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基于产品生命周期理论,构建煤炭环境外部成本核算框架,采用环境价值评估方法,对煤炭生产、运输及利用环节环境成本实物量及价值量进行核算,最后得到煤炭的环境外部成本,以2010年为核算基准年,得到煤炭在生产、运输和使用环节中产生的环境外部成本分别为2185.95亿元、631.18亿元及2655.37亿元,吨煤成本为67.78,44.68,85.04,总环境外部成本为5472.50亿元,吨煤成本为197.40元.  相似文献   

马中  蒋姝睿  马本  刘敏 《中国环境科学》2020,40(6):2715-2728
本文从电价政策优化视角,分析了环保电价与可再生能源电价的目标、补贴率变化,首次核算了两类政策的资金总额,对比评估了两类政策的资金规模、微观作用机制、资金机制和决策机制.结果发现,环保电价长年稳定,为燃煤发电行业污染治理资金提供了稳定预期,实现了污染物的快速减排;可再生能源上网标杆电价多次下调,激励企业技术进步的同时,助长了企业投机行为.微观作用机制上,环保电价刺激了燃煤发电企业治污技术进步、企业私人成本下降,但社会承担了较高的污染治理成本;而可再生能源电价政策促进了发电社会成本的下降.可再生能源电价资金传导机制更为刚性,但存在附加征收率不高、资金缺口大等问题,政策设计未做到激励相容.2015年环保电价与可再生能源电价补贴资金总额分别为767.97亿元(不含税)和429.1亿元(供给侧).环保电价资金总额超过可再生能源电价资金总额,强化了燃煤发电成本优势,制约了可再生能源发展,不利于电力结构的清洁化.  相似文献   

对煤炭开采、运输和使用各个环节的环境污染和生态破坏外部成本进行核算的基础上,运用GREAT-E模型对煤炭环境成本内部化政策给GDP、居民收入、产业结构和贸易竞争力等带来的影响进行了定量分析.分析结果表明,煤炭开采、运输和使用各环节分别进行的环境成本内部化对中国宏观经济的影响较为有限,GDP的下降在可承受的范围之内,即使是全生命周期的煤炭环境成本完全内部化也只导致GDP出现0.15%左右的轻微下降.煤炭环境成本内部化将促进劳动力和资本等要素从高耗能行业向低耗能特别是技术密集型和现代服务业部门转移,进而推动产业结构优化转型升级.在煤炭生产、运输和消费环节通过征收环境相关税费能够更直接地刺激生产部门的环境行为调整,降低煤炭的生产和消费量,进而减少环境污染和生态破坏.  相似文献   

The role of water pricing for managing water resources is widely recognized in many areas of the world because of the increasing scarcity of water resources, a high competition between water uses and environmental degradation. Based on the analysis of cost of water, this paper explores which types of cost should be reflected in the water pricing enhancing the sustainability of water resources. The principle of full cost pricing in which the cost should include supply cost, opportunity cost and externalities is proposed as a means to achieve the sustainability of water resources. In a case study of Beijing, low water price is analyzed as one reason for unsustainable water consumption. Thus water pricing justified is necessary and pressing. It is proposed to justify water price in phased manner and eventually towards full cost pricing. The assessment of impacts on water resources by raising water price shows water pricing could alleviate the conflict between water supply and demand. This paper concludes that water pricing can play an effective role in enhancing the sustainability of water resources in Beijing.  相似文献   

统计分析了1992-1998年我国环保最佳实用技术的经济效益数据,得到了最佳实用技术经济效益的基本特点、年际变化规律及行业分布规律,并根据不同行业的特点,提出了相应的环保最佳实用技术推广模式。  相似文献   

In recent years, the urban drainage system in China is facing the dual pressure of renovation and construction. This requires that the integrated assessment for the planning and operation of the urban drainage system is obligatory. To evaluate the urban drainage system, an integrated assessment methodology based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), integrated simulation, and fuzzy assessment is established. This method is a multi-criteria decision adding app roach to the assessment of the urban drainage system comprehensively. Through the integration of the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), a simple wastewater treatment plant model, and a surface water quality model, an integrated modelling system for the urban drainage system is developed and applied as a key tool for assessment. Using the established method, a case study in Shenzhen City has been implemented to evaluate and compare two urban drainage system reno vation plans, the distributed plan and the centralized plan. Because of the particularity of this case study, the established method is not applied entirely. Considering the water environ mental impact, ecological impact, technological feasibility, and economic cost, the integrated performance of the distri buted plan is better. As shown in this case study, the proposed method is found to be both effective and practical.  相似文献   

