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Burnout is considered to be a long‐term reaction to occupational stress. It is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished personal accomplishment. The most widely used instrument to measure burnout is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), developed by Maslach and Jackson (1986). From this instrument, Schaufeli and van Dierendonck (1995a) developed a somewhat modified Dutch version: the MBI‐NL. Burnout among dentists has hardly been studied. Since the professions that the MBI‐NL was developed upon are quite different from dentistry, the aim of this study was to test the three‐factor structure of the MBI‐NL against alternative structures among dentists. Both principal components analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were examined in a representative sample of 709 Dutch general dental practitioners (75 per cent response rate). The three‐factor structure shows the best fit to the underlying data, while other psychometric qualities are very satisfactory. It is concluded that the three‐factor structure of the MBI‐NL is superior to alternative structures, and that the MBI‐NL is a highly suitable instrument to measure burnout among dentists. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research into workplace mentoring is principally focussed on predictors and psychosocial and instrumental outcomes, while there is scarcely any in‐depth research into relational characteristics, outcomes and processes. This article aims to illustrate these relational aspects. It reports a co‐constructed auto‐ethnography of a dyadic mentoring relationship as experienced by mentor and protégé. The co‐constructed narrative illustrates that attentiveness towards each other and a caring attitude, alongside learning‐focussed values, promote a high‐quality mentoring relationship. This relationship is characterised, among other things, by person centredness, care, trust and mutual influence, thereby offering a situation in which mutual learning and growth can occur. Learning develops through and in relation and is enhanced when both planned and unplanned learning takes place. In addition, the narrative makes clear that learning and growth of both those involved are intertwined and interdependent and that mutual learning and growth enrich and strengthen the relationship. It is concluded that the narrative illustrates a number of complex relational processes that are difficult to elucidate in quantitative studies and theoretical constructs. It offers deeper insight into the initiation and improvement of high‐quality mentoring relationships and emphasises the importance of further research into relational processes in mentoring relationships. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several industry codes, standards and recommended practices have been developed and utilized to maintain pressure equipment integrity and improve reliability. These industry standards focus heavily on inspections (time or risk based) and guidelines for operating equipment at conditions that enable a tolerable deterioration rate. RBI (risk based inspection), in effect, utilizes process conditions at a snapshot in time to recommend inspection strategies which can cover the span of the equipment's remaining life. On a day to day level, changes that occur in process conditions (excursions and upsets) are not fed back into the risk and criticality calculation. When such changes to operating conditions affect key process variables, new damage mechanisms could be introduced that affect the remaining life of an asset or accelerate existing damage mechanisms. The increase in risk resulting from these process changes goes unaccounted for until the effect of the deterioration is captured at the next inspection.Integrity Operating Windows (IOWs) are established limits for key process variables that can affect the integrity of the equipment if the process operation deviates from the established limits. The development of these IOWs requires fundamental understanding of the process and resulting damage mechanisms and is best facilitated by a team of corrosion and process engineers along with feedback from plant operators. A well-established IOW program is designed to provide real time notification of an increased risk to the integrity of an asset so that identified actions can be taken by the operators and/or plant managers proactively in a timely manner. Combining an RBI program with an IOW program can greatly increase its effectiveness and provide early recognition of equipment risks due to process changes. This paper will focus on the development of an IOW program and the benefits of combining it with a viable RBI program.  相似文献   

In the last 10 years, research devoted to the construct of leader–member exchange (LMX) has increasingly relied on the tenets of social exchange as a theoretical foundation to propose and test relationships between supervisor‐subordinate dyads and variables of significant consequence. Despite the theory underpinning such relationships, researchers continue to measure LMX with scales developed to assess vertical dyad linkage (VDL), not social exchange. To address this concern, we investigated the content validity of LMX7 (the most widely cited measure of LMX) and LMX‐MDM (a popular multidimensional measure of LMX). Findings from content validity assessments by 25 LMX experts revealed LMX7 and LMX‐MDM items are not representative of the construct of social exchange. As such, we undertook a series of studies to develop a new scale we label, leader–member social exchange (LMSX). Results indicate LMSX is able to assess different, as well as the same, components of the supervisor–subordinate relationship as previous scales while being more theoretically consistent with the notion of social exchange. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Communication error has been considered a primary cause of many incidents and accidents in the nuclear industry. In order to prevent these accidents, a method for the analysis of such communication errors is proposed here. This paper presents a qualitative and a quantitative method to analyze communication errors. The qualitative method focuses on finding a root cause of the communication error and predicting the type of communication error which could happen in nuclear power plants. We develop context conditions and antecedent-consequent links of influential factors related to communication errors. The quantitative analysis method focuses on estimating the probability of communication errors. To accomplish the quantification of communication errors, the Cognitive Speaking Process (CSP) is defined and a method to estimate the weighting factors and the probability is suggested. Finally, case studies conducted to validate the applicability of the proposed methods are detailed. From the results, we can foresee the effects of given plant conditions on communication errors and reduce the error occurrences.  相似文献   

要面子不要命 某化工厂曾发生一起令人啼笑皆非的因工死亡事故: 一次,一男操作工在草酸母液池边给化验室取化验小样.为图一时方便,他没按规定在护栏处而是违规在池边敞口处踏板上用提斗取样.  相似文献   

陈世俊 《劳动保护》2002,(10):41-42
"人蒸发啦?" 市郊某厂,张三上早班. 按照交接班制规定,早晨,他必须提前一刻钟到岗,与上夜班的李四面对面交接班并查验夜班操作记录,然后上岗.  相似文献   

