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为了考察pH和溶解性有机质(DOM)对磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)自然光降解的影响,采用光化学反应器对SMX降解过程进行模拟实验,并利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)和三维荧光光谱(3DEEM)对腐殖酸进行表征。结果表明:SMX光解过程符合准一级反应动力学方程,在中等酸性条件下反应速率明显高于中性或碱性条件;添加不同浓度的Pahokee泥炭腐殖酸(PPHA)和Sigma-Aldrich腐殖酸(SigHA)时,均对SMX的光降解产生了不同程度的抑制作用;FT-IR检测发现,PPHA与SigHA均含有含氧官能团,具有一定的还原能力,3DEEM显示PPHA具有荧光特性,可能和SMX结合生成配合物。pH影响SMX的光解与物质本身的酸离解常数有关,对光子的竞争、淬灭作用和掩蔽效应可能是PPHA和SigHA对SMX光降解抑制作用的主要原因。  相似文献   

The fluorescence excitation–emission matrix properties of 25 dissolved organic matter samples from three rivers and one lake are analysed. All sites are sampled in duplicate, and the 25 samples include ten taken from the lake site, and nine from one of the rivers, to cover variations in dissolved organic matter composition due to season and river flow. Fluorescence properties are compared to the functional properties of the dissolved organic matter; the functional assays provide quantitative information on photochemical fading, buffering capacity, copper binding, benzo[a]pyrene binding, hydrophilicity and adsorption to alumina. Optical (absorbance and fluorescence) characterization of the dissolved organic matter samples demonstrates that (1) peak C (excitation 300–350 nm; emission 400–460 nm) fluorescence emission wavelength; (2) the ratio of peak T (excitation 220–235 nm; emission 330–370 nm) to peak C fluorescence intensity; and (3) the peak C fluorescence intensity: absorbance at 340 nm ratio have strong correlations with many of the functional assays. Strongest correlations are with benzo[a]pyrene binding, alumina adsorption, hydrophilicity and buffering capacity, and in many cases linear regression equations with a correlation coefficient >0.8 are obtained. These optical properties are independent of freshwater dissolved organic carbon concentration (for concentrations <10 mg L−1) and therefore hold the potential for laboratory, field and on-line monitoring and prediction of organic matter functional properties.  相似文献   

Relating dissolved organic matter fluorescence and functional properties   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Baker A  Tipping E  Thacker SA  Gondar D 《Chemosphere》2008,73(11):1765-1772
The fluorescence excitation–emission matrix properties of 25 dissolved organic matter samples from three rivers and one lake are analysed. All sites are sampled in duplicate, and the 25 samples include ten taken from the lake site, and nine from one of the rivers, to cover variations in dissolved organic matter composition due to season and river flow. Fluorescence properties are compared to the functional properties of the dissolved organic matter; the functional assays provide quantitative information on photochemical fading, buffering capacity, copper binding, benzo[a]pyrene binding, hydrophilicity and adsorption to alumina. Optical (absorbance and fluorescence) characterization of the dissolved organic matter samples demonstrates that (1) peak C (excitation 300–350 nm; emission 400–460 nm) fluorescence emission wavelength; (2) the ratio of peak T (excitation 220–235 nm; emission 330–370 nm) to peak C fluorescence intensity; and (3) the peak C fluorescence intensity: absorbance at 340 nm ratio have strong correlations with many of the functional assays. Strongest correlations are with benzo[a]pyrene binding, alumina adsorption, hydrophilicity and buffering capacity, and in many cases linear regression equations with a correlation coefficient >0.8 are obtained. These optical properties are independent of freshwater dissolved organic carbon concentration (for concentrations <10 mg L−1) and therefore hold the potential for laboratory, field and on-line monitoring and prediction of organic matter functional properties.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the transport of hydrophobic organic contaminants in an aquifer under simplistic riverbank filtration conditions is developed. The model considers a situation where contaminants are present together with dissolved organic matter (DOM) and bacteria. The aquifer is conceptualized as a four-phase system: two mobile colloidal phases, an aqueous phase, and a stationary solid phase. An equilibrium approach is used to describe the interactions of contaminants with DOM, bacteria, and solid matrix. The model is composed of bacterial transport equation and contaminant transport equation. Numerical simulations are performed to examine the contaminant transport behavior in the presence of DOM and bacteria. The simulation results illustrate that contaminant transport is enhanced markedly in the presence of DOM and bacteria, and the impact of DOM on contaminant mobility is greater than that of bacteria under examined conditions. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates that the model is sensitive to changes of three lumped parameters: K+1 (total affinity of stationary solid phase to contaminants), K+2 (total affinity of DOM to contaminants), and K+3 (total affinity of bacteria to contaminants). In a situation where contaminants exist simultaneously with DOM and bacteria, contaminant transport is mainly affected by a ratio of K+1/K+2/K+3, which can vary with changes of equilibrium distribution coefficient of contaminants and/or colloidal concentrations. In riverbank filtration, the influence of DOM and bacteria on the transport behavior of contaminants should be accounted to accurately predict the contaminant mobility.  相似文献   

