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At the start of the Loch Fleet Project in 1984, the Loch and the upper 7 km of its efferent stream were found to be devoid of trout (Salmo trutta) as a result of acidification. Following the liming treatments applied to the catchment, from 1986 the formerly toxic water quality conditions (pH ~ 4.5, calcium ~ 1 mgl?1, elevated aluminium and heavy metal levels) were eliminated, and trout were reintroduced on two occasions, in 1987 and 1988. A total of 520 fish were stocked, at a combined density equivalent to 5.5 kg ha?1. Surveys of the loch and stream populations were carried out annually until 1993 to monitor their development, using a range of techniques, including electrofishing, gill-netting, seine-netting, spawner trapping and mark-release recapture methods. Length and scale- analysis were used to investigate fish growth.

The trout population in Loch Fleet expanded rapidly as a result of natural spawning in the loch's main feeder stream, augmented by the use of an artificial spawning bed which was constructed at the loch outlet in 1990. in mid-1983 the stock density, estimated by mark-recapture census methods, had increased to 24.9 kg ha?1. Poor recruitment in the years 1991–93, however, reduced the rate of expansion and resulted in a population comprising mainly older individuals. the poor recruitment in these years was not fully explained but was not caused by water quality and was most likely a result of fry washout by spring spates.

Fish growth rates were high initially and were estimated on the basis of the Elliott trout growth model to be optimal for the prevailing water temperature regime of the loch. By 1991, growth rates had fallen, probably as a result of competition for food, but showed signs of recovery towards the end of the study period in 1993, following the period of lower population densities of young fish.

Trout rapidly repopulated the loch's outlet stream after 1987 but have remained sparse and have shown no signs of spawning within most of the stream. Water analyses have shown that the liming of the Loch Fleet catchment has minimal impact on downstream waters when flows are high, so that potentially toxic acid episodes have not been prevented.  相似文献   

Rainfall quantity and quality, and stream and loch water quality have been monitored throughout the Loch Fleet Project. This has allowed the effects of liming of parts of the catchment to be monitored, and assessments made of the effectiveness and duration of these treatments. Rainfall over 1989–1993 fluctuated around the long-term average of 2100 mm. Over this time, year by year variations in acid or sulphate loading from deposition was evident and quite substantial. There was no trend, however, reflecting reductions in national sulphur emissions. Liming parts of the catchment in 1986 increased stream and loch water pH and calcium concentrations and reduced inorganic aluminium concentrations. Improved stream and loch water quality has been maintained for more than eight years since liming.  相似文献   

Rainfall quantity and quality, and stream and loch water quality have been monitored throughout the Loch Fleet Project. This has allowed the effects of liming of parts of the catchment to be monitored, and assessments made of the effectiveness and duration of these treatments. Rainfall over 1989-1993 fluctuated around the long-term average of 2100 mm. Over this time, year by year variations in acid or sulphate loading from deposition was evident and quite substantial. There was no trend, however, reflecting reductions in national sulphur emissions. Liming parts of the catchment in 1986 increased stream and loch water pH and calcium concentrations and reduced inorganic aluminium concentrations. Improved stream and loch water quality has been maintained for more than eight years since liming.  相似文献   

At Loch Fleet, and in other liming studies in similar environments, catchment liming is successful if an adequate amount of lime is added to hydrological source areas. Geochemical modelling demonstrates that the relatively late acidification of L. Fleet is consistent with the ameliorating effect of an alkaline groundwater input: the presence of this input implies that had the Loch not been limed in 1985 it would have recovered to conditions suitable for fish in about 20 years, given current commitments to sulphur emission reductions. Lakes without similar alkaline groundwater are not likely to recover as quickly. the different consequences of liming and emission reduction as methods of restoring acid waters are reviewed and contrasted. Restoration of waters by liming may result in some undesirable effects on the terrestrial catchment: these are discussed but it is concluded that catchment liming, used with discrimination, can be an acceptable management tool.  相似文献   

At Loch Fleet, and in other liming studies in similar environments, catchment liming is successful if an adequate amount of lime is added to hydrological source areas. Geochemical modelling demonstrates that the relatively late acidification of L. Fleet is consistent with the ameliorating effect of an alkaline groundwater input: the presence of this input implies that had the Loch not been limed in 1985 it would have recovered to conditions suitable for fish in about 20 years, given current commitments to sulphur emission reductions. Lakes without similar alkaline groundwater are not likely to recover as quickly. the different consequences of liming and emission reduction as methods of restoring acid waters are reviewed and contrasted. Restoration of waters by liming may result in some undesirable effects on the terrestrial catchment: these are discussed but it is concluded that catchment liming, used with discrimination, can be an acceptable management tool.  相似文献   

