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Unknown chemicals, emerging contaminants, and the resulting reactions among them make early detection and warning of acute water toxicity extremely challenging. The conventional approach using small fish for toxicity monitoring normally requires a designated species of fish and over a week's time to complete, including dilution of the wastewater, a pre-test, and a full test. It often increases chances for error and delays emergency management. This paper reports a novel approach, based on grassroots knowledge and field and lab experience in Jilin, China. This approach uses a combination of different species of aquarium fish to achieve fast and reliable monitoring. It tests the original source water directly without going through the dilution procedure, while paying attention to the time factor. The approach does not require a pre-test and may shorten the time needed for detecting acute toxicity to a few minutes, using a new classification of aquatic toxicity levels. It is inexpensive to use and may be easily adopted by grassroots organizations. The approach is "greener" and more financially and socially sustainable than traditional approaches. The wide use of the approach has the potential to encourage policy innovations for making toxicity monitoring grassroots based and more effective in reducing acute contamination emergencies.  相似文献   

水中硫化物不稳定,最好是现场即时测定。本文旨在研究现场快速测定水中的硫化物。本研究运用比色分析的朗伯-比尔定律和真空工艺设计,将复杂繁琐的实验室测试方法和操作程序有机的融合在测试管中。该测试管具有快速、简便和价格低廉等特点,测定范围0.1~10mg/L。  相似文献   

China's environmentalism with autocratic characteristics has far-reaching effects for fighting air pollution effectively. Political blue sky is unsustainable because conflict of interest in China's authoritarian environmentalism leads to failure of joint prevention and control in air pollution regulations. This study aims to explore policy mechanisms that would integrate intergovernmental join efforts in air pollution control. A non-cooperative tripartite evolutionary game is employed to model the dynamic interactions among the central government, Beijing municipality, and local governments for fighting air pollution. A double-payment with dual-supervision mechanism is proposed for air pollution control in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region. Simulations are conducted to examine the effectiveness of air pollution regulations involving multiple policy instruments for yielding the ideal outcome. It is shown that appropriate coordination of these policy instruments can address the intergovernmental challenge in collective action against air pollution. In addition, two long-term scenarios per the Porter hypothesis are investigated regarding environmental tax reform and enterprise innovations. It is found that such long-term inspirations can improve regulatory flexibility and efficacy. The double-payment with dual-supervision mechanism can effectively engage all governmental stakeholders for promoting sustainable air pollution governance in China. From a methodology perspective, policy simulations in an evolutionary game framework provide a novel addition to the research toolkit for policy studies.  相似文献   

This paper describes the process for developing regulations limiting the discharge of pollutants from industrial sources into the waters of the United States. The process includies and surveys of the industry to define products, processes, wastewater sources and characteristics, appropriate subcategorization and control technologies in use. Limitations on the amounts of pollutants that may be discharged in treated wastewater are based on statistical analysis of physical and chemical analytical data characterizing the performance capability of technologies in use in the industry. A general discussion of the statistical approach employed is provided along with some examples based on work performed to support recently promulgated regulations. The determination of regulatory discharge limitations, based on estimates of percentiles of lognormal distributions of measured pollutant concentrations in treated wastewater, is presented. Modifications to account for different averaging periods and detection limit observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Industrial effluents, surface waters, and subsurface groundwaters were sampled in and around the Patancheru industrial area of Nakkavagu basin, India and analysed. The parameters such as TDS, BOD, COD, and abundances of elements such as Cu, As, Se, F, Fe, are 5 to 10 times more than the permissible limits. These pollutants are contaminating the groundwaters at a faster rate than anticipated. A statistical approach is used to express the magnitude of pollution. Initially, correlation matrices of the major parameters and trace elements followed by factor analysis on them are presented to quantify the aspect of pollution. Factor 1 explaining 43.6% variance has positive loadings for variables TDS, BOD, COD, As, Cu, Se, SO 4 –2 , and Cr, suggesting the factor is interpreted to be the Pollution or Migration of Pollutants. The same variables have negative loadings in the subsurface groundwaters suggesting that Factor 1 for these samples is a the depositionn or precipitation phenomenon. With a critical look at the Factor 1 of both surface and subsurface water samples it is indicated that pollutants migrated and became deposited in the environs of the Patancheru industrial area.  相似文献   

