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小城镇污水既是水资源的主要污染源,同时也是可利用水资源的重要组成部分,高效率、低成本的小城镇污水处理技术是农业生态安全和工程节水的急需。研究采用人工快速渗滤方法处理小城镇污水,在湿干比一定(湿干比1∶3)的条件下设3种填料比[V(土)∶V(砂)=1∶1、2∶1和3∶1)和3种不同水力负荷周期[短周期(0.5 d进水,1.5 d落干)、中周期(1 d进水,3 d落干)和长周期(3 d进水,9 d落干)]进行交叉试验。跟踪测定处理后水中COD、总磷、凯氏氮和铵氮的去除率。结果表明,系统的COD和总磷去除效果较好,最高去除率分别达到73.19%和54.86%。COD的去除受水力负荷周期影响较大,在长水力负荷周期条件下去除效率高,总磷的去除受水力负荷周期的影响小。系统对凯氏氮和铵氮的去除效率偏低,两者的最高去除率分别为46.67%和40.67%,均在长周期条件下取得。  相似文献   

通过小试规模试验研究“厌氧产沼气池-缺氧池-跌水充氧池-人工湿地”生物生态组合工艺处理实际生活污水的效能,考察硝化液回流比对脱氮除臭效果的影响规律.结果表明,当回流比从25%逐渐增加至200%时,TN平均去除率从15.0%增加至52.3%;但是当回流比继续增加至300%时,TN平均去除率下降至44.7%.在回流比为25%、50%、100%、200%和300%时,硫化氢作为污水中的主要恶臭源,其在缺氧池中的去除率分别为23.7%、30.8%、54.7%、82.6%和90.1%.同时,硫化氢去除率随缺氧池中DO和NO3-浓度的增加而升高.系统回流比为200%时,组合工艺可获得最佳的脱氮除臭效果.  相似文献   

张洪  刘希  郭意  李永峰  乔丽娜 《环境化学》2014,(11):1963-1970
为解决A2/O工艺处理低浓度城市生活污水的碳源问题,采用了甲醇、葡萄糖、乙酸分别作为A2/O系统的碳源,结果表明,甲醇作为系统外加碳源最经济、最合适,其中TN、TP去除率分别达到75.81%和76.21%,NO-x-N被去除时间为30 min.研究最大化利用碳源,得到外加碳源甲醇在厌氧/缺氧/好氧区段的投加比例为1∶2∶0、投加量为400 mg·L-1,硝酸盐回流比为250%时,系统运行效果最佳,TN、NH3-N和TP去除率分别为90.56%、96.67%和92.56%,出水浓度分别为12.3 mg·L-1、4.1 mg·L-1和0.45 mg·L-1,达到GB18918—2002一级A类标准.通过一段时间的运行,在缺氧段发生了反硝化吸磷的现象,有利于碳源的节省和系统的高效运行.  相似文献   

给水气浮工艺浮渣絮凝调理的最佳条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对给水气浮浮渣,选用阳离子型、阴离子型、非离子型聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)以及聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(HCA)作絮凝剂,调理后进行离心脱水试验,研究絮凝调理的最佳条件。试验结果表明低pH值有利于4种絮凝剂对浮渣离心脱水性能的改善;对于4种絮凝剂,都存在着一个最佳絮凝条件,其中阴离子型和非离子型PAM的最佳絮凝条件较阳离子型PAM和HCA需要更高的混合和反应转速以及更长的混合和反应时间。  相似文献   

不同水力负荷下凤眼莲去除氮、磷效果比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用人工模拟方法,研究了不同水力负荷(0.14、0.20、0.33和1.00m3.m-2.d-1)对凤眼莲去除富营养化水体氮、磷效果的影响,试验期间进水TN、NH4+-N、NO3-N、TP平均质量浓度分别为4.85、1.33、2.92和0.50mg.L-1。结果表明,凤眼莲净化系统对富营养化水体具有较好的去除效果,低水力负荷(0.14、0.20m3.m-2.d-1)下,出水TN、NH4+-N和TP均达到了GB3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》的Ⅳ类水质标准;当水力负荷提高到1.00m3.m-2.d-1后,出水TN、NH4+-N、NO3-N和TP质量浓度明显上升。4种水力负荷下,凤眼莲净化系统对TN和TP去除率分别为84.95%和80.65%、73.87%和73.04%、51.60%和64.05%、30.77%和47.79%,即随水力负荷的提高而降低;相应的TN、TP去除负荷分别为0.58和0.06、0.72和0.07、0.83和0.11、1.47和0.23g.m-2.d-1,即随水力负荷的提高而增加。综合考虑净化效果和污水处理能力,本试验条件下凤眼莲系统的水力负荷宜控制在0.33m3.m-2.d-1。  相似文献   

