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Sexual conflict in the snake den   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) court and mate in spring, soon after they emerge from large communal overwintering dens in south-central Manitoba. Because of a massive bias in the operational sex ratio, every female attracts intense courtship from dozens to hundreds of males. We suggest that this courtship constitutes significant ”harassment,” because it delays the females’ dispersal from the den and hence increases their vulnerability to predation. Small females may face the greatest costs, because they are less able to escape from amorous males (who court all females, even juvenile animals). Our measurements show that males are stronger and faster than females. Experimental trials confirm that the locomotor ability of females (especially small females) is greatly reduced by the weight of a courting male. Arena trials show that intense courtship stimulates females to attempt to escape. Remarkably, some females that are too small to produce offspring may nonetheless copulate. This precocious sexual receptivity may benefit juvenile females because copulation renders them unattractive to males, and thus allows them to escape more easily from the den. Female ”tactics” to escape male harassment may explain other puzzling aspects of garter snake biology including size-assortative mating, temporal patterns in dispersal from the den, avoidance of communal dens by young-of-the-year snakes, and female mimicry. Hence, sexual conflict may have influenced important features of the mating system and behavioral ecology of these animals. Received: 8 May 2000 / Revised: 28 July 2000 / Accepted: 30 July 2000  相似文献   

Mating aggregations of red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in Manitoba provide a unique opportunity to identify the cues that attract a male snake and induce him to court. The snakes are abundant, tolerate human presence, and males direct courtship to a subset of other males ("she-males") as well as to females. Previous work has emphasised the role of pheromonal cues (skin lipid profiles) as sexual attractants in snakes. However, pheromones are so widely distributed throughout the den area that these chemical cues may be difficult for males to use to localise females. Our field studies show that males and females differ in several other attributes such as size (females are larger than males), body temperature (very cold snakes are often females), muddiness (females are often covered in mud) and whether or not they are solitary (most females are surrounded by courting males). Experiments show that males use all of these cues to identify possible sexual partners. Visual and thermal cues are particularly important for solitary mate-searching males; but after a mating ball forms around a female, pheromones may be most important. Our study also reveals substantial variation among individuals: females vary in attractiveness, and males vary in their intensity of courtship as well as in the magnitude of their preference for one potential partner versus another. Thus, a male snake's "decision" whom to court depends not only on visual and thermal as well as chemical cues, but also on the male's own preferences and on subtle differences among potential sexual "targets".  相似文献   

Summary. Male garter snakes locate females during the breeding season utilizing conspecific trailing behavior. It has been hypothesized that the female-derived chemical cue responsible for mediating male reproductive trailing behavior is the sexual attractiveness pheromone, a previously characterized contact pheromone responsible for releasing male courtship behavior. To examine this hypothesis, we tested the response of male red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, to pheromone trails produced by males, females and ‘she-males’. She-males are a small subset of males in the natural population that are morphologically and behaviorally similar to other males except that they produce and express the sexual attractiveness pheromone during the breeding season. When tested on a Y-maze, males were found to detect and follow the skin lipid trails of females and she-males, but displayed no behavioral responses to male trails. In addition, males were unable to discriminate between she-male and female trails when given a choice. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the sexual attractiveness pheromone is the chemical cue primarily utilized by males to mediate reproductive trailing behavior.  相似文献   

Males of many animal species mimic females, and thereby deceive rival males. Facultative shifts in posture, color, or movement allow a male using visually-based mimicry to adopt and terminate mimicry rapidly. Pheromonal mimicry is rare in vertebrates perhaps because it is difficult to redeploy pheromones rapidly enough to adjust male tactics to local conditions. In Manitoba garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis), female mimicry benefits males immediately after they have emerged from hibernation. While the snakes are cold and slow, courtship warms them and protects them against predatory crows. This benefit disappears as soon as the snakes are warm. We show that (unlike females) she-male garter snakes attract courting males only when they are cold. Low temperatures may suppress volatility of “less attractive” components of the pheromones (saturated methyl ketones) that she-males use to attract courtship, allowing male snakes to function as transvestites only when this tactic is beneficial.  相似文献   

