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J. Lin 《Marine Biology》1990,107(1):103-109
Mud crab (Panopeus herbstii H. Milne Edwards) predation on Atlantic ribbed mussels (Geukensia demissa Dillwyn) was studied by a series of laboratory and field experiments at two sites at Morehead City, North Carolina, USA from 1987 to 1989. Tidal elevation had no effect on predation intensity, although mud crabs were active only when they were submerged. Horizontal distance from the water-marsh edge significantly affected mussel mortality in one of two winter experiments, despite the occurrence of virtually all the crabs at the marsh edge. Of the juvenile mussels attached to adult mussels, those totally buried in the sediment suffered mortality from mud crab predation at a rate not detectably different from those exposed above the surface. Juveniles attached to adult conspecifics, however, experienced significantly less mortality than those attached to oysters. Interestingly, the two groups of mussels (those attached to conspecifics and those attached to oysters) display shell morphological dimorphism. The more oblate shells of the mussels attached to oysters as compared to those attached to conspecifics might be induced by the higher predation rate. Alternatively, slimmer shells from individuals attached to conspecifics may be the result of living within physically compact mussel clumps.Please address all correspondence and requests for reprints to Dr Lin at his present address: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, P.O. Box 28, Edgewater, Maryland 21037, USA  相似文献   

Two classes of explanations for covariation between activity level and metabolic rate among conspecifics have been proposed. First, individual-level variation in activity exhibited during the measurement of metabolic rate should covary with routine metabolic rate because movement increases respiration (a methodological relationship). Second, energetic-based hypotheses posit relationships between individual activity measured under more natural conditions and baseline measures of metabolic rate, among other behavioral, physiological, and life-history traits (functional relationships). Here, we examined these potential relationships between individual behavior and metabolic rate in the mud crab (Panopeus herbstii). Specifically, we tested for (1) an effect of crab activity in metabolic chambers (activitychamber) on routine metabolic rate (RMR), and (2) an effect of crab activity in mesocosms that mimicked field conditions (activitymesocosm) on standard metabolic rate (SMR). To test for context dependence, we assessed both activity-metabolic rate relationships in the absence and presence of predation threat from toadfish (Opsanus tau) in the form of waterborne chemical cues. Individual variation in activitymesocosm and RMR was repeatable over time. In support of a methodological relationship, individual differences in RMR were partially explained by crab activitychamber. After accounting for this methodological relationship, individual SMR was inversely related to activitymesocosm, supporting an allocation model that predicts behavior and baseline metabolic rate compete for finite energy reserves. We found no evidence of context dependence in either activity-metabolic rate relationship. Thus, our study emphasizes the importance of considering methodological artifacts in elucidating functional relationships between individual behavior and energetics.  相似文献   

Although invasive non-native species can adversely affect biodiversity in many ways, predation of native species by non-native species on islands can be severely damaging. Results of numerous studies document non-native birds preying on birds on islands, but our understanding of the number and type of species affected has been limited by the lack of a global review of these impacts. I identified the non-native bird species that have been recorded preying on birds, the locations where this predation occurred, and the bird species affected. Because the impacts of non-native birds can be particularly severe on small islands, I then identified the islands <500 km2 around the world that are occupied by predatory non-native birds. By taking into account their life-history traits and predation history, I also identified the near-threatened and threatened bird species on these islands that they may prey on. The results indicated that predation by non-native birds was primarily a concern for threatened bird conservation on small islands; almost all predation impacts (91%) on near-threatened and threatened birds were recorded on islands, and median island size was 106 km2. I also found non-native bird predation was a poorly known and widespread potential threat to avian biodiversity; worldwide, 194 islands of <500 km2 were occupied by predatory non-native birds, but information on their impacts was unavailable for most of these islands. On them, where the impacts of non-native species can be severe, non-native birds may be preying on approximately 6% of the world's near-threatened and threatened bird species. Four non-native bird species I identified have been successfully eradicated from islands. If they were eradicated from the small islands they occupy, 70% of the near-threatened and threatened bird species I identified would no longer be affected by nest predation by non-native birds on small islands.  相似文献   

Two South Australian rocky intertidal platforms were sampled in April 1981 and December 1982 (Marino Rocks) and in December 1982 (Lady Bay), respectively. Three snail species, Nerita atramentosa Reeve, 1855, Bembicium nanum (Lamarck, 1822) and Austrocochlea concamerata (Wood, 1828), exhibited shore-level size-gradients, with smaller individuals occupying the higher intertidal levels. The reef crab (Ozius truncatus M.-Edwards, 1834), whose distribution overlaps that of the gastropods, is an important predator of these gastropods. The shore-level distribution of shell sizes can be explained by differential selection against smaller individuals by reef crabs. The decreased density of small snails at lower intertidal levels may be the result of either their consumption by reef crabs and/or their movement to higher shore levels where crab predation is less intense.  相似文献   