当前研究者往往是把生态用地质量评价同人居环境质量评价各自分隔开来进行研究,而没能很好的把二者结合起来.本研究将生态辐射的概念引入人居生态环境评价中,利用GIS技术构建了生态辐射模型,并以深圳市龙岗区为例进行了分析.在生态辐射模型中将城市用地分为生态用地和建设用地两类,以建设用地作为人居用地来进行研究.对不同大小的生态用地斑块提出不同的服务半径,作为生态用地的辐射范围,其大小决定于生态用地的斑块大小和土地类型.模型计算结果显示,生态用地分布较为均匀的坪地街道,其森林覆盖率虽然比大鹏街道要低,但生态辐射强度值却略高于后者,这说明本研究建立的生态辐射模型有一定的合理性,能够反映生态用地分布均匀程度对人居环境的影响,为人居生态环境研究提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

Desertification,and climate change: the case for greater convergence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poor knowledge of links between desertification and globalclimate change is limiting funding from the Global Environment Facility foranti-desertification projects and realization of synergies between theConvention to Combat Desertification (CCD) and the FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (FCCC). Greater convergence betweenresearch in the two fields could overcome these limitations, improve ourknowledge of desertification, and benefit four areas of global climate changestudies: mitigation assessment; accounting for land cover change in thecarbon budget; land surface-atmosphere interactions; and climate changeimpact forecasting. Convergence would be assisted if desertification weretreated more as a special case in dry areas of the global process of landdegradation, and stimulated by: (a) closer cooperation between the FCCCand CCD; (b) better informal networking between desertification and globalclimate change scientists, e.g. within the framework of theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Both strategies wouldbe facilitated if the FCCC and CCD requested the IPCC to provide ascientific framework for realizing the synergies between them.  相似文献   

Globally, more people and assets are concentrated on the limited coastal plains where they are exposed to frequent disasters, such as typhoons, rainstorms and floods that often result in tremendous casualties and economic losses. Based on the causal analysis of the historical typhoon cases in the Guangdong Province of China, this study indicates that structural measures alone are not sufficient to resist and offset the impacts caused by typhoon disasters. Additionally, structural measures are unsustainable due to their high investment and low security. Adaptive governance, which uses non-structural measures and resilience building, is a feasible and cost-effective strategy for responding to the cascading effects of typhoon disasters. Multi-stakeholder participation and vertical–horizontal coordination are essential for providing adaptive governance to typhoon disasters. A risk-sharing model was put forward by bringing together the government, insurance companies and victims. Furthermore, a favorable atmosphere for public participation in disaster risk reduction can be fostered and should be a long-term adaptation strategy. The views and frameworks of adaptive governance provide policy makers with insights on coastal disaster risk management within the broader context of climate change.  相似文献   




应用气相色谱法对对二氯苯(p-DCB)在雪与水中残留动态进行测定,探讨了不同气候下水中p-DCB的挥发污染行为.结果表明,雪与水中p-DCB的挥发速率都相当迅速,并服从一级反应动力学.在自然条件下,雪与水中p-DCB半减期分别为2.32~3.25d和0.76~1.20d.雪与水中p-DCB在投加浓度分别为0.1~100.0μg/g,0.1~100.0μg/mL范围时,投加浓度越高挥发速率越快,挥发半减期越短.  相似文献   

以深圳市布吉河流域为例,系统模拟了不同土地利用条件下的流域水文过程,并分析了土地利用变化的影响。对布吉河流域土地利用进行分类的结果表明1980-2005年期间该流域的耕地、林地及灌草地的比例由93.54%减少为34.79%,而城镇用地由1.65%增至54.25%;在对SWAT(Soil Water Assessment Tool)模型在布吉河流域的应用进行验证的基础上,分析了快速城市化过程中土地利用变化对流域水文要素可能产生的各种影响。结果表明,土地利用条件的不同可导致流域水文过程发生极大的差异:以2005年的土地利用作为输入与以1980年的土地利用作为输入相比,流域蒸散发量、土壤水含量和地下径流深度分别减少了42.09、28.10和279.74mm,而地表径流则平均增加了431.97mm;土地利用变化还导致各水文要素的空间和年际分布特征发生改变。  相似文献   

