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We evaluated the toxic-units model developed by Wildhaber and Schmitt (1996) as a predictor of indices of mean tolerance to pollution (i.e., Lenat, 1993; Hilsenhoff, 1987) and other benthic community indices from Great Lakes sediments containing complex mixtures of environmental contaminants (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls – PCBs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – PAHs, pesticides, chlorinated dioxins, and metals). Sediment toxic units were defined as the ratio of the estimated pore-water concentration of a contaminant to its chronic toxicity as estimated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ambient Water Quality Criteria (AWQC) or other applicable standard. The total hazard of a sediment to aquatic life was assessed by summing toxic units for all contaminants quantified. Among the benthic community metrics evaluated, total toxic units were most closely correlated with Lenat's (1993) and Hilsenhoff's (1987) indices of community tolerance (T L and T H , respectively); toxic units accounted for 42% T L and 53% T H of variability in community tolerance as measured by Ponar grabs. In contrast, taxonomic richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity were not correlated (P > 0.05) with toxic units. Substitution of order- or family-level identifications for lowest possible (mostly genus- or species-) level identifications in the calculation of T L and T H indices weakened the relationships with toxic units. Tolerance values based on order- and family-level identifications of benthos for artificial substrate samples were more strongly correlated with toxic units than tolerance values for benthos from Ponar grabs. The ability of the toxic-units model to predict the other two components (i.e., laboratory-measured sediment toxicity and benthic community composition) of the Sediment Quality Triad (SQT) may obviate the need for the SQT in some situations.  相似文献   

In this study, temporal trends and patterns of major C(4) to C(15) chain length PFCAs and PFSAs and some sulfonamide, fluorotelomer acid and alcohol precursors were determined in herring gull (Larus argentatus) egg pools. Samples were analyzed from fifteen collection years including 1990 and all years from 1997 to 2010, and from seven colonies located throughout the Great Lakes, ranging from remote to highly urbanized areas. Other than at the Toronto Harbour colony, the slopes of ∑PFSA concentrations (C(6), C(8), and C(10)) versus time were negative indicating general declines between 1990 and 2010. PFOS was the dominant PFSA regardless of colony or year, ranging from 80 to 99% of ∑PFSA. For ∑PFCA (C(8)-C(15)), slopes of concentrations versus time were generally positive with 4 of 7 colonies showing statistically significant (p < 0.05) increases in levels through time. Individual PFCAs showed similar increasing trends except for PFOA. Regardless of colony, the PFCA pattern was dominated by the C(10) to C(13) PFCAs. Consistent with the PFOS declines, concentrations of the PFOS precursor, PFOSA, declined at most colonies between 1990 and 2006 and post-2006 concentrations were below detection limits. Declining concentrations of the C(8) PFCs, PFOS, PFOA and PFOSA, were consistent with the phase out in 2002 by the 3M Company in North America of all of C(8) PFC-related chemistry products. Increasing production volumes of fluorotelomer based compounds, and degradation of these compounds to PFCAs may explain increasing trends of PFCAs in gull eggs. Dietary changes as measured by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes, showed minimal relationships to PFC levels in gull eggs, which indicates the complexity of aquatic and terrestrial food of gulls and sources of PFCs.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Ni were measured in surface and core sediments to determine their distribution characteristics and toxicity in the sediments of Lake Chaohu. The results revealed that metal concentrations in the surface sediments had a tendency to increase from the estuarine mouth to the lake center. The distribution characteristics of the five target metals were similar along the sediment profiles at each site. Principal component analysis revealed that all of the measured variables were loaded in the same component, indicating that there was a strong relationship among these measured variables, which was confirmed by the correlation analysis. Two sets of sediment quality guidelines (SQGs): simultaneously extracted metal (SEM) and acid volatile sulfides (AVS) models (including ∑SEM/AVS, ∑SEM-AVS, and ∑SEM-AVS/ f (oc)) and threshold effect level and probable effect level values were used to predict the sediment toxicity. Comparison of the results obtained using these two sets of SQGs revealed that only a small portion of the entire set was identical, while the majority of the results were different and sometimes completely contradictory. These contradictory results would cause a great deal of trouble for environment managers. More accurate and universal SQGs must be developed for environmental researchers and local environmental managers and regulators.  相似文献   

