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随着经济全球化和知识经济的发展,我国高等教育已呈现出多元化、大众化、信息化、终身化、国际化、市场化的发展趋势.通过对大学核心竞争力和知识管理的诠释,提出以知识管理为依托提升大学核心竞争力的策略.参8.  相似文献   

在贫困不断减少以及经济持续增长的情况下,生产与消费方式必然会由不可持续型向可持续型转变。由于这会使人们显著地改变思想观念与行为方式,因此需要解决生产者与消费者责任问题,清洁生产是企业社会责任的核心,目前UNEP已收到多项建议,其中包括发展清洁生产与可持续消费指标以及增进多方合作性举措。  相似文献   

处于转轨经济时期的中.国国有公司建立现代企业制度的核心,就是构建经济型公司治理模式.经济型公司治理模式就是指建立在完善的产权制度和发达的市场体系基础之上的运作机制,它必须具备以下要素:(1)以合理的产权结构和科学的内部治理结构为基础;(2)以充分竞争的市场环境为外部条件;(3)它的关键是改革国有资产营运体制,实行市场化委托代理制度。  相似文献   

名牌强省是湖南经济新世纪发展的重大战略,其基本思路应以名牌为龙头组建企业集团,实现经济的规模联动;以名牌为杠杆优化产业、产品结构,提高经济增长质量;以名牌为支撑提高企业竞争力,走名牌强省之路。  相似文献   

新经济时代的到来,给企业的发展带来了新的挑战,面对国际经济、政治、文化、技术竞争,企业管理需有新的观念.本文结合海尔集团成功的管理经验,从人本管理,技术至上,品牌运营,竞合观念等四个方面来阐述企业在新经济时代的观念创新.  相似文献   

墨西哥贸易的开放已使该国的工业.待别是中小型企业,面临着技术现代化的挑战,因而也面临环境保护限制因素以及达到新环境要求和在全球市场上竞争所需要的效率为了这种现代化,各工业部门已采取了各种各样的战略,并且目前正经历着要么有利于要么有碍于其任务的各种情况结果,旨在提高生产率和竞争力的很多行动已证明是必不可少的.已创建的各种新机构,以及使工业界与高等教育和研究联系起来的手段和机制,以便形成一种有利于现代化的气氛,在确定推动清洁生产进程的环境法规与经济手段方面,以及在发展一种有助于保护环境的工业方面,均已取得了很大进展为了举例说明,本文描述了制糖业、铜矿业、钢铁工业、制革业以及纤维素/造纸业等几个行业的情况.  相似文献   

在商业竞争日益激烈的现代,出现了发展与环境、经济与生态的恶性循环,在此背景下西方蕴育而生了“绿色会计”,这是一门强调现代会计人在企业进行经济活动时,正确、及时、合理地对企业耗用环境资源的程度进行核算的科学.本文就我国传统林业会计存在的缺陷进行分析,提出建立绿色会计制度,对推动我国林业可持续发展具有特别重要的意义.  相似文献   

Nava.  CC 《产业与环境》1996,18(2):98-103
墨西哥贸易的开放已经该国的工业,特别是中小型企业,面临着技术现代化的挑战,因而也面临环境保护限制因素以及达到新环境要求在全球市场上竞争所需要的效率,为了这种现代化,各工业部门已采取了各种各样的战略。并且目前正经历着要么有利于要么有碍于其任务的各种情况,结果,旨在提高生产率和竞争力的很多行动已证明是必不可少的,已创建的各种新机构,以及使工业界与高等教育和研究联系起来的手段和机制,以便形成一种有利于现  相似文献   

对世界能源供应的巨大投资很可能将成为必需,企业的能源效率提高竞争力,中国绿色企业竞赛优胜者,欧委会资源利用新战略,欧洲的企业责任:教学和研究  相似文献   

在贫困不断减少以及经济持续增长的情况下,生产与消费方式必然会由不可持续型向可持续型转变.由于这会使人们显著改变思想观念与行为方式,因此需要解决生产者与消费者责任问题.清洁生产是企业社会责任的核心.目前UNEP已收到多项建议,其中包括发展清洁生产与可持续消费指标以及增进多方合作性举措.  相似文献   

