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北京西郊城市污水人工快滤处理与利用系统   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
以人工土壤作为惨滤介质处理城市污水在北京西部进行了两年中试工程运行试验研究结果表明,人工快滤处理系统对城市污水具有较高的去除率,其对 COD,BOD5,SS,TN和 P的年平均去除率分别为 90.2%,96.4%,95.1%,32.3%和 30.2%;处理出水中 COD,BOD5,和SS的年平均浓度分别为 39.8,3.80和 11.1mg/L;人工快滤床的年平均渗滤速率、水力负荷率和有机负荷分别为0.339cm/min, 208m/a和14.9kgBOD5/(m2·a);用处理出水灌溉蔬菜和水稻不会引起硝酸盐和重金属的明显积累.  相似文献   

This paper uses a prediction model of groundwater pollution based on the experiments in the laboratory and in field .The model, which was tested and calibrated by the field observated data ,satisfactorily simulated the field conditions in land treatment system of wastewater . Particularly , the model can provide the reliable pollution prediction of heavy metals , organisms and nitrogen . The model was used to predict the groundwater pollution caused by the land treatment system in the region of North China . The calibration of the model showed that correlation coefficients between the tested and predictive data of Cr6+. As3+, organism and NH4+ could reach 0.990, which proved that the model possessed the realistic instructive significance for design and use of wastewater land treatment systems .  相似文献   

The performance of 11 reed-wetland beds for municipal wastewater treatment is described in this paper. The interrelation between pollutants removal (BOD5, SS, N and P) and hydraulic loading rate, organic loading rate, hydraulic retention time as well as the seasonal variation could be found in this study. The treatment efficiencies of reed beds are better than the secondary treatment standards with high and steady nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The total nitrogen and phosphorus of the final effluent are less than 10 mg/L and 0.5 mg/L, respectively.  相似文献   

Based on wet air oxidation (WAO) and Fenton reagent, thispaper raises a new low pressure wet catalytic oxidation(LPWCO)which requires low pressure for the treatment of highlyconcentrated and refractory organic wastewater. Compared withgeneral wet air oxidation, the pressure of the treatment(0.1-0.6MPa) is only one of tens to percentage of latter(3.5-10MPa). Inaddition, its temperature is no more than 180℃.Compared withFenton reagent, while H2O2/COD(weight ratio) less than 1.2, theremoval of COD in the treatment is over twenty percents more thanFenton's even the value of COD is more than 14000mg/L. In thispaper, we study the effect factor of COD removal and the mechanismof this treatment. The existence of synergistic effect (catalytic oxidation and carbonization) for COD removal in H2SO4-Fenton reagent system under the condition of applied pressure and heating (0.1-0.6MPa, 104-165℃) was verified. The best condition of this disposal are as follows:H2O2/COD(weight ratio)=0.2-1.0, Fe2+ 0.6×10-3 mol, H2SO4 0.5mol, COD>1×104mg/L, the operating pressure is 0.1-0.6MPa and temperature is 104-165℃. This method suit to dispose the high-concentrated refractory wastewater, especially to the wastewater containing H2SO produced in the manufacture of pesticide, dyestuff and petrochemical works.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the capital costs, power consumption and operation costs of municipal wastewater land treatment systems, including rapid infiltration, slow-rate infiltration, overflow and constructed wetland, by means of series engineering design. The results show that land treatment can save 50-70% of capital costs, 80-90% of power and 75-85% of operation costs when compared with secondary treatment.  相似文献   

城市污水土地处理适宜性评价系统   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用人工智能程序语言Turbo-Prolog和C语言建立了污水土地处理适宜性评价系统。通过测试表明,该系统能对土地处理的进水水质、场地适宜性、出水目标进行快速准确的判断和预测,解决了污水土地处理的选址、处理工艺类型选择等问题,是科学设置污水土地处理生态工程的重要工具。同时使得计算机技术在污染生态领域得以进一步推广和应用  相似文献   

宣立强  刘硕  罗爻  李昀东  夏青 《环境科学学报》2020,40(11):3964-3970
城市污水处理厂出水作为微塑料(microplastics,MPs)进入自然水体的主要途径之一,对其微塑料污染物特征展开研究,有助于认识和了解人类活动对自然水体的影响.本文以哈尔滨市主城区的污水处理厂A和污水处理厂B中的3种工艺(曝气生物滤池工艺、多段AO-MBBR工艺、CASS-MBBR工艺)为研究对象,经体视显微镜观察并结合傅里叶变换红外光谱仪分析哈尔滨城市污水处理厂中MPs的浓度、颜色、粒径、类型分布特征及3种不同处理工艺对MPs的去除效果.结果表明,哈尔滨城市污水处理厂进水中MPs的最高浓度为290.87个·L-1,颜色主要以白色和无色为主,组成成分主要为PP、PE和PS,粒径大的MPs更容易被去除;微塑料在曝气生物滤池工艺一级处理中的去除率为80.28%;多段AO-MBBR工艺与CASS-MBBR工艺的一级处理MPS去除效率为78.39%,曝气生物滤池工艺、多段AO-MBBR工艺和CASS-MBBR工艺的二级处理去除效率分别为20.92%、13.11%和14.68%,实验结果表明MPs的去除主要依靠一级处理,二级处理中的MPs去除效果...  相似文献   

