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Limited dispersal should result in genetic differences between populations proportional to geographic distances of separation. This association between gene flow and distance can be disrupted by (1) continuing genetic exchange among distant populations, (2) historical changes in gene flow, and (3) physical barriers or corridors to dispersal. The movements of larvae are thought to determine dispersal capability in benthic marine invertebrates. The solitary scleractinian Balanophyllia elegans Verrill possesses crawling larvae capable of only limited dispersal. Paradoxically, however, inferred levels of gene flow between pairs of localities spread over much of the 4000 km range of B. elegans exhibited a weaker relationship with geographical separation than that expected for a linear array of populations in which all genetic exchange takes place between adjacent populations. In this paper, I examined the pattern of gene flow (inferred from the frequencies of eight polymorphic allozyme loci) in B. elegans at a smaller (1 to 50 km) spatial scale to determine (1) whether gene flow at this spatial scale conformed to the expectations of the stepping-stone model, and (2) whether continuing long-distance gene flow or historical changes in gene flow were responsible for the weak relationship between gene flow and distance observed previously at the rangewide spatial scale. Between May and August 1992, I collected 75 adults from each of 18 localities along the coast of Sonoma County, California, USA. These populations of B. elegans were significantly subdivided both among localities separated by 1 to 50 km (F LT =0.053, Se=0.0075) and among patches separated by 4 to 8 m (F PL=0.026, SE=0.0023). The observed slope and correlation (r 2=0.54) between inferred levels of gene flow and the geographic distance at the 1 to 50 km spatial scale conformed to equilibrium expectations (obtained by simulation) for a linear stepping-stone model, although those from the rangewide spatial scale did not. This implies that the mechanisms conferring patterns of inferred genetic differentiation between localities in B. elegans differ fundamentally with spatial scale. At a scale of 1 to 50 km, continuing gene flow and drift have equilibrated and the process of isolation-bydistance may facilitate local adaptive change. At a broader spatial scale, historical changes in gene flow, perhaps affected by late Pleistocene climatic fluctuations, disrupt the equilibration of gene flow and genetic drift, so that genetic differentiation may not increase continuously with separation between populations.  相似文献   

Sponges display a variety of reproductive strategies that have the potential to influence population genetic structure. Histological examination of ten reproductive individuals of the Western Australian sponge Haliclona sp. showed that this species broods embryonic larvae that are potentially limited in dispersal capabilities. Because sponges have the potential to propagate in a number of modes, allozyme electrophoresis was used to assess the relative importance of asexual and sexual reproduction to recruitment, and to quantify genetic subdivision over different spatial scales. Tissue samples from 227 sponges were collected from reefs within two areas 400 km apart: Hamelin Bay and Rottnest Island. Contrary to expectations for highly clonal populations, genotypic diversity within sites was high, no linkage disequilibrium was found, and there was no evidence of genotypic clustering within reefs. There was no genetic evidence that asexual reproduction is important for the maintenance of populations. Genetic comparisons were consistent with mixing of sexually produced recruits within reefs, on a scale up to a few hundred metres, but significant genetic subdivision between reefs (FST=0.069 at Hamelin Bay, 0.130 at Rottnest Island) indicated that water gaps of several hundred metres are effective at preventing dispersal. Subdivision between the two areas, separated by 400 km, was moderately greater (FST=0.142) than within, but the same alleles were predominant in the two areas. These genetic patterns are consistent with limited dispersal capabilities of brooded larvae.Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

