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Deployment of artificial substrata is a common method of investigating early community development and recruitment, but rarely are such experiments of long enough duration to include even year time scales. We placed replicate, machined-slate panels (15×15 cm) in the intertidal and at depths of 6 and 12 m at two sites of differing flow rate at Lough Hyne, SW Ireland. These were serially replaced every 30–60 days for a period of 5 years (1997–2002), except in the intertidal (2000–2002). The number and identity of all recruits were recorded. Recruitment varied over several orders of magnitude both on temporal and spatial scales. The greatest source of variability was between the intertidal (with few species or recruit numbers) and the subtidal zones (many species, some with thousands of recruits per panel per 30 days). Highest levels of recruitment occurred at the low-flow site (Labhra Cliff). Here, recruitment was dominated by the serpulid polychaete, Pomatoceros sp., reaching ~4000 individuals per panel per 30 days. Highest species richness occurred, however, at the high flow site (Whirlpool Cliff). At this site more colonial forms (e.g. bryozoans) settled. Season was found to be the dominant pattern explaining subtidal recruit and species number variability. Year, however, was the dominant temporal pattern explaining change in diversity (Shannon–Wiener H). In space, depth explained most variability of recruit numbers, whereas site explained more variation in species richness. Both these spatial factors contributed similarly to variability of diversity (H). Recruitment has long been known to vary considerably over large spatial scales, such as with latitude and isolation, but we that show changes of a similar magnitude in recruitment can occur across small spatial scales. Individual taxa showed varied temporal patterns of recruitment including continuous, regular seasonal fluctuations and irregular pulses in particular years.  相似文献   

The Curonian Lagoon, the largest in Europe (total surface area 1584?km2), is located in the southern part of the Baltic Sea, from which it is separated by a narrow sand bar and to which it is connected by the Klaipeda Straits. It is characterised by shallow eutrophic waters (mean depth 3.8?m) with average low salinity (<5??) due to the nutrient-rich freshwaters discharged by the river Nemunas. Cyanobacteria blooms, including species producing toxic metabolites, have been a frequent phenomenon in summer. In this study a series of MERIS Full Resolution (FR) satellite images acquired between 2004 and 2009 during summer periods were used to assess the temporal evolution and spatial variability of the lagoon water quality in terms of chlorophyll-a. The models/algorithms were calibrated/validated with field data collected in 2009, based on in situ radiometric (remote sensing reflectance -Rrs-) and limnological (chlorophyll-a concentrations -chl-a-) measurements. The chl-a concentrations were estimated by developing a semi-empirical band ratio (Rrs(708)/Rrs(664)) equation applied to MERIS images after correction for atmospheric effects with the 6S code. Results from this study suggest elevated spatial and temporal variability of chl-a. Spatial variability probably arises from the mosaic of situations within the Curonian lagoon in terms of bottom sediment features, nutrient availability in the water column, water depth and hydrodynamics. Temporal variability is probably linked to complex and interplaying metereological and environmental constraints such as the length of the ice cover period, average water temperatures, wind-induced sediment re-suspension, the pattern of precipitations and river-associated nutrient transport to the lagoon. This study stresses the importance of remote sensing as a valid tool for long-term whole ecosystem studies. The preliminary results need more through analyses and intersection with other environmental data in order to better comprehend algal bloom determinants in complex and extremely dynamic systems such as coastal lagoons.  相似文献   

