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单纤维过滤介质表面尘粒捕集的随机模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于控制面概念和粒子运动轨迹计算,建立单纤维过滤介质表面尘粒捕集的三维随机计算模型,采用Ku-wabara流场表征单纤维表面的气流绕流特征。计算分析了St数、无量纲粒径及单纤维过滤模型填充密度对沉积物形态结构和积尘状态下单纤维捕集效率的影响。结果指出,St数对沉积物形态结构具有显著作用,随St数减小,沉积物由紧密的堆积结构演变为分叉显著的树枝状结构。模拟结果还发现,无论过滤条件如何变化,无量纲单纤维捕集效率随捕集粒子数呈近似线性增加关系。 相似文献
矿山粉尘治理需通过选择合理的除尘方法,才能达到较好的降尘效果;目前,带有长管道的机械通风除尘措施是矿山粉尘治理的有效措施之一。随着粉尘在管道内长时间排出,管道内势必会产生沉积现象。应用计算流体力学软件FLUENT 6.3.26对不同粒径的二氧化硅粉尘颗粒在水平通风管道内的沉积规律进行模拟计算,其中通风管道管径D=500 mm,长度l=20 m,送风速度v=12 m·s-1。模拟结果表明:微颗粒(100 μm)在管道内停留时间较短,最长时间为3.91 s,受湍流影响较大,沉降现象不明显,运移规律呈无序状;粗颗粒(5~10 mm)在管道内停留时间相比微颗粒粉尘,停留时间较短,最长时间为1.71 s,受湍流影响较小,沉降现象明显,运移规律呈波浪状循环上升降落,波峰高度随管程增大而逐渐降低。 相似文献
为解决大型露天矿回填溜槽运输系统产生的粉尘污染问题,运用溜槽物料牵引流、落料诱导气流和剪切气流理论分析了溜槽工艺的粉尘析出机理。研究发现,溜槽运输系统粉尘的析出是诱导空气的尘化作用、剪切压缩尘化作用的结果,粉尘析出的主要影响因素包括物料的基本属性、运行速度及溜槽出口落差。基于气固两相流理论,利用数值模拟方法计算小空间粉尘颗粒的扩散规律和颗粒运动轨迹,结果显示溜槽系统粉尘粒径范围在0~100 μm,物料流速度大于10 m/s时,粉尘大部分被扬起,溜槽出口距离平台距离越大粉尘析出量越大。为制定多尺度、综合的粉尘防治措施提供必要的理论支撑与科学依据。 相似文献
利用数值模拟方法,探究袋式除尘器中圆筒滤袋改为褶皱滤袋后,滤袋长度变化对除尘器内部流场及粉尘在灰斗中沉降的影响。结果表明:圆筒滤袋改为褶皱滤袋可显著降低系统阻力,有利于系统节能;下进风式除尘器箱体中,滤袋越短除尘器内部的气流分布越不均匀,气流易在除尘器箱体空间及灰斗中产生涡旋,除尘器内部远离进风口一侧的滤袋会承担更多风量并受到高速气流冲击;在袋长(L)分别为3、4、5、6 m的除尘器内,粉尘在灰斗中沉降率(η) 为η(L=5 m)>η(L=4 m)>η(L=3 m)>η(L=6 m)。这表明袋底距入口太近不利于粉尘沉降,粉尘直接运动至滤袋,反而会增加滤袋的过滤负担,故滤袋长度L=5 m时粉尘在灰斗中的沉降率最佳。然而,进一步降低滤袋长度不能提高粉尘的沉降率,滤袋渗透率越大,除尘器内部流场速度分布越均匀,粉尘更易沉降至灰斗。本研究结果可为下进风袋式除尘器的袋长设计提供参考。 相似文献
破碎站粉尘逸散规律及降尘技术的数值模拟及其应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对露天矿破碎站粉尘污染严重、治理技术中存在的缺陷,提出了超声波雾化喷雾降尘技术。以平朔安家岭煤矿为例,根据破碎站区域粉尘污染情况,应用数学模型对破碎站粉尘逸散规律进行解算,将模拟结果与现场实测数据对比,确定对卸载坑采用150~300μm雾滴粒径和对破碎机各产尘点采用1~10μm雾滴粒径的机体梁上外喷雾方式,通过对采取治理方案后破碎站粉尘浓度逸散的数值模拟和现场实际应用后的测试数据,显示全尘和呼吸性粉尘降尘效率分别达到94%和82%。结果表明,超声波喷雾降尘技术能有效降低破碎站粉尘浓度,保障了作业人员工作环境和安全。 相似文献
在长纤维束过滤器动力学模型和现场实验数据的基础上,利用Comsol Mulitiphysics仿真软件对长纤维束过滤器过滤过程进行数值模拟。将3类仿真曲线(滤出水颗粒浓度随时间的变化曲线、滤液浓度沿滤层的变化曲线、滤床各层比积泥量的变化曲线)与实验所得的真实曲线分别进行对比,两者比较接近。说明该过滤过程模型可用于影响长纤维束过滤器运行特性中单个或多个变化因素(初始滤速、纤维束装填密度、流入浓度和纤维丝直径等)实验结果的估算,可作为长纤维过滤器的实验研究、操作优化和结构设计的参考。 相似文献
一个高性能过滤膜除了与纤维自身结构参数有关联外,过滤时的操作条件对其也有重要影响.为研究纤维膜过滤效率、过滤压降与过滤速度、孔隙率以及过滤膜厚度之间的关系,以更好地对实际过滤进行优化,本研究从纤维膜的过滤机理进行出发,采用FLUENT多孔介质离散相模型对纤维过滤器的流场进行模拟.结果表明,膜前后压降会随着过滤速度和膜厚度的增大而增大;一定范围内纤维膜孔隙率适度增加,截留率变化不大,但是膜压差会逐渐减小;同时过滤速度对颗粒截留率有影响,速度增大时,粒子轨迹发生偏移,导致过滤膜一部分过早发生堵死,而一部分作用减弱,影响了过滤效果. 相似文献
为研究不锈钢钢渣化学成分及用于烟气脱硫的可行性,采用电子探针微区分析技术对太原钢铁(集团)有限公司不锈钢钢渣进行单颗粒形貌和组分分析,然后测定钢渣中游离氧化钙含量和浆液的pH,在此基础上,开展了将其用于烟气脱硫的模拟试验,研究了钢渣干湿状态、粒径对脱硫效率和失效时间的影响。结果表明,不锈钢钢渣颗粒呈不规则形状,主要成分包括CaO、MgO、Al2O3、SiO2等,其中游离氧化钙占4%~7%;钢渣浆液呈碱性。浸湿状态下80目以上钢渣脱硫率大于60%,失效时间170min。表明不锈钢钢渣具备一定的烟气脱硫潜力,可以考虑用来"以废治废"。 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》1999,33(28):4727-4737
Deposition processes of particles with dry diameter larger than about 10 μm are dominated by gravitational settling, while molecular diffusion and Brownian motion predominate the deposition processes of particles smaller than 0.1 μm in dry diameter. Many air pollution derived elements exhibit characteristics common to sub-micron particles. The objective of the present study is to examine the effects of meteorological conditions within the turbulent transfer layer on the deposition velocity of particles with dry diameter between 0.1 and 1 μm. It is for these