Using Multiple Taxonomic Groups to Index the Ecological Condition of Lakes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Biological indicators of communitiestypically reflect a common environmental signalreflecting the general condition of the ecosystem, as well asindividual signals by indicators differentiallysensitive to particular environmental conditions. Wedescribe here a method of integrating and interpretingsuch indicators from 19 New England lakes for fivetaxonomic groups (diatoms, benthos, zooplankton, fish,and birds). Our approach provides a systematicstandardized way to integrate multiple metrics fromdifferent taxonomic groups by addressing four elementscrucial to analyzing data from multiple indicators: covariate control, re-scaling of data, standardizing the sign of responses, and dimensional reduction. We evaluated the biologicalmetrics against individual environmental stressors andagainst multivariate physicochemical metricscharacterizing general anthropogenic stress among thelakes. The method detected a response to variationin the gross environmental condition of the lakes thatwas correlated across taxa and metrics. In addition,a differential response to near shore conditions wasdemonstrated for fish. The success of the approach inthis study lends support to its general application toecological monitoring involving complex data sets.  相似文献   

Many administrative jurisdictions have authority over parts of the Great Lakes, sometimes with competing purposes as well as governance at differing scales of time and space. As demand increases for high quality information that is relevant to environmental managers, environmental and natural resource agencies with limited budgets must look to interdisciplinary, collaborative approaches for the collection, analysis and reporting of data. The State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conferences (SOLEC) were begun in 1994 in response to reporting requirements of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the U.S. The biennial conferences provide independent, science-based reporting on the state of health of the Great Lakes ecosystem components. A suite of indicators necessary and sufficient to assess Great Lakes ecosystem status was introduced in 1998, and assessments based on a subset of the indicators were presented in 2000. Because SOLEC is a multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional reporting venue, the SOLEC indicators require acceptance by a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the Great Lakes basin. The SOLEC indicators list is expected to provide the basis for government agencies and other organizations to collaborate more effectively and to allocate resources to data collection, evaluation and reporting on the state of the Great Lakes basin ecosystem.  相似文献   

城市水质指数法能够量化、直观地反映不同流域、地区或城市的地表水环境质量,运用城市水质指数法测算了江苏省不同流域或地区的城市水质指数。结果表明,相应时段内苏南城市地表水水质略优于苏北城市;长江流域地表水水质优于淮河流域;城市水质指数变化程度(△CWQI)的统计结果基本为负值,表明江苏省地表水环境质量整体呈改善趋势;长江流域a市△CWQI为正值,表明该市2020年上半年水质较去年同期有所下降;淮河流域总磷水质指数波动范围最大,该流域总磷污染问题较突出,与水质监测结果总体相符。大量数据测算发现,城市水质指数法在应用到地表水环境质量排名时存在数据修约、方法检出限、断面统计基数及现状与变化程度排名倒挂等问题,针对不同问题提出相应的解决方法与对策建议,以期为相关主管部门提供参考与决策依据。  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between human disturbance and ecological response is essential to the process of indicator development. For large-scale observational studies, sites should be selected across gradients of anthropogenic stress, but such gradients are often unknown for a population of sites prior to site selection. Stress data available from public sources can be used in a geographic information system (GIS) to partially characterize environmental conditions for large geographic areas without visiting the sites. We divided the U.S. Great Lakes coastal region into 762 units consisting of a shoreline reach and drainage-shed and then summarized over 200 environmental variables in seven categories for the units using a GIS. Redundancy within the categories of environmental variables was reduced using principal components analysis. Environmental strata were generated from cluster analysis using principal component scores as input. To protect against site selection bias, sites were selected in random order from clusters. The site selection process allowed us to exclude sites that were inaccessible and was shown to successfully distribute sites across the range of environmental variation in our GIS data. This design has broad applicability when the goal is to develop ecological indicators using observational data from large-scale surveys.  相似文献   

采用水生态环境质量综合指数对徐州市11个国控河流断面水环境质量进行评价。结果表明,各断面处于轻度污染到优秀级别,徐州市河流水生态质量整体良好。Spearman相关性分析显示各分指数中,水化学指标赋值与大型底栖动物赋值显著相关,着生藻类赋值与生境指标赋值负相关。指出,水生态环境综合评价指数弥补了单纯化学指标或单纯生物指标评价水质不够全面的问题,首次加入生境指标,体现了环境管理从指标控制到生态保护思路的转变。提出,对于水生态环境综合评价指数分指数化学因子、生物因子的评价指数如何选取,还需进一步完善。  相似文献   

Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) numbers in North America have increased since the ban of DDT and other organochlorine compounds in the 1970s. The decrease in the environmental concentrations of p,p-DDE has lead to the lessening of egg-shell thinning and has been a major reason for the current resurgence of bald eagle populations in temperate North America, however, this recovery has not been uniform. Eagles nesting along the shorelines and islands of the Great Lakes have continued to experience impaired productivity. In order to examine some of the reasons for the current recovery of bald eagles in the Great Lakes Basin and the potential use of eagles as a bioindicator species of Great Lakes water quality, we analyzed trends in reproductive activity, concentrations of PCBs and p,p-DDE in unhatched eggs, and rates of developmental deformities. Numbers of occupied nests, fledged young, and yearly productivity rates have increased across the basin. No trends have been observed in changes in the concentrations of p,p-DDE nor Total PCBs in unhatched eggs. An increasing rate in the incidence of developmental deformities in nestlings has been observed in Michigan. The recovery of the bald eagle population along the Great Lakes is most likely due to immigration of relatively uncontaminated adults from Interior regions.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes may be viewed as a coastal environment, affected by the same meteorological and physical forces as the coastal ocean. The U.S. EPA, Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) has monitored the open waters of the lakes, annually, since 1983. As part of the U.S. EPA Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP), a pilot study was performed in Lake Michigan to compare the existing GLNPO deterministic sampling grid with the EMAP probabilistic grid. Results of chemical analyses of trophic status indicators (total phosphorus and chlorophyll a) as well as nutrients and conventional limnological measurements, from spring and summer surveys in 1992 indicate little difference between the grids in the offshore region of the lake. The few statistically significant differences may be due to station distribution throughout the lake, or simple chance. This might be expected due to the well mixed nature of the open waters of Lake Michigan. The detection of a long-term trend for total phosphorus in Lake Michigan benefits from an annual program: viewing cumulative frequency distributions based on a four year EMAP interval does not convey information on the decrease in phosphorus in the lake. If the EMAP sampling grid were to be used in the Great Lakes, pilots in each of the lakes would be necessary for utilization of the existing long-term record as a basis for trend detection.  相似文献   

This paper describes a process for the selection of a suite of ecosystem health indicators for the Great Lakes, as called for in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The paper also presents some preliminary data on status and trends in ecosystem components based on those indicators. The indicator selection process was carried out by over 150 scientists and managers from both Canada and the USA, and involved the presentation of the proposed indicators at the State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conferences (SOLECs). An open period for comment followed the conferences where input from scientists involved in Great Lakes programs was received. The suite of indicators will, over time, present information in an understandable format that will allow for more informed management decisions.  相似文献   

环境空气质量指数在应用中存在的问题及建议   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
随着空气质量新标准的实施,环境空气质量指数已应用于我国部分城市环境空气质量的评价,并在环境空气质量信息发布中发挥了重要作用,但其在应用过程中也显现出一些问题。通过对颗粒物实时报反映不及时、臭氧评价结果有矛盾、臭氧8 h浓度计算时段不明确、部分环境空气质量指数类别划分不合理、城市空气质量缺少总体评价等问题的分析,提出了相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

All six ecosystem initiatives evolved from many years of federal, provincial, First Nation, local government and community attention to the stresses on sensitive habitats and species, air and water quality, and the consequent threats to community livability. This paper assesses water quality aspect for the ecosystem initiatives and employs newly developed Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index (CCME WQI) which provides a convenient mean of summarizing complex water quality data that can be easily understood by the public, water distributors, planners, managers and policy makers. The CCME WQI incorporates three elements: Scope – the number of water quality parameters (variables) not meeting water quality objectives (F 1); Frequency – the number of times the objectives are not met (F 2); and Amplitude. the extent to which the objectives are not met (F 3). The index produces a number between 0 (worst) to 100 (best) to reflect the water quality. This study evaluates water quality of the Mackenzie – Great Bear sub-basin by employing two modes of objective functions (threshold values): one based on the CCME water quality guidelines and the other based on site-specific values that were determined by the statistical analysis of the historical data base. Results suggest that the water quality of the Mackenzie-Great Bear sub-basin is impacted by high turbidity and total (mostly particulate) trace metals due to high suspended sediment loads during the open water season. Comments are also provided on water quality and human health issues in the Mackenzie basin based on the findings and the usefulness of CCME water quality guidelines and site specific values.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement stipulates that the Governments of Canada and the United States are responsible for restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the waters of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. Due to varying mandates and areas of expertise, monitoring to assess progress towards this objective is conducted by a multitude of Canadian and U.S. federal and provincial/state agencies, in cooperation with academia and regional authorities. This paper highlights selected long-term monitoring programs and discusses a number of documented ecological changes that indicate the present state of the open and nearshore waters of the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

