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Asymmetrical contests in defence of rock ptarmigan territories   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Contests involving territorial male rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) occur frequently over the course of the breeding season. Fights are initiated when one male (Neighbour or Bachelor) intrudes on another's (Resident) territory. These contests involved two kinds of asymmetries: Neighbours were similar to Residents in mating status, size and experience, differing only in the gains accrued from winning a fight (payoff asymmetry) whereas Bachelors were smaller, less experienced males that had no mate or territory (fighting asymmetry, in addition to a relatively larger payoff asymmetry than in Resident x Neighbour contests). In this study, we describe and compare the contests resulting from these intrusions, and we assess how the asymmetries (fighting ability, payoffs) between opponents influenced contest intensity. Resident x Neighbour contests were brief, highly-ritualized affairs, while Resident x Bachelor interactions were long, intense battles, often ending in direct physical attack. These findings are in direct opposition to many theoretical and empirical studies on fighting asymmetries which suggest that contest intensity should be negatively correlated with the degree of fighting asymmetry between contestants. Since the potential losses associated with a contest differed between contestants and were highest for an intruding Neighbour, we conclude that payoff asymmetries were more important than fighting asymmetries in influencing a male's tendency to escalate.  相似文献   

Male signaling behaviors are often studied in a single context but may serve multiple functions (e.g., in male–male competition and female mate choice). We examined the issue of dual function male signals in a wolf spider species Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) that displays the same species-specific signaling behaviors in both male–male and male–female contexts. These signaling behaviors have been described as either aggression or courtship according to the context observed. We tested the possibility of dual functions by comparing the relationship between behaviors and outcome of male–male contests (winner/loser) and male–female mating encounters (mating success). Frequency, rate, and mean duration of signaling behaviors did not vary with outcome of male–male contests, which appears instead to be based upon relative size and body mass. Winners of contests had significantly greater body mass than losers, and greater mass relative to opponents was significantly associated with probability of winning. Overall, signaling rates were much higher in male–female interactions than in male–male contests and were higher for males that successfully mated than for those that did not mate. Mean duration of some male displays was also greater for males that successfully mated. However, male size was not associated with probability of mating. Taken together, results suggest an intersexual selection context for the current function of male signals in these wolf spiders and that increased display vigor is associated with male mating success.  相似文献   

Females are generally assumed to prefer larger, more dominant males. However, a growing number of studies that control for male-male competition have shown no correlation between dominance and attractiveness. Aggressive males can interfere with female mate preference either by physically coercing females into mating or by driving submissive males away and restricting mate choice. The most common method of assessing female mate choice is by using simultaneous two-choice tests. These control for male-male interactions, but usually interfere with physical and chemical cues involved in mate selection or alter male behaviour. They are therefore unsuitable for many study species, especially insects. Another method is the no-choice test that measures a females latency to mating when placed with a single male as an indication of male attractiveness. No-choice tests control for male-male aggression while allowing full contact between pairs (they allow actual mating to be directly observed rather than to occur based on a correlated behaviour). So far, however, no study has confirmed that males that entice females to mate sooner actually enjoy increased longer-term mating success. As such, the accuracy of no-choice tests as a method of examining mate choice remains untested. Here, we used no-choice tests on the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus, to show that (1) females did not prefer males that won fights (dominant males), and (2) latency to mating predicts actual mating success. We have clearly demonstrated the usefulness of no-choice tests and, considering the advantages of this method, they should be more often considered for a wider variety of taxa.Communicated by D. Gwynne  相似文献   

Summary The shrimp Alpheus armatus territorially defends the sea anemone it occupies, using as a weapon its large, specially modified snapping claw. This behavior was studied in experimental contests which were symmetric (matched individuals) with respect to sex, size, and residency. Characteristics of these contests were compared for two size-classes of male and female shrimp.There were no significant differences between these groups of shrimp in the number of bouts required to establish dominance or in the number of snaps exchanged. Large females had shorter contests than either small or large males, and losers of contests between large females were injured more frequently and more severely.This distinctiveness of large female contests could be interpreted as evidence that (i) controlling anemones is more important for large females, (ii) injuries are less important for large females, or (iii) large females lose the ability to assess one another because their contests are less frequent.If injuries are an accurate measure of the most important costs associated with fighting, then these results indicate that short contests are not necessarily the least costly, and that females can be more aggressive than males, as measured by escalation potential, in sexually selected species.  相似文献   