Many animals show seasonal shifts in behaviors that coincide with breeding, migration, or hibernation. These behavioral shifts provide ideal opportunities to study the regulation of behavior. The red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) spends 8 months of the year inactive in underground hibernacula, 1 month breeding, and 3 months feeding to build up enough energy stores to survive the following winter. Although they emerge from 8 months of hibernation with severely depleted energy reserves, they do not feed until weeks later, after the breeding season. We tested the hypothesis that this lack of feeding during the breeding season is due to a shift in behavior rather than the distribution of food and potential mates. Male garter snakes were given a series of choices between pursuing a breeding or feeding opportunity. The proportion of tests in which males selected feeding over breeding gradually increased throughout the study period, reaching almost 100% in the final tests. Males also were given opportunities to feed and court at the beginning and end of the study. Males initially refused food and courted females, but when retested at the end of the study they fed and did not court females. Thus aphagia during the breeding season is due at least in part to an endogenous shift in behavior.Communicated by P. Weatherhead  相似文献   

Cues that females use to select potential mates have attracted substantial research effort, but the criteria for male mate choice remain very poorly known. Red-sided garter snakes ( Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) court and mate in large aggregations around overwintering dens in southern Manitoba, Canada. Both courtship and mating are size-assortative: small male snakes court small as well as large females, whereas larger males court only large females. This system provides a unique opportunity to assess the cues that males use in selecting mates, and in particular the mechanisms that generate a size-related shift in mate preference. Experiments in which we manipulated body sizes and scents showed that both vision and scent (sex pheromones) were important. Large males directed intense courtship only when the stimulus provided both visual and chemical (skin lipid) evidence of large body size. Small males were much less discriminating in both respects. Thus, size-assortative mating in this system is generated not by larger males excluding their smaller rivals from the largest females (as has been reported in other reptile species), but by a size-related shift in the visual and pheromonal cues that elicit courtship. Males of some species may thus show complex patterns of mate choice, with the cues that stimulate courtship differing even among males within a single population based on traits such as age or body size.  相似文献   

In the animal kingdom, males typically acquire reproductive access to females through courtship, nuptial gifts, or combat. In many species, small or poor-condition males that are unable to produce an attractive display, proffer an adequate mating gift, or dominate in male–male competition may resort to forced copulation. Forced copulation has been previously demonstrated in the camel cricket Pristoceuthophilus marmoratus and is uniquely facilitated by male hind leg weaponry that functions in both intrasexual competition and sexual coercion. Because male leg armaments are positively allometric, the largest males would seem best equipped to force-copulate, although they might be the most attractive to females, and so least likely to adopt a forced copulation strategy. In order to resolve this potential paradox and determine which males are in fact most likely to force-copulate, we manipulated male body size using diet and performed mating trials. Results showed that (1) male size increased with diet quality, (2) females appear to prefer larger males, and (3) smaller males were more likely to attempt forced copulation. Our results thus suggest that forced copulation is a condition-dependent alternative mating tactic used by small males unattractive to females.  相似文献   

In some species, sperm is stored within the female reproductive tract for months to years, and yet remains viable to fertilize eggs and produce offspring. Female red-sided garter snakes store sperm for over 7 months of winter dormancy. In previous work, we demonstrated that these stored sperm account for an average of 25 % paternity of a litter when the female mates with a male at spring emergence. Here, we tested whether last-male sperm precedence was prevalent when a female mates with two males during the spring. On average, paternity was shared equally among the first (P1 proportion of paternity of the first male to mate) and second males (P2) to mate in the spring, and stored sperm (Pss), but the variance in paternity was high. Thus, last male sperm precedence may diminish when a female has more than two mates. Male size did not affect paternity, but, as the interval between matings increased, P1 increased at the expense of Pss. Interestingly, as the second spring male’s copulation duration increased, P1 also increased at the expense of P2. This result suggests that female influence over sperm and/or copulatory plug transfer during matings may also affect which male fathers her offspring in response to coercive matings as we assisted females to mate for their second mating. Finally, all females were spring “virgins”; consequently, sperm stored from autumn matings (and/or previous spring matings) remain competitive even when faced with two rivals in sperm competition and is likely the driver of the evolution of sperm longevity.  相似文献   

