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The current European critical levels for ozone (O3) to protect crops, natural and semi-natural vegetation and forest trees are based on a relative small number of open-top chamber experiments with a very limited number of plant species. Therefore, the working group "Effects of Ozone on Plants" of the Commission on Air Pollution Prevention of the Association of German Engineers and the German Institute of Standardization reanalysed the literature on O3 effects on European plant species published between 1989 and 1999. An exposure-response relationship for wild plant species and agricultural crops could be derived from 30 experiments with more than 30 species and 90 data points; the relationship for conifer and deciduous trees is based on 20 experiments with nine species and 50 data points. From these relationships maximum O3 concentrations for different risk stages are deduced, below which the vegetation type is protected on the basis of the respective criteria. Because it is assumed that the fumigation concentrations reflect the O3 concentrations at the top of the canopy, i.e. the upper surface boundary of the quasi-laminar layer if the micrometeorological big-leaf approach is applied, the application of these maximum O3 concentrations requires the transformation of O3 concentrations measured at a reference height above the canopy to the effective phytotoxic concentrations at the top of the canopy. Thus, the approach described in this paper is a synthesis of the classical concept of toxicology of air pollutants (critical concentrations) and the more toxicological relevant dose concept.  相似文献   

Present critical levels for ozone (O3) for protecting vegetation against adverse effects are based on exposure-response relationships mainly derived from open-top chamber experiments and are expressed as an Accumulated exposure Over a Threshold of 40 ppb (AOT40). In that context with a revision of the UN (United Nations)-ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) Gothenburg protocol, AOT40 values should be replaced by flux-oriented quantities, i.e. in the end by critical loads. At present, the database for the derivation of critical loads for O3 is extremely inadequate. Furthermore, the currently available flux-response relationships are also derived from open-top chamber experiments. The use of a relationship for spring wheat in a risk assessment for an agricultural site in Hesse, Germany, demonstrates in principle, the applicability of the critical load concept for O3. Comparisons of diurnal variation of stomatal uptake and AOT40 showed that a major part of toxicologically effective stomatal uptake occurred before noon whereas the AOT40 values were dominated by the O3 concentrations during afternoon. In other words, the AOT40 exposure index do not adequately address the O3 burden during hours when plants are sensitive to O3 uptake. However, due to the differences in radiation, air temperature and humidity between the chamber and the ambient microclimates, a derivation of flux-response relationships from chamber experiments is likely to be questionable, especially for species rich ecosystems: Here, without any changes in the pollution climate, significant modifications of species composition as well as an earlier beginning of the growing season has been previously observed. To overcome the problems associated with chamber-derived flux-response relationships, a new experimental and modelling concept, was developed. The approach, briefly described in this paper, combines methods in air pollution toxicology and micrometeorology. As an analogy to the free-air fumigation concept, O3 is released into the air by an injection system above the plant canopy. The assessment of dispersion and surface deposition of O3 released is based on Lagrangian trajectory modelling. Depending on wind direction and velocity, atmospheric stratification and surface roughness, without any disturbance of the microclimate and micrometeorology, several sub-areas can be identified around the source position with differing deposition rates above the ambient level. Taking into account the actual O3 background deposition, deposition rates and vegetation responses observed in these sub-areas can easily be used to derive flux-effect relationships under ambient conditions and more realistic limiting values to protect our environment.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of ozone in Europe are high enough to cause negative effects on vegetation. Therefore, many efforts have been made to determine exposure indices and critical levels for protection of vegetation. In this context, the choice of a suitable attribute to determine the pollutant effect is of paramount importance. Until now, much of the work has been done with attributes such as biomass or growth. In the present work correlation factors have been established between biochemical parameters (peroxidase activity, ascorbate and sulfhydryl contents) of Pinus radiata trees and exposure indices of ozone. Our results show that peroxidase cannot be used as an indicator of effects of long-term exposure to ozone but still remains as an excellent indicator of short-term ozone fluctuations in the field. Ascorbate may act as an intermediate indicator responding to both short fluctuations and long-term exposures to ozone. Finally, sulfhydryl may be used as a long-term indicator in relation to the AOT (average over threshold) exposure index. Our results also point to the fact that Pinus radiata may be affected by ozone at AOT values lower than 10 ppm.h as already observed with other tree species.  相似文献   

