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Several predictive models were used to assess aquatic exposure, persistence (P) and potential for long-range transport (LRT) of 5-ethylidene-2-norbornene (ENB). Such estimations are components of the assessment process for persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) substances, which are also referred to as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). An ecological exposure assessment for ENB from manufacturing activities was conducted based on physical/chemical properties, monitoring data, and degradation, transport and distribution estimates. Based on the results of several model predictions, chronic exposure of aquatic organisms is not expected, due to the anticipated residence time of ENB in aquatic ecosystems. These modeled results consistently predict ENB does not present the potential to persist in the environment. Volatilization from water to the air is calculated to occur at a relatively rapid rate for ENB based on its Henry's Law constant. Once in the air, ENB is expected to degrade rapidly due to oxidation by hydroxyl radicals and ozone based on calculated atmospheric half-lives of 57 and 27 min, respectively. Additionally, ENB is not predicted to undergo long-range transport based on the short atmospheric half-life due to oxidation by hydroxyl radicals and ozone. Additionally, based on predicted exposure from site-specific emission using the EPA model EFAST, ENB is not expected to reach concentrations of concern for chronic aquatic toxicity endpoints.  相似文献   

Since emission regulations in Korea concentrate mainly on the limitation of pollutant concentration in the stack gas, it is difficult to achieve a desirable air quality in a heavily industralized city like Ulsan. To ensure a suitable air quality in the future, a total emission control method is proposed with a stack height formula of H = 10.6 q0.5, where H is the stack height (m) and q is the SO2 emission rate (m3 h−1 reduced to 0°C). The total emission permitted can be allocated to industries
  • 1.(1) at an uniform reduction rate,
  • 2.(2) by the formula Q = aQo0.925, where Q is the emission allowed (g s−1), a is a constant, and Qo is the emission before control (g s−1), or
  • 3.(3) by using a linear programming technique.
The above three approaches were evaluated using the TCM 2 air quality model. In order to achieve the air quality goal set for the area, the first approach requires 38.7 % reduction of SO2 emission from industries, the second 53.3 %, and the third 4.3 %. The linear programming method is found to be very economical, but there are some administrative difficulties in enforcement.  相似文献   

欧盟工业废水污染物排放限值的制定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目前欧盟废水污染物排放限值的制定,主要依据欧盟委员会公布的污染综合防治指令和水政策行动框架指令的原则来进行。限值的制定方法主要有两种:一是以技术先进、经济合理为基础的最佳可行技术法;二是通过水环境质量标准、水体稀释能力以及污水处理系统削减能力来计算的反演法。中国可借鉴欧盟的先进方法进行环境标准体系的建设和完善。  相似文献   

Kim KH  Hong YJ  Pal R  Jeon EC  Koo YS  Sunwoo Y 《Chemosphere》2008,70(5):807-820
The emission concentrations of carbonyl compounds in air were quantified from a total of 195 man-made source units within 77 individual companies at a large industrial complex in Korea. The measurement data were evaluated both by absolute magnitude of concentration and by their relative contribution to malodor formation such as malodor degree (MD) derived from empirical formula. It was found that formaldehyde exhibited the highest mean concentration of 323ppb with a median value of 28.2ppb, while butyraldehyde recorded the highest contribution to odor formation with an MD value of 3.5 (186 (mean) and 9.8ppb (median)). The relative intensity of carbonyl emission, when compared by the sum of MD, showed the highest source strength from the food and beverage (industry sector) and scrubber (source unit). A comprehensive evaluation of the carbonyl data from diverse industrial facilities thus allowed us to describe the fundamental patterns of their emission.  相似文献   

A methodology has been developed to calculate industrial air pollutant emissions with an absolute minimum of effort. The procedure is dependent upon available industrial fuel data for Standard Industrial Classifications for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas as published by the Census of Manufacturers. Emission factors were developed which include both combustion and process losses and six SIC classifications which consume, on the average, about 80 per cent of the industrial fuels in urban areas. In spite of the diversity of industrial processes which dictate the weight of emissions discharged from industrial operation, factors have been developed which are considered representative for urban areas across the nation. The development of such factors permits the calculation of industrial emissions with a minimum of man-hours. The developed procedure allows the calculation of industrial emissions on an urban basis, a state basis, or a nation basis.  相似文献   

