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The contamination of aquatic ecosystems by natural and anthropogenic metals has lead to a need to better characterize their impact in the environment. To a large extent, the fate and the (eco)toxicity of these elements in aquatic systems are related to their chemical speciation, which may vary continuously in space and time. Detailed measurements of the fraction of specific metal species or groups of homologous metal species and their variation as a function of the bio-physicochemical conditions of the natural media are thus of prime importance. To determine these metal fractions as well as redox chemical species regulating their distribution (dissolved oxygen, sulfides, iron and manganese oxides), new analytical tools capable of performing in situ, real-time monitoring in both water columns and sediments with minimum perturbation of the media are required. This paper reviews the challenges associated with metal speciation studies, and the progress made with state of the art voltammetric techniques to measure the speciation of metals in situ. More specifically, it summarizes the specific conceptual, analytical, and technical criteria that must be considered and/or fulfilled to develop rugged, field deployable, non-perturbing sensors and probes. Strategies used to satisfy these criteria are presented by describing the up-to-date most advanced voltammetric sensors, mini-/micro-integrated analytical systems, and submersible equipments developed for in situ measurements of trace metals and main redox species in aquatic systems. The spatial and temporal resolutions achieved by these news tools represent a significant advantage over traditional laboratory techniques, while simultaneously remaining cost effective. The application of these tools to aquatic systems is illustrated by several examples of unattended and remote in situ monitoring and/or profiling in water columns and sediments.  相似文献   

It is now possible to formulate diagnostic selenium concentrations in four distinct ecosystem-level components; water, food-chain, predatory fish (consuming fish or invertebrate prey), and aquatic birds. Waterborne selenium concentrations of 2 µg/l or greater (parts per billion; total recoverable basis in 0.45 filtered samples) should be considered hazardous to the health and long-term survival of fish and wildlife populations due to the high potential for food-chain bioaccumulation, dietary toxicity, and reproductive effects. In some cases, ultra-trace amounts of dissolved and particulate organic selenium may lead to bioaccumulation and toxicity even when total waterborne concentrations are less than 1 µg/l.Food-chain organisms such as zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, and certain forage fishes can accumulate up to 30 µg/g dry weight selenium (some taxa up to 370 µg/g) with no apparent effect on survival or reproduction. However, the dietary toxicity threshold for fish and wildlife is only 3 µg/g; these food organisms would supply a toxic dose of selenium while being unaffected themselves. Because of this, food-chain organisms containing 3 µg/g (parts per million) dry weight or more should be viewed as potentially lethal to fish and aquatic birds that consume them.Biological effects thresholds (dry weight) for the health and reproductive success of freshwater and anadromous fish are: whole body=4 µg/g; skeletal muscle=8 µg/g; liver=12 µg/g; ovaries and eggs=10 µg/g. Effects thresholds for aquatic birds are: liver=10 µg/g; eggs=3 µg/g. The most precise way to evaluate potential reproductive impacts to adult fish and aquatic bird populations is to measure selenium concentrations in gravid ovaries and eggs. This single measure integrates waterborne and dietary exposure, and allows an evaluation based on the most sensitive biological endpoint. Resource managers and aquatic biologists should obtain measurements of selenium concentrations present in water, food-chain organisms, and fish and wildlife tissues in order to formulate a comprehensive and conclusive assessment of the overall selenium status and health of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The traditional approach for predicting the risk of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in sediment is to relate organic carbon normalized sediment concentrations to body residues or toxic effects to organisms. However, due to the multiple variables controlling bioavailability, this method has limitations. A matrix independent method of predicting bioavailability needs to be used in order to be universally applicable. Both chemical activity (freely dissolved chemical concentrations) measured by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and bioaccessibility (rapidly desorbing fraction) estimated by Tenax extraction have been developed to predict bioavailability of sediment-associated HOCs. The objectives of this review are to summarize a number of studies using matrix-SPME or Tenax extraction to estimate bioavailability and/or toxicity of different classes of HOCs and evaluate the strengths and weakness of these two techniques. Although the two chemical techniques assess different components of the matrix, estimates obtained from both techniques have been correlated to organism body residues. The advantages of SPME fibers are their applicability for use in situ and their potential usage for a wide array of contaminants by selection of appropriate coatings. Single time-point Tenax extraction, however, is more time- and labor-effective. Tenax extraction also has lower detection limits, making it more applicable for highly toxic contaminants. This review also calls for additional research to evaluate the role of sequestrated contaminants and ingestion of sediment particles by organisms on HOC bioavailability. The use of performance reference compounds to reduce SPME sampling time and linking chemical based bioavailability estimates to toxicological endpoints are essential to expand the applications of these methods.  相似文献   