Liu R  Lead JR  Baker A 《Chemosphere》2007,68(7):1304-1311
3-D fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM) spectrophotometry was applied to investigate the fluorescence characterization of colloidal organic matter (COM) and truly dissolved organic matter (DOM) from an urban lake and a rural river fractionated by the cross flow ultrafiltration (CFUF) process with a 1kDa membrane. Relatively high tryptophan-like fluorescence intensity is found in the urban water, although the fluorescence of both water samples is mainly dominated by humic/fulvic-like fluorophores. During CFUF processing, the fluorescence intensities of humic/fulvic-like materials in the retentate increased rapidly, but a slight increase is also observed in the permeate fluorescence intensity. Very different ultrafiltration behaviour occurred with respect to the tryptophan-like fluorophore, where both permeate and retentate fluorescence intensities increase substantially at the beginning of the CFUF process, then tend to remain constant at high concentration factor (cf) values. Comparison with tryptophan standards demonstrates that freshwater tryptophan-like fluorescence is not dissolved and 'free', but is, in part, colloidal and related to the ultrafiltration behaviour of fulvic/humic-like matter. A good linear relationship between the retentate humic/fulvic-like fluorescence intensity and organic carbon concentration further reveals that fluorescent humic/fulvic-like substances are the dominant contributors to colloidal organic carbon, mainly in the colloidal fraction.  相似文献   

The effect of NaF addition on pH, organic matter and the solubilities of fifteen elements was investigated on twenty-eight surface soil samples. Four concentrations of NaF were added: 0, 10(-2.7), 10(-1.7) and 10(-1.0)m F in solution. Addition of NaF increased the pH and the solubility of organic matter for all soils. The magnitude of these increases was higher for acid than for alkaline soils. Aluminum, Fe and Ca showed the greatest increases in solubility while Mg, K, Mn and P showed intermediate increases. The elements Cd, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, B, Mo and Ba showed only slight increases in solubility. Another experiment was conducted to test whether the effects of NaF on pH, organic matter and the solubilities of various elements were due to F or Na. Four levels of NaCl similar to those for NaF were added to three acid and two alkaline soils. The results confirmed the effects of F on soil pH, organic matter and the solubilities of all elements investigated except those of K, Ca and Mg. Addition of Na as NaF resulted in release of K, Ca and Mg from the exchange sites on solid surfaces into solution.  相似文献   

土壤有机质对铊在土壤中吸附-解吸行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了土壤有机质对Tl+在红壤和黄土2种土壤中的吸附-解吸行为的影响。结果表明,去除土壤有机质后红壤和黄土对Tl+的吸附量均明显下降,下降幅度最高分别达到24.7%和28.2%,黄土的下降幅度大于红壤;黄土对Tl+吸附率最高下降幅度约为20%,也高于红壤的15%。土壤有机质对Tl+吸附的贡献率平均值分别是黄土39.2%、红壤32.8%。2种土壤对Tl+的解吸量在去除有机质之后都明显增大,在初始Tl+浓度较高的情况下,增大幅度明显;并且Tl+的初始浓度越高,土壤在去有机质前后的解吸率相差就越大,在Tl+最大处理浓度为20 mg/L时,红壤和黄土的解吸率增加分别达到60.8%和65.5%。  相似文献   

