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Measurements of the photosynthetic activity of symbiotic zooxanthellae in corals under natural growth conditions has been limited until recently, and this is one of the first reports on utilising a newly developed underwater pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer (the Diving-PAM, Walz Gmbh, Germany) for such studies in situ. Photosynthetic responses to irradiance (photosynthetic photon flux, PPF) of the two faviid corals Favia favus (Forskål) and Platygyra lamellina (Ehrenberg) were measured while snorkelling or SCUBA diving (in August 1997), and we report here the results in terms of effective quantum yields of photosystem II (Y?) and estimated rates of photosynthetic electron transport (ETR, calculated as Y?×?0.5?× PPF?×?FA, where FA is the estimated fraction of light absorbed by the photosymbiont-containing tissue). Both species showed a reduction in Y with increasing actinic irradiances produced by the instrument above 500?μmol photons m?2 s?1, and the corresponding ETR values yielded apparently typical photosynthesis versus irradiance (P-I?) curves, which saturated between 1500 and 2000?μmol photons m?2 s?1. It was found that 30?s irradiation at each PPF level was sufficient to give optimal ETR values and, therefore, each P-I curve could be obtained within a few minutes. In situ point measurements from various areas of colonies under ambient light showed average ETR values within the range expected from the P-I curves. In order to test the Diving-PAM in an eco-physiologically relevant experiment, photosynthetic ETR versus PPF was measured for three sections of a large P. lamellina, each section of which received different natural irradiance levels. The results clearly demonstrated adaptations to the ambient light field in that vertical and downward-facing portions of the colony showed gradually lower maximal ETRs, steeper initial slopes of the P-I curves and, accordingly, lower light saturation points than upward-facing areas receiving higher light levels. Based on these trials, some evaluations are given as to the applicability of the Diving-PAM for photosynthetic measurements when monitoring similar corals.  相似文献   

Statements comparing photosynthetic performance characteristics of species rely upon empirical data, usually light-saturation curves (photosynthesis, P, versus incidentlight flux-density, I o, relationships) derived from instantaneous measurements. The specific comparative parameters are initial slope and maximum photosynthesis, P max. For phytoplankton, diurnal variation in specific productivity at maximum incident light, I max is typically asymmetrical, i.e., there is a morning maximum followed by an afternoon depression. Five seaweed species, numerical dominants from the Outer Banks of North Carolina, were examined for patterns of diurnal photosynthetic performance in sunlight of habitat equivalence. These were Codium decorticatum (Woodw.) Howe and Ulva curvata (Kütz.) De Toni in the Chlorophyceae, Dictyota dichotoma (Huds.) Lamour. and Petalonia fascia (O.F. Müll.) Küntze in the Phaeophyceae, and Gracilaria foliifera (Forssk.) Børg. in the Rhodophyceae. Diurnal patterns of oxygen exchange were varied, some symmetrical about the midday axis, others asymmetrical, and were specific for (1) species, (2) derived habitat, (3) thallus absorptance (1-I/I o, where I is the transmitted light), (4) developmental stage, and (5) diurnal photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) history. All species show a depression in oxygen exchange rates at less than 0.1 I max, and show varying degrees of recovery when I o decreases from that value. Diurnal photosynthetic performance of some species at 0.03 I o (total diurnal maximum) exceeds several times that at 0.70 I o (total diurnal maximum), an observation not predicted by instantaneous measurements. Specific day-rate integrals of I o vary, producing transient initial slope and P max values. Thus, initial slope and P max values derived from instantaneous measurements in the laboratory bear little relationship to actual diurnal production. At this time there appears to be no substitute for direct measurement of diurnal photosynthesis.  相似文献   

We studied the diel variation of in situ coral temperature, irradiance and photosynthetic performance of hemispherical colonies of Porites lobata and branching colonies of Porites cylindrica during different bulk water temperature and tidal scenarios on the shallow reef flat of Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Our study presents in situ evidence that coral tissue surface temperatures can exceed that of the surrounding water under environmental conditions typically occurring during low tide in shallow reef or lagoon environments. Such heating may be a regular occurrence on shallow reef flats, triggered by the combined effects of high irradiance and low water flow characteristic of low Spring tides. At these times, solar heating of corals coincides with times of maximum water temperature and high irradiance, where the slow flow and consequent thick boundary layers impede heat exchange between corals and the surrounding water. Despite similar light-absorbing properties, the heating effect was more pronounced for the hemispherical P. lobata than for the branching P. cylindrica. This is consistent with previous laboratory experiments showing the evidence of interspecific variation in coral thermal environment and may result from morphologically influenced variation in convective heat transfer and/or thermal properties of the skeleton. Maximum coral surface warming did not coincide with maximum irradiance, but with maximum water temperature, well into the low-tide period with extremely low water flow in the partially drained reef flat, just prior to flushing by the rising tide. The timing of low tide thus influences the thermal exposure and photophysiological performance of corals, and the timing of tidally driven coral surface warming could potentially have different physiological impacts in the morning or in the afternoon.  相似文献   

