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Human Capital Theory came into being in the middle and later periods of the 20th century. A lot of achievements have been made on the research in its connotation, measures of the value, investment and income, function mechanism and so on, by foreign scholars. In recent 10 years of the new Millennium alternation, the “steal business effect” and the structure of human capital on the mechanism of economic rise has become the two emphasis in current foreign Human Capital Theory's research. On the basis of foreign researches and Chinese situations, domestic scholars have enriched and developed it, but there are many disparities in its methods, aspects and levels between foreign and domestic researches.  相似文献   

Although chemical control of pests increases crop production, it brings a lot of damage to environment and human health. There exist a number of alternative methods that are not so harmful to environment and human health. However, whether and how much in extent these technologies adopted are plausible depends on the comparison of benefit-cost between chemical control and the alternative control methods (such as Integrated Pest Management, IPM) and farmers' willingness-to-pay (WTP) for envirorment and human health. Using contingent valuation method (CVM), the author investigates farmers' WTP for environment and human health, recognizes the factors influencing WTP, and accordingly points out the importance of pest control technology extension and government regulation of pesticides.  相似文献   


Although chemical control of pests increases crop production, it brings a lot of damage to environment and human health. There exist a number of alternative methods that are not so harmful to environment and human health. However, whether and how much in extent these technologies adopted are plausible depends on the comparison of benefit- cost between chemical control and the alternative control methods (such as Integrated Pest Management, IPM) and farmers' willingness-to-pay (WTP) for environment and human health. Using contingent valuation method (CVM), the author investigates farmers' WTP for environment and human health, recognizes the factors influencing WTP, and accordingly points out the importance of pest control technology extension and government regulation of pesticides.  相似文献   

Photosynthetically fixed energy from the sun, in the form of net primary production, ultimately supports the majority of life on earth. Given the importance of this energy source, we calculate the human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) for the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. We find that over 25% of potentially available production is appropriated by humans through harvest (forestry and agriculture) and land cover change. The level of appropriation in Nova Scotia is close to the global average, when methodological differences between studies are taken into account, but substantially less than in Austria and India where detailed surveys have also been conducted. Furthermore, HANPP is not distributed evenly throughout the province, but is instead concentrated in the north-central counties, where appropriation reaches 50%. We discuss the implications of these results, and the novel method used to obtain them, in the context of biophysical assessment and the species-energy hypothesis.  相似文献   

国家审计署2008-2012年审计工作发展规划将资源环境审计作为六大审计类型之一,同时在2009年9月出台<关于加强资源环境审计工作的意见>(以下简称<意见>),这必将极大促进我国环境审计理论与实践的发展.在历史即将翻开新的一页之时,有必要对我国环境审计理论与实践研究轨迹进行系统总结和梳理,发掘其规律、问题,以利于未来环境审计研究.本文以发表于1999-2009年的689篇环境审计论文为样本,从发表时间、期刊类型、研究内容、研究方法、推动力量、学术影响力及研究人才队伍培养等方面系统描述我国近十年环境审计研究的轨迹.结果发现,我国环境审计研究的层面不够深入,研究方向存在偏颇性,研究视角显片面性.未来的环境审计研究应更加紧密围绕全球环境问题和国际环境会计的最新实,整合生态学、环境科学、会计学及审计学界力量,倡导研究视角的多元化,更加注重民间环境审计、环境审计的鉴证职能、生态绩效的评价审核等研究.  相似文献   

随着全球各国对环境问题认识的不断加深,我国政府对绿色发展日益重视,并将其设定为实现未来经济发展终极目标的必然过程.然而对我国经济发展一直起到重要作用的外商直接投资(FDI)在拉动经济增长的同时,也带来了较为严重的环境污染问题.从上世纪90年代初至今,随着我国经济和FDI的快速增长,主要污染物排放指标包括工业废水、工业废气以及工业SO2等却基本上呈逐年增加的态势.这一关联的背后是否隐藏着发达国家对我国的污染转移问题,引发人们对于“污染天堂”假说在中国是否存在的担忧.尽管公认跨国公司的环境业绩一般会比本土企业做得更好,但是我国外商直接投资长期和总量的增长是否会对我国环境产生影响,是否会带来更多的污染避难所现象?就这个问题,目前研究都以实证或案例分析为主,尚缺乏贸易理论角度的分析.本文创新的将FDI理论与贸易污染转移理论模型相结合,推导出FDI污染转移模型,得到结论认为以降低成本为目的的垂直型FDI的确会集中于污染密集型行业.为了验证该理论模型,本文使用我国第三次工业普查数据进行实证检验,实证研究结果与理论分析相一致.相比内资企业,外资企业的确集中于污染密集型行业,尤其是制革与毛皮鞣制业、造纸业等重度污染行业,这与我国的绿色发展路径是相悖的.因此,我们建议我国需要从环境保护角度出发调整外商直接投资的行业政策,在行业层次设定环境准入门槛,从源头上有效控制污染企业的进入.  相似文献   