Most estimations of the pollination efficiency of insects have been based on observation by the naked human eye. However, insect behaviors are often too rapid to analyze sufficiently this way. Here we demonstrate the use of high-speed cameras to analyze the fine-scale behaviors of Macroglossum pyrrhosticta, Xylocopa appendiculata, and Papilio dehaanii when visiting Clerodendrum trichotomum. The fine-scale nectar drinking time, number of contacts with anthers and/or stigmas, and frequencies of body part contact with anthers and/or stigmas differed significantly among pollinator species. Pollination efficiency was not equal among pollinators. In addition, M. pyrrhosticta made the least number of contacts with anthers and/or stigmas even though it showed the highest visitation frequency. These results demonstrate that when examined from the viewpoint of rapid visitation behaviors, pollination dynamics differ among pollinator species, and flower visits and pollination rates are not equal.  相似文献   

In many species, males and females actively participate in courtship, and the outcome of pre-mating interactions influences the mating success of both sexes. Female blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, mate soon after their final molt to maturity; thus female molt stage dictates the timing of mating. In a field experiment, we manipulated female molt stage and sex ratio to test their effects on the courtship behavior of both sexes, if female behavior influences the behavior and pairing success of males, and if male courtship influences male pairing-success. Early-molt-stage females avoided males during courtship, whereas late-molt-stage females sought out males. As a result, males had to pursue and capture early-molt-stage females whereas males displayed to late-molt-stage females and more easily physically controlled them. Males sometimes abandoned late-molt-stage females, but this occurred more often when females were abundant. The rate at which females avoided males was positively correlated with that of males abandoning females, and males that were unsuccessful at pairing met with higher rates of female resistance than successful males, suggesting that female behavior influences male pairing-success. Unlike unsuccessful males, successful males more often made the transition between display and maintaining physical control of the female. At high male sex ratios, males initiated courtship more readily; thus both sexual competition and female behavior influence male courtship in this species. Received: 7 July 1996 / Accepted: 10 January 1998  相似文献   

Summary Populations of the intertidal hermit crab Calcinus tibicen were observed in the laboratory and reproductive behaviors recorded. Of the 218 interactions, 68 resulted in copulation(s). Male and female sizes were positively correlated. Male size affected copulation success in a non-linear fashion. In particular, the largest males did not obtain any copulations. This was largely a consequence of the shell species occupied by large individuals; males in Nerita sp and Cittarium pica shells were unsuccessful in courtship. The ability to execute precopulatory rotation of the female was negatively affected by certain shell types. Repeated pairings of individuals suggested some level of individual recognition within the reproductively active population.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation constitutes a widespread interaction occurring across different taxa, trophic positions and ecosystems, and its endogenous dynamical properties have been shown to affect the abundance and persistence of the involved populations as well as those connected with them within food webs. Although optimal foraging decisions displayed by predators are known to exert a stabilizing influence on the dynamics of intraguild predation systems, few is known about the corresponding influence of adaptive prey decisions in spite of its commonness in nature. In this study, we analyze the effect that adaptive antipredator behavior exerts on the stability and persistence of the populations involved in intraguild predation systems. Our results indicate that adaptive prey behavior in the form of inducible defenses act as a stabilizing mechanism and show that, in the same direction that adaptive foraging, enhances the parameter space in which species can coexist through promoting persistence of the IG-prey. At high levels of enrichment, the intraguild predation system exhibits unstable dynamics and zones of multiples attractors. In addition, we show that the equilibrium density of the IG-predator could be increased at intermediate values of defense effectiveness. Finally we conclude that adaptive prey behavior is an important mechanism leading to species coexistence in intraguild predation systems and consequently enhancing stability of food webs.  相似文献   

Summary.  Under laboratory conditions, the multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis is well known as an intraguild predator of other ladybirds. However the real impact of this exotic species on native species was poorly investigated in the field. Because many ladybird species produce alkaloids as defensive compounds, we propose here a new method of intraguild predation monitoring in coccinellids based on alkaloid quantification by GC-MS. In laboratory experiments, adaline was unambiguously detected in fourth instar larvae of H. axyridis having ingested one egg or one first instar larva of Adalia bipunctata. Although prey alkaloids in the predator decreased with time, traces were still detected in pupae, exuviae and imagines of H. axyridis having ingested one prey when they were fourth instar larvae. Analysis of H. axyridis larvae collected in two potato fields shows for the first time in Europe the presence of exogenous alkaloids in 9 out of 28 individuals tested. This new method of intraguild predation detection could be used more widely to follow the interactions between predators and potential chemically defended insect preys.  相似文献   