In the Red Sea, the zooxanthellate sponge Cliona vastifica (Hancock) is mainly present at >15 m depth or in shaded areas. To test whether its scarcity in unshaded areas of shallower waters is linked to the functional inefficiency of its photosymbionts at high irradiances, sponges were transferred from 30 m to a six times higher light regime at 12 m depth, and then returned to their original location. During this time, photosynthetic responses to irradiance were measured as rapid light curves (RLCs) in situ by pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry using a portable underwater device, and samples were taken for microscopic determinations of zooxanthellar abundance. The zooxanthellae harboured by this sponge adapted to the higher irradiance at 12 m by increasing both their light saturation points and relative photosynthetic electron transport rates (ETRs). The ETRs at light saturation increased almost fourfold within 15–20 days of transfer to the shallower water, and decreased back to almost their original values after the sponges were returned to 30 m depth. This, as well as the fact that the photosynthetic light responses within an individual sponge were in accordance with the irradiance incident to specific surfaces, shows that these photosymbionts are highly adaptable to various irradiances. There was no significant change in the number of zooxanthellae per sponge area throughout these experiments, and the different photosynthetic responses were likely due to adaptations of the photosynthetic apparatus within each zooxanthella. In conclusion, it seems that parameters other than the hypothesised inability of the photosymbionts to adapt adequately to high light conditions are the cause of C. vastifica's rareness in unshaded shallow areas of the Red Sea. Received: 25 April 2000 / Accepted: 13 October 2000  相似文献   

The leaves of eight Salix species/hybrids were collected from two sites with different soil conditions including metal concentrations to investigate the concentration of Cu, Zn and Pb, phenolic profile and antioxidant scavenging activity. Cu, Zn and Pb, phenolic content and scavenging activity in leaves from the control area (lower concentration of metals in soil) (site C) were lower than in plants cultivated in site G (higher concentration of metals in soil). The content of Cu, Pb and Zn in leaves was in the range 9.21 (site G)–52.36 (site G), 0.41 (site C)?12.03 (site C) and 27.23 (site C)–214.44 (site G) mg?kg?1, respectively. Total phenolic content ranged between 18.19 (site C) and 84.71 (site G) mg gallic acid equivalent per gram of dry matter. Total flavonoid content was between 7.98 (site C) and 54.48 (site G) mg catechin g?1?d.m. The scavenging effect on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl˙ ranged between 33.6% (site C) and 56.3% (site G). Phenolic acids, myricetin and quercetin were quantified in leaves. The results show that phenolics are involved during adaptive mechanisms under elevated content of Cu, Pb and Zn in soil. Changes in the phenolic composition in leaves can be suggested as indicators of metal stress in Salix plants.  相似文献   

