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<正>"秦开蜀道置金牛,汉水元通星汉流"。李白的笔下如此描绘了古金牛的山水。古金牛,今宁强也。宁强据"剑门蜀道"东端,为古今秦蜀咽喉,是汉水源地、嘉陵上水。峰峦崔巍,林木葱笼,备秦巴之景色,汇南北之风情。境内奇峰秀水、雄关矗立。七盘关、西峡关、牢固关、五丁关、盐茶关、铁锁关、阳平关、青木川,自古是兵家必争之地。阳平关,诸葛亮经此而北伐,唐明皇越境而奔蜀。青木川位于宁强的西  相似文献   

我在长江头,家住长江尾,保护长江水源,就是保护家乡水。几乎每个青藏铁路建设者当年都是怀着这样的心愿走向青藏高原的。在青藏高原逐渐隆起的漫长过程中,生成了草甸、湿地、冻土等独特的高原生态系统,孕育了长江、黄河、澜沧江、怒江、雅鲁藏布江的源头。这里栖息着藏野驴、藏羚羊等珍稀的野生动物,气候寒冷,空气稀薄,生态环境脆弱。  相似文献   

传统村落俗称为古村落,是民俗文化的策源地,民俗表情的生动符号。古村落融自然山水、传统道德、乡风民俗、建筑理念于一体,具有重要的历史、文化、建筑、艺术、旅游等价值。然而,受城镇化、现代化、社会转型等因素影响,近年来,我国古村落的数量锐减,空壳化现象严重,保护形势极其严峻。一些传统民间文化载体的古村落正一步步被逼进狭小的“胡同”,部分甚至退出历史舞台。  相似文献   

许红星,天津石化总经理,研究生学历,教授级高级工程师,2010年全国劳动模范,天津市第九、第十次党代会代表,天津市第十五届、第十六届人大代表,天津市第十届市委委员。天津石化,是国家特大型炼油、乙烯、化工、化纤联合企业,华北地区最大的炼油基地、国内最大的乙烯生产基地之一。在徐红星的带领下,企业正向着实现企业"主业突出、结构优良、管理科学、文化先进、环境友好、企业和谐"为目标进发。  相似文献   

王毅敏 《环境教育》2012,(10):65-67
近年来,涉环保问题渐成引发群体性事件的主因之一。在目前我国工业化、城市化的快速推进阶段,涉环保群体性事件有可能继续高发态势,呈现出由潜流暗涌到激涛澎湃的特点、。多年来,专业的环保宣教工作人员一直在利用媒体、网络、活动、展览、课堂等各种平台,借助新闻、图片、影视、声音、艺术、文化等多种手段致力于环保宣传手段的创新和改革,致力于环境教育效应的最大化。不可否认,多年不懈的环保宣教确实取得了显著的成效。但是,仍有很多问题是非常值得我们深思的。  相似文献   

蒋高明 《绿叶》2014,(3):71-77
正弘毅生态试验农场摒弃化肥、农药、除草剂、农膜、添加剂、转基因6项不可持续技术,探索生态平衡的耕作之道,实现了生态农业的"低投入、零污染、高产出"。然而由于政府将大量经费补贴到破坏环境的现代农业上,农民生产有机食品费工、费时、投入大、见效慢、没有经济回报等原因,生态农业面临推广的难题。我们期待消费者与有机食品生产者之间各种模式的经济合作,能为生态农业的发展打开出路。  相似文献   

厉无畏 《绿叶》2010,(Z1):33-38
绿色经济、低碳经济、循环经济中,绿色经济的范围最广,包含了循环经济和低碳经济,而循环经济和低碳经济是绿色经济的两个分支,三者的内涵和目标是一致的,都是强调资源的节约和环境的保护。一国发展绿色经济,很难;中国的绿色发展,离不开世界市场和世界技术。在中国的绿色实践中,由于政策、市场不配套,以及观念、效益、规模、技术的制约,出现了"政府热、企业民众冷"、"中央热、地方冷"的局面。中国怎样才能更好地绿色发展?除了人的消费观念要低碳化外,更重要的是技术上要有突破,要有自己的核心技术。  相似文献   

正竹子生长快,成材早,具有调节气候、涵养水源、保持水土、固土防冲、防风减灾等功能,对维持生态平衡,保护人类生存环境能起到很好的作用。纽约的深秋之夜寒冷、深邃而漫长,夜色中的纽约法拉盛市政大厅则瑰丽而奇异。2013年10月1日夜,身着大衣的人们徘徊在法拉盛市政大厅门口,大门紧闭。推着婴儿车的妇女、怀抱幼子的男人、纯真的少女、秀美的少年、慈祥的老人,他们把眼光投向大门,焦急而期待。一道大门,隔着两个世界。  相似文献   