Genetic variability and structuring of rabbitfish populations with contrasting life histories, Siganus argenteus and Siganus fuscescens were determined using allozyme analysis. A total of 13–14 polymorphic loci were examined from samples collected in 2002 and 2003 from eight reefs representing 25 populations north (Kuroshio Current) and south (Mindanao Current) of the bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current along the eastern Philippine coast. S. fuscescens populations (H OBS = 0.085) showed higher heterozygosity than S. argenteus (H OBS = 0.053), consistent with predictions of the neutral theory for demersal egg spawners compared to pelagic egg spawners. The generally lower genetic variability of Kuroshio populations may be due to greater environmental disturbance affecting larval mortality and recruitment success. There was no significant overall population genetic structuring for S. argenteus (F ST = 0.01485, P > 0.05) compared to S. fuscescens (F ST = 0.03275, P < 0.05). The latter species showed highly significant genetic structuring among Kuroshio and Mindanao Current populations in both 2002 and 2003 (F CT = 0.08120, P < 0.05; F CT = 0.07500, P < 0.05, respectively), as well as among populations within regions. This conforms to expectations of correlations between observed population genetic structure and life history features related to dispersal potential and gene flow. However, there were significant temporal (i.e., 2002 vs. 2003 samples) genetic variations for both S. fuscescens (F CT = 0.08542, P < 0.05) and S. argenteus (F CT = 0.06330, P < 0.05), which may reflect interannual variability in recruitment success. Differences in population spatial genetic patterns between the two reef fish species suggest that broad scale physical factors (e.g. NEC bifurcation) and regional environmental perturbations (e.g. incidence of typhoons) affect population genetic structure of sympatric congeneric species with different life histories differently. Finer scale ecological processes, which affect larval dispersal and recruitment (e.g., local hydrographic features, distribution of habitats), particularly in the Mindanao Current region, exert more influence on structuring populations of S. fuscescens.  相似文献   

The Patagonian squid, Loligo gahi DOrbigny, has been described as having temporally and spatially identifiable spawning aggregations. Variation at six microsatellite loci was used to assess whether seasonal and geographical spawning groups around the Falkland Islands represent distinct sub-populations. Genetic variation at these loci is high in this species (mean expected heterozygosity=0.87; mean number of alleles=14.7). No evidence of significantly different allele frequencies was found, either between samples from putative spawning cohorts or geographical areas, indicating that L.gahi around the Falkland Islands comprise a single genetically homogeneous population. Age structure analysis of samples (from statolith growth increments) indicated substantial spread in hatching dates among individuals of similar size and maturity status, suggesting the potential for extensive interbreeding between seasonal cohorts. A sample of L.gahi from the SE Pacific (Peru) displayed distinctly different gene frequencies (and allele size distribution at one locus) from SW Atlantic samples, supporting the suggestion that SE Pacific and SW Atlantic populations may represent distinct subspecies.Contributed by J.P. Thorpe, Port Erin  相似文献   

Documenting the scale of movement among populations is an important challenge for marine ecology. Using nine microsatellite markers, evidence of genetic structure in a marine kelp, the sea palm Postelsia palmaeformis Ruprecht, was examined in the vicinity of Cape Flattery, Washington state, USA (48° 24′ N, 124°44′ W). Genetic clustering analysis implemented without reference to geographic structure strongly suggested that a number of distinct genetic clusters existed among the 245 plants sampled in August in the years 1997–2001. Subsequent analysis showed that clustering was associated with geographically defined populations both among (km scale) and within (m scale) sampling sites. F st analysis of geographically defined populations revealed significant genetic differentiation among populations of plants as little as 5 m apart, evidence of genetic structuring at even smaller scales, and a sharp increase in F st across populations separated by up to 23 m. F st values were also high and approximately unchanging (F st=0.470) for populations separated by greater distances (up to 11 km), consistent with a scenario of rare dispersal by detached, floating plants carried by variable currents. The results corroborate natural history observations suggesting that P. palmaeformis has extremely short (1–3 m) spore dispersal distances, and indicate that the dynamics of sea palm populations are more affected by local processes than recruitment from distant populations.  相似文献   

The atherinid fish Craterocephalus capreoli Rendahl is abundant in the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, 70 km off the Western Australia coast and 250 km south of the southern limit of the range of the species along the mainland. Electrophoretic examination of 7 allozyme loci at 17 sites in the Houtman Abrolhos revealed a substantially lower level of polymorphism than found in an earlier study of the species in its mainland distribution, with many of the uncommon alleles and some common ones missing. There is a very high degree of genetic subdivision among the populations in the Houtman Abrolhos, measured by a mean F ST of 0.437 over a distance of 35 km. This F ST (standardized variance in allelic frequencies) is six times that found previously among populations along the mainland coast over distances up to 850 km. The subdivision of populations in the Houtman Abrolhos is similar within one island group on a scale up to 12 km, and between two groups that are separated by 15 km of deep water. Significant differences in allelic frequencies were found between populations from the open shore and enclosed lagoons less than 800 m apart, but the overall levels of subdivision were similar for the two types of environment. Previous work had shown high levels of genetic subdivision in the Houtman Abrolhos for a gastropod with direct development. The results for C. capreoli demonstrate that the archipelago favours subdivision even for a species with potentially much greater mobility and different life history.  相似文献   

