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近几年,我国铁路行车安全,从总的情况看,是趋向好转,事故逐年减少,然而,唯独道口事故在逐年增加。就黑龙江省的情况看,1991年前9个月就发生铁路道口交通事故383起,撞坏汽车和拖拉机340台,死伤265人,平均每天撞坏1.3台汽车和拖拉机,死伤1人。不但事故件数多,人员伤亡多,经济损失大,而且性质也相当严重,特别是载人大客车与火车相撞,造成群死群伤,政治影响很坏,引起群众的极大不满,成为社会的一大公害。道口安全的综合治理问题已经到了非解决不可的地步。 一、道口安全的社会性。铁路运输的特点是挂的多,跑的快,制动距离长,不能要求火车给汽车…  相似文献   

加强铁路道口的安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章论述了加强铁路道口安全的重要性,并根据现有条件提出了加强铁路道口安全工作的想法和措施。  相似文献   

文章论述了加强铁路道口安全的重要性,并根据现有条件提出了加强铁路道口安全工作的想法和措施。  相似文献   

铁路道口安全影响因素分析及对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在对比分析中外铁路道口安全形势及研究现状的基础上,从人、车、道口几何特性、安全防护装置、管理及环境等因素出发,系统地分析了铁路道口安全及其影响因素:1)汽车驾驶员酒后驾驶、超速驾驶、疲劳驾驶等人为违章行为是道口事故的主要致因;2)车辆机械故障、超载是影响道口安全不容忽视的重要因素;3)道口坡度、铺面、视距等道口几何特性与道口事故频率有着紧密联系;4)道口交通信号、车速监控器及惩罚对提高驾驶员的安全行为有显著作用;5)完善的应急医疗体系将大大减少道口事故的伤亡.进而从工程、教育和法制3方面提出了我国改善道口安全状况的措施和建议,包括:安装悬臂梁警告装置,施划减速标线,改造道口铺面,加大酒后驾驶惩罚力度,宣传道口安全知识等.  相似文献   

自动控制铁路道口系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

卢宗豪 《安全》2002,23(1):33-33
我们日照港口铁路总铺轨长56.76km,涉及编组场、卸车场、调车场三场和峰头区、峰尾区、卸前区、卸后区、空车编发区、杂货区六个作业区.其中2.5m以上道口就多达18处,有人看守和自动报警的有7处,仅占道口总数的39%.近年来,随着港口运输生产的发展,港内铁路道口的安全管理工作日益引起我们铁路安全管理部门的高度重视.特别是从去年五月份我港开辟汽车运输煤炭业务以来,通过道口的各种车辆又大幅度增加.虽说目前还未发生大的事故,但事故险情却屡屡发生,严重危及着人身和设备安全,影响了铁路运输效益的提高.下面笔者结合我港实际,就港内铁路道口事故多发的原因及预防措施作一探讨,供各港同行参考.  相似文献   

Introduction: Current signage at intersections is designed for attentive pedestrians who are looking ahead. Such signage may not be sufficient when distracted by smartphones. Illuminated in-ground LED lights at crossings are an innovative solution to alert distracted pedestrians. Method: We conducted a field study at a railway crossing equipped with in-ground lights to assess whether distracted pedestrians (N = 34, Mean age 33.6 ± 8.6 years) could detect these lights and how this impacted on their visual scanning and crossing behaviour. This involved a 2 × 3 repeated measures design exploring the impact of the presence (treatment) or absence (control) of in-ground lights (treatment) at a crossing, and a distractor task presented through a mobile device (none, visual, and audio) on eye movements recorded using an eye tracker, and verbal reporting of when participants detected the lights. Results: Participants engaged in the distraction tasks as evidenced by their accuracy and reaction times in all conditions. With both the audio and visual distraction tasks, participants looked at the in-ground LEDs and detected their activation as accurately as when not distracted (95%). While most participants detected the lights at their activation, visual distraction resulted in 10% of the detections occurring as participants entered the rail corridor, suggesting effectiveness in gaining pedestrians’ attention. Further, participants were significantly less likely to check for trains when visually distracted (70%), a 10% reduction compared to the no or audio distractor conditions (80% and 78% respectively). The introduction of the in-ground lights resulted in appropriate scanning of the rail tracks (77% and 78% for the visual and auditory distractor tasks respectively) similar to that of non-distracted participants for the crossing without lights (80%). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that illuminated in-ground lights could be useful in attracting the attention of distracted pedestrians at railway level crossings, and possibly at other road intersections. Practical Applications: Illuminated in-ground lights can be installed at rail and road intersections with known pedestrian distraction as a countermeasure. Further research is necessary to understand their long-term effects.  相似文献   

