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我国自然资源的基本特征我国是一个资源大国。自然资源种类多、门类齐全、数量丰富,在全世界都名列前茅。但我国是一个有着12亿人口的大国,同时又是人均自然资源相对贫乏的国家,自然资源的承载能力有限。人均自然资源的拥有量很少,许多方面都低于世界平均水平。如我国的矿产资源,目前已发现162种,按国际矿产品价格和国际水平的总回收率计算,其中45种主要矿产的潜在价值仅次于前苏联和美国,是世界第三大矿产国。但人均占有量不到世界人均水平的1/2,仅居世界第80位左右。此外,作为工业化动力的能源资源,我国的煤炭已探明储量居世界…  相似文献   

我国自然资源开发一直存在着许多与持续发展战略不相适应的问题。尤其在我国进入社会主义市场经济体制之后,这一问题显得更为突出,解决好自然资源的开发利用对于保护环境,走社会经济持续发展之路至关重要。一、自然资源的现状从总量来说,我国在世界上属资源大国,国上面积居世界第三位,草场面积居世界第一位,矿产储量潜在价值居世界第三位,水资源居世界第六位,可开发水能居世界第一位‘森林蓄积量居世界第五位。但就人均资源占有量而言,又是资源贫国,远在世界平均水平之下。据1992年统计资料表明,我国人均耕地为世界人均占有量的…  相似文献   

如何预测未来耕地面积的发展趋势,是社会经济发展和土地资源开发利用中亟待解决的课题。本文拟应用河南省光山县的具体资料,就此课题作一初步探讨。一、耕地需求预测的必要性和可能性众所周知,粮食人均占有量是衡量一个国家或地区粮食生产和物质生活水平的主要标志之一,它受制于人均耕地占有量。当今世界上10个人均占有粮食超过500kg的国家,人均耕地都超过世界平均数(4.9亩);其中人均占有粮食超过1000kg的国家,人均占  相似文献   

中华环保基金会理事长曲格平在“关于推进水资源和水环境可持续利用战略的几点思考”一文中指出:中国经济的高速增长,面临着土地、水、能源三种基础资源的严重制约。中国年水资源量约为28124亿立方米,但人均水资源占有量不足2400立方米,仅为全世界人均占有量的1/4,在世界149个国家中,排在第110位,被联合国列为世界少数几个贫水国之一,并且时空分布不均,开发利用难度大,人均可供应量不足1000立方米。随着人口增长,人均水资源占有量和可供应量还呈下降趋势。同时,污水排放总量继续增长,主要污染物排放量居高不下。全国污水排放总量,国家环保总…  相似文献   

青海省是一个资源大省,特别是黄河上游水电资源、盐湖资源,石油、天然气、黄金、有色金属、非金属矿产资源丰富.截至1993年底,青海省累计发现矿产123种,占全国发现163种的75.45%;探明储量的矿产103种,占全国探明储量的151种的68.21%;在已探明储量的矿产中,燃料矿产4种,金属矿产41种,非金属矿产55种,其他水气矿产3种.据不完全统计,青海省已发现的矿产地(包括矿床、矿点和矿化点)2500余处,具有一定价值的矿床和矿点1480余处,探明储量的矿产地670余处.按矿床规模分,大型119处,中型141处,小型及小小型268处.有关资料曾对青海省65种矿产计算得保有储量潜在总值17.26万亿元,人均占有量345万元(全国人均占有量为7.52万元)每平方公里土地面积占有量为2396.95万元(全国为889.  相似文献   

正水,是生命的源泉;河流,是人类文明的摇篮。随着世界人口的迅速增加,工农业用水的激增,可利用的淡水资源以惊人的速度走向枯竭,人类正面临着日益严重的缺水威胁。令人忧心的是,有限的生命之水正经历着严重的污染和毁损危机。作为世界缺水国家之一,我国的水资源人均占有量仅为全球人均占有量的1/4,更为严酷的现实是:"南方有水皆污,北方有河皆干",3千万人和几千万牲畜吃水困难,3亿多人喝不上健康、卫生的饮用水!  相似文献   

<正>北京已成为世界上缺水最严重的大城市之一。2010年的最新数据显示,北京自产水资源量仅37亿立方米,水资源的年人均占有量不足200立方米,是中国人均的1/10,世界人均的1/40。按照国际公认的标准,人均水资源占有不足1000立方米属于重度缺水地区。  相似文献   

我国能源生产和消耗与国外的差距GapofEnergyProductionandConsumptionBetweenAbroadandChina¥//我国是一个能源消耗大国,消耗量居世界第三位,同时我国又是一个能源资源相对不足的国家。人均能源实际占有量...  相似文献   

