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For the determination of mineral oil hydrocarbons in water and soil, IR-as well as GC/FID-methods (DEV H-18, ISO/TR 11046, NEN 5733) are used. Independent of the measurement method, different clean-up procedures are prescribed in these standard methods. Aluminium oxide, silica gel and magnesium silicate (Florisil®) are used as adsorbents. This article describes the problems of clean-up occurring in mineral oil analysis using selected substances. Tests concerning the type of adsorbent, extract medium, clean-up-technique and extract/adsorbent-ratio are presented. It will be shown that the clean-up procedure has to be counted as a significant factor of influence in the determination of mineral oil hydrocarbons. The sources of errors resulting from clean-up as well as the possibilities to avoid them are presented. An extraction solvent for soils which is simple to handle and optimally adjustable to the requirements of the clean-up procedure is presented.  相似文献   

A thin-layer chromatographic method for the determination of mineral oil hydrocarbons (aliphatic compounds and naphtenes) of medium and low volatility in soil samples is presented which is based on their separation and quantitative determination. The extraction of the soil samples is effected by means of an n-hexane-acetone mixture (10∶1) supported by ultrasonics. The evaluation can be made visually or densitometrically by means of a thin-layer scanner. The applicability and restrictions of the method are shown. The advantage of the method lies in its low requirements pertaining to apparatus and chemicals, as well as in its rapidness which makes it suitable for quick in-situ analyses as, for example, for the assessment of the mineral oil content of a contaminated site.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope The marine environment is often the final sink for pollutants, especially for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and for persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) substances. The body burden of marine top predators in the Baltic Sea, in the North Sea and also in the Arctic seas is alarming. Thus, the question was investigated if the European environmental law considers a prospective marine ecological risk assessment of chemicals, pesticides and dredged material before they are launched on the market or disposed to the sea. Results The analysis of European environmental law showed that the European environmental protection goals demand a good quality status of coastal waters until 2015 (Waterframework Directive) and a good quality status of European seas until 2020 (Marine Strategy Directive), but a specific marine ecological risk assessment of chemicals and pesticides is not sufficiently required in current European legislation. Discussion It was shown that the ecological risk assessment for freshwater ecosystems is, due to the pecularities of pollutant impacts in the marine environment, not adequate to predict marine effects and to protect the marine environment sufficiently. A statistical analysis of international databases on the relative toxicity of narcotics revealed that marine organisms can be significantly more sensitive than freshwater organisms towards substances with an unspecific mode of action (narcotics). Approximately 60?% of the industrial chemicals are classified as narcotics by their mode of action. Thus, this substance class is of environmental importance. Due to the hydrophobic properties and the low solubility of narcotics in seawater, the ecotoxicological assessment of marine sediments was of interest. An estuarine and marine bioassay test set was established and further developed to assess the ecotoxicological potential of brackish and seawater sediments. It was important that the test procedures were adapted to brackish and marine conditions and were harmonised between each other as well as on the international level. Conclusions Beside two bioassays for the ecotoxicological assessment of elutriates of marine and brackish sediments (bacteria bioluminescence test and marine algae test), the implementation and further development of the whole sediment bioassay with the marine amphipod Corophium volutator was important for enhancing the risk assessment. In order to gain a more standardised, all-season available test organism, the marine amphipod was for the first time reproduced under laboratory conditions the whole year round (also in winter), which is the essential basis for the urgently needed chronic whole sediment bioassay. The results of this investigation were implemented in the international (ISO), European (EN) and national (DIN) standardisations. Therefore, a standardised test set is ready for the implementation in the marine ecological risk assessment of chemicals, pesticides and dredged material in international, European and national legislation. Recommendations and perspectives Recommendations to improve the implementation of a marine risk assessment in European regulations are given with the goal to reach the internationally required objective of a sustainable development of the seas.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of chemicals requires comprehensive data material, which often is not available. To provide substitutes for the lacking experimental ecotoxicological and physico-chemical data, a software-system (SAR-System) has been developed comprising more than 90 estimation models for relevant endpoints. The approach is based on quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR). Two major aspects characterize the SAR-System:
  1. The implemented models were tested for their validity and application range.
  2. The QSARs are accessible by a menu-driven programme package.
The following endpoints are included: Thysico-Chemical Data: 1-Octanol/water-partition-coefficient log Pow, vapour pressure, water solubility, pKa-value, boiling point Biological Data: Toxicity towards fish, daphnia, tetrahymenae, algae, bacteria and mammals, mutagenicity. Distribution: soil sorption, bioconcentration, Henry-Constant, Mackay (Level I). Degradation: photodegradation, biodegradability.  相似文献   