Arsenic-contaminated soils may pose a risk to human health. Redevelopment of contaminated sites may involve amending soils with organic matter, which potentially increases arsenic bioaccessibility. The effects of ageing on arsenic-contaminated soils mixed with peat moss were evaluated in a simulated ageing period representing two years, during which arsenic bioaccessibility was periodically measured. Significant increases (p = 0.032) in bioaccessibility were observed for 15 of 31 samples tested, particularly in comparison with samples originally containing >30% bioaccessible arsenic in soils naturally rich in organic matter (>25%). Samples where percent arsenic bioaccessibility was unchanged with age were generally poor in organic matter (average 7.7%) and contained both arsenopyrite and pentavalent arsenic forms that remained unaffected by the organic matter amendments. Results suggest that the addition of organic matter may lead to increases in arsenic bioaccessibility, which warrants caution in the evaluation of risks associated with redevelopment of arsenic-contaminated land.  相似文献   

三维荧光区域积分评估城市污水中溶解性有机物去除   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以三维荧光技术为手段,结合荧光区域积分和聚类分析,考察某城市污水厂污水处理过程中溶解性有机物的去除状况。研究结果表明,采用三维荧光区域积分可以表征城市污水中易降解、可降解和难降解有机物相对含量的变化趋势,能够有效识别污水中溶解性有机物的指纹特征。城市污水中类蛋白等易降解物质含量约占总荧光物质的50%,在污水厂曝气池缺氧段,易降解基质被大量去除。曝气池顺水流方向约225 m处,溶解性有机物的去除已基本完成。三维荧光光谱中区域II和III的积分标准体积与TOC的皮尔森相关指数分别为0.964和0.970。和其他荧光指数相比,这2个区域的积分标准体积与TOC的相关度更高。  相似文献   

Equilibrium measurements were carried out with the herbicide isoproturon on natural adsorbents (brown forest-, chernozem-, sandy soils and quartz) in different buffered media (pH 5, 7, 8 phosphate buffer). Adsorption isotherms were fitted by a multi-step adsorption equation providing numerical information used in the environmental propagation models and risk assessment works. In the adsorption of the slightly polar isoproturon the dissolved organic matter of the soil and the pH play an important role. At molecular level, results are interpreted by taking into consideration the hydrophobic interaction and the formation of hydrogen bonds between the surface and the solute. The observed adsorption behavior indicates that the organic matter content of the soils and its soluble fulvic acid, alkaline soluble humic acid and insoluble humin fractions were considerable different. The chernozem soil containing the highest amount of insoluble organic fraction proved to be a very efficient adsorbent. The brown forest and the sandy soils exhibit rather similar adsorbent properties but at pH 7 the latter containing more fulvic acid adsorbs less isoproturon due to the enhanced solubility of the soil organic matter. In alkaline conditions the negatively charged solute and the surface repel each other and the hydrophobic interactions are also weaker than in neutral media.  相似文献   

pH和有机质对铬渣污染土壤中Cr赋存形态的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
选用3种不同的铬渣污染土壤作为试验样,通过调节其pH和有机质含量,并采用碱消解-共沉淀法和改良BCR顺序提取法,研究了pH和有机质含量对土壤中铬的价态及形态的影响。结果表明,总体上Cr(Ⅵ)含量随pH降低和有机质投加量增大而减小,Cr(Ⅲ)则增加,但土1各水平间差异均显著(F8.89),土2和土3只有部分水平间差异显著。同时,随pH降低和有机质投加量增大,酸可提取态Cr含量减小,可氧化态Cr增加,可还原态略有增加,表明酸性条件和有机质有利于Cr(Ⅵ)的还原和酸可提取态Cr向可还原态和可氧化态Cr的转化。  相似文献   