This study compared performance of four change detection algorithms with six vegetation indices derived from pre- and post-Katrina Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery and a composite of the TM bands 4, 5, and 3 in order to select an optimal remote sensing technique for identifying forestlands disturbed by Hurricane Katrina. The algorithms included univariate image differencing (UID), selective principal component analysis (PCA), change vector analysis (CVA), and postclassification comparison (PCC). The indices consisted of near-infrared to red ratios, normalized difference vegetation index, Tasseled Cap index of greenness, brightness, and wetness (TCW), and soil-adjusted vegetation index. In addition to the satellite imagery, the “ground truth” data of forest damage were also collected through field investigation and interpretation of post-Katrina aerial photos. Disturbed forests were identified by classifying the composite and the continuous change imagery with the supervised classification method. Results showed that the change detection techniques exerted apparent influence on detection results with an overall accuracy varying between 51% and 86% and a kappa statistics ranging from 0.02 to 0.72. Detected areas of disturbed forestlands were noticeable in two groups: 180,832–264,617 and 85,861–124,205 ha. The landscape of disturbed forests also displayed two unique patterns, depending upon the area group. The PCC algorithm along with the composite image contributed the highest accuracy and lowest error (0.5%) in estimating areas of disturbed forestlands. Both UID and CVA performed similarly, but caution should be taken when using selective PCA in detecting hurricane disturbance to forests. Among the six indices, TCW outperformed the other indices owing to its maximum sensitivity to forest modification. This study suggested that compared with the detection algorithms, proper selection of vegetation indices was more critical for obtaining satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Starting in 2006, a monitoring of Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum occurrence was conducted for 2 years in the largest drinking water reservoir of Luxembourg (Esch-sur-S?re reservoir) using microscopy and qPCR techniques. Parasite analyses were performed on water samples collected from three sites: site A located at the inlet of the reservoir, site B located 18 km downstream site A, at the inlet of the drinking water treatment plant near the dam of the reservoir and site C where the finished drinking water is injected in the distribution network. Results show that both parasites are present in the reservoir throughout the year with a higher occurrence of G. lamblia cysts compared to C. parvum oocysts. According to our results, only 25% of the samples positive by microscopy were confirmed by qPCR. (Oo)cyst concentrations were 10 to 100 times higher at site A compared to site B and they were positively correlated to the water turbidity and negatively correlated to the temperature. Highest (oo)cyst concentrations were observed in winter. In contrast, no relationship between the concentrations of (oo)cysts in the reservoir and rain events could be established. Though a correlation has been observed between both parasites and faecal indicators in the reservoir, some discrepancies highlight that the latter do not represent a reliable tool to predict the presence/absence of these pathogenic protozoa. In summer 2007, the maximal risk of parasite infection per exposure event for swimmers in the reservoir was estimated to be 0.0015% for C. parvum and 0.56% for G. lamblia. Finally, no (oo)cysts could be detected in large volumes of finished drinking water.  相似文献   

