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目前,我国可耗竭资源开采回采率普遍较低,企业可以通过追加投资来提高资源的管理及技术水平,进而提高资源开采回采率,减少资源浪费.文中基于Hotelling横向差异化模型,构建了一个三阶段动态博弈模型,采用逆向归纳法的思路,分析了可耗竭资源开采企业追加投资的动态行为.首先在企业通过竞争形成的价格和市场份额给定的基础上,分析第三阶段实行价格歧视消费者的转移情况,得到两企业的竞争策略;接着将第三阶段的最优价格策略和利润考虑到第二阶段中,讨论两企业的价格竞争均衡问题,分别得到两企业的需求;最后将第二阶段的利润贴现到第一阶段,可得到企业追加投资的策略,给出了该动态博弈模型存在唯一子博弈完美纳什均衡的条件和企业最佳追加投资规模.研究结果表明,要使企业追加投资就必须要求追加投资的回报率足够高,当企业追加投资的回报率很高时,只要较小的追加投入就会产生较大的边际成本减少量,获得较大的竞争优势,甚至会将不进行追加投资企业挤出市场;当投资回报率给定时,企业追加投资的激励是取决于其耐心,即企业对未来收益关注越多,则追加投资的规模也越大.  相似文献   

不可再生资源如煤和石油的使用不同于一般商品的消费,其存量的固定性特征导致其越来越少。这样就需要研究该种商品的最优代际分配问题,即研究其开采规律和定价模式。近些年中国的不可再生资源如煤的过度开采和使用已经是一个相当严重且亟待解决的问题。本文将证明在社会主义市场经济体制下,不完整的产权制度如承包制是导致不可再生资源滥采滥用的一个重要原因。即使是在完全竞争的市场结构下,如此的产权制度安排也不能使厂商内部化使用者成本,因此过低的价格引起资源的过快耗竭。  相似文献   

耗竭性资源定价是价格改革中的核心问题之一,尤其是对天然气等耗竭性资源开采的定价问题研究在我国生态文明建设中具有重要理论意义和实践价值。天然气等耗竭性资源定价主要通过发挥市场配置的决定性作用直接影响以及资源禀赋条件间接影响开采水平和经济增长。本文从耗竭性资源的经济理论出发,运用H.霍特林定价原理,估算天然气开采的耗竭性定价方法及数学模型,反映市场供求状况和资源稀缺程度。研究发现:(1)我国天然气市场需求价格缺乏弹性(-0.183 559),需求量随时间呈指数增长趋势;(2)市场价格与资源储量呈反向变动关系,与资源开采年限呈正向变动关系,并且这种变动幅度与需求价格缺乏弹性有关;(3)市场价格与利率呈反向变动关系;(4)天然气资源开采的定价主要与资源初始可采储量、市场的需求弹性、市场利率和开采时限相关。  相似文献   

关于因人类耗用行为而导致可再生资源灭绝的理论研究,应该以个体理性下的短期利益最大化为假定。通过构建此类模型,对珍贵可再生自然资源的灭绝问题进行了探讨。可再生资源的再生速度起初随着资源存量的减少而增大,后来又随着资源存量的减少而减小。据此建立再生速度(〖WTBX〗V〖WTBZ〗1)函数。在假定资源消耗满足边际产出递减规律的基础上,建立消耗资源的总成本(〖WTBX〗C〖WTBZ〗)函数;由不可替代性、无法人为增加供给这两个特点出发,对珍贵可再生资源的概念进行了界定,并构造其价格(〖WTBX〗P〖WTBZ〗)函数。由〖WTBX〗C〖WTBZ〗和〖WTBX〗P〖WTBZ〗函数,可以推导出市场经济条件下、资源消耗主体利润最大化时的珍贵可再生资源的消耗速度(〖WTBX〗V〖WTBZ〗2*)函数。然后,通过〖WTBX〗V〖WTBZ〗1与〖WTBZ〗V〖WTBZ〗2*函数的对比讨论,对珍贵可再生资源的灭绝做出理论解释。最后,从模型出发,有针对性地提出了应对措施。并特别指出,如果政府能完全控制资源的消耗,则不但能防止资源灭绝,还可以使人们长久地获取更多的资源;技术是解决灭绝问题的根本出路。〖  相似文献   

