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介绍了尺度和尺度效应的概念,在分析径流尺度效应、侵蚀产沙尺度效应和节水灌溉尺度效应的基础上,探讨了农业面源污染排放和迁移的影响因素,进而分析了面源污染排放负荷的尺度效应。最后在分析国内外不同尺度氮磷排放研究现状的基础上,探讨了农业面源污染负荷排放尺度效应的研究展望。  相似文献   

隧道工程水环境和隧道工程的设计、施工及维护密切相关 ,往往是诱发工程事故的主要原因 ,其中水压是最重要的基本要素之一 ,对工程的影响主要通过其力学效应表现出来。笔者通过所建立的数学模型 ,初步解释了水压对于隧道工程力学效应 ,评价了其对隧道工程设计、施工和维护的影响  相似文献   

为了查清灰岩含水层水文地质条件,分析该含水层的疏干可行性,采用了三维地震、瞬变电磁法物探探查、水文地质钻探探查、水文地球化学探查及井上(下)群孔三降深大型抽(放)水试验等综合探查手段。基于放水试验资料,建立了矿井水文地质模型,利用Feflow数值模拟软件对水文地质模型进行了参数识别和验证,分析了大青灰岩含水层疏干可行性。结果表明,大青灰岩含水层与下伏富水性极强的奥陶系灰岩含水层水力联系密切,水文地质条件复杂,大青灰岩的疏干工作应建立在封堵大青灰岩与奥灰间导水通道基础上。  相似文献   

统计了南宁市地下水中Fe的变化情况,实验研究了Fe的物理化学行为与土体强度之间的联系,并进一步研究了铁对土体强度影响的双向性.结果显示,城市区域将由于Fe的溶蚀、置换作用等使土体强度降低;城市区域CO2分压增高将促进土体中铁的溶蚀而使土体强度进一步恶化.在含水量相对较高时,铁质胶结物被溶解、迁移,土体强度降低;而在含水量相对较低时,铁质胶结物不易被溶解,而更趋向于发生沉淀反应,使土体对铁的吸附作用加强,从而使土体的强度增加.  相似文献   

在对鄂尔多斯盆地煤田奥陶系石灰岩沉积演化规律、华北地区奥陶系灰岩沉积建造与后期改造特征的差异性及构造发育等奥陶纪灰岩水文地质特征进行综合研究的基础上,通过对奥陶纪灰岩水分布区煤层底板带压程度、底板隔水层发育特征、突水系数等因素进行综合研究,对煤炭资源开采受底板奥陶纪灰岩水威胁方式、威胁程度进行了分区定量评价,并划分为非带压区域、带压安全开采区域和带压危险开采区,为下一步制定鄂尔多斯盆地煤田奥陶纪灰岩水害分区防治关键技术提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

基于矿井涌水量计算及水资源评价需要,首先运用注水试验代替抽水试验,求取了太原组灰岩含水层的渗透系数.根据后期同一含水层井下放水试验资料,利用VISUAL MODFLOW建立了水文地质三维非稳定流数值模型,通过分区拟合调参,获得了含水层各分区的渗透系数.通过对渗透系数及其空间分布规律的对比研究,发现渗透系数随含水层埋深增大而逐渐减小.注水试验比放水试验所得渗透系数值小,前者是后者的35.6%-50.8%.  相似文献   

结合理论计算、反应机理模拟和实验,研究了惰性气体对H<,2>/O<,2>混合气体爆轰性能的影响机制.计算和实验结果基本吻合,N<,2>、H<,2>O、CO<,2>对H<,2>/O<,2>气体的阻尼能力依次增加.反应机理模拟结果表明,惰性气体的阻尼性能出现差异的原因是化学阻尼机制不同,不同的惰性气体与爆炸反应产物发生不同...  相似文献   

基于机器视觉的火灾识别技术对于智慧消防具有极为重要的意义。针对火焰容易受到复杂背景、不同摄像角度等因素影响,本文提出一种基于多尺度卷积神经网络的火灾高精度识别算法。算法将火灾识别任务分解成前景提取与精准识别两个阶段。在前景提取阶段,算法结合火焰运动性特点,使用帧差法对火灾候选区域进行快速提取。在精准识别阶段,算法引入空间金字塔池化模块,设计多尺度卷积神经网络进行火灾识别,实现对不同火焰尺度图像的高精度检测。在实际数据集上进行仿真实验,本文所提出算法在图像和视频领域分别取得93.6%和94.9%的火灾识别准确率,这有力证明了本文算法的有效性。  相似文献   