Five polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed and then used to assess the population genetic structure of a commercially harvested merobenthic octopus species (Octopus maorum) in south-east Australian and New Zealand (NZ) waters. Beak and stylet morphometrics were also used to assess population differentiation in conjunction with the genetic data. Genetic variation across all loci and all sampled populations was very high (mean number alleles = 15, mean expected heterozygosity = 0.85). Microsatellites revealed significant genetic structuring (overall F ST = 0.024, p < 0.001), which did not fit an isolation-by-distance model of population differentiation. Divergence was observed between Australian and NZ populations, between South Australia and north-east Tasmania, and between two relatively proximate Tasmanian sites. South Australian and southern Tasmanian populations were genetically homogeneous, indicating a level of connectivity on a scale of 1,500 km. Morphometric data also indicated significant differences between Australian and NZ populations. The patterns of population structuring identified can be explained largely in relation to regional oceanographic features.  相似文献   

This paper reports data on 28 allozyme loci in wild and artificially reared sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) samples, originating from either coastal lagoon or marine sites in the Mediterranean Sea. F ST analysis (θ estimator) indicated strong genetic structuring among populations; around 34% of the overall genetic variation is due to interpopulation variation. Pairwise θ estimates showed that, on average, the degree of genetic structuring was much higher between marine populations than between samples from lagoons. Six polymorphic loci showed differences in allele frequencies between marine and lagoon samples. Multivariate analyses of individual allozymic profiles and of allele frequencies suggested that different arrays of genotypes prevail in lagoons compared to marine samples, particularly at those loci that, on the basis of previous acclimation experiments, had been implicated in adaptation to freshwater. On the other hand, variation at “neutral” allozyme loci reflects to a greater extent the geographic location of populations. Allozyme differentiation was also studied in a D. labrax population from the Portuguese coast. Average genetic distance between this population and the Mediterranean populations was quite high (Nei's D = 0.236) and calls into question the taxonomic status of the Portuguese population. Finally, genetic relationships between D. labrax and D. punctatus were evaluated. Average Nei's D was 0.648, revealing high genetic differentiation between the two species, even for two sympatric populations of these species in Egypt; thus gene flow was not indicated between species. Received: 24 October 1996 / Accepted: 27 November 1996  相似文献   

Geographic variation in vocalizations is widespread in passerine birds, but its origins and maintenance remain unclear. In this study, we test the hypothesis that song dialect, a culturally transmitted trait, is related to the population genetic structure of the orange-tufted sunbird, Nectarinia osea. To address this, we compared mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation together with allele frequencies at five microsatellite loci from an urban population of sunbirds exhibiting two distinct song dialects on a microgeographic scale. Our findings reveal no association between dialect membership and genetic composition. All genetic measures, from both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, indicate high levels of gene flow between both dialect populations. The low F ST values obtained from mtDNA and microsatellite analysis imply that the variation among dialects does not account for more than 2%, at best, of the overall genetic variation found in the entire population. These measures fall well within the range of similar measures obtained in other studies of species exhibiting vocal dialects, most of which fail to detect any dialect-based genetic differentiation. The persistence of dialects in the orange-tufted sunbird may thus best be explained by dispersal of individuals across dialect boundaries and possibly from surrounding areas, followed by postdispersal vocal matching. Because genetic structuring appears weaker than cultural structure in this species, we discuss the behavioral mechanisms underlying dialect maintenance in the presence of apparent gene flow.  相似文献   