“只有强化监督管理,才能促进生态保护。”这是前不久在长春召开的全国自然保护工作会议上,代表们就我国目前在自然保护方面面临的问题提出的对策。当前世界各国都面临着保护环境和建设生态环境的重大问题。我国在自然保护方面面临的问题更加突出。自然生态环境恶化的趋势还没有得到根本的扭转,人均自然资源的占有量远低于世界的平均水平,而且随着人口的不断增加而人均占有量还在不断下降。主要表现在用材林面积急剧下降,森  相似文献   

我国多年平均水资源总量为2.8万亿m3,人均占有量约2700m3.仅为世界人均占有量的1/4,居世界第84位。特别是水资源潜力贫乏的京津唐地区人均水资源量仅430m3,为世界平均水平的1/26,因此,合理开发利用该区域的水资源尤为重要。1水资源现状1.1高耗水企业分布集中,地下水枯竭随着经济发展,京津唐地区集中建立的冶金、化工、电力、造纸、印染等工业行业都属高耗水类型。按目前工业化国家耗水水平,采煤需水l~l·st/t、炼钢需水20~40t/t、造纸需水200~500t’t,因此工业用水缺口较大。此外,该地区降雨分布不均,全年降雨的25%集…  相似文献   

This paper’s purpose is to predict China’s uranium resources demand from 2016 to 2030 based on experimental modeling. In addition, we discuss the future supply structure of China’s uranium resources by analyzing the domestic and foreign supply capacity of China’s uranium resources. According the forecast results, Chinese uranium resource demand will reach 21385 tU in 2030 under a medium scenario. Due to the poor endowment of uranium resources, China’s domestic uranium production will increase slowly. It can be calculated that the total demand of uranium resources in China during 2016–2030 will be 216581 tU, the cumulative production of domestic production will be 37900 tU, the overseas production will be 41950 tU, and the international market purchases will be 130574 tU. Hence, the cumulative degree of dependence on foreign resources is approximately 80%. China’s foreign dependence on uranium will be greater than for oil, and the situation will become extremely serious. Therefore, we put forward several suggestions to ensure the supply of China’s uranium resources: (1) strengthening mineral exploration and increasing domestic production, (2) actively operating the “going out” strategy, (3) enhancing the enterprise competition ability, and (4) establishing uranium resource reserves. By these means, China could efficiently guarantee the domestic uranium resource security and respond to the competition of India’s uranium resources demand increased.  相似文献   

中国能源矿产态势与可持续开发利用对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国能源矿产具有矿种齐全,总量可观,人均拥有量少,能源结构不合理,区域分布不平衡和质量偏差等特征, 在开发利用中存在着后备储量不足,供需矛盾突出,资源破坏浪费严重,消耗高,效率低和严重污染环境问题,因此,21世纪我国能源矿产可持续开发利用必须采取“严格依法管理,推进科技进步,提高利用效率,开源节流并举,国内国外并重,开发利用新能源和可再生资源,储备战略能源”的方针。  相似文献   

Australia is one of the world's main producers and exporters of both fuel and non-fuel minerals. Among the main commodities produced for export are bauxite/alumina, iron ore, and nickel—Australia is also an increasingly important source of supply of black coal, especially for Japan, and is a significant producer and exporter of a number of base metals. Resources are adequate to support a substantial expansion of both non-oil fuels and other minerals. The potential for growth, both in terms of specific commodities and in the overall role of Australia in the world mineral industry, will depend to a very large extent on the cost competitiveness of Australian mining and on continuing inflow of capital.  相似文献   

安徽省矿产资源现状与可持续发展初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安徽省矿产资源种类繁多,储量丰富,特别是煤炭、Fe、Cu、S、非金属等矿产资源分布相对集中,具有南北不同的特点。矿产资源在开发利用中存在着开发利用广度大、加工程度低、综合利用率低、浪费严重、引发多种地质灾害等问题。本文对安徽省矿产资源的可持续发展对策进行了探讨  相似文献   

Sustainable development involves meeting the needs of human societies while maintaining viable biological and physical Earth systems. The needs include minerals: metals, fuels, industrial and construction materials. There will continue to be considerable demand for virgin mineral resources, even if levels of recycling and efficiency of use are optimal, and rates of population growth and globalisation decrease significantly. This article aims to stimulate debate on strategic issues for minerals supply. While the world has considerable stocks of mineral resources overall, international considerations of the environmental and social aspects of sustainable development are beginning to result in limitations on where mining will be conducted and what types of deposits will be mined. Current and emerging trends favour large mines in parts of the world where mining can be conducted within acceptable limits of environmental and social impact. Finding new deposits that meet such criteria will be all the more challenging given a disturbing global decline in the rate of discovery of major economic resources over the last decade, and the decreasing land area available for exploration and mining.
To attract responsible exploration and mining, governments of mining nations will need to provide: regional-scale geo-scientific datasets as required to attract and guide future generations of exploration; resource access through multiple and sequential land use regimes, and frameworks for dealing with indigenous peoples' issues; and arrangements for consideration of mining proposals and regulation of mines that ensure responsible management of environmental and social issues.
The minerals industry will need to continue to pursue advances in technologies for exploration, mining, processing, waste management and rehabilitation, and in public reporting of environmental and social performance.  相似文献   