本文从价格视角将我国稀土市场结构的变化历程划分为不同阶段,分别从理论和现实视角上探讨了在国际、国内都是完全竞争市场,国际市场垄断、国内市场完全竞争,国际市场完全竞争、国内市场垄断,国际、国内都是垄断市场条件下稀土最优开采路径及最优耗竭时间,并通过设定参数判断其相对大小关系。发现在一定的假设条件下,开采前期当国内和国际市场都是完全竞争时,稀土最优开采量是最大的;当国内和国际市场都是垄断时,稀土最优开采量是最小的;其他两种市场情况下稀土最优开采量居于中间,当国际市场是稀土的主要消费地时,国际竞争-国内垄断市场情况下稀土最优开采量大于国际垄断-国内竞争市场情况下稀土最优开采量,反之,国际垄断-国内竞争市场情况下稀土最优开采量大于国际竞争-国内垄断市场情况下稀土最优开采量。  相似文献   

农村人力资本投资:政府失灵的原因及矫正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本水平的提高是国家和个人收入持续增加的根本动力,对农村人力资本进行投资是政府的重要职责之一。目前我国由于资源约束下的政府偏好、多层次委托一代理背景下的官僚行为及利益集团的影响。在农村人力资本投资方面出现了政府失灵。矫正政府失灵的关键在于对政府偏好及相应制度安排进行调整;缩小政府规模,约束官僚行为;建立和完善保护农民利益的机制。  相似文献   

本文以基于优先权的资源配置的特征——对资源的竞争性为视角,提出了资源偏好结构的一致性和差异性的概念,并用一致性优先权取代先前文献所用的(非)循环优先权的定义,研究了在环形优先权和一致性优先权结构下,偏好结构的一致性对配置绩效及配置结果的影响。有限的资源数量与一致性的偏好是资源竞争的原因。在完全信息环境中,在偏好一致性的条件下,基于优先权基础的资源配置问题的配置结果取决于优先权结构,一致性的优先权结构是保证配置公平性前提。流域水市场的参与者对水资源具有一致性的偏好结构,流域水资源的配置是一典型的竞争性资源配置问题。同时,合同匹配理论的发展给出了一条新的讨论流域水资源配置问题的思路。我们能期望依托于合同匹配理论的框架来设计流域水市场的制度体系。流域水资源的交易存在外部性与公共物品性,这种外部性呈现一定的空间格局。在环境意识觉醒和存在一致性社会性偏好条件下,外部性效应会反映在交易者的效用函数中,我们通过交易机制设计,让交易者的社会性偏好得以表达,以实现流域水资源的社会最优配置。  相似文献   

本文区分了确定性和不确定性条件下生态环境资源的定价与补偿机制的关系.在不确定性条件下,生态环境资源有不可逆性,往往会产生沉淀成本,由此产生期权价值,难以依靠传统的边际成本定价实现生态环境资源补偿,往往造成资源投资补偿不足.如果生态环境资源具有完全可逆性,那么就不会存在资源破坏和环境恶化问题.正是由于生态资源环境具有显著的不可逆性,沉淀成本普遍存在,特别是在未来不确定性的条件下,需要考虑期权价值对生态环境资源定价的影响,从而发现资源定价的根本原则在于生态环境资源价格中需要包括期权价值,特别是资源消耗导致未来资源消耗的减少.否则,由于期权价值没有进入生态环境资源价格里,很容易造成过度或掠夺开采生态资源.因此,合理的生态环境资源定价是建立生态环境资源补偿机制最根本的制度保障,也是市场完善的重要体现.  相似文献   

合理的补偿标准是流域生态补偿的核心,也是激励生态系统服务提供者积极性、体现生态系统服务改善价值、实现区域协同发展的关键内容.基于成本收益双视角,以渭河流域为例,运用全成本法和选择实验法测算了流域生态系统服务保护的成本收益,进一步借助鲁宾斯坦议价模型核算跨区域生态补偿标准.结果表明:(1)为改善流域生态环境,上游甘肃省的直接治理成本约为35021.27万元/a,间接成本约为107112.26万元/a,全成本约为142133.53万元/a;(2)流域生态系统服务改善能够为中下游陕西省带来的收益为252912.96万元;(3)在流域生态系统服务保护成本收益明确的前提下,若上游地区在协商中具有完全耐心或中下游地区完全没有耐心,则上游获得全部净收益,补偿标准为252912.96万元/a;若上游地区完全没有耐心,且当中下游耐心程度(贴现因子)为0.5时,则双方将均分净收益,即补偿标准为197523.25万元/a.总的来看,研究对流域生态系统服务保护的成本收益分析及跨区域生态补偿标准核算提供了可行思路,实际应用中可根据具体情况合理设定议价双方贴现因子进行灵活处理.  相似文献   

