OCs in livers, adipose tissue, and genital organs of two pet dogs were examined, hepatic sequestration of PCDD/DFs and oxychlordane was observed.  相似文献   

Eggs of ten seabird species were collected from six regions in North Norway, Svalbard and NW Russia in 1993, and were analyzed for organochlorines (OCs) and mercury. Significant declines in levels of PCBs, p,p'-DDE, HCB, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH and oxychlordane were documented in nearly half the data set since a similar study in 1983 in six of the seabird species breeding in North Norway. Only four of the 90 paired data sets increased significantly, and the remainder remained unchanged. There was very little change in mercury levels. The decline in OCs corresponds to similar declines found in Canada and the Baltic Sea, and to declines documented in marine fish in a Norwegian fjord. They can all be attributed to the reduction in use and spread of contaminants, both in Norway and internationally. No consistent regional differences in residue levels were found.  相似文献   

Contamination levels of persistent organochlorines (OCs) such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and chlordane compounds (CHLs) was examined in human breast milk collected during 2001-2004 from Fukuoka prefecture in Japan. The concentrations of OCs such as dioxins and related compounds, DDTs, CHLs and HCB in human breast milk from primiparae were comparable to or slightly higher than the data obtained during 1998, indicating that the levels of these contaminants in Japanese human breast milk have not decreased since 1998 and Japanese are continuously exposed to these chemicals, presumably via fish intake. In addition, OC levels in human breast milk from primiparae were significantly higher than those from multiparae, implying elimination of OCs via lactation. Furthermore, significant positive correlations were observed between levels of OCs in human breast milk and the age of primiparae. These results indicate that the mothers with higher age may transfer higher amounts of OCs to the first infant than to the infants born afterwards through breast-feeding, and hence the first born children might be at higher risk by OCs.  相似文献   

Silver in the three species of pinnipeds [northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus), Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus), and harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)] caught in the North Pacific Ocean were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, in order to understand accumulation and distribution of silver in pinnipeds. In northern fur seals, relatively high concentrations of silver were observed in the liver and body hair. Some 70% of the silver burden was concentrated in the liver. Hepatic silver concentrations were significantly correlated to age in northern fur seals (r = 0.766, P < 0.001, n = 49) and Steller sea lions (r = 0.496, P < 0.01, n = 28). Levels of silver concentrations per wet weight (microgram g-1) in the three pinnipeds ranged from 0.04 to 0.55 for northern fur seals, from 0.1 to 1.04 for Steller sea lions and from 0.03 to 0.83 for harbor seals. Silver concentrations in liver for all pinnipeds were significantly correlated with mercury, and selenium (P < 0.001). Molar ratios between silver to selenium approximated 1:180 in northern fur seals, 1:120 in Steller sea lions, and 1:60 in harbor seals. The silver-mercury molar ratios were approximately 1:170 in northern fur seals, and 1:80 both in the other species. Increase in silver accumulation in the liver was caused by the retention in nuclei and mitochondria fraction together with mercury and selenium in the cells of northern fur seals.  相似文献   