对华北、西北和南方等地的30余所变电站产生的生活污水的处理及排放情况进行了调研,汇总分析了我国目前变电站主要的污水处理方法、排放方式及其存在的主要问题,并针对各地区的特点提出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

ResourcefulecologicaltreatmentofwastewaterinurbanecosystemSongYufang;SunTieheng;GongPing;ChangZhijun(InstituteofAppliedEcolog...  相似文献   

Organobentonitesasadsorbentsforsomeorganicpollutantsanditsapplicationinwastewatertreatment¥ZhuLizhong;ZhangJianying;LiYimin;S...  相似文献   

改性铁法处理印染废水   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
通过对铁屑进行改性,并辅以其它活性材料构成填料塔对印染废水进行处理。结果表明改性铁法与传统的铁屑固定氏法相比较,对可溶性染料的处理效果,二者相近;对不溶性染料本法的脱色率和COD去除率比传统铁屑法提高20%~30%,基本上解决了传统铁屑法不容易处理不溶性染料的难题。综合考虑COD去除率、脱色率两方面因素,选择pH值5~6,接触时间13~15min为最佳。  相似文献   

To perform a systematic survey on the occurrence and removal of micropollutants during municipal wastewater treatment, 943 semi-volatile organic chemicals in 32 wastewater samples including influents of secondary treatments, secondary effluents and final effluents(effluents of advanced treatments), which were collected from seven full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants(MWTPs) in China, were examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) coupled with an automated identification and quantification system with a database(AIQS-DB). In total, 196 and 145 chemicals were detected in secondary and final effluents, respectively. The majority of the total concentrations(average removal efficiency, 87.0%±5.9%) of the micropollutants were removed during secondary treatments. However, advanced treatments achieved different micropollutant removal extents from secondary effluents depending on the different treatment processes employed. Highly variable removal efficiencies of total concentrations(32.7%–99.3%) were observed among the different advanced processes. Among them,ozonation-based processes could remove 70.0%–80.9% of the total concentrations of studied micropollutants. The potentially harmful micropollutants, based on their detection frequency and concentration in secondary and final effluents, were polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)(2-methylnaphthalene, fluoranthene, pyrene, naphthalene and phenanthrene), phosphorus flame retardants(tributyl phosphate(TBP), tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate(TCEP) and tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate(TDCP)), phthalates(bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP)), benzothiazoles(benzothiazole,2-(methylthio)-benzothiazol, and 2(3H)-benzothiazolone) and phenol. This study indicated that the presence of considerable amounts of micropollutants in secondary effluent creates the need for suitable advanced treatment before their reuse.  相似文献   

北京市4种不同污水处理系统中病原菌变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易鑫  李娟  黄京  刘新春 《环境科学学报》2015,35(6):1759-1767
采用定量PCR技术,对北京市4种不同污水处理系统中大肠杆菌、军团菌和沙门氏菌随工艺及四季的数量变化进行了追踪研究,以评估病原菌的去除效果及污水回用的健康风险.结果发现,大肠杆菌在夏季进水和出水中的浓度分别在107~108copies·m L-1和105copies·m L-1左右;G-A/O系统对大肠杆菌的去除率最高,平均去除率达99.88%.军团菌在4个污水处理系统中进水浓度为104~105copies·m L-1,出水浓度约为104copies·m L-1,其在剩余污泥样品中浓度较高,达到105~106copies·m L-1.沙门氏菌进水浓度较低,为102~103copies·m L-1,且其在多个工艺段样品中未检出.季节变化对于病原菌的去除具有较大影响.研究表明,大肠杆菌在各污水处理系统中均可检出,且其分布具有一定的季节性,夏季的进出水中浓度相对较高;而军团菌和沙门氏菌浓度在各工艺中则并未呈现出明显的季节性变化.G-A/O系统对3种细菌的整体去除效果最为稳定,去除率较高.大肠杆菌在污水处理厂的出水及剩余污泥中浓度仍然较高,此外,冬季出水中也能检测到沙门氏菌的存在,因此,污水处理厂的出水和污泥排放仍存在一定的生态和健康风险.  相似文献   