We developed the movement equations for fragments with the size of the bursting vessel. The ground distributions of fragments, the probability of impact between the fragments and the target, the rupture probability of the impacted target, and the domino effect risk caused by fragments were investigated for different source types and sizes using Monte-Carlo simulations. The distribution of fragments from the lower half of the source vessels onto the ground was non-zero, that is, it is probable that the fragments would hit the target vessel close to the source. The relative difference of impact probability is larger than 10% when the target vessel is within eight times the source diameter for the three types of sources considered. The proportion of impacts of fragments from the lower part of the source to total impact decreased with distance, while that for fragments from the upper part increased. The proportion of upper and lower parts is equal for distance approximately five times the source diameter. The source size needs to be considered along with the distance from the source to the target when less than approximately 14 times the source diameter. Its effect on impact probability and domino effect risk was significant. The rupture probability of the target depended very little on the source size.  相似文献   

以焦作市某电厂粉煤版堆放场为研究对象,通过模拟试验,探讨灰场耿水入渗过程中,氟化物及总硬度与基底灰岩发生的水一岩作用。结果表明,在灰水入渗过程中,发生了溶滤及吸附等水一岩作用;灰岩中Ca^2+、Mg^2+的淋溶,可能会造成地下水硬度超标;吸附作用表明,石袄岩对灰水中氟有一定的吸附能力,吸附达到饱和后,灰场灰水中的氟继续下渗,导致氟对地下水污染。研究表明,该粉煤灰堆放场对焦作市饮用水水源构成了潜在威胁。  相似文献   

颗粒级配是影响土体剪切强度的主要因素之一。通过配置三组不同级配尾砂试样,每组均在100kPa、200kPa、300kPa围压下分别进行不同初始孔隙比的固结不排水剪切试验,研究不同级配下尾砂的剪切特性及稳态强度特性,求出三种级配尾砂的稳态线及稳态内摩擦角。试验结果表明:在低围压时,各级配下饱和松散尾砂的应力-应变曲线呈软化型,且随着围压增高,软化越不明显。平均粒径越小的尾砂,其峰值强度与稳态强度越小,稳态线越靠近e-q坐标系的原点,即在同一荷载作用下,发生液化的可能性越大。为此,有必要加强细粒尾砂堆筑坝体液化势的评估,以防液化溃坝灾难的发生。  相似文献   

Handling combustible dusts not only continues to pose a risk to industry but can also affect the safety of society. Explosion risk could be avoided or mitigated trying to guarantee inherent safety throughout the product life chain. One way to reduce the risks when dealing with combustible dust is to increase the Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) in order to decrease combustible dust ignition sensitivity. To achieve this decrease, the inertization technique, also known as moderation, will be used. It consists of adding inert powders or humidity to the combustible dust. As sometimes end-users also must deal with the handling of flammable dusts, this study aims to find the most optimal inert for toner waste from printers and Holi powder (organic coloured dust from Indian parties), taking Lycopodium as a reference. Calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and gypsum are proposed as inert materials. In addition, with the aim of giving a second use to biomass boiler waste or boiler slagging, this waste will be analyzed as inert, as well as how humidity affects the combustible dusts. Then, sodium bicarbonate will be tested at different granulometries to evaluate the effect of particle size on moderation process. The tests were carried out in the modified Hartmann apparatus or MIKE 3.0. Mechanisms such as decomposition of inert dust have been analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)). The results show that gypsum and moisture are the best performing inert followed by calcium carbonate. Boiler slagging and solid bicarbonate contribute to a decrease in the MIE in some of the tests. The reasons for this deviation are discussed in the presented article. When sodium bicarbonate is analyzed at different particle sizes, it is found that the optimum particle size does not match the particle size of the combustible dust. According to the tests, there is an optimum point for which the inert powder provides better results.  相似文献   



Each year, there are at least 100,000,000 occupational accidents and 100,000 occupational deaths in the world. In the United States, one of the safest countries in the world in which to work, there were more than 5,400 workplace fatalities and 5.9 million workplace injuries in 2007. The cost to American industry and taxpayers is estimated to be at least $170 billion per year. Further, as illustrated by accidents such as Three Mile Island and Bhopal, industrial accidents potentially impact a much wider sphere than that of the injured worker and his or her employer. As the repercussions of organizational accidents reverberate through organizations and are felt from human resources to accounting, firms are beginning to incorporate messages of safety in their missions and strategies. As firms organize to achieve safer work environments, they are faced with decisions on how to structure their activities in terms of, among other things, size and differentiation.


