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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are lipophilic, persistent pollutants found worldwide in environmental and human samples. Exposure pathways for PBDEs remain unclear but may include food, air and dust. The aim of this study was to conduct an integrated assessment of PBDE exposure and human body burden using 10 matched samples of human milk, indoor air and dust collected in 2007–2008 in Brisbane, Australia. In addition, temporal analysis was investigated comparing the results of the current study with PBDE concentrations in human milk collected in 2002–2003 from the same region.PBDEs were detected in all matrices and the median concentrations of BDEs -47 and -209 in human milk, air and dust were: 4.2 and 0.3 ng/g lipid; 25 and 7.8 pg/m3; and 56 and 291 ng/g dust, respectively. Significant correlations were observed between the concentrations of BDE-99 in air and human milk (r = 0.661, p = 0.038) and BDE-153 in dust and BDE-183 in human milk (r = 0.697, p = 0.025). These correlations do not suggest causal relationships — there is no hypothesis that can be offered to explain why BDE-153 in dust and BDE-183 in milk are correlated. The fact that so few correlations were found in the data could be a function of the small sample size, or because additional factors, such as sources of exposure not considered or measured in the study, might be important in explaining exposure to PBDEs. There was a slight decrease in PBDE concentrations from 2002–2003 to 2007–2008 but this may be due to sampling and analytical differences. Overall, average PBDE concentrations from these individual samples were similar to results from pooled human milk collected in Brisbane in 2002–2003 indicating that pooling may be an efficient, cost-effective strategy of assessing PBDE concentrations on a population basis.The results of this study were used to estimate an infant's daily PBDE intake via inhalation, dust ingestion and human milk consumption. Differences in PBDE intake of individual congeners from the different matrices were observed. Specifically, as the level of bromination increased, the contribution of PBDE intake decreased via human milk and increased via dust. As the impacts of the ban of the lower brominated (penta- and octa-BDE) products become evident, an increased use of the higher brominated deca-BDE product may result in dust making a greater contribution to infant exposure than it does currently.To better understand human body burden, further research is required into the sources and exposure pathways of PBDEs and metabolic differences influencing an individual's response to exposure. In addition, temporal trend analysis is necessary with continued monitoring of PBDEs in the human population as well as in the suggested exposure matrices of food, dust and air.  相似文献   

Parabens, benzophenone-3 and triclosan are common ingredients used as preservatives, ultraviolet radiation filters and antimicrobial agents, respectively. Human exposure occurs through consumption of processed food and use of cosmetics and consumer products. The aim of this study was to provide a preliminary characterisation of exposure to selected personal care product chemicals in the general Australian population. De-identified urine specimens stratified by age and sex were obtained from a community-based pathology laboratory and pooled (n = 24 pools of 100). Concentrations of free and total (sum of free plus conjugated) species of methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl paraben, benzophenone-3 and triclosan were quantified using isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry; with geometric means 232, 33.5, 60.6, 4.32, 61.5 and 87.7 ng/mL, respectively. Age was inversely associated with paraben concentration, and females had concentrations approximately two times higher than males. Total paraben and benzophenone-3 concentrations are significantly higher than reported worldwide, and the average triclosan concentration was more than one order of magnitude higher than in many other populations. This study provides the first data on exposure of the general Australian population to a range of common personal care product chemical ingredients, which appears to be prevalent and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Human milk samples were collected from individuals residing in various regions across Canada mostly in the years 1992 to 2005. These included five large cities in southern Canada as well as samples from Nunavik in northern Quebec. Comparative samples were also collected from residents of Austin, Texas, USA in 2002 and 2004. More than 300 milk samples were analysed for the brominated flame retardants (BFRs), PBDEs and HBCD, by extraction, purification and quantification using either isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or liquid chromatography-MS. The Canadian total PBDE values in the years 2002–2005 show median levels of about 20 μg/kg on a lipid basis; a value significantly higher than in the 1980s and 1990s. Milk samples from Inuit donors in the northern region of Nunavik were slightly lower in PBDE concentrations than those from populated regions in the south of Quebec. Milk samples from Ontario contained slightly lower amounts of PBDEs in two time periods than those from Texas. HBCD levels in most milk samples were usually less than 1 ppb milk lipid and dominated by the α-isomer. This large data set of BFRs in Canadian human milk demonstrates an increase in the last few decades in human exposure to BFRs which now appears to have stabilized.  相似文献   