污水处理厂排放是微塑料进入自然环境的重要途径之一,本研究对北京某下沉式三级污水处理厂八个工艺单元中微塑料的赋存特征和去除效能进行全流程分析.研究表明该厂赋存微塑料主要形态为纤维,主要成分为聚丙烯、聚酯和聚乙烯,尺寸≤500μm的微塑料影响最为显著.该厂对微塑料的整体去除率为91.7%,主要依靠沉淀和截留过滤去除.双层平流沉淀池(二沉池)的去除效能最高,而生化处理单元没有明显去除效果.整体上,微塑料呈现从污水向污泥迁移的趋势.该厂最终出水中微塑料浓度为1.3n/L,成分为聚酯纤维,出水排放没有引起周边受纳水体中微塑料浓度升高,但干扰了下游地表水体中微塑料的成分,深度处理单元是降低受纳水体微塑料污染风险的重要保障.  相似文献   

污水地下渗滤系统强化脱氮试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
构建了3套以5%炉渣+95%草甸棕壤为基质的地下渗滤系统室内模拟试验装置,在水力负荷为0.1m3/(m2·d)条件下进行了生活污水处理试验.结果表明,当分流位置位于系统内110cm处,分流比为1:1时,可提高地下渗滤对总氮的去除效率,总氮的去除率由59.37%提高至68.41%,且对COD和总磷的去除效果没有影响.  相似文献   

污水渗滤土地处理系统中的堵塞问题   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
堵塞问题是污水渗滤土地处理系统经常遇到的.从理论方面对悬浮物截留、吸附及微生物生长所造成的堵塞进行了讨论,并用实例进行了验证.结果表明,不管是悬浮物截留、吸附,还是微生物的生长,所造成的堵塞状况都呈现出随滤层厚度增加按负指数形式递减的趋势.系统内部是否会发生堵塞与原水的成分组成、渗滤介质的有关参数、微生物的活性等都密切相关.对于污水渗滤土地处理系统来说,微生物的生长一般不会导致系统内部产生堵塞,而悬浮物的截留、吸附常常会造成系统表层比较严重的堵塞.  相似文献   

The renovated water in the rapid infiltration system (RI) as area for fish and duck farming is feasible. The flesh of fish and duck is edible. The farming of fish for 5 months and duck for 120 - 130 days can be accepted. It is beneficial to environment and economy, especially in developing countries. The production of fish and duck can make up for the cost of wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

To reuse the water and nutrient resources from ecological point of view the goals, criteria and constraint conditions of the scientifically municipal wastewater irrigation are discussed as well as the practice in major municipal wastewater irrigation areas in China is introduced, of which particularly the effects of municipal water irrigation mixing with oil refinery wastewater on the agricultural ecosystem are studied and described. It has been revealed that benzo(a)pyrene in various parts of paddy crop is attributed to air pollution, water-soil pollution and biosynthesis of plant. Of exogenous contributions of benzo(a)pyrene in paddy shoot system under natural condition, the dominant factor is the air pollution, whereas the water-soil factor is considered to be secondary. Therefore, it is mostly urgent to control the air pollution source of benzo(a)pyrene, to which the edible parts of various green plants are exposed directly.  相似文献   

兽用抗生素的广泛使用造成了畜禽养殖场及其周边环境中抗生素抗性基因丰度的提高,而畜禽养殖废水所携带的抗性基因在生物处理及其农田利用过程中的转归规律尚不明确,存在抗性基因从畜禽养殖场向周边环境的传播风险.本文通过文献调研,综述了畜禽养殖废水中抗性基因的赋存特征、抗性基因在畜禽养殖废水生物处理和农田利用过程中转归的研究进展,并提出了今后的研究方向,以期为揭示畜禽养殖废水在生物处理和农田利用过程中抗性基因的消减规律、降低抗性基因传播风险提供借鉴.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国城市污水处理相关工作人员职业病频发,与城市污水处理过程中会释放出大量的有毒有害气体有重要关系,我国现有的《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》对水质排放指标作了明确规定,但对于污水处理过程中释放的气体污染物的类型及排放限值缺少详细说明.本文对城市污水处理厂不同污水处理工艺及不同污水处理单元在运行中所释放的气体污染物的特征进行了归纳总结,阐述了城市污水处理厂释放的主要恶臭挥发性有机物的产生途径、释放量及影响因素,并指出目前城市污水处理厂释放的气体污染物主要通过尾气末端收集综合处理的方式进行治理,而对于工艺运行参数与气体污染物释放特征之间的相关性关系仍需深入研究.  相似文献   

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