通过对位于江汉平原北部石家河古城内谭家岭遗址地层孢粉、碳氮地球化学和磁化率代用指标的综合分析表明,石家河文化早期(4.6—4.4 ka BP),孢粉浓度较高且种类多,特别是喜暖湿的孢粉科属含量较大,植被覆盖较好,说明遗址及周边地区受人类活动干扰较少;TOC、TN和C/N偏高,δ~(13)C_(org)偏低,表明当时以C_3植物为主,气候较为温暖湿润;该时期遗址区域可能积水较多,磁化率值总体较低,发生过水域面积增大但持续时间不长的变化,石家河古城在防御洪水及外敌入侵方面发挥了较大作用。石家河文化中晚期(4.4—4.0 ka BP),孢粉种类和浓度减小,TOC、TN和C/N也持续减小,δ~(13)C_(org)则偏高,气候凉干,降水减少,遗址区域积水减少并逐渐演变成古人的居住用地,受人类活动影响磁化率值明显增高;由于河湖、地下水位下降,石家河古城防御洪水与外侵的功能消失并逐渐废弃。4.2 ka BP前后气候持续凉干,极端灾害事件频繁发生,影响了当地农业和渔猎业的发展,使得石家河文化发展停滞,这是导致本区石家河文化衰落的重要环境因素。  相似文献   

Environmental pollution is a by-product of industrialization when economy of a region is developing. China also suffers from such a problem, especially in the southern part like Suzhou region in Jiangsu Province. In this paper, data covering situations of surface water pollution and social and economic development showed that the surface water pollution in Taicang County, a typical economic zone of Suzhou region, is significantly correlated to the economic growth of this region.  相似文献   


钢铁行业是能源消耗和碳排放的重点行业,节能减排是钢铁行业绿色低碳转型发展的有效途径,节能技术是钢铁行业提高能源效率、降低碳排放和减少空气污染的关键。运用节能供给曲线方法对长三角地区钢铁行业技术节能成本进行评价,并对2030年长三角地区钢铁行业技术节能潜力进行评估。结果表明:钢铁行业28项技术在2030年预计为长三角地区累计节能875.74 PJ,约为2020年长三角地区钢铁行业总能耗的34%;考虑不同收益项时的技术节能成本存在差异,当不考虑任何收益时技术的节能成本最高,当将协同效益纳入考虑后,技术的节能成本降到较低水平;贴现率、温室气体或污染物交易价格等因素会对技术的节能成本产生影响,贴现率越高意味着资金成本越高,技术的节能成本也相应越高;温室气体或污染物价格上升会增加技术节能的收益,从而降低技术的节能成本。


青藏高原作为一个独特的生态—地理单元,其多种生态系统服务向周边各个区域供给,这种区域差异有可能引起青藏周边地域居民对其生态系统服务的感知不同,进一步影响生态管理对策的制定。选取27个城市,基于13254份网络问卷,通过支付意愿法探究城市居民对青藏高原生态系统服务感知的区域差异及其原因。结果表明:(1)不同区域支付金额存在显著差异,WTP从高到底为东北—华北地区、东南沿海地区、西北地区、中部地区和西南地区,年平均支付金额分别为1185.7元、1021.1元、1012.3元、957.1元和894.7元。(2)总金额中六项生态系统服务的分配比例依次为水源涵养>碳固定>土壤保持>生物多样性保育>污染物净化>美学景观,其中水源涵养和美学景观的比例区域差异小;土壤保持的比例西南和西北地区较大,距平值为1.68%和1.87%;污染物净化沿海地区、西南和中部地区金额分配比例较大,距平值分别为2.04%、2.20%、2.20%;碳固定和生物多样性保育不具备显著的区域差异性。(3)在支付金额的影响程度上,管理意愿>主观认知>客观情况;其中对国家政策响应的积极性与支付金额关联性最大。(4)生态系统服务类型和城市发展水平对支付金额区域差异起主导因素,水源涵养和美学景观各个区域的影响因素相似,一线城市受个人客观情况影响较小;空间距离仅能影响生物基因保育服务与人均月收入的相互关联。研究结果可以为基于利益相关者生态系统服务需求的青藏高原生态资产价值化与管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