In this study, field measurements were conducted to estimate and characterize the atmospheric emission levels and profiles of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from multiple industrial thermal processes. The emission levels and profiles of PCBs from five types of thermal processes at twenty-three plants were studied and compared with eight processes reported in our previous studies. Correlation analysis was preformed to identify a marker congener for emission of ΣPCB. A significant correlation was observed between congener CB-118 and ΣPCB (R2 = 0.65 and p < 0.01), which suggests that CB-118 is a good marker congener for emission of ΣPCB. The profiles of PCBs emitted from the thirteen thermal processes were compared, and this information could be used for studying source–receptor relationships and identifying the specific sources of PCBs. To prioritize the sources for control, the concentrations of PCBs from thirteen industrial thermal sources were compared. The PCB concentrations from secondary zinc smelting and thermal wire reclamation were about one to three order magnitude higher than those of other sources, which suggests that these two sources be given priority in PCB source control. Finally, the atmospheric emission factors of PCBs from the thirteen industrial sources were summarized, and these data will be useful for developing an integrated emission inventory of PCBs.  相似文献   

燃煤工业锅炉PM2.5排放规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国工业锅炉中最主要应用炉型为链条炉,是大气污染物排放的重要污染源之一。本研究利用基于荷电低压捕集器(ELPI)的颗粒物排放稀释系统,选取5台典型链条燃煤工业锅炉,对其除尘器的进口、出口和脱硫后3处进行细微颗粒物(PM2.5)的现场测试。粒径分布结果表明,粒数浓度较多在0.04~0.3μm范围内,质量浓度分布在0.08~0.25μm范围内呈单峰上升形态。除尘装置对PM2.5的捕集效率在50%左右,除尘效果较差;脱硫后有些级的颗粒物浓度不降反升。目前环境日趋恶劣,燃煤工业锅炉作为PM2.5的重要排放源,将是今后重点控制对象。  相似文献   

工业园区贡献了全国过半的工业产值和近31%的碳排放量,是我国应对气候变化实现双碳目标的重要战场,然而当前尚未形成针对工业园区碳排放核算的规范体系。本研究在温室气体清单编制现有方法基础上,构建针对工业园区的碳排放核算体系,并利用此核算体系对重庆市某工业园区2016—2020年碳排放量进行了核算实证研究,且通过LMDI分解模型分析该园区碳排放变动的影响因素。结果表明,该园区在“十三五”期间碳排放呈逐年增长趋势,化石燃料燃烧是园区内最主要的碳排放源,占比达83.5%,化工行业碳排放在该园区所有行业中占比最大 (68.9%) ,园区碳排放的主要驱动因素是能源强度,效应贡献率为64.7%。据此,本研究提出了针对该园区的降碳路径,并通过实证分析后探讨了工业园区碳排放核算方法体系的规范化问题,以期为我国工业园区的碳减排工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Map Ta Phut industrial area (MA) is the largest industrial complex in Thailand. There has been concern about many air pollutants over this area. Air quality management for the area is known to be difficult, due to lack of understanding of how emissions from different sources or sectors (e.g., industrial, power plant, transportation, and residential) contribute to air quality degradation in the area. In this study, a dispersion study of NO2 and SO2 was conducted using the AERMOD model. The area-specific emission inventories of NOx and SO2 were prepared, including both stack and nonstack sources, and divided into 11 emission groups. Annual simulations were performed for the year 2006. Modeled concentrations were evaluated with observations. Underestimation of both pollutants was Jbund, and stack emission estimates were scaled to improve the modeled results before quantifying relative roles of individual emission groups to ambient concentration overfour selected impacted areas (two are residential and the others are highly industrialized). Two concentration measures (i.e., annual average area-wide concentration or AC, and area-wide robust highest concentration or AR) were used to aggregately represent mean and high-end concentrations Jbfor each individual area, respectively. For AC-NO2, on-road mobile emissions were found to be the largest contributor in the two residential areas (36-38% of total AC-NO2), while petrochemical-industry emissions play the most important role in the two industrialized areas (34-51%). For AR-NO2, biomass burning has the most influence in all impacted areas (>90%) exceptJor one residential area where on-road mobile is the largest (75%). For AC-SO2, the petrochemical industry contributes most in all impacted areas (38-56%). For AR-SO2, the results vary. Since the petrochemical industry was often identified as the major contributor despite not being the largest emitter, air quality workers should pay special attention to this emission group when managing air quality for the MA.  相似文献   