• Sampling parameters with high efficiency was determined. • Operational process to detect airborne ARGs was optimized. • Providing research basis to control airborne ARGs of a laboratory atmosphere Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have been detected in various atmospheric environments. Airborne ARGs transmission presents the public health threat. However, it is very difficult to quantify airborne ARGs because of the limited availability of collectable airborne particulate matter and the low biological content of samples. In this study, an optimized protocol for collecting and detecting airborne ARGs was presented. Experimental results showed that recovery efficiency tended to increase initially and then declined over time, and a range of 550–780 copies/mm2 of capture loading was recommended to ensure that the recovery efficiency is greater than 75%. As the cell walls were mechanically disrupted and nucleic acids were released, the buffer wash protects ARGs dissolution. Three ratios of buffer volume to membrane area in buffer wash were compared. The highest concentrations of airborne ARGs were detected with 1.4 µL/mm2 buffer wash. Furthermore, the majority of the cells were disrupted by an ultrasonication pretreatment (5 min), allowing the efficiency ARGs detection of airborne samples. While, extending the ultrasonication can disrupt cell structures and gene sequence was broken down into fragments. Therefore, this study could provide a theoretical basis for the efficient filter collection of airborne ARGs in different environments. An optimized sampling method was proposed that the buffer wash was 1.4 µL/mm2 and the ultrasonication duration was 5 min. The indoor airborne ARGs were examined in accordance with the improved protocol in two laboratories. The result demonstrated that airborne ARGs in an indoor laboratory atmosphere could pose the considerable health risk to inhabitants and we should pay attention to some complicated indoor air environment.  相似文献   

厌氧水解—高负荷生物滤池处理城镇污水的中试研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
厌氧水解 -高负荷生物滤池是一种利用附着在塑料模块填料上的微生物系统对城镇污水中的污染物质进行降解处理的绿色环保技术。厌氧水解池和高负荷生物滤池采用的塑料模块填料具有高空隙率、高附着面积、高布水性能和抗堵塞的优异性能 ,并无须回流。当厌氧水解池水力停留时间为 4h ,生物滤池水力负荷为 30m3/ (m2 ·d) ,该系统处理城镇污水的CODcr去除率达 75 % - 85 % ,BOD5去除率达 85 % - 95 % ,SS去除率达 85 % -95 % ,处理后出水的上述各项指标均可满足国家二级生物处理排放标准的要求。  相似文献   

温度及氨氮负荷对曝气生物滤池硝化作用的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用火山岩为载体填料的曝气生物滤池(BAF)进行实验室小试,研究供氧受限条件下,BAF的硝化反硝化运行特性及温度(10℃~30℃)和氨氮负荷变化(0.069~1.32kg/(m3·d))时对硝化作用的影响。当氨氮负荷为1.10kg/(m3·d),供氧受限时,温度从20℃升高到30℃,反应器的硝化效率仅增加10%左右,表明BAF中硝化作用主要受溶质的传递、扩散速率控制而不是受与温度有关的动力学参数控制;然而,相同负荷下,当温度控制在15℃时,硝化效率明显降低,说明20℃是一临界点。此外,20℃时随氨氮负荷的增加(从0.825kg/(m3·d)提升到1.32kg/(m3·d)),氨氮去除率略有下降,但在第3个取样口处却发现有亚硝酸盐氮累积现象,这是因为在供氧受限时,随负荷的增加,溶解氧相对短缺发生了部分硝化作用。  相似文献   