社会保障制度和人力资本投资的关系是近年来劳动经济学中新出现的一个课题,相关研究尚不多见。以我国养老保险的“统帐结合”模式为例,分析了社会保障对人力资本投资的影响,同时结合我国劳动力市场现状,对劳动力市场分割状态下“统帐结合”模式与人力资本投资的关系进行了分析。结果表明,增加“统帐结合”模式中个人账户的比例,将激励个人进行较多的人力资本投资,但劳动力市场分割的存在削弱了这种激励作用。因此,建议:适当增加“统帐结合”模式中个人承担的比例;建立覆盖全国的社会保障体系;加快劳动力市场建设。逐步消除劳动力市场分割状态,促进全国统一的、自由竞争的劳动力市场的形成。  相似文献   

选取具有代表性的9类共30个具体评价指标作为我国31个省(市、自治区)的综合实力评价的原始指标,运用因子多变量统计分析法对30个指标数据进行因子分析处理,采取主成分分析法提取公因子,并采取promox斜交旋转,得出6个公因子作为评价我国31个省(市、区)的综合实力的综合变量。计算得出我国各省(市、区)的综合得分。将计算的各省区市的综合得分从大到小排列,确定等级及分值区间。根据分类结果划分为6类地区,得出第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类地区全部为东部地区,其综合实力得分位居全国前6位,它们依次是广东、江苏、上海、浙江、山东和北京;而第Ⅵ类地区中除海南属于东部地区之外,其余省市区都属于西部地区,其综合实力得分位居全国后7位且均为负值。它们依次是青海、宁夏.贵州、西藏、海南、甘肃和重庆。可见东西部地区社会经济发展的极度不平衡。  相似文献   

People and culture coexist and human resources development and regional cultural ecology integrate.The present thesis for the first time puts forward the integration mode of human resources development and cultural ecology,argues that personnel innovation should be attracted by motive injection,open culture,resources integration,culture dilution,thinking blending and people-orientation and discusses the transmission mechanism for functions of integration mode of human resources development and cultural ecology from the aspects of cultural values,living styles and cultural industry.  相似文献   


People and culture coexist and human resources development and regional cultural ecology integrate. The present thesis for the first time puts forward the integration mode of human resources development and cultural ecology, argues that personnel innovation should be attracted by motive injection, open culture, resources integration, culture dilution, thinking blending and people-orientation and discusses the transmission mechanism for functions of integration mode of human resources development and cultural ecology from the aspects of cultural values, living styles and cultural industry.  相似文献   

Many developing countries such as Turkey are still making an effort on building an infrastructure for waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) reverse logistic network design (RLND) processes. It is obvious that policies/laws/regulations related to WEEE management provide a sustainable framework for implementation in the RLND. The question is here: Does the implementation of WEEE directives make sense in terms of reducing the total cost of the network in the long term? This study aims to compare regulatory and non-regulatory situations of WEEE RLND in developing countries by formulating two models named as ‘regulatory’ and ‘non-regulatory’. Model 1 is considered as sustainable with economic, environmental and social goals, and the quotas imposed by the environmental directive are taken into consideration as the data of product return amount. In Model 2, only economic goal is considered, and product return amount is forecasted using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). A case study is conducted in a recycling company in order to evaluate performance of the proposed models. This study contributes to the relevant literature by (1) comparing the regulatory and non-regulatory situations RL models explicitly and (2) proposing ANN model to forecast EEE product return or WEEE quantity for non-regulatory situation.  相似文献   