Lichen is a symbiosis between algae and fungi. They have for decades been used as bioindicators for atmospheric deposition of heavy metals, organic compounds and radioactive elements. Especially the species Cladonia alpestris and Cladonia rangiferina are important for the food chain lichen-reindeer-man.The concentration of 129I was determined in lichen samples (Cladonia alpestris) contaminated by fallout from atmospheric nuclear tests explosions and the Chernobyl accident. The samples were collected at Lake Rogen District (62.3°N, 12.4°E) in central Sweden in the periods 1961-1975 and 1987-1998, and analysed with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) at CNA (Seville) to study its distribution in different layers. Data on the 137Cs activity measured previously were also included in this study. The 129I concentration ranged from (0.95 ± 0.13) × 108 at g−1 in 1961 in the uppermost layer to (14.2 ± 0.5) × 108 at g−1 in 1987 in deepest layer. The 129I/137Cs atom ratio ranged between 0.12 and 0.27 for lichen samples collected in the period 1961-1975, indicating weapons tests fallout. For lichen samples collected between 1987 and 1998 the behaviour of 137Cs concentrations reflected Chernobyl fallout. The concentrations of the two radionuclides followed each other quite well in the profile, reflecting the same origin for both.From the point of view of the spatial distribution in the lichen, it appears that 129I was predominantly accumulated in the lowest layer, the opposite to 137Cs for which the highest amounts were detected systematically in the topmost layer of lichen. This vertical distribution is important for radioecology because lichen is the initial link in the food chain lichen-reindeer-man, and reindeer only graze the upper parts of lichen carpets.  相似文献   

We have conducted measurements of naturally occurring radionuclides (7)Be, (210)Pb and (210)Po in air at ground level at Chilton, Oxfordshire, England. The sampling and analysis regime for the latter two isotopes has been optimised to minimise uncertainties in measurement due to decay of (210)Po and in-growth of (210)Pb during the sampling and analysis period. Analysis times were reduced by using Cerenkov counting to assay the (210)Bi daughter of (210)Pb. Monthly data collected over a four-year period are presented and discussed. (7)Be activity concentrations appear to peak in spring. (210)Pb activity concentrations also follow a seasonal trend reflecting different (222)Rn emanation rates from soil during winter and summer. Data for (210)Po show no such trend.  相似文献   

The concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in breast milk from women living in the vicinity of a new hazardous waste incinerator (HWI) in Catalonia, Spain. The results were compared with the levels obtained in two previous surveys carried out in 1998 (baseline study) and 2002. The current concentrations of PCDD/Fs in breast milk ranged from 45 to 143 pg/g fat (2.8 to 11.2 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat), while total PCBs ranged from 114 to 617 pg/g fat (2.8 to 17.6 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat). PBDE concentrations (sum 15 congeners) ranged from 0.57 ng/g fat to 5.9 ng/g fat, with a mean value of 2.5 ng/g fat. A general decrease of the concentrations for PCDD/Fs and both planar and total PCBs was observed. Regarding to PBDE concentrations in breast milk, similar levels between the 2002 and the present study were noted. The levels of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in milk of women living in urban areas were higher than those corresponding to the industrial zones (38% and 40%, respectively). However, the current PBDE levels were slightly lower (13%) in the urban than in the industrial zone. For PCDD/Fs and PCBs, the current decreases are in accordance with the reduction in the dietary intake of these pollutants found in recent studies carried out in the same area of study.  相似文献   

The result of a general survey on the concentration of fall-out (239+240)Pu in soil collected from several regions in Iran are presented. The samples represent mixed soil averaged over the depth of 0-50 mm. According to the results obtained by alpha spectrometry on 96 soil samples from 32 locations, the (239+240)Pu concentrations vary in the range 80-360 mBq kg(-1). Under normal operating conditions and present counting setup, the minimum detectable activity (MDA) was approximately 8 mBq kg(-1) for soil samples.  相似文献   

