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Mortality patterns from earthquakes in the United States may differ from those observed in other parts of the world. We reviewed coroner and medical examiner records for all investigated deaths from seven California counties for 15 days following the Loma Prieta earthquake of October 17, 1989 (N = 327). Data on the circumstances surrounding death were used to classify each case as directly earthquakerelated, indirectly earthquake-related, or not earthquake-related. Fifty-seven deaths were judged as directly earthquake-related. Six other deaths were indirectly related. Ten circumstances accounted for all directly earthquake-related deaths, with the collapse of an elevated freeway accounting for 40 of these deaths. Forty-six (80.8 per cent) of the 57 directly earthquake-related deaths occurred in motor vehicles on public roadways. Fifty-three (93.0 per cent) of the directly earthquake-related deaths occurred within seconds or minutes of injury. Future earthquake deaths in the United States may best be prevented by identifying and modifying seismic hazards in earthquake-prone regions, particularly transportation structures.  相似文献   

云南大姚6.1级地震多层砖砌体和框架房屋震害研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了云南大姚6.1级地震多层砖砌体和钢筋砼框架结构房屋震害、不同烈度区的平均震害指数和震害预测计算,分析了震害原因, 并与实际震害作了对比,总结了这次地震防御和减轻震害的经验与教训,其结果对地震灾区的恢复重建将起到积极作用.  相似文献   

震后灾害链生机制及其对汶川地震城镇重建的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川8级大地震对地表产生强烈扰动,导致次生山地灾害极度发育,影响到震后灾害的活动特征及其相应的减灾对策。震后松散固体物质急剧增加、流域微地貌变化明显(沟道堵塞严重)、水文变化利于侵蚀和洪峰,使得灾害群发链生:崩塌、滑坡→泥石流→堰塞湖→溃决洪水(泥石流),8月中旬灾区各地因强降雨而大规模爆发泥石流堵塞河道,洪水冲毁掩埋重建城镇,给地震重灾区造成巨大损失。从以汶川县映秀镇为例,在阐述灾害链研究成果的基础上,分析震后灾害链的形成条件、成灾过程以及对城镇重建居民点的危害特点,进而提出灾害防治措施,为灾后城镇建设防灾减灾提供参考建议。  相似文献   

Pomonis A 《Disasters》1989,13(2):101-117
Earthquake disasters occur frequently in Greece, causing serious building damage and considerable loss of life. The latest event, on 16 October 1988, though not one of the most destructive, caused considerable damage. Strong motion records have been obtained near to the damaged region and this provides the opportunity to assess the extent of damage to various building types, and compare it with damage caused during another recent earthquake. The common characteristics of each building type are given, along with the typical damage patterns. Comments are also made about the seismicity of Greece and earthquake damage during this century. The building type distribution in various parts of the country is also discussed, with a view to future earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation.  相似文献   

防震减灾是全社会共同的责任。群测群防是我国防震减灾工作的特色,群众业余测报组织通过观察地下水、气体和动植物等地震异常现象为专业地震部门进行短临预报提供参考资料是我国防震减灾工作的传统,并曾经为1975年海城7.3级地震的成功预报作出了积极的贡献。实践证明,群测群防在我国防震减灾事业发展中始终发挥着不可替代的作用。在新的历史时期,  相似文献   

<正>汶川地震发生后,各级财政立即向地震灾区投入、拨付了数额巨大的资金和物资,全国各族人民、港澳同胞、台湾同胞、海外华侨华人以及外国政府、国际组织和国际友人慷慨捐助,为抗震救灾提供了大量资金和物资。如此数量众多的资金和物资短时间内汇集到地震灾区,如果不规范抗震救灾款物的安排使用程序,及时向社会公开安排使用情况,加强监督检查,就  相似文献   

防震减灾是一项关系社会方方面面的系统工程,需要在政府领导下,政府有关部门按照职责分工,密切配合,共同做好防震减灾工作。因此防震减灾工作应当以政府为主导,依靠科技、依靠法制、依靠全社会力量来共同开展。各级政府及其有关部门依法履行职责,加强相关工作的监督管理,对防震减灾各项措施的落实、规范防震减灾活动,具有重要的意义。修订后的《防震减灾法》总结近年来防震减灾工作实践经验,建立了政府、政府相关部门监督管理和社会监督机制。  相似文献   

三、完善了地震灾后恢复重建制度(一)强化了政府对地震灾后恢复重建工作的领导、组织和协调职能。本法第六十四条规定了各级人民政府及其有关部门在恢复重建工作的职责。灾后恢复重建是一项十分紧迫、复杂、艰巨的任务,必须举全社会之力,组织各有关部门,共同努力,才能有力、有序、有效地做好,这就要求政府必须加强领导、组织和协调。  相似文献   

