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随着经济持续发展,西部地区环境与经济矛盾日益突出,为研究西部地区经济与环境关系,本文以重庆市为例,选取1990年~2011年共22年的经济指标(人均GDP)与污染物(废水、工业废气、工业固体废弃物等)排放量为环境指标,建立经济与环境指标的协同演化模型,绘制环境库兹涅茨曲线并对重庆市经济与环境协同发展关系进行研究;结果表明:重庆市人均GDP与工业废水排放量之间呈现明显EKC关系,其转折点为2005年,即人均GDP为10982元;重庆市人均GDP与工业SO2排放量及与工业烟尘排放量和工业固体废物排放的良性关系出现和将要出现在2010年和2015年;重庆市人均GDP与总体的工业"三废"排放量之间呈现出明显的倒"U"EKC关系,2006年以后,随着人均GDP的增加,工业"三废"排放量不断减少,2011年时,工业"三废"排放量趋于平缓。由此也说明,重庆市工业"三废"排放量有明显好转的趋势。  相似文献   

根据昆明市1995-2006年历年环境污染指标的统计数据和历年人均GDP统计数据,构建人均GDP与环境污染(工业"三废"排放量)之间的计量模型,并在此基础上分析工业"三废"排放量与人均GDP增长的关系.研究表明,昆明市经济增长与环境污染(工业"三废"排放量)之间并不都是标准的环境库兹涅茨曲线(倒"U"型)关系,而是呈现出倒"U"型和正"U"型两种环境库兹涅茨类型.  相似文献   

以哈密市1988—2006年经济增长(GDP)和大气环境质量数据为研究对象,分析各类典型大气污染指标与人均GDP之间的关系,建立哈密市大气环境污染物排放浓度与人均GDP增长之间的回归模型,结果表明:哈密市SO2、NO2、TSP排放浓度与人均GDP增长之间基本符合标准的倒“U”型的环境库兹涅茨曲线特征。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, economic growth, agricultural land used and exports in Germany. We use time‐series data between 1970 and 2012 and the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) methodology to test for cointegration in the long run. Results show that there is a quadratic long run relationship between N2O emissions and economic growth, confirming the existence of an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) for Germany. Agricultural land area affects N2O emissions positively, whereas exports affect emissions negatively. The turning point is $27,880, which is within the sample and implies that Germany is in the decreasing part of the curve of environmental degradation. The paper shows that, contrary to testing the EKC in less developed countries, mitigation of N2O emissions does not negatively affect growth in Germany. As such, it is feasible to undertake any conservative policy in order to reduce emissions without major consequences on economic sectors.  相似文献   

选取我国1997~2006年间省际大气污染、污水和固体废弃物(“三废”)等环境质量指标的面板数据,对中国经济发展与环境污染关系进行了库兹涅茨曲线检验。实证分析表明,在时间区间内经济增长对环境质量有缓慢的改善作用,其他因素对“三废”指标的作用并不确定。发展指标与环境指标更多地呈现N或倒N型曲线关系,环境库兹涅茨曲线在中国省级层面面板数据层面并不成立。  相似文献   

In this study, the validity of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis and the effect of green energy sources to decrease CO2 emissions are examined for emerging and developed markets from 1990 to 2011 using a pooled mean group (PMG) estimator. Empirical findings of this study suggest that the EKC hypothesis is not confirmed by emerging markets; meanwhile, it is strongly supported by developed markets. The long-run elasticity results of per capita data may also imply a divergence between emerging markets and developed markets regarding CO2 emissions. On the other hand, the findings of this study indicate that renewable energy sources will play an important role in reducing CO2 emissions for both panel groups in the long run.  相似文献   