通过对南京市重点源工业废水的遗传毒性试验.毒理学资料分析以及同步理化测试数据的比较分析,提出了可以用遗传毒性试验筛选优先控制污染源的观点。  相似文献   

用活性污染指数法评价微污染水体的环境质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对水环境质量的均值污染指数评价方法的缺点,提出了利用活性污染指数法来评价微污染水体环境质量。随后在实例中对此方法进行了运用,并与均值污染指数法进行了比较,效果不错。  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the non-living, dried roots of the water hyacinth plant [Eichhornia crassipes(Mart.) Solms] can rapidly remove arsenic from water. Atomic absorption spectrometry was used to demonstrate that more than 93% of arsenite (As(iii)) and 95% of arsenate (As(v)) were removed from a solution containing 200 microg As l(-1) within 60 minutes of exposure to a powder produced from dried roots. No difference in removal efficiency was observed between the two oxidation states of As studied. The amount of arsenic remaining in solution was found to be less than 10 microg l(-1) which is the WHO guideline limit value for As in drinking water. The presence of arsenic in drinking water in a number of countries in the developing world has been found to be much higher than the WHO level, affecting the health of millions of people. In this paper, we show that a biomaterial produced from dried water hyacinth roots, a plant that is found in abundant supply in many parts of the world, can provide a simple, effective and yet cheap method for removing arsenic from contaminated water.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new game theoretic methodology is developed for interbasin water transfer management with regard to economic, equity, and environmental criteria. The main objective is to supply the competing users in a fair way, while the efficiency and environmental sustainability criteria are satisfied and the utilities of water users are incorporated. Firstly, an optimization model is developed to proportionally allocate water to the competing users in water donor and receiving basins based on their water demands. Secondly, for different coalitions of water users, the water shares of the coalitions are determined using an optimization model with economic objectives regarding the physical and environmental constraints of the system. In order to satisfy water-quality requirements, the impacts of decreasing the instream flow in donor basin are estimated using a water-quality simulation model, and the required treatment levels for effluents discharged into the river, downstream of the water transfer point are determined. Finally, to achieve equity and to provide sufficient incentives for water users to participate in the cooperation, some cooperative game theoretic approaches are utilized for reallocation of net benefits to water users. This model is applied to a large-scale interbasin water allocation problem including two different basins struggling with water scarcity in Iran. The results show that this model can be utilized as an effective tool for optimal interbasin water allocation management involving stakeholders with conflicting objectives subject to physical and environmental constraints.  相似文献   

This study develops a theoretical tool for investigating the impact on cost effective coastal water management from explicit treatment of: coastal pollutant transports, stochastic pollutant transports in the catchment areas, and wetlands as a pollutant abatement option. It is applied to a relatively well investigated estuary, Himmerfjärden, south of the Swedish capital, Stockholm. The theoretical results indicate that all three factors influence cost effective allocation of measures and associated design of economic instruments. The consideration of stochastic pollutant transports will increase costs, but the direction of influence of the other two factors cannot be determined without empirical support. The application to nitrogen transport in Himmerfjärden shows that, for target nitrogen reductions given in terms of a percentage of pre-abatement loads, the inclusion of coastal transports in the cost calculations lowers the estimated total costs for targets interpreted in terms of nitrogen loads to the marine water. The alternative investigated target interpretation was in terms of nitrogen loads to coastal waters. Depending on the ability of wetlands to abate nitrogen and to change the variance in pollutant load to the coastal recipients, costs are either increased or decreased as compared to when wetlands are excluded as nitrogen abatement options.  相似文献   

The article describes a method for screening for the risk of chronic surface water pollution which was developed at the T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute. The approach, which is based on exotoxicological analyses, can be classed as a rapid method of assessment. The degree of risk of chronic effects surface water pollution is determined from an evaluation of two major parameters—toxicity and genotoxicity. As the method utilizes relative simple procedures for sample collection, pretreatment of the sample, chemical analyses, bioassays and results assessment, this approach is suitable for widespread practical use. Extensive utilization of this approach for assessing river basins in the Czech Republic has proved its suitability for a more sophisticated detection of the biological impact of surface water pollution. This is documented in the article where the method is used in a study of the Bílina River, and in the overview of the results of the risk assessment of chronic effects of surface water pollution in selected sections of three international river basins in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

环境监测实验室的环境污染与防治   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
主要分析了环境监测实验室产生的污染特点 ,指出环境监测实验室是一类典型的小型污染源。同时详细阐述了环境监测实验室防治污染、加强实验室环境管理的几种途径  相似文献   

In this article the water pollution control policies of these countries and their effects on emitters are analyzed. In the Netherlands, local water control boards levy pollution charges on both direct and indirect emitters. The charges are based upon measured emissions and actual treatment costs and they vary among the boards. Discharges into surface waters are by permission only. West German law sets nationally uniform rates only for direct emitters and some pollutants, irrespective of treatment costs. The States (Länder), however, may make indirect emitters liable to pay as well. In France, river basin agencies charge emitters and grant discounts where abatement facilities have been installed. Further policy instruments are tax cuts, subsidies, and standards set on local and national levels. France, in this complex policy, also uses contrats de branche where government and industries agree by contract on pollution abatement. Evidence shows that all these policies have reduced water pollution. As emissions decrease, problems of overcapacity might occur where collective water treatment plants have been installed already. Moreover, investment in additive abatement technology may inhibit the introduction of low-waste, integrated technologies. Yet the development of the latter, though expensive in the short run, should enable industry to meet more stringent standards in the future.  相似文献   