In 1986, application of lime within the upper wetland area of sector VII of the Loch Fleet catchment initiated numerous unscheduled small-scale experiments on the vegetation of this heterogeneous terrain. Vegetation changes and erosion were monitored in permanent or relocated plots established in 1987 and 1989 and re-surveyed in 1993, seven years after liming.

The most striking early effect, possibly occurring within a few weeks of lime application, was the death of Sphagnum papillosum carpet in soakways within the 2.5 ha area. Some patches of dead material were washed away, but bare surfaces were generally colonised by vascular plants, notably Juncus bulbosus. Effects in moorland and bog communities with dwarf shurbs were more subtle, involving reduction in Sphagnum cover and expansion of Erica teralix, Molinia caerulea, sedges and Narthecium ossifragum, but little change in the frequency of occurrence of Calluna vulgaris.  相似文献   

In the period following liming and before the introduction of brown trout to Loch Fleet, there was a reduction in the numbers of invertebrates, including the Chironomidae, Oligochaeta and Hydracarina in the loch, but an overall increase in invertebrates in the inlet and outlet streams. This was followed in the loch by a recovery in the numbers of certain groups (particularly the Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera) to pre-liming levels in spite of the introduction of the trout.

The diets of the trout comprised a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial organisms ranging in size from Fprotozoans to newts and are dominated by chironomids. Opportunistic type of feeding as found in the present study appears to be typical of the brown trout and is reported for many water bodies by other workers.

Significant differences (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001) were found in the numbers and weights of certain food organisms in the stomachs of brown trout caught by different fishing methods in the summers of 1992 and 1993. Fish caught by gill net contained fewer planktonic crustaceans and chironomids, but greater numbers of trichopterans and terrestrial organisms, than in those caught by fly and spinner. the differences are probably related to differences in the depth at which the fish, caught by the various methods, were feeding.  相似文献   

Estrogenic Effects of Effluents from Sewage Treatment Works   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The occurrence of hermaphrodite fish in the lagoons of sewage treatment works led us to hypothesize that sewage effluent might contain a substance, or substances, estrogenic to fish. to test this hypothesis, we placed cages containing rainbow trout in the effluent from sewage-treatment works, and one to three weeks later measured the vitellogenin concentration in the plasma of the fish. Vitellogenin is a protein synthesized by the liver of oviparous fish in response to estradiol stimulation; it is then conveyed by the blood to the ovary, where it is sequestered by oocytes to form the yolk. Thus, the presence of vitellogenin in the plasma is indicative of estrogenic stimulation of the liver. an initial study, at a sewage-treatment works, showed that plasma vitellogenin concentrations rose rapidly and very markedly (over 1000-fold in three weeks) when trout were maintained in the effluent. an extensive nationwide survey was then conducted. Results were obtained from fifteen sewage-treatment works distributed throughout England. in all cases, exposure of trout to effluent resulted in a very pronounced increase (500 to 100,000-fold, depending on site) in the plasma vitellogenin concentration. Induction of vitellogenesis was also observed in carp, but to a much lesser extent than in trout.

The identity of the estrogenic substance is unknown. It is suggested that the two most likely possibilities are ethynylestradiol, originating from pharmaceutical use, or alkylphenol-ethoxylates (APE), originating from the biodegradation of surfactants and detergents during sewage treatment.

Laboratory studies on the potency of ethynylestradiol demonstrated that levels as low as 1 to 10 ng 1-1 could generate the response shown by the caged fish and that positive responses may arise at 0.1 to 0.5 ng 1-1. Further work is in progress on the potency of APE.  相似文献   

The impact of liming on the insects associated with peat pools was studied in the Loch Fleet catchment in 1991 and 1992. Fifty-six taxa were identified from 121 timed samples. Despite the raised pH associated with liming in 1986, the population densities of Odonata, Hemiptera and Coleoptera appeared to be unaffected when compared with those of untreated peat pools in the same area. the study demonstrated the existence of two main types of community, that of the steep-sided edges of pools, dominated by odonate nymphs and large species of beetles, and that of the shallower pools, dominated by Hydroporus species (Col., Dytiscidae).  相似文献   

