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为定量研究相邻储罐间爆炸碎片冲击的多米诺效应,基于蒙特卡洛方法建立爆炸碎片冲击失效模型。该模型共包括爆炸能量与碎片初始速度、考虑风速及碎片初始位置的碎片三维抛射轨迹、空气阻力、碎片冲击穿透等4个分步模型。基于上述模型,研究储罐爆炸后碎片的初始状态、抛射轨迹以及对相邻储罐的冲击效应。在数值模拟结果的基础上,用储罐最高允许工作压力代替泄放装置的泄压压力来计算爆炸压力,绘制碎片质量及初始速度的直方图,定量分析储罐间距对击中概率的影响。结果表明,热辐射、超压和碎片冲击3种能量作用方式均可能导致储罐间火灾爆炸事故多米诺现象发生,但爆炸碎片冲击导致相邻罐失效的概率较低。  相似文献   

为了评估火灾爆炸事故中相邻储罐由于多米诺效应而引发二次事故的风险,提出了基于热辐射、冲击波超压以及碎片冲击等三种物理效应共同作用下的事故多米诺效应耦合分析模型.模型采用概率组合方法计算事故影响区域内目标对象发生二次事故的最可能组合及概率.研究表明,火灾爆炸事故多米诺效应的产生受到多种因素影响,其中平面布局、防火间距是影响二次事故发生的主要因素.在计算设施失效概率的过程中,考虑了热辐射、爆炸冲击波以及碎片冲击三种物理效应的耦合作用效果,采用影响系数法对二次事故的可能单元组合加以研究.最后,以一储罐区蒸气云爆炸事故为例对可能发生的二次事故进行了模拟,得到了相邻储罐二次事故的单元组合及概率.  相似文献   

化工园区初始火灾爆炸引发连锁事故概率研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对化工园区特有石油产品储罐的火灾爆炸形式以及事故多米诺效应的分析,建立引起火灾爆炸连锁事故的池火和蒸汽云爆炸模型.基于MATLAB技术,绘制基于这两个模型的热辐射-距离曲线和冲击波-距离曲线,同时根据设备损坏概率模型绘制超压-损坏概率曲线和热辐射-损坏概率曲线.基于两组曲线的拟合,计算初次火灾爆炸影响范围内其他储罐群发生二次事故的概率.实例分析表明,事故危险源及可能波及的目标危险源的物理、化学性质和相应贮存装置地理位置、强度等,对连锁事故发生的概率有直接影响,而且相互影响的概率之间有一定的对应关系.对应关系不同或发生事故顺序不同,引发连锁事故的概率也不同.因此基于多米诺连锁效应分析,采取有针对性的防控措施,阻断连锁反应路径,可减少损失.  相似文献   

在总结前人工作的基础上,推导了储罐爆炸碎片抛射距离的理论计算公式,并给出具体的计算方法;分析了计算参数的不确定性,同时介绍用Monte-Carlo方法模拟高压储罐爆炸时碎片抛射距离的算法;在数值模拟结果的基础上,计算了碎片抛射距离的分布函数和概率密度函数,引入最可能抛射距离的概念,并指出可以用此来确定碎片抛射的危害范围。该方法对于定量评价储罐爆炸碎片危害性,减缓和控制碎片产生的风险,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

化工储罐区池火灾多米诺效应研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从多米诺效应发生的机理,阐述了化工储罐区池火灾多米诺效应的分析过程,并对其产生的后果以及可能引发的多米诺事故概率进行了分析计算,简要分析了我国现行的罐区安全距离的合理性.  相似文献   

化学工业重大事故的多米诺效应分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
针对化学工业重大事故多米诺效应的严重后果,进行重大事故多米诺效应发生规律的研究。在指出触发重大事故多米诺效应发生条件和发生模式的基础上,设计重大事故多米诺效应的研究程序。借助生成重大火灾爆炸事故场景和其后果分析方法,建立多米诺效应概率分析的数学模型,利用VB开发了多米诺效应计算软件DOMISOFWARE,解决较为复杂的重大事故多米诺效应概率的计算问题。研究表明,爆炸事故总是较火灾事故具有更高触发多米诺效应的可能性,并且火灾和爆炸触发加压设备发生多米诺效应的概率与常压设备相比随间距增大几乎呈线性下降;确定了爆炸和火灾触发多米诺效应的概率和临界距离。研究结果对于化工装置的安全设计和重大事故的预防控制具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