Methane as a gas influencing our climate is of high importance according to the Kyoto-Protocol. The more precisely we can determine anthropogenic and biogenic sources, the more effective measures we can take to reduce the gas. Direct emission of methane from plants apparently contributes significantly to the total emission but has not been accounted for in emission balances until now.


A model was created to calculate methane emission for a short time period in regional resolution for Lower Austria and to relate the results to known literature.

Results and Discussion

First model results suggest that the amount of methane released from plants in relation to emissions from other known sources are of importance.


The uncertainties associated with both measurements and quantification require reduction by further research.  相似文献   

Background, aim and scope The increasing use of wood for generating heat and electricity requires that more and more fuels be obtained directly or indirectly from the forest. Sound, sustainable recycling management calls for the return of any generated wood ash back to the forest to make use of the nutrients it contains. Similarly, recycling this ash in other locations such as agricultural land or private gardens can serve equally well as fertilizer. At the same time, it is critical that no accumulated pollutants be introduced into the nutrient loop. Wood ash that is heavily laden with such pollutants must not be considered for recycling. As part of this research project, commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment and Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany (MUNLV), ash samples of 209 wood-fired appliances generating between 10 and 4000?kW of heat performance were taken from throughout the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Untreated wood, either forested or scrap, was used as the sole fuel for these appliances. Materials and methods All course ash and fly ash samples were analyzed to determine their composition of main nutrients, heavy metals, and the elements Fe, Cl, Si, Al and Na. The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate the suitability of this wood ash for reintroduction to forest soils or as fertilizer in other types of soil. Results The majority of the wood ash samples in this study contained sufficiently high amounts of nutrients to match the requirement for stand-alone fertilizers (PK-fertilizer, potash fertilizer). However, the heavy metal content was highly variable, with a mean content high enough to prohibit them from being classified per se as PK- or potash fertilizer for agricultural land. Due to the high quantities of cadmium, application of this ash to garden soils would likewise be ill-advised. Discussion On forest soils German law permits application of a mixture of potash fertilizer containing, at most, 30?% wood ash (course ash). Because of the high amounts of cadmium and copper, wood ash from our samples can only comprise a maximum of 28?% when added to typically used potash fertilizers. Higher percentage of wood ash would exceed the cut-off value established by the German Fertilizer Ordinance (Düngemittelverordnung – DüMV). Conclusions The application of wood ash on agricultural land and in private gardens is, rightfully so, highly regulated by law. However, the rules governing application of wood ash in the forest are much more lax. Determination of heavy metal content in wood ash cannot be used to determine compliance with DüMV standards because of the high content and fluctuating nature of heavy metals found. Recommendations and perspectives Presently an alternative approach for classifying the ecologic risk of wood ash recycling is being developed.  相似文献   