基于委托代理理论的农户耕地保护补偿标准分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对农户耕地保护成本进行经济补偿是未来耕地保护机制改革的趋势.然而耕地保护的成本往往不为受益者所知,因此耕地保护的经济补偿标准难以确定.本文以委托-代理理论作为分析基础,针对政府和农户之间信息对等和不对等两种情况设定政府的效用函数和农户可接受的补偿标准函数,经过公式推导,得出如下结论:完全信息条件下,政府若根据低成本地区的补偿标准对所有地区的耕地实施补偿支付,将导致高成本地区实际得到有效保护的耕地面积会低于政府计划标准;而政府若根据高成本地区的补偿标准对所有地区的耕地实施补偿,将诱使低成本地区农户擅自增加耕地面积,导致生态环境退化,因此,委托人应根据代理人的不同耕地保护的成本确定不同的补偿标准.非完全信息条件下,与完全信息条件下相比,低成本地区的农户获得的补偿要高一些,而高成本地区的农户获得的补偿要低一些.在补偿机制实际运作过程中,若政府要想确保耕地保护政策得到有力实施,就必须对那些具有低成本的农户付出一定的信息租金.  相似文献   

There are few papers in the literature focusing on the issue of the optimal depletion of exhaustible resources in the framework of variable time preference. This paper attempts to analyze the pure consumption of exhaustible resource under hyperbolic time preference, and to discuss the optimal depletion rate and the effect of the protection of the exhaustible resource under different commitment abilities. The results of model show that the case of the hyperbolic discount with the full commitment of the government is equivalent to the case of constant discount of the social planner problem. In that case, the optimal depletion rate and the initial consumption of exhaustible resource are the slowest. On the contrary, they are the highest and the myopic behaviors lead to excessive consumption of exhaustible resources inevitably without commitment. Otherwise, in the case of partial commitment, the results are between the cases of full commitment and of no commitment. Therefore, with the hyperbolic time preference, the optimal depletion rate of resource depends on the commitment ability. Higher commitment ability leads to lower effective rate of time preference, and consequently, lower depletion rate and lower initial depletion value. The improvement of commitment ability can decrease the impatience and myopia behaviors, and contribute to the protection of the exhaustible resources.  相似文献   


There are few papers in the literature focusing on the issue of the optimal depletion of exhaustible resources in the framework of variable time preference. This paper attempts to analyze the pure consumption of exhaustible resource under hyperbolic time preference, and to discuss the optimal depletion rate and the effect of the protection of the exhaustible resource under different commitment abilities. The results of model show that the case of the hyperbolic discount with the full commitment of the government is equivalent to the case of constant discount of the social planner problem. In that case, the optimal depletion rate and the initial consumption of exhaustible resource are the slowest. On the contrary, they are the highest and the myopic behaviors lead to excessive consumption of exhaustible resources inevitably without commitment. Otherwise, in the case of partial commitment, the results are between the cases of full commitment and of no commitment. Therefore, with the hyperbolic time preference, the optimal depletion rate of resource depends on the commitment ability. Higher commitment ability leads to lower effective rate of time preference, and consequently, lower depletion rate and lower initial depletion value. The improvement of commitment ability can decrease the impatience and myopia behaviors, and contribute to the protection of the exhaustible resources.  相似文献   

Taiwan's EPA has implemented a new guideline called the "Plastic Products Restriction Policy", prohibiting some industries to use plastics as packaging materials for the sake of sustainable use of resources. The significant effect resulting from this policy is the substitution of plastic products with paper products. Is this policy beneficial to achieve future sustainability? I attempt to analyze the resource choice between renewable resources and exhaustible resources for production of final products and services in case of exhaustion of natural resources. In this paper, I develop a framework to examine the dynamic responsiveness of a socio-economical system in facing a continual depletion of natural resources provided by an environmental system. In this framework, the status of an environmental system in terms of carrying capacity is affected by the cumulative impacts caused from human activities, including environmental pollution and resource exploitation. Conversely, it also affects the growth of renewable resources. This framework can serve as a guideline to construct indicators to measure the status of the environmental system and the socio-economical system in order to support a policy planner that formulates an appropriate environmental policy. Based on this framework, I also develop a mathematical model to determine the optimal ratio of resources choice between renewable resources and exhaustible resources.  相似文献   