The interaction of predation pressure with lethal and sublethal effects of temefos (Abate®) an organophosphorous insecticide, were studied in field populations of Uca pugnax (S.I. Smith). Changes in fiddler crab population densities were followed in open-marsh temefos-treated and untreated test plots and in treated and untreated plots which were caged over to reduce predation by marsh birds. Temefos significantly reduced the population density of U. pugnax in the open test plots but not in the caged plots. These results indicate that temefos has a primarily sublethal effect on the crabs, the effect becoming lethal only after interaction with avian predation. Evidence from the presence of a time-lag effect in the population decrease, from a calculated predation index, and from laboratory studies reported elsewhere of behavioral alteration by temefos also supports the conclusion that temefos primarily impairs the escape response of U. pugnax: this leads to increased predation and subsequently to a decreased fiddler crab population. Such studies of sublethal effects of toxicants and field studies of interactions of lethal and sublethal effects of such compounds with natural population dynamics of affected species are necessary to evaluate possible effects of toxicants on populations.  相似文献   

Fiddler crabs consume the surficial microphytobenthos around their burrows during low tide. We studied the spatial and temporal feeding patterns in the species Uca uruguayensis by using sequences of digital pictures of feeding pellets accumulation. Data from 61 crabs, feeding without the interference of neighbors, were fitted to different models using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Initial feeding location was independent from the emergence location, and then, crabs continued holding a main feeding direction (clockwise or counterclockwise), suggesting a systematic mechanism that may avoid feeding over already processed sediment. Crabs used at least half of their potential feeding area, but these areas were heterogeneous. Both sexes developed similar feeding areas; however, females were faster and needed less time to feed than males, suggesting that males are time restricted. Our work also highlights the importance of incorporating other underlying mechanisms of the behavior of species into the study of feeding strategies.  相似文献   

Summary A bivoltine east Texas population of the pipevine swallowtail butterfly (Battus philenor) exhibits a seasonal shift in the shapes of non-host leaves upon which ovipositing females land. Field mark-recapture studies and analysis of the behavior of wild females of different ages were used to distinguish between two alternative mechanisms for the shift in the populations's predominant leaf-shape search mode: seasonal differences in the outcome of learning for successively emerging naive foragers which exhibit one preference for most of their lives vs. synchronous switching by experienced foragers from one learned preference to another. Results supported each hypothesis: (1) Since wild butterflies are short-lived, the seasonal shift in searching behavior must reflect at least partly the successive emergence of naive females that learn to prefer host species with different leaf shapes. The leaf-shape preferences of older females were, in fact, stronger and less variable than those of younger individuals. About 80% of 51 marked individuals maintained stable leaf-shape search modes over recapture events, exhibiting slightly stronger preferences in later observation periods. (2) Almost 16% of marked females switched search modes across recapture events. Unmarked females sometimes switched search modes within an observation period; switching occurred only after the discovery of the host species with a leaf shape differing from that originally preferred. Switching by individual butterflies was generally more frequent at the time an adult brood shifted from one dominant search mode to another. Individual switching within an adult brood was more common in those years in which the population's shift in predominant search mode occurred during that brood.The evolution of rapid learning by naive females and conservative switching by experienced females is discussed in relation to a quantitative model of switching dynamics.  相似文献   

