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The UN ECE Göteborg Protocol from 1. December 1999 (c.f.http://www.unece.org und SENGER, 2000) to abate acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone demands distinct reductions of air pollutants in different countries. In this contribution the reduction of different components of air pollutants between the years 1990 and 2010 were estimated for the German federal states of Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia. The estimated reduction for NOx, SO2 and NM-VOC, and CO meet the demands set up by the UN ECE Göteborg Protocol. For O3 a reduction could only be predicted for rural areas and, for CO2, a steady increase in its global concentration has to be assumed.  相似文献   

Background, aim and scope The application of nanosilver is increasing. Knowledge on the fate and behavior of nanosilver in wastewater and wastewater treatment plants is scarce. Studies under real world conditions are completely lacking. We studied (1) the impact of nanosilver on the nitrification of sewage sludge, (2) quantified the mass flow of nanosilver in a pilot-plant, and (3) verified the mass balance in a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant where nanosilver is introduced to the municipal plant by an indirect discharger. Materials and Methods The addition of four different nanosilver additives on ammonia oxidation in activated sludge has been studied in batch-reactors at two concentrations (1, 100?mg/L Ag) with two exposure times (2?h, 6?days). The pilot-plant treating 70 population equivalents of domestic wastewater is operated with a 12?day sludge age. Nanosilver was applied to the activated sludge tank within two sludge ages. The silver concentrations were measured in sludge and effluent samples during dosing and the following two sludge ages. The adsorption and speciation of silver particles has been analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Influent, effluent and sludge were sampled on a full-scale plant (60?000 equivalent inhabitants) and analyzed for silver. Results Silver nitrate, metallic nanosilver, nano-scaled silver chloride and microcomposite silver did not show any effect on ammonia oxidation after the addition of 1?mg/L Ag to the activated sludge (corresponding to 250?mg Ag per kg solids). In contrast, 100?mg/L Ag inhibited the nitrification process by 100?% after the addition of silver nitrate and 20–30?% after addition of colloidal polymer-coated nanosilver. A complete mass balance of the pilot-plant, a steady-state system with known fluxes, demonstrates significant enrichment of silver in the sewage sludge (96?%) after the addition of silver chloride to the plant and small losses of silver into the secondary effluent (4?%). The mass fluxes are similar to metallic colloidal nanosilver investigated under the same conditions. The mass balance has been consistently confirmed by the full-scale study in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The silver fluxes correspond to the fluxes of the suspended solids in sludge and effluent. Overall, it is estimated that from public wastewater treatment plants about 4–40?mg/a Ag per inhabitant equivalent are discharged annually to the receiving water. The analysis by SEM-EDX demonstrates adsorption and incorporation of nanosilver on biological flocs. This method yields first insight into complex building and transformation of silver associated with sulfide after adding metallic nanosilver and silver chloride to wastewater. Discussion Silver ions released from nanosilver react immediately with large amounts of chloride present in wastewater to form silver chloride. Silver ions may react with organic ligands or sulfide groups additionally. Consequently, even silver nitrate added with 1?mg/L Ag (250?mg Ag/kg TS) to activated sludge did not inhibit nitrification activity. Very high amounts of nanosilver, i.?e. 100?mg/L Ag, overburdened the system and equilibrium condition between silver ion release and ligands was not reached. The mass balance reflects the excellent attachment of nanosilver to activated sludge and biological flocs. Therefore, the main elimination process of nanosilver is attachment to the activated sludge. The elimination of nanosilver is high compared to organic and inorganic micro pollutants omnipresent in wastewater. Any further reduction of suspended solids in the effluent water will reduce the silver load. Conclusions Generally, in wastewater nanosilver occurs bonded to activated sludge flocs and therefore the elimination of nanosilver is efficient under operation conditions typical for wastewater treatment plants. The major fraction of nanosilver is removed from the system by the excess sludge withdrawal. Nonetheless, the efficiency may be further improved by a tertiary filtration step. All analyses of influent, effluent and sludge confirmed that silver exists as silver sulfide. Due to a negligible water solubility of this silver species, silver ions are not subsequently released. Recommendations and perspectives Nanosilver research should be driven to the identification of transformation processes in real environmental matrices and the influence of coatings on the adsorption behavior. There is no need for action to take special measures for nanosilver removal in the area of municipal wastewater treatment plants compared to ubiquitous hazardous organic pollutants may present in wastewater. Nevertheless, source control measures following the precautionary principle should be performed.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) result from incomplete combustion of almost every organic materials, e.?g. due to forest fires, residential heating, combustion engines, grilling, or smoking. PAH are predominantly distributed over the air-path. Their usage in products (e.?g. moth-balls) has been limited strictly or completely forbidden in the past. In the context of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), the single substances anthracene, fluoranthene and naphthalene, as well as PAHs as group of substances, are listed as “priority” substances. Background of this work is a first compilation of sources of PAH emissions, and in this context, the collection of all relevant data and information to calculate the total emissions into surface waters in Germany. Materials and methods Within the scope of diverse research projects, funded by the German Environmental Agency, the available data material concerning PAH input in surface waters has been analyzed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research. On the basis of the collected data, a first evaluation of relevance of the different sources has been conducted using the model MONERIS. Results As a result of the atmospheric deposition, PAHs enter, to a large extent, surface waters directly or indirectly through surface runoff (e.?g. urban areas, wastewater treatment plants, erosion). Discussion Although there is still additional research need for some of the covered PAH sources, a noticeable distribution pattern of relevance emerges. Conclusions The scenarios, based on the currently known sources, show that the implementation or the neglect of emission reduction measures in the field of diffuse air-borne PAHs are crucial for the further development of the deposition of PAHs in surface waters. More far-reaching studies are necessary, e.?g. concerning emissions from inland navigation/motor boats, the inhomogeneous source “products”, or the path “erosion”. Recommendations and perspectives According to the EU-WFD, all depositions, emissions and losses of “priority hazardous” classified substances, such as the group of PAHs, have to be stopped or gradually finished in the long term. Until the year 2015, environmental quality standards (EQS) have to be met for all “priority substances”. Presently, the EQS often are not completely fulfilled for many substances of the PAH group, including benzo(a)pyrene. Reduction measures are necessary within diverse areas, especially concerning diffuse atmospheric emissions (e.?g. “residential heating”).  相似文献   