Body size strongly predicts fighting behaviour and outcome in many species, with the larger opponent usually winning contests. However, recent fighting experience can have a strong influence on the establishment of dominance hierarchies, with recent winners being more likely to win subsequent contests, while recent losers are more likely to lose. Recent fighting experience therefore has the potential to modify the effect of body size in determining contest behaviour and outcome. Here, we investigate whether recent fighting experience weakens the role of body size in predicting contest behaviour in the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus. We compared the role of body size in determining contest outcome during initial non-physical encounters and escalated aggressive physical encounters (grapples), as well as the probability of escalation occurring, in contests involving either a naïve or experienced smaller male against a naïve larger male. We found that recent fighting experience only affected contest outcome during non-physical encounters. Once a contest had escalated into grappling, the effect of previous wins and losses was no longer apparent and body size strongly predicted contest outcome. Thus, once males can directly assess their opponent's fighting ability, recent fighting experience did not alter the effect of body size on contest behaviour and outcome.  相似文献   

Mate choice is not just a female preoccupation. Under some circumstances, males may also be choosy. However, studies of male mate choice have generally been confined to situations where males can make direct comparisons between potential partners. In contrast, sequential male mate choice has largely been overlooked despite its biologically importance, especially if current investment in mate attraction diminishes a males future mating opportunities. Using the Pacific blue-eye fish Pseudomugil signifer, we show that males are capable of exercising sequential mate choice. When presented sequentially with large and small females, males spent more effort courting the former. However, males did not appear to modify the time spent courting a given female based on the size of the female encountered previously. We suggest that greater attention to the sequential choice problem in males may help illuminate similarities and differences between the sexes when it comes to mating decisions.Communicated by T. Czeschlik  相似文献   

Summary In many insects nutrients transferred by the male to the female at mating are later incorporated into both the eggs and soma of the mated females. Accordingly, it has been suggested that female insects can use these male-derived nutrients both for somatic maintenance and to increase both the number and quality of their offspring. Moreover, much discussion is presently devoted to whether the male nuptial gift represents paternal investment, defined as any increase in given male's total surviving progeny by increasing the reproductive output by a given female, or mating effort which obtains if a male gains by increasing the proportion of eggs he fertilizes from a given female (Parker and Simmons 1989). If the male nuptial gift represents parental investment it should be expected to benefit predominantly the offspring sired by the donor, whereas the physiological fate of the male nuptial gift is somewhat irrelevant under the mating effort explanation. In this paper we test these issues by studying the lifetime fecundity, egg weights and longevity of two groups of females of the polyandrous green-veined white butterfly, Pieris napi, one group of which was allowed to mate only once and the other of which was allowed to mate at liberty, the latter group of females mating on average 2.28 times. Moreover, to test the incorporation rate of male-derived nutrients, we performed a second set of experiments where females were allowed to mate with radioactively labelled males. The results showed that polyandrous females had higher lifetime fecundity compared to monandrous females, laying on average 1.61 as many eggs, and that the difference in cumulative fecundity between the two groups was statistically significant from the 5th day of egg-laying onwards. Polyandrous females also lived longer and maintained egg weight at a high level for longer than monandrous females. Largely concomitant with egg-laying rate, incorporation rate of male-derived nutrients peaked 3–4 days after mating, subsequently tapering off to stabilize at about 40% of the maximum. Given the opportunity, female P. napi remated after 3–5 days, the duration of the refractory period being positively correlated with ejaculate mass. Hence, although the nutrient investment of the first male to mate with a female subsidizes the progeny of later-mating males, the male nuptial gift in P. napi clearly qualifies as both paternal investment and mating effort. Correspondence to: C. Wiklund  相似文献   