Map Ta Phut industrial area (MA) is the largest industrial complex in Thailand. There has been concern about many air pollutants over this area. Air quality management for the area is known to be difficult, due to lack of understanding of how emissions from different sources or sectors (e.g., industrial, power plant, transportation, and residential) contribute to air quality degradation in the area. In this study, a dispersion study of NO2 and SO2 was conducted using the AERMOD model. The area-specific emission inventories of NOx and SO2 were prepared, including both stack and nonstack sources, and divided into 11 emission groups. Annual simulations were performed for the year 2006. Modeled concentrations were evaluated with observations. Underestimation of both pollutants was found, and stack emission estimates were scaled to improve the modeled results before quantifying relative roles of individual emission groups to ambient concentration over four selected impacted areas (two are residential and the others are highly industrialized). Two concentration measures (i.e., annual average area-wide concentration or AC, and area-wide robust highest concentration or AR) were used to aggregately represent mean and high-end concentrations for each individual area, respectively. For AC-NO2, on-road mobile emissions were found to be the largest contributor in the two residential areas (36–38% of total AC-NO2), while petrochemical-industry emissions play the most important role in the two industrialized areas (34–51%). For AR-NO2, biomass burning has the most influence in all impacted areas (>90%) except for one residential area where on-road mobile is the largest (75%). For AC-SO2, the petrochemical industry contributes most in all impacted areas (38–56%). For AR-SO2, the results vary. Since the petrochemical industry was often identified as the major contributor despite not being the largest emitter, air quality workers should pay special attention to this emission group when managing air quality for the MA.

Implications: Effective air quality management in Map Ta Phut Industrial Area, Thailand requires better understanding of how emissions from various sources contribute to the degradation of ambient air quality. Based on the dispersion study here, petrochemical industry was generally identified as the major contributor to ambient NO2 and SO2. By accounting for all stack and non-stack sources, on-road mobile emissions were found to be important in some particular areas.  相似文献   

工业园区既是重要的社会经济发展单元,也是主要的大气污染排放单元。综合利用环境监测数据和数值模拟方法,开展工业园区污染排放的动态精准管控,有助于提升工业园区大气环境管控效果,统筹园区经济发展与环境优化。以某工业园区为例,探索了基于环境监测数据,利用高斯大气扩散模型和源参数反演技术,实现小时级别的园区大气污染物排放总量反演核算的技术可行性。结果表明:1) 监测站点布设方案显著影响反演核算精度,网格化布点方案有效提高了反演核算精度;2) 监测数据的随机误差显著影响反演核算精度,在简化布点方案下,园区监测站点对VOCs质量浓度监测误差应控制在0.1 mg∙m−3以下;3) 园区总排放强度对反演核算精度存在一定影响,总排放量大的园区反演核算精度较高;4) 反演核算精度与实时气象条件有关,当气象条件不适宜模型模拟污染物扩散或不适宜监测站点对污染物分布进行有效采样时,可能造成反演精度的下降。以上结果表明,在工业园区开展基于环境监测数据的大气污染物排放总量核算研究具有可行性,但需要在监测站点布设方案比选、监测站点数据质量控制等方面进行精细化管理,以达到最优反演核算效果。  相似文献   

通过现场勘测以及走访调研的形式,获得桂林地区2011至2013年工业生产情况统计,参照国内外相关文献资料确定排放因子,并通过数据处理得到桂林地区工业排放源清单。结果表明,近三年桂林地区工业污染源年均向大气排放细颗粒物(PM2.5)10 751.01 t,其中以兴安县贡献量最大,达到5 024.92 t;永福县次之,为2 924.31 t。在企业类型中,以火力发电企业、水泥及砖瓦厂对桂林地区大气排放细颗粒物的贡献量较大,分别为2 540.81、6 544.51和555.13 t。同时,桂林地区以煤炭作为主要燃料,其对大气排放细颗粒物的年均贡献量达到2 672.17 t。  相似文献   

ORS-ICP-MS测定工业污泥中的重金属元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张萍  谢华林 《环境工程学报》2014,8(7):3089-3092
建立了八极杆碰撞/反应池电感耦合等离子体质谱(ORS-ICP-MS)法测定工业污泥中Cr、Ni、As、Cd、Sb、Sn、Hg和Pb等8种重金属元素的分析方法。应用ORS技术消除了多原子离子对待测元素产生的质谱干扰,通过研究He碰撞气流速的变化对Cr、Ni、As和Sb预估检测限(EDL)的影响情况确定了最佳碰撞气流速,采用Rh为内标元素校正了质谱分析中基体效应并补偿了信号漂移。方法对工业污泥样品的检出限为13.5~34.3 ng/L,加标回收率在93.0%~107.6%之间,相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.5%~2.8%。  相似文献   

