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Edge Effects on the Understory Bird Community in a Logged Forest in Uganda   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: Understanding how the fauna of logged tropical rainforests responds to fragmentation and the creation of edges is vital to ensure conservation of biodiversity. We studied the composition of the understory bird community from the edge of a 15-ha clearing toward the interior of the forest in a part of Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda, that was selectively logged about 45 years ago. Mist netting was conducted along five transects from the edge and 500 m into the interior. The total number of individuals captured did not change with distance from the edge, but there was a significant increase in the number of species. We sampled fewer, but more common species near the edge, whereas the interior of the forest had more, and less common species. Guild composition also changed with distance from the edge. Frugivore-insectivores and nectarivores were most common close to the edge. Among insectivores, ground foragers, bark-gleaners, and leaf-gleaners were most common in the interior of the forest, whereas sallying insectivores favored the edge. Graminivores were unaffected by the edge. Analysis of common species showed that Ispidina picta , Andropadus curvirostris , A. latirostris , Camaroptera brachyura , Terpsiphone rufiventer , and Nectarinia olivacea were associated with the edge, but no species showed significant avoidance of the edge. This finding may be explained by the generally low sample sizes of interior species. Our results show that even bird communities in logged forests respond to edges. Estimates of edge effects suggested that changes in bird densities may have occurred several hundred meters from the edge. In conclusion, logged forests provide habitat for bird species avoiding forest edges, and this should be considered in the management of such forests for conservation.  相似文献   

A central question in animal communication research concerns the reliability of animal signals. The question is particularly relevant to aggressive communication, where there often may be advantages to signaling an exaggerated likelihood of attack. We tested whether aggressive signals are indeed reliable signals of attack in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). We elicited aggressive signaling using a 1-min playback on a male’s territory, recorded the behavior of the male for 5 min, and then gave him the opportunity to attack a taxidermic mount of a song sparrow associated with further playback. Twenty subjects attacked the mount and 75 did not. Distance to the speaker was a significant predictor of attack for both the initial recording period and the 1 min before attack. For the initial recording period, none of the measures of singing behavior that we made was a significant predictor of attack, including song-type matching, type-switching frequency, and song rate. For the 1-min period immediately before attack, only the number of low amplitude “soft songs” was a significant predictor of attack. Although most aggressive signals contained little information on attack likelihood, as some models suggest should be the case, the unreliability of these signals was not caused by convergence of individuals on a single signaling strategy, as those models argue should occur.  相似文献   

西洞庭湖自然保护区鸟类资源调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为更好地调查了解西洞庭湖自然保护区的鸟类资源,保护和维持生态平衡,2003—2005年我们对西洞庭湖自然保护区的鸟类资源进行了观察和动态监测,共观察到和鉴定出湿地鸟类217种,隶属于15目58科.本文具体地报道了2003—2005年的鸟类资源调查和动态监测结果,鸟类资源所面临的威胁及其保护措施.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Although it is known that changes in land use and climate have an impact on ecological communities, it is unclear which of these factors is currently most important. We sought to determine the influence of land-use and climate alteration on changes in the abundance of Central European birds. We examined the impact of these factors by contrasting abundance changes of birds of different breeding habitat, latitudinal distribution, and migratory behavior. We examined data from the semiquantitative Breeding Bird Atlas of Lake Constance, which borders Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Changes in the regional abundance of the 159 coexisting bird species from 1980–1981 to 2000–2002 were influenced by all three factors. Farmland birds, species with northerly ranges, and long-distance migrants declined, and wetland birds and species with southerly ranges increased in abundance. A separate analysis of the two decades between 1980–1981 and 1990–1992 and between 1990–1992 and 2000–2002 showed that the impact of climate change increased significantly over time. Latitudinal distribution was not significant in the first decade and became the most significant predictor of abundance changes in the second decade. Although the spatial scale and temporal resolution of our study is limited, this is the first study that suggests that climate change has overtaken land-use modification in determining population trends of Central European birds.  相似文献   

We analyzed possible causes of changes in species abundance, range size, and diversity as well as extinctions and colonizations in a central European bird community. Using data from the semiquantitative "Lake Constance" breeding bird atlas, we demonstrated that changes in regional abundances from 1980–1981 to 1990–1992 of 151 coexisting bird species were influenced by breeding habitat and migratory status. Significant declines were found in populations of farmland species and long-distance migrants. Farmland species lost parts of their ranges but hardly changed in local abundance in sites where they still occurred. In contrast, declines in long-distance migrants were caused by significant declines in local abundance with only slight loss of occupied range. Regional extinctions and colonizations were predictable from overall population trends. For example, all species that went extinct were either farmland species or long-distance migrants. Avian community composition was influenced by disproportionate declines of abundant species. This led to declines in the total number of breeding pairs and in community biomass and to increases in community evenness, but to only slight declines in species richness. Future conservation efforts in Europe need to focus more on farmland species and on understanding causes for the declines of long-distance migrants.  相似文献   