Li H  Helm PA  Paterson G  Metcalfe CD 《Chemosphere》2011,83(3):271-280
The effect of solution pH and levels of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the sampling rates for model pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine disrupting substance (EDS) by polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) was investigated in laboratory experiments. A commercially available POCIS configuration containing neutral Oasis HLB (hydrophilic-lipophilic balance) resin (i.e. pharmaceutical POCIS) and two POCIS configurations prepared in-house containing MAX and MCX anion and cation exchange resins, respectively were tested for uptake of 21 model PPCPs and EDS, including acidic, phenolic, basic and neutral compounds. Laboratory experiments were conducted with dechlorinated tap water over a pH range of 3, 7 and 9. The effects of DOM were studied using natural water from an oligotrophic lake in Ontario, Canada (i.e. Plastic Lake) spiked with different amounts of DOM (the concentration of dissolved organic carbon ranged from 3 to 5 mg L−1 in uptake experiments). In experiments with the commercial (HLB) POCIS, the MCX-POCIS and the MAX-POCIS, the sampling rates generally increased with pH for basic compounds and declined with pH for acidic compounds. However, the sampling rates were relatively constant across the pH range for phenols with high pKa values (i.e. bisphenol A, estrone, estradiol, triclosan) and for the neutral pharmaceutical, carbamazepine. Thus, uptake was greatest when the amount of the neutral species in solution was maximized relative to the ionized species. Although the solution pH affected the uptake of some model ionic compounds, the effect was by less than a factor of 3. There was no significant effect of DOM on sampling rates from Plastic Lake. However, uptake rates in different aqueous matrixes declined in the order of deionized water > Plastic Lake water > dechlorinated tap water, so other parameters must affect uptake into POCIS, although this influence will be minor. MAX-POCIS and MCX-POCIS showed little advantage over the commercial POCIS configuration for monitoring in natural waters.  相似文献   

基于三维荧光光谱特征峰的水体有机污染物综合指标检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对来源不同一的32个水样进行三维荧光光谱的测定,并用5种典型有机物的荧光特征峰A(腐殖酸类)、C(腐殖酸类)、B(络氨酸类)、T1(色氨酸类)、T2(色氨酸类)进行了单一和组合式建模,发现对于来源不同一的水体的总有机含碳量(TOC)、化学耗氧量(COD)的检测采用这种提取特征峰建模的效果并不理想.该研究说明,依据典型特...  相似文献   

The nature of the influence of organic matter (OM) on ammonium adsorption in lake sediments remains disputed. In this study, the kinetics and thermodynamics of ammonium adsorption were investigated on sediment samples with different OM contents (ignoring the effects of OM mineralization) previously collected from Lake Wuli, a northern bay of Lake Taihu, a shallow lake in southern China. The mechanisms of ammonium adsorption in these samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the ammonium adsorption capacity of the sediments is highly correlated with their OM content and with the humic content of the OM. The ammonium adsorption capacity of OM varies with its composition, i.e., with the surface properties of the different functional groups present. Indeed, humic acid was found to have a greater ammonium adsorption capacity by itself than when mixed with kerogen and black carbon, the mixture of the latter two components proving a better adsorbent than pure black carbon.  相似文献   

采用三维荧光(EEM)光谱技术,对上海竹园第二污水处理厂改良型AO法组合工艺运行过程中的各种溶解性有机物(DOM)进行分析,并对比研究传统好氧活性污泥法曝气池出水和A/O脱氮工艺硝化池出水DOM的EEM光谱的迁移变化特性.结果表明,各种DOM中主要的荧光物质有类蛋白质(荧光峰A和B)及类腐殖质(荧光峰C),经改良型AO法组合工艺处理后,荧光峰的强度降低了14%~60%,同时类蛋白质和腐殖质的结构也发生了变化;腐殖酸溯源表明DOM中的腐殖酸以微生物代谢产生的带有荧光基团的腐殖酸类为主.  相似文献   

Pore water was separated either with or without water extraction prior to centrifugation (7600 or 20 000 × g) in order to investigate the effects of separation procedure on the amount and properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM i.e. the material passing through a 0.45-μm filter) in three freshwater sediments. On the basis of solubility in alkaline, organic matter was concluded to compose of humic substances in two (S1 and S3) and of humin (S2) in one of the sediments. DOM in the samples was quantified by total organic carbon measurement. Specific UV-absorption (SUVA) and high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) analyses were used to characterize DOM. Sorption of pyrene was used as a measure for functionality of DOM. Both water extraction and centrifugation speed were shown to affect the properties of DOM; however, the effects were sediment dependent. Water extraction increased the amount of DOM separated from the two sediments that had humic character (S1 and S3). In most cases water extraction increased SUVA and shifted the molecular size distribution of DOM towards larger sizes. The separation procedure had also an effect on the functionality of DOM. In water extracted samples of S2 and S3 the sorption of pyrene was higher than in the corresponding samples separated without water extraction, whereas in S1 similar effect was not found. Generally, centrifugation speed had smaller effects on the properties of DOM than water extraction. The fact that the effects of separation procedure on DOM depend on the sediment characteristics complicates the comparison between samples and evaluation of functionality in field conditions.  相似文献   