Shifts in the timing and magnitude of the spring plankton bloom in response to climate change have been observed across a wide range of aquatic systems. We used meta-analysis to investigate phenological responses of marine and freshwater plankton communities in mesocosms subjected to experimental manipulations of temperature and light intensity. Systems differed with respect to the dominant mesozooplankton (copepods in seawater and daphnids in freshwater). Higher water temperatures advanced the bloom timing of most functional plankton groups in both marine and freshwater systems. In contrast to timing, responses of bloom magnitudes were more variable among taxa and systems and were influenced by light intensity and trophic interactions. Increased light levels increased the magnitude of the spring peaks of most phytoplankton taxa and of total phytoplankton biomass. Intensified size-selective grazing of copepods in warming scenarios affected phytoplankton size structure and lowered intermediate (20–200?μm)-sized phytoplankton in marine systems. In contrast, plankton peak magnitudes in freshwater systems were unaffected by temperature, but decreased at lower light intensities, suggesting that filter feeding daphnids are sensitive to changes in algal carrying capacity as mediated by light supply. Our analysis confirms the general shift toward earlier blooms at increased temperature in both marine and freshwater systems and supports predictions that effects of climate change on plankton production will vary among sites, depending on resource limitation and species composition.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of seagrass photosynthesis in relation to inorganic carbon (Ci) availability, increased pH and an inhibitor of extracellular carbonic anhydrase were made using an underwater pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer. By combining the instrument with a specially designed Perspex chamber, we were able to alter the water surrounding a leaf without removing it from the growing plant. Responses to Ci within the chamber showed that subtidal plants of the seagrasses Cymodocea serrulata and Halophila ovalis had photosynthetic rates that were limited by the ambient Ci concentration depending on the irradiance that was available during short-term photosynthesis–irradiance trials. Relative electron transport rates (RETRs) at light saturation (up to 500 μ mol photons m−2 s−1) increased by 66–100% when the Ci concentration was increased from ca. 2.2 to 6.2 mM. On the other hand, intertidal plants of the same species exhibited a much lesser limitation of photosynthesis by Ci at any irradiance (up to 1500 μ mol photons m−2 s−1). Both species were able to use HCO 3 efficiently, and there was stronger evidence for direct uptake of HCO 3 rather than extracellular dehydration of HCO 3 to CO2 prior to Ci uptake. Subtidally, H. ovalis and C. serrulata grew to 10 and 12 m, respectively, where ambient irradiances were approximately 16 and 11% of those at the surface. Maximum RETRs (at light saturation) were lower for these deep-growing plants than for the intertidally growing ones. For both species, the onset of light saturation of photosynthesis (E k) occurred at approximately 100 μ mol photons m−2 s−1 for the deep water populations, which was four and two times lower than for the shallow populations of C. serrulata and H. ovalis, respectively. This, and the differences in maximal photosynthetic rates (RETR max), reflects an acclimation of the deep-growing populations to the lower light environment. The results presented here show that photosynthesis, as measured in situ, was limited by the availability of Ci for the deeper growing plants in Zanzibar, while the intertidally growing plants photosynthesised at close to Ci saturation. The latter result is contrary to previous conclusions regarding Ci limitations for these intertidal plants, and, in general, our findings highlight the need for performing similar experiments in situ rather than under laboratory conditions. Received: 4 April 2000 / Accepted: 31 August 2000  相似文献   

Uca crenulata, the California species of fiddler crab, was exposed to artificial light conditions to separate the influence of the light cycle from that of the tidal input on its rhythmic motor activity. Under both constant light and light-dark cycles, rhythmic activity was demonstrated in only 50% of the experimental crabs; the activity of the remaining 50% was random. Individuals exposed to constant light conditions after having been subjected to 24 h light-dark cycles demonstrated no significant difference in period length of their rhythmic activity from crabs investigated in constant light immediately after field collection. The mean period did not differ significantly from the tidal period of 24.8 h, but the variation was considerable. In artificial light-dark cycles, the activity rhythms were usually masked but, in some cases, synchronized. The results indicate that U. crenulata has an endogenous rhythm with a period close to the tidal cycle which may be synchronized by light as well as by tidal cues. The display of this endogenous rhythm, however, is poor.  相似文献   

In comparative tests, acrylic diffusion chambers (voltume=42 ml) with polycarbonate filter membranes (1 m pore diameter) consistently supported higher cell yields and faster growth rates of summer phytoplankton populations and species from Narragansett Bay than did dialysis bags (volume=50 ml, 0.24–0.48 nm pore diameter) or bottle cultures (with or without added nutrients). Stirring of diffusion chambers or dialysis bags had less effect on growth responses than did the choice of the containment membrane. Exchange measurements showed the polycarbonate filters (0.49 ml cm-2 h-1) to be five times more permeable than dialysis membranes (0.09 ml cm-2 h-1) per unit area. The mean of measured half-life times for water in diffusion chambers was less than one hour while comparable half-life times for dialysis bags were approximately 3 h. Diatoms from the <10 m size fraction had higher growth rates than assemblages of microflagellates and non-motile ultraplankton. Stirring of diffusion chambers did not adversly effect the growth of microflagellates or non-motile ultraplankton. Growth responses in diffusion chambers moored in situ were generally similar to those measured in diffusion chambers incubated in outdoor tanks connected to a running seawater system.  相似文献   