In Germany automobile exhaust control by platinum-group element (PGE) loaded catalysts is now well established. By mechanical or chemical attrition, these catalysts could act as a potential source for a significant increase of PGE abundances in the environment. During a recent research program concentrations and distributions of PGE in different soils were measured along the highway A66 Frankfurt-Wiesbaden. 71 nearsurface soil samples were analysed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). The results revealed average abundances of 10 ppb platinum and 3 ppb ruthenium. Palladium as well as rhodium were below the analytical detection limit of 2 ppb. With increasing distance from the highway edge PGE values gradually decreased. Only the upmost soil layer, down to 20 cm depth, contains measurable PGE concentrations. Results: There are irregular PGE concentrations of anthropogenic origin in different soils along the highway A66 Frankfurt-Wiesbaden possibly arising from automobile exhaust catalysts. Further monitoring could help to avoid potential environmental hazards. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A00HP020 00002  相似文献   

Ecotoxicological investigations focus on biological systems and their response to chemically induced stress. Experimental techniques are much more developed than deterministic dynamic modelling. In this methodological contribution a technique is presented, based on lattice theory. This technique, also calledHasse diagram technique, allows data analysis with respect to comparative evaluation. Hasse diagrams are used
  • ? to suggest a possible measure of microbial diversity,
  • ? to analyze dependencies between phospholipid fatty acids and simple geochemical parameters on an ordinal scale and
  • ? to visualise complex results of interactions of humic substances with xenobiotics.
  •   相似文献   

    The aim of this short article is to deliver insight into the prospects and constraints of model ecosystems in the assessment of effects of contaminants on benthic communities, especially the meiofauna. Numerous substances accumulate in sediments and thus a complex contamination exists which is able to impair benthic organisms. Besides direct effects, indirect effects are of importance and should be considered. Changes in competition and predator-prey-relationships lead to a variety of effects in the benthic food web that cannot be explained by direct toxicity of contaminants. In this article two microcosm studies, one with the heavy metal cadmium and one with the veterinary pharmaceutical Ivermectin, are presented which both showed direct as well as indirect effects. A significant change in abundance and composition of the meiofauna community has been observed. The prediction of field-effects of a certain substance as well as the interpretation of field data are the aims of model ecosystems. Both studies proofed that the investigation of meiofauna in microcosms is a promising tool to achieve these aims. Furthermore, microcosms with meiofauna might be able to assist the effect-directed analysis (EDA) in a risk assessment by identifying the effect-causing contaminants of complex environmental samples.  相似文献   

    Quantitative degradation of dibenzofuran (DBF), dibenzo-p-dioxin (DBD), and 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorbenzene (TeCB) by the bacterial strains sphingomonas sp. HH 69, sphingomonas sp. RW1 and pseudomonas sp. PS 14 was investigated by radio-tracer techniques in liquid cultures and especially in samples of different soils. Pure strains converted DBF, DBD and TeCB up to 80% to CO2 within few days. This degradation occurred not only in aerated liquid cultures but also in heterogeneous soils, with low levels of other pollutatns at favourable pH-values. Rate and degree of the mineralization of DBF, DBD and TeCB were independent of the DBF-, DBD-, or TeCB-concentration in the soils within a broad range. There was obviously a close correlation between the starting concentration of active cells (starting bacterial count) and the rate of degradation of the test substances in soil; by raising the starting bacterial count in the soil samples, mineralization of DBF, DBD, and TeCB, respectively, was clearly accelerated. However, under nearly the same coniditions in more acid soils (pH-values < 4) no significant degradation of DBF, DBD, and TeCB to CO2 took place. As expected, this difficulty can be overcome by mixing CaCO2 into the acid soils (liming). Easily utilizable substances like peptone, triolein, and glucose added as special carbon and energy sources to low contaminated soils, had only a small—if any—effect on the mineralization of DBF, DBD, and TeCB. In soils contaminated by a mixture of pollutants, the bacterial strains could develop their degradation capacity only to a limited extent and showed different degradation effects depending on the basic type of contamination. The efficiency of the degradation specialists was thus dependent on the “Chemical Environment” (type and concentration of contaminants present).  相似文献   