准确评估中国森林碳汇潜力与增汇成本的经济可行性,是科学制定碳中和林业行动方案的基础。然而针对中国森林碳汇潜力与增汇成本的不同结果差异明显,可靠性需要进一步验证。为此,基于相关文献,采用Meta分析方法,对中国森林碳汇潜力与增汇成本及其导致差异的原因展开评估。研究表明:(1)中国森林碳汇量呈现不断增长的态势,但不同研究对森林碳汇潜力测度结果存在较大差异。(2)中国森林增汇的平均成本为220.45元/t CO2e(区间值为3.9~1457.02元/t CO2e),与工业减排成本相比,中国森林增汇更具有经济可行性,但波动幅度较大。(3)评估方法采用、碳库数量选择等因素是导致已有森林碳汇潜力文献估计结果差异的关键因素;森林增汇成本差异则主要受碳汇成本测度研究方法、成本收益数据来源等因素影响。(4)中国森林增汇对碳中和的贡献将会持续增加。基于研究结果,提出进一步深化森林碳汇潜力与成本测算相关研究等方面的政策建议。  相似文献   

济南市泉城公园生态环境需水量初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以生态优先原则、兼容性原则、最大值原则和水质为重点的原则,采用生态环境需水量计算法中的直接计算法、功能法及换水周期法,从林地生态需水量、草地生态需水量、人工河湖蒸发需水量、人工河湖净化需水量、生物栖息地需水量、人工河湖渗漏需水量、景观与娱乐需水量和公园内设施用水等八个方面,对济南市泉城公园的生态环境需水量进行了初步研究。结果表明,在2005年气候条件下,济南泉城公园的生态环境需水量大约为1.0467×10^6m^3。在此基础上对提高泉城公园水资源利用价值及节约用水等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to produce biodiesel from mixtures of cooking oil and provide a possible environmental solution for the region of Campinas (state of São Paulo, Brazil) based on the theory of environmental cost accounting (ECA). Cooking oil collected from homes in Campinas was mixed with ethanol at a ratio of 7:1 and transesterified at 60 °C for one hour for the obtainment of biodiesel using NaOH as a catalyst. The results of the physicochemical analyses demonstrated that the biodiesel possessed characteristics close to those required by Brazilian standards. A recent survey carried out in the city of Campinas revealed that residents are not concerned with the increased of environmental impact and ecological costs in the region caused by the disposal of used cooking oil, which is discarded in sewers and soil. Urgent action is recommended, beginning with raising awareness among the population and the implementation of a policy to determine the storage, periodic collection and use of cooking oil for the production of biodiesel. This fuel could be used for buses, trucks and machines or sold to fuel distributors, offering a savings of US$ 0.8 to 4.5 millions. Campinas could then gain environmental credits and become a sustainable city. Moreover, used cooking oil constitutes low-cost biodiesel with no consumption of raw materials and will reduce worldwide criticism directed at Brazil regarding the use of oleaginous plants for biodiesel production.  相似文献   

大多数资源型地区在自然资源开采过程中经济增长长期呈现缓慢现象。如何利用资源优势、摆脱资源瓶颈、实现经济可持续发展是资源型地区面临的关键问题。以2000-2016年我国重点煤炭城市面板数据为样本,探讨资源型地区自然资源影响经济增长的不同途径。结果显示:资源型地区短期受益于“资源红利”,但长期由于容易出现资源产业依赖行为而对其他经济活动和资源依赖产业产生“挤出效应”,影响长期经济增长速度;同时,资源型地区容易表现出依靠物质资本投资实现经济增长的“粗放型增长”特征。本文研究结论丰富了自然资源对经济增长影响机制的探索,对资源型地区如何实现可持续发展也具有一定的实践启示。  相似文献   

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