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The morphologically variable reef coral previously known as Montastraea annularis (Ellis and Solander, 1786) has recently been separated into three species based on differences in morphology, behavior, allele frequencies and some life-history traits of Panamanian specimens. To further investigate the proposed reclassification and its conformity to the biological species concept we conducted reciprocal intra- and inter- specific fertilization experiments with gametes from each of the three species on Florida reefs. With one exception, self-fertilization rates were very low or zero. Within-species crosses resulted in production of planulae, as did all inter-species (hybrid) crosses, but there was much variation in fertilization success within each type of cross. In an experiment with separated gametes, hybrid crosses between M. annularis and M. franksi produced more larvae than within-species crosses for each species. Hybridization crosses between M. faveolata and the other two species produced fewer larvae than did within- M. faveolata crosses in the experiment with separated gametes, but many larvae resulted when the hybridizations were performed by mixing entire gamete bundles. Additional observations showed that M. franksi had 20% larger eggs and fewer eggs per gamete bundle than did the other two species and that it consistently spawned 1 to 1.5 h before the others, a potential temporal barrier to hybridization. These results indicate that there is no inherent pre-zygotic barrier to cross-fertilization among the three morphological species, although post-zygotic survival and fertility remain to be determined. The adherence of the proposed reclassification to the biological species concept requires further examination. Received: 16 April 1997 / Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

P. Dustan 《Marine Biology》1975,33(2):101-107
The in-situ growth rate of the reef coral Montastrea annularis on a reef at Jamaica, W. Indies was determined for a 1-year period using Alizarin Red-S staining techniques. Growth rate is correlated with water depth and growth form. The flattened growth form of M. annularis allows for continued rapid increase in colony surface area at low light intensities. The geomorphology of Jamaican reefs may in part be controlled by the population ecology of M. annularis.  相似文献   

The removal of fish biomass by extensive commercial and recreational fishing has been hypothesized to drastically alter the strength of trophic linkages among adjacent habitats. We evaluated the effects of removing predatory fishes on trophic transfers between coral reefs and adjacent seagrass meadows by comparing fish community structure, grazing intensity, and invertebrate predation potential in predator-rich no-take sites and nearby predator-poor fished sites in the Florida Keys (USA). Exploited fishes were more abundant at the no-take sites than at the fished sites. Most of the exploited fishes were either omnivores or invertivores. More piscivores were recorded at no-take sites, but most (approximately 95%) were moderately fished and unexploited species (barracuda and bar jacks, respectively). Impacts of these consumers on lower trophic levels were modest. Herbivorous and smaller prey fish (< 10 cm total length) densities and seagrass grazing diminished with distance from reefs and were not negatively impacted by the elevated densities of exploited fishes at no-take sites. Predation by reef fishes on most tethered invertebrates was high, but exploited species impacts varied with prey type. The results of the study show that, even though abundances of reef-associated fishes have been reduced at fished sites, there is little evidence that this has produced cascading trophic effects or interrupted cross-habitat energy exchanges between coral reefs and seagrasses.  相似文献   

Content analysis of newspaper coverage of the Florida panther   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Populations of large carnivores are declining globally, and analysis of public discourse about carnivores is useful for understanding public opinion and influences on management and policy. Portrayal of carnivores in the media affects public perceptions and support for their conservation. We conducted a content analysis of 513 articles about Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi) published from 2003 to 2006 in newspapers with local circulation in core panther habitat in southwest Florida and papers with statewide circulation to compare the differences in the amount of coverage and portrayals of panther risks to people and property on the basis of proximity of human communities to panthers. Local papers published significantly more news articles and significantly longer news articles primarily about panthers. Articles in local and statewide papers used both episodic frames, which focus on specific occurrences (e.g., a panther sighting or predation) and thematic frames, which focus on general trends (e.g., abundance of panthers over time). Local articles more often emphasized risks that panthers might harm people, pets, or livestock than statewide papers. Our results are consistent with theory that proximity to human-carnivore conflict influences perceptions and salience of risks posed by large carnivores. Most articles mentioned panthers as a secondary topic, which we believe was a result of the relevance an endangered carnivore has in discussions of public land management, development, and regulations in Florida. Claims made by sources quoted in each article had a neutral to positive depiction of panthers, and most quotations were from federal and state agency scientists. We suggest continued use by the media of agency sources provides the opportunity for clear, concordant messages about panther management. Content analysis provides a way to monitor media portrayal of carnivores for consistency with agency outreach goals.  相似文献   