Although the effects of male mating history on female reproductive output and longevity have been studied in insects, few such studies have been carried out in spiders. In a mating system in which females are monandrous while males are polygynous, females may incur the risk by mating with successful males that have experienced consecutive matings and suffer from the possible depletion of sperm and/or associated ejaculates. Here, we examine the effects of male mating history on male courtship and copulation duration, female reproductive fitness, and female adult longevity of the wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera. Results indicated that male mating frequency had little effect on their subsequent copulation success, and of 35 males tested, about half of the males were able to copulate with five virgin females successively at an interval of 24 h. Male mating history had little effect on their courtship duration. However, male mating history significantly affected male copulation duration, female adult longevity, and reproductive output. Males that mated more frequently copulated longer and more likely failed to cause their mates to produce a clutch, although there was no significant difference in the number of eggs laid and the number of eggs hatched regardless of the first clutch or the second one. Multiple mating of male P. astrigera resulted in significant reduction in female adult longevity. Our results indicate that monandrous females mating with multiple-mated males may incur substantial fitness costs.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation in male genitalia may affect copulation behaviour, which can have important fitness consequences for males. Male genitalia commonly possess traits that increase male control over copulation, but in species where females control mating, a poor functional understanding often prevents insight into the processes responsible for such effects. Here, I investigate the effect of male genital length on copulation behaviour in the earwig Euborellia brunneri, where both sexes exhibit extremely elongated genitalia that correspond in shape. This model system is particularly suitable because pairs mate repeatedly and females can limit both the number and duration of copulations. I used both virgin and mated males and females in a double-mating design because longer male genitalia confer benefits in sperm competition. Consistent with a greater predicted male mating effort in mated females, the duration of individual copulations increased, but this traded off against mating frequency as cumulative mating duration remained unchanged. In contrast, male genital length increased both individual and cumulative mating duration, regardless of mating status. This difference suggests that, while males may modify copulation duration in response to mating status, females facultatively adjust mating frequency to prevent mating excessively or express preferences for increased male genital length. Notably, this study demonstrates that male genital phenotypes that are successful in sperm competition also enjoy female-mediated mating benefits.  相似文献   

A cost of mating is common to both sexes but has predominantly been examined in females. In species where males provide resources to females at copulation, male mating costs are expected to be high as nutrient provisioning enhancing female fecundity is assumed to carry costs. In addition, males frequently court females prior to mating, which is known to carry survival costs to both sexes. However, the magnitude and basis of variation in males’ mating costs remains largely unknown. Here, I examine the effect of nutrient provisioning and courtship on male longevity across full-sib families in the paternally investing green-veined white butterfly, Pieris napi. Copulating males suffered a survival cost as did courting males prevented from copulating, indicating the courtship component of mating is costly. Male P. napi release aphrodisiacs during courtship to promote mating, indicating that these compounds may also be costly to produce. Contrary to expectation, nutrient provisioning was not associated with reduced survival relative to males only allowed to court females, although it is possible that this could be masked by the potentially elevated courtship rates of courting males relative to mating males. Families differed in magnitude of reduced male survivorship, indicating a likely genetic basis to variation in costs of courtship and copulation. Male weight was unrelated to longevity and mating success, whereas longevity strongly influenced male mating success, indicating lifespan is an important male fitness trait in this species.  相似文献   