The specific activity of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K in 52 Turkish pumice samples collected from 11 geographical areas located in Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia, Mediterranean and Aegean regions was determined by gamma-ray spectrometry with a high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The specific activity of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K ranged from 12.7+/-0.5 to 256.2+/-9.1Bqkg(-1) with a mean of 89.1+/-65.2Bqkg(-1), 12.3+/-1.0 to 237.9+/-12.2Bqkg(-1) with a mean of 87.0+/-61.4Bqkg(-1) and 300.1+/-5.5 to 1899.0+/-30.8Bqkg(-1) with a mean of 1211.9+/-419.8Bqkg(-1), respectively. Elemental concentrations were determined for U (from 1.0 to 20.7ppm with a mean of 7.2+/-5.3ppm), Th (from 3.0 to 58.6ppm with a mean of 21.4+/-15.1ppm) and K (from 1.0 to 6.1% with a mean of 3.9+/-1.3%). The radium equivalent activity (Ra(eq)), the activity index, the emanation coefficient, the (222)Rn mass exhalation rate, the indoor absorbed dose rate and the effective dose rate were estimated for the radiation hazard of the natural radioactivity in all samples. The calculated mean Ra(eq) value was 306.6+/-177.7Bqkg(-1) (54.6+/-5.5 to 737.6+/-49.0Bqkg(-1)) for all pumice samples. This value is lower than the recommended limit value of 370Bqkg(-1) for building raws and products. The emanation coefficient and the (222)Rn mass exhalation rate of all samples ranged from 29.4 to 42.9% with a mean of 36.2% and from 11.0 to 196.4muBqkg(-1)s(-1) with a mean of 73.5muBqkg(-1)s(-1), respectively. The mean indoor absorbed dose rate and the corresponding mean effective dose rate were 274.6+/-153.6nGyh(-1) (50.4-644.6nGyh(-1)) and 1.35+/-0.75mSvy(-1) (0.24-3.16mSvy(-1)), respectively. For all pumice samples the mean indoor absorbed dose rate is about three times higher than the population-weighted average of 84nGyh(-1), while the mean effective dose rate values except for PUM 05, PUM 06, PUM 10 and PUM 15 exceed the dose criterion of 1mSvy(-1).  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to evaluate the possible contamination by heavy metals of milk from cows bred on various farms in Calabria. The concentrations of heavy metals were determined in 40 samples of bovine milk from the various dairy farms. Each sample, homogenized and powdered, was mineralized in a microwave oven. Quantitative analyses of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Se were performed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer with graphite furnace; As was analyzed by hot vapor generation technique and Zn with the flame method. As regards toxic heavy metals, highest values are those of As (g.m. 37.90 microg/kg w.w.) and Pb (g.m. 1.32 microg/kg w.w.), while lowest concentrations are those of Cd (g.m. 0.02 microg/kg w.w). With regard to essential metals, Zn (g.m. 2016 microg/kg w.w) and Se (g.m. 13.24 microg/kg w.w.) showed the highest concentrations, followed by Cr (g.m. 2.03 microg/kg w.w.) and Cu (g.m. 1.98 microg/kg w.w.). Further investigations of the levels of heavy metals (As) in a greater number of milk samples from various zones of Calabria are necessary, both to examine this problem from the clinical epidemiological point of view and to identify the possible causes of milk contamination.  相似文献   

Flame retardants and legacy contaminants were analyzed in adipose tissue from 11 circumpolar polar bear (Ursus maritimus) subpopulations in 2005-2008 spanning Alaska east to Svalbard. Although 37 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), total-(α)-hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), 2 polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), pentabromotoluene, pentabromoethylbenzene, hexabromobenzene, 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy(ethane) and decabromodiphenyl ethane were screened, only 4 PBDEs, total-(α-)HBCD and BB153 were consistently found. Geometric mean ΣPBDE (4.6-78.4 ng/g lipid weight (lw)) and BB153 (2.5-81.1 ng/g lw) levels were highest in East Greenland (43.2 and 39.2 ng/g lipid weight (lw), respectively), Svalbard (44.4 and 20.9 ng/g lw) and western (38.6 and 30.1 ng/g lw) and southern Hudson Bay (78.4 and 81.1 ng/g lw). Total-(α)-HBCD levels (<0.3-41.1 ng/g lw) were lower than ΣPBDE levels in all subpopulations except in Svalbard, consistent with greater European HBCD use versus North American pentaBDE product use. ΣPCB levels were high relative to flame retardants as well as other legacy contaminants and increased from west to east (1797-10,537 ng/g lw). ΣCHL levels were highest among legacy organochlorine pesticides and relatively spatially uniform (765-3477 ng/g lw). ΣDDT levels were relatively low and spatially variable (31.5-206 ng/g lw). However, elevated proportions of p,p'-DDT to ΣDDT in Alaska and Beaufort Sea relative to other subpopulations suggested fresh inputs from vector control use in Asia and/or Africa. Comparing earlier circumpolar polar bear studies, ΣPBDE, total-(α)-HBCD, p,p'-DDE and ΣCHL levels consistently declined, whereas levels of other legacy contaminants did not. International regulations have clearly been effective in reducing levels of several legacy contaminants in polar bears relative to historical levels. However, slow or stalling declines of certain historic pollutants like PCBs and a complex mixture of "new" chemicals continue to be of concern to polar bear health and that of their arctic marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Samples of respirable particulate matter collected during a personal monitoring study in Topeka, KS, were analyzed for iron, aluminum, and lead content. The sampling protocol and instrumentation are described in detail. Lead indoor concentrations (median = 79 ng/m3) were found to be less than both personal (median = 112 ng/m3) and outdoor lead concentrations (median = 106 ng/m3). The indoor, outdoor, and personal levels of iron and aluminum were not significantly different. In addition, it was determined that outdoor respirable particulate mass does not correlate well with the personal or indoor metal concentrations, and that the amount of time spent in motor vehicles is a relatively good indicator of lead exposures. The relationships between indoor, outdoor, and personal lead are discussed in greater detail, with references to supporting evidence from other studies.  相似文献   