Climate variability, particularly the frequency of extreme events, is likely to increase in the coming decades, with poorly understood consequences for terrestrial ecosystems. Hydroclimatic variations of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) provide a setting for studying ecological responses to recent climate variability at magnitudes and timescales comparable to expectations of coming centuries. We examined forest response to the MCA in the humid western Great Lakes region of North America, using proxy records of vegetation, fire, and hydroclimate. Multi-decadal moisture variability during the MCA was associated with a widespread, episodic decline in Fagus grandifolia (beech) populations. Spatial patterns of drought and forest changes were coherent, with beech declining only in areas where proxy-climate records indicate that severe MCA droughts occurred. The occurrence of widespread, drought-induced ecological changes in the Great Lakes region indicates that ecosystems in humid regions are vulnerable to rapid changes in drought magnitude and frequency.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the microphytobenthic diatom community were investigated in an intertidal sand flat of a tropical marine environment influenced by monsoons. Cores of sediments were collected along the beach gradient: low tide, mid tide and high tide zone up to a depth of 15 cm.. Diatom abundance was lowest during the monsoons and highest during the post-monsoons and the early pre-monsoon season throughout the intertidal transect. Diatom diversity was highest at the mid tide, followed by the high and low tide zones. Diatoms were viable up to a depth of 15 cm throughout the intertidal transect. The diatom community included the pennates, the permanent residents of this area, centric genera, which lead an attached mode of life and also some planktonic genera, brought in from ambient waters. Among the pennates, Navicula and Amphora were the dominant genera whereas in the case of centrics, Thalassiosira dominated the community throughout the intertidal transect down to a 15 cm depth. . Grain size fractions, which served as predictors of some diatom genera changed with tidal zones. The effect of winds on the resuspension of the pennate diatoms was evident only at the low tide zone down to a depth of 5 cm . Chlorophyll a concentration proved to be a good predictor of both pennate and centric diatom abundance at the low tide zone down to a depth of 10 cm and at the mid tide zone down to a depth of 5 cm.. However, even though chlorophyll a concentrations failed to reveal any positive correlation with the diatom abundance at both the deeper sediment layers and the high tide zone, the fact that viable cells were present at these areas reveal that the diatoms adopt survival strategies, contributing significantly to the carbon budgets of such unstable habitats.  相似文献   

Boom and bust dynamics are a prominent characteristic of the crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) populations. Outbreaking starfish populations damage coral communities extensively and then often disappear quickly. In contrast, Onna village, on the central west coast of Okinawa Island, Japan, has been experiencing chronically high population densities of A. planci for decades. In this study, we examined spatial and temporal population dynamics of A. planci along the coast of Onna village, using removal data gathered over 24 years by a local fisheries cooperative. The results demonstrate that A. planci populations along the Onna coast often experienced high densities prior to 2003 and that recently, populations have again been increasing drastically. Size-frequency distributions suggest multiple, successive recruitment, as one of the driving factors maintaining A. planci populations in this location. Moreover, within the Onna area, the timing of outbreak peaks varied among different locations, showing a northward progression.  相似文献   

In order to provide a background picture of the water quality of the Egyptian Red Sea a number of hydrological and chemical parameters have been measured bimonthly in 2000. Few data are available on this area, which is apparently subjected to an increasing human impact due to recreational (swimming and diving), industrial (mainly phosphate shipping and industry) and fishing/harbor activities. The results of the present study indicate that changes in the salinity and pH were not significant with highly oxygenated seawaters. The levels of suspended solids (as total suspended matter, TSM) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) were generally low and showed an homogeneous distribution in the study region. The ratio of chlorophyll-a to total suspended matter concentrations increased between November and March and decreased from May to September. Chlorophyll-a was significantly correlated with transparency and total suspended matter concentrations in July, September and November. Nitrogen, phosphorus and reactive silicate concentrations were generally low, and allowed classifying the Egyptian Red Sea coastal water as oligotrophic to mesotrophic. The middle region of the study area, which was located between Safaga and Qusair displayed relatively high phosphate contents when compared with other coastal areas. The high values of N:P ratios indicate that PO 4 -P is the limiting factor for phytoplankton growth in the Red Sea coastal waters, with the possible exception of the middle region. Significant relationships were found between chlorophyll-a concentrations and nutrient levels in different sampling periods. Spatial distribution patterns of the studied variables revealed that productivity of the Red Sea coastal waters is mostly controlled by phosphate concentrations, salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that pelagic predators do not overlap with their prey at small scales. However, we hypothesized that spinner dolphin foraging would be affected by the spatio-temporal dynamics of their prey at both small and large scales. A modified echosounder was used to simultaneously measure the abundance of dolphins and their prey as a function of space and time off three Hawaiian islands. Spinner dolphin abundance closely matched the abundance patterns in the boundary community both horizontally and vertically. As hypothesized, spinner dolphins followed the diel horizontal migration of their prey, rather than feeding offshore the entire night. Spinner dolphins also followed the vertical migrations of their prey and exploited the vertical areas within the boundary layer that had the highest prey density. Cooperative foraging by pairs of dolphins within large groups was evident. The geometric and density characteristics of prey patches containing dolphins indicate that dolphins may alter the characteristics of prey patches through this cooperative foraging. The overlap of Hawaiian spinner dolphins and their prey at many temporal and spatial scales, ranging from several minutes to an entire night and 20 m to several kilometers, indicates that the availability of truly synoptic data may fundamentally alter our conclusions about pelagic predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

