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Daily dietary intakes of radioactive and non-radioactive caesium for the Pakistani population were measured. Food samples were collected on market basket method and were analysed using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis technique. The radioactive caesium ((137)Cs) in these samples was below the detectable limit, i.e. 1 mBq g(-1). The geometric mean of the mass fraction of stable caesium was 9.56 x 1.53 ng g(-1). The estimated daily dietary intake of caesium was 5.65 x 1.53 microg d(-1) or 0.088 microg kg(-1) of body weight of the reference Pakistani man weighing 64 kg. These values are 38.2% smaller than the recommended ICRP values for a 70 kg standard man. However, caesium concentration in the Pakistani diet is comparable with other reported values in the literature.  相似文献   

Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability assessment is an important part of the decision process in organisations. Sustainability is difficult to define or measure because it is a complex concept. To assess the sustainability level of an organisation, a unique attempt has been made using fuzzy-based Kano model based on the stakeholders' satisfaction. The Kano model is a customer satisfaction assessment tool that must be precise, and it is incorporated with fuzzy logic because it has the capability to replicate the human perceptions. In this context, the approach is used to assess the sustainability by using the stakeholders' satisfaction for different criteria and it provides information regarding improvement in sustainability.  相似文献   

If no data are available for a specific radionuclide its analogue could be used in radioecological models. They might be used not only in the frame of screening modelling. Relevant processes and features have to be known, such as time scales of these processes, physical, chemical and biological properties of the environment and relevant media. An analogue could only be proven to be valid by comparing its behaviour in the conditions of interest, while confidence in the validity of an analogue will increase as the quality of the justification increases, there will always be some residual uncertainty. Several main types of analogy can be used when measured or recommended values are not available: the same parameter obtained for another isotope of the same element; the same parameter obtained for another element; a different parameter obtained for the same element. There are several cases, when analogues might be applied as indicators of the determining processes in the radioecological studies.  相似文献   

This paper considers two main pathways for contamination of fruit by radionuclides: (i) absorption after deposition directly to exposed fruit surfaces, and (ii) absorption after deposition to other exposed plant surfaces followed by translocation to fruit. The aim is to collect the available information on fruit from temperate regions, identify the factors affecting post deposition processes in fruit plant systems, identify gaps in knowledge and give recommendations for future work. The majority of information available on above-ground absorption and further translocation to fruit concerns 134Cs and 85Sr in soluble form in apple, strawberry and grapevine. In general, 85Sr is absorbed and translocated to a lesser extent than is 134Cs. The rate of absorption and translocation depends on the physiological stage and age of the plant, and varies between different plant species and varieties.  相似文献   

The diet of juvenile trout and the state of their food resources in autumn (September–November) were studied in two typical small rivers tributary to Lake Onega (Karelia) in 2003. The relationship between the composition of food objects among benthic and drifting invertebrates and the food spectrum of trout was analyzed. The results show that before freeze-up, despite the disappearance of aerial and terrestrial insects, juveniles trout continue active feeding. However, their feeding priorities change: they begin to take food objects directly from the bottom, as well as from the water surface and within the water column.  相似文献   

After harvesting, the activity content of fruits may still be affected by the manner in which they are treated. Long storage times will reduce the activity contents of short-lived radionuclides; preparation and/or processing may cause activity to be physically removed. This paper presents the results of a review of the available literature on these effects. Data are scarce for both storage and processing, the majority of information on the latter being for 137Cs and 90Sr. For cautious general assessments, it should be assumed that there is no delay and that no activity is lost on processing, especially if the fruits can be eaten raw. However, individual cases may require specific data if available. The use of storage of processing as specific counter-measures to reduce activity concentrations in fruits may not be acceptable to the consumer, especially where alternative, non-contaminated, foodstuffs are readily available.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to the biological diversity and bioecological features of ruderal vegetation developing along railroads and to its role in the formation of synanthropic flora.  相似文献   