sub-micron particles that particle growth by condensation in the deposition layer, the broken water surface effect and the enhanced transfer process due to atmospheric turbulence in the turbulent transfer layer play important roles in controlling the particle deposition velocity. Results of the present study show that the `dry air’ assumption of Williams’ model is unrealistic. Effects of ambient air relative humidity and water surface temperature cannot be ignored in determining the deposition velocity over a water surface. Neglecting effects of ambient air relative humidity and water surface temperature will result in defining atmospheric stability incorrectly. It is found that the largest effect of air relative humidity on deposition velocity occurs at an air–water temperature difference corresponding to the point of `displaced neutral stability'. For a given wind speed of U=5 m s−1 the additive effects of water surface temperature, Tw, changes from 5 to 25°C and ambient air relative humidity variations from 85 to 60%, respectively, lead to a maximum difference in vd of about 20%. For a higher wind speed of 10 m s−1, however, the corresponding change in vd reduces to less than 5%. This is further confirmation that wind speed is one of the strongest variables that governs the magnitude of vd. The present study also found that the broken surface transfer coefficient, kbs, given as a multiple of the smooth surface transfer coefficient, kss, is physically more meaningful than assigning it a constant value independent of particle size. The method used in this study requires only a single level of atmospheric data coupled with the surface temperature measurement. The present method is applicable for determining deposition velocity not only at the conventional measurement height of 10 m but also at any other heights that are different from the measurement height. 相似文献
利用雾化挥发发生原理制备二氧化钛气溶胶,将二氧化钛气溶胶颗粒负载在石英玻璃纤维上,制备二氧化钛-石英玻璃纤维功能性空气过滤材料。实验研究了二氧化钛气溶胶发生相关参数、石英玻璃纤维直径分布、透过率曲线、最易透过粒径,并对二氧化钛气溶胶颗粒在石英玻璃纤维上的负载过程和负载形态进行了探讨。研究结果表明,发生的二氧化钛气溶胶具有可控的粒径分布和较好的分散性;中值粒径128 nm的二氧化钛气溶胶颗粒能够稳定负载在3 μm的石英玻璃纤维上;二氧化钛在石英玻璃纤维上的沉积量受沉积时间的影响,沉积过程中阻力开始变化不大,随后在沉积饱和点后阻力迅速增大,滤料填充度越高沉积饱和点出现时间越早;二氧化钛粒子在纤维表面的负载形态除颗粒、团簇外,还有三维的树枝状空间结构。 相似文献
E. Vartiainen M. Kulmala T.M. Ruuskanen R. Taipale J. Rinne H. Vehkamki 《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2006,40(40):7882-7892
Oxidation of d-limonene, which is a common monoterpene, can lead to new aerosol particle formation in indoor environments. Thus, products containing d-limonene, such as citrus fruits, air refresheners, household cleaning agents, and waxes, can act as indoor air aerosol particle sources. We released d-limonene into the room air by peeling oranges and measured the concentration of aerosol particles of three different size ranges. In addition, we measured the concentration of d-limonene, the oxidant, and the concentration of ozone, the oxidizing gas. Based on the measurements we calculated the growth rate of the small aerosol particles, which were 3–10 nm in diameter, to be about , and the losses of the aerosol particles that were due to the coagulation and condensation processes. From these, we further approximated the concentration of the condensable vapour and its source rate and then calculated the formation rate of the small aerosol particles. For the final result, we calculated the nucleation rate and the maximum number of molecules in a critical cluster. The nucleation rate was in the order of and the number of molecules in a critical-sized cluster became 1.2. The results were in agreement with the activation theory. 相似文献