Modelling masting habit, i.e. the spatial synchronized annual variability in fruit production, is a huge task due to two main circumstances: (1) the identification of main ecological factors controlling fruiting processes, and (2) the common departure of fruit data series from the main basic statistical assumptions of normality and independence. Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) is one of the main species in the Mediterranean basin that is able to grow under hard limiting conditions (sandy soils and extreme continental climate), and typically defined as a masting species. Considering the high economical value associated with edible nut production, the masting habit of stone pine has been a main concern for the forest management of the species. In the present work we have used annual fruit data series from 740 stone pine trees measured during a 13 years period (1996-2008) in order: (a) to verify our main hypothesis pointing out to the existence of a weather control of the fruiting process in limiting environments, rather than resource depletion or endogenous inherent cycles; (b) to identify those site factors, stand attributes and climate events affecting specific traits involved in fruiting process; and (c) to construct a model for predicting spatial and temporal patterns of variability in stone pine cone production at different spatial extents as region, stand and tree. Given the nature of the data, the model has been formulated as zero-inflated log-normal, incorporating random components to carry out with the observed lack of independence. This model attains efficiencies close to 70-80% in predicting temporal and spatial variability at regional scale. Though efficiencies are reduced according to the spatial extent of the model, it leads to unbiased estimates and efficiencies over 35-50% when predicting annual yields at tree or stand scale, respectively. In this sense, the proposed model is a main tool for facilitating decision making in some management aspects such as the quantification of total amount of cones annually supplied to nut industry, design of cone harvest programs or the optimal application of seedling felling.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to test a process-based model (hydrological model combined with forest growth model) on the simulation of seasonal variability of evapotranspiration (ET) in an even-aged boreal Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand over a 10 year period (1999-2008). The water flux components (including canopy transpiration (Et) and evaporation from canopy (Ec) and ground surface (Eg) were estimated in order to output the long-term stand water budget considering the interaction between climate variations and stand development. For validation, half-hourly data on eddy water vapor fluxes were measured during the 10 growing seasons (May-September). The model predicted well the seasonal course of ET compared to the measured values, but slightly underestimated the water fluxes both in non-drought and drought (2000, 2003 and 2006) years. The prediction accuracy was, on average, higher in drought years. The simulated ET over the 10 years explained, on average, 58% of the daily variations and 84% of the monthly amount of ET. Water amount from Et contributed most to the ET, with the fractions of Et, Ec and Eg being, on average, 67, 11 and 23% over the 10-year period, respectively. Regardless of weather conditions, the daily ET was strongly dependent on air temperature (Ta) and vapor pressure deficit (Da), but less dependent on soil moisture (Ws). On cloudy and rainy days, there was a non-linear relationship between the ET and solar radiation (Ro). During drought years, the model predicted lower daily canopy stomatal conductance (gcs) compared with non-drought years, leading to a lower level of Et. The modeled daily gcs responded well to Da and Ws. In the model simulation, the annual LAI increased by 35% between 1999 and 2008. The ratio of Ec: ET correlated strongly with LAI. Furthermore, LAI reduced the proportion of Eg as a result of the increased share of Ec and Et and radiation interception. Although the increase of LAI affected positively Et, the contribution of Et in ET was not significantly correlated with LAI. To conclude, although the model predicted reasonably well the seasonal course of ET, the calculation time steps of different processes in the model should be homogenized in the future to increase the prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