    In the presented paper, the pHstat-procedure is compared with four simple extraction procedures. These procedures make use of the following extraction solutions: distilled water (based on DIN 38414 part 4, DIN-S4), 1 mol/L ammonium nitrate, 1 mol/L ammonium acetate at pH 7.0 and 1 mol/L sodium acetate at pH 5.0, respectively. The extraction procedures were applied to 10 different soil samples and 2 sludges. The DIN-S4-procedure shows the lowest amounts of mobilized copper. The highest parts are extracted by sodium acetate solution. For the procedures investigated, the mobilized amounts extracted by ammonium acetate solution are most comparable with those of the pHstat-procedure. The simple sodium acetate procedure is useful for screening to select significant samples from a large number of soils. Thus, the high effort caused by the pHstat-procedure can be reduced to a minimum through the application of this screening procedure. The application of this screening, however, is difficult for samples containing large parts of organic compounds, e.g. sewage sludge. These samples show a different extracting behaviour.  相似文献   


    Goal and Scope

    Several studies show that the concentration of metals in mosses depends not only on metal deposition but also on factors such as moss species, canopy drip, precipitation, altitude, distance to the sea and the analytical technique used. However, contrasting results have been reported and the interpretation of the spatial variability of the metal accumulation in mosses remains difficult. In the presented study existing monitoring data from the European Heavy Metals in Mosses Surveys together with surface data on precipitation, elevation and land use are statistically analysed to assess factors other than emissions that have an influence on the metal accumulation in the mosses.

    Main Features

    Inference statistics and Spearman correlation analysis were applied to examine the association of the metal accumulation and the distance of the monitoring sites to the sea as well as the altitude. Whether or not significant differences of the metal loads in the mosses exist at national borders was examined with help of the U-test after Mann and Whitney. In order to identify and rank the factors that are assumed to have an influence on the metal uptake of the mosses Classification and Regression Trees (CART) were applied.


    No clear tendency could be derived from the results of the inference statistical calculations and the correlation analyses with regard to the distance of the monitoring site to the sea and the altitude. According to the results of the CART-analyses mainly the moss species, potential emission sources around the monitoring sites, canopy drip and precipitation have an effect on the metal bioaccumulation. Assuming that each participating country followed strictly the manual for sampling and sample preparation the results of the inference statistical calculations furthermore suggest that in most cases different techniques for digestion and analysis bias the measurements significantly.


    For the first time a national monitoring data base consisting of measurement data and metadata as well as surface information on precipitation, land use and elevation was applied to examine influence factors on the metal bioaccumulation in mosses. The respective results mirror existing knowledge from other national studies to a large extend, although further analyses are necessary to affirm the findings. These analyses should include data from other national monitoring programmes and should additionally be carried out with other decision tree algorithms than CART.


    The local variability in the metal concentration in mosses can be uncovered in terms of predictors or underlying hidden causes by using CART. Ideally, such an approach should be applied across the whole of Europe. This will only be feasible if all participating countries provide additional information about site characteristics as currently is done in for example the German moss surveys.


    The UNECE Metals in Mosses Survey experimental protocol should be improved in order to reduce the observed influences, to enhance standardisation, and to strengthen the quality control. This implies the integration of sampling site describing metadata into the assessment. Furthermore, basis research is needed to test the hypothesis concerning moss species-specific accumulation of depositions.


    Provided that the presented results hold true in further analyses correction factors should be applied on the moss data in order to get the depicted spatial patterns and temporal trends of metal bioaccumulation unbiased. Such factors should be calculated for natural landscape units or ecoregions that are homogeneous with regard to climate, vegetation and altitude.  相似文献   