This study reports the probability of increased mortality of people within the political border of Bangladesh due to the emission of fine particulate matter with diameters of 2.5 microns or less (PM2.5) from the Matarbari coal power plant (MCPP). A Gaussian plume dispersion model has been used for this estimation. The PM2.5 emission rate data are unavailable as the construction of MCPP is still in its initial stage; therefore, the anticipated PM2.5 emission rate has been estimated based on data from a number of coal‐fired power plants in India and China. To make this study more meaningful, two different emission rates have been considered representing the best‐case and worst‐case scenarios. In both cases, the intake fraction has been found to be 0.12×10?2, and the value of relative risk varies between 1.134 and 1.374, respectively. Finally, it is estimated that approximately 11.5 million people inside Bangladesh will be exposed to the PM2.5 emission from MCPP, and between 7,667 and 17,675 people will experience premature death every year.  相似文献   

This study explores the trend of selected air pollutants, carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter 10 microns in diameter (PM10) in India. Environmental Kuznets curves (EKC), which show the association of the economy and pollution, are fitted for selected Indian states to understand whether EKC in India fits well with the inverted “U” shape. We observed that CO2 and PM10 are steadily increasing in India. The states of Kerala and Punjab follow the inverted “U” shape of EKC, while Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Maharashtra may take decades to reduce pollutants. A new Sustainable Human Development Index calculated in this paper indicates a diverse picture of Indian states, especially in regard to environmental parameters. The government needs to implement stringent, state‐specific laws and regulations to assist in curbing air pollutants. The time has also come to represent the rankings of states in terms of an environmentally inclusive development index.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the relationships among total suspended solids (TSS) and particulate phosphorus (PP) in runoff and selected soil properties. Nine Louisiana soils were subjected to simulated rainfall events, and runoff collected and analyzed for various parameters. A highly significant relationship existed between runoff TSS and runoff turbidity. Both runoff TSS and turbidity were also significantly related to runoff PP, which on average accounted for more than 98% of total P (TP) in the runoff. Runoff TSS was closely and positively related to soil clay content in an exponential fashion (y=0.10e0.01x, R2=0.91, P<0.001) while it was inversely related to soil electrical conductivity (EC) (y=0.02 x(-3.95), R2=0.70, P<0.01). A newly-devised laboratory test, termed "soil suspension turbidity" (SST) which measures turbidity in a 1:200 soil/water suspension, exhibited highly significant linear relationships with runoff TSS (y=0.06x-4.38, R2=0.82, P<0.001) and PP (y=0.04x+2.68, R2=0.85, P<0.001). In addition, SST alone yielded similar R2 value to that of combining soil clay content and EC in a multiple regression, suggesting that SST was able to account for the integrated effect of clay content and electrolytic background on runoff TSS. The SST test could be used for assessment and management of sediment and particulate nutrient losses in surface runoff.  相似文献   

Particulate matter (PM) is one of the primary pollutants produced from mining operations. This paper summarizes the existing techniques used to identify sources of PM and their contribution to ambient air pollution. Human health studies indicate that there is an association between airborne PM and adverse health effects. Particularly in coal mining areas, the burning of coal and PM from machinery operations cause low air quality that is physically harmful. Thus, the sources of smoldering combustion, that are typical in coal mine burns, increase the risk to mine workers who are exposed to high concentrations of known toxicity associated with PM. Recent studies on the modeling of PM concentration profiles across various sources were reviewed for this paper.  相似文献   

The impact of the management of packaging waste on the environment, economic growth and job creation is analyzed in this paper. This integrated assessment intends to cover a gap in the literature for this type of studies, using the specific case study of the Portuguese packaging waste management system (SIGRE).The net environmental benefits associated with the management of packaging waste, are calculated using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology. The results show that, for the categories studied, the impacts associated to SIGRE's various activities are surpassed by the benefits associated to material and energy recovery, with special focus on recycling. For example, in 2011 SIGRE avoided the emission of 116 kt CO2 equiv. – the equivalent carbon emission of the electricity consumption of 124.000 households in Portugal.The economic impact of SIGRE is evaluated through Input–Output Analysis. It was found that SIGRE's activities also have a significant economic impact. For example, their added value are ranked amongst the upper third of the economic activities with highest multiplier effect at national level: this means that for each Euro of value added generated within SIGRE, 1.25 additional € are added to the rest of the economy (multiplier effect of 2.25).Regarding the social impacts of SIGRE, the number of direct jobs associated with the system is estimated to be more than two thousand and three hundred workers. Out of these, 83% are connected to the management of municipal waste packaging (selective collection and sorting), 15% are connected to the management of non-municipal packaging waste and only 2% are connected to the Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV, green dot society in English) – the management entity responsible for SIGRE.In general terms, the results obtained provide quantitative support to the EEA (2011) suggestion that moving up the waste hierarchy – from landfilling to recycling – creates jobs and boosts the economy.  相似文献   

