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Mussels from Mytilus edulis complex were used as biomonitors of the trace metals Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, and Cu at 17 sampling sites to assess the relative bioavailability of metals in coastal waters around the European continent. Because accumulated metal concentrations in a given area can differ temporally, data were corrected for the effect of season before large-scale spatial comparisons were made. The highest concentration of Fe was noted in the North Sea and of Mn in the Baltic. Increased tissue concentrations of Pb were recorded in the mussels from the Bay of Biscay and the Baltic Sea. Low concentrations of metals were determined in the mussels from the Mediterranean Sea and the Northern Baltic. Relatively low geographic variations of Cu and Zn indicate that mussels are able to partially regulate accumulated body concentrations, which means Cu and Zn are, to some extent, independent of environmental concentrations.  相似文献   

This study provides the preliminary data set for total dissolved trace metal concentrations in the surface water of the Sava River in Croatia and the assessment of Sava River water quality status. The highest levels of total dissolved metals were observed for Fe, Mn, and Zn (12.6 +/- 7.8 mirog L(-1), 3.44 +/- 3.95 mirog L(-1), and 2.27 +/- 1.53 mirog L(-1), respectively), the intermediate concentrations for Ni, Cu, and Cr (0.59 +/- 0.14 mirog L(-1), 0.54 +/- 0.14 mirog L(-1), and 0.32 +/- 0.06 mirog L(-1), respectively), and the lowest levels for Co, Pb, and Cd (0.064 +/- 0.022 mirog L(-1), 0.055 +/- 0.051 mirog L(-1), and 0.011 +/- 0.004 mirog L(-1), respectively). The results refer to the grab water samples taken at five sites in the period from March to June, 2006. For four trace metals (Mn, Pb, Zn, and Fe), the high temporal variability within one season was observed. It can present a problem for reliable evaluation of total dissolved concentrations of these metals in the river water, if the assessment is based on the occasional grab water sampling. The comparison of results obtained in this study with previously reported data for several unpolluted rivers indicated that Sava River water reflects a certain anthropogenic impact. However, according to the levels proposed by European regulations, it still can be classified as water containing total dissolved trace metals in concentrations not significantly above the natural level.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 11 crustal and anthropogenic trace metals (Li, Al, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) were measured from 2006 to 2008 in the atmospheric aerosol at a northwestern Mediterranean coast (station of Cap Ferrat, situated on the southeastern coast of France). Statistical models (lognormal, Weibull, and gamma) that best represented the trace metal distribution for this environment are described. The lognormal model was selected for the distributions of (in decreasing strength of the fit) Al, Co, Li, Zn, Mn, Cu, Pb, and Cd, i.e., metals that are introduced into the atmospheric aerosol by pulses inducing temporal variability in their concentrations. The gamma model was associated with Fe, i.e., metals that exhibit less inter-annual variability than the former trace metals. The third mode (Weibull) represented the distribution of the concentrations of V and Ni. The statistical approach presented in this study contributed to better define and constrain the distribution of the 11 trace metals of the atmospheric aerosol from the northwestern Mediterranean coast. In a close future, knowledge of these statistical distributions will allow using convolution models to separate their natural and anthropogenic contributions, therefore increasing our ability to study anthropogenic emissions of trace metals and their impact on the environment.  相似文献   

A comparison of two systems for the quantitation of metal-humic complexes and free metal ions, consisting of the separation by coupled ion exchange columns followed by detection by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry or cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry, is presented. The systems evaluated comprised the serially coupled anion and cation exchangers, Sephadex A-25/Chelex 100 and Dowex 1X8/Chelamine Metalfix. Separation and preconcentration of the species studied were accomplished with both systems, elution being carried out using 2 M HNO3. Total concentrations, metal-humic complex fractions and free metal ion fractions of Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb, Sr, U and Zn in nine natural waters were determined. Statistical evaluation of the data from the two cation exchange materials, including results for additional elements, showed better precision (for Al, Ba, Cr, Cu and Mo) and higher recoveries (Al, Ba, Cd, Fe, Sr and Zn) for Chelex 100 than Chelamine Metalfix for free metal ions. On the other hand, Chelamine Metalfix recovered a significantly greater amount of Ni. The amounts of metal-humic complexes were compared with modelled distributions of these species, and one advantage of the preferred Sephadex A-25/Chelex 100 system is that the elements studied are all correctly classified with respect to their binding strengths to humic substances, which is not the case with the Dowex 1X8/Chelamine Metalfix pair. With the preferred system, metal-humic complexes can be reliably determined, as indicated by the results of equilibrium speciation modelling. However, comparison with the total concentrations showed statistically significant, non-quantitative recoveries of Al, Cu, Hg, Mn, U and Zn from some samples. Thus a combination of speciation and total concentration measurements is required to obtain a complete representation of the distribution of trace elements in natural waters.  相似文献   