    Background and objectives There is an urgent need to detect, assess, and reduce effects of hormonally active compounds and endocrine disrupters in aquatic systems, as reflected in national research programs like the Swiss NRP 50 “Endocrine Disruptors” and its consensus platforms. As a medium-term measure, the EU strategy on endocrine disruptors (SEC(2007)1635) uses the Endocrine Disruptor Testing and Assessment (EDTA) Task Force of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) along with other research activities. In particular the test methods of the OECD that are currently in validation or already validated may contribute to a better understanding of the extent of endocrine disruption, in particular if they are applied on environmental samples and in the context of risk-assessment strategies, for instance in waste water treatment. This article aims to give an overview and an evaluation on available and validated biological test systems for the detection of endocrine disruptive and reproductive effects in aquatic systems. Based on this a recommendation for a modular ecotoxicological test platform is given. The study focuses on test methods for sex hormone active substances. Material and methods On the basis of an extensive literature search and ongoing international validation efforts by the OECD for methods to detect endocrine disruptive effects, 15 biological test methods (5 in vivo and 10 in vitro) were selected. Comprising, for example, of eight OECD methods and three out of five in-vitro methods mentioned in the Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC) report “Tools to detect estrogenic activity in environmental waters” (Leusch 2008). Experienced users and developers were then asked to rate the test according to given relevant criteria. The resulting criteria profiles were compiled, compared, and evaluated. Results The methods were selected on the basis of validation status, distribution, their suitability for standardisation, and their proven sensitivity for environmental samples. We assumed that specific YES/YAS-procedures and the ER/AR Calux systems achieve the mentioned criteria. In the case that strong cytotoxicity of environmental samples affects the applicability of cellular reporter gene assays, alternatively a molecular receptor binding assay (e.?g. ELRA) could be used. Additional molecular receptor binding assays are currently in validation by the OECD. Modulating effects on steroidgenesis and probably even on aromatase activity can be detected by the OECD validated H295R Steroidgenesis Assay. Its applicability for environmental samples is currently tested. As in-vivo methods different fish assays (e.?g. Fish Screening Assay and the Zebrafish Embryo Test) were evaluated. For the detection of effects on the thyroid-associated hormone system the Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay (XEMA, for Xenopus Metamorphosis Assay) will soon be available as an OECD-Guideline. Because of trends in the international community to avoid tests with vertebrates in the future, only an optional recommendation was given for such tests. Reproduction toxicity, on the other hand, can be sensitively tested by the tests using the gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum, which, as invertebrate tests, do not require a permit to perform animal testing procedures. This test is also sensitive for many substances which are able to induce an endocrine disruption in vertebrates. Its validation is currently performed by the OECD. The applicability of the herein proposed test methods of the modular test platform for environmental-sample assessments were previously confirmed by several published scientific studies. Discussion We propose several test methods to be included in an application-oriented modular test platform. These tests should be suitable to efficiently indicate different mechanisms of endocrine disruption and reproduction toxicity, and may be employed in different situations according to their respective advantages. The modular test platform is able to detect impacts on the reproduction relevant effects in invertebrates, amphibians, and fishes. Furthermore the different mode of actions of estrogenic and androgenic receptor binding, steroid genesis and perhaps even the modulation of aromatase are detectable. A research report on the relevance of endocrine substances and pharmaceuticals in aquatic environments (Moltmann et al. 2007) showed that endocrine end-points of in-vivo tests (31 of 71 tested substances) tend to be more sensitive than general ecotoxicological end-points, such as mortality and growth. Consequently, endocrine and general-toxic effects should be detected in an integrative manner by ecotoxicological test platforms. Conclusions By combining literature research with a targeted query for information about the chosen test procedures it was possible to obtain a detailed overview about the current state-of-the-art of science and technology in the detection of hormone-active effects and reproduction toxicity. Ecotoxicological and regulative aspects were considered equally, and the applicability of the test procedures was evaluated. Because of the diversity of endocrine disrupting mechanisms, a modular combination of in-vivo and in-vitro methods in a joint test platform is needed to recognise and differentiate the transitions from hormone-active effects to endocrine disruption. Recommendations and perspectives Our study leads to a proposal of a modular ecotoxicological test platform, which offers an integrative detection of hormone-active and reproduction-relevant effects in the aquatic environment. The modular system presented here allows the switching between test modules according to the continuously developing state-of-the-art of science and technology as well as the incorporation of novel developments. Further standardisation of such methods for regulative applications is recommended.  相似文献   