The paper explores the objectives, strategies and barriers to cleaner production (CP) implementation in China. Successful demonstration projects in China have shown that CP is a strategy for reducing pollution and costs, increasing competitiveness and achieving an integrated balance between economic and environmental benefits. As such, it is an inevitable choice and important contribution to sustainable development. However, it has not progressed enough as a strategy for continuous improvement since its effects are limited to industrial sectors or regions. CP implementation can be assisted by further popularization, policy system improvement, perception and awareness raising and technology innovation. These dimensions are the key tasks and incentives for all levels of government, enterprises and social organizations in moving toward sustainability.  相似文献   

Advanced biofuels such as cellulosic ethanol are of great interest in the USA. With agriculture being the major source of feedstock for advanced biofuels, how farmers would respond to markets and policy incentives in providing such feedstock can directly affect sufficient and sustainable supply of advanced biofuels and their environmental sustainability. In this study, we developed an economic model to examine farmers' production choices in a context where agricultural markets are linked to energy markets. We identified the economic conditions under which farmers could maximize their profits by converting current grain cropland to grow cellulosic biomass crops. An empirical illustration showed that with current technology, farmers are unlikely to grow switchgrass as a dedicated energy crop instead of corn on cropland. The biofuel incentives in the 2008 Farm Bill can improve the competitiveness of switchgrass, but may stimulate corn production as well, with corn residues as an alternative feedstock for advanced biofuels. The continuous, possibly expanding, corn production in future raises the same issues for advanced biofuels as for corn grain-based ethanol. To assure the environmental sustainability of advanced biofuel production, further research is needed to help design environmental policies alongside existing biofuel initiatives.  相似文献   

Developing countries, including China, are just beginning to figure out how to balance economic development with the desire to address numerous severe environmental problems. In this paper, we use two enterprise-level data sets – China's Environmental Statistics Database and China's Industrial Enterprise Database – to estimate the impact of a more stringent wastewater discharge standard imposed on all the textile printing and dyeing enterprises in the Lake Tai, Jiangsu region, on labor demand. We find that enterprises which face this new more stringent standard decreased labor demand by approximately 7%. Furthermore, we find that the new standard had heterogeneous impacts on different types of enterprises. For example, our results indicate that the more stringent discharge standard reduced employment in domestically-owned private enterprises by 7.4%, but had little or no impact on state-owned or foreign-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

城市垃圾处置是城市环境管理中的一大难题。后工业化国家普遍采用的末端治理技术不适合我国国情。运用生态工程技术,将城市垃圾处理与利用相结合,寓处理于利用之中,寓环境保护于产业生产之中,发展垃圾处理利用生态产业是解决这一难题的可由之路。在广汉市的研究与探索表明:通过硬件、软件、心件的结合,政府引导、科技支持、企业经营、居民参与,使城市垃圾减量化、无害化、资源化,处理利用产业化、系统化,可以达到环境效益与经济效益、社会效益的统一。论述了城市垃圾处理利用生态工程的原理及具体措施与设计  相似文献   