The work outlined in this paper had three objectives. The first was to explore the effects of ozone pollution on grain yield and quality of commercially-grown winter wheat cultivars. The second was to derive a stomatal ozone flux model for winter wheat and compare with those already developed for spring wheat. The third was to evaluate exposure- versus flux–response approaches from a risk assessment perspective, and explore the implications of genetic variation in modelled ozone flux.Fifteen winter wheat cultivars were grown in open-top chambers where they were exposed to four levels of ozone. During fumigation, stomatal conductance measurements were made over the lifespan of the flag leaf across a range of environmental conditions. Although significant intra-specific variation in ‘ozone sensitivity’ (in terms of impacts on yield) was identified, yield was inversely related (R2 = 0.63, P < 0.001) to the accumulated hourly averaged ozone exposure above 40 ppb during daylight hours (AOT40) across the dataset. The adverse effect of ozone on yield was principally due to a decline in seed weight. Algorithms defining the influence of environmental variables on stomatal uptake were subtly different from those currently in use, based on data for spring wheat, to map ozone impacts on pan-European cereal yield. Considerable intra-specific variation in phenological effects was identified. This meant that an ‘average behaviour’ had to be derived which reduced the predictive capability of the derived stomatal flux model (R2 = 0.49, P < 0.001, 15 cultivars included). Indeed, given the intra-specific variability encountered, the flux model that was derived from the full dataset was no better in predicting O3 impacts on wheat yield than was the AOT40 index. The study highlights the need to use ozone risk assessment tools appropriate to specific vegetation types when modelling and mapping ozone impacts at the regional level.  相似文献   

This paper describes a relationship between ozone exposure, biomass, visual symptoms and a chlorophyll a fluorescence performance index for young beech trees (Fagus sylvatica). The plants were exposed to four levels of ozone in open-top fumigation chambers (50, 85, 100% of ambient, and 50% of ambient+30 nl l(-1) ozone) that fluctuated in parallel with ambient ozone during a single growing season. The trees were fumigated in the four treatments with ozone levels corresponding to an AOT40 (accumulated exposure above a threshold of 40 nl l(-1)) of 0.01, 3.35, 7.06 and 19.70 microl l(-1) h, respectively. Highly significant differences were found between the 50% of ambient+30 nl l(-1) ozone treatment and all other treatments, with a 70.5% reduction in primary photosynthetic performance, as measured with the PI index. The reduction of the PI values demonstrated a high correlation with visual symptom development (r(2)=0.98), and by the end of September with biomass loss (r(2)=0.99). A significant ozone exposure-response relationship was found between AOT40 and primary photochemistry (r(2)=0.97). Thus, analysis of PI provides an alternative method for regional monitoring of tree health within the context of the currently employed AOT40.  相似文献   