Regional variation in PCBs and organochlorine (OC) pesticide concentrations was examined using the blubber of 155 minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) sampled in seven regions in the North Atlantic and European Arctic, including western and southeastern Greenland, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea and the Barents Sea. The levels and relative proportions of OCs were also used to examine the boundaries for North Atlantic minke whale stocks previously defined by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Concentrations of major OC groups (sigmaPCB, 89.1-22 800 ng/g lipid; sigmaDDT, 65.3-6280 ng/g lipid; sigmaCHL, 33.3-2110 ng/g lipid) generally increased from west to east, while HCH concentrations (sigmaHCH, < 1-497 ng/g lipid) showed the opposite trend. Statistical comparison between six regions using sex-adjusted least squared mean concentrations showed that minke whales from the Barents Sea had significantly higher concentrations of EPCBs than those from the Vestfjorden/Lofoten, the North Sea, and west Svalbard, as well as significantly higher sigmaDDT concentrations compared to west Greenland animals. The differences in concentrations suggest that west and southeast Greenland minkes may represent one group of whales, which are distinct from both the Jan Mayen minkes and those from other IWC defined stocks in northern European waters. Principal components analysis using proportions of 71 PCB congeners and 20 OC pesticides (of total OCs) did not reveal any major differences among groups although minkes from the North Sea were distinguished from those from Greenland waters by higher loadings of more highly chlorinated PCBs and recalcitrant OC pesticides. The general similarity in mean levels of sigmaPCBs, sigmaDDT and sigmaCHL, as well as mean principal components analysis scores, among minkes sampled at Jan Mayen, Svalbard, Vestfjorden/Lofoten, the North Sea and the Barents Sea suggests that the whales are quite mobile and may feed in multiple areas within the northeastern Atlantic.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites, other organochlorine pesticides such as hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlordane compounds (CHLs, including trans-chlordane and cis- and trans-nonachlor) and the heavy metal mercury were quantified in muscle and liver of the European chub (Leuciscus cephalus, Linnaeus, 1758) and in the muscle of the barbel (Barbus cyclolepis, Heckel, 1837) at two sampling sites of the River Nestos, Greece. PCBs in muscle and DDTs in the liver tissues were the predominant organochlorinated contaminants. Among the PCBs, congeners 47 (up to 9.60 ng g(-1) wet wt.), 180 (up to 1.15 ng g(-1) wet wt.) and 190 (up to 1.50 ng g(-1) wet wt.) were the most frequent and abundant. The contamination degree by the sum of PCBs on the fish tissue samples from the River Nestos is lower or similar to PCB levels found in other ecosystems. Among the organochlorine pesticides, essentially only p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDE and alpha-, beta- and gamma-HCH were found, with the former appearing at mean levels up to 30.71 ng g(-1) wet wt. From a public health standpoint, residue organochlorine pesticide levels from our work are considerably lower than the recommended tolerance limits. Finally, mean values of Hg in chub were significant lower (up to 31.04 ng g(-1) wet wt.) compared to those detected on barbel (up to 169.27 ng g(-1) wet wt.). The concentrations of Hg in fresh water fish from the River Nestos did not exceed WHO and US EPA health guidelines, and were suitable for human consumption.  相似文献   

Persistent organochlorines in air, river water and sediment samples were analysed from eastern and southern Asia (India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia) and Oceania (Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands) to elucidate their geographical distribution in tropical environment. The concentrations of organochlorines in these abiotic samples collected from Taiwan, Japan and Australia were also monitored for comparison. Atmospheric and hydrospheric concentrations of HCHs (hexachlorocyclohexanes) and DDTs (DDT and its metabolites) in the tropical developing countries were apparently higher than those observed in the developed nations, suggesting extensive usage of these chemicals in the lower latitudes. CHLs (chlordane compounds) and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) were also occasionally observed at higher levels in the tropics, implying that their usage area is also expanding southward. Distribution patterns of organochlorines in sediments showed smaller spatial variations on global terms, indicating that the chemicals released in the tropical environment are dispersed rapidly through air and water and retained less in sediments. The ratios of organochlorine concentrations in sediment and water phases were positively correlated with the latitude of sampling, suggesting that persistent and semivolatile compounds discharged in the tropics tend to be redistributed on a global scale.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to provide information on accumulation of polonium in tissues and organs of deer carvidae in order to assess the potential transport of this element via food-chain to game meat consumers. Livers, kidneys and muscles of large herbivorous animals belonging to three species: roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), red deer (Cervus elaphus) and fallow deer (Dama dama), collected in Northern Poland, were the subject of the present investigation. Activities of (210)Po were determined by means of alpha spectrometry along with relevant radiochemical procedures. The concentration of (210)Po in analyzed animals decreased in the order kidney > liver > muscle tissue. The average activity concentrations of (210)Po ranged between 0.02 +/- 0.01 Bq. kg(- 1) w.w. in muscles and 7.15 +/- 0.12 Bq. kg(- 1) w.w. in kidneys. Levels of polonium were not influenced by sampling location, sex, age and species of animals.  相似文献   