Summary A demonstration of adaptive mate choice by females in resource-defence mating systems requires clear predictions as to how females should rank breeding situations (defined by the quality of both the resident male and the territory he defends) so as to maximize their fitness. Since male quality is only weakly correlated with territory quality in red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), ranking breeding situations in this species will require a consideration of both those parameters independently of each other as long as both vary among males, are predictable before mating, and affect female fitness. Data from a two year study of an eastern Ontario population of this species suggested that two components of male parental quality, nest defence effort and provisioning of nestlings with food, both varied among males and were somewhat predictable. Two measures of nest defence effort were correlated with an index of epaulet size (a reliable predictor of captive dominance rank in this species) (Table 5), and provisioning appeared to be predictable on the basis of both courtship behavior and breeding experience. Our data also suggest that these two components of male parental quality do not covary. Since male provisioning tends to be restricted to the nestlings of the primary and secondary mates in this species, breeding situations must be ranked not only with respect to their manifold quality but also with respect to the mating status of individual females.  相似文献   

The anemone Phymactis clematis exhibits intraspecific agression. An investigation into dominance relationships amongst the 3 colour morphs collected from Vna del Mar, Chile, during June, 1980, revealed them to be equally aggressive. The outcomes of experimental contests appeared to reside solely with size-dependent differences in the threshold for the release of agression. Contests were asymmetric and larger individuals displayed aggression earlier against smaller opponents, and won encounters. An analysis of times for the onset of aggression in contests showed that they were highly variable and were not a good indicator of the absolute aggressive ability of individuals as denoted by dominance rankings. It provided, however, evidence indicating a lack of assessment of opponent size during initial contact. This is discussed in relation to the evolution of aggression in anemones and to the concept of evolutionarily stable strategies in contest behaviour. It is concluded that future work on the apparent size-dependent threshold will most instructively be conducted at the neurophysiological level.  相似文献   

Summary Male pied flycatches Ficedula hypoleuca regularly feed their mates during incubation. By experimentally supplying some females with extra food we studied how the female's nutritional state affected her incubation schedule and the rate at which her mate fed her. Females that received extra food spent more time on the nest and shorter periods away from it, compared with control females. This suggests that nest attentiveness is governed by the amount of energy available to the female. When females reccived extra food, males decreased their rate of incubation feeding. They also did so in response to increasing ambient temperatures, whereas incubation schedules were unaffected. We, therefore, conclude that our results support the female nutrition hypothesis, i.e., that the food provided by the male constitutes a significant nutritional contribution to the incubating female.  相似文献   

Summary Motivation to fight and willingness to risk the use of dangerous weapons, two factors which can be decisive in predicting the winners of asymmetric animal contests, are readily bluffed in display. When contests are decided by motivation to fight or daring, more reliable information about contest asymmetries may be gained by watching actual fights than by watching displays. By presenting mounts to territorial red-winged blackbirds and scoring how aggressively a territory holder attacks the mount, then recording any subsequent intrusions over established boundaries, I showed that neighbors are likely to intrude upon focal males that fail to attack the mount vigorously. This result suggests that red-winged blackbirds watch contests to assess the RHP of neighbors.  相似文献   

The relationship between signaling and aggression is still unclear despite several decades of research. However, there is a growing interest in studying signals that predict aggressive behavior or fighting ability. The goals of our study were threefold: we investigated the relationship between signaling effort and aggression, the relationship between body condition and aggression, and the effect of fighting experience on subsequent signaling behavior in wild-caught and laboratory-reared male spring field crickets (Gryllus veletis). We found that aggressive behavior was not related to signaling effort, body size, or body condition. For contest winners, wild-captured males were more aggressive than laboratory-reared males. Signaling effort was highly repeatable within individuals, but aggressive behavior had low repeatability. We found no evidence for a winner or loser effect on signaling; there was no change in signaling effort when we compared contest winners and losers before and after they participated in aggressive contests. Long-distance acoustic signaling and aggressive behavior appear to be independent of one another in spring field crickets, perhaps serving different functions in female attraction and male–male competition, respectively.  相似文献   