The impacts of ambient ozone pollution on crops in the Mediterranean countries have been recorded regularly in the so-called “grey literature” of UN/ECE Workshop Reports for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, and less frequently in the peer-reviewed literature. This short communication reviews such records and shows that ambient ozone episodes have been reported to cause visible injury on 24 agricultural and horticultural crops grown in commercial fields including three of the most important crops in the region (wheat, maize, and grapevine). On one occasion, the damage was so extensive that complete crop loss occurred in commercial glasshouses of Butterhead lettuce in one area of Greece. Experiments with open-top chambers have indicated that ambient ozone caused 17–39% yield loss in crops such as wheat, bean, watermelon and tomato. The applicability of the long-term critical level of ozone described by Fuhrer et al. (Environ. Pollut. 97 (1997) 91) for the Mediterranean areas is also considered.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the foliar sensitivity to ozone exposure of 12 tree, shrub, and herbaceous species native to southern Switzerland and determine the seasonal cumulative ozone exposures required to induce visible foliar injury. The study was conducted from the beginning of May through the end of August during 2000 and 2001 using an open-top chamber research facility located within the Lattecaldo Cantonal Forest Nursery in Canton Ticino, southern Switzerland (600 m asl). Plants were examined daily and dates of initial foliar injury were recorded in order to determine the cumulative AOT40 ppb h ozone exposure required to cause visible foliar injury. Plant responses to ozone varied significantly among species; 11 species exhibited visible symptoms typical of exposures to ambient ozone. The symptomatic species (from most to least sensitive) were Populus nigra, Viburnum lantana, Salix alba, Crataegus monogyna, Viburnum opulus, Tilia platyphyllos, Cornus alba, Prunus avium, Fraxinus excelsior, Ribes alpinum, and Tilia cordata; Clematis spp. did not show foliar symptoms. Of the 11 symptomatic species, five showed initial injury below the critical level AOT40 10 ppmh O3 in the 2001 season.  相似文献   

Ozone and atmospheric nitrogen are co-occurring pollutants with adverse effects on natural grassland vegetation. Plants of the rhizomatous sedge Carex arenaria were exposed to four ozone regimes representing increasing background concentrations (background-peak): 10-30, 35-55, 60-80 and 85-105 ppb ozone at two nitrogen levels: 12 and 100 kg N ha−1 yr−1. Ozone increased the number and proportion of senesced leaves, but not overall leaf number. There was a clear nitrogen × ozone interaction with high nitrogen reducing proportional senescence in each treatment and increasing the ozone dose (AOT40) at which enhanced senescence occurred. Ozone reduced total biomass due to significant effects on root biomass. There were no interactive effects on shoot:root ratio. Rhizome tissue N content was increased by both nitrogen and ozone. Results suggest that nitrogen mediates above-ground impacts of ozone but not impacts on below-ground resource translocation. This may lead to complex interactive effects between the two pollutants on natural vegetation.  相似文献   

Applications of a parameterised Jarvis-type multiplicative stomatal conductance model with data collated from open-top chamber experiments on field grown wheat and potato were used to derive relationships between relative yield and stomatal ozone uptake. The relationships were based on thirteen experiments from four European countries for wheat and seven experiments from four European countries for potato. The parameterisation of the conductance model was based both on an extensive literature review and primary data. Application of the stomatal conductance models to the open-top chamber experiments resulted in improved linear regressions between relative yield and ozone uptake compared to earlier stomatal conductance models, both for wheat (r2=0.83) and potato (r2=0.76). The improvement was largest for potato. The relationships with the highest correlation were obtained using a stomatal ozone flux threshold. For both wheat and potato the best performing exposure index was AFst6 (accumulated stomatal flux of ozone above a flux rate threshold of 6 nmol ozone m−2 projected sunlit leaf area, based on hourly values of ozone flux). The results demonstrate that flux-based models are now sufficiently well calibrated to be used with confidence to predict the effects of ozone on yield loss of major arable crops across Europe. Further studies, using innovations in stomatal conductance modelling and plant exposure experimentation, are needed if these models are to be further improved.  相似文献   