Larvae of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus and fiddler crab Uca pugilator are exported from estuaries and develop on the continental shelf. Previous studies have shown that the zoea-1 larvae of some crab species use selective tidal-stream transport (STST) to migrate from estuaries to coastal areas. The STST behavior of newly hatched larvae is characterized by upward vertical migration during ebb tide followed by a descent toward the bottom during flood. The objectives of the study were (1) to determine if newly hatched zoeae of U. pugilator and C. sapidus possess endogenous tidal rhythms in vertical migration that could underlie STST, (2) to determine if the rhythms persist in the absence of estuarine chemical cues, and (3) to characterize the photoresponses of zoeae to assess the impact of light on swimming behavior and vertical distribution. Ovigerous crabs with late-stage embryos were collected from June to August 2002 and maintained under constant laboratory conditions. Following hatching, swimming activity of zoeae was monitored in darkness for 72 h. U. pugilator zoeae displayed a circatidal rhythm in swimming with peaks in activity occurring near the expected times of ebb currents in the field. Conversely, C. sapidus zoeae exhibited no clear rhythmic migration patterns. When placed in a light field that simulated the underwater angular light distribution, C. sapidus larvae displayed a weak positive phototaxis at the highest light levels tested, while U. pugilator zoeae were unresponsive. Swimming behaviors and photoresponses of both species were not significantly influenced by the presence of chemical cues associated with offshore or estuarine water. These results are consistent with predictions based on species-specific differences in spawning and the proximity of hatching areas to the mouths of estuaries. U. pugilator larvae are released within estuaries near the adult habitat. Thus, ebb-phased STST behavior by zoeae is adaptive since it enhances export. Selective pressures for a tidal migration in C. sapidus larvae are likely weaker than for U. pugilator since ovigerous females migrate seaward prior to spawning and hatching occurs near inlets and in coastal waters.  相似文献   

Griffen BD  Toscano BJ  Gatto J 《Ecology》2012,93(8):1935-1943
Trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMII) play an important role in structuring natural communities, and numerous studies have experimentally demonstrated their presence in a variety of systems. However, these studies have largely examined the presence or absence of traits that are responsible for these interactions, without considering natural variation between individuals in the extent to which these traits are manifested. We used a well-documented TMII to investigate the importance of individual behavior type for determining the strength of the TMII. The toadfish Opsanus tau has an indirect positive influence on bivalve survival because the mud crab Panopeus herbstii, a consumer of bivalves, reduces foraging effort in the presence of toadfish. We quantified variation in the strength of persistent individual mud crab responses to toadfish and resulting variation in the strength of TMII. We demonstrate that the strength of this TMII is strongly influenced by mud crab size and behavior type, strengthening with the intensity of response of individual mud crabs to toadfish predator cues. Further, we demonstrate that the spatial distribution within intertidal oyster reefs of crabs with different behavior types is not random; mud crabs inhabiting subtidal areas, where predator cues are more persistent, are significantly less responsive to toadfish cues than mud crabs from intertidal areas. This spatial behavioral structure should lead to spatial variation in the strength of TMII. Given the widespread importance of TMII and the broad occurrence of individual personality or behavior types across numerous taxa, these results should be generally applicable. The distribution of behavior types within a population may therefore be a useful metric for improving our ability to predict the strength of TMII.  相似文献   

A shift in outcomes of predator-prey interactions in plankton community may occur at sublethal dissolved oxygen concentrations that commonly occur in coastal waters. Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate how a decline in dissolved oxygen concentration alters the predation rate on fish larvae by two estuarine predators. Behavior and consumption of larval fish by moon jellyfish Aurelia aurita (103.1±12.4 mm in bell diameter) and by a juvenile piscivore, Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius (30.1±2.1 mm in standard length: SL), were observed under four oxygen concentration treatments (1, 2 and 4 mg l–1 and air-saturated: 5.8 mg l–1). Larvae of a coastal marine fish species, red sea bream Pagrus major (7.21±0.52 mm SL), were used as prey for the experiment. Bell contraction rate of the jellyfish did not vary among the oxygen concentrations tested, indicating a tolerance to low oxygen concentration. Gill ventilation rate of the Spanish mackerel increased and swimming speed decreased as the oxygen concentration decreased, indicating that oxygen concentrations 4 mg l–1 are physiologically stressful for this species. The number of larvae consumed in 15 min. by jellyfish increased whereas those consumed by Spanish mackerel decreased with the decrease in oxygen concentration. Low oxygen concentrations that are commonly observed in coastal waters of Japan during summer have the potential to increase the relative importance of jellyfish as predator of fish larvae and to change the importance of alternative trophic pathways in estuarine ecosystems.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