This work studied interactions of uranium with pure organic compounds, such as glutathione, and more complex mixtures, such as humic acid and aqueous plant extracts. High performance liquid chromatography with UV absorption interfaced to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry sequential detection was used to detect organouranium complexes in a variety of soils and plant materials, indicating that nearly 100% of the uranium extracted from certain plant tissues was bound to organic ligands. In addition, soil sorption experiments indicated that humic acid generally decreased uranium sorption to soils and promoted subsequent desorption of uranium because of uranium partitioning to the organic phase. These experiments demonstrate that organic compounds influence the mobility and chemistry of uranium in the environment.  相似文献   

垃圾渗滤液处理工艺中有机污染物的三维荧光光谱   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
利用荧光发射和三维荧光光谱研究了三峡库区某垃圾堆场的渗滤液及其处理工艺出水溶解性有机质(DOM)的荧光光谱特性。堆场渗滤液的DOM含有类酪氨酸、色氨酸及紫外区类富里酸,特征荧光峰中心位于Ex/Em=275 nm/305 nm,为高激发波长类酪氨酸,与前人的研究结果并不一致,这可能与垃圾的堆放期有关。渗滤液和各处理工艺出水的荧光指数f450/500均大于1.9,表明腐殖质主要为微生物源。渗滤液在处理前后荧光峰特征和强度均发生明显改变,类蛋白荧光强度与DOC值变化趋势基本一致。生化处理工艺中,类蛋白荧光强度降低了66.4%~95.5%,紫外区类富里酸荧光强度只降低了28.8%,显示类蛋白质具有良好的可生化性,而类富里酸相对较难生化降解。三维荧光光谱能反映渗滤液处理过程中污染物的种类、性质和数量等变化信息,能快速地进行定性分析、定量评价。  相似文献   

为了考察黑水/灰水中溶解性有机物(DOM)光谱特征在污水处理过程中的变化规律以及生物处理前后黑水/灰水中DOM特性上的异同,对污水处理过程中黑水/灰水DOM的紫外光谱及荧光光谱特征进行了测定分析。结果表明,黑水原水中DOM的含量远高于灰水,且含有较多难降解有机物。生物处理可实现对黑水与灰水中易降解DOM的有效去除,MBR系统中的膜分离过程也可以起到截留溶解性有机物的作用。经MBR处理后,同黑水出水相比,灰水出水中的DOM含量更低,且主要为饱和有机物,苯环C骨架的聚合程度较高,THMs生成活性更低。生物处理过程可有效去除黑水/灰水中蛋白质类物质与易降解腐殖质类物质。生物处理后,黑水与灰水的蛋白峰均消失,黑水出水类腐殖酸峰F荧光强度高于灰水出水。与黑水出水相比,灰水出水更适用作再生水加以回收利用。  相似文献   

Organic sediments are a main sink for metal pollutants in aquatic systems. However, factors that make sediments a sink of metals and metalloids are still not clear. Consequently, we investigate the role of invertebrate shredders (Gammarus pulex L.) on quality of metal and arsenic fixation into organic partitions of sediment in the course of litter decay with laboratory microcosm experiments. During the decomposition of leaf litter, G. pulex significantly facilitated the development of small particles of organic matter. The capacity of metal fixation was significantly higher in smaller particles than leaf litter and litter residuals. Thus, G. pulex enhanced metal fixation into the organic partition of sediments by virtue of increasing the amount smaller particles in the aquatic system. Furthermore, invertebrates have a significant effect on formation of dissolved organic matter and remobilization of cobalt, molybdenum and cesium, but no significant effect on remobilization of all other measured elements.  相似文献   

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