Exposure-response data from open-top chamber (OTC) experiments are often directly applied to ambient air (AA) conditions. Because microclimatic conditions are modified and pollutant uptake by plants may differ (i.e. 'chamber effect'), there is concern about the influence of OTCs on these relationships. In addition, AA concentrations are often measured at a height which differs from canopy height and correction for the concentration gradient (i.e. 'gradient effect') is necessary. To quantify the relative contribution of plant characteristics and microclimatic factors to these effects, ozone uptake by horizontal leaves at the top of the canopy was calculated for plants grown in OTCs or AA by using a resistance analogy model. Data from an OTC experiment in 1996/97 for six species typical of productive grasslands were used. Ozone concentration inside OTCs was set equal to the concentration measured at a height of 3 m above ground (C(z(ref))) or at canopy height (C(0)). The gradient effect resulted in a 16-27% lower average C(0) than C(z(ref)), depending on species. The main determinant of the chamber effect was a systematic difference in leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit between OTCs and AA which affected stomatal resistance and ozone uptake. In case of monocultures both effects were species-specific. In species mixtures the gradient effect differed between mixing ratios, whereas the chamber effect was species-specific. Because of the inter-specific difference in the chamber effect on ozone uptake, it is concluded that ozone effects on species mixtures differ systematically between OTCs and AA. The data underline that extrapolation of ozone flux-response relationships from OTC experiments must be based on canopy-level ozone concentrations, and that these relationships should be applied only to single species under microclimatic conditions similar to those prevailing in the experiment.  相似文献   

A discussion is presented on the application of micrometeorological deposition modelling principles to improve the characterisation of vegetation exposure to ozone and thus the use of critical levels as the basis of targeted emission control. The AOT40 (accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb or nl l(-1)) ozone exposure index is shown to impose a differential weighting that results in a high sensitivity, by a factor of two to 10 depending on the pollution climate, with respect to concentration. This makes it necessary to correct for systematic effects, such as the concentration profile below the measurement height, in order to justify a comparison with the biological data obtained from well-mixed exposure chambers. Available studies indicate a 50-70% lower AOT40 at the vegetation height. The resistance method for estimating the profile is extended to allow for stomatal effects that potentially bias the plant response predicted with an exposure index. This integrated profile-uptake correction refines the current approach and serves as a transitional step towards a real flux-based approach. For the latter, a new deposition parameterisation is tested against field observations.  相似文献   

Canton Ticino in southern Switzerland is exposed to some of the highest concentrations of tropospheric ozone in Europe. During recent field surveys in Canton Ticino, foliar symptoms identical to those caused by ozone have been documented on native tree and shrub species. In Europe, the critical ozone level for forest trees has been defined at an AOT40 of 10 ppm.h O3 (10 ppm.h accumulated exposure of ozone over a threshold of 40 ppb) during daylight hours over a six-month growing season. The objective of this study was to determine the amount of ambient ozone required to induce visible foliar symptoms on various forest plant species in southern Switzerland. Species were grown within eight open-top chambers and four open plots at the Vivaio Lattecaldo Cantonal Forest Nursery in Ticino, Switzerland. Species differed significantly in terms of the ppb.h exposures needed to cause visible symptoms. The most to least symptomatic species grown within open-plots in this study rank as Prunus serotina, Salix viminalis, Vibrnum lantana, Rhamnus cathartica, Betula pendula, Rumex obtusifolius, Sambucus racemosa, Morus nigra, Prunus avium, Fraxinus excelsior, Rhamnus frangula, Alnus viridis, Fagus sylvatica and Acer pseudoplatanus. Similar rankings were obtained in the non-filtered chamber plots. The ranking of species sensitivity closely follows AOT values for the occurrence of initial symptoms and symptom progression across the remainder of the exposure season. Species that first showed evidence of foliar injury also demonstrated the most sensitivity throughout the growing season, with symptoms rapidly advancing over ca. 25-30% of the total plant leaf surfaces by the end of the observation period. Conversely, those species that developed symptoms later in the season had far less total injury to plant foliage by the end of the observation period (1.5 to < 5% total leaf area injured). The current European ambient ozone standard may be insufficient to protect native plant species from visible foliar injury, and many more native species may be sensitive to ozone-induced foliar injury than are currently known.  相似文献   