Information on the transfer of radionuclides to fruits was almost absent in the former TRS 364 “Handbook of parameter values for the prediction of radionuclide transfer in temperate environments”. The revision of the Handbook, carried out under the IAEA Programme on Environmental Modelling for RAdiation Safety (EMRAS), takes into account the information generated in the years following the Chernobyl accident and the knowledge produced under the IAEA BIOMASS (Biosphere Modelling and Assessment) Programme in the years 1997–2000. This paper describes the most important processes concerning the behaviour of radionuclides in fruits reported in the IAEA TRS 364 Revision and provides recommendations for research and modelling.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the published literature that describes the phenological development of above and below ground organs of temperate fruit trees (top fruit), particularly with respect to apple (Malus domestica). Critical information is presented which is considered appropriate in developing an understanding of the potential for top fruit species to take up radionuclide contaminants from the atmosphere and the soil. Information is cited on how climatic and edaphic factors influence the growth and development of temperate fruit trees, the phenological production of their leaf area and the development and growth of their fruit and hence the potential for foliar and fruit uptake of radionuclides from the atmosphere. The study also reports on the importance of the distribution and phenological development of roots in the soil and the potential for their uptake of radionuclides from the soil. The effects of above and below ground management procedures, within temperate fruit orchards, on potential radionuclide uptake are also considered. It is concluded that the potential for the uptake of radionuclides by temperate fruit tree species will depend on a number of phenological and physiological factors. For uptake from the soil these factors include; root distribution and density in the soil profile, seasonal changes in the production and distribution of roots, and the presence and amount of water in the soil. These factors are themselves influenced by rootstock type and its growth vigour, scion type and its growth vigour, tree age, spacing of trees in the orchard, orchard management practices (presence or absence of weeds or grass under the trees) and soil type and depth. Direct uptake by the shoot, however, will be influenced by the climatic conditions at the time of exposure and the presence of foliage. Deposition and uptake are likely to change with leaf area development and the ability of radionuclides to penetrate the cuticle of the leaf changes with seasonal development. Transport of radionuclides to the fruit may also depend on the time of season, as the importance of the xylem and phloem transport routes can change with the growth and development of the fruit.  相似文献   

Fungi are one of the most important components of forest ecosystems, since they determine to a large extent the fate and transport processes of radionuclides in forests. They play a key role in the mobilization, uptake and translocation of nutrients and are likely to contribute substantially to the long-term retention of radiocesium in organic horizons of forest soil. This paper gives an overview of the role of fungi regarding the transfer and cycling of nutrients and radionuclides, with special emphasis on mycorrhizal symbiosis. Common definitions of transfer factors, soil-fungus and soil-green plant, including their advantages and limitations. are reviewed. Experimental approaches to quantify the bioavailability of radionuclides in soil and potential long-term change are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of spring floods as a factor determining the seasonal succession of zooplankton in beaver ponds is demonstrated. The absence of spring floods has an adverse effect on the zooplankton communities of beaver ponds. The taxonomic and trophic organization of communities becomes similar to that in areas exposed to anthropogenic imact. The rain floods in summer and autumn can return the system to early stages of seasonal succession.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is an essential element and a well-known anti-oxidant. In the Lower Tapajós River region of the Brazilian Amazon, biomarkers of Se range from normal to very high. The local traditional diet includes important Se sources such as Brazil nuts, chicken, game meat and certain fish species. Some studies have reported alterations in keratin structure, gastrointestinal problems and paresthesia in populations with high Se intake. The objective of the present study was to evaluate cutaneous and garlic odor of the breath signs and sentinel symptoms of Se toxicity (selenosis) in relation to Se status in communities along the Tapajós River.Participants (N = 448), aged 15–87 years, were recruited from 12 communities. Se concentrations were measured in blood (B-Se) and plasma (P-Se) by ICP-MS. A nurse performed an examination of the hair, nails, skin and breath for signs of Se toxicity. Interview-administered questionnaires were used to collect information on socio-demographics, medical history and possible symptoms of Se toxicity.In this population, the median levels of B-Se and P-Se were 228.4 μg/L (range 103.3–1500.2 μg/L) and 134.8 μg/L (range 53.6–913.2 μg/L) respectively. Although B-Se and P-Se surpassed concentrations considered toxic (B-Se: 1000 μg/L (U.S. EPA, 2002)), no dermal or breath signs or symptoms of Se toxicity were associated with the biomarkers of Se status.In the present study population, where Se intake is mostly from traditional diet, there is no evidence of selenosis. These findings support the need to re-assess Se toxicity considering factors such as the chemical form of Se exposure, route of exposure (inhaled versus ingested), co-exposures to toxic elements such as mercury. Considering the current food transition towards a western diet in the Amazon, further studies should address the possible association between high Se status and cardiometabolic health in this study population.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Globally, traditional knowledge is at stake, notwithstanding intentions recorded in international policy conventions. Egypt has accepted and ratified...  相似文献   