Prevailing oceanographic processes, pelagic larvae, adult mobility, and large populations of many marine species often leads to the assumption of wide-ranging populations. Applying this assumption to more localized populations can lead to inappropriate conservation measures. The Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus, POP) is economically and ecologically valuable, but little is known about its population structure and life history in Alaskan waters. Fourteen microsatellite loci were used to characterize geographic structure and connectivity of POP collections (1999–2005) sampled along the continental shelf break from Dixon Entrance to the Bering Sea. Despite opportunities for dispersal, there was significant, geographically related genetic structure (F ST = 0.0123, P < 10−5). Adults appear to belong to neighborhoods at geographic scales less than 400 km, and possibly as small as 70 km, which indicates limited dispersal throughout their lives. The population structure observed has a finer geographic scale than current management, which suggests that measures for POP fisheries conservation should be revisited.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of 12 reef populations of the soft coral Sinularia flexibilis (Octocorallia, Alcyoniidae) was studied along the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) at a maximum separation of 1,300 km to investigate the relative importance of sexual and asexual reproduction, genetic differentiation and gene flow among these populations. S. flexibilis is a widely distributed Indo-Pacific species and a gamete broadcaster that can form large aggregations of colonies on near-shore reefs of the GBR. Up to 60 individuals per reef were collected at a minimum sampling scale of 5 m at two sites per reef, from December 1998 to February 2000. Electrophoretic analyses of nine polymorphic allozymes indicated that genotypic frequencies in most populations and loci did not differ significantly from those expected from Hardy–Weinberg predictions. Analysis of multi-locus genotypes indicated a high number of unique genotypes (N go) relative to the number of individuals sampled (N) in each reef population (range of 0.69–0.95). The maximum number of individuals likely to have been produced sexually (N*) was similar to the number of individuals sampled (i.e. N*:N ˜ 1), suggesting that even repeated genotypes may have been produced sexually. These results demonstrated a dominant role of sexual reproduction in these populations at the scale sampled. Significant genetic differentiation between some populations indicated that gene flow is restricted between some reefs (F ST=0.026, 95% CI= 0.011 − 0.045) and even between sites within reefs (F ST=0.041, 95% CI=0.027 − 0.055). Nevertheless, there was no relationship between geographic separation and genetic differentiation. Analyses comparing groups of populations showed no significant differentiation on a north-south gradient in the GBR. The pattern in the number of significant differences in gene frequencies in pairwise population comparisons, however, suggested that gene flow may be more restricted among inner-shelf reef populations near to the coast than among mid/outer-shelf populations further from the coast. Received: 10 July 2000 / Accepted: 5 October 2000  相似文献   

Variations at 22 enzyme coding loci were surveyed in 11 populations of the oyster Ostrea edulis L., which were sampled between 1988 and 1990 along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Europe. Atlantic oyster beds suffered a steady decline during the last century, and restocking of beds with oysters of foreign origin has probably resulted in a high degree of interbreeding of natural oyster stocks from all Atlantic Europe. Our study confirms the low levels of genetic variability previously reported for the oyster populations from the Atlantic coasts, and extends it to the Mediterranean coasts. The locus arginine-kinase (ARK *) exhibited a high degree of interpopulation differentiation (F ST=0.289), resulting from extensive variation in gene frequencies along a geographical cline. However, the overall genetic differentiation between populations was slight, and similar to that reported for other local populations of bivalves (mean genetic distance between populations is 0.010, mean F ST=0.062). A general pattern of increasing differentiation along the coastline in an Atlantic-mediterranean direction emerged; but genetic differentiation among the Atlantic populations was not significantly lower than that observed among the Mediterranean populations. This and other results suggest that the effects of extensive transplantation of oysters among various areas in Europe are detectable only in some particular localities. The geographical distribution of low-frequency alleles suggests a restriction to gene flow outwards from the Mediterranean Sea, across the Straits of Gibraltar.  相似文献   

A large macrogeographic differentiation has been observed among Sotalia guianensis populations along the South American coast. However, no genetic structure has been detected so far in closely distributed populations of this species, even though it has been observed in other cetaceans. Here, we examined the fine scale population structure for the largest populations of S. guianensis inhabiting Sepetiba and Paraty embayments at the south-eastern coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences failed to detect variability among sequences. Conversely, evidence of significant male population structure was found on the basis of ten nuclear microsatellite loci. Surprisingly, the microsatellite markers were able to distinguish between individuals from the two embayments located 60 km apart. The results suggest that differences in habitat type and behavioral specializations are likely to explain the patterns of genetic structure. These findings should provide baselines for the management of communities exposed to increasing human-driven habitat loss.  相似文献   