Mineral reserves are unevenly and erratically distributed throughout the world; those countries which were intensively explored in the past — the USA, Canada, the USSR, Australia, South Africa, and a limited number of Asian, African, and Latin American countries — control a large share of many of the industrially important metallic minerals. Current attitudes towards exploration and the mining industry in both the developed and the less developed countries should clearly encourage rather than discourage new exploration. Given an increase in exploration, new reserves may well be found in previously unexplored areas, but any major increase in world mineral supplies will probably come from mining very low- grade deposits and developing new methods of mining and processing non-conventional ores. While it is vital to increase research and development in exploration techniques and mining and processing technology, it is also critical to maintain current levels of consumption and trade by reversing the trend towards trade restriction on the part of some of the less developed countries who are important mineral exporters.  相似文献   

The paper commences with an analysis of the nature and status of private capital investment in the minerals industry in China. Based on the analysis, the authors examine the main barriers in terms of the mineral rights market, industry access and investment security that impede the participation of private capital into exploration and development of China's mineral resources. The discussion addresses how to encourage the participation of private capital into mining investment and it concludes that it is of significant importance to ensure the soundness of mineral rights market, impartiality of industry access, and security of mineral rights.  相似文献   

The distinction between an exploitable and a non-exploitable mineral deposit is dynamic, varying as a function of changing economic and technological factors. A conceptual framework is proposed: ‘reserves’ are restricted to known currently exploitable deposits; ‘known resources’ are reserves plus currently non-exploitable deposits; ‘total resources’ are known resources plus all deposits not yet discovered. The short-term inadequacy of some mineral reserves requites a policy of accelerated mineral exploration and rapid development of new exploration techniques. Future problems could be avoided if the nature of resources is recognized and new mineral extraction and processing techniques for lower grade and unconventional mineral deposits are developed.  相似文献   

气候变化是全人类面临的严峻挑战,我国受到气候变化的不利影响更为显著,加快采取雄心勃勃的适应气候变化行动显得尤为重要,但资金机制一直是我国适应进程中的主要障碍,亟须借鉴国际经验构建完善适应气候变化的资金机制。基于此,本文首先简要分析国际适应气候变化资金机制的基本情况,然后选取适应进程较为完善的美、英、德、日等典型发达国家,分别从适应政策体系、国内适应资金和国际援助资金等三个方面梳理总结各国适应气候变化资金机制,最后分析我国适应气候变化资金机制及存在的问题,并提出对我国适应气候变化资金机制的启示。研究发现,《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其气候变化国际谈判进程是各国推进适应气候变化资金机制的主要动因,发达国家重视适应政策的法制化,但政策力度和运行模式有所不同,公共部门是各国适应资金的主要来源,私人资金潜力尚待挖掘,国际气候援助注重减缓与适应并重,但援助力度有待加强。未来我国应从完善适应气候变化顶层设计、建立适应气候变化资金保障机制、提高适应气候援助力度、加强国际交流与合作等方面完善我国适应气候变化资金机制。  相似文献   

The global gold market has recently attracted a lot of attention and the price of gold is relatively higher than its historical trend. For mining companies to mitigate risk and uncertainty in gold price fluctuations, make hedging, future investment and evaluation decisions, depend on forecasting future price trends. The first section of this paper reviews the world gold market and the historical trend of gold prices from January 1968 to December 2008. This is followed by an investigation into the relationship between gold price and other key influencing variables, such as oil price and global inflation over the last 40 years. The second section applies a modified econometric version of the long-term trend reverting jump and dip diffusion model for forecasting natural-resource commodity prices. This method addresses the deficiencies of previous models, such as jumps and dips as parameters and unit root test for long-term trends. The model proposes that historical data of mineral commodities have three terms to demonstrate fluctuation of prices: a long-term trend reversion component, a diffusion component and a jump or dip component. The model calculates each term individually to estimate future prices of mineral commodities. The study validates the model and estimates the gold price for the next 10 years, based on monthly historical data of nominal gold price.  相似文献   

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