The management system for solid and liquid organic waste affects the environment and surrounding technical systems in several ways. In order to decrease the environmental impact and resource use, biological waste treatment and alternative solutions for sewage treatment are often advocated. These alternatives include increased agricultural use of waste residuals. To analyse whether such proposed systems indicate improvements for the environment and its sustainability, systems analysis is a useful method. The changes in environmental impact and resource use is not only a result of changes in waste treatment methods, but also largely a result of changes in surrounding systems (energy and agriculture) caused by changes in waste management practices. In order to perform a systems analysis, a substance-flow simulation model, the organic waste research model (ORWARE), has been used. The results are evaluated by using methodology from life cycle assessment (LCA). An economic analysis was also performed on three of the studied scenarios. The management system for solid organic waste and sewage in the municipality of Uppsala, Sweden, was studied. Three scenarios for different treatments of solid waste were analysed: incineration with heat recovery, composting, and anaerobic digestion. These three scenarios included conventional sewage treatment. A fourth scenario reviewed was anaerobic digestion of solid waste, using urine-separating toilets and separate handling of the urine fraction. The results are only valid for the case study and under the assumptions made. In this case study anaerobic digestion result in the lowest environmental impact of all the solid waste management systems, but is costly. Economically, incineration with heat recovery is the cheapest way to treat solid waste. Composting gives environmental advantages compared to incineration methods, without significantly increased costs. Urine separation, which may be implemented together with any solid waste treatment, has great advantages, particularly in its low impact on the environment. However, there is a large increase in acidification.  相似文献   

Local governments in Australia, especially in large urban areas, have faced a challenge of the growing quantity of waste generated and the diminishing space for waste disposal in recent years. The central government has demonstrated the importance of developing strategies to make full environmental costs and impacts of waste disposal and material recovery accountable for waste management decision-making. However, research into this field is limited. This paper investigates environmental accounting practices in local government waste management. From a survey conducted with local government authorities in New South Wales (NSW) Australia, it is found that overall the level of direct waste flow and activity accounting is higher than the level of hidden and external environmental cost accounting, though local governments tend to identify and use more physical information associated with waste flows and activities than relevant monetary information. External environmental impacts of waste disposal are often overlooked and show the lowest level of practices. The survey results also indicate that urban local governments have taken more environmental information into account than rural local governments, but such difference is not significant between local governments of different sizes. The complexity of waste technical services and operations is confirmed to have a positive and significant effect on the level of environmental accounting for waste management across local governments surveyed.  相似文献   

Floods were by far the most damaging type of natural disasters during the 1990s, in terms of both human impacts and socio-economic losses. Vulnerability to flooding disasters around the world is almost always differentiated by the socio-economic conditions of different income groups in the disaster area. In general, the poorer the income group (or the country) the more vulnerable it is likely to be to the adverse impacts of floods. The article argues that Bangladesh is the world's most flood-prone developing country in terms of the relative socio-economic impacts of floods. While conventional flood control strategies tend to be based on structural engineering approaches—such as the construction of large-scale embankments, diversion canals and dams—this article argues that more emphasis should be given to alternative, non-structural measures. The main lesson from recent flooding disasters in Bangladesh is that, in the absence of expensive structural measures, many non-structural ones can go a long way towards reducing vulnerability to and mitigating the impacts of floods.  相似文献   