Pentachlorophenol (PCP) was investigated in freshwater sediments and human breast milk collected from the Pearl River Delta, China. The average level of PCP in river sediments was 7.93 ng/g based on dry weight, ranging from 1.44 to 34.4 ng/g. As to the sediments from fishponds, samples from Zhongshan had the highest PCP levels (37.5 ng/g on average), followed by Dongguan (21.1 ng/g on average) and the least in Shenzhen (3.69 ng/g on average) and Shunde (2.20 ng/g on average). Negative relationship was obtained between the PCP level and pH value in sediment (r=0.553, n=13, p<0.05), while positive relationship was found between the PCP levels and the total organic matter (TOM) levels in sediment (r=0.700, n=17, p<0.01). These results indicated that pH and TOM played important roles during the process of PCP settling down to the sediment. PCP was also detected in human breast milk with an average of 2.15 ng/g. The PCP concentration increased with the age increasing of donors. The estimated PCP body burden for mother, daily and yearly PCP intake of infants ranged from 0.16 to 4.17 mg/person, from 0.26 to 10.23 mug/infant.day and from 0.09 to 3.73 mg/infant.year, respectively.  相似文献   

Lake Ontario water and sediment collected from tributary, nearshore, and open lake sites were analyzed for perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), namely perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs, F(CF2)nCO2; n = 6-11,13) and perfluoroalkane sulfonic acids (PFSAs, F(CF2)nSO3; n = 6,8,10). Survey results of surface sediment and water indicated that shorter chained PFASs were predominant in and near urban/industrial area watersheds, while longer chained PFASs were predominant in fine-grained sediment from major depositional basins. Niagara River suspended solids (1981–2006) demonstrated temporal trends that may have been influenced by recent changes in North American production and use of PFASs. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) reached a peak concentration in 2001 of 1.1 ng/g, followed by a decrease from 2001 to 2006 (half-life = 9 years). Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) increased from 2001 to 2006 (doubling time = 2 years) reaching a peak concentration of 0.80 ng/g. In contrast, three sediment cores from western, central, and eastern Lake Ontario showed increasing temporal trends to surface sediment for all PFASs. PFOA and PFOS concentrations increased from 1988 to 2004 (doubling time = ~ 4 years) in the western Lake Ontario core. The observed variations in temporal trends from different environmental compartments may be a result of the physico-chemical properties of PFASs, ongoing emissions, and the environmental transformation and degradation of PFAS precursor compounds.  相似文献   

The widespread application of pesticides in agriculture, public health, and industry and in and around the home can result in the accumulation of pesticides in the environment. Therefore, a survey has been conducted during 1993-1996 to investigate the magnitude of contamination of bovine milk with organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues from Jaipur City, Rajasthan, India. Milk samples, i.e., dairy (toned and whole) and buffalo milk, were collected seasonally, and pesticide residues were assessed using a gas chromatograph (GC) with an electron capture detector (ECD). The results indicate that all the milk samples were contaminated with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites (DDE and p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane [DDD]), isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH; alpha, beta, and gamma), heptachlor and its epoxide, and aldrin. Seasonal variations of these pesticide residue levels were also observed in all the milk samples. Samples collected during winter season were found to contain higher residue levels as compared to other seasons.  相似文献   