In streams with an agricultural source of catchment, insecticide contamination and hydrodynamic stress increased with the rate of surface runoff. In this investigation, surface runoff was responsible for an insecticide contamination of the water of up to 6 μg/lParathion and of suspended particles of up to 302 μg/kgFenvalerate. Surface runoff also induced an increase of discharge up to one order of magnitude over one day. As a consequence, the number of macroinvertebrate species was discreased by 73% and the species composition was modified. Laboratory and field investigations pointed out that insecticide contamination is the most relevant cause of these observed biological changes. This work describes the population dynamics of a sensitive species and, in addition, the strategies of survival of a tolerant species.  相似文献   

To work out background values, the information of concentration profiles of PAHs in soils of uncontaminated territories is indispensable. This investigation shows PAH concentrations of different soil samples like agricultural soils, grassland, forest and litter from the biosphere reserve in Spreewald, Germany. The mean values of the soil samples are about 460 μg Σ-PAK/kg d.m. A top value of 7.2 mg Σ-PAK/kg d.m. shows a sample of a flooded grassland area. The relation of the concentrations in the litter, forest, grassland and agricultural soil samples is about 5∶3∶2∶1. Compared to the other samples, the litter samples contain a higher amount of low molecular PAHs. Increasing distance to the former power plants Lübbenau and Vetschau (brown coal) lead to decreasing PAH contents in the soil samples of forests from 2190.9 after 4 km to 294.8 Σ-PAK/kg d.m. after 16 km. In comparison to results obtained in Nordrhein-Westfalen and Bayern, the PAH measurements indicate Spreewald to be an uncontaminated and rural area.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of chemicals requires comprehensive data material, which often is not available. To provide substitutes for the lacking experimental ecotoxicological and physico-chemical data, a software-system (SAR-System) has been developed comprising more than 90 estimation models for relevant endpoints. The approach is based on quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR). Two major aspects characterize the SAR-System:
  1. The implemented models were tested for their validity and application range.
  2. The QSARs are accessible by a menu-driven programme package.
The following endpoints are included: Thysico-Chemical Data: 1-Octanol/water-partition-coefficient log Pow, vapour pressure, water solubility, pKa-value, boiling point Biological Data: Toxicity towards fish, daphnia, tetrahymenae, algae, bacteria and mammals, mutagenicity. Distribution: soil sorption, bioconcentration, Henry-Constant, Mackay (Level I). Degradation: photodegradation, biodegradability.  相似文献   