A natural river system is organized as a nested hierarchy of interconnected habitats with specific environmental conditions to which the biological community has adapted. Due to this hierarchical structure, identifying the role of different stressors on the biological community is a formidable task. Efforts trying to link stressors to biological integrity have always been bound to the geographic scale of the selected study area, leading to scale-specific results. In this research, an attempt is made to lift this limitation and develop a hierarchical, scale-sensitive methodology that can identify the significant environmental stressors to the biological community at different scales. Sites with similar background environmental conditions are clustered using self-organizing maps (SOM). This is used to identify stressors which affect the biological community throughout the area of study - called environmental gradients or large-scale stressors. Subsequently, these clusters of similar observations (sampling sites) are progressively sub-divided using environmental variables with a significant but localized effect on the biological community - called small-scale stressors. A parent group of sites is split only when the resulting sub-groups have significantly different biological responses. At the end of this recursive sites decomposition procedure, the original set of observations is organized as a tree of environmentally homogeneous groups of observations characterized by unique biological responses to multiple stressors with different geographic extents. The developed hierarchical analysis methodology has been validated using a large-size dataset of environmental observations from the State of Ohio. Our results show that habitat degradation and increased nutrient loading are the large-scale stressors with a widespread impact in Ohio. Other stressors, such as heavy metals, pH or nitrate concentrations have significant albeit localized effects on biological integrity.  相似文献   

The red algaGelidium sesquipedale (Clem.) Born. et Thur. has been cultured in chemostats to assess the effects of light quality and photon-fluence rate (PFR) on growth, photosynthesis and biochemical composition. Plants under blue and red light (BL and RL) showed higher growth rates than under white light (WL) of the same PFR (40 mol m–2 s–1). The light-saturated rate of photosynthesis was higher for algae grown under BL and RL than for algae grown under WL. When algae were transferred to WL of moderate PFR (100 mol m–2 s–1), the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis decreased, being higher in previously RL-grown algae than in previously BL- and WL-grown algae. The initial slope of photosynthesis-irradiance (PI) curves () was affected by PFR but not by light quality. Pigment content was little affected by light quality. Light-quality treatments also affected the biochemical composition of the alga; previous exposure to various light treatments activate or repress several metabolical pathways that are fully expressed in the subsequent phase of WL of moderate PFR. Thus, phycobiliproteins and soluble proteins increased for previously BL- and RL-grown algae, whereas insoluble carbohydrate concentration was reduced, indicating a change of the C-partitioning between carbon compounds and organic nitrogen compounds. Inorganic nitrogen metabolism was also affected by light: under WL of moderate PFR, NO3 was totally depleted from sea water, and maximal values of NO3 uptake were recorded. In addition, neither NO2 nor NH4 + was released. However, when algae were transferred to a low PFR, there was a drastic reduction of NO3 uptake under WL, which only partially recovered over time. It was accompanied by the release of NO2 , but not NH4 +, to the culture medium. Under BL and RL, however, there was a transient enhancement of NO3 uptake that was followed by a net release of NO2 and NH4 . Growth rates were not correlated with PFR. This could be due to the the dynamics of internal carbon mobilization and accumulation in the algae. When algae were exposed to a moderate PFR of WL, carbon requirements for growth were satisfied by photosynthesis. Thus, there was a net accumulation of carbon in the tissue. In contrast, when algae were exposed to low PFRs of either WL, BL or RL, observed growth rates could not be maintained by photosynthesis and carbon was mobilized.  相似文献   