We conducted an aquatic macroinvertebrate assessment in the channelized reach of the lower Missouri River, and used statistical analysis of individual metrics and multimetric scores to identify community response patterns and evaluate relative biological condition. We examined longitudinal site differences that are potentially associated with water qualityrelated factors originating from the Kansas City metropolitan area, using data from coarse rock substrate in flowing water habitats (outside river bends), and depositional mud substratein slack water habitats (dike fields). Three sites above rivermile (RM) 369 in Kansas City (Nebraska City, RM = 560; St. Joseph, RM = 530; Parkville, RM = 377) and three below (Lexington, RM = 319; Glasgow, RM = 228; Hermann, RM = 94) were sampled with rock basket artificial substrates, a qualitative kicknet method, and the Petite Ponar. We also compared the performance of the methods used. A total of 132 aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa were collected from the lower Missouri River; one third of these taxa belonged to the sensitiveEPOT insect orders (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Odonata, and Trichoptera). Rock baskets had the highest mean efficiency (34.1%) of the methods, and the largest number of taxa was collected by Ponar (n = 69) and kicknet (n = 69) methods. Seven of the 15 metrics calculated from rock basket data, and five ofthe nine metrics calculated from Ponar data showed highly significant differences (ANOVA, P < 0.001) at one or more sitesbelow Kansas City. We observed a substantial reduction in net-spinning Trichoptera in rock habitats below Kansas City (Lexington), an increase in relative dominance of Oligochaeta in depositional habitats at the next site downstream (Glasgow), and lower relative condition scores in rock habitat at Lexingtonand depositional habitat at Glasgow. Collectively, these data indicate that some urban-related impacts on the aquatic macroinvertebrate community are occurring. Our results suggest that the methods and assessment framework we used in this studycould be successfully applied on a larger scale with concurrentwater and sediment chemistry to validate metrics, establish impairment levels, and develop a specific macroinvertebrate community index for the lower Missouri River. We recommend accomplishing this with longitudinal multi-habitat sampling at a larger number of sites related to all potential sources of impairment, including major tributaries, urban areas, and point sources.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) legislation of South Africa and Zambia against the modified criteria developed by Wood (1995) to determine the extent to which they follow “good practices” and incorporate emerging environmental issues into EIA. We modified the criteria of Wood due to new environmental issues that have emerged since their formulation. Some of these issues are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). National Environmental Acts and EIA Regulations for the two countries were reviewed to evaluate the current legislation. We also used telephone interviews to gather additional information that was not in the documents. As a fundamental component of the EIA system, the legislation needs to be clear, concise and inclusive of all the major environmental issues that affect the performance of the EIA system. Literature reveals that the performance of the Zambian EIA system is generally low compared with that of some African countries such as South Africa and Ghana; especially in terms of the quality of EIA reports and substantive environmental protection. Therefore, we hypothesised that the Zambian legislation does not follow the good practice hence the low EIA system performance. Results, however, showed that the two countries are almost on a par in terms of meeting the criteria used in this study. Hence there is more to be done to improve the quality of both countries' EIA legislation. Nevertheless, compared with the previous evaluations by Wood (1999) and Harrison (2005), the results show that there is considerable improvement in the quality of the South African EIA legislation following a series of amendments.  相似文献   

Assessing the significance of environmental impacts is one of the most important and all together difficult processes of Environmental Impact Assessment. This is largely due to the multicriteria nature of the problem. To date, decision techniques used in the process suffer from two drawbacks, namely the problem of compensation and the problem of identification of the “exact boundary” between sub-ranges. This article discusses these issues and proposes a methodology for determining the significance of environmental impacts based on comparative and sensitivity analyses using the Electre TRI technique.An application of the methodology for the environmental assessment of a Power Plant project within the Valencian Region (Spain) is presented, and its performance evaluated. It is concluded that contrary to other techniques, Electre TRI automatically identifies those cases where allocation of significance categories is most difficult and, when combined with sensitivity analysis, offers greatest robustness in the face of variation in weights of the significance attributes. Likewise, this research demonstrates the efficacy of systematic comparison between Electre TRI and sum-based techniques, in the solution of assignment problems. The proposed methodology can therefore be regarded as a successful aid to the decision-maker, who will ultimately take the final decision.  相似文献   