Persistent organochlorines such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDTs, chlordane compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were determined in the blubber of minke whale and its diet collected from the Antarctic and the North Pacific Oceans. Residue levels of these compounds (except HCB) in minke whale from the Antarctic were apparently lower than those from the North Pacific. This is due to the lower levels of these pollutants in the southern hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere and the specific feeding habit of the minke whale from the Antarctic which feeds on lower trophic organisms, primarily euphausiids. The north-south difference for HCB residue levels was small, reflecting its dispersible nature through long-range atmospheric transport. Compositions of DDT and CHL compounds in minke whale from the Antarctic were similar to those from the North Pacific. However, the composition of HCH isomers was different between the Antarctic and the North Pacific as was observed in their diet, suggesting a larger or on-going usage of lindane in the southern hemisphere countries. In minke whale from the Antarctic, the elevated level of PCBs residues was noted during a period of 1984 to 1993, implying a continuous discharge of PCBs in the southern hemisphere. A similar discharge was also suggested in the North Pacific, while a decreasing contamination by DDTs was apparent.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to provide information on accumulation of polonium in tissues and organs of deer carvidae in order to assess the potential transport of this element via food-chain to game meat consumers. Livers, kidneys and muscles of large herbivorous animals belonging to three species: roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), red deer (Cervus elaphus) and fallow deer (Dama dama), collected in Northern Poland, were the subject of the present investigation. Activities of 210Po were determined by means of alpha spectrometry along with relevant radiochemical procedures. The concentration of 210Po in analyzed animals decreased in the order kidney > liver > muscle tissue. The average activity concentrations of 210Po ranged between 0.02 ± 0.01 Bq· kg? 1 w.w. in muscles and 7.15 ± 0.12 Bq· kg? 1 w.w. in kidneys. Levels of polonium were not influenced by sampling location, sex, age and species of animals.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to elucidate the specific distributions of organochlorine (OC) compounds in various tissues and organs of juveniles of the South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) found stranded on beaches in southern Brazil. The OC residue concentrations occurred in the following order: PCBs>DDTs>CHLs>HCHs>HCB. OC concentrations in blubber were higher than other tissues (e.g. PCBs, 2480 ng g(-1) wet weight; DDTs, 660 ng g(-1) wet weight) indicating a positive association with lipid content (except for HCB). However, the poor nutritional status of these animals, possibly following a starvation period, is likely to have allowed the remobilization of organochlorines stored in lipids to other tissues throughout the body, increasing their vulnerability to toxic effects and possibly affecting their survival capability.  相似文献   

Little data are available on organochlorine contamination in Chinese terrestrial birds of prey. This study examined the presence of PCBs, DDTs and other organochlorine pesticides in various raptors from northern China. DDE exhibited the highest concentrations among targeted compounds. Greatest levels (23.5-1020 mg/kg lipid weight) were observed in Eurasian sparrowhawks. This may be due to their stopover in southeastern China, where high DDT and dicofol applications have been documented. Residential kestrels exhibited much lower DDE, but similar PCB and HCH concentrations. ΣTEQs and PCB-126/-77 concentration ratios exhibited significant positive correlations with ΣPCB concentrations, respectively. Similar results were also demonstrated by a meta-analysis of previously published data across avian species. Possible hepatic sequestration of coplanar PCB-77, -126, -169 and -118 was observed as liver TEQs increased in Eurasian sparrowhawks. These observations may indicate an induction of CYP1A enzymes, as a result of elevated contamination in some species.  相似文献   

Tailfat samples were collected from 56 platypuses, 38 male and 18 female in Tasmania. No statistically significant, nor apparent, differences between the sexes were found for tailfat lipid levels and DDT and its metabolites. Lindane and PCB concentrations in tailfat lipid. Apparently--but not statistically--significantly different levels of DDT and its metabolites. Lindane and PCB concentrations were found in animals from different geographic regions of the State. Higher concentrations of DDT and its metabolites and Lindane were related to the intensity of agricultural activity and elevated PCB levels were mainly found in animals from zones with industrial and hydroelectric developments.  相似文献   