为探究氢能电站火灾爆炸事故发展规律,采用多米诺效应对电站进行事故概率和风险研究,建立氢能电站多米诺效应定量风险分析模型。基于设备受损概率模型与多米诺理论基础,提出氢能电站多米诺效应概率计算方法,并将方法运用到实际案例,结合SAFETI软件对具体多米诺事故场景进行定量计算。研究结果表明:氢能电站易发生多米诺事故,考虑一级多米诺效应后人员潜在死亡概率增加56%。研究结果可为制定氢能电站安全防控措施以及降低火灾爆炸事故对人员和设备的危害提供依据。  相似文献   

为准确计算多米诺效应对石油罐区重大事故危害概率的影响,探究多米诺效应的耦合效应,基于设备受损概率模型和耦合作用理论,提出一种石油罐区多米诺效应概率计算方法,并将方法应用于乌鲁木齐某石化公司的石油罐区。结果表明:该方法使石油罐区重大事故危害概率计算结果更精确。且多米诺效应与距离有直接相关关系;在考虑扩展因素耦合作用时,事故的危害更大。研究结果可为提升多米诺事故风险定量评估方法的准确性提供重要参考。  相似文献   

化工储罐区池火灾多米诺效应风险评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
化工储罐区储罐数量较多且集中,一旦发生事故很可能诱发多米诺效应造成灾难性的后果。在分析池火灾多米诺效应作用模式的基础上,建立了池火灾多米诺效应风险评估模型,并对某化工储罐区进行了实例计算,分析了单一储罐池火灾事故引发其他储罐池火灾的风险。分析结果表明,池火灾是诱发化工储罐多米诺事故的重要因素,且会造成风险的显著增加,但并非所有的池火灾事故都会诱发多米诺效应。此外,将多米诺效应评价方法应用于化工储罐池火灾事故风险评估中可有效地预测次生事故的发生概率和后果,从而提出针对性措施。  相似文献   

化工事故多米诺效应定量风险评价研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
多米诺效应是引发化工生产过程中重大灾害性事故的主要原因之一。本文结合国内外多米诺效应的研究成果,综合论述了多米诺效应的定量风险评价过程,其包含了定量风险评价流程、扩展向量及扩展概率的确定、多米诺事故发生频率及后果分析等内容。最后对多米诺技术的发展方向做出展望,临界值标准和扩展概率的计算模型、碎片及计算机建模等方面有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

王自龙  蒋勇 《火灾科学》2021,30(1):54-62
化工园区中危险源众多,一旦发生事故很容易在整个园区内蔓延和发展.针对化工园区内储罐密集,容易引发连锁反应导致事故扩大的特点,利用FDS软件对储罐火灾场景进行数值模拟,根据储罐所受热辐射确定化工园区内储罐火灾最可能的事故发生序列,并引入基于设备失效前时间的机械设备故障概率模型对罐区内单个储罐的火灾风险进行研究,得到储罐区...  相似文献   

基于危化品储罐区内发生的多米诺效应,以单灾种引发的多米诺事故研究为基础,根据物理学中的触发器原理解释多灾种耦合引发储罐区其他罐体失效的场景,并提出基于物理学理论的多灾种耦合效应模型;基于一储罐区实例分别建立在火灾、爆炸情况下罐区的灾害扩展网络图,并通过无量纲化处理得到综合灾害扩展网络图;分析储罐区在多储罐受灾情况下的灾害扩展情形,得到当D1,D2发生灾害时,D4,D5灾害扩展概率最大;当D1,D8发生灾害时,D4灾害扩展概率最大,建立了多灾种耦合效应的关联图。研究结果对化工园区多灾种耦合的后果预测评估具有指导意义,有助于减少危化品储罐区多米诺效应的发生以及强化危化品储存的安全基础。  相似文献   