Love bites: male fang use during coercive mating in wolf spiders   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Evolutionary conflicts of interest between the sexes are common, as mating tactics and strategies that increase fitness benefits for one sex may incur costs for the other. As a consequence, antagonistic coevolution between the sexes often results in a complex arms race between male persistence and female resistance. Coercive mating (e.g., forced copulation) likely benefits males by increasing the probability of mating; however, costs to females may be high, including injury or even death. Here, we report on a study of the use of fangs by males of the wolf spider Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) during forcible mating with resistant females, which results in hemolymph loss and scar tissue formation in females. Microscopic inspection revealed that fang wounds (evidenced by scar tissue) were absent on unmated (virgin) females but were found on mated females and were significantly more frequent in coercively mated females. Experimental fang immobilization studies found no difference in copulation success between experimental (fangs immobilized) and control (sham manipulation) males. However, males that had use of their fangs had significantly longer copulation duration. These findings represent a previously unknown male mating tactic in spiders and an unrecognized potential cost of mating for female spiders.  相似文献   

When choosing between two potential mates, a male may benefit by picking a larger (longer and/or more heavy-bodied) female because she is likely to produce more or larger offspring. Males of many species use visual cues to evaluate the sizes of their mates, but in some situations (at night or in a crowded mating swarm), vision may be useless. Potentially, males may be able to use chemical cues that convey information about female body size. We manipulated cues available to free-ranging male garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in large courting aggregations near communal dens in Manitoba, Canada. Males not only directed disproportionate courtship to longer and heavier-bodied females, but also courted most vigorously in response to lipids extracted from the skins of such females. Our data show that with a flick of his tongue, a male garter snake can identify not only a female's body length, but also her body condition.  相似文献   

Summary In many odonates, females mate with more than one male while laying a single clutch of eggs. We studied paternity of eggs laid by remated females of Leucorrhinia intacta, a small libellulid dragonfly, at a pond near Syracuse, NY, USA. The probability of a female remating is a function of male density on the pond. The length of copulations differs considerably among males active on the study pond at the same time. Much of this variation was correlated with differences in mating tactics of the males; copulations by males that stayed on their territories during copulation were shorter than those by other males (Fig. 2). Eggs collected from females mated to irradiated, sterile males and to free-living, fertile males indicated that the average paternity expectation was higher for long than for short copulations, and that the variance in paternity expectation was lower for long than for short copulations. Some possible causes of the high variation in paternity at low copulation durations and possible reasons for differences in copulation duration between male mating tactics are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary By means of field observations and laboratory experiments on the Malaysian stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis whitei we examined the consequences of variation in copulation duration for sperm competition. In this sexually dimorphic species over 90% of all copulations occur in nocturnal aggregations with from one to four males and up to 24 females. Copulation duration observed in both the field and the laboratory exhibited a bimodal distribution with peaks at 10 and 50 s. In the field short copulations less than 30 s long occurred frequently when more than one male was present in an aggregation but most were not the direct result of male interference. Sperm counts from female spermathecae after artificial interruptions indicated sperm are not transferred during the first 40 s of a copulation. When solitary males mated up to five times in succession to virgin females, short copulations did not occur, nor was the number of sperm transferred reduced. However, short copulations did occur when we mated isolated females within 6 min of a previous copulation. By mating irradiated and non-irradiated males in reciprocal pairs we discovered that C. whitei exhibits both first-male sperm precedence and sperm mixing. More than half of the females mated first to sterile and then to fertile males failed to produce offspring. Such variation in copulation duration and sperm precedence is consistent with male placement and detection of a spermatophore that acts as a temporary mating plug. Our data suggest that those male C. whitei which successfully defend large aggregations of females reduce sperm waste and competition by preferentially transferring sperm to females that have not mated recently. Correspondence to: G.S. Wilkinson  相似文献   

Handicap models of sexual selection predict that ornaments must be costly to produce and/or to wear and maintain; only then can they evolve as reliable signals of genetic quality. We investigated in the laboratory one potential cost of possessing ornaments, using the viviparous fish Girardinichthys multiradiatus and its natural predator, the snake Thamnophis melanogaster. We found that female G. multiradiatus show preferences for males with larger fins, as measured from body correlates. Males with a morphology attractive to females, however, were more likely to be captured by snakes than were other males (Fig. 5). Greater vulnerability to snakes cannot be explained as a result of snake visual preferences, because snakes responded similarly to males and females (Fig. 6). Finally, males, particularly dominant ones, were more likely to inspect foraging snakes than were females (Fig. 7). We conclude that male Girardinichthys multiradiatus experience a sexually-selected handicap due to reduced mobility resulting from having enlarged fins.  相似文献   