Abundances of virus-like particles (VLPs, mostly bacteriophages) are high in aquatic environments; therefore, techniques for precise enumeration are essential in ecological monitoring. VLPs were determined after staining with SYBR Gold by conventional epifluorescence microscopy and compared to enumerations performed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). In order to assess the potential of CLSM for viral direct counts (VDCs), we processed samples from different freshwater and marine systems. Optical sectioning by CLSM and production of an overlay picture of multiple scans enables the often uneven whole investigated filter area to be brought to the plane of focus. This allows for subsequent image analysis of digitally created high-quality images. Another advantage using the CLSM was that the short spot excitation of the stain via laser beam minimized fading of the stain. The VDC results show that there is no significant difference between the two methods. Regarding the known difficulties of viral abundance estimates on particulate material, CLSM was further applied to enumerate VLPs on a small set of marine transparent exopolymeric particles sampled from the Atlantic Ocean. Our data suggest that CLSM is a useful tool to count viruses in water samples as well as attached to certain types of aquatic aggregates.  相似文献   

The current status of toxicological tests performed with Brazilian native species was evaluated through a survey of the scientific data available in the literature. The information gathered was processed and an electronic toxicology database (http://www.inct-ta.furg.br/bd_toxicologico.php) was generated. This database provides valuable information for researchers to select sensitive and tolerant aquatic species to a large variety of aquatic pollutants. Furthermore, the toxicology database allows researchers to select species representative of an ecosystem of interest. Analysis of the toxicology database showed that ecotoxicological assays have significantly improved in Brazil over the last decade, in spite of the still relatively low number of tests performed and the restricted number of native species tested. This is because most of the research is developed in a few laboratories concentrated in certain regions of Brazil, especially in Southern and Southeast regions. Considering the extremely rich biodiversity and the large variety of aquatic ecosystems in Brazil, this finding points to the urgent need for the development of ecotoxicological studies with other groups of aquatic animals, such as insects, foraminifera, cnidarians, worms, amphibians, among others. This would help to derive more realistic water quality criteria (WQC) values, which would better protect the different aquatic ecosystems in Brazil. Finally, the toxicology database generated presents solid and science based information, which can encourage and drive the Environmental Regulatory Agencies in Brazil to derive WQC based on native species. In this context, the present paper discusses the historical evolution of ecotoxicological studies in Brazil, and how they have contributed to the improvement of the Brazilian Federal and Regional regulations for environment.  相似文献   

The primary objective of the biological monitoring program of the ARRRI is to develop techniques and procedures to monitor and assess effects of the mining and processing of ores on aquatic ecosystems of the Region. Studies have been made in a seasonal tributary (Magela Creek) of the East Alligator River near the Ranger Uranium Mine, and in the upper South Alligator River (SAR) near the Coronation Hill gold, platinum and palladium prospect. Ranger and Coronation Hill are enclosed by Kakadu National Park, environmental safeguards for which require the minimization of impairment of water quality in the aquatic ecosystems. Present studies on Magela Creek are designed to verify the adequacy of release standards, based on biological tests, in protecting the aquatic environment during and after releases of waste-water from Ranger during the Wet season. Detection of short-term effects will be sought by either creekside orin situ monitoring methods. The detection and assessment of any longer-term impacts, however, will rely chiefly on comparisons of post-release data with those of historical baselines. Such baseline information is provided by studies on the structure of macroinvertebrate and fish communities and/or on concentrations of elements in organisms in those communities, in Magela Creek and SAR catchments.  相似文献   