随着油品储罐区规模的不断扩大,近年来多储罐火灾事故呈上升趋势。现有的储罐防火间距是在以往事故经验的基础上设定的,通过罐组内的火灾多米诺效应概率计算,可从风险的角度为罐组内储罐防火间距的设定提供理论依据。通过综合考虑火灾环境下受辐射储罐失效时间和着火储罐火灾得到控制时间,确定了罐组内火灾多米诺效应的判定原则,并在火灾得到控制时间模型和储罐失效时间模型的基础上建立了火灾多米诺效应概率计算模型。以2万立外浮顶原油储罐为例进行模拟计算,得出在现行标准给出的防火间距下,发生罐组火灾多米诺效应的概率为3.94×10-8/a-1,属于可接受风险,为罐组内储罐的合理布局提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Fire accidents of chemical installations may cause domino effects in atmospheric tank farms, where a large amount of hazardous substances are stored or processed. Pool fire is a major form of fire accidents, and the thermal radiation from pool fire is the primary hazard of domino accidents. The coupling of multiple pool fires is a realistic and important accident phenomenon that enhances the propagation of domino accidents. However, previous research has mostly focused on the escalation of domino accidents induced by a single pool fire. To overcome the drawback, in this study, the failure of a storage tank under the coupling effect of multiple pool fires was studied in view of spatial and temporal synergistic process. The historical accident statistics indicated that the accident scenario of two-pool fires accounted for 30.6% in pool fires. The domino accident scenario involving three tanks is analyzed, and the typical layout of tanks is isosceles right triangle based on Chinese standard “GB50341-2014”. The thermal response and damage of a target tank heated by pool fires were numerically investigated. The volume of 500 m3, 3000 m3, 5000 m3 and 10000 m3 were selected. Flame temperature was obtained by FDS, and then was input onto the finite element model. The temperature field and stress field of target tanks were simulated by ABAQUS. The results showed that the temperature rise rate of the target tanks under multiple pool fires was higher than that under a single pool fire. The failure time of the tank under the coupling effect of multiple fires was lower than that under the superposition of multiple fires without the first stage. The stress and yield strength were compared to judge the failure of the target tank. The model of failure time for the tank under the coupling effect of pool fires was established. Through the verification, the deviation of this model is 4.02%, which is better than the deviation of 15.76% with Cozzani's model.  相似文献   

为了研究多米诺效应中多事故点协同作用的后果,将并联系统概率模型运用到贝叶斯概率计算过程中,体现出多事故点协同作用对多米 诺效应传播的概率影响;后果分析部分从人、物、环境3个方面出发,对事故的后果影响以及事故预防提出建议措施。最后运用模型对实例进行 了应用分析,结果表明:多事故点协同作用下储罐的多米诺失效概率增大,罐区危险性增强,可以通过对储罐设置安全屏障等措施,有效的切 断导致事故最大概率的链条。  相似文献   

The production and storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is gradually becoming larger and more intensive, which greatly increases the risk of the domino effect of an explosion accident in a storage tank area while improving production and management efficiency. This paper describes the construction of the domino effect scene of an explosion accident in an LPG storage tank area, the analysis of the characteristics of the LPG tank explosion shock wave and the target storage tank failure, and the creation of an ANSYS numerical model to derive the development trend and expansion law of the domino accident in the LPG storage tank area. The research showed that: 400 m3 tank T1 explosion shock waves spread to T2, T4, T5, T3, and T6, and the tank overpressures of 303 kPa, 303 kPa, 172 kPa, 81 kPa, and 61 kPa respectively. The critical values of the target storage tank failure overpressure-range threshold were 70 kPa and 60 m. After the explosion of the initial unit T1 tank, at 38 ms, the T2 and T4 storage tanks failed and exploded; at 56 ms, the T5 storage tank exploded for the third time; at 82 ms, the T3 storage tank exploded for the fourth time; and at 102 ms, the T6 storage tank exploded for the fifth time. With the increase of explosion sources, the failure overpressure of the target storage tank increased, and the interval between explosions continuously shortened, which reflected the expansion effect of the domino accident. The domino accident situation deduction in the LPG storage tank area provided a scientific basis for the safety layout, accident prevention and control, emergency rescue, and management of a chemical industry park.  相似文献   

A model of multiple domino scenarios and the risk of the domino effect, which is a sequential chain escalating from the primary unit to the last unit, is presented in this paper. The trajectories of fragments from all units, the ground distribution of projectiles, and the risk of the sequential chain of the domino effect were calculated using Monte Carlo simulations. The results showed that the range affected by the fragments from each tank included the other tanks, meaning that fragments from one tank could hit the other tanks and cause multiple accidents, and that the sequential chain of the domino effect could indeed happen. The distributions of ground impacts showed that tank fragments were projected over long distances, up to 1200 m from the source. The spatial distribution of the kinetic energy at ground impact for tank fragments was also obtained. Moreover, the magnitudes of the probabilities of the primary, secondary, third, and fourth accidents in the domino chain were respectively about 10−7, 10−11, 10−15, and 10−19. These results showed that for neighboring domino effect units in the same accident chain, the risk of the most recent domino effect was 104 times that of the following domino effect.  相似文献   

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