 The endemic New Zealand echinoid, Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes), was sampled approximately monthly from September 1990 to October 1994 at three sites in Tory Channel, Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand. These channel sites (outer, mid and inner) were up to 20 km from the open ocean and differed in their shore type, exposure to wave action and macrophyte abundance. E. chloroticus showed an annual reproductive cycle at each site, with gametogenesis commencing in the late austral winter and spawning in summer. Maximum gonad indices (reproductive potential) varied spatially, with the outer site generally having higher maximum gonad indices than the inner site, and temporally, with maximum gonad indices occurring earlier in 3 of the 4 seasons at the outer site than the inner site. The mid and inner sites showed much greater variation in maximum gonad indices (range 15.83 to 26.99% and 11.87 to 20.90%, respectively) than the outer site (range 19.31 to 22.95%). Reproductive output (weight of gametes released per gram echinoid) also varied, with the different sites showing significantly different outputs in the different years. A regression of maximum reproductive potential against reproductive output was significant ( p < 0.001), and had a positive slope with an r 2 of 0.79. While, the initiation of gametogenesis was relatively synchronous between sites and years, and is possibly cued by increasing daylength, it progressed at different rates among populations. Spawning did show spatial and temporal variability, occurring near the time of highest sea-surface temperatures (∼15 °C). The observed variations in reproductive cycle may be related to small-scale variability in diet and environmental conditions. Furthermore, asynchronous spawning, variable spawning duration, and variable reproductive output are likely to strongly influence annual recruitment variability in E. chloroticus, with different larval subpopulations contributing unequally in different years. The ecological consequences of this, both for the ability of E. chloroticus to propagate itself in space and time and for the management of the developing E. chloroticus fishery in New Zealand, are discussed. Received: 9 December 1998 / Accepted: 13 June 2000  相似文献   

J. Nybakken 《Marine Biology》1978,45(2):129-146
A 40-month study of a nudibranch assemblage within a 250 m2 intertidal area at Asilomar State Beach, California, USA, indicated that dominance was shared among 9 species which comprised 87% of the total number of individuals enumerated. These 9 species also showed high frequency of occurrence in the area. The number of nudibranch species counted per month was shown to be independent of weather and tide conditions, but the numbers of individuals and diversity values were correlated with wave action, lower values and numbers being tabulated during times of storms. Cumulative plots of diversity and species number based upon 15 min enumeration times indicated adequate assessment of diversity and species number after 60 min of sampling. The number of species and individuals and the diversity varied from month to month over the 40 months, but these variations were shown to be statistically insignificant or to be correlated with weather. Hence, it was concluded that the assemblage was a stable one, structured primarily by the 9 dominant species. No statistically significant seasonal or annual changes were observed in the assemblage. Diversity was found to correlate most highly with species number and less with number of individuals. The average number of species found per month was 13, the average number of individuals 104, and the average monthly diversity (HH}) was 1.82. Significant positive and negative correlations between abundances of certain species were found. These were attributed to occurrence of prey items or to synchrony of reproduction. There was no evidence of migration, and resident status for one dominant species was established. Comparison of the present study with earlier work suggested that a stable nudibranch assemblage was not merely a local phenomenon.  相似文献   

Long-term studies to understand biodiversity changes remain scarce—especially so for tropical mountains. We examined changes from 1911 to 2016 in the bird community of the cloud forest of San Antonio, a mountain ridge in the Colombian Andes. We evaluated the effects of past land-use change and assessed species vulnerability to climate disruption. Forest cover decreased from 95% to 50% by 1959, and 33 forest species were extirpated. From 1959 to 1990, forest cover remained stable, and an additional 15 species were lost—a total of 29% of the forest bird community. Thereafter, forest cover increased by 26% and 17 species recolonized the area. The main cause of extirpations was the loss of connections to adjacent forests. Of the 31 (19%) extirpated birds, 25 have ranges peripheral to San Antonio, mostly in the lowlands. Most still occurred regionally, but broken forest connections limited their recolonization. Other causes of extirpation were hunting, wildlife trade, and water diversion. Bird community changes included a shift from predominantly common species to rare species; forest generalists replaced forest specialists that require old growth, and functional groups, such as large-body frugivores and nectarivores, declined disproportionally. All water-dependent birds were extirpated. Of the remaining 122 forest species, 19 are vulnerable to climate disruption, 10 have declined in abundance, and 4 are threatened. Our results show unequivocal species losses and changes in community structure and abundance at the local scale. We found species were extirpated after habitat loss and fragmentation, but forest recovery stopped extirpations and helped species repopulate. Land-use changes increased species vulnerability to climate change, and we suggest reversing landscape transformation may restore biodiversity and improve resistance to future threats.  相似文献   

