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Summary This contribution presents an attempt to measure the path of habitat and vegetation succession in a coastal dune system (Kenfig Burrows, South Wales) using remote sensing and GIS. The loss of slack habitats associated with the continuing stabilization of this dune system is a major cause for concern. These habitats support a range of plant species, including the rare fen orchid,Liparis loeselii, as well as other hydrophytes. A decrease in their areal extent implies a reduction in biodiversity. To quantify the overall rate and spatial dimension of these changes, a series of aerial photographs dating from 1962 to 1994 were digitized and analysed in an image processing system. The resultant maps. transferred to a vector-based GIS, were used to derive a transition matrix for the dune system over this period of time. The results indicate that there has been a marked reduction in the total area of bare sand (19.6% of the dune system in 1962, but only 1.5% in 1994) and a decline in both the areal extent and the number of dune slacks. Over the same period of time, there has been an increase inSalix repens dominated habitats, at the expense of pioneer species. Analysis of the habitat maps, together with hydrological data, within the GIS suggests that even the dry slacks have the potential for further greening and to support invasive species. In terms of habitat management however, there is still scope to restore many of the slacks to their original state. It is estimated that at least 24% of the area occupied by partially and moderately vegetated slacks could be rehabilitated.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean region plays host to ca. 33% of the world’s tourism industry. This population of visitors (ca. 147 million in 1990) inevitably exerts an enormous impact on the natural resources of this coastal zone. In May 1997, a new generation Aerial Digital Photographic System [ADPS] configured with a Kodak Digital Science 460 CIR digital camera was used to acquire colour infrared digital photographs of the sand dune systems along the Mediterranean coast of France, from Le Barcares to St-Cyprien-Plage. These have been used to assess the condition of the dunes along this coast. A series of simple analytical techniques to identify and measure features indicative of public pressure using image processing software has been devised. The dune manager with basic computer skills can analyse such indicators as path length, vegetation cover (and conversely the extent of bare sand) to enable monitoring of the performance of their dune systems under particular management regimes. These photographs have been compared with similar digital photographs of dune sites in SW France to allow a comparison of dune degradation in a region with a different population pressure and climate regime. Dune systems sampled from the Mediterranean coastal zone showed more evidence of anthropogenically induced change than those sampled in SW France.  相似文献   

Habitat protection, creation and management are at the forefront of nature conservation throughout the world. Many terrestrial and marine ecosystems are under pressure from a diverse range of issues including impacts associated with climate change, multiple resource use and increased development. Saltmarsh within the United Kingdom, is one such valuable habitat which has suffered significant losses over the last eighty or so years. Any environmental management practice or decision applied to these areas, should ideally be based on evidence of processes and change. One potential way of measuring saltmarsh change is by using historical maps and aerial photographs to look for patterns of growth or reduction. This research examines the process of saltmarsh mapping and compares historical aerial photographs and maps to assess their suitability for habitat change assessment. This research suggests that whilst historical aerial photography can be accessed and utilised effectively, the data presented on maps should be treated with a great deal of caution. The saltmarsh represented on the maps used in this research was noticeably different from that mapped using aerial photographs from a similar time period. Whilst this does not dismiss the use of historic maps along this part of the coast, it does suggest they should be treated with some degree of caution and will vary in their reliability.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,169(1):39-60
This paper describes an integrated methodology for the Assessment of Estuarine Trophic Status (ASSETS), which may be applied comparatively to rank the eutrophication status of estuaries and coastal areas, and to address management options. It includes quantitative and semi-quantitative components, and uses field data, models and expert knowledge to provide Pressure-State-Response (PSR) indicators.A substantial part of the concepts underlying the approach were developed as the United States National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment (NEEA), which was applied to 138 estuaries in the continental United States. The core methodology relies on three diagnostic tools: a heuristic index of pressure (Overall Human Influence), a symptoms-based evaluation of state (Overall Eutrophic Conditions), and an indicator of management response (Definition of Future Outlook).Recently, the methodology has been extended and refined in its application to European estuaries, and a more quantitative approach to some of the metrics has been implemented. In particular, the assessment of pressure is carried out by means of simple modeling techniques, comparing anthropogenic nutrient loading with natural background concentrations, and the quantitative criteria for classification of system state based on different symptoms have been refined to improve comparability.The present approach has been intercalibrated with the original NEEA work, for five widely different U.S. estuaries (Long Island Sound, Neuse River, Savannah River, Florida Bay and West Mississippi Sound) with good results. ASSETS additionally aims to contribute to the EU Water Framework Directive classification system, as regards a subset of water quality and ecological parameters in transitional and coastal waters.  相似文献   