Background, aim and scope Sources of organic micropollutants occuring in surface waters are often unknown. Regarding environmental risk assessments for surface waters, construction materials have as till now, not been given much consideration, although biocides used as preservatives are known to reach urban storm water runoff. The study focused on biocides for facades coatings and aimed (1) to determine ecotoxicological effect values, (2) to quantify the leaching behaviour and (3) to assess the environmental risk for surface waters using a dynamic transport model. Materials and methods Eight biocides used in resin based facade coatings were investigated. Some biocides are substances known as pesticides for agricultural purposes like diuron, carbendazim and terbutryn. Ecotoxicological effect values for aquatic organisms were determined for every biocide. Leaching of four biocides from a render under UV-irradiation has been investigated in the laboratory including the influence of varying temperatures. Using 80 irrigation intervals over 28 days, facade runoff was sampled and followed by biocide chemical analysis. The total losses were calculated based on the concentration patterns. These data were used for modelling the transport of cybutryn from facades to surface waters. Biocide specific effect values and leaching characteristics have been taken into consideration. Results Acute and chronic effect values as well as predicted no effect concentrations for the investigated biocides indicate their high potential to affect aquatic organisms. The leaching of four biocides (diuron, terbutryn, cybutryn, carbendazim) from the facade render under the experimental conditions delivers high concentrations in the beginning followed by an exponential decrease. Rising temperature increased the concentration of biocides in the runoff. The total losses were between 7?% and 29?% depending on the substances. More than half of the losses occur in the runoff within the first 15 min of runoff from a 60 min irrigation cycle. The modelling result for cybutryn underlines its high environmental risk for small surface waters. Discussion The leaching of the biocides, their potential ecotoxic effects and persistence show clearly that the environmental risk for surface waters and soils seems to be high for certain biocides; whereas for others the risk seems to be significantly lower. With respect water quality criteria, polluted facades runoff has to be diluted before runoff can enter the discharge. Diuron and carbendazim are however also used as pesticides and preservatives for other materials and cybutryn is also used as an antifouling agent. All pathways have to be evaluated in order to identify relevant sources and to act more efficiently with respect to water and soil protection. Conclusions Concentrations with high environmental risk are expected at new facades, especially at facades with thermal insulation. With the given low predicted no effect concentrations in a range of a few ng/L and large amounts of biocides applied in paints and renders, the environmental risk for common biocides used in facade coatings has to be investigated in laboratory and field scale. It seems plausible that source control measures as the most efficient and sustainable precautionary principle need to be evaluated. Recommendations and perspectives Biocides and additives applied in construction materials have to be taken into consideration as relevant sources when evaluating the quality of storm water runoff, discharge into urban areas and the impact to soil and surface waters. A sustainable construction material management and storm water management are required. It is expected that ongoing laboratory and field studies with exterior paints, renders and flat sheets for waterproofing containing biocides and additives will give further insight into their environmental impact.  相似文献   

Systematic environmental screenings are still the exception in South-Eastern Europe. Especially, there is a decisive lack of information concerning the occurrence and behaviour of xenobiotic and toxic compounds like volatile-and non volatile halogenated organics, suppressed by the surrogate AOX, synthetic chelating agents, pesticides, like DDT as well as chlorate in the biosphere. The analysis of soils, waters and firns of a representative area in Bulgaria, the Pirin mountains, indicate a relatively low back ground pollution. The accumulation of the xenobiotics in this high mountain region is recognised to be low. Nevertheless, traces of pesticides and chelating agents like EDTA and NTA in ice (firns) and soils were found. The surrogate AOX should be a parameter, suitable for routine environmental screenings of such areas.  相似文献   

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