    Easy-liberatable cyanide has to be analysed if soils and waters are contaminated by cyanide. The aim of this study was to determine easy-liberatable cyanide in these environmental samples using a micro-distillation apparatus by means of a modified digestion vessel. Pure aqueous solutions of different cyanide species, five contaminated and uncontaminated soil samples and two water samples were analysed by micro-distillation according to the German standards. Recovery was determined by analysis of spiked samples. When using the modified digestion vessels, the pH of 4 which is demanded by the standard method can be adjusted. The recovery of potassium cyanide and weakly-complexed zinc-cyanide ranged from 93–101% for standards, and from 87–98% for spiked samples. In contrast, the recovery of strong iron-cyanide complexes was below 4% both for pure solutions and spiked samples. The precision of the method expressed as a relative standard deviation was 25% in cases of very low easy-liberatable cyanide contents (< 1 mg CN kg?1) and below 12% in case of high easy-liberatable cyanide contents (> 1 mg CN kg?1) for contaminated soils. The determination of easily-liberatable cyanide in soils and waters using micro-distillation combined with the modified digestion sample is an alternative to other distillation methods.  相似文献   

    Particle-bound pollutants accumulate in river-bottom sediments, a process which results in a significant decrease in the ecotoxicological availability of toxicants for the majority of aquatic organisms. Under normal hydrologic conditions, the release of contaminants from bottom sediments is usually of minor importance. In contrast, flood events may remobilize highly contaminated sediments via in-stream erosion. The objective of this study was to develop a combined ecotoxicological and hydraulic approach to elucidate the ecotoxicological implications associated with the risk of erosion of contaminated sediments. This integrated strategy was applied to the lock-regulated Neckar river in Southern Germany. Both the bottom-sediment cores and suspended matter from two intensive flood events were investigated. Sediment samples below an erosional unconformity showed a sharp increase in the ecotoxicological load. Moreover, it was found that major flood events (HQ5 and higher) could possibly erode even very old, well-consolidated and highlycontaminated sediments. The suspended matter of the high discharge events investigated (return periods of 15 to 20 years) exerted significantly higher cytotoxicity and mutagenicity than a moderate flood with a 1-year return period. These findings support the conclusion that the observed ecotoxicological effects during major floods may at least in part be due to the in-stream erosion of highly contaminated bottom sediments.  相似文献   

    Introduction Stress proteins are ubiquitous and inducible by a vast number of stressors. Their relevance for ecological and microevolutionary adaptations has been investigated since the early 1990s. Stress proteins: function and induction Stress proteins are categorized in different families of which most data have been recorded for Hsp70, Hsp60, and Hsp90. These cytoplasmatic proteins play a central role in protein folding, the trans-membrane passage of proteins, and the stabilization of signal transduction pathways. Hsp70 is induced by elevated concentrations of unfolded or malfolded intracellular proteins and hence indicates proteotoxicity. Modulation of the stress protein level by internal factors During certain developmental stages, stress protein levels are modified by internal factors. This has been particularly shown for the early ontogeny, for the formation of quiescent stages, and for the reproductive phase. Adaptation to external stressors in the laboratory Laboratory studies on the effects of ecophysiologically relevant stressors have revealed short-term physiological adaptation to heat or environmental chemicals to involve an elevation of stress protein levels. Extreme stressor impact disrupts this responsive mechanism. Adaptation to field situations Also in the field, physiological responses to temperature fluctuations or contamination usually involve the induction of stress proteins which can be used as a biomarker of proteotoxic effect. Implications for evolutionary biology In long-term contaminated sites, however, phenotypes displaying low stress protein levels appear to be evolutionarily favored. Whether different stress response strategies may entail different degrees of phenotypic variation even under natural conditions – via Hsp action on developmental canalization – is a matter of hot debate.  相似文献   

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