为科学评估PM_(2.5)对生物体综合生物效应,研究建立了利用费氏弧菌检测PM_(2.5)水溶性提取液的毒性测试方法,确立了PM_(2.5)样品提取液发光细菌毒性测试实验质量控制办法。对春节烟花爆竹燃放和沙尘污染过程的PM_(2.5)实样测试表明:烟花爆竹燃放期间的PM_(2.5)样品提取液发光抑制率值与微量金属元素等有毒有害组分浓度显著相关;沙尘污染期间的PM_(2.5)样本提取液中地壳元素浓度和发光抑制率值显著不相关。  相似文献   

High strength sugar refinery wastewater was treated in a mesophilic UASB. Pyrosequencing reveals microbial community succession with OLR increase. Diversity of microbial communities in OLR12 is much higher than those in OLR36 and OLR54.0 kgCOD/(kg VSS·d). Fermentative bacteria could deal with increasing OLR through the increase of microbial diversity and quantity. Hydrogen-producing acotogens and methanogens mainly coped with high OLR shocks by increasing the quantity of community The performance and microbial community structure in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) treating sugar refinery wastewater were investigated. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal reached above 92.0% at organic loading rates (OLRs) of 12.0–54.0 kgCOD/(m3·d). The volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in effluent were increased to 451.1 mg/L from 147.9 mg/L and the specific methane production rate improved by 1.2–2.2-fold as the OLR increased. The evolution of microbial communities in anaerobic sludge at three different OLRs was investigated using pyrosequencing. Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at a 3% distance were 353, 337 and 233 for OLR12, OLR36 and OLR54, respectively. When the OLR was increased to 54.0 kgCOD /(m3·d) from 12.0 kgCOD/(m3·d) by stepwise, the microbial community structure were changed significantly. Five genera (Bacteroides, Trichococcus, Chryseobacterium, Longilinea and Aerococcus) were the dominant fermentative bacteria at the OLR 12.0 kgCOD/(m3·d). However, the sample of OLR36 was dominated by Lactococcus, Trichococcus, Anaeroarcus and Veillonella. At the last stage (OLR= 54.0 kgCOD/(m3·d)), the diversity and percentage of fermentative bacteria were markedly increased. Apart from fermentative bacteria, an obvious shift was observed in hydrogen-producing acetogens and non-acetotrophic methanogens as OLR increased. Syntrophobacter, Geobacter and Methanomethylovorans were the dominant hydrogen-producing acetogens and methylotrophic methanogens in the samples of OLR12 and OLR36. When the OLR was increased to 54.0 kgCOD/(m3·d), the main hydrogen-producing acetogens and hydrogenotrophic methanogens were substituted with Desulfovibrio and Methanospirillum. However, the composition of acetotrophic methanogens (Methanosaeta) was relatively stable during the whole operation period of the UASB reactor.  相似文献   

An anaerobic contact reactor (ACR) system comprising a continuous flow stirred tank reactor (CSTR) with settler to decouple the hydraulic retention time (HRT) from solids retention time (SRT) was developed for fermentative hydrogen production from diluted molasses by mixed microbial cultures. The ACR was operated at various volumetric loading rates (VLRs) of 20–44 kgCOD·m-3·d-1 with constant HRT of 6 h under mesophilic conditions of 35°C. The SRT was maintained at about 46–50 h in the system. At the initial VLR of 20 kgCOD·m-3·d-1, the hydrogen production rate dropped from 22.6 to 1.58 L·d-1 as the hydrogen was consumed by the hydrogentrophic methanogen. After increasing the VLR to 28 kgCOD·m-3·d-1 and discharging the sludge for 6 consecutive times, the hydrogentrophic methanogens were eliminated, and the hydrogen content reached 36.4%. As the VLR was increased to 44 kgCOD·m-3·d-1, the hydrogen production rate and hydrogen yield increased to 42.1 L·d-1 and 1.40 mol H2·molglucose-consumed-1, respectively. The results showed that a stable ethanol-type fermentation that favored hydrogen production in the reactor was thus established with the sludge loading rate (SLR) of 2.0–2.5 kgCOD·kgMLVSS-1·d-1. It was found that the ethanol increased more than other liquid fermentation products, and the ethanol/acetic acid (mol/mol) ratio increased from 1.27 to 2.45 when the VLR increased from 28 to 44 kgCOD·m-3·d-1, whereas the hydrogen composition decreased from 40.4% to 36.4%. The results suggested that the anaerobic contact reactor was a promising bioprocess for fermentative hydrogen production.  相似文献   

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