Fugitive emissions from a slagging fixed-bed coal-gasification pilot plant were analyzed by flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry for trace metal and trace organic species. Analysis of the size distributions of airborne particulate matter inside the plant showed an abundance of large metal-containing particles; outdoor distributions in the vicinity of the plant resembled the indoor distributions, suggesting the importance of the gasifier in influencing ambient air quality. This conclusion was further supported by identification of similar organic compounds inside and outside the plant. Trace element enrichment factors based on the earth's crustal composition were greater than those based on the composition of the lignite used in the gasifier, showing the importance of characterizing the proper source material when inverstigating chemical fraction during aerosol formation. Enrichments in the present study were much greater than those found in previous sampling during aborted start-up and cleaning procedures, where normal operating temperatures had not yet been reached. Both studies showed evidence of enrichment factors which decreased with increasing particle size. Although much of the airborne mass was associated with large particles having low respirability, the high concentrations of some metals indoors suggests that further assessment of potential occupational exposures is warranted.  相似文献   

Regular consumption of fish has been widely recommended by health authorities. However, it is known that some species accumulate high levels of contaminants including heavy metals (e.g., Hg, Cd, Pb, and As). In this study, Cu, Pb, Co, Ni, Cr, Mn, Cd, and Fe were determined in the muscle tissue of 11 commercially available fish species (Sparus auratus, Dicentrarchus labrax, Mullus barbatus, Belone belone, Psetta maxima, Epinephelus aeneus, Salmothymus, Soleidae, Pomatomus saltatrix, Engraulis encrasicolus, and Sarda sarda) supplied from retailers in Kayseri, Turkey. Determinations were carried out by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after the wet digestion method. The average metal concentrations of the 11 species were determined in the range of 0.54–1.79, 0.82–1.40, 2.38–4.54, 1.23–3.67, 5.01–5.97, 0.77–3.59, 0.48–1.06, and 5.05–122.8 μg/g wet weight for Cu, Pb, Co, Ni, Cr, Mn, Cd, and Fe, respectively. The permissible tolerable daily intake (PTDI) and calculated daily intake (CDI) values were compared, and the calculated daily intake values of the samples were found to be below the established values. Correlations between the metal contents in samples were investigated by performing correlation tests with SPSS 13.0 for windows.  相似文献   

Metal levels in fish have been extensively studied, but little data currently exists for the Middle East. We examined the levels of metals and metalloids (aluminum, arsenic, copper, manganese, selenium, zinc, and mercury) in the flesh of 13 fish species collected from three fishing sites and a local fish market in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. We tested the following null hypotheses: (1) there are no interspecific differences in metal levels, (2) there are no differences in metal levels in fishes between market and fishing sites, (3) there are no size-related differences in metal levels, and (4) there are no differences in selenium:mercury molar ratio among different fish species. There were significant interspecific differences in concentrations for all metals. There was an order of magnitude difference in the levels of aluminum, arsenic, mercury, manganese, and selenium, indicating wide variation in potential effects on the fish themselves and on their predators. Fishes from Area II, close to a large commercial port, had the highest levels of arsenic, mercury, and selenium, followed by market fishes. Mercury was positively correlated with body size in 6 of the 13 fish species examined. Mercury was correlated positively with arsenic and selenium, but negatively with aluminum, cobalt, copper, manganese, and zinc. Selenium:mercury molar ratios varied significantly among species, with Carangoides bajad, Cephalopholis argus, Variola louti, and Ephinephelus tauvina having ratios below 10:1. These findings can be used in risk assessments, design of mercury reduction plans, development of fish advisories to protect public health, and future management decision-making.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic sources of pollution can significantly contribute to elevated concentrations of toxic elements in soils. A preliminary survey of trace elements content and their availability in residential soils from New Madrid County, Missouri was undertaken. Mean elemental concentrations (mg kg−1, dry wt) of sixty two soil samples were: As 6.6, Be 0.8, Cd 1.6, Co 9.7, Cr 24.5, Cu 18.1, Fe 9951, Mn 298, Ni 15.6, Pb 48.8, V 42.1, Zn 95.5 and Hg 0.05. The US EPA preliminary remediation goals (PRGs) was only exceeded by As (7 % of samples) and V (8% of samples). The Missouri average background values were exceeded by Pb (69%), Zn (31%), Cu (27%), As (23%), Be (19%), Co (18%), Ni (16%), V (8%) and Mn (2%). Crustal enrichments (EFc) for As (97), Cr (6), Cu (10), Pb (121), V (7), and Hg (17) were highest for North Lilbourn soils. Fractionation experiment revealed that Fe (54–79%) was in the residual phase while Zn (70–90%), Mn (88–92%), As (59–81%) and Pb (63–79%) were potentially available in soils. Factor loadings of the element concentrations on principal components 1, 2 and 3 accounted for over 81% variance of the data set. The factor loadings suggested that apart from natural contributions of trace elements to the soils, human activities possibly accounted for other inputs in soils.  相似文献   