When designing a monitoring campaign, one has to consider many factors in the decision to perform a long-term synoptic monitoring program or a short-term intensive study. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. This paper compares and contrasts the information obtained from two studies conducted on the Laurentian Great Lakes. One, the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN), is a long-term synoptic monitoring study and the other, the Atmospheric Exchange Over Lakes and Oceans (AEOLOS), was a short-term intensive study. The advantages of long-term synoptic monitoring programs are providing greater spatial information, the relative influence of long and short-range transport on the regional background, gross loadings representative of the majority of each lake and long-term temporal trends. Short-term intensive studies provide more information on the processes governing sources, transport and deposition, such as the urban/industrial influence on adjacent large water bodies, specific sources to an urban/industrial area and short-term fluctuations in concentrations due to meteorology, source strength and photochemical reactions. Using information provided by both the IADN and AEOLOS studies, areas of urban influence are predicted for each of the five Great Lakes.  相似文献   

水污染指数法在河流水质评价中的应用研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
为满足我国水质评价与管理的需要,针对单因子评价法和综合污染指数法在水质评价中存在的问题,提出了水污染指数法。采用该方法对湘江干流2009年的水质状况进行了试评价,并将评价结果与单因子评价法、综合污染指数法、模糊综合评判法以及主成分分析法的评价结果进行了对比。结果表明,水污染指数法在水质类别评价、水质定量评价、主要污染指标识别、劣Ⅴ类水体水质比较等方面均具有明显优势,同时,该方法计算过程简单、易掌握,具有较强的推广、应用价值。  相似文献   

为了了解塔里木河下游9次应急输水的生态环境效益,利用MODIS—NDVI最大合成法、差值法,分析了塔里木河下游植被指数的年际变化情况,结果表明:(1)塔里木河下游地区植被覆盖度变化中增加区面积呈增加趋势。(2)2002年与输水初期相比,植被覆盖度增加区主要分布于上段和中段的老塔里木河及其文阔尔河河道两侧,下段河道覆盖度增加区仅零星分布于距河道0.3km左右的地势低洼区域。2003年以后,下段植被覆盖度增加区面积已达84.30km^2,是2002年的3.16倍,主要分布在距离河道0.5km左右的河道两侧。至2007年塔里木河下游河道两侧植被覆盖度增加区的变化是比较显著的,特别是下段植被覆盖增加区呈带状分布于距河道1.5km左右的范围内。植被指数遥感监测说明塔里木河下游地区的生态环境得到明显改善。  相似文献   

Lake eutrophication is harmful and difficult to predict due to its complex evolution. As an alternative to existing mechanistic models, a Markov chain model was developed to predict the development of lake eutrophication based on an 11-year dataset in 41 lakes of the Yangtze River Basin. This model was validated using a real-time update strategy and was demonstrated to be reliable. Based on the dataset, the lake eutrophication dynamics from 2000 to 2010 were analyzed. Lakes with different trophic states from 2011 to 2050 and their responses to different water management practices were simulated based on the developed model. The simulation results show that lake eutrophication would worsen from 2011 to 2040; however, eutrophication could be significantly alleviated by changing 100 km2 of hypereutrophic lakes into eutrophic lakes per year from 2010 to 2020. The nutrient conditions in most of the lakes in the Yangtze River Basin show that phosphorus control would be more efficient than nitrogen control in eutrophication management practices. This case study demonstrates the utility of Markov chain models in using prior information to predict the long-term evolution of lake eutrophication at large spatial scales. The Markov chain technique can be easily adapted to predict evolutionary processes in other disciplines.  相似文献   

The levels of 144Ce, 137Cs, 125Sb, and 90Sr in the open waters of the Great Lakes were measured over the period 1973–81. The levels were found to be very low. 144Ce was detected only up to 1975 after which it dropped below the detection limit. The data indicate that the concentrations of the remaining three radionuclides have decreased with time. 90Sr and 137Cs provide essentially all of the radiological dose from drinking Great Lakes water. The dose equivalant commitments have been calculated from these measurements and found to be well within the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement's water quality objective for radioactivity.  相似文献   

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