The impact of liming on the insects associated with peat pools was studied in the Loch Fleet catchment in 1991 and 1992. Fifty-six taxa were identified from 121 timed samples. Despite the raised pH associated with liming in 1986, the population densities of Odonata, Hemiptera and Coleoptera appeared to be unaffected when compared with those of untreated peat pools in the same area. the study demonstrated the existence of two main types of community, that of the steep-sided edges of pools, dominated by odonate nymphs and large species of beetles, and that of the shallower pools, dominated by Hydroporus species (Col., Dytiscidae).  相似文献   

An experiment to investigate how the water quality of acid lakes can be improved by liming the surrounding catchment was begun at Loch Fleet, Scotland in 1984. the effects on the soils of three sectors of the catchment where limestone was added in 1986 are reported here, following analysis of soils sampled in 1987, 1988 and 1991. the effect of the lime on soil chemistry was still evident in 1991, with about 15% of free lime remaining in the hydrochemical reaction zone of sectors IV and VI and nearly 50% in sector VII. However, this free lime appeared to be dissolving too slowly to maintain large amounts of exchangeable calcium in the soils, indicating that the treatment is starting to become less effective. the fall in the mean exchangeable calcium in the reaction zone between 1988 and 1991 was mirrored by a drop in mean soil pH over the 5 years post-liming from 6.1 to 5.6 on sector IV and from 5.9 to 5.4 on sector VI, whereas mean pH remained constant at about 6.0 in the limed areas of sector VII. Using soil data to predict longevity suggests that the exchangeable calcium remaining on the catchment at the end of 1991 will maintain target water quality in the loch until sometime during 1994. the soil pH is likely to fall to between 5.2 and 5.3 by this time. If the region of hydrochemical reaction is assumed to extend to a depth of 20 cm rather than 5 cm, target water quality is predicted to be maintained until the end of 1995. When the free lime remaining on the catchment is included as a source of acid neutralising capacity, calculations show that treatment may remain effective until around the year 2000.  相似文献   

An experiment to investigate how the water quality of acid lakes can be improved by liming the surrounding catchment was begun at Loch Fleet, Scotland in 1984. the effects on the soils of three sectors of the catchment where limestone was added in 1986 are reported here, following analysis of soils sampled in 1987, 1988 and 1991. the effect of the lime on soil chemistry was still evident in 1991, with about 15% of free lime remaining in the hydrochemical reaction zone of sectors IV and VI and nearly 50% in sector VII. However, this free lime appeared to be dissolving too slowly to maintain large amounts of exchangeable calcium in the soils, indicating that the treatment is starting to become less effective. the fall in the mean exchangeable calcium in the reaction zone between 1988 and 1991 was mirrored by a drop in mean soil pH over the 5 years post-liming from 6.1 to 5.6 on sector IV and from 5.9 to 5.4 on sector VI, whereas mean pH remained constant at about 6.0 in the limed areas of sector VII. Using soil data to predict longevity suggests that the exchangeable calcium remaining on the catchment at the end of 1991 will maintain target water quality in the loch until sometime during 1994. the soil pH is likely to fall to between 5.2 and 5.3 by this time. If the region of hydrochemical reaction is assumed to extend to a depth of 20 cm rather than 5 cm, target water quality is predicted to be maintained until the end of 1995. When the free lime remaining on the catchment is included as a source of acid neutralising capacity, calculations show that treatment may remain effective until around the year 2000.  相似文献   

Weekly measurements of chemical composition were made at four sampling sites on the Lea River (Spain) between July 1985 and August 1986. at two stations there were gauging-weirs for stream discharge monitoring. Conductivity, pH, alkalinity, silicon, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, ammonia, nitrate, sulphate, chloride, reactive phosphate, and total phosphate, were recorded in each site.

Results were analysed using multiple regression techniques to study the relationship between flow and chemical components.

Conductivity, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and sulphate were strongly related to flow, decreasing in concentration with increased flow. Ammonia, potassium, reactive phosphate and total phosphate varied most widely, with peaks at times of heavy rainfall. Nitrate increased at times of high discharge, with little variation between sampling points. Silicon decreased in summer and autumn in the lower catchment area whilst chloride and sodium were higher in the lower catchment of the River Lea.  相似文献   

The occurrence, distribution and nature of ambient thiobacilli along with their ability to oxidize different sulphur species under simulated natural and in vitro culture conditions were studied in the polluted and unpolluted sites of the River Ganga.