The delay in receiving authorisation for the despatch of SMART significantly reduced our overall effectiveness. The majority of injured survivors were extracted during this time and our special expertise could have saved a significant number of lives. The episode has provided SMART with unique experience for a British medical team and this knowledge should not be wasted. In contrast to other major western countries the British response was fragmented. We have no central stockpile of equipment and no official response team. The British who responded were independent of each other even when from the same service. The quality of the individual British teams was as good as any and often better. However, the ability of other nations to coordinate their response centrally and draw from a pool of workers already used to working together, improved both their efficiency and effectiveness. There are great difficulties in communication during any disaster and these increase with the scale of the disaster. Incoming rescue workers were given false or misleading information and rumour was widespread. Even when few people were found alive rescue workers expressed a strong need for a medical presence in case they discovered an injured person or they them selves became ill or injured. We were told repeatedly by experienced rescuers that we were the first team of British senior doctors they had met at the front line of a disaster and they were extremely pleased to see us. Transport was a major problem both in terms of vehicles and local knowledge. It was not thought to be within the remit of a medical team to make provision for food and shelter and this was confirmed in Moscow prior to departure for Yerevan. In retrospect this was a mistake and reduced the time we could stay at the front line. If we had not equipped ourselves with special clothing we could not have gone to the front line. A medical team must be part of larger team of rescue workers. Within this unit there will be provision for food, shelter, transport and communication as well as medical and surgical equipment.  相似文献   

这次会议的主要任务是:认真回顾总结近年来防震减灾工作的成绩和经验,分析研究我国面临的地震形势和任务,安排部署当前和今后一个时期的防震减灾工作。  相似文献   

张勇 《防灾博览》2004,(4):22-23
2004年2月24日,在巴楚-伽师地震发生一周年之际,新疆维吾尔自治区党委、人民政府召开了启动城乡抗震安居工程电视电话动员会,至此,酝酿2个多月的新疆城乡抗震安居工程正式开始实施。  相似文献   

这次会议是在我国全面建设小康社会,树立和落实科学发展观,经济社会发展处在重要战略机遇期的形势下召开的。国务院高度重视这次会议,会前国务院第52次常务会议专门听取了中国地震局的汇报,温家宝总理,黄菊、回良玉副总理等领导同志对做好防震减灾工作和开好会议作了重要指示。会议主题突出,务实落实,交流讨论,现场观摩。会议是成功的。  相似文献   


The Longmen Shan fault area in southwest China is one of the world’s most active earthquake zones. The epicenters of the two most recent earthquakes, the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (8.0?Ms) and the 2013 Lushan earthquake (7.0?Ms), both of which caused serious losses, were only 85?km apart. Community-based disaster risk reduction is the foundation of the disaster management system pyramid and is critical to the success of ‘sustainable hazard mitigation’. Based on multiple collaborative stakeholder perspectives, this paper examines public participation in an NGO-oriented Community for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (N-CDPM) in the period between the two earthquakes as a multi-stage problem; N-CDPM establishment, normal operations, disaster testing, and continuous improvement. Multi-stage field research was conducted in the affected areas in the Longmen Shan fault area to examine the collaboration in each stage, after which the differences were compared across the four stages based on eight key indices; scales, core stakeholders, core network stability, mean number of lines, mean collaborative level, governments, and individual and public organization participation. The government participation, individual participation, and public organization participation are then discussed. This paper provides a novel research approach to CDPM in multiple earthquake regions and gives rich insights into the collaboration between the government and the public for N-CDPM.  相似文献   

“九五”重点项目江苏省地震应急指挥系统建设中提出了建立基于Web的系统集成 ,全省地震前兆观测数据库及分析预报系统的建设是其中的一项重要内容。为此与中国地震局分析预报中心合作建立了江苏省前兆数据库和分析预报方法集成系统JSOMEN ,编写了适用于江苏前兆观测资料的控制主表 ,用C、VB等语言编写程序整理入库了 1 990年以来全省 4 3个测点 75个测项的一百多万组前兆观测数据 ,同时建立了台站和市局的前兆数据库 ,以达到全省前兆观测数据的共享  相似文献   

Post-disaster reconstruction (PDR) poses specific and complex challenges that government agencies have to deal with. Existing crisis management and communication models as well as literature on social media adoption by public organisations tend to focus on the critical stage, neglecting the issues that arise when the social, physical and cultural environments affected by a disaster have to be rebuilt. Conversely, this paper presents some preliminary findings on the Government to Citizen (G2C) communications and social media usage in PDR settings. The PDR process that followed the earthquakes in Emilia-Romagna (Northern Italy) in 2012 was used as a case study. Data derived from field notes and multiple-choice questionnaires revealed that government agencies provided information mainly about housing and infrastructure and financing and that they addressed this information to all citizens, although information was sometimes targeted specifically to business people, homeowners and members of community-based groups. Government officers gave preference to face-to-face contacts, Web portals and printed material. Social media were used predominantly as additional means of communication of PDR-related information, thus underrating their potential for community engagement and G2C bidirectional communication. In the discussions, findings are integrated into and validated against literature and communication theories.  相似文献   

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