近年来我国己成为世界第一煤炭生产国、消费国和进口国.2013年实施电煤价格并轨后,我国国内煤价与国际煤价的波动趋势也将日趋一致.在国内煤炭供给过剩的情况下,我国煤炭进口却仍在大幅增加,对我国煤炭市场造成了较大影响.因此,准确预测国际煤炭价格既有利于择机进口煤炭,也有助于进一步完善国家煤炭应急储备机制.通过整体经验模态分解(EEMD),非平稳煤价序列被分解重组为正常市场波动、重大事件影响、长期趋势等具有不同经济含义的时间序列.这三项时间序列被用于支持向量机(SVM)组合建模对国际煤价进行了一年内短期预测.研究发现:2013年国际煤炭价格将呈整体下跌趋势,趋向长期趋势线,并处于低位小幅波动.  相似文献   

Urban Agglomeration is an inevitable outcome of urbanization and industrialization, and a main form of urban development. Based on the analysis of urbanization and urban system situation, this paper will discuss the integration of urban agglomeration development, using the urban area of Cheng (Chengdu)-Yu (Chongqing) Urban agglomeration (CYUA) as a case study. By means of industries, population and spatial integrations, the function, strength and competition of CYUA will be improved and this urban agglomeration will transit from a budding state to a growing and mature one in future. The sustainable development of CYUA will depend on countermeasures, such as accelerating industrialization and urbanization, building a traffic network and express roads, strengthening the ability of self-sufficiency, enlarging the ecological construction and environmental protection, and establishing the synergetic institution of cross districts.  相似文献   

21世纪以来中国产业扶贫研究脉络与主题谱系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反贫困历来是发展研究中的最重要议题之一,尤其是进入21世纪以来,产业扶贫已日趋成为具有中国特色的反贫工作重心任务,受到学界和社会的热切关注,因此有必要对其研究脉络与热点主题等内容进行深入探索,以更好地促进产业扶贫实践的发展。本研究以2000—2015年间CNKI数据库收录的1 982篇产业扶贫研究的期刊论文为样本,采用文献计量分析法和可视化知识网络分析工具Cite Space,首先对中国产业扶贫研究总体现状进行了概述,然后着重分析了产业扶贫研究历经的四个演进阶段:初创期、探索期、爆发期和深化期,并描述了研究的整体发展脉络所沿着的四条轨迹,即产业扶贫主体由政府主导逐渐演变为政府主导、市场力量和社会参与并重;扶贫对象由农村贫困地区和人口逐步转向城市贫困人口,农村和城市扶贫两者并重;扶贫渠道由财政资金扶持逐步扩散到科技扶贫、智力扶贫、旅游扶贫等多元化方式;扶贫思路由农村推进向城市扶贫过渡,再到协调区域发展的精准扶贫战略。在此基础上挖掘和探讨了当前研究的热点主题,包括产业扶贫的发展历程、内涵与理论基础、模式与机制、现实困境与对策,以及经济效应等五个方面。最后指出当前研究成果在理论深度与体系构建、实践模式提炼、研究视角和地域、实证研究方法等方面存在不足,并提出了未来重点研究方向需要从高度重视产业扶贫与精准扶贫和参与式治理之间的内在逻辑,加快推进产业扶贫的本土化特色研究,以及鼓励跨学科视角的研究、注重规范研究与实证研究的协同三大方面展开探索。  相似文献   

碳捕集与封存(Carbon Capture and Storage,CCS)作为最有前景可有效深度减排的低碳技术之一,在世界范围内受到广泛推行,特别是欧洲,其作为全球CCS技术的先行者,一直在积极推进该项技术工业化进程.2009年,欧盟委员会(European Commission,EC)启动欧洲能源复兴计划(European Energy Programme for Recovery,EEPR),正式批准资助6个全流程CCS示范项目.这6个CCS示范项目囊括了当前所有可行的CO2工业捕集技术,运输方式以及封存方法,本文将对其基本情况和最近进展进行介绍,并重点对欧盟层面的CCS法律法规与此6个项目所在欧盟成员国的CCS技术与政策环境的交互影响进行比对和分析,以进一步系统评述欧洲能源复兴计划CCS示范项目带来的积极成果,包括达成减排目标和气候政策,建立欧洲CCS示范项目网络共享平台,获得CCS技术研发突破等,同时也详细列举了这些项目目前所面临的阻碍与困境,如相关法律政策缺乏执行力,融资困难,公众接受度低,技术成本高等.最后,试探讨欧盟能源复兴计划CCS全流程示范项目实施发展现状对我国未来CCS商业化走向的思索与启示.  相似文献   