Thiobacillus thioparus, T. thiooxidans and T. denitrificans were isolated from the river water. the former two occurred in both polluted and unpolluted sites, while T. denitrificans occurred in polluted areas only. the paper pulp mill effluent discharge area contained the highest population of T. thioparus. the sewage drainage area showed relatively higher populations of T. thiooxidans and T. denitrificans.

The present study revealed that only biological oxidation of either thiosulphate or elemental sulphur occurred in the river water. All the thiobacilli screened oxidized thiosulphate, and three-fourths of them oxidized elemental sulphur. Some strains were found to be very good acidifiers. in spite of such acidification by the ambient thiobacilli, the pH of the river water remained alkaline. the specific rates of thiosulphate (0.18 -0.51 μMmolh-1 mg-1 cell) and sulphur (1.3 - 6.2 Normality day-1 mg-1 biomass) oxidations under simulated natural condition were found to be higher in polluted areas when compared with the unpolluted one (sulphur: 0.8 - 1.0 Normality day-1 mg-1).

Further, addition of thiouslphate or elemental sulphur in the river water in simulated in vitro condition resulted in the increase of respective oxidation rates. the variations in the natae of pollutants discharged into the river water influenced the oxidation rate of thiosulphate or sulphur.  相似文献   

In 1986, application of lime within the upper wetland area of sector VII of the Loch Fleet catchment initiated numerous unscheduled small-scale experiments on the vegetation of this heterogeneous terrain. Vegetation changes and erosion were monitored in permanent or relocated plots established in 1987 and 1989 and re-surveyed in 1993, seven years after liming.

The most striking early effect, possibly occurring within a few weeks of lime application, was the death of Sphagnum papillosum carpet in soakways within the 2.5 ha area. Some patches of dead material were washed away, but bare surfaces were generally colonised by vascular plants, notably Juncus bulbosus. Effects in moorland and bog communities with dwarf shurbs were more subtle, involving reduction in Sphagnum cover and expansion of Erica teralix, Molinia caerulea, sedges and Narthecium ossifragum, but little change in the frequency of occurrence of Calluna vulgaris.  相似文献   

Summary Preference behaviour patterns of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) towards odours in their home-stream water were measured in laboratory experiments. Stream-dwelling, sexually mature trout were captured by electrofishing in different sections of a stream, transferred to a hatchery, and exposed to water sampled from various stream sections and to neutral water, scented by fish captured in the same stream sections. The fish preferred stream water originating from their home stream over that from a neighboring stream. Among water samples from their home stream, they preferred water from the home sections over water from distant sections both upstream and downstream. In most cases they also preferred neutral water scented by other mature fish captured in their home section over water scented by fish from the distant sections. Trout from two neighboring stream sections showed indifferent responses towards water and fish from the adjacent section. The attractive properties of stream water sampled from home sections coincided with those obtained with neutral water scented by fish from the same sites. Accordingly, the attractive components in stream water may be intraspecific odours derived from separate spawning demes of fish present in local areas of the stream.  相似文献   

Sea urchins (Paracentrotus lividus) were collected from the Mediterranean coast off Alexandria, Egypt and the Atlantic coast of Ireland to the west of Galway. Samples of another urchin species, Psammechinus miliaris, were collected from the entrance to Southampton Water, U.K. Both the Alexandria coast and Southampton Water receive domestic and industrial waste water inputs whilst the western Irish coast is relatively unpolluted.

Sampled animals were dissected to separate coelomic fluids, Aristotle's lantern, gonads and tissue (digestive tract plus connective tissue). the concentrations of heavy metals (cadmium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc) in the different parts were measured using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Many levels of heavy metals in the different parts were similar in specimens taken across the wide range of sites and the two species. A notable exception was the high level of copper (33 μg g-1 dry wt.) and zinc 328 μg g-1- dry wt.) in urchin tissue from Southampton Water.

The metal concentrations in the gonads of Paracentrotus lividus are of particular interest because of human consumption of this species. the highest levels of copper (3.3-5.2 g-1- dry wt.) and zinc (74-181 μ g-1- dry wt.) dry wt.) in gonads were found in the samples from Egypt. Data from this study are compared with other results reported from the Mediterranean.

