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曹芮  李伟 《环境教育》2014,(4):52-53
正我国开展环境教育已有三十多年了,针对中小学生环境教育的讨论主要集中在城市地区,并取得了一定的成效,积累了很多经验,但针对农村特别是西部农村的中小学环境教育的研究还比较薄弱,学生的环境意识较低,教师对环境教育概念还比较模糊,环境教育专业能力较弱。因此,如何解决西部农村小学环境教育问题,提高西部农村中小学的环境教育水平已迫在眉睫。目前西部农村中小学环境教育存在的主要问题表现为:一是观念落后环境意识不强。当地教育主管领导、学校领导到教师、学生对环境教育的认识都不够,认  相似文献   

环境教育是贯彻环境保护基本国策的基础工程,《全国环境教育行动纲要》明确指出,环境教育是精神文明建设的一个重要组成部分,是素质教育的重要内容。“环境保护,教育为本”,由于教育资源有限,我国目前只有小部分人能够进入大学继续深造,对于大部分人来说,中小学的环境教育质量就决定了他们将来踏上社会时的环境意识水平,而中小学环境教育质量较高,也有利于高校继续对学生进行环境教育;另一方面,由于农村人居分散,人们的环境意识淡薄,加之政府的环境教育投资少,农村居民尤其是中小学生从周围环境中得到的环境教育知识少,  相似文献   

从教育类学术文献看中国环境教育存在的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
引言环境教育评价,是环境教育工作的重要组成部分,是环境教育工作必不可缺的激励机制。环境教育评价的方法有多种多样。从公开发表的学术文献的角度来讨论环境教育的进展情况,特别是对环境教育的基础理论和方法的研究情况,也不失为一种有效的环境教育评价方法。RuthA.Wilson和JodieSmith曾做过一项研究,从1992~1993学年的中小学教育类期刊上刊登的环境教育文献状况来讨论人们对中小学环境教育的重视程度以及倾向性。他们的研究表明:人们很难找到有关如何将环境教育融入中小学课程教育的信息;另一方面…  相似文献   

正中小学环境教育是整个环境教育的基础工程,中小学环境教育成效直接影响着整个社会的教育水平。本文通过分析当前中小学环境教育存在的困难和问题,给出了相应的意见和建议。环境教育工作要重视以义务教育阶段学生为对象的基础教育,从小培养学生热爱自然、保护环境的意识和责任感,提高未来人才的综合素质,让社会可持续发展。中小学环境教育是整个环境宣传教育工作的基础,通过中小学环境教育进而构建家庭、学校和社会"三位一体"的环境教育体系,形成全民教育的良好格局。  相似文献   

对中小学环境教育的再认识──《学校环境、人口与发展教育参考资料》编写的基本思想首都师范大学林培英在中小学学生中有效地进行环境、人口与发展意识和方为教育是我国实现可持续发展战略的重要步骤。现在学校中的环境教育形式主要是单独设课和渗透教育,即开设环境教育...  相似文献   

2003年以来,教育部相继颁布的《中小学环境教育专题教育大纲》和《中小学环境教育实施指南》(试行),明确要求各地中小学要把环境教育列为中小学必修课。但长期以来,中小学环境教育面临的一个重要问题,就是合格师资队伍建设的问题。本期选登的这篇文章探索了当前形势下中小学环境教育师资问题的解决办法及实践效果,希望能给予面临此困境的学校和老师一些帮助。  相似文献   

分析了当前在中小学教师继续教育中进行环境教育的必要性,探讨了在课程改革背景下中小学教师继续教育中进行环境教育的内容、教学策略和教学方法。  相似文献   

北京市西城区是全国最早的可持续发展综合实验区之一,区政府、教育局很早就提出要对全区中小学生进行环境教育,并在各方面给予了高度重视和支持。 1998年区政府、区教育局与北京教科院联合开展了联合国教科文跨学科项目“环境、人口与发展”(简称 EPD)的研究工作。全区有 30所中小学参加,研究的重点是探究中小学环境教育、人口健康教育促进社会可持续发展的途径与方法。   为了进一步提高全区环境教育的实效性,了解区内 EPD实验校教师环境教育能力的现状,并以此作为项目下一阶段教师培训内容与方法的依据,进行了有关实验校教师…  相似文献   

中美中小学环境教育活动教学之比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
活动教学既是美国中小学环境教育的一大特色,也是美国实施环境教育的重要途径。中国中小学环境教育经过 20多年的探索和实践也逐渐形成了课堂教学与活动教学相结合、校内教育与校外教育相结合的环境教育方法。但两个国家的环境教育中的活动教学存在着许多不同之处。 活动教学的主要内容   笔者对美国中小学环境教育活动教学案例的主题分析发现:其中 29.1%的是关于动物的; 9.1%是关于植物的; 9.1%是关于自然生态环境的; 12.7%是关于固体废弃物的回 收循环利用; 14.54%是关于水问题的 (水污染问题和节约用水问题 ); 3.6%是有关…  相似文献   