We present results of simultaneous measurements of turbulent-dissipation rate, zooplankton vertical distribution and copepod gut pigments in the northern North Sea. Analysis shows that some, but not all, copepods (by species, sex and stage) exhibit significant dependence on turbulence in respect to vertical distribution and feeding rate. Oithona similis (female and copepodite stages) exhibits an avoidance of the surface layer when turbulence is strong there. For the range of turbulence (10−7 to 10−3 m2 s−3) and ambient chlorophyll concentration (0.5–0.8 μg l−1) encountered, Calanus spp. and Metridia lucens exhibited a significant negative response in feeding-rate index with increasing turbulence. Centropages typicus and Pseudocalanus spp. also exhibited a negative response but of less significance. Received: 12 October 2000 / Accepted: 11 December 2000  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and transpiration rates of wheat leaves (Triticum aestivum L.) were measured at 30 min intervals under Mediterranean field conditions, using Photosynthesis Monitor system (PM-48M). The dynamics of net photosynthetic rate (P(N)), transpiration rate (E(T)), water use efficiency (WUE), light use efficiency (LUE), stomatal conductance (g(s)), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), and atmospheric CO2 concentration (Catm) were quantified at five rainfed wheat sites with the same stages of development (midflowering) along south-to-north and east-to-west transects for eight days in April. Diurnal P(N) (3.6 to 6.6 micromol m(-2) s(-1)), PAR (392 to 564 micromol m2 sec(-1)), LUE (0.006 to 0.015) and WUE (0.0001 to 0.011) did not vary significantly across all five wheat sites (p > 0.05). P(N) and E(T) were strongly coupled and highly correlated with PAR (p < 0.001). Best multiple linear regression (MLR) models accounted for 92% of variations in P(N) as a function of PAR and E(T), and 90% in E(T) as a function of PAR and RH (p < 0.001). P(N) exhibited a peak at mid-morning, and a photosynthetic midday depression under the limiting effects of high evaporative demand. Diurnal variations in WUE and LUE showed a bimodal behavior with the maximum values in early morning and late afternoon. As the impacts of global climate change become increasingly felt, continuous measurements of climate-crop-soil-managementinteractions under natural conditions play a pivotal role not only in exploring changes in ecophysiological properties of strategic crops for food security such as wheat but also in devising preventive and mitigative management practices to ensure sustained agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

The success that the putative alien species Oculina patagonica is able to survive under different environmental conditions may be benefiting its establishment and spreading along the Mediterranean Basin. Our objectives were to determine the response of this species, in terms of growth and bleaching, under different environmental conditions. Field data on colony growth and bleaching were obtained for a period of 18 months (from June 2010 to December 2011), in the Alicante Harbour (38°20′11″N, 00°29′11″W) and the Marine Protected Area of Tabarca (38°09′59″N, 00°28′56″W). Additionally, data on sedimentation rates, chlorophyll a concentration and organic matter were also collected. Moreover, the role of light over growth and bleaching of the coral was also studied with a field experiment. Our results showed that growth rates were similar among localities (eutrophic and oligotrophic environments), decreasing with increasing perimeter of the colony. Growth rates were at a minimum during cold months (13 °C) and enhanced during warm months until a threshold temperature; thereafter, bleaching was observed (>28 °C), being adverse for coral growth. In addition, light attenuation could act such as local stress, increasing the coral bleaching with the increase in seawater temperature. Our findings confirmed that O. patagonica has a broad tolerance to seawater temperature, irradiance and trophic water conditions, in addition to its ability to thrive through bleaching events, mainly in eutrophic environments, probably related to food availability.  相似文献   

This study compared the growth and lipid accumulation properties of two oleaginous microalgae, namely, Scenedesmus sp. LX1 and Chlorella sp. HQ, under different nutrient conditions. Both algal species obtained the highest biomass, lipid content and lipid yield under low-nutrient conditions (mBGll medium). The biomass, lipid content and lipid yield of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 were 0.42g·L^-1, 22.5% and 93.8mg·L^-1, respectively. These values were relatively higher than those of Chlorella sp. HQ (0.30g·L^-1, 17.1% and 51.3mg·L^-1, respectively). These algae were then cultivated in an SE medium that contained more nutrients; as a result, the biomass and lipid yield of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 reduced more significantly than those of Chlorella sp. HQ. Opposite results were observed in lipid and triacylglycerols (TAGs) contents. The cell sizes of both algal species under low-nutrient conditions were larger than those under high-nutrient conditions. Chlorella sp. HQ cells did not aggregate, but Scenedesmus sp. LX1 cells flocculated easily, particularly under low-nutrient conditions. In summary, low-nutrient conditions favour the growth and lipid production of both algae, but Scenedesmus sp. LX1 outperforms Chlorella sp. HQ.  相似文献   

Allometry was used for monitoring aboveground growth of the marine angiosperm Zostera marina L. Dry weight was regressed with leaf length and width, allowing estimation of aboveground net productivity and biomass of individual plants. At the termination of the experiment, rhizome productivity of the same plants was determined by harvesting. Plants in shaded and unshaded seawater tanks were monitored from June until September, 1976; in situ plants were also monitored at Point Judith Pond, Rhode Island, USA. Unshaded plants had shorter leaves, a lower net productivity, lower biomass, and a lower aboveground-torhizome productivity ratio than shaded plants. Unshaded plants had a higher rate of rhizome branching and the resulting new shoot formation than in situ plants.  相似文献   