Pheromones may convey information about mate quality and social status. In the field cricket Gryllus integer, females mount the males for copulation, such that males cannot coerce females to mate. We examined whether virgin G. integer females preferred the scent of potentially dominant males to that of subordinate males. First, we collected pheromones by confining males on filter paper. Next, we offered filter paper from each of two size-matched males and control paper to females that had never been exposed to males, and measured the time spent by the female on each kind of paper. Finally, dominance status of the males in each size-matched pair was determined by pitting the two males against one another in agonistic contests. When offered filter paper from subsequently dominant versus subsequently subordinate males, females spent more time on the paper from the dominant male than the subordinate male, and much less time on control paper. Thus, pheromones may inform female G. integer about a male's potential to achieve dominant social status. Male pheromones were also associated with the female's tendency to mount a male. In contrast to cockroaches, where females prefer the scent of subordinate males (presumably to avoid risk of injury), female crickets prefer the scent of potentially dominant males and are more likely than males to wound their mating partners.  相似文献   

Female copulation calls are mating-associated vocalizations that occur in some species of Old World monkeys and apes. We argue that copulation calls have two immediate functions: to encourage mating attempts by other males and to increase mate guarding by the consort male. We hypothesize that female copulation calls have evolved under the selective pressures of risk of infanticide and sperm competition. When male mate guarding is effective, copulation calls allow females to concentrate paternity in dominant males and benefit from their protection against the risk of infanticide. When mate guarding is ineffective, copulation calls may bring genetic benefits to females through facilitation of sperm competition. We present a quantitative model in which interspecific variation in females' promiscuity predicts their tendency to use copulation calls in conjunction with mating. The model predicts that in species with little female promiscuity, copulation calls should be rare and exhibited only in association with mating with dominant males. In species in which females are highly promiscuous, copulation calls should be frequent and unrelated to male dominance rank. The limited data available to test the model support its main predictions as well as the predicted relation between copulation calls and male dominance rank.
Dario MaestripieriEmail:

White-fronted bee-eaters live in patrilocal, extended family groups in which several pairs may breed simultaneously and in which helping behavior by nonbreeders is common. The composition of a male's family, and his social position within it, are major predictors of his expected reproductive success. For females, the dispersing sex, a decision to pair necessitates forfeiting any potential fitness benefits available through helping in her family, in favor of the potential benefits of breeding in the male's family. Using a set of equations that incorporate the social and non-social predictors of nesting success, we develop a payoff matrix for the expected fitness (current and future) of pairing with different categories of males. Predictions generated from this payoff matrix were supported by data: (1) Females that could help close kin (and thus garner large indirect benefits) tended to remain unpaired. (2) Males with social characteristics associated with low expected reproductive success were more often rejected as potential mates by females. (3) High-quality males, those with potential helpers of their own, were nearly always paired. Simulation analyses were used to investigate female pairing decisions in more detail, and to test various hypotheses about possible decision rules. We demonstrate that pairing females incorporate an assessment of the family structure of potential partners into their mate choice decisions. Such social characters represent an aspect of female choice that has been underappreciated. We suggest that social characters will prove to be important components of mate choice decisions in many species where kinship and dominance considerations influence the likelihood, or success, of breeding.  相似文献   

We examined factors that determine the outcome of agonistic encounters between male pygmy swordtail fish. Xiphophorus nigrensis and X. multilineatus males formed dominance relationships based on body size in staged laboratory encounters. There was a significant negative correlation between size asymmetry and fight intensity, suggesting that males assessed size in the encounters. However, a significant proportion of the variation in fight intensity in contests that escalated to bites could not be explained by size asymmetry. Aggressive motivation may also influence the outcome of contests and could be assessed in agonistic encounters. Theory suggests that signals of aggressive intention will be evolutionarily stable if individuals can recognize opponents and encounter one another repeatedly. In addition, individual recognition is one way that dominance hierarchies can be maintained. Here we demonstrate that males from both species can recognize individuals. In addition, at least some X. nigrensis males were site-faithful in the field, suggesting males encounter the same opponents repeatedly.Communicated by G.M. Klump  相似文献   