The sorptive behaviour of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is critical to controlling their transport, fates and effects in the environment. Experiments are described which detail the behaviour of a model compound (benzo(a)pyrene) under simulated aquatic conditions. The kinetics of sorption were comparable to those of other PAH compounds. The sorption equilibrium was extensively studied and found to be affected by several key parameters, notably sediment concentration. The sorption coefficient decreased substantially with the sediment concentration, from 9580 ml g(-1) at a sediment concentration of 0.067 g l(-1) to 1,110 ml g(-1) at a sediment concentration of 9.8 g l(-1). The results are consistent with previous reports and often explained by the presence of colloids. In this paper the dry weight concentration of colloids was determined and used for deriving the true sorption coefficient, which is up to an order of magnitude higher than the observed partition coefficient. The sorption of benzo(a)pyrene was also dependent on some of the particle properties, and the sorption coefficient was found to increase with the organic carbon content and specific surface area of sediment particles. The desorption of benzo(a)pyrene from sediment was shown to be relatively rapid, with implications for the potential remobilisation of benzo(a)pyrene and similar compounds.  相似文献   

As the nations of the world negotiate future controls on greenhouse gas emissions, a critical environmental policy issue becomes understanding the multiple environmental consequences of these controls. Here we describe an integrated assessment model for quantifying multiple environmental impacts of large-scale environmental initiatives and apply this model to climate change mitigation. Our analysis shows that reductions in global warming will be accompanied by reductions in ozone depletion, acid rain and mercury emissions, and desulfurization waste generation. We also conclude that the largest collateral benefits from reducing global climate change may be in the developing world. This result is critical since it is the developing nations who ultimately control the long-term success of any climate stabilization strategy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Marginalised Roma communities in European countries live in substandard housing conditions the improvement of which has been one of the major issues of the Decade of Roma Inclusion, the ongoing intergovernmental European Roma programme. The paper presents EU-funded health impact assessments of national Roma housing policies and programmes in 3 Central and Eastern European countries in light of the evaluation of a completed local project in a fourth CEE country so as to compare predicted effects to observed ones. Housing was predicted to have beneficial health effects by improving indoor and outdoor conditions, access to services, and socioeconomic conditions. Negative impacts were predicted only in terms of maintenance expenses and housing tenure. However, observed impacts of the completed local project did not fully support predictions especially in terms of social networks, satisfaction with housing and neighbourhood, and inhabitant safety. In order to improve the predictive value of HIA, more evidence should be produced by the careful evaluation of locally implemented housing projects. In addition, current evidence is in favour of planning Roma housing projects at the local rather than at the national level in alignment with the principle of subsidiarity.  相似文献   

A procedure to select the most relevant metrics for assessing the ecological condition of the Douro basin (north Portugal) was developed based upon a set of 184 benthic community metrics. They were grouped into 16 biological categories selected from literature using data collected over 2 years from 54 sites along 31 rivers covering the whole perceived range of human disturbance. Multivariate analyses were carried out to identify the main trends in the macroinvertebrate data, to select reference versus impaired sites, to avoid multicolinearity between metrics, and to identify those that were clearly independent from natural stream typology. Structural metrics, adaptation metrics, and tolerance measures most effectively responded across a range of human influence. We find these attributes to be ecologically sound for monitoring Portugal’s lotic ecosystems and providing information relevant to the Water Framework Directive, which asserts that the definition of water quality depends on its “ecological status”, independent of the actual or potential uses of those waters.  相似文献   

Sustainability assessment is needed to build sustainable farming systems. A broad range of sustainability concepts, methodologies and applications already exists. They differ in level, focus, orientation, measurement, scale, presentation and intended end-users. In this paper we illustrate that a smart combination of existing methods with different levels of application can make sustainability assessment more profound, and that it can broaden the insights of different end-user groups. An overview of sustainability assessment tools on different levels and for different end-users shows the complementarities and the opportunities of using different methods. In a case-study, a combination of the sustainable value approach (SVA) and MOTIFS is used to perform a sustainability evaluation of farming systems in Flanders. SVA is used to evaluate sustainability at sector level, and is especially useful to support policy makers, while MOTIFS is used to support and guide farmers towards sustainability at farm level. The combined use of the two methods with complementary goals can widen the insights of both farmers and policy makers, without losing the particularities of the different approaches. To stimulate and support further research and applications, we propose guidelines for multilevel and multi-user sustainability assessments.  相似文献   