There is a current debate over the net fitness consequences of sexual selection. Do preferred males increase female fitness or are these males manipulating females for their own benefit? The evidence is mixed. Some studies find that mating with attractive males increases female fitness components, while others show that preferred males decrease measures of female fitness. In this study, we examined some of the fitness consequences of pre-copulatory sexual selection in Drosophila simulans. Virgin females were either paired with one male and given an opportunity for one copulation or were exposed simultaneously to two males. This allowed us to compare female preference (copulation latency) and fitness (longevity, lifetime productivity and rate of offspring production) both with and without the influence of male–male competition. When females had access to a single male, neither female longevity, productivity, nor short-term rate of productivity were associated with female preference, and although females mated more quickly with larger males, male size was also not associated with any female fitness measure. Inclusion of male–male competition showed that female longevity was negatively affected by preference, while productivity and rate of productivity was unaffected. This latter experiment also indicated that females preferred larger males, but again, male size was not associated with female fitness. These results indicate that females may not benefit from mating with preferred males, but they may incur survival costs.  相似文献   

Summary Male sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) are polygynous and guard individual females for several hours to days after copulation. Even though the copulation itself only lasts 2–4 min, the total time that a male invests per female is considerably more and may constitute a substantial investment during a mating season. In such situations, when male copulation frequency is constrained, or when variation in female fecundity is high, mate choice by males may be adaptive. Large body size in female sand lizards is correlated with higher fecundity. In choice experiments performed in the laboratory, male sand lizards preferred to court large females rather than small females. In addition, when there was little difference in size between the females in the experiment, the males visited the two females more often before they started to court the preferred female. The results from a field study during 1984 and 1987–1990 showed that females are non-aggressive, have small neighboring home ranges (c. 100 m2) and may share burrows and sites for thermoregulation. This means that females can be found close together and thus gives males the opportunity to choose a mate. Assortative mating with respect to size was observed in a natural population, as well as a limited number of direct choices of females by males. These results support the results of the choice experiment.  相似文献   

It is frequently assumed that males have an almost unlimited reproductive capacity, while access to receptive females is typically limiting. Consequently, sexual selection is expected to favor vigorous courtship behavior in males. If such behavior is associated with non-trivial costs, ample current mating opportunities should be accompanied by a reduction in future mating vigor. To test this hypothesis, three treatments differing in sex ratio were established using the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana: 50 males each were housed either with 0, 25, or 50 females. Mating trials involving the competition among males from each treatment for a single virgin female were carried out on days 3, 9, and 15 after allocation to treatments. While there was no difference on day 3, prior mating opportunity clearly reduced mating success on days 9 and 15, being lowest if identical numbers of males and females were housed together. This finding suggests accumulating costs associated with high courtship and/or mating activity. Further, older males were more active and initiated copulation earlier than the younger ones, consistent with the residual reproductive value hypothesis. We found no evidence for a survival or fertility cost of mating.  相似文献   

The growing molecular evidence that females of many species mate with several males calls for a critical reassessment of the selective forces which act to shape female mating tactics. In natural populations of the harlequin-beetle-riding pseudoscorpion, Cordylochernes scorpioides, females are polyandrous and typically produce mixed-paternity broods. Laboratory behavioral analyses and breeding experiments indicate that polyandry in this pseudoscorpion is an active strategy which increases female reproductive success. Females restricted to mating with a single male experienced a higher rate of embryo failure and produced significantly fewer offspring than either females mated to more than one male in the laboratory or females naturally inseminated in the field. Forced copulation, insufficient sperm from a single mating, male nutrient donations and variation in inherent male genetic quality cannot explain the greater number of nymphs hatched by polyandrous females in this study. Evidence suggests that, by mating with several males, C. scorpioides females may exploit postcopulatory mechanisms for reducing the risk and/or cost of embryo failure resulting from fertilization by genetically incompatible sperm. Received: 5 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

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