广东新会银湖湾湿地鸟类群落组成及多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年8月至2007年7月,采用系统抽样技术和样带法,对广东省江门市新会区银湖湾湿地鸟类群落进行研究,共记录70种,隶属13目28科48属。新会银湖湾湿地带鸟类平均密度356只/hm2,鸟类物种多样性指数3.690 2、均匀度指数0.875 6、优势度指数0.25。芦苇红树林潮间湿地、鱼塘莲藕湿地和农田果园是新会银湖湾湿地典型的生境,各生境的鸟类种类、密度和多样性差异较大。其中芦苇红树林潮间湿地55种,平均密度338只/hm2;鱼塘莲藕湿地有40种,平均密度279只/hm2;农田果园有38种,平均密度247只/hm2。3种生境中芦苇红树林潮间湿地鸟类的生物多样性最高,农田果园最低。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In the northeastern United States, pitch pine (  Pinus rigida Mill.)–scrub oak ( Quercus ilicifolia Wang.) communities are increasingly threatened by development and fire suppression, and prioritization of these habitats for conservation is of critical importance. As a basis for local conservation planning in a pitch pine–scrub oak community in southeastern Massachusetts, we developed logistic-regression models based on multiscale landscape and patch variables to predict hotspots of rare and declining bird and moth species. We compared predicted moth distributions with observed species-occurrence records to validate the models. We then quantified the amount of overlap between hotspots to assess the utility of rare birds and moths as indicator taxa. Species representation in hotspots and the current level of hotspot protection were also assessed. Predictive models included variables at all measured scales and resulted in average correct classification rates (optimal cut point) of 85.6% and 89.2% for bird and moth models, respectively. The majority of moth occurrence records were within 100 m of predicted habitat. Only 13% of all bird hotspots and 10% of all moth hotspots overlapped, and only a few small patches in and around Myles Standish State Forest were predicted to be hotspots for both taxa. There was no correlation between the bird and moth species-richness maps across all levels of richness ( r =−0.03, p = 0.62). Species representation in hotspots was high, but most hotspots had limited or no protection. Given the lack of correspondence between bird and moth hotspots, our results suggest that use of species-richness indicators for conservation planning may be ineffective at local scales. Based on these results, we suggest that local-level conservation planning in pitch pine–scrub oak communities be based on multitaxa, multiscale approaches.  相似文献   

Although wildlife conservation actions have increased globally in number and complexity, the lack of scalable, cost‐effective monitoring methods limits adaptive management and the evaluation of conservation efficacy. Automated sensors and computer‐aided analyses provide a scalable and increasingly cost‐effective tool for conservation monitoring. A key assumption of automated acoustic monitoring of birds is that measures of acoustic activity at colony sites are correlated with the relative abundance of nesting birds. We tested this assumption for nesting Forster's terns (Sterna forsteri) in San Francisco Bay for 2 breeding seasons. Sensors recorded ambient sound at 7 colonies that had 15–111 nests in 2009 and 2010. Colonies were spaced at least 250 m apart and ranged from 36 to 2,571 m2. We used spectrogram cross‐correlation to automate the detection of tern calls from recordings. We calculated mean seasonal call rate and compared it with mean active nest count at each colony. Acoustic activity explained 71% of the variation in nest abundance between breeding sites and 88% of the change in colony size between years. These results validate a primary assumption of acoustic indices; that is, for terns, acoustic activity is correlated to relative abundance, a fundamental step toward designing rigorous and scalable acoustic monitoring programs to measure the effectiveness of conservation actions for colonial birds and other acoustically active wildlife. La Actividad Vocal como un Índice Escalable y de Bajo Costo del Tamaño de Colonia de las Aves Marinas  相似文献   

Abstract:  Geographic changes in species distributions toward traditionally cooler climes is one hypothesized indicator of recent global climate change. We examined distribution data on 56 bird species. If global warming is affecting species distributions across the temperate northern hemisphere, these data should show the same northward range expansions of birds that have been reported for Great Britain. Because a northward shift of distributions might be due to multidirectional range expansions for multiple species, we also examined the possibility that birds with northern distributions may be expanding their ranges southward. There was no southward expansion of birds with a northern distribution, indicating that there is no evidence of overall range expansion of insectivorous and granivorous birds in North America. As predicted, the northern limit of birds with a southern distribution showed a significant shift northward (2.35 km/year). This northward shift is similar to that observed in previous work conducted in Great Britain: the widespread nature of this shift in species distributions over two distinct geographical regions and its coincidence with a period of global warming suggests a connection with global climate change.  相似文献   