Controlled laboratory experiments were conducted to examine how photosynthesis and growth occur in Potamogeton wrightii Morong under different photoperiods and nutrient conditions. The experiment was based on a 3×2 factorial design with three photoperiods (16, 12 and 8 h) of 200 μE · m?2·s?1 irradiance and two nutrient conditions, high (90 μmol N · L?1·d?1 and 9 μmol P · L?1·d?1) and low (30 μmol N L?1·d?1 and 3 μmol P · L?1·d?1). After 14, 28, 56 and 70 days of growth, plants were harvested to determine net photosynthesis rate and various growth parameters. Above- and below-ground biomass were investigated on days 56 and 70 only. Plants under low nutrient conditions had greater leaf area, more chlorophyll a, a higher rate of net photosynthesis and accumulated more above- and below-ground biomass than plants in the high nutrient condition. Plants with an 8 h photoperiod in the low nutrient condition had a significantly higher rate of net photosynthesis, whereas 8 h photoperiod plants in the high nutrient condition had a lower rate of net photosynthesis and their photosynthetic capacity collapsed on day 70. We conclude that P. wrightii has the photosynthetic plasticity to overcome the effects of a shorter photoperiod under a tolerable nutrient state.  相似文献   

张浏  陈灿  高倩  王保忠  尹大强 《生态环境》2007,16(3):748-752
富营养化湖泊夏季藻类生长旺盛、光合作用强烈,湖水pH值普遍升高,因此相关生态因子变化对沉水植物生长影响的研究成为沉水植物组建和水生态恢复的基础。采用实验室模拟方法,研究了中营养(TN0.60mg·L-1;TP0.04mg·L-1)和富营养(TN4.20mg·L-1;TP0.28mg·L-1)两种状态下不同pH(7,8,9,10)对轮叶黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)生长、叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶和MDA含量的影响。研究发现,培养21d后,pH10时两种营养状态黑藻生长均受到明显抑制,富营养状态下抑制程度更加显著;pH7和pH8时富营养状态增加植物叶绿素含量,pH10时富营养状态叶绿素含量低于中营养状态。超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)在富营养状态下pH8时活性大幅上升,pH9时出现下降,而中营养状态下在pH9时活性才有所升高;过氧化氢酶(CAT)在两种营养状态下,pH9时活性均显著上升,pH10时在富营养状态下受到明显抑制;富营养状态下在pH7~9时,植物丙二醛(MDA)含量随着pH升高显著上升,并且均显著高于中营养状态,在pH9时与中营养状态差异达到最大。研究表明,pH对轮叶黑藻的影响与营养状态相关,当pH大于9时,两种营养状态下轮叶黑藻均受到一定胁迫,富营养状态下作用更加显著。  相似文献   

Chemically mediated alarm reactions of the common periwinkle, Littorina littorea (L.), were studied in laboratory experiments during two consecutive summers, and one intermediate autumn season. Responses to chemical stimuli were detected as crawl-out responses, i.e. movements of snails out of the water. Snails were exposed to extracts of injured conspecifics, extracts of the mussel Modiolus modiolus (L.), and water conditioned by the predatory crab Carcinus maenas (L.), which had been maintained on different diets. In experiments carried out during the summer, a significantly larger number of snails moved out of the water when exposed to chemical stimuli from injured conspecifics, compared to chemical stimuli from injured mussels or filtered seawater. These results suggest that chemical alarm substances are present in L. littorea. Water conditioned by crabs that had been fed L. littorea released significantly more crawl-out responses compared to water conditioned by crabs that had been kept on a fish diet. When tested in autumn, no significant differences were found in responses to the above-mentioned water samples. Crawl-out responses under different light regimes were also investigated. All series of experiments carried out in the dark evoked a higher number of responses compared to series that took place in light. These findings may indicate an adaptation of snails to night-active predators. In total, the current results suggest that a L. littorea diet may chemically “label” the predator crab with snail alarm substances, and that predator-induced responses of L. littorea are actually responses to conspecific alarm substances released from crabs that have been maintained on a L. littorea diet. The response to the alarm signal, however, appears to be dependent on season and light conditions; some ecological implications of these findings are also discussed. Received: 8 January 1999 / Accepted: 29 March 1999  相似文献   

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