L. E. Brand 《Marine Biology》1982,69(3):253-262
The diel periodicities of in-vivo chlorophyll fluorescence and DCMU-enhanced chlorophyll fluorescence of 47 marine phytoplankton species were examined for 2 d in a 14 h L:10 h D light: dark cycle and then in continous light for another 2 to 3 d. Almost all phytoplankton species exhibit a more rapid increase in in-vivo fluorescence and DCMU-enhanced fluorescence during the light phase than during the dark phase. About one-half of the species examined exhibited persistent diel rhythms in continous light, indicating the operation of a biological clock. No phylogenetic or habitat related trends as to which species exhibited persistent rhythms were apparent. Of the phyla of eukaryotic phytoplankton adequately examined, none lacked biological clocks. Contrary to past hypotheses, some phytoplankton species maintain a persistent diel rhythm in a constant environment while reproducing at a rate greater than one division per day.  相似文献   

Many meiofaunal species are reported to be cosmopolitan, but due to uncertainties of identification, the affiliation of specimens from geographically distant areas to the same species-taxon is problematic. In this study, we examined morphological and molecular variation in samples of Xenotrichula intermedia Remane (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotida) from the Mediterranean Sea, the northwestern Atlantic and the northern Gulf of Mexico. Univariate analysis of 16 morphological traits was unable to detect differences among populations, except for the length of the pharynx, which was significantly shorter in the Gulf of Mexico specimens. Canonical discriminant analysis separated the Gulf of Mexico specimens from the other two populations, with pharynx length contributing about half of the total discrimination. Molecular analysis based on restriction-fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in a 710-base pair polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) produet representing roughly half of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene detected four haplotypes: one each from the Mediterranean and the Gulf of Mexico populations and two coexisting within the Atlantic population. The estimated nucleotide-sequence divergence calculated for each pairwise combination of haplotypes (based on the proportion of shared fragments) ranged from 5.3 to 11.5%. The high genetic divergence and the inability to clearly separate populations based on morphology suggest that individuals characterized by different haplotypes are genetically isolated sibling species.  相似文献   

P. Dustan 《Marine Biology》1982,68(3):253-264
Zooxanthellae living in colonies of the Caribbean reef coral Montastrea annularis photoadapt to depth-dependent attenuation of submarine light. Studies carried out at Discovery Bay, Jamaica, show that in shallow-living coral colonies, the zooxanthellae appear photoadapted to function at high light intensities, and do poorly if transplanted to low light intensities; in contrast, zooxanthellae in deeper-living coral colonies can be damaged by high light intensities. The adaptation to decreasing light intensity and changing spectral quality appears to be accomplished by increasing the size of the photosynthetic unit (PSU), as opposed to increasing the number of PSU's per cell. Whole cell absorption increases with depth, partially offsetting the loss of light energy due to depth-dependent attenuation. Calculations of photosynthetically usable radiation, the light an alga is capable of absorbing in its own submarine habitat, suggest that the algae at different depths are optimizing rather than maximizing their ability to harvest submarine light energy.  相似文献   

Animal-sediment relations and community analysis of a Florida estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Five species assemblages of the intertidal infauna of Old Tampa Bay, Florida, USA are identified. Two assemblages are judged to constitute distinct communities, while a third is shown to be an interdigitation of the two communities. Dominance by on species is the prevalent pattern within the assemblages. Numbers of deposit feeders are found to be inversely correlated to that of filter feeders, and both trophic types are found to be correlated to the sediment parameters of median grain size, sorting and skewness. Three transects with three stations each were established along the south side of Courtney Campbell Causeway in Tampa Bay, Florida. A faunal sample (0.4 m2), a sediment sample, and a water sample were taken at each station in September, December, and March of 1968/1969. Sediment samples were wet-seived. Animal samples were reduced to numbers of organisms and biomass per species. Trellis diagrams and correlation tests were generated. Support is shown for the trophic group-amensalims hypothesis, however, the silt-clay fraction is apparently of lesser importance to deposit feeders in Florida sediments than in Buzzards Bay sediments. An attempt is made to relate an analysis of the optimal grain size for filter feeders to the trophic group-amensalism hypothesis. A view of communities as abstractions from continua is more realistic than communities as discrete units.  相似文献   

Summary An individual's rank in a dominance hierarchy is often based on size or weight, especially in insects. Foundresses of the social wasp, Polistes annularis, vary greatly in size as measured by wing length, dry weight, fat weight, and residue weight after fat has been extracted. Females that emerged from the same nest are much more similar in size to each other than they are to females that emerged from other nests. Within nests however queens are usually larger than their subordinates. Queens that emerged from one nest may be smaller than subordinates that emerged from another nest. We found no evidence of a group of females that are forced into being subordinates because of inadequate feeding as larvae. Females are also probably not attempting to begin new nests with females as different in size as possible from themselves since means and variances of winglength of females on new nests do not differ from those of all females emerging from that natal nest.  相似文献   