Continuous data of vertical-profile salinity were analyzed for four stations located successively upriver in a macrotidal estuary, the lower St. Johns River (Northeast Florida, USA). The data analysis confirmed well-mixed salinity conditions in the river with at most 1.3 ppt of vertical variability at Dames Point (river km 20), where the main variations of salinity are along the longitudinal axis of the river. Given the well-mixed salinity conditions and dominant horizontal structure of salinity variations in the river, we present and apply a barotropic, two-dimensional modeling approach for hydrodynamic-salinity transport simulation in the lower St. Johns River. When properly forced by offshore surge, high-resolution wind fields and freshwater river inflows, the model replicated the salinity measurements remarkably well, including the separation into tidal and sub-tidal components. The data and model results show that, at times, offshore winds and surge can be more influential on longitudinal salinity variations than local winds over the river. We demonstrate the importance of using proper boundary conditions to force the model relative to the minimal sensitivity of the model to parameter adjustment of horizontal mixing and uncertainty-based perturbation of wind and inflow forcings.  相似文献   

A total of 74 samples of soil, sediment, industrial sludge, and surface water were collected in a Mediterranean estuarine system in order to assess the potential ecological impact of elevated concentrations of Co and Mn associated with a Terephthalic (PTA) and Isophthalic (PIPA) acids production plant. Samples were analyzed for elemental composition (37 elements), pH, redox potential, organic carbon, and CaCO3 content, and a group of 16 selected samples were additionally subjected to a Tessier sequential extraction. Co and Mn soil concentrations were significantly higher inside the industrial facility and around its perimeter than in background samples, and maximum dissolved Co and Mn concentrations were found in a creek near the plant’s discharge point, reaching values 17,700 and 156 times higher than their respective background concentrations. The ecological risk was evaluated as a function of Co and Mn fractionation and bioavailability which were controlled by the environmental conditions generated by the advance of seawater into the estuarine system during high tide. Co appeared to precipitate near the river mouth due to the pH increase produced by the influence of seawater intrusion, reaching hazardous concentrations in sediments. In terms of their bioavailability and the corresponding risk assessment code, both Co and Mn present sediment concentrations that result in medium to high ecological risk whereas water concentrations of both elements reach values that more than double their corresponding Secondary Acute Values.  相似文献   

Coastal zones are among the planets most threatened ecosystems and effective management of these systems requires spatial tools at appropriate spatial scales. Here we apply aerial photography with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), to map the cumulative anthropogenic footprint of an industry in a spatially defined ecologically important region of the British Columbian coast. Resolution required for such an analysis was made possible through highly detailed aerial photography of the region taken at an elevation of 305 m, at a 1:3000 scale. The approach applied here was successful in accurately detailing the cumulative extent of the anthropogenic activity on the foreshore which could have not been achieved at a coarser resolution. Such information was then effectively applied to visualize and assess the potential impact of an industrial development of the foreshore on bird distribution within the spatially identified region. The degree of overlap between the anthropogenic footprint and small estuaries within the region was also successfully assessed. For ecologically important regions such as Marine Protected Areas, and other such designated sensitive coastal regions, detailed mapping through aerial photography and GIS can aid in first identifying the true extent of an anthropogenic activity and then secondly used to link to possible ecological consequences. This in turn greatly enhances our ability to best manage the region of interest such that conservation priorities can be met.  相似文献   