在中小学开展环境教育是从根本上解决环境危机、实施可持续发展战略、开展素质教育的需要。本文针对目前中小学环境教育中存在的问题,提出了开展环境教育的方法与途径。  相似文献   

杨少之 《四川环境》1993,12(1):15-18
本文针对目前中小学环境教育大起大落的现状,就普通环境教育的内涵,完成环境教学的关键环节作了概述,并提出了学校环境教育评价的现实可行性和评价的方法,希望这一面向全球而又迫在眉睫的教育落到实处。  相似文献   

周佩德  王晟 《四川环境》2000,19(2):71-72,76
环境道德对环境行为具有重要的调节作用。本文阐述了环境道德的内涵 ,学校环境道德教育的主要内容以及实施环境道德教育的过程 ,对学校环境道德教育具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

环境问题是当代以至今后人类面临的一个比突出的问题,环境的恶化一再提醒人类必须善待环境。人类对环境的认识和了解程度,全民的环境意识被认为是解决环境的基础前提,开展环境教育,尤其是中小学环境教育势在必行。本文论述了环境教育在中小学教育中的重要性以及一些环境教育内容和方式等。  相似文献   

《环保法》修订中规定,教育行政部门、学校应当将环境保护知识纳入学校教育内容,培养学生的环境保护意识,环境教育应从中学教育开始。实践证明,在化学课中嵌入环境教育具有一定的可行性,可以在观摩教学和课外活动中渗透环境保护内容,在实验课中让学生去践行环境保护,既提高了学生的学习兴趣,又改善了化学课教学效果。  相似文献   

Quantitative results from Environmental Management Systems (EMS) at primary schools have rarely been examined in literature. This paper presents the monitoring results of environmental care in 39 primary schools in Northern South Africa. During 2 years, after the EMS was implemented in the curriculum and in the school's management, the progress of environmental performances of the participating schools has been measured, by means of detailed questionnaires, related to four environmental aspects: water, waste, energy and greening. At the beginning of the project, 50% of the schools performed well on water-related environmental actions. Two years later it was 76%. For waste-related activities the improvement was even stronger: from 50% to 100%. The environmental performances of the schools improved also for greening-related actions, from 50% at the start of the project to 64% two years later. Only energy-related activities did not improve significantly with only 24% of all schools performing well at the end of the survey period.In general, the introduction of an EMS succeeded in an improvement of the overall environmental performances of the schools, but cost-intensive activities were less successful than others.  相似文献   

Environmental education in Sweden   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Schools and higher education institutions in Sweden have developed a wide range of innovative and demanding curricula to meet the objectives of Sweden's environmental policy. Environmental education in compulsory schools is taught principally through biological sciences, although social studies are beginning to occupy a substantial component of the environmental curriculum. Upper secondary schools offer more opportunities to develop environmental awareness, understanding and practical skills than comparable sixth form and post-secondary colleges in England. In Sweden there is a strong emphasis on practical work developed through projects based on contemporary environmental issues and their resolution. The development of environmental education has been well supported by a substantial input of new resources, especially materials developed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Industry. Universities have also begun to adopt new organisational structures to help develop inter-disciplinary teaching and research teams. Several universities are experimenting with common core courses, parts of which comprise environmental elements.Dr P. Brown is currently Visiting Professor of Environmental Education, in the School of Natural Sciences at the University of Hertfordshire. All five authors were until recetly members of Her Majesty's Education Service Inspectorate.  相似文献   

A systematic postal survey of 449 schools in Hong Kong (including kindergartens, primary and secondary schools) was conducted to investigate the use of environmental education teaching kits and to obtain feedback from teachers about the view and comments in using these kits. Results indicated that kindergartens used teaching kits more frequently than secondary and primary schools. Most of the schools found the existing teaching kits helpful. Appropriate content, updated information, attractiveness to students and inclusion of a teachers' guide were considered important criteria in deciding the use of the teaching kits. Good illustrations, quality production and appropriate duration for the class were considered important factors too. The tight teaching schedule was the major hindrance for secondary and primary schools in the use of the environmental teaching kits. However, the main hindrance for using environmental teaching kits in kindergartens was that they did not have sufficient copies. Hong Kong schools would like to see new teaching kits about waste recycling, energy conservation, green behaviour, air pollution, noise pollution, sewage treatment and wildlife endangering, focusing on Hong Kong and China.  相似文献   

Environmental education is essential to the success of Agenda 21. Yet currently it is without focus and effectively side-lined. This paper presents the results of preliminary investigations on the environmental attitudes and knowledge of Indian and Filipino primary and secondary school students, and their readiness to engage in pro-environmental behavior that could involve some change in their personal lifestyle. For the most part, environmental education efforts are embedded mainly into various science subjects. The relationship between environmental education and environmental awareness is analyzed to examine whether schools' environmental education could contribute to the shaping of environmental attitudes. A strategy and accompanying methodology for establishing environmental education is supplied.  相似文献   

刘家鑫 《四川环境》2001,20(3):65-66,78
本文论述了党校开展城市生态环境教育的重要意义,城市生态环境的特点,与城市发展的关系,提出了加强城市生态环境管理的对策。  相似文献   

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