Corals in an in situ respirometer exposed to suspended peat during the day greatly decreased net oxygen production, probably due to a reduction of intensity and spectral quality of light reaching the symbiotic zooxanthellae. Net production returned to pre-exposure levels after the chambers were cleared; the corals showed no behavioral effects. In contrast, after exposure during the night, corals displayed clearing behavior (such as extreme distension of the coenosarc and trapping of peat particles in thick clumps of mucus) and an increase in respiration rate comparable to the decrease in net production observed during the daytime exposure. The following morning, net production values were significantly lower than pre-exposure production values although ambient light intensity was slightly higher. This decrease in production as well as a 22% reduction of chlorophyll content in the coral tissue indicated loss of zooxanthellae from the stressed corals. Long-term exposure to such a stress could reduce coral growth rates and substantially alter coral reef communities.  相似文献   

Pleistocene eustatic changes in sea level are often invoked to explain genetic divergence among marine organisms. However, molecular phylogenies have revealed relatively few examples of speciation events dating to the Pleistocene. We present a species-level hypothesis of the timing of evolution for the Pomacentrus coelestis species complex (Pomacentridae), based on the nuclear S7 intron and the mitochondrial Cytb gene, and reconstruct ancestral range distributions across the timetree. Ancestral range reconstruction suggests the complex originated in the Coral Triangle and East Indian Ocean, with subsequent range expansion outward from this region. We suggest that land barriers to dispersal (e.g., Indo-Pacific barrier) may be responsible for the divergence between Indian (P. alleni, P. similis, P. caeruleopunctatus, and P. caeruleus) and Pacific (P. micronesicus, P. auriventris, and P. coelestis) species groups, and subsequent isolation by Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations in certain areas of the Coral Triangle (glacial refugia) may play an important role in the diversification of this species complex. Additionally, our analyses show cryptic lineages within P. micronesicus and highlight the need for comprehensive sampling within and among species to reveal recent speciation events.  相似文献   

The HFire fire regime model was used to simulate the natural fire regime (prior to European settlement) on Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, Canaveral National Seashore, and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. Model simulations were run for 500 years and the model was parameterized using information generated from previously published empirical studies on these properties (e.g., lightning fire ignition frequencies and ignition seasonality). A mosaic pattern of frequent small fires dominated this fire regime with rare but extremely large fires occurring during dry La Niña periods. This simulated fire size distribution very closely matched the previously published fire size distribution for lightning ignitions on these properties. A sensitivity analysis was performed to establish which parameters were most influential and the range of variation surrounding empirically parameterized model output. Dead fuel moisture and wind speed had the largest influence on model outcome. A wide range of variance was observed surrounding the composite simulation with the least being 6% in total burn frequency and the greatest being 49% in total area burned. Because simulation modeling is the best option for fire regime reconstruction in many rapidly growing shrub dominated systems, these results will be of interest to scientists and fire managers for delineating the natural fire regime on these properties, the southeastern United States and other fire adapted shrub systems worldwide.  相似文献   

Landscape Features and Panthers in Florida   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Many species experience reproductive interference defined as interspecific mating interactions that reduce the fitness of individuals in at least one of the species. We examined reproductive interference among three cryptic amphipod species that co-occur in the vegetated zone of lakes. Because these animals form precopulatory pairs and males commonly have indiscriminant mating behavior, we predicted that (1) there would be interspecific pairing, (2) interspecific pairing would be more common when conspecifics were rare, and (3) interspecific pairing would be more common in species combinations where males are larger than females. Using color phenotypes to distinguish species, a novel discovery reported here, we conducted experiments to evaluate patterns of interspecific pairing. In a no-choice experiment (i.e., amphipods had access to mates of only one species), we observed a low rate (5 %) of interspecific pairing and 80 % of these cases involved males that were larger than females. In a second experiment where individuals had access to conspecific mates at varying relative abundance, only 0.04 % of the pairs observed were between heterospecifics, suggesting that the interspecific pairing observed in the no-choice experiment was an artifact of not having access to conspecific mates. Our results suggest that at least one sex has sufficient species-recognition abilities to circumvent the formation of interspecific pairs; therefore, reproductive interference may be minimal in these species.  相似文献   