Cadotte MW 《Ecology》2006,87(4):1008-1016
Large-scale processes are known to be important for patterns of species richness, yet the ways in which local and larger scale processes interact is not clear. I used metacommunities consisting of five interconnected microbial aquatic communities to examine the manner in which processes at different scales affect local and metacommunity richness. Specifically, I manipulated the potential dispersal rate, whether dispersal was localized or global, and variation in initial community composition. A repeated-measures ANOVA showed that a low dispersal rate and intermediate distance dispersal enhanced local richness. Initial assembly variation had no effect on local richness, while a lack of dispersal or global dispersal reduced local richness. At the metacommunity scale, richness was enhanced throughout the time course of the experiment by initial compositional variation and was reduced by high or global dispersal. The effects of dispersal were contingent on the presence of initial compositional variation. The treatments also affected individual species occupancy patterns, with some benefiting from large-scale processes and others being adversely impacted. These results indicate that the effects of dispersal on species richness have a complex relationship with scale and are not solely divisible into "regional" vs. "local" scales. Finally, predictions of the manner in which dispersal rate structures communities appear dependent upon species compositional variation among communities.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile is likely to be highly variable both in space and time. However, there has been little effort to identify at what spatial scale variability exists in the distribution and abundance of reproductive shoots or the magnitude of these variations. Such information is important for elucidating several aspects of the reproductive strategy of this species. Here, by using a reconstructing technique, I estimated the rate at which flowering events occurred over the last decades in three P. oceanica meadows along the coastline of the north-western Mediterranean (Italy). Then, variation in inflorescence frequency (i.e. the percentage of shoots that flowered in a particular year of the total number of shoots present in the sample in that year) was examined on a hierarchy of spatial scales, ranging from a few metres to meadows separated by tens of kilometres over a 3-year period. Separate analyses were also conducted to examine the patterns of spatial variability of several plant characteristics (i.e. shoot age and density of vegetative shoots) that may influence the timing of flowering. In total, ten reconstructed flowering events were recorded during the period 1983–1999. Despite the similar climatic conditions experienced in the three meadows surveyed, no inflorescence scars were found in one meadow. In the other two meadows, the flowering rate fluctuated considerably from year to year (0–26%), and simultaneous flowerings were detected only in 3 years (1993, 1994 and 1995). The pattern of spatial variability in the inflorescence frequency varied among years. An investigation of the flowering events recorded along the north-western Mediterranean coast reveals that in the studied period flowering also occurred across a broad range of meadows. Therefore, flowering could be a far more widespread phenomenon in this sector of the Mediterranean basin than previously thought. Analysis of variance showed significant variation in 1993 at the mean inflorescence frequency on very small scales (metres to tens of metres), whereas variation was not found at any of the scales investigated in 1994 and 1995. Overall, variation in the inflorescence frequency within individual meadows (65–93%) was at least an order of magnitude greater than that among separate meadows (0.5–19%). Patterns of spatial variation in the plant characteristics examined did not reflect those of flowering. It may be hypothesised that internal rhythms of populations, in conjunction with changes in environmental conditions, which are consistent over relatively large spatial (kilometres), are involved in the control of flowering induction. Environmental heterogeneity (in terms of nutrient availability) on a very local scale (metres to tens of metres) and intrinsic factors might affect the distribution of reproductive shoots within P. oceanica meadows.Communicated by R. Cattaneo-Vietti, Genova  相似文献   