A. Hunt  D. J. Ayre 《Marine Biology》1989,102(4):537-544
The intertidal sea anemone Oulactis muscosa (Drayton) is dioecious and most individuals are sexually mature throughout the year. Biochemical genetic evidence was used to determine the genetic structure of populations and to infer the relative contributions of sexual and asexual reproduction to recruitment. Data were collected for six enzyme-encoding loci from local populations spread along 735 km of the south east coast of Australia. The genetic structure of each of the nine local populations studied was consistent with recruitment by sexually produced individuals. In almost all cases, the observed single-locus genotypic frequencies closely matched those expected for hardy-Weinberg equilibria, however, consistent deficits of heterozygotes were detected for all loci. No apparent subdivision of the population was detected within the sampling area. Low levels of genetic differentiation were found between local populations and standardised variance (F ST ) values were similar to those for other species with widespread planktonic dispersal of larvae.Contribution No. 60 from the Ecology and Genetics Group of the University of Wollongong  相似文献   

The tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) is a highly valued game fish and occasional food fish in the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean. Tarpon have a high capacity for dispersal, but some regional biological differences have been reported. In this study we used two molecular genetic techniques—protein electrophoresis of nuclear DNA loci, and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)—to assess this species population genetic structure in the eastern (coastal waters off Gabon and Sierra Leone, Africa) and western (coastal waters off Florida, Caribbean Sea) Atlantic Ocean north of the equator. Genetic differentiation was observed between tarpon from Africa and tarpon from the western Atlantic Ocean. A unique allele and haplotype, significant differences in allozyme allele and mtDNA haplotype frequencies between the African and western Atlantic samples, and significant FST analyses suggest that levels of gene flow between tarpon from these two regions is low. Among the western Atlantic Ocean collections, genetic diversity values and allele and haplotype frequencies were similar. AMOVA analyses also showed a degree of genetic relatedness among most of the western Atlantic Ocean collections: however, some significant population structuring was detected in the allozyme data. A regional jackknifed FST analysis indicated the distinction of the Costa Rica population from the other western Atlantic populations and, in pairwise analyses, FST values tended to be higher (i.e., genetic relatedness was lower) when the Costa Rican sample was paired with any of the other western Atlantic samples. These data suggest that Costa Rican tarpon could be partially isolated from other western Atlantic tarpon populations. Ultimately, international cooperation will be essential in the management of this species in both the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Allozymes were examined in quantitative lunar monthly collections of larval recruits of the western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus George over three recruitment seasons at two sites nearly 350 km apart in Western Australia. At Alkimos, the southern site, recruitment occurs in a relatively narrow peak early in the spring, whereas at the northern Houtman Abrolhos Islands, recruitment extends into the summer months. In the 1995/1996 recruitment season, the frequency of the GPI * 100 allele increased from early to late in the season, but the frequencies were indistinguishable at the two sites in each monthly collection. The combination of this temporal variation in allelic frequencies with the contrasting patterns of recruitment at the Abrolhos Islands and Alkimos resulted in genetically different cohorts at the two sites. This pattern was ephemeral, as it was not repeated in the subsequent two years. Thus, ephemeral genetic patchiness in P. cygnus can be generated by the locally-specific genetic mix of recruits obtained from a common larval pool. This mechanism is the probable explanation of previously observed temporal and possible spatial genetic variation in adult P. cygnus, and highlights the importance of studying recruitment in order to understand the genetic structure of marine species. Received: 22 February 1999 / Accepted: 8 June 1999  相似文献   