The nervous systems of Siphonosoma australe Keferstein and S. cumanense Keferstein, 1867 are histologically similar. However, the two species differ with regard to the structure of the nuchal organ and ventral sensory organ. The nuchal organ in S. cumanense is multilobulated, innervated by 4 pairs of nerves and secretes acidophilic granules, whereas that in S. australe is bilobed, innervated by 2 pairs of nerves and is nonsecretory. Whilst the ventral sensory organ in S. cumanense appears empty and collapsed, that in S. australe contains concretions rich in glycoprotein. The central nervous system consists of the cerebral ganglion, circumesophageal commissures, and the ventral medullary nerve cord. The ovoid brain consists of a centrally placed neuropile and a cellular cortex. Three types of neurons are found in the brain: the giant (cyanophil), median (acidophil), and the globular neurons. The cell bodies of the giant and median neurons are located in the posterodorsal part of the brain, whereas the globular neurons predominate in the rest of the cortex. Most of the protein tests stained the giant and median but not globular neurons. The giant neurons also showed a weak PAS and sudanophilic reaction, suggesting the presence of small amounts of neutral mucopolysaccharides and lipids. Cyanophils and acidophils containing fuchsinophilic granules show possible neurosecretory activity.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies often have one or a few queens. How these queens maintain their reproductive monopoly, when other colony members could gain by sharing in the reproduction, is not generally known. DNA microsatellite genotyping is used to determine reproductive interests of various classes of colony members in the paper wasp, Polistes annularis. The relatedness estimates show that the best outcome for most individuals is to be the reproductive egg-layer. For workers, this depends on the sex of offspring: they should prefer to lay their own male eggs, but are indifferent if the queen lays the female eggs. The next-best choice is usually to support the current queen. As a rule, subordinates and workers should prefer the current queen to reproduce over other candidates (though subordinates have no strong preference for the queen over other subordinates, and workers may prefer other workers as a source of male eggs). This result supports the theory that reproductive monopoly stems from the collective preferences of non-reproductives, who suppress each other in favor of the queen. However, we reject the general hypothesis of collective worker control in this species because its predictions about who should succeed after the death of the present queen are not upheld. The first successor is a subordinate foundress even though workers should generally prefer a worker successor. If all foundresses have died, an older worker succeeds as queen, in spite of a collective worker preference for a young worker. The results support the previous suggestion that age serves as a conventional cue serving to reduce conflict over queen succession. Received: 3 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 22 September 1996  相似文献   

The nutrient status (limitation vs sufficiency) of dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) symbiotic with reef corals in Bermuda was assessed in 1989 and 1990 by measuring the enhancement of dark carbon fixation with 20 M ammonium by isolated symbionts. A colony ofMadracis mirabilis was kept in the laboratory and fed daily or starved for one month. Symbionts from fed portions of the colony had ammonium-enhancement ratios (NH 4dark + ; SWdark;SW=seawater without added ammonium) similar to those of the original field population (1.2 to 1.3). Ammonium-enhancement ratios increased with starvation of the host (x1.7) as did values forV D:V L [(ammonium dark rate-seawater dark rate): light rate in seawater]. Both parameters indicated decreasing nitrogen sufficiency of the algae when the host was not fed, but starvation appeared to affect these algae less than symbionts of sea anemones. Field samples of zooxanthellae fromM. mirabilis (Three Hill Shoals and Bailey's Bay Flats) yielded results similar to those for fed corals, but those taken from Bailey's Bay Flats in May 1990 yielded exceptionally high values for enhancement (>3) andV D:V L indicating pronounced nitrogen limitation at the time of sampling. We sampled zooxanthellae from populations ofMontastrea annularis at 8 m (Three Hill Shoals) and 24 m (Soldier's Point) depths. Enhancement andV D:V L values for zooxanthellae from the 8 m corals were density-dependent: symbionts from corals with normal symbiont densities displayed the most nitrogen limitation (enhancement values=1.4 to 2.0), while those from bleached corals with lower density exhibited enhancement andV D:V L values typical of nitrogen-sufficient algae. Symbionts isolated from the 25 m corals yielded the highest values, and appeared to exhibit the least nitrogen-sufficiency for this species.  相似文献   

Male competition for mates and female mate choice are key mechanisms involved in sexual selection. Surprisingly, these mechanisms have often been investigated separately although they appear to interact in many species. Male–male competition for territories located at the best places or to establish dominance relationships often explain mating patterns. Such male behaviours may affect and sometimes even hinder female mate choice, as in the case of sexual coercion. While in many species females are able to exert cryptic control over paternity (i.e. a process allowing females to bias offspring production toward certain males after intromission), in other species external fertilisation prevents females from doing so. This is the case in the waterfrog hybridisation complex where the hybrid Pelophylax esculentus can only produce viable offspring by pairing with the parental species Pelophylax lessonae (hybridogenetic reproduction). We examined two potential processes that could enhance such mating combinations. Firstly, by monitoring male spatial distribution within six choruses, we showed that the proportion of P. lessonae males located at the edge (in the best position to grasp females arriving at the chorus) cannot explain the frequency of mating combinations observed. Secondly, an experimental approach emphasised a new way for anuran females to favour paternity of a particular male in a sexual coercion context. When females are forcefully paired with an incompatible male, they cannot remove the male grasped on their back by themselves. Nevertheless, by controlling the movement of the pair within the chorus, these females often change mates by enhancing male competition instead of laying eggs. In many species with externally fertilised eggs, it may be thus necessary to take into account this new possibility for females to control offspring paternity.  相似文献   

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