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a class of compounds with unique chemical properties that have been shown useful in a wide variety of applications because they provide materials with reduced surface tension and exceptional non-stick properties. PFASs are commonly found in impregnation materials, coatings of papers and textiles, fire-fighting foams, pesticides, and cleaning agents. The potential for human exposure to PFASs is high because of their widespread distribution. The aim of this study was to investigate levels of PFASs in men and women from Sweden and to assess the influence of gender and parity among women. Levels of 13 PFASs were determined in plasma samples collected during 2001–2004 from 1016 (507 women) 70 year-old participants from the population-based Prospective Study of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS). The PFASs studied were nine perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs), four perfluorinated sulfonic acids (PFSAs) and perfluorooctane sulfonamide (PFOSA). In addition, structural isomers of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) were determined in a subset of 398 individuals. The detection rates were high and the majority of the studied compounds were detected in more than 75% of the participants. Levels of the selected analytes were found to be similar to other studies of non-occupationally exposed populations. Gender differences were observed in levels of PFHpA which was higher in men, while PFHxS was higher in women. Parity among women was shown to have a minor effect on PFAS concentrations and we found primi- and multiparous women to have slightly lower levels of PFUnDA when compared to nulliparous women.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA), identified as an endocrine disruptor, is an industrially important chemical that is used as a raw material in the manufacture of many products such as engineering plastics (e.g., epoxy resins/polycarbonate plastics), food cans (i.e., lacquer coatings), and dental composites/sealants. The demand and production capacity of BPA in China have grown rapidly. This trend will lead to much more BPA contamination in the environmental media and in the general population in China. This paper reviews the current literature concerning the pollution status of BPA in China (the mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) and its potential impact on human health. Due to potential human health risks from long-term exposure to BPA, body burden of the contaminant should be monitored.  相似文献   

As far as the impact of air pollutants on human health being is concerned, ozone (O3) is one of the most pollutant sources, and, in particular, the ground level ozone is responsible for a variety of adverse effects on both human being and plant life. To protect the population from such adverse health effects, early information and precautions about the high ozone level need to be ascertained. In this study, statistical characteristics of ground level ozone is analyzed according to field monitoring data in mixed residential, commercial and industrial areas, e.g., Tsuen Wan area in Hong Kong. The study deals with the characteristics of hourly and daily mean ozone levels under different climatic conditions such as temperature, solar radiation (SR), wind speed (WS), and other pollutant concentration levels. The study aims to investigate the importance of meteorological factors and their impact on relevant pollutant concentration levels from a chemical aspect. Further, reasons for the spatial and temporal variation of ozone levels are discussed. All these results will provide a physical basis for accurately predicting ozone concentration in similar research.  相似文献   

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are a huge group of chemicals that have been linked to various adverse health effects in humans. Large epidemiological studies investigating gender differences in levels of POPs in the elderly are limited and the results from these are not always consistent. The present study was undertaken to examine the background levels of a broad range of POPs in human plasma samples among elderly men and women from Sweden and to assess the influence of gender. Levels of 23 POPs were determined in plasma samples collected during 2001–2004 from 1016 (50.2% women) 70 year-old participants from the population-based Prospective Study of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS). Measurements were performed using high resolution gas chromatography with high resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC-HRMS) and the POPs studied were 16 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), five organochlorine (OC) pesticides, one dioxin, and one brominated flame retardant. The concentrations of the selected POPs were found similar, or comparable, to other studies of non-occupationally exposed populations from Sweden and Europe. Differences in levels of POPs between men and women were assessed by using Wilcoxon rank-sum (Mann–Whitney) test. Significant (p < 0.0001) gender differences in levels of specific POPs were observed and a number of POP concentrations were found to differ between men and women. More specifically, levels of HCB, OCDD, and PCB congeners #74, #105, and #118 were found to be higher in women, while the rest of the majority of POPs were higher in men.  相似文献   

This paper reports results of gamma and alpha spectrometric measurements for mosses, lichens, fungi and soil samples from areas in the Balkans targeted by depleted uranium (DU). Samples were collected in 2002 and 2003 in the vicinity of several villages, principally Han Pijesak (Bosnia and Herzegovina, hit by DU in 1995) and Bratoselce (South Serbia, hit by DU in 1999) and in lesser numbers from Gornja Stubla, Kosovo (which is identified as a high natural radon/thoron area) and Presevo close to the Kosovo border. In the course of gamma spectrometric measurements some results suggested samples with unusual high uranium contents which might be considered to be a signature for the presence of DU, although many samples had very high detection limits. Alpha spectrometric measurements directly proved the presence of DU for five samples, all from directly targeted places. These were samples of mosses, lichens and soil. For some samples homogeneity tests were applied which showed a rather even distribution of DU in these samples. No trace of DU was found in any sample from a dwelling.  相似文献   

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