说者无意 听者有心这是一个出人意料但却刻骨铭心的事故案例。事故经过是这样的:20世纪80年代初,某厂乙二醇产品大会战现场,我是现场安全监督。盛夏的一天中午,施工现场休息室里,装机组的十几个人边吃午饭边聊天,我恰好也呆在这里吃饭、休息、凑趣。吃罢午饭,组长傅师傅拿起他那个大烟斗,拧开烟咀并用纸捻捅进去清理烟袋油,他边清理边说:“别看这烟袋油挺 脏,它能防身。农民为什么都抽烟?下地种田时那些 长虫(蛇)、蝎子闻到烟味都不敢靠近,这就是烟袋油的功劳。我小时候常用烟袋油钓蛤蟆(青蛙),一熏它就晕!”一席话,别…  相似文献   

带实习生 在工厂干安技时,要说给进厂实习的人上安全教育课我从不怵头,别说大学生,就是硕士、博士我也敢给他们讲--能者为师嘛.这次,老科长找我谈话,让我带一个学劳动保护专业的毕业生实习,征求我的意见,我有点怵头,表示"恐怕带不好!"老科长说,"试试看,想想办法".看着他那期待和信任的眼神,我也只好试试.  相似文献   

厂长“梦游”身为法定代表人和安全第一责任人的国有企业厂长,鲜有不懂和不重视安全的,有的人甚至为了安全生产而如醉如痴,下面这个例子似能说明问题。某染料厂厂长老臧,或许是当副厂长时曾分管过安全的缘故,对安全生产的事格外关注。这不,那个从他当副厂长时留下的整体性隐患——全厂高压输电线线材老化并经常“打火”一事,眼下公司已下了最后通谍——《隐患整改通知书》——限令一个月内必须彻底解决,这令他大伤脑筋。以前,这个重大事故隐患由于没钱,他总给厂安技科“开方子”,什么“各车间轮流限电”、“修修补补凑合点儿”、…  相似文献   

正运行平稳、高精度、全天候、智能控制、超防抖、安装便捷产品名称:高清激光重载一体化云台摄像机产品型号:J-PT-7240公司全称:天津市嘉杰电子有限公司公司网址:www.jec-cctv.com一、研发背景伴随着社会安全信息化的发展,传统的监控设备已然无法满足一些特殊场所(如:林业、海事等)安全管理的应用需求。这些场所地理位置复杂,监控重点区域分布广泛并且与监控中心距离较远,不便于使用有线网  相似文献   

对Fe(III)单独沉淀、Fe(II)单独沉淀、Ce(IV)单独沉淀、Fe(III)-Ce(IV)和Fe(II)-Ce(IV)共沉淀5种制备体系产物去除As(V)性能进行了比较,结果显示Fe(II)-Ce(IV)体系最优.进一步优化评价Fe(II)-Ce(IV)制备体系中铈的加入量.基于经济-性能平衡的考虑,优选得到了Fe(II)-Ce(IV)体系中Ce(IV)加入量为0.03 mol/L的吸附剂Fe(II)-Ce(IV)03(简称FC),其饱和吸附容量达到85 mg/g.动力学测试表明,FC去除As(V)过程符合准二级反应动力学过程.在pH=4~7范围内,吸附容量受pH值影响不明显.对FC材料造粒后的吸附剂颗粒进行再生寿命评价,批量试验结果显示其能够重复利用7次.颗粒柱试验结果表明,在空间流速(SV)分别为10 h-1、20 h-1、30 h-1时,出水砷穿透前(>10 μg/L)分别对应4 000、2 400、2 160倍的倍柱体积处理量.对FC材料进行的表征测试显示,FC呈无定形结构,其质子位密度为9.97个/nm2,质子化常数pK1=3.09,pK2=-10.02.  相似文献   

When incidents happen and the consequences are not mitigated effectively, one of the indicated failures consists of ineffective emergency planning and response (EPR). EPR is an important aspect of the Process Safety Management (PSM) Standards, and the guidelines are stated in CFR 1910.119 (n) which explains the minimum elements of emergency response and procedures in handling emergency or small releases. Despite its implementation in 1992, CSB finds ineffective EPR system in certain accidents such as the Missouri DPS Enterprise Chlorine Gas Release accident in 2002. DPS EPR failed in planning on location of emergency equipment and accessibility. Many other accidents have occurred throughout the decade and even though organizations have their own EPR system, there are issues in meeting minimum PSM requirements. There also exists the problem of self-regulatory policies practiced by organizations, which might not meet these requirements as well. To help organizations meet these minimum requirements, the purpose of this paper is to present a structured and easy technique to plan and implement EPR as per PSM requirements. A model has been developed based on this technique, and its application has been tested as a case study in a refinery in Malaysia and discussed throughout this report. The results reflected the feasibility of this model as it helped users to track and manage documents efficiently. This technique has the potential to help users to manage EPR better and to reduce adverse impacts to people, environment and assets.  相似文献   

The Japanese government is planning to introduce DME as a substituted energy for oil and LNG. Introduction of DME could contribute greatly to both the prevention of global warming and the formation of resource-recycling societies. In these circumstances, a safety assessment of DME is very important when DME is used on a large scale. There is a possibility that prolonged exposure in air induces autoxidation to produce explosive organic peroxides during transportation and storage of DME. Therefore, the reactivity of DME with oxygen and the mechanism of the autoxidation were investigated. Accelerating Rate Calorimetry (ARC) was used to evaluate the thermal stability of DME and DIPE, a known peroxide producers, under adiabatic and various atmospheric conditions. In ARC studies of DME under oxygen, exothermic decompositions were detected although its self-heating rate was low in comparison with DIPE. Oven storage tests were carried out and iodimetry was used to measure the concentration of peroxides produced from DME in comparison with DIPE and DEE. However, no products could be found for DME either by GC/MS or by iodimetry, while some evidence of autoxidation of both DEE and DIPE were obtained from these experiments.  相似文献   

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