14C, 35S and 3H are released to the environment during the operation of gas-cooled reactors and were identified as radionuclides of interest by the BIOMASS Fruits Working Group. This paper provides a review of the deposition, uptake, allocation and loss of these radionuclides with respect to fruit and conceptual models for gaseous radionuclides. It is concluded that the mechanisms for the uptake of CO35S, HTO and 14CO2 are well understood and that their deposition velocities have been quantified. There is also a reasonable body of work on the translocation of 14C once in the crop, but much less for 35S and 3H, which are considered to follow source-sink relationships. The loss rates of the three radionuclides show large differences, with tritium lost rapidly in the form of HTO but retained longer when converted to OBT. The losses of 14C are less and those of sulphur are minimal post fixation. When fruit crops alone are considered, the quantity of information is further reduced but predictions on possible behaviour of these radionuclide species can be made from the current knowledge.  相似文献   

Assessment of strontium and calcium levels in Pakistani diet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To cope with nuclear emergency effectively due to ingestion of fission fragment (90)Sr, adequacy of nutritionally and radiologically important elements strontium and calcium was studied in typical Pakistani diet and baseline analytical data were generated. Concentrations of strontium and calcium were measured by using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) techniques. Daily dietary intake of strontium and calcium varied from 0.9 to 5.7 mg and 217 to 713 mg with the geometric mean value x geometric standard deviation of 2.6 x 1.7 and 487.1 x 1.4 mg d(-1), respectively. The average Sr concentration in the Pakistani diet was 1.4 times higher while Ca concentration was 0.4 times lower than the recommended values of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). The calculated Sr/Ca ratio 5.3E-03 was also higher than the ICRP value. The study depicts that the strontium concentration in the Pakistani diet is adequate, while the calcium concentration is inadequate according to international standards and needs improvement.  相似文献   

Pieces of stones and other solid materials found in the oil lake sites of the Kuwaiti desert appeared clean, providing indications of surface-associated enhanced crude oil degradation. Scanning electron microscope studies revealed that such surfaces were colonized by active microbial populations. The colonization of the stone surfaces was concentrated within crevices. When enriched from washed pieces of stones from the oil lake, the resulting mixed population of adherent microorganisms degraded much more crude oil (44.4%) in the presence of inert carrier materials (styrofoam chips) in laboratory cultures, than in the absence of the inert materials (21.8%). The inert materials were found to be extensively colonized by microorganisms just as was observed with the stone and other solid samples from the oil lake.  相似文献   

This paper compares predictions of the foodchain model SPADE with experimental data for the transfer of (134)Cs and (85)Sr to strawberry plants following acute foliar and soil contamination. The transfer pathways considered in this exercise included direct deposition to fruit, leaf-to-fruit, soil-to-leaf and soil-to-fruit transfers. Following foliar contamination, the difference between predicted and measured radionuclide activity values varied between a factor of 0.5-10 for fruit and 4.5-7 for leaf. Following soil contamination, the difference between predicted and measured values varied between a factor of 3-74 for fruit and 32-44 for leaf. In all cases the difference between measured and predicted values was smaller for (85)Sr than (134)Cs. Measured and predicted activities were higher for leaf than fruit. Both measured and predicted (134)Cs concentrations in fruit and leaf are higher when deposition occurs at ripening than at anthesis. These results confirm the need for more data on fruit, even for Cs and Sr, to support models in predicting the transfer of radionuclides to fruit crops. Ongoing research projects funded by the UK Food Standards Agency aim to provide some data on radionuclide transfer to herbaceous, shrub and tree fruits, which will help improve radiological assessment models in order to provide better protection for consumers.  相似文献   

Although fruit is an important component of the diet, the extent to which it contributes to radiological exposure remains unclear, partially as a consequence of uncertainties in models and data used to assess transfer of radionuclides in the food chain. A Fruits Working Group operated as part of the IAEA BIOMASS (BIOsphere Modelling and ASSessment) programme from 1997 to 2000, with the aim of improving the robustness of the models that are used for radiological assessment. The Group completed a number of modelling and experimental activities including: (i) a review of experimental, field and modelling information on the transfer of radionuclides to fruit; (ii) discussion of recently completed or ongoing experimental studies; (iii) development of a database on the transfer of radionuclides to fruit; (iv) development of a conceptual model for fruit and (v) two model intercomparison studies and a model validation study. The Group achieved significant advances in understanding the processes involved in transfer of radionuclides to fruit. The work demonstrated that further experimental and modelling studies are required to ensure that the current generation of models can be applied to a wide range of scenarios.  相似文献   

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