Crop-response data from over 700 published papers and conference proceedings have been analysed with the aim of establishing ozone dose-response functions for a wide range of European agricultural and horticultural crops. Data that met rigorous selection criteria (e.g. field-based, ozone concentrations within European range, full season exposure period) were used to derive AOT40-yield response functions for 19 crops by first converting the published ozone concentration data into AOT40 (AOT40 is the hourly mean ozone concentration accumulated over a threshold ozone concentration of 40 ppb during daylight hours, units ppm h). For any individual crop, there were no significant differences in the linear response functions derived for experiments conducted in the USA or Europe, or for individual cultivars. Three statistically independent groups were identified: ozone sensitive crops (wheat, water melon, pulses, cotton, turnip, tomato, onion, soybean and lettuce); moderately sensitive crops (sugar beet, potato, oilseed rape, tobacco, rice, maize, grape and broccoli) and ozone resistant (barley and fruit represented by plum and strawberry). Critical levels of a 3 month AOT40 of 3 ppm h and a 3.5 month AOT40 of 6 ppm h were derived from the functions for wheat and tomato, respectively.  相似文献   

Modeling the effects of ozone on soybean growth and yield   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple mechanistic model was developed based on an existing growth model in order to address the mechanisms of the effects of ozone on growth and yield of soybean [Glycine max. (L.) Merr. 'Davis'] and interacting effects of other environmental stresses. The model simulates daily growth of soybean plants using environmental data including shortwave radiation, temperature, precipitation, irrigation and ozone concentration. Leaf growth, dry matter accumulation, water budget, nitrogen input and seed growth linked to senescence and abscission of leaves are described in the model. The effects of ozone are modeled as reduced photosynthate production and accelerated senescence. The model was applied to the open-top chamber experiments in which soybean plants were exposed to ozone under two levels of soil moisture regimes. After calibrating the model to the growth data and seed yield, goodness-of-fit of the model was tested. The model fitted well for top dry weight in the vegetative growth phase and also at maturity. The effect of ozone on seen yield was also described satisfactorily by the model. The simulation showed apparent interaction between the effect of ozone and soil moisture stress on the seed yield. The model revealed that further work is needed concerning the effect of ozone on the senescence process and the consequences of alteration of canopy microclimate by the open-top chambers.  相似文献   

A simulation model was developed to estimate the stomatal conductance and ozone flux to Norway spruce saplings in open-top chambers. The model was parameterized against needle conductance measurements that were made on 4-6-year-old spruce saplings, grown in open-top chambers, in July-September during three different seasons. The spruce saplings were either maintained well watered or subject to a 7-8 week drought period in July-September each year. The simulated conductance showed a good agreement with the measured conductance for the well-watered as well as the drought stress-treated saplings. The simulations were significantly improved when different vapour pressure deficit (VPD) functions were applied for well-watered and drought-stressed spruce saplings. The cumulated ozone uptake which was calculated from the conductance simulations showed less variation between years, compared to the cumulative ozone exposure index AOT40 (accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb or nl l(-1)) for the corresponding time periods. Measurements in May 1995 demonstrated the occurrence of long-term 'memory-effects' from the drought stress treatments on the conductance. Memory-effects need to be considered when simulation models for stomatal conductance are to be applied to long-lived forest trees under a multiple stress situation.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the UN-ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) critical levels of ozone for forest trees and crops have been determined. In this paper procedures are presented for constructing maps of The Netherlands showing measured ozone concentrations for comparison with the critical levels. The critical ozone levels for forest trees and crops are exceeded widely and frequently in The Netherlands. The frequency and size of exceedances depend on meteorological conditions: during a hot, sunny summer like 1989 or 1990 exceedances of the critical levels by a factor of two or three were observed in the whole of The Netherlands; in a cold, rainy summer like 1991 or 1993 only minor exceedances were observed in some parts (mainly in the south) of the country.  相似文献   