不确定性是经济学现代发展的一个重要研究方向.可耗竭资源(Exhaustible Resources)是经济增长的重要推动力量,因此,可耗竭资源市场中的不确定性问题是值得研究。从资源市场的供给、需求与价格三方面探讨了不确定性问题的来源;从开采和勘探两方面分析了供给不确定中的储量不确定。从需求量变化和支撑技术不确定分析了需求不确定,从价格内生与外生分析了价格不确定;最后进行简短的评价。提出值得关注的几个研究方向。  相似文献   

A simplistic aggregate model of global economic activity supports a 50-year visioning exercise with targets defined in terms of aggregate measures of global equity (convergence) and sustainability (contraction). Some ambitious combinations of these targets turn out to be infeasible even under the most favorable modeling assumptions. No contraction target (no reduction in fossil fuel consumption relative to the present) was possible, for example, if international capital transfers pushed per capita incomes in low-income countries above 33% of levels achieved in high-income countries. Lower prices for renewable alternatives to exhaustible resources generally made sustainability targets easier to achieve, but lower prices for renewable resources also made equity targets more difficult to achieve. Improved substitution between capital and labor made equity targets easier to achieve in relative terms, but improved substitution between capital and labor could make any given sustainability target more or less difficult to achieve. All the results suggest that it is possible to overstate the purported conflict between achieving sustainability and equity targets. The very transfers of international capital that would promote relative equity between high-income and low-income countries could also work to spread the incidence of achieving any sustainability target more evenly across their boundaries.  相似文献   

A simplistic aggregate model of global economic activity supports a 50-year visioning exercise with targets defined in terms of aggregate measures of global equity (convergence) and sustainability (contraction). Some ambitious combinations of these targets turn out to be infeasible even under the most favorable modeling assumptions. No contraction target (no reduction in fossil fuel consumption relative to the present) was possible, for example, if international capital transfers pushed per capita incomes in low-income countries above 33% of levels achieved in high-income countries. Lower prices for renewable alternatives to exhaustible resources generally made sustainability targets easier to achieve, but lower prices for renewable resources also made equity targets more difficult to achieve. Improved substitution between capital and labor made equity targets easier to achieve in relative terms, but improved substitution between capital and labor could make any given sustainability target more or less difficult to achieve. All the results suggest that it is possible to overstate the purported conflict between achieving sustainability and equity targets. The very transfers of international capital that would promote relative equity between high-income and low-income countries could also work to spread the incidence of achieving any sustainability target more evenly across their boundaries.Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

基于AHP LP法的南水北调中线水资源优化配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源是不可替代的重要自然资源和战略性经济资源,水资源优化配置是解决水资源问题的重要手段。为促进区域水资源供需状况相对平衡,按可持续发展的要求,根据区域水资源优化配置的含义和南水北调河北省受水区的具体情况,以有限水资源综合效益最大为目标,考虑水源可供水量、用户需水量和水环境与经济系统协调发展等约束,采用层次分析法与线性规划法相结合的方法,建立了水资源优化配置模型,并对模型的目标函数、约束条件和主要参数确定进行了初步探讨。最后用该模型进行了南水北调河北省受水区2005年和2010年95%保证率下的水资源优化配置研究,并对求解结果进行了分析、评价及展望。结果表明,南水北调工程实施后,能够解决河北省受水区严重缺水的状况。  相似文献   

Rural-urban land conversion is an inevitable phenomenon in urbanization and industrialization. And the decision-making issue about this conversion is multi-objective because the social decision maker (the whole of central government and local authority) has to integrate the requirements of different interest groups (rural collective economic organizations, peasants, urban land users and the ones affected indirectly) and harmonize the sub-objects (economic, social and ecological outcomes) of this land allocation process. This paper established a multi-objective programming model for rural-urban land conversion decision-making and made some social welfare analysis correspondingly. Result shows that the general object of rural-urban land conversion decision-making is to reach the optimal level of social welfare in a certain state of resources allocation, while the preference of social decision makers and the value judgment of interest groups are two crucial factors which determine the realization of the rural-urban land conversion decision-making objects.  相似文献   

合理利用泥沙的资源特性,实现泥沙资源优化配置是湖库生态环境治理迫切需要解决的关键问题之一。该文旨在对泥沙资源化及多目标优化配置方法的研究进行综述,总结泥沙资源化的研究现状和分析其发展趋势。首先对泥沙资源优化配置框架的相关研究进行了综述,主要集中于泥沙资源优化配置、泥沙资源化的途径、泥沙管理生态化及优化配置方法等方面,然后分析了目前对于泥沙资源优化配置的理论认识、模型构建及应用、方案评价及决策存在的主要问题,最后探讨了泥沙资源优化配置相关研究未来发展方向。  相似文献   

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