A portable system for CO2 gas exchange measurements is described that allows determination of net photosynthesis and transpiration rates as well as leaf conductance of salt marsh vascular plants, and photosynthesis rates of macrophytic algae and epibenthic algae of sediment cores during low tide periods of exposure. Carbon fixation processes of these several different types of organisms can be studied on the same day. Measurements may be carried out at an estuarine field site using controlled conditions of light, temperature, and air CO2 partial pressure. Algal samples are enclosed in the cuvette for only a matter of minutes and do not dry significantly during measurement. The rapidity with which gas exchange rates of samples may be assessed will allow routine processing of many sediment cores. Thus, the distribution of producer populations can be studied with greater resolution than previously possible.  相似文献   

Annelids collected from eight stations in the western part of Lagos Lagoon between May, 1996 and February, 1998 were reported. Rainfall, salinity and sediment type influenced distribution of annelids, which were either dry season species, wet season species or euryhaline species. A total of fifty-five species were collected, thirty-one not recorded in earlier studies. Pollution indicators, Polydora sp., Capitella capitata, Nereis sp. and Tubifex sp. were collected in both dry and wet seasons.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the application of satellite images to characterize some aspects of the circulation dynamics of the Tinto-Odiel estuary using turbidity patterns as ‘natural tracers’. 15 images (Landsat TM and Spot HRV) were processed to provide synoptic, instantaneous views of the circulation patterns under different environmental conditions. In addition, a comparison was made between results of oceanographic field work, using biplanes and fluorescent tracers, and satellite image turbidity patterns used as ‘ground truth’ data for specific hydroclimatic situations. This approach allowed (1) the identification and mapping of dynamic processes of interest during a theoretical tidal cycle, (2) the elaboration of additional information on the ‘flow schemes’ at the mouth of the estuary with improved spatial and temporal resolution, and (3) the supply of basic data to improve the knowledge of exchange processes between estuarine and coastal waters. The results of this study are considered to be useful for the management of the estuarine system.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the application of satellite images to characterize some aspects of the circulation dynamics of the Tinto-Odiel estuary using turbidity patterns as ‘natural tracers’. 15 images (Landsat TM and Spot HRV) were processed to provide synoptic, instantaneous views of the circulation patterns under different environmental conditions. In addition, a comparison was made between results of oceanographic field work, using biplanes and fluorescent tracers, and satellite image turbidity patterns used as ‘ground truth’ data for specific hydroclimatic situations. This approach allowed (1) the identification and mapping of dynamic processes of interest during a theoretical tidal cycle, (2) the elaboration of additional information on the ‘flow schemes’ at the mouth of the estuary with improved spatial and temporal resolution, and (3) the supply of basic data to improve the knowledge of exchange processes between estuarine and coastal waters. The results of this study are considered to be useful for the management of the estuarine system.  相似文献   

The unsaturated isoprenoid alcohol phytol is a constituent of the major chlorophyll species a and b and, as such, should be useful as an estimator for chlorophyll values. A method for the extraction of phytol from estuarine suspended organic matter and analysis by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) is described. Comparisons of the GLC method for phytol-chlorophyll analyses and a spectrophotometric chlorophyll method indicate that the GLC method gives values in good agreement with the spectrophotometric procedure. Similar trends in suspended chlorophyll values were observed in Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, USA) water samples using the GLC method and a fluorometric procedure. The results of these studies indicate that the GLC method provides reliable analyses of chlorophyll and, although more time-consuming, has the advantage that other organic species can be analyzed in the same sample, thus providing additional information on its chemical composition.  相似文献   