A simple, short term, elevated water column copper uptake experiment was undertaken with Paracentrotus lividus which showed an increase in gonad concentrations of this element.  相似文献   

Diffusive fluxes of elements (NO-2, NO-3, NH+4, SiO2, PO3-4, Cl-, SO2-4, Fe, Mn) have been measured by applying the Fick's first law in two stations of the Tigullio Gulf: the first one characterized by sandy sediments rich in vegetal detritus and the second one, located to within the tourist harbour, characterized by a silty-clay sediments.

Benthic fluxes were measured only in the second station by means of benthic chamber experiments. Although the significant presence of dissolved oxygen in the surface sediments, and the evidence of processes usually occurring in oxidised sediments such as nitrification, both stations also presented characteristics of anoxic sediments such as high oxygen consumption rate and high pore water concentrations of ion, manganese and N-ammonia and reactive orthophosphate.

In both stations, sediments seemed to represent a potential source for most of the chemical species studied, although fluxes were not confirmed for ion, manganese and reactive orthophosphate in benthic chamber experiments.

Diffusive fluxes presented a general agreement for both stations, with higher fluxes of N-nitrate and N-nitrite at the first station were oxidative processes of N-ammonia in the upper layer of the sediments seemed to be more active. the comparison between diffusive and benthic fluxes showed a possible contribution of bioturbation.  相似文献   

Waste tyres pose a major disposal problem on land creating a fire hazard and, in warmer climates, providing breeding pools for mosquitoes. the void space in tyres makes them unsuitable for land burial. Schemes to use shredded tyres for road bases and asphalt filler are being pursued in the USA. Tyre combustion for electricity production is being investigated in the UK.

The widespread availability and durability of tyres has led to their use in the marine environment for breakwaters/coastal defence structures and as artificial reefs for promoting fisheries.

Tyres have a low density and have been used in floating breakwaters. Schemes have been proposed to protect and strengthen shorelines with tyre structures.

The void space in tyres facilitates the construction of artificial reefs to attract fish. the most intensive use is in the south west Pacific and Australia. Tyre surfaces are colonised by algae and a wide range of faunal species, including corals and shellfish. the wide acceptance of tyres as a suitable reef construction material appears to be based largely on these observations. Experience of initial poor deployment practices in the USA led to tyres washing ashore after storms and resulted in the banning or restriction of their use in coastal states of the USA. A review of the scientific literature has yielded limited information on the environmental impact of tyres and in particular the leaching of heavy metals and organic compounds from tyres into sea water.

Preliminary results of tyre dust/sea water leaching studies are presented. These identify zinc as the major leachate (totalling 10mg/tyre after 3 months). Diluted leachates have not shown significant effects of the growth of the phytoplankton Phaeodactylum and Isocrysis.

Further work to characterise the sea water leaching of tyre compounds is recommended.  相似文献   

Thailand has benefited from the availability of pest control chemicals for improving agricultural products and in public health like any other developing countries. in order to understand the distribution and contamination in the Gulf of Thailand, a Mussel Watch programme has been set up to monitor trace toxic substances of organochlorine pesticides along the Gulf of Thailand since 1989.

This paper focuses on the concentration of organochlorine pesticides in green lip mussels (Perna viridis) during 1989 to 1996. the mussel samples were used as a biological indicator and analyzed for 23 organochlorine compounds. the highest frequencies of organochlorine pesticide residues in Thailand were found in aldrin, dieldrin and DDTs in all samples and the highest concentration of DDT-isomer were p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDT during 1989-1990 and 1991. the p,p'-DDE was only found during 1993-1995.

In 1996 the level of the DDT isomer (o,p-DDE) were found in the range of 11-16ppb(ngg-1 wet weight), HCH isomer (a-HCH) was found ND -1.6ppb(ngg-1 wet weight) and cis-chlordane found at ND - 3.4 ppb(ngg-1 wet weight). Other organoichlorine pesticide compounds such as dieldrin, heptachlor, aldrin, endrin and endosulfan isomers were not detected. the detection limit of all organochlorine compounds were 1.3-8.2ppb(ngg-1 wet weight). Trends of organochlorine pesticide residue in this area were found differently from the previous data during 1989-1991.  相似文献   

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