A bioluminescent rapid method was developed to estimate the integral toxicity of natural and wastewater. This method is based on registering the effect of the polluted water sample on the parameters of the bioluminescent reaction catalyzed by the multi-component reagent containing NADH:FMN oxidoreductase, luciferase, and their substrates co-immobilized in a starch carrier. Several ways to increase the method's sensitivity to toxic substances were suggested; conditions were selected to make it possible to determine, with maximum efficiency, the content of toxic substances corresponding to a certain maximum permissible concentration. The sensitivity of soluble and immobilized coupled enzymatic systems to a series of organic pollutants (phenols, quinones, and salts of heavy metals) was compared. It was shown that the reagent is the most sensitive to the effect of phenols and quinones. The method was tested during analysis of the wastewater from a pulp and paper plant and can be used for biotesting in both laboratory and field conditions.  相似文献   

Potential application of recycled rubber in oil pollution control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The abundance and indiscriminate disposal of scrap tyres inurban areas in Nigeria create serious health and environmentalproblems. The potential of using rubber recycled from scraptyres as an absorbent in crude oil clean up was investigated.Rubber particles of mesh sizes within the range of 0.15 to2.36 mm were used to absorb crude oil at different temperatures(5 to 40 °C). The rapid increase in oil absorption withinthe first 20 min was followed by a much slower rate, with theequilibrium absorption being attained after 30 min. Theequilibrium absorption increased with decreasing particle sizeand decreasing temperature of absorption. At 30 °C, the oil absorption for the 0.15 mm rubber particles was more than twice that of the 2.36 mm particle size. When regenerated recycledrubber was used, the equilibrium absorption decreased by about15–40%. The extent of reduction was higher for the largerparticles and at lower temperature of absorption.  相似文献   

Coastal waters in South Johore, Malaysia are polluted to various degrees. The major pollution sources are domestric wastes from human settlements, agro-based wastes from palm oil mills and rubber processing factories, industrial effluents from industrial estates and discharges from animal farms. These pollution problems have adversely affected resources such as fisheries, recreational potential as well as the general aesthetic quality of the coastal environment particularly the Inner Johore Strait. Hence proper management and control measures are urgently needed to protect and further enhance the water quality to ensure environmentally sustainable development. This study examines various management options to control the pollution in the Inner Johore Strait. The options involve partial opening as well as complete removal of the Causeway to improve the tidal flow for more effective dilution and dispersion of pollutants. Computer simulation models are used to assess the impacts of the proposed options.  相似文献   

运用SPSS统计分析软件全面分析2006-2010年上海市金山区26个地表水监测断面上的水质变化趋势过程,发现大部分断面超标污染物之间存在着高度相关性,且水质越差的监测断面上超标污染物指标间有显著意义相关性项目越多.在此基础上,根据研究样本基本满足因子分析要求的特点,进一步运用SPSS软件进行深入分析,并根据因子综合得分,对地表水域进行聚类,揭示出上海市金山区地表水超标污染物构成特征与水域分类.分类结果符合区域内河流污染分布实际,可作为环境管理部门实施水环境综合整治与水质规划管理的重要参考.  相似文献   

Diffuse sources of surface water pathogens and nutrients can be difficult to isolate in larger river basins. This study used a geographical or nested approach to isolate diffuse sources of Escherichia coli and other water quality constituents in a 145.7-km2 river basin in south central Texas, USA. Average numbers of E. coli ranged from 49 to 64,000 colony forming units (CFU) per 100 mL depending upon season and stream flow over the 1-year sampling period. Nitrate-N concentrations ranged from 48 to 14,041 μg?L?1 and orthophosphate-P from 27 to 2,721 μg?L?1. High concentrations of nitrate-N, dissolved organic nitrogen, and orthophosphate-P were observed downstream of waste water treatment plants but E. coli values were higher in a watershed draining an older part of the city. Total urban land use explained between 56 and 72 % of the variance in mean annual E. coli values (p?<?0.05) in nine hydrologically disconnected creeks. Of the types of urban land use, commercial land use explained most of the variance in E. coli values in the fall and winter. Surface water sodium, alkalinity, and potassium concentrations in surface water were best described by the proportion of commercial land use in the watershed. Based on our nested approach in examining surface water, city officials are able to direct funding to specific areas of the basin in order to mitigate high surface water E. coli numbers and nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

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