Aryl methyl sulphones of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 3-p,p'-DDE (MeSO(2)-PCBs and 3-MeSO(2)-p,p'-DDE), PCBs and Sigma DDTs were analysed in five different tissues (blubber, nuchal fat, liver, muscle, brain) of adult male harbour porpoises from the west coast of Sweden. Two different methods for MeSO(2)-PCBs and 3-MeSO(2)-p,p'-DDE determination were used, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-atomic emission detection. Highest concentrations of Sigma MeSO(2)-PCBs were found in liver (0.15-0.49 microg/g lipid wt.), which corresponded to 2.0-2.8% of the Sigma PCBs concentrations. Blubber and nuchal fat showed Sigma MeSO(2)-PCB concentrations that were three to five times lower than those in liver. Concentrations of 3-MeSO(2)-p,p'-DDE in liver, muscle and brain corresponded to 0.26-4.6% of the p,p'-DDE concentrations, while in blubber and nuchal fat, 3-MeSO(2)-p,p'-DDE constituted 0.033-0.21% of p,p'-DDE. The different tissues analysed showed similar levels (lipid wt.) of Sigma PCBs and Sigma DDTs, except for brain that had almost 10 times lower levels compared to the other tissues. Using the Sigma PCBs/Sigma MeSO(2)-PCBs ratio to estimate MeSO(2)-PCB formation and secondary metabolism capacity, the harbour porpoise showed a relatively low capacity of MeSO(2)-PCB formation compared to other small toothed whales and seals. Blubber sampled from five different anatomical locations showed that concentrations of contaminants may be unevenly distributed in blubber in certain animals. This should be taken into account when choosing sampling sites on the porpoise.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDDs/DFs), including 2378-substituted isomers were present in samples of shellfish and fish, and ambient air collected from Masan Bay, and Masan City, South Korea. Total concentrations of PCDDs/DFs in mussel and clam were 750 pg g(-1), lipid weight (lw), and 3418 pg g(-1), lw, respectively. Total concentrations of PCDDs/DFs in mullet, gizzard and flounder were 52, 82, and 122 pg g(-1), lw, respectively. Shellfish tissues contained a greater number of PCDD/DF isomers, contributing greater total concentrations of PCDDs/DFs compared to fish collected from the same locations. The predominance of 2378-substituted PCDDs/DFs in fish is represented in greater total concentrations of 2378-TeCDD equivalents (TEQs), whereas there was very limited occurrence of 2378-substituted isomers in shellfish. TEQ concentrations in samples of mussel and clam were 0.97 and 12 pg g(-1), lw, respectively. Total TEQs in mullet, gizzard and flounder were 12, 22 and 18 pg g(-1), lw, respectively. In fish 2378-substituted PCDDs accounted for 100% of the total concentrations of PCDDs, and 2378-substituted PCDFs accounted from 59% to 73% of the total PCDFs. The 2378-substituted isomers accounted for only 3% of the total PCDDs/DFs in shellfish. Ambient air collected from two sites contained a wide range of isomers of tetra- through heptachlorinated PCDDs/DFs. Even though the total concentration of PCDDs/DFs in ambient air (12.8 pgm(-3)) collected from an industrial area was 2-fold greater than that in air samples (6.3 pgm(-3)) collected from an urban/rural area, total TEQs (0.07 and 0.08 pgm(-3)) there was no statistical difference between the two samples.  相似文献   

Organochlorines are found even in organisms living in remote areas such as the Arctic marginal ice zone. Organochlorine concentrations in ice-associated (sympagic) amphipods are related to their diet. Therefore, the size-dependent diet shift of Gammarus wilkitzkii may influence its organochlorine content. In this preliminary study, the organochlorine concentrations in two size classes (small 29 mm and large >29 mm) of G. wilkitzkii were analysed. The concentrations of more lipophilic compounds [e.g. polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)] were lower in the small than the large size class, whereas concentrations of less lipophilic compounds [e.g. hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs)] did not differ by size class.

Since contamination transport by the atmosphere, ocean currents and sea ice may vary, the organochlorine burden in sympagic organisms may also vary. There are no data available on temporal variation of organochlorine burden in Arctic sympagic fauna. Therefore, we compared organochlorine concentrations in sympagic amphipods (G. wilkitzkii, Apherusa glacialis and Onisimus spp.) between 1998 and 1999. Organochlorine concentrations in all amphipods were low in both years, with sum organochlorines from 50.7 to 621.9 ng g−1 lipid weight. The concentrations of hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlordanes, DDTs and PCBs were higher in 1999 than 1998, whereas the HCH concentrations were lower in 1999 than 1998. The organochlorine concentrations differed between the taxa in both years in a similar increasing manner from A. glacialis to both G. wilkitzkii and Onisimus spp.

In studies of bioaccumulation relative to body size and temporal variation, a thorough interpretation requires samples from several size classes and years. Nevertheless, the present data provide new knowledge on contaminants in Arctic invertebrates where data are scarce.  相似文献   


A method for the detection of pentachlorophenol (PCP) residues in chicken liver and fat is presented. A detection limit of 0.002 mg/kg was achieved. Recoveries from liver and fat were in the range 82–88% and 95–97%, respectively.

Low level residues of PCP were found in all 1072 liver and 723 fat samples. These levels were <0.010 mg/kg in 92.7% of the fat and 75.6% of the livers. Only 0.75% of the liver samples had PCP levels>0.1 mg/kg. None of the more toxic impurities of PCP were detected in the chicken tissues.  相似文献   

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