Objective: The main objective of this study is to identify the main factors associated with injury severity of vulnerable road users (VRUs) involved in accidents at highway railroad grade crossings (HRGCs) using data mining techniques.

Methods: This article applies an ordered probit model, association rules, and classification and regression tree (CART) algorithms to the U.S. Federal Railroad Administration's (FRA) HRGC accident database for the period 2007–2013 to identify VRU injury severity factors at HRGCs.

Results: The results show that train speed is a key factor influencing injury severity. Further analysis illustrated that the presence of illumination does not reduce the severity of accidents for high-speed trains. In addition, there is a greater propensity toward fatal accidents for elderly road users compared to younger individuals. Interestingly, at night, injury accidents involving female road users are more severe compared to those involving males.

Conclusions: The ordered probit model was the primary technique, and CART and association rules act as the supporter and identifier of interactions between variables. All 3 algorithms' results consistently show that the most influential accident factors are train speed, VRU age, and gender. The findings of this research could be applied for identifying high-risk hotspots and developing cost-effective countermeasures targeting VRUs at HRGCs.  相似文献   

A survey was designed to investigate opinions on railway trespassing of people living close to a railway line. The results showed that 89.2% of the respondents (n = 502) recalled that they had seen trespassing in their neighbourhood and, based on their observations, adults are the largest group trespassing. Overall, 68.9% of the respondents had personal experience of trespassing although 83.5% considered trespassing to be fairly or highly dangerous and 81.0% assumed it to be illegal. The respondents supported countermeasures such as building an underpass or fencing off the tracks, and only a few of them indicated that nothing could be done to resolve the problem. In addition, education in schools on the dangers of trespassing was suggested. These results allow practitioners and researchers to see the problem from a local perspective and thus develop a better understanding. This in turn helps design effective countermeasures.  相似文献   

综采放顶煤工作面遇到地质构造时冒顶频繁,控顶困难,严重影响采煤工作面的安全生产和经济效益。通过对工作面架前冒顶原因进行深入分析及对工作面遇地质构造时架前冒顶防治进行不断探索,在技术和管理上形成了一整套切实可行的管理方法,在遇地质构造期间,通过采用有效手段便可保证综放支架安全通过地质构造。以伯方煤矿二盘区3207工作面工程实际为例,运用具体技术和管理措施,使工作面安全通过地质构造断层。该方法可为类似构造煤层的安全开采提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究穿越公路埋地天然气管道在车辆载荷下的力学性状,运用ABAQUS有限元软件建立了输气管道-覆盖土壤的三维接触模型,模拟了不同管径、管道壁厚、管道内压、管道埋深以及交通载荷工况下,管道的应力应变情况,得到了不同变量条件下埋地天然气管道的应力应变规律。研究结果表明:交通载荷下输气管道穿越公路时,从经济性考虑,其埋深应控制在2m范围内;结合管道内压,对不同超载程度下重载车辆对埋地管道的力学性能影响进行分析,从安全性考虑,管道宜采用套管敷设穿越形式。所得结论可为输气管道穿越公路段的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究城市轨道交通高架和地下站台噪声的规律和特点,选取某条线路中的3个高架站台以及3条线路中的7个地下站台进行实地测量,并对测量结果进行分析。研究结果表明:地下站台LAeq值都低于标准限值80 dB(A);站台的中心测点列车进站LAeq值和列车出站LAeq值都非常接近,使用T检验结果得出各站台中心测点列车进站LAeq值和列车出站LAeq值不存在显著差异(P>0.05);站台测量时要考虑大客流带来的喧闹声;站台最大噪声值是列车出站时,位于站台列车车头停止位置。  相似文献   