三峡水利枢纽是在长江上修建的世界第一大水电站,它规模宏大,举世属目,具有巨大的防洪,发电,航运等综合效益,是开发治理长江的骨干工程。三峡工程建设将对生态与环境产生广泛而深远的影响,为国内外所关注。它的有利影响主要在长江中下游,能有效地抗御洪水和提供巨量的清洁洁能源;不利影响主要是在库区,将形成库区淹没和大量移民。  相似文献   

The chemical composition of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment is not uniform throughout the world, and these contaminants contain many structurally different lipophilic compounds. In a well-defined study cohort in the Slovak Republic, the POP chemicals present in the peripheral blood of exposed children were chemically analyzed. The chemical analysis data revealed that the relative concentration and profile of structurally different organic pollutants, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 2,2′-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethylene (p,p′-DDE), 2,2′-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloro-ethane (p,p′-DDT), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and β-hexachlorocyclohexane (β-HCH), may vary from individual to individual, even within the same exposure area. These chemicals can be broadly classified into two groups. The first group, the PCB congeners, primarily originated from industrial compounds and their byproducts. The second group of compounds originated from or was commonly used in the agricultural sector (e.g., DDT, HCB). The objective of this study was to examine the effects of the two POP exposure profiles on gene expression. For the study population, we selected pre-pubertal girls (mean age of 46.2 ± 1.4 months) with high POP concentrations in their blood (> 75% tile of total POP) and classified them in the high ‘PCB’ group when the total PCB concentration was significantly higher than the total concentration of other POP components and in the ‘Other Than PCB’ (OTP) group, when the total PCB concentration was significantly lower than the concentration of the other major POP constituents. A matched control group of girls (< 25% tile of total POP) was selected for comparison purpose (n = 5 per group). Our aims were to determine whether there were any common effects of high POP exposure at a toxicogenomic level and to investigate how exposure may affect physiological functions of the children in two different exposure scenarios. Global gene expression analysis using a microarray (Affymetrix Gene Chip Human genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array) platform was conducted on the total RNA of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the girls. The results were analyzed by Partek GS, Louis, MI, which identified twelve genes (ATAD2B, BIVM, CD96, CXorf39, CYTH1 ETNK1, FAM13A, HIRA, INO80B, ODG1, RAD23B, and TSGA14) and two unidentified probe sets, as regulated differentially in both the PCB and OTP groups against the control group. The qRT-PCR method was used to validate the microarray results. The Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software package identified the possible molecular impairments and disease risks associated with each gene set. Connective tissue disorders, genetic disorders, skeletal muscular disorders and neurological diseases were associated with the 12 common genes. The data therefore identified the potential molecular effects of POP exposure on a genomic level. This report underscores the importance of further study to validate the results in a random population and to evaluate the use of the identified genes as biomarkers for POP exposure.  相似文献   

The intensity of environmental regulation (ERI) affects the short-term effect of the level of green mining (GML), and which structure determines the long-term mechanism. Based on the panel data from 2001 to 2015, with the dynamic panel model and system GMM estimation method were employed to test the influence of heterogeneous environmental regulation on green mining and its transmission mechanism. The results show that, there is a “U” type nonlinear relationship between the ERI and GML. The direct effect of command-control-based (CAC) and the market incentive-based (MBI) environmental regulation on green development of mining shows the characteristics of inhibition and promotion. There is a “U” type of indirectly moderating effect between technological innovation and the energy consumption structure on the GML. The technological innovation promotes the green development of the mining industry only after pass the inflection point of MBI, while the CAC plays a significant guiding role in upgrading of the energy consumption structure. There is an inhibition and promotion effect of MBI on the GML in the southeast coastal area, and the CAC is not significantly. Meanwhile, both of the ERI shows no positive effects in the central and western inland region.  相似文献   

Concentration of radionuclides 210Pb and 7Be, having half lives of 22.3 years and 53.29 days, respectively, in the surface air samples of Islamabad (33.38° N, 73.10° E and Altitude ∼536 m asl.) are measured. The non-destructive technique of gamma-spectrometry, with a high purity germanium HPGe detector, was employed for the analysis of all samples. The annual average concentrations of 210Pb and 7Be in the surface air samples were determined as 0.284 ± 0.15 and 3.171 ± 1.14 mBq m−3, respectively. Our results have shown a seasonal variation of the concentration of 7Be in air samples with high values for the spring season. High concentrations for 210Pb are obtained when air masses originate from plain areas of Pothohar region, located in the South-West, West and North West of Islamabad. Our values of concentrations show a nice agreement with the relevant reported results.  相似文献   

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