An increasing focus on integrative approaches is one of the current trends in impact assessment. There is potential to combine impact assessment with various other forms of assessment, such as risk assessment, to make impact assessment and the management of social risks more effective. We identify the common features of social impact assessment (SIA) and social risk assessment (SRA), and discuss the merits of a combined approach. A hybrid model combining SIA and SRA to form a new approach called, ‘risk and social impact assessment’ (RSIA) is introduced. RSIA expands the capacity of SIA to evaluate and manage the social impacts of risky projects such as nuclear energy as well as natural hazards and disasters such as droughts and floods. We outline the three stages of RSIA, namely: impact identification, impact assessment, and impact management.  相似文献   

Based upon several years of experience in investigations with macrozoobenthos in rivers in the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, a biological assessment system has been developed to indicate pollution levels caused by easily degradable organic substances from sewers. The biotic index presented here is aimed at determining water’s saprobic levels and was, therefore, named the “Saprobic Index for Brazilian Rivers in Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro states” (ISMR). For this purpose, saprobic valences and weights have been established for 122 taxa of tropical macrozoobenthos. Investigations were carried out in little, medium sized and big rivers in mountains and plains. Through ISMR, a classification of water quality and the respective cartographic representation can be obtained. Data collection and treatment methods, as well as the limitations of the biotic index, are thoroughly described. ISMR can also be used as an element to establish complex multimetric indexes intended for an ecological integrity assessment, where it is essential to indicate organic pollution.  相似文献   

Pipeline crossing construction alters river and stream channels, hence may have detrimental effects on aquatic ecosystems. This review examines the effects of crossing construction on fish and fish habitat in rivers and streams, and recommends an approach to monitoring and assessment of impacts associated with these activities. Pipeline crossing construction is shown to not only compromise the integrity of the physical and chemical nature of fish habitat, but also to affect biological habitat (e.g., benthic invertebrates and invertebrate drift), and fish behavior and physiology. Indicators of effect include: water quality (total suspended solids TSS), physical habitat (substrate particle size, channel morphology), benthic invertebrate community structure and drift (abundance, species composition, diversity, standing crop), and fish behavior and physiology (hierarchy, feeding, respiration rate, loss of equilibrium, blood hematocrit and leukocrit levels, heart rate and stroke volume). The Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) approach, which is often applied in Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM), is recommended as a basis for impact assessment, as is consideration of site-specific sensitivities, assessment of significance, and cumulative effects.  相似文献   

A system, based on annular gold-coated denuders, was optimized and used in the atmospheric sampling of mercury in urban and rural sites of the Alta Floresta, a region in the Brazilian Amazon. Results showed that vapour phase mercury (Hgv) is dominant in samples collected in both sites. However, particulate mercury (Hg) may sometimes be significant at the urban site, with values representing up to 77% of the total Hg collected during sampling, but may also be insignificant at the same site, depending on the gold commercialization activity and, probably, on the meteorological conditions during the sampling period. The presence of mercury in both the vapour and particulate phases in the atmosphere of the urban site can explain the high mercury concentrations found in urban dust reported for some cities in the Amazon, and also the relatively high Hg concentrations found in soils adjacent to the urban centre of Alta Floresta. It appears that the urban dust of "garimpo" areas in the Amazon can act as an efficient adsorber of Hgv emitted by gold dealer operations during the purification process. Mercury emissions from gold dealer shops in the Amazon have been considered as a human health risk through the inhalation of Hg vapour. However, although true for indoor sites, the significant contribution of particulate phase Hg shown in this study in outdoor urban sites calls for a re-evaluation of the risk assessment estimates performed up to now in urban centres in the Amazon.  相似文献   

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