Female preference for dominant males is widespread and it is generally assumed that success in male-male competition reflects high quality. However, male dominance is not always attractive to females. Alternatively, relatively symmetric individuals may experience fitness advantages, but it remains to be determined whether males with more symmetrical secondary sexual traits experience advantages in both intra- and intersexual selection. We analysed the factors that determine dominance status in males of the lizard Lacerta monticola, and their relationship to female mate preference, estimated by the attractiveness of males' scents to females. Sexually dimorphic traits of this lizard (head size and femoral pores) appear to be advanced by different selection pressures. Males with relatively higher heads, which give them advantage in intrasexual contests, were more dominant. However, head size was unimportant to females, which preferred to be in areas marked by relatively heavier males, but also by males more symmetric in their counts of left and right femoral pores. Chemicals arising from the femoral pores and other glands might honestly indicate quality (i.e. related to the symmetry levels) of a male to females and may result from intersexual selection. Females may use this information because the only benefit of mate choice to female lizards may be genetic quality. Chemical signals may be more reliable and have a greater importance in sexual selection processes of lizards than has previously been considered.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and empirical studies have shown that male dominance is often at odds with female mate preference and that indirect (genetic) benefits of mate choice may not be related to male dominance. We tested whether female preference corresponded to male dominance and whether mating with dominant males conveyed benefits to offspring fitness in a small freshwater fish, the African annual killifish Nothobranchius korthausae (Cyprinodontiformes), a species without parental care. The experimental design used controlled for the effect of male age, possibility of sperm and egg depletion, and accounted for a potential that females express their preference through maternal effects by manipulation of egg mass during ovulation. By sequentially mating females with males of known dominance, we found that female N. korthausae showed no mate preference in terms of egg numbers deposited with respect to male dominance or body size and no congruent mate preference to specific males was detected. However, males sired offspring with consistently higher hatching success and the effect was repeatable across individual females. Thus, some males provided females with indirect benefits related to additive genetic quality (“good genes”) and expressed via increased hatching rate, but this benefit was not related to male dominance status or body size.  相似文献   

In sexual selection, honest signals are maintained by a variety of mechanisms. In red junglefowl (Gallus gallus), health, condition and social status affect comb size, a well-documented predictor of female choice. The comb size of subordinate male junglefowl appears to be suppressed when in the company of other males. One hypothesis for how social status could affect ornament expression in this way involves punishment of cheaters. Under this scenario, dominant males periodically challenge similar males signalling putative high status. For subordinate males, the risk of fighting a high-ranked male could make it prohibitively costly to develop ornamentation signalling dominance. We asked if dominance signals influenced the direction of aggression by dominant males. To address this issue, we conducted experiments in which 19 dominant-acting, large-combed male junglefowl were allowed to choose to fight one of two opponents. The two potential fight opponents differed in comb size, dominance behaviour, or in both traits. In 15 of 19 trials, dominant-acting males chose to fight large-combed, dominant-acting opponents rather than small-combed, subordinate-acting opponents. This is the first demonstration that aggression of dominant male birds is directed at other males based on the display of an ornament known to be attractive to females. However, males did not discriminate between fight opponents when potential opponents differed in only one of the two status indicators (large-combed males chosen in 11 of 19 trials, dominant-acting males chosen in 10 of 19 trials).  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of weapons, we must understand both their functions and relative importance compared to body size in determining fighting success. Many decapod crustaceans develop disproportionately large chelipeds for their body size and use them as a weapon in agonistic interaction. There are, however, examples where weapons are merely signals of resource holding potential (RHP) and the RHP is actually determined by body size. We investigated the function and relative efficacy of body size and major cheliped size in male–male contests for females in the hermit crab Diogenes nitidimanus. Contests over females took two forms: (1) males preemptively guarded females and opponents did not fight with the guarding male. Cheliped size contributed significantly to the settlement of these contests and probably functioned as a visual signal for the opponents. (2) Guarding males engaged in physical combat with an opponent. In these cases, both body and cheliped sizes affected contest outcomes. The effect size for cheliped size was as strong, or stronger, than that for body size. These results suggest that large chelipeds have evolved as a true weapon and are effective in escalated fights for resources. Therefore they are also efficient visual signals for settling contests with only display. Our results are a rare example that clearly demonstrate that weapons are a more important determinant of fights than body size when both body and weapon size affect resource acquisition.  相似文献   

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