Long-term future development of European agriculture within the global market is highly uncertain, but can potentially have large impacts on the future of agricultural businesses, rural communities and amenities such as traditional landscapes and biodiversity. Despite great uncertainties it is of interest to explore the extent of these potential changes. This paper provides an explorative scenario of the European crop production in a liberalised world without European Union (EU) market interventions. The results do not form a prediction or a business as usual scenario, but rather a plausible and salient thought-experiment of a possible future based on the consistent integration of current conceptual and quantitative models.Future scenarios for climate, demography, technology and global demand for agricultural commodities are used to assess the competitiveness of European agriculture. Regional economic competitiveness is determined by combining indicators for the economic strength of farms in a region and population pressure on agricultural land, and subsequently used to determine where agricultural production is likely to sustain under the market liberalisation scenario. The method is illustrated for the 27 EU member state countries for three commodities: wheat, potato and milk (relying on grass).Results include maps of the dominant wheat, potato and milk producing regions across Europe as projected for 2050. They show that due to increased agricultural productivity, less agricultural land will be needed to supply the European demand for food and feed. In addition, production will concentrate in those regions which have a comparative advantage. This potentially leads to a strong polarisation between north-western Europe and southern Europe, which faces negative impacts of climate change and central and northern Europe where agricultural businesses lag in economic strength and farm size. A contrasting policy intervention scenario illustrates how differences in demand and productivity result in an expansion of the agricultural area, especially for the production of wheat.Although the complete liberalisation scenario may seem unlikely, and the underlying assumptions have great uncertainty, the results help identify and map market pressures on agricultural land use across regions in Europe. As such, it stimulates policy debate on the desired future for the European agricultural sector and the trade-offs between economic competitiveness under global market conditions and policy intervention. In addition, it provides a basis for the planning of alternative economic strategies for agriculturally less competitive regions.  相似文献   

本文介绍研究工作中建立的污水回用系统的费用——效果分析经济评价模型,重点探讨了污水回用系统费用——效果分析中目标的确定、重要参数的选择、费用的识别与计算.通过实例研究验证了该经济评价模型的合理性、适用性与灵活性.  相似文献   

绿化系统建设、生态农业建设、乡镇工业布局与调整是水镇生态建设规划的要点。执行生态建设规划的措施有:领导重视;强化环境管理和科技支持;增大环保投入和依靠公众参与。实证分析表明生态建设规划促进了水镇经济与环境协调发展  相似文献   

工厂信息化总体结构可分为2个网络,1个数据平台,3个层次,可为工厂的高层决策、生产经营管理提供安全可靠的信息化支撑平台,提高企业的综合竞争力,根据实际工程案例详细论述了机房与网络改造方案的设计,对工厂信息化机房的设计具有指导性意义,图1,参3.  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) system has been established in China since 1973. In present EIA cases, there are four participants in general: governments, enterprises, EIA organizations and the public. The public has held responsible for both social costs and social duties. The public supervises social costs produced by enterprises discharging pollutant in EIA. However public participation is mostly deputized by governments, which severely weaken the independence of the public as one participant in EIA. In this paper, EIA refers to the different attitudes of the participants whose optional strategies may be described by a proper game model. According to disfigurements in EIA, three sides (governments, enterprises, and EIA organizations) dynamic iterative game theory, dynamic game theory of incomplete information, and perfect Bayesian equilibrium theory to analyze the reciprocity relation among governments, EIA organizations and enterprises. The results show that in a short period, economic benefit is preponderant over social benefit. Governments and enterprises both do not want to take EIA to reveal social costs. EIA organizations’ income comes from enterprises and the collusions are built between them to vindicate economic benefit. In a long run, social benefit loss caused by environmental pollution must be recuperated sooner or later and environmental deterioration will influence the achievements of economic benefit, so both governments and enterprises are certain to pursue high social benefit and willing to take EIA, helpful to increase private benefit. EIA organizations will make fair assessment when their economic benefit are ensured. At present, the public as silent victims can not take actual part in EIA. The EIA system must be improved to break the present equilibrium of three sides, bringing the public to the equilibrium to exert public supervision.  相似文献   

本文针对目前多数林业企业缺乏市场活力、生产经营不景气这一现状,从改革途径、产权重组和产权交易方式三个方面,阐述了林业企业所有制改革的思路和看法,认为只有用价值规律这一杠杆来调节林业经济活动,才能实现林业企业资源的合理配置,促使林业生产力的不断提高。  相似文献   

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