The European Union project "Investigation into the monitoring, analysis and toxicity of toxaphene"(MATT) began in 1997 involving participants from the Netherlands, Ireland, Norway and Germany. Concentration information, analytical methodology and statistical interpretation of 207 samples covering 23 different fish species from European waters are presented for three toxaphene indicator congeners: CHBs 26, 50 and 62 (CHB = chlorobornane). Concentrations for the Sigma3CHBs were more elevated in fish from more northern latitudes, such as the Barents and Norwegian Sea, compared to fish from Irish, Dutch and German waters. Concentrations were lowest in shellfish and in fish species having low lipid content and were highest in medium/high lipid species. Females from a number of fish species were shown to contain significantly higher concentrations than those observed in male fish. Overall no samples were shown to exceed existing German MRL legislation, with only one Greenland halibut sample shown to exceed Canadian TDI recommendations.  相似文献   

Copper, Zn, and Cd were analyzed in the soft tissues of the edible gastropod Hexaplex trunculus collected from seven localities along the Tunisian coast. The body concentration of these metals was significantly different depending on the gender and site. Copper and Zn varied, respectively, from 47.70 to 343.64 μg/g dry weight (dw) and 149.46 to 530.44 μg/g dw, being higher in males. Cadmium varied from 0.22 to 18.95 μg/g dw and was always higher in females. Overall, the highest concentrations of the three metals were all recorded in Gabès fishing harbor. Comparison of metal concentrations with the European standards compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organization showed that values exceeded standards in several localities. Imposex had been previously recorded in H. trunculus along the Tunisian coast; however, it does not seem to be related with Cu, Zn, and Cd pollution because the body concentration of these metals is not correlated with imposex degree. Nevertheless, interactive effects resulting from the combination of different pollutants and other stressors cannot be disregarded.  相似文献   

The imposex incidence and butyltin concentration i.e. tributyltin with its di- and mono-substituted metabolites were investigated in the muricid Bolinus brandaris sampled from two sites on the northern Tunisian coast (the Lagoon of Bizerta and the small Gulf of Tunis). Both populations had imposex, with stages of imposex development varying between VDS 1 and VDS 4.3. All imposex indices (imposex frequency (I %), female penis length, female vas deferens length, vas deferens sequence index, relative penis length index, and vas deferens length index) were significantly higher in snails from the Bizerta lagoon. Butyltins were detected in the whole tissues of both sexes from the two sites. TBT levels were higher in gastropods collected from the lagoon of Bizerta (12.65 ±1.48 ng Sn g???1 dw in female and 15.21 ±1.13 ng Sn g???1 dw in male) than in individuals from the Gulf of Tunis (10.71 ±1.26 ng Sn g???1 dw in female and 11.65 ±1.63 ng Sn g???1 dw in male), corroborating the data of imposex analysis. These results confirmed that B. brandaris could be used as a bioindicator species of butyltin pollution in the studied areas. In addition, this study provided baseline data that could serve for long-term monitoring of TBT pollution in Tunisia, since legislation to reduce the use of TBT-based antifouling paints has not been introduced yet.  相似文献   

