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她是京剧小花旦出身,却在后来改行进了影视圈;她出演了许多影视剧,获得了"天下第一嫂"的美称;她曾连续四届担任政协委员,为百姓提出了很多实际的议案;她又是一位执著的环保名人,参加了许多大型环保公益活动。她就是被人们喜欢称作"嫂子"的王馥荔。花香熏醒环保心愿"因为爱花,所以我特别关爱身边的一花一草。"这也许是王馥荔环保意识的萌芽。她说,在上世纪五六十年代,她小的时候,特别喜欢花,那时家里都没花,外面也没卖鲜花的,所以对花有一种特别的  相似文献   

田芳妮 《绿色视野》2014,(11):61-63
素馨香韵缱绻入怀 从香港起飞,一直向南。在同一个时区里,飞跃太平洋,穿过赤道,落地巴厘岛海岸边的机场。出机场就看到了被地灯的光柱勾勒出来的素馨枝干,抬头仰见,叶子背面镀着一层夕阳色的灯光。馨香缕缕随印度洋旱季伊始的暖风送来,让你知道枝上定是绽满了花儿。步入酒店,印尼姑娘将棉线串起的素馨花环挂在我们脖子上,素馨馨香缱绻入怀。  相似文献   

贵州省铜仁市的梵净山是五陵山脉主峰,凡九十九溪,八面射出,水随山势,湍急异常。它们泛着泡沫,一刻不息,遇到百尺高坎,也像早有准备,从容跳下。水落石出,巨如房、细似末,被溪流冲得千奇百怪,刷得干干净净。这坦率、纯洁、热情的溪,则永远呐喊、狂奔……  相似文献   

"教育不是万能的,如果我们培养的学生中,有百分之一的学生是环保主义者,这也是教育的功德。生态创建只要尽力了,也许就会功在千秋。"今年65岁的肖  相似文献   

辛卫青  蓝冀 《环境教育》2013,(10):80-84
"环境友好学校"所追求的不仅仅是一种生命的颜色,它更象征着一种文化、一种文明。它应该是从课堂拓展到学校方方面面的一种教育与管理活动,应该是校园物化环境与文化气息的有机统一。  相似文献   

沙湾县三个泉子退耕还草项目区的建设,彻底改变了长期以来由于草地在陆地生态系统中的巨大作用和在国民经济发展中的重要地位未被充分认识,加之受传统的重农轻牧,重牧轻草,轻草贱草等社会思想的影响,彻底改变了草地建设等许多措施没有落到实处,尤其是草地生态建设的步伐远远不能适应生态环境发展要求的现状。  相似文献   

上山,不经意在崖缝、在溪边寻一棵老树根,回家往盆里一栽,立意造型、置阵布势,几经春秋,便疏影横斜,与粉墙黛瓦的小院浑然天成。徽州人家的庭院几乎都摆放着这样几架盆景。徽派盆景是以古徽州命名的盆景艺术流派,始于南宋,鼎盛于明、清,至今已有800多年的历史。  相似文献   

Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) were introduced into the United States in 1963 as potential biological control agents for nuisance aquatic weeds. Since that time an oftentimes bitter controversy has raged over its effects on sportfishing, and its possible natural reproduction and naturalization in North America. This review considers the history, ecology, and present status of grass carp in the United States in light of the voluminous scientific research conducted since its importation. Particular attention is given to the role of grass carp in the fisheries management plans of Arkansas. Recent development of a sterile, triploid grass carp hybrid may lead to widespread use of grass carp to control nuisance aquatic weeds in culturally eutrophicated waters of the United States.  相似文献   

This paper describes how the design by the UN of its institutions for delivering technical assistance and advisory services in respect of mineral resources development have changed over time. UN practices in such fields as mining and minerals development are analysed, as are the gradual and subtle impacts of such practices on changes in UN perceptions of its roles not only in development but also in peace and human rights. The final section examines some of the problems that will confront the UN in the future, as it seeks to incorporate the principles of interdependence and interlinkage among development, peace and human rights into its technical assistance and advisory services in the field of mining and minerals development .  相似文献   

王英琦 《绿色视野》2011,(10):61-61
当西方的资本主义陷入经济衰亡时,当东方的恐怖主义加紧制造人肉炸弹时;当全球各种极端气候、生态危机直逼临界崩溃时;当仓皇的人类在大地上寻求种种拯救之路时,却忘了一个最重要、最迫急、最终极性的使命:越是进化接近尾声,越是应当面向星空,面向宇宙母亲回头追问——我是谁,我从哪里来,要到哪里去,我的最终使命是什么?  相似文献   

本文阐述了我国草业科学研究与草业产业的现状,发展草业具有良好的经济、环境、社会效益,是实施西部大开发战略,改善自然与人类居住生态环境,促进畜牧业良性循环,实现西部农民小康目标的一条必由之路,更是国家生态安全的一项救国之策。草业科学研究与草业产业化发展将成为我国一个新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

This research surveyed human-impacted littoral forests in southeastern Madagascar to determine (i) how forest structural features, indicative of human impact, are related to total, utilitarian, and endemic tree diversity; (ii) the distribution, abundance, and demographics of tree species groups (i.e., total, useful, endemic) across the landscape; and (iii) the amount of basal area available per human use category. We also use these data to consider issues of sustainable use and how human impact may influence littoral forest tree community composition across the landscape. Within 22 transects of 400 m2 each, we recorded a total of 135 tree species and 2155 individuals. Seventy-nine species (58%) were utilitarian and 56 (42%) were nonutilitarian species. Of the 2155 individuals, 1827 (84%) trees were utilitarian species. We recorded 23 endemic species (17% of the total species) and 17 (74%) of these were utilitarian species. Basal area was significantly correlated with Shannon Weiner Index values for total (r = 0.64, P < 0.01), utilitarian (r = 0.58, P < 0.01), and endemic tree diversity (r = 0.85, P < 0.01). Basal area was significantly correlated with the Simpson’s index values for the endemic species (r = 0.74, P < 0.01). These correlations suggest that endemic tree species, of high global conservation value, may be the species group most influenced by changes in forest structure. Utilitarian species constituted 84% of the total basal area. The use category contributing the highest amount of basal area to the landscape was firewood. The results presented herein demonstrate that the landscape of southeastern Madagascar, commonly perceived as degraded, retains high value for both global conservation purposes and for local livelihoods. Thus, valuable opportunities may exist for developing conservation incentives that leverage both global and local conservation needs.  相似文献   

湖南邵东县黄花菜资源的开发研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了湖南省邵东县黄花菜生产的优良生态条件和社会经济条件,指出了生产与经营上的缺陷,揭示了进一步开发的潜力及广阔的营销前景,提出了合理开发的建议。  相似文献   

选取吉林省抚松县为研究区域,采用能值分析方法,从生态安全、经济发展、社会接受方面建立评价指标体系,对吉林省抚松县生态经济系统进行定量和定性评价。研究结果表明:①2005--2009年抚松县生态经济系统能值投入量和能值产出量均呈增加态势,能值投入以本地资源为主,工业产值迅速增加(以林产品为主),而农产品产值持续减少。②抚松县经济发展水平在全国、全省范围内均属于较低水平,工业发展效率很低,居民生活质量不高。③生态环境压力逐年增大,主要原因是自然资源的大规模开发,但是与其他发达地区、我国西部地区相比,抚松县在生态环境承载力方面仍具有相对优势。据此,提出了通过大力发展旅游产业、绿色食品、林产品的深加工等增强系统开放性,深入挖掘优势资源的高价值形态,以达到山区县域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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