正常熟国际学校位于江苏省常熟市高新区,美丽的昆承湖畔。学校占地面积80亩,建筑面积5万余平方米,校园环境优美,教学设施一流,是一所实施幼儿园、小学、初中寄宿制的基础教育学校。学校于2011年9月正式开学,为常熟地区的学生提供国际化、多元化、精致化、高质量的基础教育,为常熟地区的文化经济发展和国际化的快速提升提供教育的支撑。由于学校毗邻虞山、尚湖、昆承湖、沙家浜,周边环境教育资源丰富,这为学校开展环境教  相似文献   

国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生植物。子实体中等至较大。菌盖直径5-10cm,扁半球形至近平展,污白色,具黄褐色至栗褐色平伏的丝毛状鳞片,表面干燥。秋季在松林或针阔混交林中地上群生或散生,或形成蘑菇圈。往往和松树形成菌根关系。分布在我国黑龙江、吉林、安徽、台湾、四川、山西、贵州、云南、西藏等地区。  相似文献   

贾靖 《绿色视野》2012,(4):66-68
一城一世界,一花一天地。久不在城市中漫行,虽在城市中,却已经远离。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: There are a large number of conceptual hydrological models available today. It is not easy to immediately identify the similarities and differences between the different models. The Swedish HBV model and the Chinese Xinanjiang model are two examples of conceptual, semi-distributed, rainfall-runoff models. The Xinanjiang model was designed for use in humid and semi-humid regions, with no routine for the snowmelt runoff, whereas the snow routine is an important part of the HBV model in many applications. The model structures of the two models may be described in four routines, compared in this paper. The integral structures of them are similar, but there are some differences, especially in the runoff production routine. The physical significance and physical definitions of some model parameters were analyzed. Both models were tested in two basins. Both models gave similar results, and both models performed well in the application. The similarity of the results obtained by different model structures leads to the following two conclusions. First, more effort should probably be spent on the improvement of input data quality and coverage than on the development of more detailed model structures only. Second, inference about basin behavior and characteristics from the values of calibrated model parameters must be made with great caution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A dynamic mathematical model was constructed to examine bacterial contamination problems affecting Ford Lake, a small recreational lake in Southeast Michigan. The model was calibrated and verified using summer dry weather averaged data and data from three wet weather surveys. Model simulations demonstrated that the major bacterial contamination was attributable to storm related perturbations affecting two point sources: the Huron River and the Ypsilanti Sewage Treatment Plant. The nonpoint source contribution was relatively minor. The Model is currently being used by the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources as a management tool for assessing the effectiveness of planned pollution abatement strategies  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Investigating natural, potential, and human-induced impacts on hydrologic systems commonly requires complex modeling with overlapping data requirements, plus massive amounts of one- to four-dimensional data at multiple scales and formats. Given the complexity of most hydrologic studies, the requisite software infrastructure must incorporate many components including simulation modeling and spatial analysis with a flexible, intuitive display. Integrating geographic information systems (GIS) and scientific visualization systems (SVS) provides such an infrastructure. This paper describes an integrated system consisting of an orographic precipitation model, a GIS, and an SVS. The results of this study provide a basis for improving the understanding of hydro-climatic processes in mountainous regions. An additional benefit of the integrated system, the value of which is often underestimated, is the improved ability to communicate model results, leading to a broader understanding of the model assumptions, sensitivities, and conclusions at a management level.  相似文献   

The study of human navigation has long been dominated by the so-called stage theory, i.e. the notion that there are three distinct types of spatial knowledge (landmark, route, and survey knowledge), that are acquired sequentially during spatial learning and development. Based on the results of a route learning experiment in a driving simulator, an alternative to the stage theory is proposed. The authors suggest that subjects follow either a visually dominated or a spatially dominated strategy to solve a route-learning problem. In the visually dominated strategy, subjects base their wayfinding decisions on visually recognizing decision points along a route; the decision points are not integrated into any kind of survey representation. In the spatially dominated strategy, on the other hand, subjects represent the environment as a survey map right from the start; that is, they do not pass through a landmark or route stage. These strategies may be subserved by different cortical areas recently characterized in neurophysiological studies of animals solving maze problems.  相似文献   

The methodology of mass and energy integration is widely applied for reduction of water consumption, which belongs to the area of mass integration, and is also energy integration problem if water is considered an energy source (cooling water and steam). This work presents a study of water-consumption reduction through optimization of the process superstructure. A petroleum refinery water network was analyzed and a solution is proposed to minimize the costs of fresh water and wastewater treatment. Three processes which use water, with three contaminants, were monitored and three potential treatment units are proposed. The procedure was based on relaxation of a non-convex non-linear programming problem into a mixed integer linear programming (MILP). The MILP model was further simplified using heuristic rules and solved by using MATLAB.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An input-output method, using a network of ideal continuous stirred-tank and plug-flow tublar reactors, is adopted to analyze residence time distribution data for a separated mechanical aeration system. The usefulness of this modeling concept is enhanced by its simplicity, especially in the presence of a first-order reaction. This facilitates use of the model format for wastewater quality prediction. Moreover, first-order rate constants can also be estimated from the model, if conversions due to the reaction rate are available.  相似文献   

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