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Operator-splitting (OS) techniques are very attractive for numerical modelling of reactive transport, but they induce some errors. Considering reactive mass transport with reversible and irreversible reactions governed by a first-order rate law, we develop analytical solutions of the mass balance for the following operator-splitting schemes: standard sequential non-iterative (SNI), Strang-splitting SNI, standard sequential iterative (SI), extrapolating SI, and symmetric SI approaches. From these analytical solutions, the operator-splitting methods are compared with respect to mass balance errors and convergence rates independently of the techniques used for solving each operator. Dimensionless times, NOS, are defined. They control mass balance errors and convergence rates. The following order in terms of decreasing efficiency is proposed: symmetric SI, Strang-splitting SNI, standard SNI, extrapolating SI and standard SI schemes. The symmetric SI scheme does not induce any operator-splitting errors, the Strang-splitting SNI appears to be O(N2OS) accurate, and the other schemes are first-order accurate.  相似文献   

The couplings among chemical reaction rates, advective and diffusive transport in fractured media or soils, and changes in hydraulic properties due to precipitation and dissolution within fractures and in rock matrix are important for both nuclear waste disposal and remediation of contaminated sites. This paper describes the development and application of LEHGC2.0, a mechanistically based numerical model for simulation of coupled fluid flow and reactive chemical transport, including both fast and slow reactions in variably saturated media. Theoretical bases and numerical implementations are summarized, and two example problems are demonstrated. The first example deals with the effect of precipitation/dissolution on fluid flow and matrix diffusion in a two-dimensional fractured media. Because of the precipitation and decreased diffusion of solute from the fracture into the matrix, retardation in the fractured medium is not as large as the case wherein interactions between chemical reactions and transport are not considered. The second example focuses on a complicated but realistic advective-dispersive-reactive transport problem. This example exemplifies the need for innovative numerical algorithms to solve problems involving stiff geochemical reactions.  相似文献   

Organic contaminants that decrease the surface tension of water (surfactants) can have an effect on unsaturated flow through porous media due to the dependence of capillary pressure on surface tension. We used an intermediate-scale 2D flow cell (2.44 x 1.53 x 0.108 m) packed with a fine silica sand to investigate surfactant-induced flow perturbations. Surfactant solution (7% 1-butanol and dye tracer) was applied at a constant rate at a point source located on the soil surface above an unconfined synthetic aquifer with ambient groundwater flow and a capillary fringe of approximately 55 cm. A glass plate allowed for visual flow and transport observations. Thirty instrumentation stations consist of time domain reflectometry probes and tensiometers measured in-situ moisture content and pressure head, respectively. As surfactant solution was applied at the point source, a transient flow perturbation associated with the advance of the surfactant solution was observed. Above the top of the capillary fringe the advance of the surfactant solution caused a visible drainage front that radiated from the point source. Upon reaching the capillary fringe, the drainage front caused a localized depression of the capillary fringe below the point source because the air-entry pressure decreased in proportion to the decrease in surface tension caused by the surfactant. Eventually, a new capillary fringe height was established. The height of the depressed capillary fringe was proportional to height of the initial capillary fringe multiplied by the relative surface tension of the surfactant solution. The horizontal transport of surfactant in the depressed capillary fringe, driven primarily by the ambient groundwater flow, caused the propagation of a wedge-shaped drying front in the downgradient direction. Comparison of dye transport during the surfactant experiment to dye transport in an experiment without surfactant indicated that because surfactant-induced drainage decreased the storage capacity of the vadose zone, the dye breakthrough time to the water table was more than twice as fast when the contaminant solution contained surfactant. The extensive propagation of the drying front and the effect of vadose zone drainage on contaminant breakthrough time suggest the importance of considering surface tension effects on unsaturated flow and transport in systems containing surface-active organic contaminants or systems, where surfactants are used for remediation of the vadose zone or unconfined aquifers.  相似文献   

This study characterizes layer- and local-scale heterogeneities in hydraulic parameters (i.e., matrix permeability and porosity) and investigates the relative effect of layer- and local-scale heterogeneities on the uncertainty assessment of unsaturated flow and tracer transport in the unsaturated zone of Yucca Mountain, USA. The layer-scale heterogeneity is specific to hydrogeologic layers with layerwise properties, while the local-scale heterogeneity refers to the spatial variation of hydraulic properties within a layer. A Monte Carlo method is used to estimate mean, variance, and 5th, and 95th percentiles for the quantities of interest (e.g., matrix saturation and normalized cumulative mass arrival). Model simulations of unsaturated flow are evaluated by comparing the simulated and observed matrix saturations. Local-scale heterogeneity is examined by comparing the results of this study with those of the previous study that only considers layer-scale heterogeneity. We find that local-scale heterogeneity significantly increases predictive uncertainty in the percolation fluxes and tracer plumes, whereas the mean predictions are only slightly affected by the local-scale heterogeneity. The mean travel time of the conservative and reactive tracers to the water table in the early stage increases significantly due to the local-scale heterogeneity, while the influence of local-scale heterogeneity on travel time gradually decreases over time. Layer-scale heterogeneity is more important than local-scale heterogeneity for simulating overall tracer travel time, suggesting that it would be more cost-effective to reduce the layer-scale parameter uncertainty in order to reduce predictive uncertainty in tracer transport.  相似文献   

Subsurface solute transport through structured soil is studied by model interpretation of experimental breakthrough curves from tritium and phosphorus tracer tests in three intact soil monoliths. Similar geochemical conditions, with nearly neutral pH, were maintained in all the experiments. Observed transport differences for the same tracer are thus mainly due to differences in the physical transport process between the different monoliths. The modelling is based on a probabilistic Lagrangian approach that decouples physical and chemical mass transfer and transformation processes from pure and stochastic advection. Thereby, it enables explicit quantification of the physical transport process through preferential flow paths, honouring all independently available experimental information. Modelling of the tritium breakthrough curves yields a probability density function of non-reactive solute travel time that is coupled with a reaction model for linear, non-equilibrium sorption–desorption to describe the phosphorus transport. The tritium model results indicate that significant preferential flow occurs in all the experimental soil monoliths, ranging from 60–100% of the total water flow moving through only 25–40% of the total water content. In agreement with the fact that geochemical conditions were similar in all experiments, phosphorus model results yield consistent first-order kinetic parameter values for the sorption–desorption process in two of the three soil monoliths; phosphorus transport through the third monolith cannot be modelled because the apparent mean transport rate of phosphorus is anomalously rapid relative to the non-adsorptive tritium transport. The occurrence of preferential flow alters the whole shape of the phosphorus breakthrough curve, not least the peak mass flux and concentration values, and increases the transported phosphorus mass by 2–3 times relative to the estimated mass transport without preferential flow in the two modelled monoliths.  相似文献   

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