Surface ozone concentrations in southern Africa exceed air quality guidelines set to protect agricultural crops. This paper addresses a knowledge gap by performing a preliminary assessment of potential ozone impacts on vegetation in southern African. Maize (Zea mays L.) is the receptor of interest in the main maize producing countries, i.e. South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Surface ozone concentrations are estimated for the growing season (October to April) using photochemical modelling. Hourly mean modelled ozone concentrations ranged between 19.7 and 31.2 ppb, while maximums range between 28.9 and 61.9 ppb, and are near 30 ppb over South Africa and Zambia, while in Zimbabwe, they exceed 40 ppb and translate into monthly AOT40 values of over 3,000 ppb h in five of the seven months of the growing season. This study suggests that surface ozone may pose a threat to agricultural production in southern African, particularly in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

This paper presents phenological weighting factors to be applied to AOT40 (accumulated ozone exposure above a threshold of 40 nl l(-1)) ozone exposure-response relationships for crops at different growth stages. The quantification of such factors represents a step-forward in the derivation of Level II critical levels for ozone. The weighting factors presented are derived from published literature on the sensitivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and plantain (Plantago major) to ozone at different growth stages. Weighting functions were calculated using either multiple linear regression or the reciprocal residual mean square (RMS(-1)). The resulting weights were transformed into multiplication factors to be applied to the monthly AOT40 during the 3-month assessment period of critical level exceedance. Interspecific differences were too large to allow for the development of a unified weighting function for the three species considered. For wheat grain yield, the derived multiplication factors varied by almost four-fold (0.40, 1.06, 1.54), while those for bean pod yield varied by only about 25% (0.85, 1.01, 1.14). The available data for plantain were restricted to short-term studies conducted under controlled conditions. These data were not suitable for the derivation of weighting factors comparable to those derived for bean and wheat. Based on known differences in wheat development and phenology across Europe, the need for a geographic differentiation of the time period for the calculation of the critical level exceedances is also discussed and examples provided of the adoption of the derived weightings in the mapping of critical level exceedances. Differences between critical level exceedance maps using weighted and unweighted AOT40 calculations are discussed.  相似文献   

The robustness problem is considered for mathematical indices that describe the adverse effects of vegetation exposure to ozone. It is shown that some of them may demonstrate infinitely high sensitivity of the exposure estimate to small variations of ozone concentrations or internal parameters of specific functional. In particular, for the accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb (AOT40) index such conditions are not extraordinary, but rather describe quite often situations in remote areas in Northern Europe. Taking into account inevitable uncertainties in both calculated and observed ozone concentrations, a high sensitivity of ozone impact indices results in an instability of the exposure estimates and creates problems in their use. Theoretical consideration of the problem enabled to formulate the necessary and sufficient conditions for the limited sensitivity of a time-integrating index. An example of a modified AOT formulation fulfilling the obtained criteria and hence not experiencing the sensitivity problem is considered.  相似文献   

Saplings of one half-sib family of birch, Betula pendula, were exposed to three levels of ozone in open-top chambers (OTCs) during two growing seasons 1997-1998. The ozone treatments were non-filtered air (NF, accumulated daylight AOT40 over the two growing seasons of 3.0 l l-1 h), non-filtered air with extra ozone (NF+, accumulated daylight AOT40 of 27.3 l l-1 h) and non-filtered air with additional extra ozone (NF++, accumulated daylight AOT40 of 120 l l-1 h). The birch saplings, including the roots, were harvested after the first and second growing seasons. After the first growing season, the NF++ treatment reduced the total wood biomass by 22%, relative to the NF treatment. There was no further reduction of the total wood biomass in the NF++ treatment after the second growing season. The root biomass was reduced by 30% after the first growing season. The shoot/root ratio, as well as the proportional biomass of leaves, were increased by ozone during both years. The ozone impact on the relative growth rate was estimated to -2% per 10 l l-1 h daylight AOT40 per growing season.  相似文献   

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