The cobblerCnidoglanis macrocephalus (Valenciennes) is an endemic marine and estuarine catfish from southern Australia. Conflicting views on the degree of isolation of the estuarine populations underscore general questions about genetic divergence in coastal species. Although estuaries are widely recognized as ecologically important, little work has been done on their role in favouring genetic divergence. In order to estimate the extent of genetic subdivision among nearshore marine and estuarine populations, electrophoretic variation of enzymes was examined in seven marine and six estuarine populations of cobbler from sites spanning 1500 km along the southwest Australian coastline. Among all populations, the mean standardized variance in allelic frequencies (F ST) for six polymorphic loci was 0.277, a high value comparable to those of other shallow-water teleosts whose life-history characteristics and habitat preferences restrict their dispersal capability. The pattern of genetic identities between populations showed divergence between west and south coast sites. Within these regional groups, however, there was substantial heterogeneity, much of which was associated with estuaries. Among all six estuarine sites, the averageF ST was 0.333, 40% higher than the value of 0.237 for the marine sites. Low estimates of the genetically effective number of migrants suggest population subdivision between marine and estuarine environments and between similar habitat types. This study indicates the importance of habitat in affecting the connectedness of populations, even in apparently open marine systems.  相似文献   

Analyses of phytoplankton collections from Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island and the Damariscotta River, Maine, USA showed that statistically significant differences in population density can usually be demonstrated within any series of collections when the collecting interval is more than 10 cm. Individual species in any series are in general over-dispersed. Phytoplankton patches ranging in size from <1 m to 12 m were tentatively identified. No correlation was found between temperature or salinity and the small-scale distribution of individual species. Possible causes of the inhomogeneities observed in phytoplankton distributions are considered.Contribution No. 17 from the Ira C. Darling Center for Research, Teaching, and Service, University of Maine.  相似文献   

A 1.8 ha brackish (5 to 15 S) embayment (Osborn Cove) on the Western Shore of Chesapeake Bay (USA) was studied during 1976 to examine some hydrologic and climatic influences on its phytoplankton, bacteria, intertidal benthos, a peripheral salt marsh (equivalent to 20% of the cove surface area), and the surrounding 48 ha forest watershed. Comparisons with 1975 and 1977 for temperature, salinity, rainfall and tidal extremes, show 1976 to have had normal rainfall but a cooler autumn. Sediment moves alongshore into the cove after rainfall, and erosion causes soil breakdowns from nearby cliffs. This movement, ice damage and predators appear to mediate distribution of the intertidal benthos. Phytoplankton density, chlorophyll and photosynthesis are compared with other portions of the Chesapeake Estuary sampled in parallel programs. Phytoplankton chlorophyll oscillations observed in the Bay and Potomac River were not seen in the cove. Cove gross and net photosynthesis averaged about the same as the bay, but the cove had higher rates in spring, a result of significantly higher net assimilation ratios rather than higher biomass. River-contributed nutrients may have produced this stimulation when used by tidally inoculated phytoplankton. Large numbers of small flagellates were not seen after heavy rainfall fluishing. Net phytoplankton production in the cove was estimated at 97.6 g C m-2 yr-1. A portion of the cove having restricted circulation apparently contributed 48% of this production in months when its phytoplankton was dominated by small flagellates. Total estimated net production by cove phytoplankton was 1.75x103 kg C yr-1, compared to 0.75x103 kg C yr-1 for a narrow peripheral zone of Spartina alterniflora growth occupying only 13% as much area. This ratio and circumstantial evidence suggests that leaf litter from the surrounding forest dominated particulate input to the cove. Bacterial plate counts showed increases in total numbers as a function of water temperature, with surface counts exceeding bottom counts. Indigenous bird and mammal waste are suggested as important bacterial inputs. Rainfall pulses resulted in rapid increases of fecal coliform and fecal streptococcus counts.  相似文献   