This article examines the environment and habitat management experiences of Ethiopia and Ghana in the postindependence period (1960–2000). Based on extensive archival research, semistructured focused interviews of environment and habitat officers of the World Bank, the United Nations System and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and personal professional field experiences, the paper argues that the uncritical adoption of externally generated discourses, narratives, policy guidelines, and strategies of environmental and habitat management has structured thought and action in both countries. The experience of both countries in defining and responding to environmental and human settlement management is explored from a political ecology perspective. The analysis indicates that both countries have essentially adopted a technocratic, state-centered, and unsustainable management strategy framework based on population control, poverty reduction, sustainable development, and capacity-building. It also suggests that international organizations such as the World Bank, INCN, and the United Nations system have been important sources of thought and action in both countries. Conversely, regional international organizations such as the Economic Commission for Africa, the Organization of African Unity and the African Development Bank have largely served as conduits for the diffusion of global discourses, narratives, policies and strategies. The need for adopting management policies and strategies that are based on principles of multiple engagement, decentralization, incentives, public education, and participation is underscored.  相似文献   

王恒  叶宏  唐小军  江腊海 《四川环境》2007,26(3):117-122
本文从洛沦茨曲线的经济学内涵出发,将洛沦茨曲线的概念和意义应用于环境分析中,提出环境洛沦茨曲线的概念,通过环境洛伦茨曲线的拐点分析四川省“十一五”期间优势发展产业,阐述行业结构和环境污染的关系,得出我省环境负荷高的行业;并进一步探索基于环境洛沦茨曲线的总量分配方法,并从总量分配实践看出,全省经济环境资源空间配置仍为粗放型,必须转变传统发展模式。  相似文献   

Biostabilization can remove considerable amounts of moisture and degradable organic materials from municipal solid waste (MSW), and can therefore be an effective form of pretreatment prior to landfill. The environmental and economic impacts of two combined processes, active stage biostabilization + sanitary landfill (AL), and active and curing stage biostabilization + sanitary landfill (ACL), were compared with sanitary landfill (SL) for MSW with high moisture content. The results indicated that land requirement, leachate generation, and CH(4) emission in the ACL process decreased by 68.6%, 89.1%, and 87.6%, respectively, and the total cost was reduced by 24.1%, compared with SL. This implies that a combined biostabilization and landfill process can be an environmentally friendly and economically feasible alternative to landfill of raw MSW with high moisture content. Sensitivity analysis revealed that treatment capacity and construction costs of biostabilization and the oxidation factor of CH(4) significantly influenced the costs and benefits of the AL and ACL process at an extremely low land price. When the land price was greater than 100 USD m(-2), it became the dominating factor in determining the cost of treatment and disposal, and the total costs of ACL were reduced to less than 40% of those of SL.  相似文献   

试论环境管理中排污权交易政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
排污权交易是近年来备受各国关注的一项环境经济政策。这项政策是把环境容量转化为商品及出卖环境的纳污能力,并将其纳入价格机制。这种环境经济手段可以充分发挥市场经济的作用,同时克服了依靠行政手段控制环境污染的缺陷,对我国的环境保护有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The implications of a potential ban on shrimp imports by the US from countries that do not utilize the Turtle Excluder Device on commercial shrimp nets is explored in this paper. A Linear Expenditure System (LES) was used to determine the own-price elasticities of demand for shrimp imports. The system of estimated equations was then solved for quantity levels under assumptions made about the trade restrictions, resulting in a set of prices for those import levels. These estimated prices were then used to estimate the compensating variation impact of the trade restrictions. Findings suggest that the environmental regulation would have a negative impact on US consumers, but the magnitude of that effect depends on assumptions made regarding the distribution of US imports after the trade restriction is imposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the claims that competing networks make over the safety or risk attached to an energy-from-waste (EfW) plant in Crymlyn Burrows in South Wales. The paper draws upon a governmentality perspective and identifies three networks at the heart of decision-making: a dissenter network, a developer network and a regulatory network. The arguments put forward by the networks reveal much about how power relations are realised at a local level. The paper draws upon a longitudinal case study approach to demonstrate that networks have a life beyond a development decision and that key actors can align themselves with competing networks at different points in the development and operation phase of an EfW plant.  相似文献   

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