Moss interspecies comparisons in trace element concentrations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Within the framework of a European-scaled moss survey, various moss species were sampled throughout The Netherlands [NL], Germany [D], and Switserland [CH], and used in moss interspecies comparisons of elemental concentrations. Moss species considered were Pleurozium schreberi [NL,D,CH], Brachythecium rutabulum [NL], Hypnum cupressiforme [D,CH], Hylocomium splendens [D,CH], and Scleropodium purum [D]. Element analysis was carried out directly (The Netherlands, Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis: As, Br, Ce, Cr, Cs, Fe, La, Mn, Na, Rb, Sc, Se, Sm, Th, Ti, V and Zn), or after sample digestion (The Netherlands, ICP-MS: Pb, Germany, AAS/ICP-AES: Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Ti, V, and Zn; Switzerland, ICP-AES/ICP-MS: Co, V, and Zn).Local variations (=within sampling sites) in element concentrations were estimated, based upon in-site multiple sampling and analysis of Pleurozium schreberi species in The Netherlands. Element concentrations in moss species were compared in linear correlations, both in unweighted and weighted fits, with weighing factors based on the local variation data. Weighted fits were shown to generally improve the calibration characteristics, as tracked by X 2 calculations.The calibration data suggest the presence of previously unnoticed outliers in element concentrations. The absence of further information, however, may prescribe the use of all data in comparison procedures. These results indicate that interlaboratory analysis of replicate samples and the use of dedicated certified reference materials may help solving problems in the analysis of the sample series.For several of the considered interspecies comparisons, weighted calibrations could be based on significant correlations (P=0.05). Actual use, however, will remain arbitrarily decided upon, and may be based on decisions as to what to accept with respect to the levels of uncertainty in the calibration parameters. Furthermore, the use of calibrations in extrapolation modes is greatly restricted by the necessary reservations in geographically larger-scaled applications.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the statistical distribution of monitoring data for them to be of value in determining the parameters of environmental models. No such distributional information has been available for many trace contaminants in sewage effluents. This paper applies the data of a major UK sewage works’ effluent monitoring programme to determine the validity of the common assumption that data are lognormally distributed. Effluent quality was monitored at 162 wastewater treatment works over 1 year, generating over 3,000 results for each of over 40 substances, including metals, trace organic substances and pharmaceuticals. It is demonstrated that the lognormal assumption is clearly justified for the great majority of substances in the spatial case—for annual average effluent concentrations across different treatment works. In the site-specific, temporal case—for individual determinations of concentration at a single site over an annual period—lognormality is generally supported but not demonstrated so unequivocally for all site/substance combinations. The principal source of uncertainty was lack of sufficient numbers of observations reported to adequately low reporting limits.  相似文献   

Trace metal concentrations (Fe, Cu, Co, Zn, Ni and V) were investigated in three rockpool shrimp species (Palaemon elegans, Palaemon adspersus and Palaemon serratus) from six littoral sampling sites (polluted and non-polluted) of Tenerife in the Canary Islands (Central Eastern Atlantic), Spain. Sex ratio for all three species has been determined: females predominate over males in all species and significant differences in total length and cephalothorax length was detected between sexes, being females larger than males. By other side, concentrations of trace metals were determined in whole specimens. Higher mean values for every metal were observed in P. adspersus. In males, higher values were observed in P. elegans and P. serratus, whereas in P. adspersus, mean values are higher in females. Finally, mean concentrations of trace metals studied were higher, in general terms, in the two clearly polluted stations: Santa Cruz of Tenerife commercial harbour and its fishery dock dependency.  相似文献   

The state of contamination of tropical environments, particularly in Africa, remains a relatively under explored subject. Here, we determined polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and trace metal concentrations in coastal sediment and biota samples (fish and mussels) from Togo (West Africa). In the sediments, the ∑21 PAH concentrations ranged from <4 ng g(-1) to 257 ng g(-1), averaging 92 ng g(-1). Concentration ratios of low molecular weight PAHs (2-3 rings) versus high molecular weight PAHs (≥4 rings) were always lower than 1 (ranging from 0.08 to 0.46) indicating that high molecular weight PAHs were dominant in all sediment samples, and that PAHs originated mainly from anthropogenic combustion activities. The sediments were also analyzed for major elements and a total of 15 trace metals, which were found in elevated concentrations. The calculated enrichment factor (EF) values relative to the Earth's crust show that the contamination is extremely severe for Cd (EF = 191), severe for Cr (EF = 18) and U (EF = 17.8), moderately severe for Zr (EF = 8.8), for Ni (EF = 6.8), Sr (EF = 5.9) and Ba (EF = 5.4), and moderate for V (EF = 3.6) and Zn (EF = 3.4). Sediments sampled in areas affected by the dumping of phosphorite mine tailings showed particularly high concentrations of trace metals. Overall, concentrations of both PAHs and trace metals in sediment tend to increase from the coastline to the open sea (2 km offshore). This is attributable to the increasingly finer texture of coastal sediment found offshore, which has a terrigenous origin and appears loaded with various contaminants through adsorption processes. Such high loads of trace metals were also found in the biota (fish and mussels). The ratio of measured trace metal concentrations in biota to threshold limits set by the World Health Organization herein defined as relative health factor (RHF) was high. Average RHF values in fish were highest for Se (470), As (250), Ag (97), Ni (78), Mn (63), Fe (53), Pb (36), Cd (10), and Cr (7) while lowest for Cu (0.08) and Zn (0.03). Cd and Al did not bioaccumulate in the analyzed fish species. In mussels, the RHF values were highest for Fe (9,108), As (295), Pb (276), Se (273), Mn (186), Ni (71), Ag (70), Cd (14), and Cu (4).  相似文献   