Critical thermal maxima (CTM) were determined for winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus, Walbaum) and scup (Stenotomus chrysops, L.), acclimated to ambient water temperature or constant increments above ambient. The acclimation regimes simulated a natural environment by tracking the temperature fluctuations in Point Judith Pond, a small Rhode Island estuary. An elevation in CTM from 30.2° to 35.6°C was observed for scup as the mean acclimation temperature increased from 14.8° to 22.2°C. CTM for flounder increased from 26.4° to 32.4°C over an acclimation range of 4.2° to 23.0°C. The use of CTM studies for predicting the effects of heated effluents is discussed.  相似文献   

The chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide Kelthane was assayed for effects on food consumption, molting rate, cannibalism, respiration, mortality and behavior of the estuarine shrimp Crangon franciscorum Stimpson. The test system was a single-pass pulse-flow apparatus employing a modified Mount-Brungs style diluter. Treatment levels were 0, 14, 33 and 81 g l-1 Kelthane at 16.6°C and 19 S over an exposure period of 317 h. Exposure to Kelthane reduced food consumption, molting rate, cannibalism, and respiration. Behavior also was abnormal in exposed shrimp. They spent more time swimming, were less coordinated and had feeble escape reactions. Kelthane was very toxic to C. franciscorum with LT50 values of 163, 196 and 264 h for shrimp exposed to 81, 33 and 14 g l-1 respectively. The incipient lethal level of Kelthane is probably below 14 g l-1.  相似文献   

There is increasing concern about eutrophication and subsequent hypoxia problems in estuaries. The US Environmental Protection Agency has developed Water Quality Criteria (WQC) for dissolved oxygen (DO) in saltwater for Cape Cod, MA to Cape Hatteras, NC but inadequate data exists for development of such criteria for other coastal geographic areas. We performed acute tests with two species of crustaceans and seven species of estuarine fishes native to the Gulf of Mexico to complement the data base for northeastern species. Flow-through tests were conducted for either 24- or 48-h at test temperatures from 24 to 28°C and at salinities from 20 to 31.5‰. Estimated 24-h LC50 values obtained for crustaceans ranged from 1.36 mg/l for adult pink shrimp to 1.56 mg/l for 10-day-old mysids. Similarly, estimated LC50 values for fish ranged from 1.34 mg/l in one of the three tests with pinfish to 2.22 mg/l in one of the two tests with scaled sardines. The majority of mortality attributable to low DO concentrations in our experiments usually occurred within the first 4 h of exposure. LC50 values for the species tested are below the WQC recommended protective limit of 2.3 mg/l for juvenile and adult animals.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,187(4):513-523
Phytoplankton growth in estuaries is controlled by factors such as flushing, salinity tolerance, light, nutrients and grazing. Here, we show that biodiversity of estuarine phytoplankton is related to flushing, and illustrate this for some European estuaries.The implications for the definition of reference conditions for quality elements in estuaries of different types are examined, leading to the conclusion that constraints on the number of estuarine and coastal types that may be defined for management purposes require that quality classes take into account natural variability within types, in order to be ecologically meaningful. We develop a screening model to predict the growth rate required for a phytoplankton species to be present under different flushing conditions and apply it to estuaries in the EU and US to show how changes in physical forcing may alter biodiversity. Additional results are presented on the consequences for eutrophication, showing that changes in residence time may interact with species-specific nutrient uptake rates to cause shifts in species composition, potentially leading to effects such as harmful algal blooms.We discuss applications for integrated coastal zone management, and propose an approach to normalization of estuarine phytoplankton composition as regards species numbers.  相似文献   

S. N. Luoma 《Marine Biology》1977,41(3):269-273
Rapid uptake and slow loss of Hg will result from short exposures of some organisms to this metal, due to the transformation of Hg to a slowly exchanging form within the organisms. The extent of the difference between exposure time and depuration time will depend upon the rate of transformation during uptake. For the polychaete worm Neanthes succinea and the shrimp Palaemon debilis such transformations are extremely rapid. The exchange of Hg from the slowly exchanging compartment is similar among a wide variety of species. Thus, interspecies differences in susceptibility to Hg may be determined by differences in biochemical transformation rates and physiological permeability to the metal.  相似文献   

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