In Japan, especially in the Tokyo area, railway platforms are increasingly crowded with passengers during commuter rush hours for many reasons. It is a very important task for railway companies to reduce the risk of passengers being exposed to accidents. We built safety fences with automatic doors on the platform of Meguro Station, one of the stations of the Yamanote commuter line in Tokyo, in order to investigate whether safety fences are useful for preventing passengers from falling off the crowded platforms onto the tracks and being hit by moving trains during commuter rush hours. As a result of our investigations, we found that the safety fences with automatic doors do not hinder the flow of the passengers, and therefore concluded that fences are a useful way of reducing the risk of accidents to passengers.  相似文献   

水平定向钻穿越施工是管道穿越工程的一种主要施工形式,在施工中由于地质条件、设备使用和穿越工艺选择等原因使其存在风险,因此有必要对其失效可能性进行研究。建立了包含“人、机、料、法、环”五方面的水平定向钻施工失效可能性指标评价体系,对于特征影响因素,如扩径比、管土摩擦系数等,运用回拖过程的力学分析得出其分布规律,用模糊化的方法将底层指标分值转化为先验概率,再代入贝叶斯网络进行概率推理,最终确定其失效可能性。以某管道工程采取水平定向钻穿越河流为例,得出其失效可能性等级为“较高”,最后提出了相应的控制措施。运用贝叶斯网络研究水平定向钻穿越施工的失效可能性具有重要的工程应用价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study investigated the pedestrian crossing behavior at midblock crosswalks, in Istanbul. Method: Data were compiled from field studies at four selected crosswalks that were on one-way streets. Three of the crosswalks were located on three-lane streets while the other one was on a two-lane street. By using two-hour video recordings at each crosswalk, information was collected about pedestrian crossing preferences, pedestrian platoons both at curbside and during the crossing, traffic characteristics including volume, crosswalk occupancy and illegal parking, and pedestrian characteristics comprising age, gender and distraction status. These data were stratified with respect to the number of lanes and two multinomial logit models for platooning and individual crossing behavior was estimated for each stratum. Results: The results showed that the likelihood of platooning increases as the traffic volume and platoon size increase. Moreover, pedestrians who waited for little or no at the curbside and started to cross when one or more lanes were occupied generally lost time during the crossing. In terms of policy, the formation of platoons should be prevented by enforcement or demand-responsive traffic signals with push-to-walk buttons, etc. Overall, the study revealed that the presence of midblock crosswalks is questionable.  相似文献   

铁路隧道TBM施工风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用基于熵权的模糊综合评估模型对西秦岭特长铁路隧道TBM施工风险进行分析,识别关键风险因素并提出施工应对策略。首先结合西秦岭隧道项目工程特点,参照《铁路隧道风险评估与管理暂行规定》进行TBM施工风险识别,将其归结为设备风险、掘进风险、辅助工序风险三大方面,对每个方面细分出4项一级风险因素。接着确定各层次风险因素权重:借助专家调查确定一级风险发生的概率等级,运用熵权法确定底层风险权重;运用层次分析法确定三大方面风险权重。最后建立二级模糊综合评判模型,评估西秦岭铁路隧道右线的施工风险等级。通过现场专家调查得到的一级风险因素后果损失等级表建立一级评判隶属度矩阵,进行一级模糊评判;并将结果作为二级评判因素的评价集,进行第二级综合评判,评定该项目为2级风险。同时借助熵权反映底层各风险因素的重要程度,确定关键风险因素并判断其风险等级,提出施工应对措施。  相似文献   

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