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美国防洪政策演变   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
回顾了近300年来美国防洪战略转移的历史进程。美国陆军工程兵团曾根据国家防洪与发展航运的需要,实施“堤防万能”的防洪政策,然而,1927年的大洪水冲毁了“堤防万能”的神话,迫使国会通过1928年的防洪法,进行水库、行洪区、分洪区与堤防协调防洪。随着联邦洪水及其它灾害救济费用的不断攀升,促使美国颁布1968年的洪水保险法与1973年的洪水灾害防御法,实行洪水风险区划与土地利用规划,以减轻洪水灾害。1  相似文献   


'souza FD 《Disasters》1980,4(2):171-172

Shelter, housing and recovery: a comparison of u.s. Disasters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bolin R  Stanford L 《Disasters》1991,15(1):24-34
In this paper we examine the issues associated with the temporary sheltering and housing of victims after natural disasters in the United States. Specific topics addressed include differential access to shelter and housing aid according to social class, ethnicity and related demographic factors; the relationship between post-disaster shelter and housing and long-term recovery; the role of social support networks in the sheltering of victims; and the implications of the research for the provision of shelter and housing aid after disasters.  相似文献   

<正> 由建设部、中国地震局、国家自然科学基金会和美国科学基金会主办,南京工业大学、中国建筑科学研究院和中国地震局工程力学研究所承办的“第三届地震工程国际会议(http://www.3icee.njut.edu.cn)”,将于2004年10月19~20日在南京召开。会议的主要议程是:地震工程、结构抗震与控制、结构健康监测、智能  相似文献   


2005年6月19日至24 日,第11届国际岩土力学计算方法与进展协会国际会议(11th Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics IACMAG) 在意大利历史名城都灵(Turin)隆重召开,香港理工大学土木与结构工程系殷建华教授荣获“国际岩土力学计算方法与进展协会”(IACMAG) 2005年度地区杰出贡献奖.  相似文献   

6.14. Sanitation     

Melville CP 《Disasters》1983,7(2):107-117
The disastrous floods of July 1934 in Tabriz are examined in the context of the history of floodinginthe city, which is crossed by a dry stream bed liable to sudden Inundation by mountain torrents from the southeast. Few details of past events have survived, suggesting that relatively little significance has been attached to them. Typically, flood dykes were inadequately maintained. This neglect, combined with a radical alteration in urban topography after 1925, when broad straight avenues were constructed through the old heart of the city, led to serious losses from flooding twice in 1929 and again in 1934. Enhanced perception of the flood risk finally found expression in the adoption of large scale engineering measures to mitigate future events, including strengthening protective dykes and widening the river channel through the city. These works have reduced vulnerability to flooding from river overflow. No long-term detrimental Impact of the 1934 flood has been observed. Some of the physical and social parameters that have influenced the vulnerability of Tabrizinthe past continue to be present both there and elsewhere in Iran, and they may be characteristic also of other regions with comparable natural environments or in a similar stage of socio-economic development.  相似文献   

6.4. Rehydration     

<正> Q Dr. Raleigh, what are the chances of a big earthquake striking the United States over the next few years? A A great earthquake, with severe destruction of property and high loss of life, is inevitable in California. The likelihood of such an earthquake—with a magnitude of 8 or more on the seismological scale—is only a few percentage points per year. That doesn't sound very high, but the point is that  相似文献   

从监测泉点的水文地质概况入手,结合近18年来的观测资料,分析并总结了9、 10号泉水中F-的映震特征: F-的地震前兆异常基本上都是正异常,且具有较好的重复性,即基本上遵循: 背景值-脉冲式突升-最高值-突降-恢复至背景值的规律。 而地震常常发生在F-含量恢复背景值后数天或数十天,仅有个别地震发生在F-含量达最高值时。 最后,初步认定了泉点较好的地震构造环境是造成该9、 10号泉F-具有映震灵敏性的原因。  相似文献   

经过三年的努力,《中国地震科技文献题录大全》即将与读者见面,这是我国地震学文献上第一部跨越近一个世纪的地震文献源指南,文本谨就此书稿的编纂由来、编纂指导思想、编纂方法及其编者的主观期望向读者介绍。  相似文献   

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