Many animals use conspicuous display to attract mates, and there should be selection for displays to occur at times and places that maximise the probability of mating, while minimising energetic costs and predator attraction. To select the best times for display, individuals may use environmental cues, the presence of other individuals, or both, but few studies have examined these sources of variation in display activity. In this study, we examined physical environmental and social factors triggering displays in a tropical, terrestrially breeding frog, Cophixalus ornatus. To measure the influence of physical environmental conditions on calling activity, we recorded temperature, rainfall, moon illumination/visibility, humidity, barometric pressure and intensity of calling activity throughout a breeding season at six locations along a 560-m transect. The intensity of calling varied daily, seasonally, and at a small spatial scale. Variation in calling activity from day to day was large. There was also a strong seasonal trend in calling activity: few males called at the start of the season, activity peaked shortly after the beginning of the season, and then declined linearly from the peak to the end of the season. There was also consistent variation among sites along the transect, which may have been due to variations in frog density at each site, or to consistent microscale variations in physical conditions, or both. After statistically removing consistent local variation among sites, a principal components analysis suggested that a maximum of 35.8% of the variation in calling activity among days was due to factors common to all sites, such as weather, moon illumination, or large-scale social facilitation (e.g. of choruses by other choruses). The remainder of the variation among sites (64.2%) was due to site-specific factors, such as small-scale social facilitation or unmeasured, apparently stochastic effects, such as microenvironmental physical factors that do not vary consistently over sites. Regressions of environmental variables on residual calling activity (after removing consistent effects of site and season), alone or in combination, accounted for very little of the variation in the number of calling males (maximum 10%). Thus, our data, showing strong seasonal effects and consistent variation among sites combined with large amounts of variation in the number of calling males at small spatial scales, suggest that environmental conditions, such as temperature, rainfall, moon illumination and barometric pressure, which act over large spatial scales, may determine the overall environmental envelope within which calling can occur but do not account for most of the variation in the number of calling males on a day-to-day or site-to-site basis. Similarly, variations in the number of calling males at small spatial scales suggest that social facilitation is a relatively unimportant trigger for displays on a large scale in these frogs. On the other hand, our data suggest that social facilitation may have important effects on variation in the number of calling males on a day-to-day and site-to-site basis. We used playback experiments to assess whether the sound of calling could initiate displays. We played either a taped chorus or white noise in areas where few (zero to two) males were calling. The number of calling males increased both during and after the chorus stimulus, whereas there was no increase in calling in response to white noise. These data suggest that examining variation in calling activity at small spatial scales can reveal the sources of variation for the number of calling males, and indicate that, in these frogs, males tend to use the calling of other individuals as a cue to determine when to display. Received: 19 October 1999 / Revised: 30 June 2000 / Accepted: 26 August 2000  相似文献   

Studying eco-sustainability of tourism areas is part of sustainable development research. In tourism areas, the ecosystem comprises both the environment and the human system. The environmental system is basically physical, whereas the human system, consisting of both tourists and residents, is the dominant factor driving ecosystem change. If the combined influence of tourists and residents exceeds the carrying capacity of the environment, which is the ecological threshold of eco-sustainability in the tourism area, then the structure, function and stability of the environment will degenerate. Hence, eco-sustainability assessment of tourism areas should be based on analyses of the relationship between the influence of tourists and residents on the environment and the environmental carrying capacity. Using ecological footprint and tourism ecological footprint models, we developed and applied a synthetic assessment index system for eco-sustainability of tourism areas in Lijiang County, Yunnan Province, China, to conduct a quantitative spatial assessment for 2001. The eco-sustainability of Lijiang was high, with a harmonious relationship between regional socioeconomic development and the ecological environment. There were significant spatial differences in eco-sustainability among 24 towns in the region because of spatial heterogeneity in socioeconomic status, tourism development and environmental elements.  相似文献   

Effective management of reservoir water resources demands a good command of ecological processes in the waterbody. In this work the three-dimensional finite element hydrodynamic model RMA10 was coupled to an eutrophication model. The models were used together with a methodology for loads estimation to foster the understanding of such processes in the largest reservoir in Western Europe—the Alqueva. Nutrient enrichment and eutrophication are water quality concerns in this man-made impoundment. A total phosphorus and nitrogen loads quantification methodology was developed to estimate the inputs in the reservoir, using point and non-point source data.Field data (including water temperature, wind, water elevation, chlorophyll-a, nutrient concentration and dissolved oxygen) and estimated loads were used as forcing for simulations.The analysis of the modeling results shows that spatial and temporal distributions for water temperature, chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen and nutrients are consistent with measured in situ data.Modeling results allowed the identification of likely key impact factors on the water quality of the Alqueva reservoir. It is shown that the particular geomorphological and hydrological characteristics of the reservoir together with local climate features are responsible for the existence of distinct ecological regions within the reservoir.  相似文献   

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