为在小风条件下对工业园区周边监测点的无组织VOCs来源进行溯源解析,建立了以烟团积分扩散模型为基础的工业园区无组织VOCs排放溯源模型。通过小风条件下烟团积分扩散模型,计算有组织VOCs排放源对园区下风向监测点的VOCs质量浓度贡献;并结合上风向监测点背景值(VOCs)及下风向监测点质量浓度值(TVOCs),计算无组织排放源对下风向监测点的质量浓度贡献。根据无组织VOCs排放面源的位置坐标,利用小风条件下烟团积分扩散模型,建立无组织排放源与下风向监测点之间的响应模型;再利用最小二乘法反演出各无组织面源的VOCs排放强度,最后得到VOCs从各无组织排放源到下风向监测点的质量浓度和各监测点的浓度贡献比。在此基础上,推断出各监测点的无组织VOCs来源。溯源结果说明:在监测点S1,无组织排放源D1的污染物贡献率为25.71%,D2的污染物贡献率为5.24%,D3的污染物贡献率为3.81%;在监测点S4,无组织排放源D1的污染物贡献率为14.59%,D2的污染物贡献率为36.31%,D3的污染物贡献率为4.83%;在监测点S12,无组织排放源D1的污染物贡献率为20.17%, D2的污染物贡献率为0.33%,D3的污染物贡献率为0.39%。统计结果表明,工业园区无组织VOCs的理论计算值与实际值的误差平方和 R为0.001 5。本研究结果可为小风条件下工业园区无组织VOCs排放溯源解析提供参考。  相似文献   

The presented results were obtained in a further microbiological investigation carried out in the Niepołomice Forest against the background of a general ecological study. Bacteria occurring in the aquatic environment were resistant to the toxic action of industrial dusts which, among other components, contained heavy metals. The in vivo adsorption of metals by bacteria was also found.  相似文献   

The use of street sweepers to clean paved roads, particularly after high-wind events, has been proposed as a PM10 control method. Using an artificial tunnel, the emission rates for several street sweepers were quantified under actual operating conditions. The tunnel was a tent enclosure, 6.1 x 4.3 x 73 m, open on both ends. PM10 concentrations were measured at the inlet and outlet while a sweeper removed sand deposited along the length. Measurements were made using a specialized low-volume filter sampler and an integrating nephelometer. The volume of air passing through the tunnel was measured by releasing an inert tracer, sulfur hexafluoride, at the inlet and measuring its concentration at the outlet. A large difference in emission rates between vacuum-type sweepers was observed, with rates varying from 5 to 100 mg m-1 swept. For the cleanest sweepers, the background rates (collected by sweeping clean pavement) were about half of the total PM10 emission rate. These background emission rates likely were from diesel exhaust; background rates for the single gasoline-powered sweeper were below detection. Particle light scattering data confirmed the filter collection results. The artificial tunnel approach would be useful in measuring total emissions from other mobile and stationary sources.  相似文献   

Ojala S  Lassi U  Keiski RL 《Chemosphere》2006,62(1):113-120
Availability of reliable emission measurements of concentrated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) bear great significance in facilitating the selection of a feasible emission abatement technique. There are numerous methods, which can be used to measure VOC emissions, however, there is no single method that would allow sampling of the whole range of volatile organics. In addition, research efforts are usually directed to the development of measuring VOCs in diluted concentrations. Therefore, there is a need for a novel measurement method, which can give reliable results while entailing simple operations and low costs. This paper represents a development effort of finding a reliable measurement procedure. A methodology is proposed and used to measure solvent emissions from coating processes.  相似文献   

对使用溶剂型油墨的凹版印刷设备和使用水性油墨的柔版印刷设备无组织排放的挥发性有机物(VOCs)浓度进行了实际监测,并采用计算流体动力学模拟无组织排放VOCs的收集效率。结果表明:(1)使用溶剂型油墨的凹版连续印刷过程非甲烷总烃(NMHC)最高均值达到5 975.67 mg/m3,约为使用水性油墨的柔版印刷(191.67 mg/m3)的31.2倍。虽然使用水性油墨可明显降低NMHC的排放,但其操作空间的浓度依然存在超过《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值第1部分:化学有害因素》(GBZ 2.1—2019)的现象。(2)印刷车间应该设置专门的调墨室,能缓解印刷车间内挥发性污染气体浓度的波动。(3)计算流体动力学模拟显示,设置合理的集气罩可有效降低VOCs的无组织排放,收集效率为70%~75%。  相似文献   

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