Use of Biotic Community Structure as a Measure of Ecological Degradation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The benthic macroinvertebrate communities of two lotic aquatic habitats,namely,the Churni River(C-R)and the Jalangi River(J-R)were compared in this study.One lotic aquatic system(C-R)was polluted by organic pollutants due to discharge of unprocessed sewage water,while the other(J-R)was not affected by such pollution.Evaluations of various physico-chemical properties of water,sediment and different macroinvertebrate communities of the two tropical lotic systems were done in a period from January,2002 to December,2003.A long term temporal change in the macroinvertebrate communities was recorded due to increase in sediment rH value.Sediment redox potential affected by the anthropogenic activities was found to be an important factor for alteration of macroinvertebrate communities in these aquatic ecosystems.A positive correlation has been established between rH and Margalef index in this study.Potassium and the total count of coliform bacteria in water showed significantly higher values for the polluted Churni River than those for the Jalangi River.Fig 3,Tab 4,Ref 34  相似文献   

The Channel of Santa Cruz is a mangrove area in northeastern Brasil 40 km north of Recife. Until 1991 a chlor-alkali factory discharged large amounts of mercury into the main tributary of the channel, the Rio Botafogo. The objective of this study was to assess the potential of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae as a bioindicator for mercury in this area and to examine the influence of condition on mercury concentrations in the oysters. The investigation was carried out in the late rainy season (July to September) 1993, in the rainy season (April to June) 1994 and in the dry season (November/December) 1994. At 11 stations in the channel, mangrove oysters, surface sediments and suspended matter were sampled, representing different compartments of the system. The distribution of mercury in the Channel of Santa Cruz exhibited for all compartments the same distinct spatial pattern with maxima in the Rio Botafogo. Seasonal variations were small and revealed no clear tendencies. In addition, mangrove oysters were transplanted from more contaminated stations to less contaminated stations and vice versa. These experiments were designed to study the oysters' capability to adjust their mercury concentrations to a changing bioavailability of mercury. The transplantation experiments suggest that the oysters are capable to adjust to changing ambient mercury availability within a few months. The transplantation experiments also revealed the importance of condition changes on the mercury concentration of the oysters. This factor should not be ignored during pollution studies. However, condition had apparently no strong influence on the spatial or seasonal mercury variations of the oysters. The mangrove oyster is a suitable bioindicator for long-term changes in mercury availability. Received: 20 August 1997 / Accepted: 15 January 1998  相似文献   

Summary. Queens in colonies of the small myrmicine ant, Leptothorax gredleri Mayr 1855 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) engage in dominance interactions and form social hierarchies, in which typically only the top-ranking queen lays eggs. Occasionally, queen antagonism escalates to violent mandible fighting, during which the sting is used to apply Dufour gland secretions onto the cuticle of the opponent. Contaminated queens often are attacked by nestmate workers. Here we show that the chemical composition of the Dufour gland is colony-specific and that workers can discriminate between secretions from their own and other colonies. Our findings suggest that Dufour gland secretions are involved in the establishment of hierarchies within a colony. When invading an alien colony the queen presumably employs the secretions during the expulsion of the resident queen. Apparently, Dufour gland secretions play a role in intraspecific queen competition similar to that in slave-making and inquiline formicoxenine ants, where they function as "propaganda substances" in an interspecific context. Received 7 July 1998; accepted 15 September 1998.  相似文献   

In the context of coastal management the aim of this paper is to present the development of a fuzzy model through the application of a Genetic algorithm in order to select the most appropriate set of variables and improve our understanding with a set of rules. The case studied is the chlorophyll response as bioindicator of ecological status in the Northeast coastal upwelling system of Rio de Janeiro state, Southeastern of Brazil. The prediction of the fuzzy model has shown an improved performance when compared to the traditional approaches as Multiple Regression modelling. The results show that the set of inferred rules can assess three different water masses. Despite the increased occurrence of upwelling is observed in spring–summer period and some instability of the model, it is able to forecast some chlorophyll peaks. We conclude that the sampling frequency is crucial to reach a better performance.  相似文献   

Abstract: We used experimental nests baited with California Quail (  Callipepla californica ) eggs or clay eggs to examine relative risks of nest predation in an agricultural landscape and in two large forest preserves in a south-temperate rainforest in Chile. The most common predators, as identified by marks on clay eggs, were a caracara (   Milvago chimango ), a blackbird ( Curaeus curaeus ), and rodents. Nest losses from predation were similar in large and small forest patches and lower in patches than in extensive forest. In general, predation risk was higher (and nest survival therefore lower) on forest edges than in forest interior, in short-grass pasture than in tall-grass pasture, in narrow corridors than in wide corridors, and on visible nests than on concealed nests. High predation risks in pasture habitat tended to increase the risk of nest predation in adjacent forest edges. For open-cup nesters, the risk of nest predation was relatively high in the present agricultural landscape, indicating that much of the available wooded habitat (  forest edges, narrow corridors) offers poor nesting habitat, although it may be suitable for foraging and traveling. The numerous bird-plant mutualisms in this landscape may be at risk if nesting success of the principal mutualists is consistently low.  相似文献   

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