Recent efforts have been made to determine the environmental impact of mining over the past 11 years in the Jequetepeque River basin, in northern Peru. We have now analyzed data from two studies to elucidate the spatial and temporal trace metal distributions and to assess the sources of contamination. These two studies were carried out from 2003 to 2008 by a Peruvian government administration and from 2008 to 2010 by us. We analyzed 249 samples by principal component analysis, measuring: pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, chloride, weak-acid-dissociable cyanide, total cyanide, nitrite and nitrate, ammonium, sulfate, and trace metals and metalloids (Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn). Within the spatial distribution of the basin, the highest Al, As, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Pb concentrations were found at the closest point to the mine sites for both periods of time, with the higher peaks measured during the first years of the sampling data. Temporal trends showed higher concentrations of Cu and Fe in samples taken before 2005, at which point the two mines were closed. Risk assessment was quantified by the hazard quotient as related to water ingestion. The risk for human health posed by the concentrations of several trace metals and metalloids was found to be highly adverse (As and Cr), significant (Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Pb), or minimal (Ni and Zn).  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn were measured in the samples of street dust and surface roadside soil before Jordan switched to unleaded fuel usage. The samples were collected from Petra, the most tourist-attractive site in Jordan. The samples were analyzed for heavy metals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Our results show that the distribution of metals in the soil samples is affected by wind direction in the investigated area. The highest level of metals was found in the eastern parts of the roads due to the westerly-dominant wind in the studied area. The contamination levels of metals decrease as the distance from the edge of the road increases. In the roadside soil samples, the means for the concentrations of the metals at 1 m from the east side of the main road are 1.0, 19.1, 3791.4, 177.0, and 129.0 mg kg?1 for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn, respectively. In the samples of street dust, the means of the concentrations of the metals in the investigated area are 9.7, 11.8, 4694.4, 31.6, and 24.8 mg kg?1 for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn, respectively. In conclusion, the lithogenic origins (traffic emissions) are responsible for the diffusion of these metals in the studied region.  相似文献   

A large scale study of trace metal contamination (Hg, Cd, Pb and Ni) by means of caged mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis was undertaken along the coastal waters of the Western Mediterranean Sea within the context of the MYTILOS project. Individual mussels from an homogeneous population (shell size 50 ± 5 mm) obtained from an aquaculture farm were consecutively caged and deployed at 123 sites located in the Alborán, North-Western, South-Western and Tyrrhenian sub-basins for 12 weeks (April-July) in 2004, 2005 and 2006. After cage recoveries, both the metal content in the whole mussel tissue and the allometric parameters were measured. Statistical analysis of the datasets showed significant differences in concentrations between sub-basins for some metals and mussel condition index (CI). Linear regression models coupled to the CI were revisited for the data adjustment of certain trace metals (Hg, Cd and Ni), and four level categories were statistically derived to facilitate interregional comparison. Seawater masses surrounding coastal areas impacted by run-off from land mineralised coasts and industrial activities displayed the highest concentration ranges (Hg: 0.15-0.31 mg kg(-1) dw; Cd: 1.97-2.11; Ni: 2.18-3.20 and Pb: 3.1-3.8), although the levels obtained in most of the sites fitted within moderate or low categories, and they could be considered as baseline concentrations. However, few sites considered little-influenced by human activities, at present, showed high concentrations of Cd, Ni and Pb, which constitute new areas of concern. Overall, the use of active biomonitoring (ABM) approach allowed to investigate trace metal contamination in order to support policy makers in establishing regional strategies (particularly, with regard to the European Marine Strategy Directive).  相似文献   

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