通过对高效、超高效滤料透过率测试台工作原理的分析得到:利用基本单分散粒子作为气溶胶测得的透过率关系与滤料真正的透过率-粒径曲线有区别,实际上是所使用实验气溶胶的综合透过率。详细研究了真正透过率与实验透过率的关系、误差和偏离产生原因,最终提出了一种独特的计算方法,实现了根据实验得到的表观透过率-粒径关系,就可以计算出真实透过率-粒径曲线,并得到了采用较为理想的实验气溶胶测试出的真实透过率的实际验证,这将大大提高高效、超高效滤料性能测试台的精度,拓展了其应用范围,为高效滤料的过滤理论和应用研究提供了比较理想的测试手段。 相似文献
自由表面流人工湿地微生物气溶胶研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
微生物气溶胶的种类、浓度和粒径分布与人类健康关系密切。采用MD8空气浮游菌采样仪和FA-1型6级筛孔撞击式空气微生物采样器,对人工湿地细菌和真菌气溶胶的数量和粒径分布进行研究。结果表明,人工湿地进水前,细菌和真菌气溶胶平均值较低,分别为64.0、126.0CFU/m3;进水后,细菌气溶胶平均值在6月26日达到最高,为2292.5CFU/m3,真菌气溶胶平均值在8月27日达到最高,为6200.0CFU/m3;易进入肺部的细菌和真菌(粒径为0.65~4.70μm)粒子数分别占粒子总数的22.2%~62.3%、54.2%~87.6%;空气细菌中值直径为1.88~4.13μm,空气真菌中值直径在3.00μm左右波动。空气细菌中革兰氏阳性菌明显多于革兰氏阴性菌,空气真菌主要为酵母菌、镰刀菌属、枝孢属、毛霉属、交链孢属、肉座菌属、枝霉属、青霉属和曲霉属。 相似文献
Environmental scanning electron microscopy as a new technique to determine the hygroscopic behaviour of individual aerosol particles 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Martin Ebert Marion Inerle-Hof Stephan Weinbruch 《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2002,36(39-40)
The hygroscopic behaviour of NaCl, (NH4)2SO4, Na2SO4 and NH4NO3 particles in the size range of 0.1–20 μm was studied by environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). This technique allows the in-situ observation of individual aerosol particles while changing the temperature and/or relative humidity (RH) in the sample chamber. The hygroscopic behaviour of these particles (e.g., deliquescence, adsorption of water on the particle surface) becomes directly observable with a lateral resolution of the order of 8–15 nm. The deliquescence relative humidities (DRH) of the different salts, the temperature dependence of the DRH for NH4NO3, and the growth factors (at increasing relative humidities) for NaCl were determined. Generally, a good agreement between the values obtained by ESEM and those found in literature was achieved. However, the DRH of NaCl determined by ESEM is systematically higher (approximately 2%, absolute) than the values obtained by other techniques, which can be explained by the observed strong absorption of water onto the crystal surface prior to droplet formation. The efflorescence behaviour of individual particles can be studied only qualitatively due to influences of the sample substrate. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the activation of soot can be studied at high resolution by ESEM. 相似文献
2012年3-8月对北京西三环地区大气颗粒物进行分级采样,利用气相色谱(GC)/质谱(MS)联用仪对颗粒物中多环芳烃(PAHs)含量进行测定.结果表明,检出的16种PAHs总质量浓度(∑16PAHs)平均为46.73ng/m3;苯并[a]蒽(BaA)等6种单体浓度与∑16PAHs呈良好线性关系;PAHs粒径分布特征表明,其更易富集在细颗粒物上;不同环数PAHs分布特征为:3环>4环>5环>6环>2环,随着颗粒粒径减小,高环数PAHs含量增加.温度、湿度和紫外线(UV)指数与∑16PAHs呈负相关.通过特征化合物比值分析法对PAHs进行源解析发现,采样期间PAHs主要来源为燃烧源,交通源影响微弱. 相似文献