This paper explores the impact on accident rates of size and differentiation at the corporate and mine levels of mining companies in an effort to create a framework for thinking about organizational accidents from a structural perspective.


The results suggest that larger mines are safer than smaller mines, and that mines with less task diversity are safer than mines with greater task diversity. The results also suggest that at the corporate level, task diversity decreases mine accidents. These results may help mining executives and engineers structure their corporate activities and individual mines more effectively to help reduce accidents.  相似文献   

为解决在施工过程中管线附近超载导致的爆管问题,分析堆载对不同管径原水管线受力变形的影响,基于模型试验研究管道的受力变形特征,并通过数值模拟计算对试验结果进行论证。结果表明:有限元计算结果与试验结果较吻合,管底整体应力值大于管腰处;在相同荷载作用下,随着管道直径的不断增大,管道所受的应力值越来越小;当荷载距离管轴线较远时,管道整体应力值变小;对比发现,随着加载值逐渐增大、管径逐渐变小,管体轴向应力值逐渐增大,且应力值增长速度较快。这主要是因为小管径的管道长细比较大,在土体中受约束较强,其所受到的应力值较大,容易产生破坏,实际施工时需要注意此类问题。  相似文献   

为了研究不同粒径的铝粉在20 L爆炸测试装置中的分散规律,基于计算模型的非结构网格划分,耦合欧拉和拉格朗日方法,实现了描述可压缩气体演化的时间平均Navier-Stokes方程组和粒子运动的DPM动量平衡方程的求解,获得了不同粒径(25,50和100 μm)的铝粉在20 L爆炸仓内分散的三维时空演化规律。研究结果表明:铝粉粒径的差异对爆炸仓点火中心的湍动能和速度的演化过程影响不显著,但对粉尘浓度的变化率和峰值均具有重要影响;随着粒径的增大,峰值浓度越小,但均高于形式浓度0.25 kg/m3,达到峰值浓度的时间越滞后。  相似文献   

Experimental data from vented explosion tests using gasoline-air mixtures with concentrations from 0.88 to 2.41% vol. are presented. A 2L vessel was used for the tests with vent sizes of 25 cm2, 50 cm2 and 100 cm2. The tests were focused on the effect of gasoline vapor concentration and vent size on the pressure development and the flame behavior inside and outside the vessel. It was found that the inner flame propagation speed was mainly dependent on the initial concentration, while the maximum flame spreading distance was mainly influenced by the vent size. The external flame speed and duration could be influenced by the combination of the two properties. The internal pressure increases gradually with the flame propagated inside the vessel and decreased sharply when the vent failed. High-pressure durations containing pressure peaks were recorded by transducers in front of the vent and oscillations could be observed besides the vent. At any measure point, the maximum external pressures for A = 25 cm2 or 50 cm2 were significantly larger than those for A = 100 cm2.  相似文献   

为了解尺寸对球形容器连接管道甲烷-空气混合物爆炸的影响规律,利用Fluent软件,采用κ-ε湍流模型、涡耗散模型(简称EDC模型)、壁面热耗散、热辐射模型及SIMPLE算法,建立了球形容器连接管道内甲烷-空气混合物爆炸的数值模型,对容器与管道内甲烷-空气预混气体爆炸的尺寸效应进行了数值模拟。结果表明:随管道内径增大,球形容器内最大爆炸压力逐渐增大,管道末端最大爆炸压力变化无明显规律;而随管道长度增加,球形容器内最大爆炸压力逐渐减小;改变管道内径,较大体积球形容器内最大爆炸压力均大于较小体积球形容器内最大爆炸压力,最大爆炸压力上升速率的规律则相反,容器体积对管道末端最大爆炸压力的影响无明显规律。  相似文献   

以往矿山压力计算中多数使用煤体试件测试强度代替煤体强度进行计算,计算结果往往具有较大误差,针对此类问题,采用理论分析、实验室实验、数值模拟,数据拟合等手段研究了矿山工程中煤体强度的计算方法。结果表明:煤的强度具有一定的尺寸效应,测试试件边长越大,其强度越低;根据其尺寸特征,应用RFPA软件中的Weibull函数功能,模拟求解并拟合得出煤体强度与均质度和原煤强度之间的关系。定义了煤样标准强度为边长或直径为50 mm的煤试件强度,拟合得出煤样标准强度与原煤强度和煤体强度关系的表达式,可据此理论计算矿山工程中的煤体强度。  相似文献   

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