Nine polymorphic loci were found among 42 presumptive protein-coding gene loci surveyed among 474 red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) sampled in 1987 from 13 nearshore and 1 offshore localities from the Atlantic coast of the southeastern USA and the northern Gulf of Mexico. The mean number of alleles over the polymorphic loci was 3.8, and the average heterozygosity over all loci examined was estimated as 0.047. These data indicate that red drum have normal levels of genetic variability. Wright'sF1 ST values (the standardized variance of allele frequencies between samples) over all polymorphic loci ranged from 0.009 to 0.027 (meanF1 ST =0.019), and estimates of the effective number of migrants (N e m) per generation using Wright's island model ranged from 9.0 to 27.5. High levels of gene flow among the red drum samples were also indicated by Slatkin's qualitative analysis using conditional average allele frequencies. Nei's estimates of genetic distance between pairs of samples ranged from 0.000 to 0.009, indicating a high degree of nuclear gene similarity among all samples. Highly significant heterogeneity in allele frequencies at the locus for adenosine deaminase was detected between red drum sampled from the Atlantic and those sampled from the Gulf and among red drum sampled from the Gulf.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variation in proteins encoded by 23 loci revealed substantial genetic differentiation among populations of bicolor damselfish (Eupomacentrus partitus) collected from four coral reefs in the Florida Keys, USA, during 1986–1988. Genetic differentiation was concentrated between a sample collected from Little Grecian Rocks Reef (LGR) and the remaining samples, including fish from a reef only 600 m distant (Grecian Rocks Reef). Genetic distinction of the LGR sample derived from significantly heterogenous allelic frequencies at six of eight polymorphic loci. Aco-1 (aconitase); Ada (adenosine deaminase); Gpi-2 (glucosephosphate isomerase); Ldh-2 and Ldh-3 (lactate dehydrogenase); and Me-1 (malic enzyme); nevertheless, differentiation at cytosolic aconitase (Aco-1) far exceeded that observed for other loci (fixation index, F ST=0.482), and differences in Aco-1 allele frequencies were largely responsible for large genetic distances (0.20) between LGR and the other reefs. Paradoxically, estimates of numbers of migrants exchanged between reefs per generation (mN e=17.47) indicated the potential for extensive gene flow. The extent of genetic differentiation among these populations is evaluated relative to models of population genetic structure based on equilibrium between gene flow and natural selection or genetic drift.  相似文献   

Although the genetic structure of many populations of marine organisms show little deviation from panmixia, in those marine species with limited larval dispersal, patterns of microgeographic genetic differentiation may be common. The octocoral Briareum asbestinum should show local population differentiation because colonies reproduce asexually by fragmentation, most matings occur between colonies in very close proximity, and the sexually produced larvae and sperm appear to disperse only short distances. Variability in secondary chemistry of individual B. asbestinum colonies from different populations in close proximity also suggests local population differentiation. We determined the genetic composition of local populations by surveying allozyme variation of three shallow and two deep populations within a 300 m2 area at San Salvador Island, Bahamas and at a site 161 km away on Little San Salvador, Bahamas in July 1990. As B. asbestinum occurs as either an erect branching form or an encrusting mat often at the same sites, we sampled both morphs to examine the extent of genetic exchange between them. Five of 21 loci were polymorphic and most populations showed a deficit of heterozygotes. Allele frequencies differed significantly between morphs at each site where they occurred together. The mean genetic distance (D=0.065) between morphs is consistent with the interpretation that the two morphs are genetically isolated. Despite the close spatial proximity of the San Salvador populations, both the branching and encrusting morphs showed significant genetic heterogeneity among neighboring populations. Similarly, pooled allelic frequencies for samples collected from the islands of San Salvador and Little San Salvador differed significantly at 1 locus for the branching morph and at 3 out of 5 loci for the encrusting morph.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis of two corals was used to assess whether populations at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia are primarily self-seeding or whether recruitment is from a broader geographic pool. Significant genetic subdivision across a range of spatial scales (between 6.5 km and 155 km) was found for both Acropora digitifera and A. aspera, with mean F ST values of 0.010 and 0.067 respectively. Large departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectations were found for both species. Without exception these were due to deficits of heterozygotes; mean D values were –0.341 for A. digitifera and –0.455 for A. aspera. The magnitude of the deficits was consistent both across loci for all sites and across all sites for each locus. Some loci were found to be in linkage disequilibrium but no consistent pattern was observed. Also, multi-locus genotypic diversity values were generally high (between 0.83 and 1.00) and so departures from equilibria cannot be attributed to asexual reproduction. The most plausible explanation for the patterns observed is restricted gene flow at both the planktonic and gametic stages, with mating between close relatives.Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

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