The uptake and effect of dissolved copper on regulation of hemolymph osmolality and Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++, and Mg++ concentrations in the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) were determined at 400 mOsm (=14 S) ambient salinity. One mg Cu l-1 resulted in 50% mortality in 11 to 22 d; the highest sensitivity was observed around the moulting period. 0.25 and 0.5 mg Cu l-1 were not lethal after a onemonth exposure. Ten, 1, and 0.5 mg Cu l-1 altered regulation of osmolality, Na+, K+, and Cl- concentrations, while 0.25 mg Cu l-1 did not. Exposure to 1 mg Cu l-1 reduced hemolymph osmolality and Na+, K+, and Cl- concentrations to 80 to 90% of controls within 4 to 6 d and no further reduction was observed during a 21-d exposure. The effect of various copper concentrations on these four parameters were almost identical and the highest sensitivity was observed around the moulting period. Hemolymph calcium levels increased 20 to 80% in crabs exposed to 1 mg Cu l-1, while they decreased 20 to 30% in crabs exposed to 0.5 mg Cu l-1. Prolonged exposure to copper caused 20 to 70% reductions in hemolymph magnesium levels. Crabs exposed to 0.5 mg Cu l-1 for 29 d accumulated copper in hepatopancreas, gills, carapace, heart, testes, and hypodermis, but not in muscles and hemolymph. Increased copper levels in crabs exposed to 0.25 mg Cu l-1 were observed in hepatopancreas, gills, and carapace only. The present results suggest that effects of copper on ion regulatory processes in part explain why the toxicity of copper towards euryhaline invertebrates increases at low salinities.  相似文献   

In many species, post-copulatory mate guarding prevents other males from mating with the guarded female. In crabs, males stay with their mates to protect the female from predators because, in some species, mating occurs when she is soft and vulnerable after molting. I tested the relative roles of sperm competition and predation on the duration of the post-copulatory association in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Unpaired females suffered greater predation mortality than paired females and males stayed with the female longer in the presence of predators than in their absence, suggesting that the post-copulatory association protects females during their vulnerable period. However, the association may also occur in blue crabs because of sperm competition since spermathecal contents of females in the field indicate that 12.4% mated twice. Females experimentally mated with two males contained both males ejaculates and each ejaculate had access to the unfertilized eggs, suggesting that the size of a male's ejaculate influences his fertilization rate in a multiply-mated female. Males stayed longest in response to a high risk of sperm competition. Longer post-copulatory associations allowed the first male's ejaculate to harden into a type of sperm plug, which limited the size of a second inseminator's ejaculate in a non-virgin female as compared with a virgin. Males passed larger ejaculates in the presence of rivals and when previous ejaculates were in the female spermathecae, another response to sperm competition. Larger ejaculates may need longer post-copulatory associations before a more effective sperm plug forms. Large males stayed with the female longer, which is consistent with their ability to pass larger ejaculates than small males and suggests that there may be costs to minimizing the duration of the post-copulatory association. In the field, associations last long enough to protect the female during her vulnerable phase and may ensure that the guarding male fertilizes the most eggs in the female, even if she remates. Thus, the post-copulatory association protects female blue crabs from additional inseminators as well as from predators. Received: 23 January 1996 / Accepted after revision: 9 November 1996  相似文献   

Caribbean coral reefs are increasingly dominated by macroalgae instead of corals due to several factors, including the decline of herbivores. Yet, virtually unknown is the role of crustacean macrograzers on coral reef macroalgae. We examined the effect of grazing by the Caribbean king crab (Mithrax spinosissimus) on coral patch reef algal communities in the Florida Keys, Florida (USA), by: (1) measuring crab selectivity and consumption of macroalgae, (2) estimating crab density, and (3) comparing the effect of crab herbivory to that of fishes. Mithrax prefers fleshy macroalgae, but it also consumes relatively unpalatable calcareous algae. Per capita grazing rates by Mithrax exceed those of most herbivorous fish, but Mithrax often occurs at low densities on reefs and its foraging activities are reduced in predator-rich environments. Therefore, the effects of grazing by Mithrax tend to be localized and when at low density contribute primarily to spatial heterogeneity in coral reef macroalgal communities.  相似文献   

Summary During their first 1–2 years of life, juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) are stream-dwelling, and feed upon drifting invertebrates. They move upstream from a holding position to intercept individual prey items; the distance moved (attack distance) is an increasing, but decelerating, function of prey size. Since the fish are presumably more visible to predators during such feeding excursions, prey size and risk are associated variables.The effect on attack distance of the presentation of a model predator (a photograph of a rainbow trout) was examined in the laboratory. Attack distances are shortened following presentation of a predator; this is particularly true when the prey are large (Fig. 1). The extent of the reduction of attack distance is directly related to predator presentation frequency, although there appears to be a minimum level to which it will decline (Fig. 2). Hungry fish and fish in the presence of a competitor (simulated by a mirror) are less responsive to the predator, suggesting a trade-off of energetic requirements and risk (Fig. 3 and Table 3). The effect of predation risk should be to reduce the relative proportion of large prey in a juvenile coho's diet, and its net rate of energy intake.  相似文献   

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